
Cowles Foundation paper


Cowles Foundation paper

Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University
The Foundation
24-27 cm



Began in 1955Description based on: No. 197, published in 1963Articles reprinted from various journals...


Hypothesis testing and the demand for capital goods外部サイトOptimal savings in a two-sector model of growth外部サイトAdditively consistent relationships for personal savings and the categories of consumption expenditures, U.S.A., 1949-1963外部サイトThe recent productivity slowdown外部サイトComparison of k-class estimators when the disturbances are small外部サイトLagged dependent variables and serially correlated errors : a reappraisal of three-pass least squares外部サイトAllocation of heterogeneous capital goods in a two-sector economy外部サイトDistribution of income and wealth among individuals外部サイトThe structure of indirect taxation and economic efficiency外部サイトOn the competitive equilibrium in a monetary economy外部サイトThe effects of unionization on the distribution of income : a general equilibrium approach外部サイトSize of firm, market structure, and innovation外部サイトNote on a social system composed of hierarchies with overlapping personnel外部サイトA capital intensive approach to the small sample properties of various simultaneous equation estimators外部サイトIndustrial research and development expenditures : determinants, prospects, and relation to size of firm and inventive output外部サイトVoting, or a price system in a competitive market structure外部サイトFactor-price-frontier estimation of a "Vintage" production model of the postwar United States nonfarm business sector外部サイトThe approximation of fixed points of a continuous mapping外部サイトSome aspects of the pure theory of corporate finance : bankruptcies and take-overs外部サイトThe national service life-insurance dividend of 1950 and consumption : a further test of the "strict" permanent-income hypothesis外部サイトRisk aversion and wealth effects on portfolios with many assets外部サイトUncertainty and diversification in international trade外部サイトAn experimental study of cooperative duopoly外部サイトA long-run cost function for the local service airline industry : an experiment in non-linear estimation外部サイトTax incentives and capital spending : the effect of alternative lag distributions外部サイトExperimental evidence on the estimation of dynamic economic relations from a time series of cross-sections外部サイトRecent developments in price dynamics外部サイトOn a class of equilibrium conditions for majority rule外部サイトSecond essay on the golden rule of accumulation外部サイトMoney and permanent income : some empirical tests外部サイトThe simplex and the dual method for quadratic programming外部サイトExtended Edgeworth bargaining games and competitive equilibrium外部サイトTaxation, corporate financial policy, and the cost of capital外部サイトAn economic theory of technological change外部サイトAn empirical evaluation of theories of saving外部サイトThe relation between bank portfolios and earnings : an econometric analysis外部サイトThe "Bridge game" economy : an example of indivisibilities外部サイトFood prices in relation to income levels in New York City外部サイトForeign trade and economic development外部サイトIndividual saving, aggregate capital accumulation, and efficient growth外部サイトMaterial balances under uncertainty外部サイトA noncooperative view of oligopoly外部サイトUncertain lifetime, life insurance, and the theory of the consumer外部サイトPricing in the trade cycle外部サイトRecent empirical studies of the CES and related production functions外部サイトTests for serial correlation in regression models with lagged dependent variables and serially correlated errors外部サイトThe optimal rate and diection of technical change外部サイトOn a theorem of scarf外部サイトNon-substitution theorems with durable capital goods外部サイトA dual decomposition algorithm for quadratic programming外部サイトFactor substitution in a two-sector growth model外部サイトNonlinear estimation of aggregate production functions外部サイトOn experimental research in oligopoly外部サイトMoney and income : post hoc ergo propter hoc?外部サイトEconomic growth at a maximal rate外部サイトBehavior towards risk with many commodities外部サイトDeposit interest ceilings as a monetary control外部サイトNeoclassical growth with fixed factor proportions外部サイトThe allocation of energy resources外部サイトThe optimum life of a patent : reply外部サイトThe estimation of mixed regression, autoregression, moving average and distributed lag models外部サイトNotes on optimal monetary growth外部サイトThe behavior of a firm subject to stochastic regulatory review外部サイトA note on technical choice under full employment in a socialist economy外部サイトUncertainty and the effectiveness of policy外部サイトOutput, employment, and wages in the short run外部サイトPrice duopoly and capacity constraints外部サイトOn the existence of an optimal plan in a continuous-time allocation process外部サイトFactors affecting differences among rates of return on investments in individual common stocks外部サイトBusiness investment in the 1970s : a comparison of models外部サイトA new look at international income inequalities外部サイトA re-examination of the pure consumption loans model外部サイトWealth, liquidity and consumption外部サイトFinancial intermediaries and a theory of monetary control外部サイトSoviet postwar economic growth and capital-labor substitution外部サイトInvestment in humans, technological diffusion, and economic growth外部サイトCross-section analysis and bank dynamics外部サイトThe structure of investor preferences and asset returns, and separability in portfolio allocation : a contribution to the pure theory of mutual funds外部サイトConvexity in the theory of choice under risk外部サイトDifferential taxation, public goods, and economic efficiency外部サイトOn the consumer's lifetime allocation process外部サイトHorvath's theory of participation in group discussions外部サイトOn the optimality of the stock market allocation of investment外部サイトOptimal growth with scale economies in the creation of overhead capital外部サイトNotes on the production and derived demand relations included in macro-econometric models外部サイトWelfare, static and dynamic solution concepts外部サイトPrice strategy oligopoly with product variation外部サイトA model of a continuing state with scarce capital外部サイトBenefit-cost analysis and trade policies外部サイトCommercial banks as creators of "money"外部サイトA limit theorem on the core of an economy外部サイトNoncooperative equilibria and strategy spaces in an oligopolistic market外部サイトAn impossibility result concerning the theory of decision-making外部サイトNon-existence of consistent estimator sequences and unbiased estimators: a practical example外部サイトA further comparison of some models of duopoly外部サイトA dual decomposition algorithm for quadratic programming外部サイトDiscrete search and the Neyman-Pearson lemma外部サイトThe wage-price mechanism : overview of the conference外部サイトA time-series analysis of the "bills-only" theory of interest rates外部サイトTwo papers on the representation of preference orderings : representation of preference orderings with independent components of consumption, and, Representation of preference orderings over time外部サイトInput quality, obsolescence, and unemployment外部サイトThe monetary mechanism : some partial relationships外部サイトOn the definition and computation of a capital stock invariant under optimization外部サイトThe bounded variable problem : an application of the dual method for quadratic programming外部サイトThe worldwide wage explosion外部サイトInformation, duopoly and competitive markets : a sensitivity analysis外部サイトThe effects of income, wealth, and capital gains taxation on risk-taking外部サイトReaction functions and the theory of duopoly外部サイトA tabular survey of macro-econometric models外部サイトToward a study of bidding processes : part IV, games with unknown costs外部サイトTax incentives for low income housing外部サイトOptimum growth in an aggregative model of capital accumulation : a turnpike theorem外部サイトOn the asymptotic properties of some two-step procedures for estimating distributed lag models外部サイトSocial choice on pollution management : the Genossenschaften外部サイトSome observations on "optimal" economic growth and exhaustible resources外部サイトIntrafirm rates of diffusion of an innovation外部サイトSeasonal adjustment of economic time series and multiple regression analysis外部サイトNote on the non-existence of a maximum likelihood estimate, and, On a theorem of Halmos concerning unbiased estimation of moments外部サイトWelfare economics and the theory of second best外部サイトPecuniary externalities : a game theoretic analysis外部サイトEstimation of a fixed coefficients vintage model of production外部サイトForecasting non-stationary economic time series外部サイトSome skeptical thoughts on the theory of induced innovation外部サイトCapital gains, income, and savings外部サイトApproaches to the economics of discrimination外部サイトDemand for tourists' goods and services in a world market外部サイトEconomic growth as an objective of government policy外部サイトThe structure of exchange in barter and monetary economies外部サイトAn example of an algorithm for calculating general equilibrium prices外部サイトShiftable versus non-shiftable capital : a synthesis外部サイトThe construction of utility functions from expenditure data外部サイトJudging quality by price, snob appeal, and the new consumer theory外部サイトObjectives, constraints, and outcomes in optimal growth models外部サイトMonetary policy, debt management and interest rates : a quantitative appraisal外部サイトA dynamic model of the competitive firm外部サイトThe core of an N person game外部サイトOn market games外部サイトKeynes and the quantity theory : a comment on the Friedman-Meiselman CMC paper . Reply to Donald Hester . Rejoinder外部サイトInflation and unemployment外部サイトThe implications of alternative saving and expectations hypotheses for choices of technique and patterns of growth外部サイトStationary utility and time perspective . On the existence of a subinvariant measure外部サイトPortfolio allocation with many risky assets外部サイトAnticipated inflation and economic welfare外部サイトAn infinite-horizon discrete-time quadratic program as applied to a monopoly problem外部サイトGame theory: economic applications外部サイトA note on error components models, and, Further evidenece on the estimation of dynamic economic relations from a time series of cross sections外部サイトThe consumption function外部サイトSome further results on the measurement of inequality外部サイトOn flexibility of future preference外部サイトSimplicial methods for quadratic programming外部サイトCommodity money, oligopoly, credit and bankruptcy in a general equilibrium model外部サイトWorld dynamics : measurement without data外部サイトTesting overidentifying restrictions when the disturbances are small外部サイトA model of nonresidential construction in the United States外部サイトThe distribution of participation in group discussions: an empirical and theoretical reappraisal . Comment on Kadane and Lewis外部サイトPooling cross section and time series data in the estimation of a dynamic model : the demand for natural gas外部サイトThe monetary interpretation of history : a review article外部サイトRural-urban migration, surplus labour, and the relationship between urban and rural wages外部サイトInput choices and rate-of-return regulation : an overview of the discussion外部サイトFactor price equalization in a dynamic economy外部サイトMoney and economic growth外部サイトA Keynesian analysis of forced saving外部サイトFiat money in an economy with one nondurable good and no credit : a noncooperative sequential game外部サイトOn the scope of gaming外部サイトOn some efficiency properties of the two-sector production model外部サイトCountably additive measures in cores of games外部サイトRaising the incomes of the poor外部サイトPure competition, coalitional power, and fair division外部サイトInvestment demand at full employment外部サイトA general equilibrium calculation of the effects of differential taxation of income from capital in the U.S.外部サイトOwnership and the production function外部サイトDuality theory for infinite horizon convex models外部サイトMaximizing stationary utility in a constant technology外部サイトComment on Friedman's and Schwartz's money and business cycles外部サイトThe effects of inflation on the distribution of economic welfare外部サイトOptimal production and allocation under uncertainty外部サイト



  • Hypothesis testing and the demand for capital goods

  • Optimal savings in a two-sector model of growth

  • Additively consistent relationships for personal savings and the categories of consumption expenditures, U.S.A., 1949-1963

  • The recent productivity slowdown

  • Comparison of k-class estimators when the disturbances are small





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Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University
24-27 cm
Began in 1955
Description based on: No. 197, published in 1963
Articles reprinted from various journals
Some issues available also online via the World Wide Web