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- Publisher:Plenum -> Kluwer Academic/PlenumPublisher:Springer -> Springer Science-Business Media2004, Kluwer Academic/Plenum combines with Springer
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- Liver and pancreatic diseases managementConcanavalin A : [proceedings]The arterial chemoreceptorsStem cells, pre-neoplasia, and early cancer of the upper gastrointestinal tractInflammatory disordersLymphocyte activation and immune regulation IX : homeostasis and lymphocyte trafficNew aspects of human polymorphonuclear leukocytesNeurobiology of essential fatty acidsForkhead transcription factors : vital elements in biology and medicineKinins-IIIGene therapy for HIV and chronic infectionsEarly nutrition programming and health outcomes in later life : obesity and beyondEukaryotic membranes and cytoskeleton : origins and evolutionHealthcare and big data managementResolving the antibiotic paradox : progress in understanding drug resistance and development of new antibioticsMicroRNA : basic science : from molecular biology to clinical practiceMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation IV : cellular communicationsThe visual system : neurophysiology, biophysics, and their clinical applications : proceedings of the ninth ISCERG symposium, Brighton, England, July 1971Molecular mechanisms in spermatogenesisEssential nutrients in carcinogenesisOxidative stress and inflammation in non-communicable diseases : molecular mechanisms and perspectives in therapeuticsPorphyrin photosensitizationTaurine in nutrition and neurologyEnzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism 7Genetic analysis of the X chromosome : studies of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and related disordersThe reticuloendothelial system in health and disease : [proceedings]Dilemmas in diabetes : [Proceedings]The sarcomere and skeletal muscle diseaseHypoxia and cancer metastasisNutritional improvement of food and feed proteinsRapid methods in clinical microbiology : present status and future trendsRespiratory healthGAPDH : biological properties and diversityGlycobiophysicsTissue hypoxia and ischemiaThe endocrine pancreas and juvenile diabetesBreast cancer chemosensitivityIn vitro-in vivo correlationsAging and biological rhythmsOxygen transport to tissue--VOxygen transport to tissue XXVIIKinins : pharmacodynamics and biological roles : [proceedings]Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation X : innate immunityCalcium signalingLipofuscin and ceroid pigmentsSystems biology of tumor microenvironment : quantitative modeling and simulationsAdvancements of mass spectrometry in biomedical researchANCA-associated vasculitides : immunological and clinical aspectsHormone receptors : [proceedings]Mechanisms of cell-mediated cytotoxicityOxygen transport to tissue XXVIIIDrugs, systemic diseases, and the kidneyChemo fog : cancer chemotherapy-related cognitive impairmentRecent advances in phototrophic prokaryotesEicosanoids and other bioactive lipids in cancer, inflammation, and radiation injuryFish hearing and bioacoustics : an anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. FayIntegrating population outcomes, biological mechanisms and research methods in the study of human milk and lactationRheumaderm : current issues in rheumatology and dermatologyBiological reactive intermediates II : chemical mechanisms and biological effectsOptical imaging of brain function and metabolism 2 : physiological basis and comparison to other functional neuroimaging methodsIntraovarian control mechanismsMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation V : molecular basis of signal transductionPediatric gender assignment : a critical reappraisalImmunobiology of proteins and peptides IKinins VHuman development and the thyroid gland : relation to endemic cretinism. ProceedingsRespiratory carcinogenesisPolyomaviruses and human diseasesTransgenic microalgae as green cell factoriesTherapeutic applications of cell microencapsulationSteroid hormone resistance : mechanisms and clinical aspectsOxygen transfer from atmosphere to tissuesOxygen transport to tissue XXVIRespiratory virology and immunogenicityProgress in polyamine research : novel biochemical, pharmacological, and clinical aspectsFuel homeostasis and the nervous systemCalcium entry pathways in non-excitable cellsThe Healing and scarring of atheromaDrug resistance in leukemia and lymphoma IIIAdvances in fetal and neonatal physiology : proceedings of the Center for Perinatal Biology 40th anniversary symposiumDNA helicases and DNA motor proteinsProgress in basic and clinical immunologyThe Smooth muscle of the arteryMorphological and functional aspects of immunity : proceedingsFrontiers in modeling and control of breathing : integration at molecular, cellular, and systems levelsThe renin-angiotensin systemTransport phenomena in the nervous system : physiological and pathological aspects : [proceedings of the satellite symposium of the International Society for Neurochemistry held in Padua, Italy, September 9-11, 1975]Notch signaling in embryology and cancerTryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin : basic aspects and applicationsMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation VI : cell cycle and programmed cell death in the immune systemAdvance in structural bioinformaticsNutrient regulation during pregnancy, lactation, and infant growthGene expression and cell-cell interactions in the developing nervous systemsBrain death and disorders of consciousnessMacrophages and natural killer cells : regulation and functionInhibitors to coagulation factorsControl mechanisms in development : activation, differentiation, and modulation in biological systems : [proceedings of a symposium to inaugurate the School of Life Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, held October 14-16, 1974]Cellular Ca[2+] regulationTen years of progress in GW/P body researchLipids, lipoproteins, and drugsCellular and regulatory mechanismsRetinal degenerative diseasesThe human testis : proceedingsPhysiology, pharmacology, and clinical aspectsUrea cycle diseasesRespiratory regulation : the molecular approachMicrobial infections : role of biological response modifiersDiet and resistance to diseaseSaponins used in food and agricultureAdvances in molecular oncology : edited under the auspices of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) and the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation (IFOM)Kinins IVDiet and cancer : molecular mechanisms of interactionsDynamics of arterial flowFunction and structure of the immune systemPolyploidization and cancerMetabolic influences on risk for tendon disordersBiophysics of the pancreatic β-cellRetinal degenerations : mechanisms and experimental therapyLipoproteins and atherosclerosisCancer gene therapy : past achievements and future challengesEndocrine FGFs and klothosLymphocyte signal transductionNoninvasive assessment of trabecular bone architecture and the competence of bonePlasticity and regeneration of the nervous systemPurine and pyrimidine metabolism in man VIIIStem cell biology in neoplasms of the central nervous systemVentilatory disordersCaveolins and caveolae : roles in signaling and disease mechanismsEndotoxinBladder disease : research concepts and clinical applicationsDiet and breast cancerMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation IIThe basal forebrain : anatomy to functionBiological basis of alcohol-induced cancerClinical aspects including molecular geneticsParkinson's disease-II : aging and neuroendocrine relationshipsImpact of processing on food safetyDietary fiber in health and diseaseProtein metabolism and homeostasis in agingAdvances in lactoferrin researchThe genus yersinia : from genomics to functionThe biology and pathology of innate immunity mechanismsParaoxonases in inflammation, infection, and toxicologyBiobanking in the 21st centuryPharmacological control of lipid metabolism : proceedingsCell impairment in aging and developmentAvian immunology : [proceedings of the International Conference on Avian Immunology, held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 12-13, 1977]Intrinsically disordered proteins studied by NMR spectroscopyThe effects of noise on aquatic lifeMicroarray technology and cancer gene profilingNovel angiogenic mechanisms : role of circulating progenitor endothelial cellsStability and switching in cellular differentiationSynaptic plasticity : dynamics, development and diseaseDiet and atherosclerosisTarget pattern recognition in innate immunityEngineering mineralized and load bearing tissuesOxygen transport to tissue XXIPosttranslational protein modifications in the reproductive systemIron chelation therapyTobacco smoking and atherosclerosis : pathogenesis and cellular mechanismsHow helminths alter immunity to infectionImmunobiology of proteins and peptides VIII : manipulation or modulation of the immune responseAlcohol intoxication and withdrawal : experimental studies IIImmunologic phylogenyChemistry and safety of acrylamide in foodPrecision medicine, CRISPR, and genome engineering : moving from association to biology and therapeuticsMathematical modeling in nutrition and the health sciencesImmunobiology of proteins and peptides--IIThe nervous system, immune system, diabetes and the cardiovascular systemExcitatory amino acids and epilepsyInflammation and retinal disease : complement biology and pathologyAdvances in microbiology, infectious diseases and public healthA modern approach to biofilm-related orthopaedic implant infectionsIsotope labeling in biomolecular NMREpigenetic contributions in autoimmune diseaseExosomes in cardiovascular diseases : biomarkers, pathological and therapeutic effectsDiabetes and cardiovascular disease : etiology, treatment, and outcomesBacterial signal transduction : networks and drug targetsThe cell surface : immunological and chemical approaches : [proceedings of an international conference held at Brook Lodge, Augusta, Michigan, June 17-20, 1974]Frontiers in clinical neuroscience : neurodegeneration and neuroprotection : a symposium in Abel Lajtha's honourNasopharyngeal carcinoma : keys for translational medicine and biologyTerminal transferase in immunobiology and leukemiaAspartic proteinases : structure, function, biology, and biomedical implicationsHeparin : structure, function, and clinical implications : proceedings of the international symposium on heparin held in St. Louis, Missouri, May 13-15, 1974From brains to systems : brain-inspired cognitive systems 2010New perspectives in hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, arteriovenous hemofiltration, and plasmapheresisProteins : membrane binding and pore formationPharmacological intervention in the aging process : [proceedings]Nutrition and cancer prevention : new insights into the role of phytochemicalsCirculating regulatory factors and neuroendocrine functionEnzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism 6Self and nonselfNutritional and medical consequencesAntimicrobial peptides : basics for clinical applicationBiochemistry and biology of coronavirusesN-acetylaspartate : a unique neuronal molecule in the central nervous systemMolecular biology of hemopoiesisOxygen transport to tissue XXIII : oxygen measurements in the 21st century : basic techniques and clinical relevanceComplementary and alternative approaches to biomedicineDrug targets in kinetoplastid parasitesContractile mechanisms in muscleUpdates in diagnostic pathologyMolecular and cellular mechanisms of neuronal plasticity : basic and clinical implicationsHypertension and the heartModulators, mediators, and specifiers in brain function : interactions of neuropeptides, cyclic nucleotides, and phosphoproteins in mechanisms underlying neuronal activity, behavior, and neuropsychiatric disordersHormones and cancerModeling methods for medical systems biology : regulatory dynamics underlying the emergence of disease processesThe regulation of respiration during sleep and anesthesiaTherapeutic targets of the TNF superfamilyReproductive health and cancer in adolescents and young adultsMembrane receptors, channels and transporters in pulmonary circulationDietary phytochemicals in cancer prevention and treatmentRespiratory regulation : clinical advancesSomatic cell nuclear transferCurrent advances in osteosarcomaDigenetic trematodesPlatelet-activating factor and related lipid mediators 2 : roles in health and diseaseCellular and molecular control of neuronal migrationTissue engineeringPurine metabolism in manMolecular biology and physiology of insulin and insulin-like growth factorsNew developments in dietary fiber : physiological, physicochemical, and analytical aspectsMorris hepatomas : mechanisms of regulationPhospholipase A[2] : role and function in inflammationFungal biofilms and related infectionsBrain inspired cognitive systems 2008Pancreatic islet cell regeneration and growthYeast membrane transportTaurineLipoxins : biosynthesis, chemistry, and biological activitiesUrine proteomics in kidney disease biomarker discoveryCancer metastasis : biological and biochemical mechanisms and clinical aspectsSensory nerves and neuropeptides in gastroenterology : from basic science to clinical perspectivesChemoreception : from cellular signaling to functional plasticityRecovery from brain damage : reflections and directionsThe immunoglobulin a systemStructural biochemistry, pathogenesis, and metabolismGene expression in muscleCoronaviruses and their diseasesBiosurfactantsComparison of type I and type II diabetes : similarities and dissimilarities in etiology, pathogenesis, and complicationsQuality of fresh and processed foodsModelling parasite transmission and controlSuperMEN1 : pituitary, parathyroid and pancreasThe long and short non-coding RNAs in cancer biologyImmune-mediated diseases : from theory to therapyMicroRNA cancer regulation : advanced concepts, bioinformatics and systems biology toolsViral molecular machinesOxygen transport to tissue XXXIIIStructure and function relationships in biochemical systemsInfectious diseases and nanomedicine : second International Conference (ICIDN-2015), Dec. 15-18, 2015, Kathmandu, NepalProkaryotic systems biologyGlycobiology and medicineIron and copper proteinsGenome instability in cancer developmentMyoblast transfer therapyColon cancer prevention : dietary modulation of cellular and molecular mechanismsAvian reproduction : form behavior to moleculesCurrent topics in innate immunityOxygen transport to tissue XXGanglioside structure, function, and biomedical potentialAlcohol intoxication and withdrawal I : experimental studiesProcess-induced chemical changes in foodMycotoxins and food safetyBiofilm-based healthcare-associated infectionsAdvances in modelling and clinical application of intravenous anaesthesiaHemoglobin and red cell structure and function : proceedingsOxygen sensing : molecule to manDrebrin : from structure and function to physiological and pathological rolesThe enteric nervous system : 30 years laterStem cells heterogeneity in different organsEnzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism 5Advances in cirrhosis, hyperammonemia, and hepatic encephalopathyMechanism of myofilament sliding in muscle contractionControl of renin secretion : proceedings of a Workshop sponsored by and held at the Kroc Foundation, Santa Ynez, California, August 26-29, 1971Invertebrate immunityIssues in clinical epileptology : a view from the benchMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation III : developmental biology of lymphocytesEpigenetic alterations in oncogenesisCurrent views of fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis : from organelles to point mutationsNutritional and toxicological aspects of food safetyThrombosis : animal and clinical modelsSomatostatinImproving outcomes for breast cancer survivors : perspectives on research challenges and opportunitiesCurrent and future reproductive technologies and world food productionSliding filament mechanism in muscle contraction : fifty years of researchBasic science aspectsBiological response modifiers in human oncology and immunologyImmunobiology of proteins and peptides VI : human immunodeficiency virus, antibody immunoconjugates, bacterial vaccines, and immunomodulatorsOxygen transport to tissue XXXVNeuropathology and genetics of dementiaDrug abuse: nonmedical use of dependence-producing drugs : proceedings ...Peroxisomal disorders and regulation of genesMathematical modeling in experimental nutritionLymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Germinal Centers of Lymphatic Tissue, held in Padua, Italy, June 26-28, 1968Hemophilia care in the new millenniumCrossroads between innate and adaptive immunityRegulatory mechanisms of striated muscle contractionThe fate of the male germ cellImmune responses to biosurfaces : mechanisms and therapeutic interventionsCellular peptidases in immune functions and diseasesNeurodegenerationOsteoimmunologyClinical and molecular biologyImmunity in viral and rickettsial diseases : proceedings of the 17th Annual "OHOLO" Biological Conference on New Concepts in Immunity in Viral and Rickettsial Diseases held Mar. 13-16, 1972, at Zichron Yaakov, IsraelAngiogenesis : from the molecular to integrative pharmacologyImmune mechanisms in inflammatory bowel diseaseThe cell biology of stem cellsOxygen transport to tissueNew frontiers in respiratory control : XIth Annual Oxford Conference on Modeling and Control of BreathingThe molecular and cellular biology of fertilizationCytochromes P-450 and b[5] : structure, function, and interactionMast cell biology : contemporary and emerging topicsThe Design of synthetic inhibitors of thrombinPhosphate and minerals in health and diseaseProgress in motor control : neural, computational and dynamic approachesOxygen transport to tissue XXXILipid A in cancer therapyOxygen transport to tissue--VIIAPC proteinsBasic research and experimental biologyTissue renin-angiotensin systems : current concepts of local regulators in reproductive and endocrine organsRecent advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene researchReceptors for reproductive hormonesMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation XI : B cell biologyProtecting infants through human milk : advancing the scientific evidenceThe underlying molecular, cellular, and immunological factors in cancer and agingPhosphate and mineral homeostasisHeterogeneity in asthmaDiseases of DNA repairBiological rhythms and endocrine function : [proceedings of the ninth Midwest Conference on Endocrinology and Metabolism held at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, October 18-19, 1973, and sponsored by University of Missouri--Columbia, Dalton Research Center ... et al.]The Reticuloendothelial system and immune phenomena : proceedings of the Ludwig Aschoff memorial meeting of the Reticuloendothelial Society, Freiburg, Germany, August 1970Intractable seizures : diagnosis, treatment, and preventionAdvances in male mediated developmental toxicityCurrent directions in insulin-like growth factor researchTriple repeat diseases of the nervous systemProteases II : potential role in health and diseaseRetinal degenerative diseases : laboratory and therapeutic investigationsArterial chemoreceptors : cell to systemBrain death and disorders of consciousnessImmunology of type 1 diabetesComplement therapeuticsCurrent knowledge and therapiesSex-specific analysis of cardiovascular functionAtherosclerosis : metabolic, morphologic, and clinical aspects : [proceedings of an International Workshop-Conference on Atherosclerosis held at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, September 1-3, 1975]Biology and regulation of blood-tissue barriersGI microbiota and regulation of the immune systemNeurobiology of central D1-dopamine receptorsHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and breastfeeding : science, research advances, and policyComposition and function of cell membranes : application to the pathophysiology of muscle diseasesInsect nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsArterial chemoreceptorsOxygen transport to tissue, II : [Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Oxygen Transport to Tissue held in Mainz, West Germany, March 12-14, 1975] ; edited by Jürgen Grote, Daniel Reneau and Gerhard ThewsGenomic imprintingAlcohol intoxication and withdrawal : studies in alcohol dependence IIIbDevelopmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) : from biological basis to clinical significanceOxygen transport to tissue XXXIXAntiviral chemotherapy 5 : new directions for clinical application and researchDendritic cells in fundamental and clinical immunologyConsensus on hyperthermia for the 1990s : clinical practice in cancer treatmentEnvironmental biomedicineElastin and elastic tissue : [proceedings of an International Conference on Elastin and Elastic Tissue held at Alta, Utah, August 18-21, 1976]Nutrition and biotechnology in heart disease and cancerDevelopment and engineering of dopamine neuronsGrowth factors and cytokines in skeletal muscle development, growth, regeneration and diseaseSoftware tools and algorithms for biological systemsThe multiple therapeutic targets of A20Skeletal muscle metabolism in exercise and diabetesGene therapy of cancerAlcohol and aldehyde metabolizing systems-IVCopper transport and its disorders : molecular and cellular aspectsFibrinogen, thrombosis, coagulation, and fibrinolysisSphingolipids and metabolic diseaseImmunobiology of proteins and peptides III : viral and bacterial antigensPlatelet function and thrombosis : a review of methods : proceedings of a postgraduate course held at the Fondazione Lorenzini in Milan, Italy, February 24-26, 1972Oxygen transport to tissue IXCoronaviruses : molecular biology and virus-host interactionsOxygen transport to tissue XXVBiological reactive intermediates V : basic mechanistic research in toxicology and human risk assessmentRegulation of smooth muscle contractionImmunobiology of proteins and peptides VII : unwanted immune responsesGastrointestinal hormones and pathology of the digestive systemGABA--biochemistry and CNS functionsExplorations in agingThe renin-angiotensin system : current research progress in the pancreas : the RAS in the pancreasHormonal and genetic basis of sexual differentiation disorders and hot topics in endocrinology : proceedings of the 2nd world conferenceProgress in heritable soft connective tissue diseasesShock biochemical, pharmacological, and clinical aspects : proceedings of the International Symposium on Shock held at Como, Italy, October 10-11, 1969Biological reactive intermediates IV : molecular and cellular effects and their impact on human healthEffector functionsLongevity genes : a blueprint for agingTaurine and excitable tissuesRetinal degenerative diseases : mechanisms and experimental therapyRecent advances in cellular and molecular aspects of angiotensin receptorsMolecular mechanisms of notch signalingAdvances in modeling and control of ventilationNeural crest induction and differentiationThe islets of LangerhansAdvances in chronic lymphocytic leukemiaUrogenital infections : new developments in laboratory diagnosis and treatmentThe male role in pregnancy loss and embryo implantation failureNoncommunicable diseasesStreptococci and the hostIntegration in respiratory control : from genes to systemsGenome editing : the next step in gene therapyOxygen transport to tissue XIIITargeted therapies in cancer : myth or reality?Calcium binding proteins in normal and transformed cellsAdvances in yersinia researchFuzziness : structural disorder in protein complexesAspartic proteinases : retroviral and cellular enzymesBiology of growth factors : molecular biology, oncogenes, signal transduction, and clinical implicationsOxygen transport to tissue XXXVIINeuropeptide systems as targets for parasite and pest controlBacterial adhesion : chemistry, biology and physicsCellular interactionsChemistry and brain development : proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute on "Chemistry of Brain Development," held in Milan, Italy, September 9-19, 1970Homeostasis of phosphate and other minerals : [proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Phosphate and Other Minerals held at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain, July 15-18, 1977]Eukaryotic cell cultures : basics and applicationsTransgenesis and the management of vector-borne diseasePurine and pyrimidine metabolism in man XArterial mesenchyme and arteriosclerosis : [proceedings]Kynurenine and serotonin pathways : progress in tryptophan researchDietary fats, lipids, hormones, and tumorigenesis : new horizons in basic researchHost defenses to intracellular pathogensMultichain immune recognition receptor signaling : from spatiotemporal organization to human diseaseParenteral nutrition in infancy and childhoodBioactive components of milkOxygen transport to tissue XXIVNeuroimmune circuits, drugs of abuse, and infectious diseasesThe Use of resealed erythrocytes as carriers and bioreactorsEvolutionary systems biologyChemistry of structure-function relationships in cheeseFunction and biosynthesis of lipids : [proceedings of the International Symposium on Function and Biosynthesis of Lipids held at Sierra de la Ventana, Tornquist, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November, 1976]Germ-free biology : experimental and clinical aspects : proceedings of an International Symposium on Gnotobiology held in Buffalo, New York, June 9-11, 1968Oxygen transport to tissue-IVCopper bioavailability and metabolismDopaminergic neuron transplantation in the weaver mouse model of Parkinson's diseaseOxygen transport to tissue XVIIADP-ribosylation in animal tissues : structure, function, and biology of mono (ADP-ribosyl) transferases and related enzymesImmunology of milk and the neonateAdvances in post-translational modifications of proteins and agingLacrimal gland, tear film, and dry eye syndromes : basic science and clinical relevanceFood proteins and lipidsBiochemical roles of eukaryotic cell surface macromoleculesRetinitis pigmentosa : clinical implications of current researchMucus in health and diseaseKainate receptors : novel signaling insightsOxygen transport to tissue XIIMicroRNA : medical evidence : from molecular biology to clinical practiceSystems analysis of human multigene disordersDrugs of abuse, immunomodulation, and AIDSPost-genomic perspectives in modeling and control of breathingMolecular aspects of the stress response : chaperones, membranes and networksHormonal Carcinogenesis VMembrane potential imaging in the nervous system and heartPurine metabolism in man, IIIFrontiers in cerebral vascular biology : transport and its regulationComputational biology and bioinformaticsOrganelle contact sites : from molecular mechanism to diseaseTau biologyDeep learning in medical image analysis : challenges and applicationsPeptides and peptide-based biomaterials and their biomedical applicationsTumor microenvironment : cellular, metabolic and immunologic interactionsThe biology of mRNA : structure and functionSphingolipid metabolism and metabolic diseaseNanotoxicology in safety assessment of nanomaterialsCalcium signalingAdvances in plant omics and systems biology approachesRecent advances in animal nutrition and metabolismThe enteric nervous system IIFolyl and antifolyl polyglutamatesCurrent trends in sphingolipidoses and allied disorders : [proceedings of the Symposium on the Current Trends in Sphingolipidoses and Allied Disorders held at the Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 20-21, 1975]Nutritional and toxicological significance of enzyme inhibitors in foodsAIDS-associated syndromesGenes and proteins underlying microbial urinary tract virulence : basic aspects and applicationsEnzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism 3Advances in perinatal thyroidologyOxygen transport to tissue-III : [proceedings of the third International Symposium on Oxygen Transport to Tissue held at Churchill College, Cambridge, England, July 4-7, 1977]Purine metabolism in man--IVHost defenses and immunomodulation to intracellular pathogensThe Fundamental mechanisms of shock : proceedings of a symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 1-2, 1971Molecular and subcellular cardiology : effects of structure and functionAdvances in computational biologyMolecular mechanisms of xeroderma pigmentosumRetinal degenerative diseases : mechanisms and experimental therapyThe functional roles of glial cells in health and disease : dialogue between glia and neuronsMCR 2009 : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Component Reactions and Related Chemistry, Ekaterinburg, RussiaChemical and biological mechanisms in susceptibility to and prevention of environmental diseasesBiological reactive intermediates VI : chemical and biological mechanisms in susceptibility to and prevention of environmental diseasesThe new paradigm of immunity to tuberculosisAn introduction to Markov state models and their application to long timescale molecular simulationGlucocorticoid signaling : from molecules to mice to manNeurohumoral and metabolic aspects of injury : proceedings of the IUPS satellite symposium held August 3-7, 1971, in Budapest, HungaryAdvances in systems biologyApoptosis in cancer pathogenesis and anti-cancer therapy : new perspectives and opportunitiesAging phenomena : relationships among different levels of organizationSecretory immunity and infection : proceedingsAdvances in food mycologyThe Dynamics of meristem cell populationsAcute renal failure : clinical and experimentalMechanisms and specificity of HIV entry into host cellsInnovations in antiviral development and the detection of virus infectionsOxidative stress and cardiorespiratory functionMolecular and cellular aspects of reproductionInfectious diseases and nanomedicine : first International Conference (ICIDN-2012), Dec. 15-18, 2012, Kathmandu, NepalLipoprotein deficiency syndromesHyperthermiaDrugs affecting lipid metabolism : proceedingsRespiratory infectionsCytokines and chemokines in autoimmune diseaseBasic and clinical aspectsThe Reticuloendothelial system and atherosclerosis : proceedings of an international symposium on atherosclerosis and the reticuloendothelial system, held in Como, Italy, September 8-10, 1966Aging and aging-related diseases : mechanisms and interventionsMemory T cellsAdvanced technologies for protein complex production and characterizationCurrent topics in coronary researchTemperature and environmental effects on the testisMechanisms of stimulus-response coupling in plateletsSunlight, vitamin D and skin cancerNovel chemical tools to study ion channel biologyPhosphate metabolism : [proceedings of the second international workshop on Phosphate held in Heidelberg, Germany, June 28-30, 1976]Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) pathways : emerging signaling concepts in human (patho)physiologyPharmacology of hormonal polypeptides and proteins : proceedings of an International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Hormonal Polypeptides, held in Milan, Italy, September 14-16, 1967Mechanisms of physical and emotional stressGeriatricsAntimicrobial susceptibility testing : critical issues for the 90sDiet and cancer : markers, prevention, and treatmentLipoxygenases and their metabolites : biological functionsUremic toxinsOxygen transport to tissue XXIXMembrane-bound enzymes : proceedingsOxygen transport to tissue XVIAdvances in clinical scienceBeginning the 21st centuryRNA exosomeChromogranins : functional and clinical aspectsProteins involved in DNA replicationImmune mechanisms of pain and analgesiaBradykinin and related kinins: cardiovascular, biochemical, and neural actions : proceedingsTaurine in health and diseaseProgress in motor control : theories and translationsAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis : therapeutic, psychological, and research aspectsComparative endocrinology of prolactinTissue engineering, stem cells, and gene therapiesFatigue : neural and muscular mechanismsProtein conformational dynamicsRenal eicosanoidsTelocytes : connecting cellsIntegrins and ion channels : molecular complexes and signalingCell activation and apoptosis in HIV infection : implications for pathogenesis and therapyCysteine proteases of pathogenic organismsThe artery and the process of arteriosclerosisRecent advances in prolactin researchKisspeptin signaling in reproductive biologyMucus in health and disease-IIProstate cancer and bone metastasisMuse Cells : endogenous reparative pluripotent stem cellsCell volume and signalingAquaporinsBCL-2 protein family : essential regulators of cell deathPurine and pyrimidine metabolism in man IXGlycoimmunology 2Progress in cancer immunotherapyTandem repeat polymorphisms : genetic plasticity, neural diversity and diseaseCellular oscillatory mechanismsCoronaviruses and arterivirusesAnticancer genesMethods in porphyrin photosensitizationOxygen transport to tissue XXXIVAIDS, drugs of abuse, and the neuroimmune axisHypercholesterolemia, hypocholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, in vivo kineticsTransient receptor potential channelsß-barrel channel proteins as tools in nanotechnology : biology, basic science and advanced applicationsZic Family : Evolution, Development and DiseaseProtein reviewsInherited neuromuscular diseases : translation from pathomechanisms to therapiesNew horizons in allergy immunotherapyShort and long term effects of breast feeding on child healthThe nidoviruses : coronaviruses and arterivirusesCell fusion in diseaseAntimicrobial resistance : a crisis in health careBiochemical and molecular aspectsDrugs of abuse, immunity, and immunodeficiencyMolecular mechanisms of neuronal responsivenessFlavonoids in the living systemStructure and function of gangliosidesMuscle metabolism during exercise : proceedings of a Karolinska institutet symposium held in Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1970Body metabolism and exerciseAdvances in systems biologyMechanisms of work production and work absorption in muscleChemotherapy, ATP depletion, and goutNon-coding RNAs in complex diseases : a bioinformatics perspectiveParkinson's disease : neurophysiological, clinical, and related aspectsIn vivo immunology : histophysiology of the lymphoid systemAxon growth and guidanceMonooxygenase, peroxidase and peroxygenase properties and mechanisms of cytochrome P450Tumor microenvironment and cellular stress : signaling, metabolism, imaging, and therapeutic targetsPulmonary functionA systems biology approach to bloodBiology of the mammary glandEarly nutrition and its later consequences : new opportunities ; perinatal programming of adult health - EC supported researchBiomaterials : from molecules to engineered tissuesOptical imaging of brain function and metabolismControlled release of biologically active agentsNeurochemistry in clinical applicationNutrition and metabolism, protective role, and role in reproduction, development, and differentiationMacrophages and lymphocytes, nature, functions, and interactionThe molecular targets and therapeutic uses of curcumin in health and diseaseG protein-coupled receptors : modeling and simulationAntiviral chemotherapy 4 : new directions for clinical application and researchPhylogenetic perspectives on the vertebrate immune systemInorganic and nutritional aspects of cancer : proceedings of the first conference of the International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists, inc. held in La Jolla, California, January 3-5, 1977Acid proteases : structure, function, and biologyRecent advances in epilepsy researchLithium effects on granulopoiesis and immune functionOxygen transport to tissue XVIIIAdhesion-GPCRs structure to functionRegulation of pathways and enzyme defectsOvarian follicular and corpus luteum functionIon-selective microelectrodesGerm cell development in C. elegansAntigen and antibody molecular engineering in breast cancer diagnosis and treatmentGlycolipids, glycoproteins, and mucopolysaccharides of the nervous system : proceedingsCirculating nucleic acids in serum and plasma - CNAPS IXBiological reactive intermediates III : mechanisms of action in animal models and human diseaseSystems biology of RNA binding proteinsMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulationWater relationships in foods : advances in the 1980s and trends for the 1990sBrain development in drosophila melanogasterGlioma signalingBrain repairOxygen transport to tissue XXXVIRNA infrastructure and networksBiochemical pharmacology of ethanolMechanisms of platelet activation and controlGenetically engineered vaccinesTNF receptor associated factors (TRAFs)Ovarian cancer : state of the art and future directions in translational researchRegulatory aspects of gene therapy and cell therapy products : a global perspectiveEnzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism 4Stem cell microenvironments and beyondAllergens and airway hyperreactivitySemaphorins : receptor and intracellular signaling mechanismsFrontiers in brain repairLipids in protein misfoldingThrombosis and cardiovascular diseasesExcitation-contraction coupling in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscleProgrammed cell death in cancer progression and therapyControl of gene expressionActin : biophysics, biochemistry, and cell biologyThe Biology of taurine : methods and mechanismsEarly life origins of health and diseaseBiotechnological applications and lipid microstructuresMuscle, matrix, and bladder functionNatural compounds as therapeutic agents for amyloidogenic diseasesMicroRNA : cancer : from molecular biology to clinical practiceNew directions in understanding dementia and Alzheimer's diseaseRegulation of ovarian and testicular functionCell and molecular biology of the uterusVasopeptides : chemistry, pharmacology, and pathophysiology : proceedings of the Symposium on Vasopeptides held at the Villa Medici (Auditorium Hoechst), Fiesole (Florence), Italy, July 20-22, 1971Modeling and control of ventilationThe thrombotic process in atherogenesis : [proceedings of the Workshop on the Thrombotic Process in Atherogenesis, held in Reston, Virginia, October 16-19, 1977]Central D[1] dopamine receptorsChemistry and biology of pteridines and folatesProgress in motor control : skill learning, performance, health, and injuryAdvances in mucosal immunologyRecent advances in retinal degenerationHypospadias and genital developmentImmunobiology of proteins and peptides IV : T-cell recognition and antigen presentationThe new dimensions of warfarin prophylaxisNutritional and toxicological consequences of food processingPulmonary infectionPrediabetesComparative pathophysiology for circulatory disturbances : proceedingsNovel strategies in the design and production of vaccinesTumor microenvironment : study protocolsHypoxia and exerciseMechanisms of cell-mediated cytotoxicity IIPeptides for Youth : the proceedings of the 20th American Peptide SymposiumCirrhosis, hyperammonemia, and hepatic encephalopathySomitogenesisSerotonin : current aspects of neurochemistry and functionNeurodegenerative diseasesHeadspace analysis of foods and flavors : theory and practiceBiochemistry and function of phagocytesHistophysiology of the immune system : the life history, organization, and interactions of its cell populationsRelaxinMicrobial endocrinology : interkingdom signaling in infectious disease and healthProteases, potential role in health and diseaseNeuroreceptor mechanisms in brainOxygen transport to tissue VIIIBasic aspects of hearing : physiology and perceptionNanomaterial : impacts on cell biology and medicineLung cancer and autoimmune disordersDevelopments in tryptophan and serotonin metabolismImmunobiology of proteins and peptides V : vaccines : mechanisms, design, and applicationsIn vivo immunology : regulatory processes during lymphopoiesis and immunopoiesisGlioma : immunotherapeutic approachesNew concepts in the pathogenesis of NIDDMAdvances in nutrition and cancerMolecular biology and pathogenesis of coronavirusesReproductive toxicology : in vitro germ cell developmental toxicology, from science to social and industrial demandCalcium protein signalingNeuroreceptors and signal transductionCancer biology and the nuclear envelope : recent advances may elucidate past paradoxesThe brain immune axis and substance abuseHIV interactions with dendritic cells : infection and immunityAntioxidant nutrients and immune functionsDrugs and fetal development : proceedings of an international Symposium on The Effect of Prolonged Drug Usage on Fetal Development held at Beit-Berl, Kfar Saba, Israel, September 14-17, 1971Werner's syndrome and human agingMineral absorption in the monogastric GI tractRare diseases epidemiologyPatho-epigenetics of inflectious diseaseHypoxia : into the next millenniumNeurotransmitter interactions and cognitive functionTRIM/RBCC proteinsMicroenvironments in the lymphoid systemSurface chemistry of biological systems : proceedingsViral entry into host cellsBiology of the mammary glandToward anti-adhesion therapy for microbial diseasesMicroenvironmental aspects of immunity : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Lymphatic Tissue and Germinal Centers in Immune Reactions held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 26-30, 1972Progress in motor control : a multidisciplinary perspectiveEnvironment exposure to pollutantsInteractive phenomena in the cardiac systemCellular and molecular mechanisms in hypertensionAntioxidants in therapy and preventive medicineRegulation of microRNAsSensing in natureReproductive sciences in animal conservationGadd45 stress sensor genesDrugs of abuse, immunity, and AIDSControl of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in health and diseaseThe genus yersinia : entering the functional genomic eraNeurobiology of respirationThe immune response to viral infectionsNew technologies for toxicity testingNatural toxins 2 : structure, mechanism of action, and detectionVasopressin and oxytocin : molecular, cellular, and clinical advancesMitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation : nuclear-encoded genes, enzyme regulation, and pathophysiologyCell substrates, their use in the production of vaccines and other biologicalsMechanisms of anesthetic action in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscleFumonisins in foodBiochemical roles of eukaryotic cell surface macromolecules : 2011 ISCSM proceedingsThe cerebral microvasculature : investigation of the blood-brain barrierFlavonoids in cell functionMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation VII : molecular determinants of microbial immunityEmerging and re-emerging viral infectionsThe growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis during developmentBioactive components of human milkNovel therapies and clinical managementNaturally occurring antibodies (NAbs)Sunlight, vitamin D and skin cancerGlial cells in health and disease of the CNSBio-farms for nutraceuticals : functional food and safety control by biosensorsAnalytical and quantitative cardiologyBio-applications of nanoparticlesMolecular and cellular biology of neuroprotection in the CNSCorona- and related viruses : current concepts in molecular biology and pathogenesisPathophysiology of respirationNano-biotechnology for biomedical and diagnostic researchRegulation of phosphate and mineral metabolismDrug transporters in drug disposition, effects and toxicityOxygen transport to tissue--VIHuman trophoblast neoplasmsImpact of genetic targets on cancer therapyGlycoimmunologyImmunity to blood parasites of animals and manAdamantiades-Behçet's diseaseInflammation and cancerAdvances in cancer biomarkers : from biochemistry to clinic for a critical revisionControl of the thyroid gland : regulation of its normal function and growthDefects of secretion in cystic fibrosisStructure and function of the aspartic proteinases : genetics, structures, and mechanismsRAMPsDrugs affecting lipid metabolism VIIIBiological effects of alcoholNeurotransmitter receptors : mechanisms of action and regulationMelanocortins : multiple actions and therapeutic potentialSteroid hormone receptor systemsAlternative splicing in the postgenomic eraAlcohol intoxication and withdrawal IIIa : biological aspects of ethanolOxygen transport to tissue XBrain plasticity : development and agingThe nidoviruses : toward control of SARS and other nidovirus diseasesSphingolipids, sphingolipidoses, and allied disorders : proceedings of the Symposium on Sphingolipidoses and Allied Disorders held in Brooklyn, New York, October 25-27, 1971Excitatory amino acids and neuronal plasticityHypothalamic peptide hormones and pituitary regulation : [proceedings of the Workshop on Peptide-Releasing Hormones held in Bethesda, Maryland, November 1-2, 1976 and sponsored by the Reproductive Biology Study Section of the Division of Research Grants, NIH]Transcriptional and translational regulation of stem cellsEicosanoids, apolipoproteins, lipoprotein particles, and atherosclerosisFrontiers in arterial chemoreceptionRelaxin and related peptidesNovel approaches to selective treatments of human solid tumors : laboratory and clinical correlationCoxiella burnetii : recent advances and new perspectives in research of the Q fever bacteriumThe Biology and prevention of aerodigestive tract cancersNutritional value and mechanisms of actionRed cell metabolism and function : proceedings of the First International Conference on Red Cell Metabolism and Function, held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1-3, 1969Protein-metal interactionsFunctional and structural proteins of the nervous system : proceedings of two symposia on proteins of the nervous system and myelin proteins held as part of the third meeting of the International Society of Neurochemistry, in Budapest, Hungary, in July 1971Lactoferrin : structure and functionThe effects of noise on aquatic life IIMolecular and cellular aspects of muscle contractionOxygen transport to tissue XIVNew vistas in glycolipid researchMolecular mechanisms of spondyloarthropathiesStem cell transplantationHypoxia and the circulationContinuous transcutaneous monitoringTropical diseases : from molecule to bedsideRed blood cell agingPolymer drugs in the clinical stage : advantages and prospectsArterial chemoreceptors in physiology and pathophysiologyThe next generation in membrane protein structure determinationRare diseases epidemiology : update and overviewSaponins used in traditional and modern medicineMelatonin after four decades : an assessment of its potentialThe Identification of the CF (cystic fibrosis) gene : recent progress and new research strategiesGanglioside function : biochemical and pharmacological implications : [proceedings of the satellite meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, held in Cortona, Italy, August 28-31, 1975]I domain integrinsProgress in iron researchThe molecular immunology of complex carbohydratesEcological genomics : ecology and the evolution of genes and genomesProtein dimerization and oligomerization in biologyProgress in basic and clinical immunologyExercise, calories, fat, and cancerNeurobiology of interval timingAdvances in TNF family research : proceedings of the 12th International TNF Conference, 2009Current topics in complementHot topics in infection and immunity in childrenMyocardial injuryInfections in the immunocompromised host : laboratory diagnosis and treatmentDipeptidyl aminopeptidases : basic science and clinical applicationsInnovative endocrinology of cancerHepatic encephalopathy, hyperammonemia, and ammonia toxicityTherapeutic ultrasoundDipeptidyl aminopeptidases in health and diseaseRecent advances in tryptophan research : tryptophan and serotonin pathwaysNeuropilin : from nervous system to vascular and tumor biologyBreast-feeding : early influences on later healthMIPs and their role in the exchange of metalloidsMetallomics : The science of biometalsCoronavirusesT helper cell differentiation and their functionFunction and metabolism of phospholipids in the central and peripheral nervous systems : [proceedings of the International Satellite Meeting on Function and Metabolism of Phospholipids in Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems held at Cortona, Tuscany, Italy, August 1975]Biomechanics in oncologyThe ruminant immune systemVascular endothelium in health and diseasePhysical virology : virus structure and mechanicsMicrobial endocrinology : the microbiota-gut-brain axis in health and diseaseDrugs, lipid metabolism, and atherosclerosis : [proceedings]Structure and function of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAMMolecular biology of erythropoiesisHuman hyperlipoproteinemias : principles and methodsAdvances in prostaglandin, leukotriene, and other bioactive lipid research : basic science and clinical applicationsMicrobial pathogenesis : infection and immunityModern proteomics - sample preparation, analysis and practical applicationsSubtilisin enzymes : practical protein engineeringPhosphate and mineral metabolismRadiation proteomics : the effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on cells and tissuesImmune reactivity of lymphocytes : development, expression, and control : [proceedings]Sensorimotor control of movement and postureAtherosclerosis drug discoveryPhysiology and pathophysiology of the islets of LangerhansOxygen transport to tissue XINon-coding RNA and the reproductive systemBiochemistry, pathophysiology, and clinical aspectsHistamine in inflammationImmobilized biochemicals and affinity chromatographyMetal ions in biological systems : studies of some biochemical and environmental problemsGlucocorticoid effects and their biological consequences : [proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Glucocortoid Effects, held September 22-24, 1982 in Siena, Italy]Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms : state of the science and research needsChemotactic cytokines : biology of the inflammatory peptide supergene familyEnzymes of lipid metabolismMyocardial and skeletal muscle bioenergeticsSodium calcium exchange : a growing spectrum of pathophysiological implications : proceedings of the 6th International conference on sodium calcium exchangeReproductive sciences in animal conservation : progress and prospectsProminin-1 (CD133) : new insights on stem & cancer stem cell biologyOxygen transport to tissue XVHypoxia : from genes to the bedsideHox genes : studies from the 20th to the 21st centuryChemicals via higher plant bioengineeringRecent advances on model hostsNeurobiology and cell physiology of chemoreceptionLipid-mediated protein signalingArterial chemoreception : from molecules to systemsTreatment of early diabetesCell fusion in healthGenetic damage in human spermatozoaMechanisms in the pathogenesis of enteric diseasesDrosophila models for human diseasesRegenerative biology of the spine and spinal cordRetinal degenerative diseasesNew trends in cancer for the 21st centuryHamster immune responses in infectious and oncologic diseasesDietary fat and cancer : genetic and molecular interactionsHormones and energy metabolismCell signaling during mammalian early embryo developmentMechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation VIII : autoimmunity 2000 and beyondOxygen transport to tissue XIXPost-transcriptional regulation by STAR proteins : control of RNA metabolism in development and diseaseRehabilitation science in contextDiabetes : an old disease, a new insightCell division machinery and diseaseAdvances in mitochondrial medicineOocyte biology in fertility preservationGlycobiology and medicine : proceedings of the 7th Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine SymposiumElastic filaments of the cellPharmaceutical biotechnologySystems biology of tumor dormancyNew trends in cancer for the 21st centuryThe Chemokines : biology of the inflammatory peptide supergene family IIOxygen transport to tissue XXXV(D)J recombinationSystemic proteases and cellular functionMuscle biophysics : from molecules to cellsOxygen transport to tissue XXXIIHuman interferon : production and clinical useMembrane toxicity : [proceedings of the ninth annual Rochester International Conference on environmental Toxicity, held in Rochester, New York, May 24-26, 1976]Exosomes, stem cells and microRNA : aging, cancer and age related disordersCytokines, stress, and depressionIntracellular protein catabolismMyelination and demyelinationSunlight, vitamin D and skin cancerCirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, and ammonium toxicityImmunobiology and prophylaxis of human herpesvirus infectionsOxytocin : cellular and molecular approaches in medicine and researchTropomyosinFree radicals in diagnostic medicine : a systems approach to laboratory technology, clinical correlations, and antioxidant therapyMolecular mechanism of muscle contractionMolecular aspects of development and aging of the nervous systemHuman cell transformation : role of stem cells and the microenvironmentAdvances in bladder researchHuman herpesvirusesHeparin and related polysaccharidesPathogen-derived immunomodulatory moleculesNutrition and malnutrition : identification and measurementSignal and image analysis for biomedical and life sciencesBiochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology of phospholipase A[2] and its regulatory factorsChemistry and biology of serpinsSphingolipids as signaling and regulatory moleculesPhotoreceptors and calciumCell-cell interactions in the release of inflammatory mediators : eicosanoids, cytokines, and adhesionThe expanding role of folates and fluoropyrimidines in cancer chemotherapyHypoxia : through the lifecycleLectin in host defense against microbial infectionsThe biology of mRNA : structure and functionPhysical exercise for human healthHuman cell transformation : advances in cell models for the study of cancer and agingGut microbiota and pathogenesis of organ injuryNanotechnology for bioapplicationsPeriostinPeroxisome biology : experimental models, peroxisomal disorders and neurological diseasesCalcium signalingUpdates on Clostridioides difficile in EuropeMuscle atrophyDNA replication : from old principles to new discoveriesNeural Circuits of Innate BehaviorsReviews on biomarker studies of metabolic and metabolism-related disordersHearing loss : mechanisms, prevention and cureSex and gender factors affecting metabolic homeostasis, diabetes and obesityData and text processing for health and life sciencesNeural circuits of innate behaviorsOptogenetics : light-sensing proteins and their applications in neuroscience and beyondComputational modelling of the brain : modelling approaches to cells, circuits and networksProgress in motor control : theories and translationsProtein reviewsThe enteric nervous system IITranslational informatics in smart healthcareUpdates on Clostridium difficile in EuropeTargeting Chitin-containing OrganismsSmooth muscle spontaneous activity : physiological and pathological modulationAdvancements of mass spectrometry in biomedical researchNotch signaling in embryology and cancer : molecular biology of notch signalingBrain development in drosophila melanogasterAdvancements of mass spectrometry in biomedical researchDeep learning in medical image analysis : challenges and applicationsClinical, biological and molecular aspects of COVID-19Pericyte biology in diseaseAdvances in plant omics and systems biology approachesTumor microenvironment : the role of interleukins part ABiomimetic medical materials : from nanotechnology to 3D bioprintingPseudotyped virusesSurvival strategies in extreme cold and desiccation : adaptation mechanisms and their applicationsProteostasis and disease : from basic mechanisms to clinicsOral mucosal immunity and microbiomePericyte Biology in Different OrgansPericyte biology : novel conceptsBiochemical and biophysical roles of cell surface moleculesBasic scienceAmino acids in nutrition and health : amino acids in systems function and healthThe role of chemokines
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