
SpringerBriefs in population studies


SpringerBriefs in population studies



Responding to immigrants' settlement needs : the Canadian experience外部サイトFertility decline and background independence : applying the reaction-diffusion system as a stochastic process外部サイトEstimating characteristics of the foreign born by legal status : an evaluation of data and methods外部サイトConvergence to very low fertility in East Asia : processes, causes, and implications外部サイトAn empirical analysis of population and technological progress外部サイトChildbearing and careers of Japanese women born in the 1960s : a life course that brought unintended low fertility外部サイトSocial protection and social development : international initiatives外部サイトLexis in demography外部サイトApplied multiregional demography : migration and population redistribution外部サイトWork and family in Japanese society外部サイトLow fertility in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore : population policies and their effectiveness外部サイトLow fertility in advanced Asian economies : focusing on families, education, and labor markets外部サイトUrbanisation and inequalities in a post-Malthusian context : challenges for the sustainable development agenda外部サイトShrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando I外部サイトThe changing migrant composition of Australia's population : past, present and future外部サイトAn essay on the principle of sustainable population外部サイトMigration, urban areas, and a new concept外部サイトChanges in work and family life in Japan under COVID-19外部サイトShrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Tokaido外部サイトThe demography of remarriage in Japan外部サイトCEMAF as a census method : a proposal for a re-designed census and an independent US census bureau外部サイトBoomerang kids : the demography of previously launched adults外部サイトDiverging destinies : the Japanese case外部サイトA comparative analysis of European time transfers between generations and genders外部サイトBiodemography of fertility in Japan外部サイトRegional cities and city regions in rural Australia : a long-term demographic perspective外部サイトImmigrants in regional labour markets of host nations : some evidence from Atlantic Canada外部サイトPopulation aging and international health-caregiver migration to Japan外部サイトEastern Asian population history and contemporary population issues外部サイトLow fertility and population aging in Japan and Eastern Asia外部サイトFertility control in a risk society : analysing contraception choice of urban elites in India外部サイトThe Washington State Census Board and its demographic legacy外部サイトA shrinking society : post-demographic transition in Japan外部サイトThe Japanese family system : change, continuity, and regionality in the long twentieth century外部サイトShrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando II外部サイトEducational assortative mating in Japan : insights into social change and stratification外部サイトPregnancy outcomes of unmarried women in Japan (1995-2015) : from abortion to birth外部サイトPopulation dynamics based on individual stochasticity外部サイトChanges in work and family life in Japan under COVID-19外部サイトPerception of family and work in low-fertility East Asia外部サイトLimits to the European Union's normative power in a post-conflict society : EULEX and peacebuilding in Kosovo外部サイトPathways to health外部サイトLessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake : birth outcomes in a catastrophe in a highly aged society外部サイトMicrosimulation population projections with SAS : a reference guide外部サイトMacro-econometric analysis on determinants of fertility behavior外部サイトExploring the effect of retirement on health in Japan外部サイトFertility transition in the developing world外部サイトMinority populations and future prospects外部サイトModeling shifting mortality, and its applications外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Springer briefs in population studies
Responding to immigrants' settlement needs : the Canadian experience
Fertility decline and background independence : applying the reaction-diffusion system as a stochastic process
Estimating characteristics of the foreign born by legal status : an evaluation of data and methods
Convergence to very low fertility in East Asia : processes, causes, and implications
An empirical analysis of population and technological progress
Childbearing and careers of Japanese women born in the 1960s : a life course that brought unintended low fertility
Social protection and social development : international initiatives
Lexis in demography
Applied multiregional demography : migration and population redistribution
Work and family in Japanese society
Low fertility in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore : population policies and their effectiveness
Low fertility in advanced Asian economies : focusing on families, education, and labor markets
Urbanisation and inequalities in a post-Malthusian context : challenges for the sustainable development agenda
Shrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando I
The changing migrant composition of Australia's population : past, present and future
An essay on the principle of sustainable population
Migration, urban areas, and a new concept
Changes in work and family life in Japan under COVID-19
Shrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Tokaido
The demography of remarriage in Japan
CEMAF as a census method : a proposal for a re-designed census and an independent US census bureau
Boomerang kids : the demography of previously launched adults
Diverging destinies : the Japanese case
A comparative analysis of European time transfers between generations and genders
Biodemography of fertility in Japan
Regional cities and city regions in rural Australia : a long-term demographic perspective
Immigrants in regional labour markets of host nations : some evidence from Atlantic Canada
Population aging and international health-caregiver migration to Japan
Eastern Asian population history and contemporary population issues
Low fertility and population aging in Japan and Eastern Asia
Fertility control in a risk society : analysing contraception choice of urban elites in India
The Washington State Census Board and its demographic legacy
A shrinking society : post-demographic transition in Japan
The Japanese family system : change, continuity, and regionality in the long twentieth century
Shrinking Japan and regional variations : along the Hokurikudo and the Tosando II
Educational assortative mating in Japan : insights into social change and stratification
Pregnancy outcomes of unmarried women in Japan (1995-2015) : from abortion to birth
Population dynamics based on individual stochasticity
Changes in work and family life in Japan under COVID-19
Perception of family and work in low-fertility East Asia
Limits to the European Union's normative power in a post-conflict society : EULEX and peacebuilding in Kosovo
Pathways to health
Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake : birth outcomes in a catastrophe in a highly aged society
Microsimulation population projections with SAS : a reference guide
Macro-econometric analysis on determinants of fertility behavior
Exploring the effect of retirement on health in Japan
Fertility transition in the developing world
Minority populations and future prospects
Modeling shifting mortality, and its applications
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books