タイトルよみメディチ ケ ノ ダイキョウエン : フェルディナンド ト クリスティーナ ノ コンレイ 1589ネン フィレンツェ
著者・編者a Thames Television, Taverner, the Frame Store production in association with La Sept & ZDF for Channel 4
並列タイトル等The Florentine intermedi of 1589
一般注記Intermezzi by various composers for "La pellegrina"; part-songs and instrumental ensembles; sung in Italian with Japanese subtitles
Title on label: The Florentine intermedi of 1589
Cast: Sung by Tessa Bonner (Necessità), Emma Kirkby (Armonia and Antfitrite), Emily Van Evera (Maga and Giove), Nigel Rogers (Arione) with various performers ; danced by Il Ballarino ; Taverner Consort, Choir and Players, Andrew Parrott, conductor
Credits: Choreographer, Andrea Francalanci
Filmed in Thames Television Studios, Teddington, May 1989
Original sound recording by EMI in Studio No. 1, Abbey Road, London, July 1986
Musical and artistic consultant, and performing edition by Hugh Keyte
LaserVision CLV; stereo
Vision EMI Classics: TOLW-3620 ("EMI Classics"--On leaflet)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA2310363X : BA2310363X