
Ius gentium : comparative perspectives on law and justice


Ius gentium : comparative perspectives on law and justice

Sellers, M. N. S. (Mortimer N. S.)ほか



Series editor: Mortimer Sellers, James MaxeinerPublisher varies: Springer Open


The legal doctorines of the rule of law and the legal state (Rechtsstaat)外部サイトJudicial review of legislation : a comparative study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa外部サイトArbitration and contract law : common law perspectives外部サイトConfronting Genocide外部サイトThe reality of human dignity in law and bioethics : comparative perspectives外部サイトHow to measure the quality of judicial reasoning外部サイトThe threads of natural law : unravelling a philosophical tradition外部サイトCorporate criminal liability : emergence, convergence, and risk外部サイトGeneral principles of law : the role of the judiciary外部サイトClimate change and the law外部サイトPrecedent in the United States Supreme Court外部サイトCommercial law of the European Union外部サイトThe convergence of the fundamental rights protection in Europe外部サイトSupreme courts in transition in China and the West : adjudication at the service of public goals外部サイトAristotle and the philosophy of law : theory, practice and justice外部サイトThe scope and structure of civil codes外部サイトElectronic technology and civil procedure : new paths to justice from around the world外部サイトGlobal perspectives on subsidiarity外部サイトCost and fee allocation in civil procedure : a comparative study外部サイトThe three paths of justice : court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation in England外部サイトGender and sexuality in Latin America : cases and decisions外部サイトThe politics of systematization in EU product safety regulation : market, state, collectivity, and integration外部サイトHuman dignity of the vulnerable in the age of rights : interdisciplinary perspectives外部サイトThe dynamism of civil procedure : global trends and developments外部サイトThe EU charter of fundamental rights : from declaration to binding instrument外部サイトNormative plurality in international law : a theory of the determination of applicable rules外部サイトHuman rights of older people : universal and regional legal perspectives外部サイトGoals of civil justice and civil procedure in contemporary judicial systems外部サイトJudicial activism : an interdisciplinary approach to the American and European experiences外部サイトLaw, liberty, and the rule of law外部サイトThe dynamism of civil procedure : global trends and developments外部サイトA comparative look at regulation of corporate tax avoidance外部サイトThe responsive judge : international perspectives外部サイトCriminal law and morality in the age of consent : interdisciplinary perspectives外部サイトGlobal transformations in the use of biodiversity for research and development : post Nagoya Protocol implementation amid unresolved and arising issues外部サイトInternational law and time : narratives and techniques外部サイトCauses and consequences of migrant criminalization外部サイトAnimal Law and Welfare - International Perspectives外部サイトCommercial law of the European Union外部サイトAutonomy in the law外部サイトPhilosophical explorations of justice and taxation : national and global issues外部サイトThe legal doctrines of the rule of law and the legal state (Rechtsstaat)外部サイトNew civil codes in Hungary and Romania外部サイトThe universalism of human rights外部サイトYoung people's human rights and the politics of voting age外部サイトAfrican legal theory and contemporary problems : critical essays外部サイトThe rule of law in comparative perspective外部サイトJudicial review of legislation : a comparative study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa外部サイトFederalism and legal unification : a comparative empirical investigation of twenty systems外部サイトThe rule of crisis : terrorism, emergency legislation and the rule of law外部サイトThe three paths of justice : court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation in England外部サイトSame sex couples : comparative insights on marriage and cohabitation外部サイトThe internationalization of law and legal education外部サイトHuman law and computer law : comparative perspectives外部サイトAnimal law and welfare : international perspectives外部サイトLimitations of national sovereignty through European integration外部サイトPost 9/11 and the state of permanent legal emergency : security and human rights in countering terrorism外部サイトGlobalization and human rights : challenges and answers from a European perspective外部サイトDialogues on human rights and legal pluralism外部サイトFair trial and judicial independence : Hungarian perspectives外部サイトThe art of law : artistic representations and iconography of law and justice in context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War外部サイトRule of law, human rights and judicial control of power : some reflections from national and international law外部サイトTransformation of civil justice : unity and diversity外部サイトNordic law in European context外部サイトThe politics of adoption : international perspectives on law, policy and practice外部サイトThe internationalization of law and legal education外部サイトAn unamendable constitution? : unamendability in constitutional democracies外部サイトThe importance of place : geographical indications as a tool for local and regional development外部サイトExclusionary rules in comparative law外部サイトCivil litigation in China and Europe : essays on the role of the judge and the parties外部サイトThe inherent right of self-defence in international law外部サイトThe responsive judge : international perspectives外部サイトThe politics of adoption : international perspectives on law, policy and practice外部サイトEffective enforcement of creditors' rights外部サイトPersonality and data protection rights on the Internet : Brazilian and German approaches外部サイトConstitutionalism under extreme conditions : law, emergency, exception外部サイトEthnic diversity, plural democracy and human dignity : challenges to the European Union and Western Balkans外部サイトUnderstanding due process in non-criminal matters : how to harmonize procedural guarantees with the right to access to justice外部サイトSociocultural otherness and minority justice : a study on China外部サイトExclusionary rules in comparative law外部サイトEffective enforcement of creditors' rights外部サイトUber--brave new service or unfair competition : legal analysis of the nature of Uber services外部サイトClass actions in Europe : Holy Grail or a wrong trail?外部サイトCivil case management in the twenty-first century : court structures still matter外部サイトAxiological pluralism : jurisdiction, law-making and pluralisms外部サイトCivil case management in the twenty-first century : court structures still matter外部サイトJudicial self-governance in the new millennium : an institutional and policy framework外部サイトDiversity of enforcement titles in the EU外部サイトDo exclusionary rules ensure a fair trial? : a comparative perspective on evidentiary rules外部サイトHuman dignity of the vulnerable in the age of rights : interdisciplinary perspectives外部サイトLegal traditions in Asia : history, concepts and laws外部サイトThe making of the civil codes : a twenty-first century perspective外部サイトLegal geography : comparative law and the production of space外部サイトThe principles of BRICS contract law : a comparative study of general principles governing international commercial contracts in the BRICS countries外部サイトConstitutionalism under extreme conditions : law, emergency, exception外部サイト






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Series editor: Mortimer Sellers, James Maxeiner
Publisher varies: Springer Open
The legal doctorines of the rule of law and the legal state (Rechtsstaat)
Judicial review of legislation : a comparative study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa
Arbitration and contract law : common law perspectives
Confronting Genocide
The reality of human dignity in law and bioethics : comparative perspectives
How to measure the quality of judicial reasoning
The threads of natural law : unravelling a philosophical tradition
Corporate criminal liability : emergence, convergence, and risk
General principles of law : the role of the judiciary
Climate change and the law
Precedent in the United States Supreme Court
Commercial law of the European Union
The convergence of the fundamental rights protection in Europe
Supreme courts in transition in China and the West : adjudication at the service of public goals
Aristotle and the philosophy of law : theory, practice and justice
The scope and structure of civil codes
Electronic technology and civil procedure : new paths to justice from around the world
Global perspectives on subsidiarity
Cost and fee allocation in civil procedure : a comparative study
The three paths of justice : court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation in England
Gender and sexuality in Latin America : cases and decisions
The politics of systematization in EU product safety regulation : market, state, collectivity, and integration
Human dignity of the vulnerable in the age of rights : interdisciplinary perspectives
The dynamism of civil procedure : global trends and developments
The EU charter of fundamental rights : from declaration to binding instrument
Normative plurality in international law : a theory of the determination of applicable rules
Human rights of older people : universal and regional legal perspectives
Goals of civil justice and civil procedure in contemporary judicial systems
Judicial activism : an interdisciplinary approach to the American and European experiences
Law, liberty, and the rule of law
The dynamism of civil procedure : global trends and developments
A comparative look at regulation of corporate tax avoidance
The responsive judge : international perspectives
Criminal law and morality in the age of consent : interdisciplinary perspectives
Global transformations in the use of biodiversity for research and development : post Nagoya Protocol implementation amid unresolved and arising issues
International law and time : narratives and techniques
Causes and consequences of migrant criminalization
Animal Law and Welfare - International Perspectives
Commercial law of the European Union
Autonomy in the law
Philosophical explorations of justice and taxation : national and global issues
The legal doctrines of the rule of law and the legal state (Rechtsstaat)
New civil codes in Hungary and Romania
The universalism of human rights
Young people's human rights and the politics of voting age
African legal theory and contemporary problems : critical essays
The rule of law in comparative perspective
Judicial review of legislation : a comparative study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa
Federalism and legal unification : a comparative empirical investigation of twenty systems
The rule of crisis : terrorism, emergency legislation and the rule of law
The three paths of justice : court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation in England
Same sex couples : comparative insights on marriage and cohabitation
The internationalization of law and legal education
Human law and computer law : comparative perspectives
Animal law and welfare : international perspectives
Limitations of national sovereignty through European integration
Post 9/11 and the state of permanent legal emergency : security and human rights in countering terrorism
Globalization and human rights : challenges and answers from a European perspective
Dialogues on human rights and legal pluralism
Fair trial and judicial independence : Hungarian perspectives
The art of law : artistic representations and iconography of law and justice in context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War
Rule of law, human rights and judicial control of power : some reflections from national and international law
Transformation of civil justice : unity and diversity
Nordic law in European context
The politics of adoption : international perspectives on law, policy and practice
The internationalization of law and legal education
An unamendable constitution? : unamendability in constitutional democracies
The importance of place : geographical indications as a tool for local and regional development
Exclusionary rules in comparative law
Civil litigation in China and Europe : essays on the role of the judge and the parties
The inherent right of self-defence in international law
The responsive judge : international perspectives
The politics of adoption : international perspectives on law, policy and practice
Effective enforcement of creditors' rights
Personality and data protection rights on the Internet : Brazilian and German approaches
Constitutionalism under extreme conditions : law, emergency, exception
Ethnic diversity, plural democracy and human dignity : challenges to the European Union and Western Balkans
Understanding due process in non-criminal matters : how to harmonize procedural guarantees with the right to access to justice
Sociocultural otherness and minority justice : a study on China
Exclusionary rules in comparative law
Effective enforcement of creditors' rights
Uber--brave new service or unfair competition : legal analysis of the nature of Uber services
Class actions in Europe : Holy Grail or a wrong trail?
Civil case management in the twenty-first century : court structures still matter
Axiological pluralism : jurisdiction, law-making and pluralisms
Civil case management in the twenty-first century : court structures still matter
Judicial self-governance in the new millennium : an institutional and policy framework
Diversity of enforcement titles in the EU
Do exclusionary rules ensure a fair trial? : a comparative perspective on evidentiary rules
Human dignity of the vulnerable in the age of rights : interdisciplinary perspectives
Legal traditions in Asia : history, concepts and laws
The making of the civil codes : a twenty-first century perspective
Legal geography : comparative law and the production of space
The principles of BRICS contract law : a comparative study of general principles governing international commercial contracts in the BRICS countries
Constitutionalism under extreme conditions : law, emergency, exception
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research