
Biblical interpretation series


Biblical interpretation series




Publisher varies: SBL Press


The implied reader in Isaiah 6-12外部サイトThe Fourth Gospel and the manufacture of minds in ancient historiography, biography, romance, and drama外部サイトFrom Jesus to his first followers : continuity and discontinuity : anthropological and historical perspectives外部サイトJesus' appearances and disappearances in Luke 24外部サイトSacred tropes : Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as literature and culture外部サイトReading the Bible across contexts : Luke's gospel, socio-economic marginality, and Latin American biblical hermeneutics外部サイトSubversive symmetry : exploring the fantastic in Mark 6:45-56外部サイトTzedek, Tzedek Tirdof : poetry, prophecy, and justice in Hebrew scripture : essays in honor of Francis Landy on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトConvinced that God had called us : dreams, visions and the perception of God's will in Luke-Acts外部サイトThe alter-imperial paradigm : empire studies & the book of Revelation外部サイトEsther in diaspora : toward an alternative interpretive framework外部サイトHistory and interpretation in New Testament perspective外部サイトPresent and future of biblical studies : celebrating 25 years of Brill's Biblical interpretation外部サイトCreation stories in dialogue : the Bible, science, and folk traditions : Radboud Prestige Lectures in New Testament外部サイトReduced laughter : seriocomic features and their functions in the Book of Kings外部サイトThe discourse of wealth and poverty in the book of Proverbs外部サイトJesus reads Scripture : the function of Jesus' use of Scripture in the Synoptic Gospels外部サイトFiguring Jesus : the power of rhetorical figures of speech in the Gospel of Luke外部サイトAsking for rhetoric : the Hebrew Bible's protean interrogative外部サイトThe divine courtroom in comparative perspective外部サイトRhetorical interaction in 1 Corinthians 8 and 10 : a formal analysis with preliminary suggestions for a Chinese, cross-cultural hermeneutic外部サイトJesus and other men : ideal masculinities in the Synoptic Gospels外部サイトPsalm 18 in words and pictures : a reading through metaphor外部サイトMapping gender in ancient religious discourses外部サイトVerhärtet eure Herzen nicht : der Hebräer, eine Synagogenhomilie zu Tischa be-Aw外部サイト2 Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter : towards a new perspective : Radboud prestige lectures by Jörg Frey外部サイトAuthorizing an end : the Isaiah apocalypse and intertextuality外部サイトExegesis in the making : postcolonialism and New Testament studies外部サイトWriting Jude : the reader, the text, and the author in constructs of power and desire外部サイトJesus and Jewish covenant thinking外部サイトMystik im Johannesevangelium : eine hermeneutische Untersuchung aufgrund der Auseinandersetzung mit Zen-Meister Hisamatsu Shinʾichi外部サイトHidden polemics in biblical narrative外部サイトJubilee in the Bible : using the theology of Jürgen Moltmann to find a new hermeneutic外部サイトLooking through a glass Bible : postdisciplinary Biblical interpretations from the Glasgow School外部サイトThe enemy is within : a Jungian psychoanalytic approach to the Book of Judith外部サイトThe canonical approach : a critical reconstruction of the hermeneutics of Brevard S. Childs外部サイトThe body in question : metaphor and meaning in the interpretation of Ephesians 5:21-33外部サイトFriend or foe? : the figure of Babylon in the book of Jeremiah MT外部サイトReanimating Qohelet's contradictory voices : studies of open-ended discourse on wisdom in Ecclesiastes外部サイトOn gendering texts : female and male voices in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトA king and a fool? : the succession narrative as a satire外部サイトErzählte Welten im Richterbuch : narratologische Aspekte eines polyfonen Diskurses外部サイトEating in Isaiah : approaching the role of food and drink in Isaiah's structure and message外部サイトInner worlds : a cognitive linguistic approach to the book of Jonah外部サイトPaul's language of Ζῆλος : monosemy and the rhetoric of identity and practice外部サイトRecognizing the stranger : recognition scenes in the Gospel of John外部サイトVon der Wurzel getragen : christlich-feministische Exegese in Auseinandersetzung mit Antijudaismus外部サイトCrossing the boundaries : essays in Biblical interpretation in honour of Michael D. Goulder外部サイトNew perspectives on healing, restoration and reconciliation in John's gospel外部サイトThe singers of Lamentations : cities under siege, from Ur to Jerusalem to Sarajevo--外部サイトStrangers in the light : Philonic perspectives on Christian identity in 1 Peter外部サイトWoman and nation : an intercontextual reading of the Gospel of John from a postcolonial feminist perspective外部サイトThe end of Mark's story : a methodological study外部サイトJob 28 : cognition in context外部サイトFamily of the King : dynamics of metaphor in the Gosepl according to John外部サイトCritical readings of John 6外部サイトJohn, a postmodern gospel : introduction to deconstructive exegesis applied to the fourth gospel外部サイトIn the name of God : the Bible in the colonial discourse of empire外部サイトMark at the threshold : applying Bakhtinian categories to Markan characterisation外部サイトDeconstructing the New Testament外部サイトCompeting for honor : a social-scientific reading of Daniel 1-6外部サイトReconceiving texts as speech acts : an analysis of I John外部サイトReading the Bible ethically : recovering the voice in the text外部サイトRevelation 21-22 in light of Jewish and Greco-Roman utopianism外部サイトThe book of Judges : the art of editing外部サイトClosure in Biblical narrative外部サイトThe characterization of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews外部サイトEarly Christian voices : in texts, traditions, and symbols : essays in honor of François Bovon外部サイトThe scriptural tale in the fourth gospel : with particular reference to the prologue and a syncretic (oral and written) poetics外部サイトBabel's Tower translated : Genesis 11 and ancient Jewish interpretation外部サイトThe book within the book : writing in Deuteronomy外部サイトWalking on the water : reading Mt. 14:22-33 in the light of its Wirkungsgeschichte外部サイトLiterary artistry in Leviticus外部サイトFaith and freedom in Galatia and Senegal : the Apostle Paul, colonists and sending gods外部サイトWom(b)an : a cultural-narrative reading of the Hebrew Bible barrenness narratives外部サイトThe stolen Bible : from tool of imperialism to African icon外部サイトConsumption and wealth in Luke's travel narrative外部サイトThe body royal : the social poetics of kingship in ancient Israel外部サイトThe discipleship paradigm : readers and anonymous characters in the fourth Gospel外部サイトReading Acts : the lector and the early Christian audience外部サイトReading marginally : feminism, deconstruction and the Bible外部サイトJesus' farewell to the disciples : John 13:1-17:26 in narratological perspective外部サイトAbraham as spiritual ancestor : a postcolonial Zimbabwean reading of Romans 4外部サイトEchoes of Scripture in the Letter of Paul to the Colossians外部サイトThe making of the New Testament documents外部サイトPaul and the salvation of the individual外部サイトBiblical interpretation and African traditional religion : cross-cultural and community readings in Owamboland, Namibia外部サイトChristology from within and ahead : hermeneutics, contingency, and the quest for transcontextual criteria in christology外部サイトSeeking a homeland : sojourn and ethnic identity in the ancestral narratives of Genesis外部サイトHearing Kyriotic sonship : a cognitive and rhetorical approach to the characterization of Mark's Jesus外部サイトDialogue in the Book of signs : a polyvalent analysis of John 1:19-12:50外部サイトHebrew lexical semantics and daily life in ancient Israel : what's cooking in Biblical Hebrew?外部サイトFrom a virgin womb : the apocalypse of Adam and the virgin birth外部サイトRevelation unsealed : a narrative critical approach to John's Apocalypse外部サイトThe reshaped mind : Searle, the biblical writers, and Christ's blood外部サイトWords become worlds : semantic studies of Genesis 1-11外部サイトThe intercourse of knowledge : on gendering desire and 'sexuality' in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトPortrayals of economic exchange in the book of Kings外部サイトCushites in the Hebrew Bible : negotiating ethnic identity in the past and present外部サイト'He is a glutton and a drunkard' : deviant consumption in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトMetaphor and the portrayal of the cause(s) of sin and evil in the Gospel of Matthew外部サイトKey approaches to biblical ethics : an interdisciplinary dialogue外部サイトExplaining Christian origins and early Judaism : contributions from cognitive and social science外部サイトResisting Jesus : a narrative and intertextual analysis of Mark's portrayal of the disciples of Jesus外部サイトNew Testament semiotics : linguistic signs, the process of signification, and the hermeneutics of discursive resistance外部サイトThe exegetical and the ethical : the Bible and the academy in the public square : essays for the occasion of Professor John Barton's 70th birthday外部サイトPaul and the rhetoric of resurrection : 1 Corinthians 15 as insinuatio外部サイトChrist-faith and Abraham in Galatians 3-4 : Paul's tale of two siblings外部サイトSinging reconciliation : inhabiting the moral life according to Colossians 3:16外部サイトWho did Jesus think he was?外部サイトToward a postcolonial reading of the Epistle of James : James 2:1-13 in its Roman imperial context外部サイトDay in Mamre, night in Sodom : Abraham and Lot in Genesis 18 and 19外部サイトBecause you bear this name : conceptual metaphor and the moral meaning of 1 Peter外部サイトBiblical exegesis without authorial intention? : interdisciplinary approaches to authorship and meaning外部サイトThe temporal mechanics of the Fourth Gospel : a theory of hermeneutical relativity in the Gospel of John外部サイトAuthoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches外部サイトJesus, rhetoric, and law外部サイトOne text, a thousand methods : studies in memory of Sjef van Tilborg外部サイトThe Gospel of John : text and context外部サイトThe non-Israelite nations in the Book of the Twelve : thematic coherence and the diachronic-synchronic relationship in the Minor Prophets外部サイトDining with John : communal meals and identity formation in the Fourth Gospel and its historical and cultural context外部サイトDie Darstellung "Der zwölfjährige Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten" im Wandel der Zeiten外部サイトHearing Mark's endings : listening to ancient popular texts through speech act theory外部サイトEthnicity and the Bible外部サイトThe reign of God and Rome in Luke's Passion narrative : an East Asian global perspective外部サイトOn gendering texts : female and male voices in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトDouble standards in Isaiah : re-evaluating prophetic ethics and divine justice外部サイトThe woman at the well : interpretation of John 4:1-42 in retrospect and prospect外部サイトThe strange Gospel : narrative design and point of view in John外部サイトOn reading prophetic texts : gender-specific and related studies in memory of Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes外部サイトRhetorical criticism of the Bible : a comprehensive bibliography with notes on history and method外部サイトSpeech-in-character, diatribe, and Romans 3:1-9 : who's speaking when and why it matters外部サイトBirthing salvation : gender and class in early Christian childbearing discourse外部サイトI am large, I contain multitudes : lyric cohesion and conflict in Second Isaiah外部サイトCity of ruins : mourning the destruction of Jerusalem through Jewish apocalypse外部サイトJoel's use of scripture and scripture's use of Joel : appropriation and resignification in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity外部サイトPolitics of Parousia : reading Mark inter(con)textually外部サイトSaxa judaica loquuntur : lessons from early Jewish inscriptions : Radboud prestige lectures 2014外部サイトExperiencing the Apocalypse at the limits of alterity外部サイトMetaphors in the discussion on suffering in Job 3-31 : visions of hope and consolation外部サイトPaul and the rise of the slave : death and resurrection of the oppressed in the Epistle to the Romans外部サイトHollow men, strange women : riddles, codes and otherness in the Book of Judges外部サイトThe plot-structure of Genesis : `will the righteous seed survive?' in the muthos-logical movement from complication to dénouement外部サイトThe questions of Jesus in John : logic, rhetoric and persuasive discourse外部サイトThe theocratic ideology of the Chronicler外部サイトBeyond Biblical theology : sacralized culturalism in Heikki Räisänen's hermeneutics外部サイトCorresponding sense : Paul, dialectic, and Gadamer外部サイトRadical frame semantics and biblical Hebrew : exploring lexical semantics外部サイトImaginative love in John外部サイトAnatomies of the Gospels and beyond : essays in honor of R. Alan Culpepper外部サイトPrayer in the Gospels : a theological exegesis of the ideal pray-er外部サイトExplaining Christian origins and early Judaism : contributions from cognitive and social science外部サイトThe language and literature of the New Testament : essays in honor of Stanley E. Porter's 60th birthday外部サイトJesus the Samaritan : ethnic labeling in the Gospel of John外部サイトStudies in Matthew's Gospel : literary design, intertextuality, and social setting外部サイトTransformative encounters : Jesus and women re-viewed外部サイトEstablishment violence in Philo and Luke : a study of non-conformity to the Torah and Jewish vigilante reactions外部サイトThe firstborn son in ancient Judaism and early Christianity : a study of primogeniture and Christology外部サイトCaused to believe : the Doubting Thomas Story at the climax of John's Christological narrative外部サイトHebrews : contemporary methods, new insights外部サイトRepresentation in Old Testament narrative texts外部サイトNarrative syntax and the Hebrew Bible : papers of the Tilburg conference 1996外部サイトThe Gospel to the Romans : the setting and rhetoric of Mark's Gospel外部サイトContextual biblical hermeneutics as multicentric dialogue : towards a Singaporean reading of Daniel外部サイトThe influence of Ezekiel in the Fourth Gospel : intertextuality and interpretation外部サイトThe death of Jacob : narrative conventions in Genesis 47.28-50.26外部サイトHistory, justice, and the agency of God : a hermeneutical and exegetical investigation on Isaiah and Psalms外部サイトSight and blindness in Luke-Acts : the use of physical features in characterization外部サイトAdoption in Galatians and Romans : contemporary metaphor theories and the Pauline huiothesia metaphors外部サイトInterpreting New Testament narratives : recovering the author's voice外部サイトSocial scientific models for interpreting the Bible : essays by the Context Group in honor of Bruce J. Malina外部サイトThe metaphor of the divine as planter of the people : stinking grapes or pleasant planting?外部サイトThe function of the speeches in the Acts of the Apostles : a key to interpretation of Luke's use of speeches in Acts外部サイトMetaphor and ideology : Liber antiquitatum biblicarum and literary methods through a cognitive lens外部サイトAposynagōgos and the historical Jesus in John : rethinking the historicity of the Johannine expulsion passages外部サイトContested creations in the Book of Job : the-world-as-it-ought-and-ought-not-to-be外部サイトNarrative and identity : an ethical reading of Exodus 4外部サイトThe origins of Mark : the Markan community in current debate外部サイトBetween biblical criticism and poetic rewriting : interpretative struggles over Genesis 32:22-32外部サイトLet the daughters live! : the literary architecture of Exodus 1-2 as a key for interpretation外部サイトEthics in the Gospel of John : discipleship as moral progress外部サイトChallenges to biblical interpretation : collected essays 1991-2000外部サイトHyphenating Moses : a postcolonial exegesis of identity in Exodus 1:1-3:15外部サイトDavid as reader : 2 Samuel 12:1-15 and the poetics of fatherhood外部サイトThe quest for context and meaning : studies in biblical intertextuality in honor of James A. Sanders外部サイトJob the unfinalizable : a Bakhtinian reading of Job 1-11外部サイトRetelling Scripture : ‘the Jews' and the Scriptural citations in John 1:19-12:15外部サイトThe quest for the real Jesus : Radboud Prestige lectures by Prof. Dr. Michael Wolter外部サイトZephaniah's oracles against the nations : a synchronic and diachronic study of Zephaniah 2:1-3:8外部サイトHistory, biography, and the genre of Luke-Acts : an exploration of literary divergence in Greek narrative discourse外部サイト"Look at me and be appalled" : essays on Job, theology, and ethics : an interdisciplinary dialogue外部サイトJames Barr assessed : evaluating his legacy over the last sixty years外部サイトRhetorical adaptation in the Greek historians, Josephus, and Acts : embedded speeches, audience responses, and authorial persuasion外部サイトTheological interpretation of Scripture as spiritual formation外部サイトServing at the 'Banking-Tables' : new light on Acts 2-8 and the link between spiritual and economic transformation外部サイトIrony in the Bible : between subversion and innovation外部サイトThe prophetic voice of Amos on contemporary social justice外部サイトNarrative, calling, and missional identity in 1 Peter : between promise and inheritance外部サイトJesus as the son of 1-2 Samuel's David : an intertextual reading of the Gospel of Matthew外部サイトCompassion and the characterization of the Markan Jesus外部サイトThe Lukan lens on wealth and possessions : a perspective shaped by the themes of reversal and right response外部サイトThe prophets agree : the function of the Book of the Twelve Prophets in Acts外部サイトSociolinguistic analysis of the New Testament : theories and applications外部サイトKognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf biblische Visionserzählungen : am Beispiel der Verklärung (Mk 9, 2-9)外部サイトJohannine social identity formation after the fall of the Jerusalem temple : negotiating identity in crisis外部サイトAllusive and elusive : allusion and the Elihu speeches of Job 32-37外部サイトWhy Jephthah's daughter weeps : a child-oriented interpretation外部サイトDiscovering the religious dimension of trauma : trauma literature and the Joseph story外部サイトLuke the Chronicler : the narrative Arc of Samuel-Kings and chronicles in Luke-Acts外部サイトReading the Song of Songs in a #MeToo era : women, sex, and public discourse外部サイトSensing salvation in the Gospel of John : the embodied, sensory qualities of participation in the I am sayings外部サイトLuke was not a Christian : reading the Third Gospel and Acts within Judaism外部サイトBetween script and scripture : performance criticism and Mark's characterization of the disciples外部サイトDialogue on monarchy in the Gideon-Abimelech narrative : ideological reading in light of Bakhtin's dialogism外部サイトJudges 19-21 and Ruth : canon as a voice of answerability外部サイトThe "exodus" in Jerusalem (Luke 9:31) : a Lukan form of Israel's restoration hope外部サイトAll citizens of Christ : a cosmopolitan reading of unity and diversity in Paul's letters外部サイトRhetorical adaptation in the Greek historians, Josephus, and Acts : embedded speeches, audience responses, and authorial persuasion外部サイトWhere is the way to the dwelling of light? : studies in Genesis, Job and linguistics in honor of Ellen van Wolde外部サイトPaul's declaration of freedom from a freed slave's perspective外部サイトAuthenticating criteria in Jesus research and beyond : an interdisciplinary methodology外部サイトUrgency and severity : Pauline rationale for expulsion in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13外部サイトInteractions in interpretation : the pilgrimage of meaning through biblical texts and contexts外部サイトMatthew's non-messianic mapping of messianic texts : evidences of a broadly eschatological hermeneutic外部サイトThe epistles for all Christians : epistolary literature, circulation, and the gospels for all Christians外部サイト






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Publisher varies: SBL Press
The implied reader in Isaiah 6-12
The Fourth Gospel and the manufacture of minds in ancient historiography, biography, romance, and drama
From Jesus to his first followers : continuity and discontinuity : anthropological and historical perspectives
Jesus' appearances and disappearances in Luke 24
Sacred tropes : Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as literature and culture
Reading the Bible across contexts : Luke's gospel, socio-economic marginality, and Latin American biblical hermeneutics
Subversive symmetry : exploring the fantastic in Mark 6:45-56
Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof : poetry, prophecy, and justice in Hebrew scripture : essays in honor of Francis Landy on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Convinced that God had called us : dreams, visions and the perception of God's will in Luke-Acts
The alter-imperial paradigm : empire studies & the book of Revelation
Esther in diaspora : toward an alternative interpretive framework
History and interpretation in New Testament perspective
Present and future of biblical studies : celebrating 25 years of Brill's Biblical interpretation
Creation stories in dialogue : the Bible, science, and folk traditions : Radboud Prestige Lectures in New Testament
Reduced laughter : seriocomic features and their functions in the Book of Kings
The discourse of wealth and poverty in the book of Proverbs
Jesus reads Scripture : the function of Jesus' use of Scripture in the Synoptic Gospels
Figuring Jesus : the power of rhetorical figures of speech in the Gospel of Luke
Asking for rhetoric : the Hebrew Bible's protean interrogative
The divine courtroom in comparative perspective
Rhetorical interaction in 1 Corinthians 8 and 10 : a formal analysis with preliminary suggestions for a Chinese, cross-cultural hermeneutic
Jesus and other men : ideal masculinities in the Synoptic Gospels
Psalm 18 in words and pictures : a reading through metaphor
Mapping gender in ancient religious discourses
Verhärtet eure Herzen nicht : der Hebräer, eine Synagogenhomilie zu Tischa be-Aw
2 Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter : towards a new perspective : Radboud prestige lectures by Jörg Frey
Authorizing an end : the Isaiah apocalypse and intertextuality
Exegesis in the making : postcolonialism and New Testament studies
Writing Jude : the reader, the text, and the author in constructs of power and desire
Jesus and Jewish covenant thinking
Mystik im Johannesevangelium : eine hermeneutische Untersuchung aufgrund der Auseinandersetzung mit Zen-Meister Hisamatsu Shinʾichi
Hidden polemics in biblical narrative
Jubilee in the Bible : using the theology of Jürgen Moltmann to find a new hermeneutic
Looking through a glass Bible : postdisciplinary Biblical interpretations from the Glasgow School
The enemy is within : a Jungian psychoanalytic approach to the Book of Judith
The canonical approach : a critical reconstruction of the hermeneutics of Brevard S. Childs
The body in question : metaphor and meaning in the interpretation of Ephesians 5:21-33
Friend or foe? : the figure of Babylon in the book of Jeremiah MT
Reanimating Qohelet's contradictory voices : studies of open-ended discourse on wisdom in Ecclesiastes
On gendering texts : female and male voices in the Hebrew Bible
A king and a fool? : the succession narrative as a satire
Erzählte Welten im Richterbuch : narratologische Aspekte eines polyfonen Diskurses
Eating in Isaiah : approaching the role of food and drink in Isaiah's structure and message
Inner worlds : a cognitive linguistic approach to the book of Jonah
Paul's language of Ζῆλος : monosemy and the rhetoric of identity and practice
Recognizing the stranger : recognition scenes in the Gospel of John
Von der Wurzel getragen : christlich-feministische Exegese in Auseinandersetzung mit Antijudaismus
Crossing the boundaries : essays in Biblical interpretation in honour of Michael D. Goulder
New perspectives on healing, restoration and reconciliation in John's gospel
The singers of Lamentations : cities under siege, from Ur to Jerusalem to Sarajevo--
Strangers in the light : Philonic perspectives on Christian identity in 1 Peter
Woman and nation : an intercontextual reading of the Gospel of John from a postcolonial feminist perspective
The end of Mark's story : a methodological study
Job 28 : cognition in context
Family of the King : dynamics of metaphor in the Gosepl according to John
Critical readings of John 6
John, a postmodern gospel : introduction to deconstructive exegesis applied to the fourth gospel
In the name of God : the Bible in the colonial discourse of empire
Mark at the threshold : applying Bakhtinian categories to Markan characterisation
Deconstructing the New Testament
Competing for honor : a social-scientific reading of Daniel 1-6
Reconceiving texts as speech acts : an analysis of I John
Reading the Bible ethically : recovering the voice in the text
Revelation 21-22 in light of Jewish and Greco-Roman utopianism
The book of Judges : the art of editing
Closure in Biblical narrative
The characterization of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews
Early Christian voices : in texts, traditions, and symbols : essays in honor of François Bovon
The scriptural tale in the fourth gospel : with particular reference to the prologue and a syncretic (oral and written) poetics
Babel's Tower translated : Genesis 11 and ancient Jewish interpretation
The book within the book : writing in Deuteronomy
Walking on the water : reading Mt. 14:22-33 in the light of its Wirkungsgeschichte
Literary artistry in Leviticus
Faith and freedom in Galatia and Senegal : the Apostle Paul, colonists and sending gods
Wom(b)an : a cultural-narrative reading of the Hebrew Bible barrenness narratives
The stolen Bible : from tool of imperialism to African icon
Consumption and wealth in Luke's travel narrative
The body royal : the social poetics of kingship in ancient Israel
The discipleship paradigm : readers and anonymous characters in the fourth Gospel
Reading Acts : the lector and the early Christian audience
Reading marginally : feminism, deconstruction and the Bible
Jesus' farewell to the disciples : John 13:1-17:26 in narratological perspective
Abraham as spiritual ancestor : a postcolonial Zimbabwean reading of Romans 4
Echoes of Scripture in the Letter of Paul to the Colossians
The making of the New Testament documents
Paul and the salvation of the individual
Biblical interpretation and African traditional religion : cross-cultural and community readings in Owamboland, Namibia
Christology from within and ahead : hermeneutics, contingency, and the quest for transcontextual criteria in christology
Seeking a homeland : sojourn and ethnic identity in the ancestral narratives of Genesis
Hearing Kyriotic sonship : a cognitive and rhetorical approach to the characterization of Mark's Jesus
Dialogue in the Book of signs : a polyvalent analysis of John 1:19-12:50
Hebrew lexical semantics and daily life in ancient Israel : what's cooking in Biblical Hebrew?
From a virgin womb : the apocalypse of Adam and the virgin birth
Revelation unsealed : a narrative critical approach to John's Apocalypse
The reshaped mind : Searle, the biblical writers, and Christ's blood
Words become worlds : semantic studies of Genesis 1-11
The intercourse of knowledge : on gendering desire and 'sexuality' in the Hebrew Bible
Portrayals of economic exchange in the book of Kings
Cushites in the Hebrew Bible : negotiating ethnic identity in the past and present
'He is a glutton and a drunkard' : deviant consumption in the Hebrew Bible
Metaphor and the portrayal of the cause(s) of sin and evil in the Gospel of Matthew
Key approaches to biblical ethics : an interdisciplinary dialogue
Explaining Christian origins and early Judaism : contributions from cognitive and social science
Resisting Jesus : a narrative and intertextual analysis of Mark's portrayal of the disciples of Jesus
New Testament semiotics : linguistic signs, the process of signification, and the hermeneutics of discursive resistance
The exegetical and the ethical : the Bible and the academy in the public square : essays for the occasion of Professor John Barton's 70th birthday
Paul and the rhetoric of resurrection : 1 Corinthians 15 as insinuatio
Christ-faith and Abraham in Galatians 3-4 : Paul's tale of two siblings
Singing reconciliation : inhabiting the moral life according to Colossians 3:16
Who did Jesus think he was?
Toward a postcolonial reading of the Epistle of James : James 2:1-13 in its Roman imperial context
Day in Mamre, night in Sodom : Abraham and Lot in Genesis 18 and 19
Because you bear this name : conceptual metaphor and the moral meaning of 1 Peter
Biblical exegesis without authorial intention? : interdisciplinary approaches to authorship and meaning
The temporal mechanics of the Fourth Gospel : a theory of hermeneutical relativity in the Gospel of John
Authoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches
Jesus, rhetoric, and law
One text, a thousand methods : studies in memory of Sjef van Tilborg
The Gospel of John : text and context
The non-Israelite nations in the Book of the Twelve : thematic coherence and the diachronic-synchronic relationship in the Minor Prophets
Dining with John : communal meals and identity formation in the Fourth Gospel and its historical and cultural context
Die Darstellung "Der zwölfjährige Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten" im Wandel der Zeiten
Hearing Mark's endings : listening to ancient popular texts through speech act theory
Ethnicity and the Bible
The reign of God and Rome in Luke's Passion narrative : an East Asian global perspective
On gendering texts : female and male voices in the Hebrew Bible
Double standards in Isaiah : re-evaluating prophetic ethics and divine justice
The woman at the well : interpretation of John 4:1-42 in retrospect and prospect
The strange Gospel : narrative design and point of view in John
On reading prophetic texts : gender-specific and related studies in memory of Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes
Rhetorical criticism of the Bible : a comprehensive bibliography with notes on history and method
Speech-in-character, diatribe, and Romans 3:1-9 : who's speaking when and why it matters
Birthing salvation : gender and class in early Christian childbearing discourse
I am large, I contain multitudes : lyric cohesion and conflict in Second Isaiah
City of ruins : mourning the destruction of Jerusalem through Jewish apocalypse
Joel's use of scripture and scripture's use of Joel : appropriation and resignification in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity
Politics of Parousia : reading Mark inter(con)textually
Saxa judaica loquuntur : lessons from early Jewish inscriptions : Radboud prestige lectures 2014
Experiencing the Apocalypse at the limits of alterity
Metaphors in the discussion on suffering in Job 3-31 : visions of hope and consolation
Paul and the rise of the slave : death and resurrection of the oppressed in the Epistle to the Romans
Hollow men, strange women : riddles, codes and otherness in the Book of Judges
The plot-structure of Genesis : `will the righteous seed survive?' in the muthos-logical movement from complication to dénouement
The questions of Jesus in John : logic, rhetoric and persuasive discourse
The theocratic ideology of the Chronicler
Beyond Biblical theology : sacralized culturalism in Heikki Räisänen's hermeneutics
Corresponding sense : Paul, dialectic, and Gadamer
Radical frame semantics and biblical Hebrew : exploring lexical semantics
Imaginative love in John
Anatomies of the Gospels and beyond : essays in honor of R. Alan Culpepper
Prayer in the Gospels : a theological exegesis of the ideal pray-er
Explaining Christian origins and early Judaism : contributions from cognitive and social science
The language and literature of the New Testament : essays in honor of Stanley E. Porter's 60th birthday
Jesus the Samaritan : ethnic labeling in the Gospel of John
Studies in Matthew's Gospel : literary design, intertextuality, and social setting
Transformative encounters : Jesus and women re-viewed
Establishment violence in Philo and Luke : a study of non-conformity to the Torah and Jewish vigilante reactions
The firstborn son in ancient Judaism and early Christianity : a study of primogeniture and Christology
Caused to believe : the Doubting Thomas Story at the climax of John's Christological narrative
Hebrews : contemporary methods, new insights
Representation in Old Testament narrative texts
Narrative syntax and the Hebrew Bible : papers of the Tilburg conference 1996
The Gospel to the Romans : the setting and rhetoric of Mark's Gospel
Contextual biblical hermeneutics as multicentric dialogue : towards a Singaporean reading of Daniel
The influence of Ezekiel in the Fourth Gospel : intertextuality and interpretation
The death of Jacob : narrative conventions in Genesis 47.28-50.26
History, justice, and the agency of God : a hermeneutical and exegetical investigation on Isaiah and Psalms
Sight and blindness in Luke-Acts : the use of physical features in characterization
Adoption in Galatians and Romans : contemporary metaphor theories and the Pauline huiothesia metaphors
Interpreting New Testament narratives : recovering the author's voice
Social scientific models for interpreting the Bible : essays by the Context Group in honor of Bruce J. Malina
The metaphor of the divine as planter of the people : stinking grapes or pleasant planting?
The function of the speeches in the Acts of the Apostles : a key to interpretation of Luke's use of speeches in Acts
Metaphor and ideology : Liber antiquitatum biblicarum and literary methods through a cognitive lens
Aposynagōgos and the historical Jesus in John : rethinking the historicity of the Johannine expulsion passages
Contested creations in the Book of Job : the-world-as-it-ought-and-ought-not-to-be
Narrative and identity : an ethical reading of Exodus 4
The origins of Mark : the Markan community in current debate
Between biblical criticism and poetic rewriting : interpretative struggles over Genesis 32:22-32
Let the daughters live! : the literary architecture of Exodus 1-2 as a key for interpretation
Ethics in the Gospel of John : discipleship as moral progress
Challenges to biblical interpretation : collected essays 1991-2000
Hyphenating Moses : a postcolonial exegesis of identity in Exodus 1:1-3:15
David as reader : 2 Samuel 12:1-15 and the poetics of fatherhood
The quest for context and meaning : studies in biblical intertextuality in honor of James A. Sanders
Job the unfinalizable : a Bakhtinian reading of Job 1-11
Retelling Scripture : ‘the Jews' and the Scriptural citations in John 1:19-12:15
The quest for the real Jesus : Radboud Prestige lectures by Prof. Dr. Michael Wolter
Zephaniah's oracles against the nations : a synchronic and diachronic study of Zephaniah 2:1-3:8
History, biography, and the genre of Luke-Acts : an exploration of literary divergence in Greek narrative discourse
"Look at me and be appalled" : essays on Job, theology, and ethics : an interdisciplinary dialogue
James Barr assessed : evaluating his legacy over the last sixty years
Rhetorical adaptation in the Greek historians, Josephus, and Acts : embedded speeches, audience responses, and authorial persuasion
Theological interpretation of Scripture as spiritual formation
Serving at the 'Banking-Tables' : new light on Acts 2-8 and the link between spiritual and economic transformation
Irony in the Bible : between subversion and innovation
The prophetic voice of Amos on contemporary social justice
Narrative, calling, and missional identity in 1 Peter : between promise and inheritance
Jesus as the son of 1-2 Samuel's David : an intertextual reading of the Gospel of Matthew
Compassion and the characterization of the Markan Jesus
The Lukan lens on wealth and possessions : a perspective shaped by the themes of reversal and right response
The prophets agree : the function of the Book of the Twelve Prophets in Acts
Sociolinguistic analysis of the New Testament : theories and applications
Kognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf biblische Visionserzählungen : am Beispiel der Verklärung (Mk 9, 2-9)
Johannine social identity formation after the fall of the Jerusalem temple : negotiating identity in crisis
Allusive and elusive : allusion and the Elihu speeches of Job 32-37
Why Jephthah's daughter weeps : a child-oriented interpretation
Discovering the religious dimension of trauma : trauma literature and the Joseph story
Luke the Chronicler : the narrative Arc of Samuel-Kings and chronicles in Luke-Acts
Reading the Song of Songs in a #MeToo era : women, sex, and public discourse
Sensing salvation in the Gospel of John : the embodied, sensory qualities of participation in the I am sayings
Luke was not a Christian : reading the Third Gospel and Acts within Judaism
Between script and scripture : performance criticism and Mark's characterization of the disciples
Dialogue on monarchy in the Gideon-Abimelech narrative : ideological reading in light of Bakhtin's dialogism
Judges 19-21 and Ruth : canon as a voice of answerability
The "exodus" in Jerusalem (Luke 9:31) : a Lukan form of Israel's restoration hope
All citizens of Christ : a cosmopolitan reading of unity and diversity in Paul's letters
Rhetorical adaptation in the Greek historians, Josephus, and Acts : embedded speeches, audience responses, and authorial persuasion
Where is the way to the dwelling of light? : studies in Genesis, Job and linguistics in honor of Ellen van Wolde
Paul's declaration of freedom from a freed slave's perspective
Authenticating criteria in Jesus research and beyond : an interdisciplinary methodology
Urgency and severity : Pauline rationale for expulsion in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Interactions in interpretation : the pilgrimage of meaning through biblical texts and contexts
Matthew's non-messianic mapping of messianic texts : evidences of a broadly eschatological hermeneutic
The epistles for all Christians : epistolary literature, circulation, and the gospels for all Christians
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research