
School of American Research advanced seminar series


School of American Research advanced seminar series

University of New Mexico Press



Some issues are published by Cambridge University PressSome issues are published by Duke University PressImprint varies: School for Advanced Research ...


Dreaming : anthropological and psychological interpretations外部サイトGlobalization, water, & health : resource management in times of scarcity外部サイトIndians & energy : exploitation and opportunity in the American Southwest外部サイトMuslim youth and the 9/11 generation外部サイトGlobal health in times of violence外部サイトPhotography in archaeological research外部サイトRegional perspectives on the Olmec外部サイトTimely assets : the politics of resources and their temporalities外部サイトSixteenth-century Mexico : the work of Sahagún外部サイトThings in motion : object itineraries in anthropological practice外部サイトThe archaeology of colonial encounters : comparative perspectives外部サイトBreathing new life into the evidence of death : contemporary approaches to bioarchaeology外部サイトThe Anthropology of war外部サイトArchaic states外部サイトThe gender of globalization : women navigating cultural and economic marginalities外部サイトFat planet : obesity, culture, and symbolic body capital外部サイトChiefdoms : power, economy, and ideology外部サイトTurko-Persia in historical perspective外部サイトLowland Maya settlement patterns外部サイトCommunity building in the twenty-first century外部サイトRecapturing anthropology : working in the present外部サイトThe classic Maya collapse外部サイトShipwreck anthropology外部サイトHistorical ecology : cultural knowledge and changing landscapes外部サイトSimulations in archaeology外部サイトCyborgs & citadels : anthropological interventions in emerging sciences and technologies外部サイトOther intentions : cultural contexts and the attribution of inner states外部サイトSouthwestern Indian ritual drama外部サイトPluralizing ethnography : comparison and representation in Maya cultures, histories, and identities外部サイトGray areas : ethnographic encounters with nursing home culture外部サイトThe seductions of community : emancipations, oppressions, quandaries外部サイトBiology, brains, and behavior : the evolution of human development外部サイトAnthropology in the margins of the state外部サイトRemaking life & death : toward an anthropology of the biosciences外部サイトImages that move外部サイトCatastrophe & culture : the anthropology of disaster外部サイトA catalyst for ideas : anthropological archaeology and the legacy of Douglas Schwartz外部サイトForces of compassion : humanitarianism between ethics and politics外部サイトReconstructing prehistoric Pueblo societies外部サイトMeaning in anthropology外部サイトStreet economies in the urban global south外部サイトNew perspectives on the Pueblos外部サイトAfro-Atlantic dialogues : anthropology in the diaspora外部サイトCopán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom外部サイトThemes in Southwest prehistory外部サイトWriting culture : the poetics and politics of ethnography外部サイトRoots of conflict : soils, agriculture, and sociopolitical complexity in ancient Hawaiʿi外部サイトViolence外部サイトDemographic anthropology : quantitative approaches外部サイトThe Valley of Mexico : studies in pre-Hispanic ecology and society外部サイトAnthropology of race : genes, biology, and culture外部サイトLate Lowland Maya civilization : classic to postclassic外部サイトTikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology外部サイトWhy forage? : hunters and gatherers in the twenty-first century外部サイトNew landscapes of inequality : neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy in America外部サイトHistory in person : enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities外部サイトThe Archaeology of lower Central America外部サイトCrumpled paper boat : experiments in ethnographic writing外部サイトExplorations in ethnoarchaeology外部サイトThe psychology of women under patriarchy外部サイトWalling in and walling out : why are we building new barriers to divide us?外部サイトDemocracy : anthropological approaches外部サイトThe global middle classes : theorizing through ethnography外部サイトWar in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare外部サイトSenses of place外部サイトThe Chemistry of prehistoric human bone外部サイトHistory in person : enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities外部サイトChaco & Hohokam : prehistoric regional systems in the American Southwest外部サイトThe archaeology of Chaco Canyon : an eleventh-century Pueblo regional center外部サイトFiguring the future : globalization and the temporalities of children and youth外部サイトCritical anthropology now : unexpected contexts, shifting constituencies, changing agendas外部サイトElites : ethnographic issues外部サイトIdeology : and pre-Columbian civilizations外部サイトClassic maya political history : hieroglyphic and archaeological evidence外部サイト(Mis)managing migration : guestworkers' experiences with North American labor markets外部サイトExplanation of prehistoric change外部サイトStructure and process in Latin America : patronage, clientage, and power systems外部サイトMemory, history, and opposition under state socialism外部サイトMemory work : archaeologies of material practices外部サイトChan Chan, Andean desert city外部サイトThe Anasazi in a changing environment外部サイトLaw & empire in the Pacific : Fiji and Hawaiì外部サイトDevelopment & dispossession : the crisis of forced displacement and resettlement外部サイトTurko-Persia in historical perspective外部サイトThe Emergence of modern humans : biocultural adaptations in the later Pleistocene外部サイトThe Origins of Maya civilization外部サイトImperial formations外部サイトThe origins of Maya civilization外部サイトRegimes of language : ideologies, polities, and identities外部サイトUruk Mesopotamia & its neighbours : cross-cultural interactions in the era of state formation外部サイトLinking the histories of slavery : North America and its borderlands外部サイトThe evolution of human life history外部サイトLast hunters - first farmers : new perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture外部サイトDangerous liaisons : anthropologists and the national security state外部サイトEntrepreneurs in cultural context外部サイトClassic Maya political history : hieroglyphic and archaeological evidence外部サイトAmerican arrivals : anthropology engages the new immigration外部サイトThe origins of language : what nonhuman primates can tell us外部サイトWomen & men in the prehispanic Southwest : labor, power, & prestige外部サイトThe Classic Maya collapse外部サイトKeystone nations : indigenous peoples and salmon across the north Pacific外部サイトArchaic state interaction : the eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age外部サイトPharmaceutical self : the global shaping of experience in an age of psychopharmacology外部サイトMethods and theories of anthropological genetics外部サイトThe Dying community外部サイトMaking alternative histories : the practice of archaeology and history in non-Western settings外部サイトDreaming : anthropological and psychological interpretations外部サイトGoverning gifts : faith, charity, and the security state外部サイトEnduring conquests : rethinking the archaeology of resistance to Spanish colonialism in the Americas外部サイトCostly and cute : helpless infants and human evolution外部サイトReassembling the collection : ethnographic museums and indigenous agency外部サイトThe promise of infrastructure外部サイトThe empire of things : regimes of value and material culture外部サイトThe Evolution of political systems : sociopolitics in small-scale sedentary societies外部サイトArchaeology & cultural resource management : visions for the future外部サイトWar in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare外部サイトAncient civilization and trade外部サイトMeaning in anthropology外部サイトCatastrophe & culture : the anthropology of disaster外部サイトDesigns and anthropologies : frictions and affinities外部サイトNature, science, and religion : intersections shaping society and the environment外部サイトHow nature works : rethinking labor on a troubled planet外部サイトOpening archaeology : repatriation's impact on contemporary research and practice外部サイトEthnographic refusals, unruly Latinidades外部サイトThe new death : mortality and death care in the twenty-first century外部サイトWar in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare外部サイトCrumpled paper boat : experiments in ethnographic writing外部サイト






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School for Advanced Research advanced seminar series
A School for Advanced Research advanced seminar
A school of American research book
School of American research books
Some issues are published by Cambridge University Press
Some issues are published by Duke University Press
Imprint varies: School for Advanced Research Press
Dreaming : anthropological and psychological interpretations
Globalization, water, & health : resource management in times of scarcity
Indians & energy : exploitation and opportunity in the American Southwest
Muslim youth and the 9/11 generation
Global health in times of violence
Photography in archaeological research
Regional perspectives on the Olmec
Timely assets : the politics of resources and their temporalities
Sixteenth-century Mexico : the work of Sahagún
Things in motion : object itineraries in anthropological practice
The archaeology of colonial encounters : comparative perspectives
Breathing new life into the evidence of death : contemporary approaches to bioarchaeology
The Anthropology of war
Archaic states
The gender of globalization : women navigating cultural and economic marginalities
Fat planet : obesity, culture, and symbolic body capital
Chiefdoms : power, economy, and ideology
Turko-Persia in historical perspective
Lowland Maya settlement patterns
Community building in the twenty-first century
Recapturing anthropology : working in the present
The classic Maya collapse
Shipwreck anthropology
Historical ecology : cultural knowledge and changing landscapes
Simulations in archaeology
Cyborgs & citadels : anthropological interventions in emerging sciences and technologies
Other intentions : cultural contexts and the attribution of inner states
Southwestern Indian ritual drama
Pluralizing ethnography : comparison and representation in Maya cultures, histories, and identities
Gray areas : ethnographic encounters with nursing home culture
The seductions of community : emancipations, oppressions, quandaries
Biology, brains, and behavior : the evolution of human development
Anthropology in the margins of the state
Remaking life & death : toward an anthropology of the biosciences
Images that move
Catastrophe & culture : the anthropology of disaster
A catalyst for ideas : anthropological archaeology and the legacy of Douglas Schwartz
Forces of compassion : humanitarianism between ethics and politics
Reconstructing prehistoric Pueblo societies
Meaning in anthropology
Street economies in the urban global south
New perspectives on the Pueblos
Afro-Atlantic dialogues : anthropology in the diaspora
Copán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom
Themes in Southwest prehistory
Writing culture : the poetics and politics of ethnography
Roots of conflict : soils, agriculture, and sociopolitical complexity in ancient Hawaiʿi
Demographic anthropology : quantitative approaches
The Valley of Mexico : studies in pre-Hispanic ecology and society
Anthropology of race : genes, biology, and culture
Late Lowland Maya civilization : classic to postclassic
Tikal : dynasties, foreigners & affairs of state : advancing Maya archaeology
Why forage? : hunters and gatherers in the twenty-first century
New landscapes of inequality : neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy in America
History in person : enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities
The Archaeology of lower Central America
Crumpled paper boat : experiments in ethnographic writing
Explorations in ethnoarchaeology
The psychology of women under patriarchy
Walling in and walling out : why are we building new barriers to divide us?
Democracy : anthropological approaches
The global middle classes : theorizing through ethnography
War in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare
Senses of place
The Chemistry of prehistoric human bone
History in person : enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities
Chaco & Hohokam : prehistoric regional systems in the American Southwest
The archaeology of Chaco Canyon : an eleventh-century Pueblo regional center
Figuring the future : globalization and the temporalities of children and youth
Critical anthropology now : unexpected contexts, shifting constituencies, changing agendas
Elites : ethnographic issues
Ideology : and pre-Columbian civilizations
Classic maya political history : hieroglyphic and archaeological evidence
(Mis)managing migration : guestworkers' experiences with North American labor markets
Explanation of prehistoric change
Structure and process in Latin America : patronage, clientage, and power systems
Memory, history, and opposition under state socialism
Memory work : archaeologies of material practices
Chan Chan, Andean desert city
The Anasazi in a changing environment
Law & empire in the Pacific : Fiji and Hawaiì
Development & dispossession : the crisis of forced displacement and resettlement
Turko-Persia in historical perspective
The Emergence of modern humans : biocultural adaptations in the later Pleistocene
The Origins of Maya civilization
Imperial formations
The origins of Maya civilization
Regimes of language : ideologies, polities, and identities
Uruk Mesopotamia & its neighbours : cross-cultural interactions in the era of state formation
Linking the histories of slavery : North America and its borderlands
The evolution of human life history
Last hunters - first farmers : new perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture
Dangerous liaisons : anthropologists and the national security state
Entrepreneurs in cultural context
Classic Maya political history : hieroglyphic and archaeological evidence
American arrivals : anthropology engages the new immigration
The origins of language : what nonhuman primates can tell us
Women & men in the prehispanic Southwest : labor, power, & prestige
The Classic Maya collapse
Keystone nations : indigenous peoples and salmon across the north Pacific
Archaic state interaction : the eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age
Pharmaceutical self : the global shaping of experience in an age of psychopharmacology
Methods and theories of anthropological genetics
The Dying community
Making alternative histories : the practice of archaeology and history in non-Western settings
Dreaming : anthropological and psychological interpretations
Governing gifts : faith, charity, and the security state
Enduring conquests : rethinking the archaeology of resistance to Spanish colonialism in the Americas
Costly and cute : helpless infants and human evolution
Reassembling the collection : ethnographic museums and indigenous agency
The promise of infrastructure
The empire of things : regimes of value and material culture
The Evolution of political systems : sociopolitics in small-scale sedentary societies
Archaeology & cultural resource management : visions for the future
War in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare
Ancient civilization and trade
Meaning in anthropology
Catastrophe & culture : the anthropology of disaster
Designs and anthropologies : frictions and affinities
Nature, science, and religion : intersections shaping society and the environment
How nature works : rethinking labor on a troubled planet
Opening archaeology : repatriation's impact on contemporary research and practice
Ethnographic refusals, unruly Latinidades
The new death : mortality and death care in the twenty-first century
War in the tribal zone : expanding states and indigenous warfare
Crumpled paper boat : experiments in ethnographic writing
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research