
Graduate texts in physics


Graduate texts in physics

Becker, Kurt H.



Series editors: Richard Needs, William T. Rhodes, H. Eugene StanleySeries editors of "Fundamentals of particle accelerator physics": Kurt H. Becker......


Understanding viscoelasticity : an introduction to rheology外部サイトBasics of laser physics : for students of science and engineering外部サイトIntroduction to radiation protection : practical knowledge for handling radioactive sources外部サイトStatistical theory of heat外部サイトClassical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals外部サイトLectures on classical and quantum theory of fields外部サイトEpitaxy of semiconductors : introduction to physical principles外部サイトStatistical mechanics of superconductivity外部サイトTransmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials外部サイトAdvanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons外部サイトContinuum physics外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of quantum information processing外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトFluid dynamics : an introduction外部サイトComputational methods for physicists : compendium for students外部サイトQuantum mechanics : a modern and concise introductory course外部サイトAdvanced physics of electron transport in semiconductors and nanostructures外部サイトAtoms, molecules and photons : an introduction to atomic-, molecular- and quantum-physics外部サイトStochastic dynamics and irreversibility外部サイトUnderstanding acoustics : an experimentalist's view of acoustics and vibration外部サイトTheoretical mechanics : theoretical physics 1外部サイトParticles and nuclei : an introduction to the physical concepts外部サイトSemiconductor optics外部サイトLectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and their solutions外部サイトThe physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications外部サイトParticle Accelerator Physics外部サイトSolid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films外部サイトUnderstanding viscoelasticity : an introduction to rheology外部サイトIntroductions to quantum gravity, supersymmetry and string theory外部サイトProbability for physicists外部サイトStatistics and analysis of scientific data外部サイトStatistics and analysis of scientific data外部サイトLaser physics : from principles to practical work in the lab外部サイトSolid state properties : from bulk to nano外部サイトClassical mechanics and electromagnetism in accelerator physics外部サイトStatistical physics : an advanced approach with applications外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos : an introduction外部サイトAdvanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons外部サイトQuantum information theory : mathematical foundation外部サイトComputational physics : simulation of classical and quantum systems外部サイトIntroduction to Mathematica for physicists外部サイトQuantum physics in the nanoworld : Schrödinger's cat and the dwarfs外部サイトGeneral and statistical thermodynamics外部サイトQuantum theory of many-body systems : techiques and applications外部サイトNano and quantum optics : an introduction to basic principles and theory外部サイトFundamental polymer science外部サイトRadiation physics for medical physicists外部サイトGeneral Relativity and Cosmology : A First Encounter外部サイトGeneral and statistical thermodynamics外部サイトSolid surfaces, interfaces and thin films外部サイトQuantum Photonics外部サイトLectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and their solutions外部サイトUltrafast lasers : a comprehensive introduction to fundamental principles with practical applications外部サイトAn introduction to nuclear fission外部サイトBlack hole physics : from collapse to evaporation外部サイトThe physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications外部サイトThe physics of renewable energy外部サイトThe physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications外部サイトScattering and structures : essentials and analogies in quantum physics外部サイトComputer simulation tools for X-ray analysis : scattering and diffraction methods外部サイトHigh-energy-density physics : foundation of inertial fusion and experimental astrophysics外部サイトTheoretical femtosecond physics : atoms and molecules in strong laser fields外部サイトThe physics of solids : essentials and beyond外部サイトBiophotonics : concepts to applications外部サイトThe physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications外部サイトModeling complex systems外部サイトKinetics and spectroscopy of low temperature plasmas外部サイトClassical field theory : on electrodynamics, non-abelian gauge theories and gravitation外部サイトNuclear physics外部サイトEquilibrium Thermodynamics外部サイトTheoretical femtosecond physics : atoms and molecules in strong laser fields外部サイトComputational methods in physics : compendium for students外部サイトThe dynamics of heat : a unified approach to thermodynamics and heat transfer外部サイトAtoms, molecules and photons : an introduction to atomic-, molecular- and quantum physics外部サイトEinstein in matrix form : exact derivation of the theory of special and general relativity without tensors外部サイトFoundations and abelian and non-abelian gauge theories外部サイトMolecules and photons : spectroscopy and collisions外部サイトBasic semiconductor physics外部サイトRadiation and detectors : introduction to the physics of radiation and detection devices外部サイトGeneral relativity外部サイトThe why, what and how外部サイトSpecial relativity in general frames : from particles to astrophysics外部サイトAtoms and spectroscopy外部サイトIntroduction to the physics of electrons in solids外部サイトFundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties外部サイトParticle physics外部サイトQuantum theory and statistical thermodynamics : principles and worked examples外部サイトQuantum physics : the bottom-up approach : from the simple two-level system to irreducible representations外部サイトMechanics : from Newton's laws to deterministic chaos外部サイトIntroduction to quantum information science外部サイトClassical and quantum cosmology外部サイトQuantum information theory : mathematical foundation外部サイトThe classical theory of fields : electromagnetism外部サイトModern fluid dynamics for physics and astrophysics外部サイトLasers : fundamentals and applications外部サイトQuantum physics in the nanoworld : schrödinger's cat and the dwarfs外部サイトQuantum photonics外部サイトSolid surfaces, interfaces and thin films外部サイトComputational physics : simulation of classical and quantum systems外部サイトBasics of laser physics : for students of science and engineering外部サイトThe lattice Boltzmann method : principles and practice外部サイトClassical field theory : on electrodynamics, non-Abelian gauge theories and gravitation外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトStatistical physics for biological matter外部サイトMechanics : from Newton's laws to deterministic chaos外部サイトTheoretical atomic physics外部サイトPlasma physics : an introduction to laboratory, space, and fusion plasmas外部サイトFrom Newton to Mandelbrot : a primer in theoretical physics外部サイトEquilibrium thermodynamics外部サイトStatistical mechanics : an introductory graduate course外部サイトScanning probe microscopy : the lab on a tip外部サイトEpitaxy of semiconductors : physics and fabrication of heterostructures外部サイトIII-V compound semiconductors and devices : an introduction to fundamentals外部サイトNano and quantum optics : an introduction to basic principles and theory外部サイトPhysics of molecular and cellular processes外部サイトFoundations of celestial mechanics外部サイトAn introduction to nuclear fission外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos : an introduction外部サイトFundamentals of particle accelerator physics外部サイトDifferential geometry and general relativity外部サイトAtomic and molecular spectroscopy : basic aspects and practical applications外部サイトLinear optical properties of semiconductors外部サイトPhysics and mathematics of quantum many-body systems外部サイトIntroduction to quantum information science外部サイトBasic semiconductor physics外部サイトHot matter from high-power lasers : fundamentals and phenomena外部サイトThe physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications外部サイトQuantum information processing : theory and implementation外部サイトUnderstanding acoustics : an experimentalist's view of sound and vibration外部サイトAdvanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons外部サイトAtomic and molecular spectroscopy : basic aspects and practical applications外部サイトA course in quantum many-body theory : from conventional fermi liquids to strongly correlated systems外部サイトQuantum optics : taming the quantum外部サイトElementary particles and their interactions外部サイトLectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and solutions外部サイトComputational multiscale modeling of fluids and solids : theory and applications外部サイトQuantum field theory : an introduction外部サイトBiophotonics : concepts to applications外部サイトSemiconductor optics 2 : dynamics, high-excitation effects, and basics of applications外部サイトBlack hole physics : from collapse to evaporation外部サイトFundamentals of particle accelerator physics外部サイトRadiation physics for medical physicists外部サイトAdvanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons外部サイトQuantum optics : taming the quantum外部サイトPrinciples of photonic integrated circuits: materials, device physics, guided wave design外部サイトQuantum photonics外部サイトFluid mechanics : an introduction to the theory of fluid flows外部サイトStatistics and analysis of scientific data外部サイトComputational multiscale modeling of fluids and solids : theory and applications外部サイトThe geometry of spacetime : a mathematical introduction to relativity theory外部サイトBasic semiconductor physics外部サイトIntroduction to laser-plasma interactions外部サイトEpitaxy of semiconductors : physics and fabrication of heterostructures外部サイトNuclear fusion外部サイト






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Series editors: Richard Needs, William T. Rhodes, H. Eugene Stanley
Series editors of "Fundamentals of particle accelerator physics": Kurt H. Becker... [et al.]
Understanding viscoelasticity : an introduction to rheology
Basics of laser physics : for students of science and engineering
Introduction to radiation protection : practical knowledge for handling radioactive sources
Statistical theory of heat
Classical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals
Lectures on classical and quantum theory of fields
Epitaxy of semiconductors : introduction to physical principles
Statistical mechanics of superconductivity
Transmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials
Advanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons
Continuum physics
Introduction to the theory of quantum information processing
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Fluid dynamics : an introduction
Computational methods for physicists : compendium for students
Quantum mechanics : a modern and concise introductory course
Advanced physics of electron transport in semiconductors and nanostructures
Atoms, molecules and photons : an introduction to atomic-, molecular- and quantum-physics
Stochastic dynamics and irreversibility
Understanding acoustics : an experimentalist's view of acoustics and vibration
Theoretical mechanics : theoretical physics 1
Particles and nuclei : an introduction to the physical concepts
Semiconductor optics
Lectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and their solutions
The physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications
Particle Accelerator Physics
Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films
Understanding viscoelasticity : an introduction to rheology
Introductions to quantum gravity, supersymmetry and string theory
Probability for physicists
Statistics and analysis of scientific data
Statistics and analysis of scientific data
Laser physics : from principles to practical work in the lab
Solid state properties : from bulk to nano
Classical mechanics and electromagnetism in accelerator physics
Statistical physics : an advanced approach with applications
Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos : an introduction
Advanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons
Quantum information theory : mathematical foundation
Computational physics : simulation of classical and quantum systems
Introduction to Mathematica for physicists
Quantum physics in the nanoworld : Schrödinger's cat and the dwarfs
General and statistical thermodynamics
Quantum theory of many-body systems : techiques and applications
Nano and quantum optics : an introduction to basic principles and theory
Fundamental polymer science
Radiation physics for medical physicists
General Relativity and Cosmology : A First Encounter
General and statistical thermodynamics
Solid surfaces, interfaces and thin films
Quantum Photonics
Lectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and their solutions
Ultrafast lasers : a comprehensive introduction to fundamental principles with practical applications
An introduction to nuclear fission
Black hole physics : from collapse to evaporation
The physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications
The physics of renewable energy
The physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications
Scattering and structures : essentials and analogies in quantum physics
Computer simulation tools for X-ray analysis : scattering and diffraction methods
High-energy-density physics : foundation of inertial fusion and experimental astrophysics
Theoretical femtosecond physics : atoms and molecules in strong laser fields
The physics of solids : essentials and beyond
Biophotonics : concepts to applications
The physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications
Modeling complex systems
Kinetics and spectroscopy of low temperature plasmas
Classical field theory : on electrodynamics, non-abelian gauge theories and gravitation
Nuclear physics
Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Theoretical femtosecond physics : atoms and molecules in strong laser fields
Computational methods in physics : compendium for students
The dynamics of heat : a unified approach to thermodynamics and heat transfer
Atoms, molecules and photons : an introduction to atomic-, molecular- and quantum physics
Einstein in matrix form : exact derivation of the theory of special and general relativity without tensors
Foundations and abelian and non-abelian gauge theories
Molecules and photons : spectroscopy and collisions
Basic semiconductor physics
Radiation and detectors : introduction to the physics of radiation and detection devices
General relativity
The why, what and how
Special relativity in general frames : from particles to astrophysics
Atoms and spectroscopy
Introduction to the physics of electrons in solids
Fundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties
Particle physics
Quantum theory and statistical thermodynamics : principles and worked examples
Quantum physics : the bottom-up approach : from the simple two-level system to irreducible representations
Mechanics : from Newton's laws to deterministic chaos
Introduction to quantum information science
Classical and quantum cosmology
Quantum information theory : mathematical foundation
The classical theory of fields : electromagnetism
Modern fluid dynamics for physics and astrophysics
Lasers : fundamentals and applications
Quantum physics in the nanoworld : schrödinger's cat and the dwarfs
Quantum photonics
Solid surfaces, interfaces and thin films
Computational physics : simulation of classical and quantum systems
Basics of laser physics : for students of science and engineering
The lattice Boltzmann method : principles and practice
Classical field theory : on electrodynamics, non-Abelian gauge theories and gravitation
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Statistical physics for biological matter
Mechanics : from Newton's laws to deterministic chaos
Theoretical atomic physics
Plasma physics : an introduction to laboratory, space, and fusion plasmas
From Newton to Mandelbrot : a primer in theoretical physics
Equilibrium thermodynamics
Statistical mechanics : an introductory graduate course
Scanning probe microscopy : the lab on a tip
Epitaxy of semiconductors : physics and fabrication of heterostructures
III-V compound semiconductors and devices : an introduction to fundamentals
Nano and quantum optics : an introduction to basic principles and theory
Physics of molecular and cellular processes
Foundations of celestial mechanics
An introduction to nuclear fission
Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos : an introduction
Fundamentals of particle accelerator physics
Differential geometry and general relativity
Atomic and molecular spectroscopy : basic aspects and practical applications
Linear optical properties of semiconductors
Physics and mathematics of quantum many-body systems
Introduction to quantum information science
Basic semiconductor physics
Hot matter from high-power lasers : fundamentals and phenomena
The physics of semiconductors : an introduction including nanophysics and applications
Quantum information processing : theory and implementation
Understanding acoustics : an experimentalist's view of sound and vibration
Advanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons
Atomic and molecular spectroscopy : basic aspects and practical applications
A course in quantum many-body theory : from conventional fermi liquids to strongly correlated systems
Quantum optics : taming the quantum
Elementary particles and their interactions
Lectures on quantum mechanics : with problems, exercises and solutions
Computational multiscale modeling of fluids and solids : theory and applications
Quantum field theory : an introduction
Biophotonics : concepts to applications
Semiconductor optics 2 : dynamics, high-excitation effects, and basics of applications
Black hole physics : from collapse to evaporation
Fundamentals of particle accelerator physics
Radiation physics for medical physicists
Advanced quantum mechanics : materials and photons
Quantum optics : taming the quantum
Principles of photonic integrated circuits: materials, device physics, guided wave design
Quantum photonics
Fluid mechanics : an introduction to the theory of fluid flows
Statistics and analysis of scientific data
Computational multiscale modeling of fluids and solids : theory and applications
The geometry of spacetime : a mathematical introduction to relativity theory
Basic semiconductor physics
Introduction to laser-plasma interactions
Epitaxy of semiconductors : physics and fabrication of heterostructures
Nuclear fusion
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