
Novello's music primers and educational series


Novello's music primers and educational series



Musical ornamentation外部サイトLessons in harmonics for violinists and other musical students with notes on sound and resultants elementary explanations and experiments外部サイトA dictionary of musical terms外部サイトHarmony with an appendix containing one hundred graduated exercises外部サイトComposition外部サイトBases and melodies : for students of harmony and players from figured basses selected and adapted from the works of the great composers外部サイトThe forty-eight preludes and fuges of John Sebastian Bach : analysed for the use of students外部サイトDouble counterpoint and canon外部サイトOrgan accompaniment of the choral service : practical suggestions to organists as to the selection and treatment o church music外部サイトMusical ornamentation外部サイトThe sol-fa system of teaching singing : as used in Lancashire and Yorkshire外部サイトA dictionary of violin makers : compiled from the best authorities外部サイトHand gymnastics : for the scientific development of the muscles used in playing the pianoforte外部サイトThe rudiments of music外部サイトFugue外部サイトAnalysis of form as displayed in Beethoven's thirty-two pianoforte sonatas : with a description of the form of each movement for the use of student外部サイトThe scientific basis of music外部サイトA commentary on book I-[II] of the forty-eight preludes and fugues (Das Wohltemperirte Klavier) of Johann Sebastian Bach外部サイトThe organ外部サイトMusical dictation : a practical guide for musical students外部サイトFive hundred fugue subjects and answers : ancient and modern : selected, arranged, and edited外部サイトA description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments外部サイトTwelve trios外部サイトFifty three-part studies within the compass of an octave for sight-singing classes外部サイトA description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments外部サイトMusical expression, accents, nuances, and tempo, in vocal and instrumental music外部サイトThe organ外部サイトFirst steps in the harmonization of melodies外部サイト"Braille" music-notation for the blind : as arranged by the International Commission, and confirmed by the Congress of Cologne, 1888. Together with recommendations and suggestions of modern braillists. A course of lessons drawn up for the use of sighted teachers of blind music students外部サイトBiographical dictionary of musicians外部サイトThe elements of the beautiful in music外部サイトInstrumentation外部サイトThree hundred and ninety-six two-part exercises for choirs and schools外部サイトPlain-song外部サイトCounterpoint外部サイトSummary of the history and development of mediaeval and modern European music外部サイトExamples in strict counterpoint (old and new)外部サイトTonic sol-fa外部サイトInstrumentation外部サイト



  • Musical ornamentation

  • Lessons in harmonics for violinists and other musical students with notes on sound and resultants elementary explanations and experiments

  • A dictionary of musical terms

  • Harmony with an appendix containing one hundred graduated exercises

  • Composition





  • CiNii Research

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Music primers and educational series
Musical ornamentation
Lessons in harmonics for violinists and other musical students with notes on sound and resultants elementary explanations and experiments
A dictionary of musical terms
Harmony with an appendix containing one hundred graduated exercises
Bases and melodies : for students of harmony and players from figured basses selected and adapted from the works of the great composers
The forty-eight preludes and fuges of John Sebastian Bach : analysed for the use of students
Double counterpoint and canon
Organ accompaniment of the choral service : practical suggestions to organists as to the selection and treatment o church music
Musical ornamentation
The sol-fa system of teaching singing : as used in Lancashire and Yorkshire
A dictionary of violin makers : compiled from the best authorities
Hand gymnastics : for the scientific development of the muscles used in playing the pianoforte
The rudiments of music
Analysis of form as displayed in Beethoven's thirty-two pianoforte sonatas : with a description of the form of each movement for the use of student
The scientific basis of music
A commentary on book I-[II] of the forty-eight preludes and fugues (Das Wohltemperirte Klavier) of Johann Sebastian Bach
The organ
Musical dictation : a practical guide for musical students
Five hundred fugue subjects and answers : ancient and modern : selected, arranged, and edited
A description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments
Twelve trios
Fifty three-part studies within the compass of an octave for sight-singing classes
A description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments
Musical expression, accents, nuances, and tempo, in vocal and instrumental music
The organ
First steps in the harmonization of melodies
"Braille" music-notation for the blind : as arranged by the International Commission, and confirmed by the Congress of Cologne, 1888. Together with recommendations and suggestions of modern braillists. A course of lessons drawn up for the use of sighted teachers of blind music students
Biographical dictionary of musicians
The elements of the beautiful in music
Three hundred and ninety-six two-part exercises for choirs and schools
Summary of the history and development of mediaeval and modern European music
Examples in strict counterpoint (old and new)
Tonic sol-fa
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books