著者・編者by W.W. Chitaley and V.B. Bakhale
一般注記At head of title: A.I.R. Publication
v. 1. Abandonment to Corruption
v. 2. Cotton cloth and yarn control order (1945) to Criminal procedure code (1898), S. 250
v. 3. Criminal procedure code (1898), S. 251 to S. 539
v. 4. Criminal procedure code (1898), S. 539-A to Evidence act (1872), S. 90
v. 5. Evidence act (1872), S. 91 to Opium Act (1878), S. 2
v. 6. Opium Act (1878), S. 3 to Penal code (1860), S. 440
v. 7. Penal code (1860), S. 441 to Youthful offender with supplement
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA38700417 : BA38700417