
Geological Society special publication


Geological Society special publication

Geological Society of London
Published for the Geological Society of London by Blackwell Scientific
26 cm



Imprint varies: Edinburgh : Scottish Academic Press; London : Geological Society


Fractal analysis for natural hazards外部サイトNon-biostratigraphical methods of dating and correlation外部サイトFlow processes in faults and shear zones外部サイトKinematic evolution and structural styles of fold-and-thrust belts外部サイトThe use of palaeomagnetism and rock magnetism to understand volcanic processes外部サイトDeep-water sedimentation in the Alpine Basin of SE France : new perspectives on the Grès d'Annot and related systems外部サイトDevonian change : Case studies in palaeogeography and palaeoecology外部サイトNew perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and related areas外部サイトSedimentary coastal zones from high to low latitudes : similarities and differences外部サイトThe Dynamics and environmental context of aeolian sedimentary systems外部サイトApplications of X-ray computed tomography in the geosciences外部サイトPeriglacial and paraglacial processes and environments外部サイトLyell : the past is the key to the present外部サイトIntraplate strike-slip deformation belts外部サイトOrogenic Processes : Quantification and Modelling in Variscan Belt外部サイトThe value of outcrop studies in reducing subsurface uncertainty and risk in hydrocarbon exploration and production外部サイトCharacterization of ore-forming systems from geological, geochemical and geophysical studies外部サイトSupercontinent cycles through earth history外部サイトDinosaurs and other extinct saurians : a historical perspective外部サイトGondwana and Tethys外部サイトCoal and coal-bearing strata : recent advances外部サイトHistory of geoscience : celebrating 50 years of INHIGEO外部サイトMagnetic methods and the timing of geological processes外部サイトTectonics of the Deccan Large Igneous Province外部サイトCenozoic foreland basins of Western Europe外部サイトCarbonate ramps外部サイトFluid flow and solute movement in sandstones : the onshore UK Permo-Triassic red bed sequence外部サイトEvolution and palaeobiology of pterosaurs外部サイトMyth and geology外部サイトWest Gondwana : pre-Cenozoic correlations across the South Atlantic Region外部サイトSubseismic-scale reservoir deformation外部サイトVolcanic Degassing外部サイトSubmarine slope systems : processes and products外部サイトUnderstanding petroleum reservoirs : towards an integrated reservoir engineering and geochemical approach外部サイトDeformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics : current status and future perspectives外部サイトNatural hazards in the Asia-Pacific region : recent advances and emerging concepts外部サイトContinent formation through time外部サイトArthur Smith Woodward : his life and influence on modern vertebrate palaeontology外部サイトFunction of soils for human societies and the environment外部サイトEconomic and palaeoceanographic significance of contourite deposits外部サイトPetroleum geology of Africa : new themes and developing technologies外部サイトMesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts : data for orogenic studies外部サイトUplift, erosion and stability : perspectives on long-term landscape development外部サイトOrogeny through time外部サイトWeddell sea tectonics and gondwana break-up外部サイトChannel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation in continental collision zones外部サイトVolcanism associated with extension at consuming plate margins外部サイトGeoethics : the role and responsibility of geoscientists外部サイトHuman interactions with the geosphere : the geoarchaeological perspective外部サイトThe age of the earth : from 4004 BC to AD 2002外部サイトTectonic, magmatic, hydrothermal and biological segmentation of mid-ocean ridges外部サイトDeformation structures and processes within the continental crust外部サイトNon-volcanic rifting of continental margins : a comparison of evidence from land and sea外部サイトEnvironmental and criminal geoforensics外部サイトThe Neuquén Basin, Argentina : a case study in sequence stratigraphy and basin dynamics外部サイトMarine palaeoenvironmental analysis from fossils外部サイトRadioactive waste confinement : clays in natural and engineered barriers外部サイトSustainable use of traditional geomaterials in construction practice外部サイトExhumation of the North Atlantic margin : timing, mechanisms, and implications for petroleum exploration外部サイトGas generation and migration in deep geological radioactive waste repositories外部サイトWhat drives metamorphism and metamorphic reactions ?外部サイトDevonian events and correlations外部サイトAdvances in the study of fractured reservoirs外部サイトContinental reactivation and reworking外部サイトDeltas : sites and traps for fossil fuels外部サイトMicrobial carbonates in space and time : implications for global exploration and production外部サイトTectonics of the Himalaya外部サイトFractures, fluid flow and mineralization外部サイトSedimentary responses to forced regressions外部サイトMagmatism in the ocean basins外部サイトHimalayan tectonics外部サイトNew Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone外部サイトHydrocarbons in crystalline rocks外部サイトNorth Atlantic palaeoceanography外部サイトMagmatism and the causes of continental break-up外部サイトDeformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics : microstructures, mechanics and anisotropy外部サイトGeological development of anatolia and the easternmost mediterranean region外部サイトGeohazard in rocky coastal areas外部サイトFluid motions in volcanic conduits : a source of seismic and acoustic signals外部サイトTufas and speleothems : unravelling the microbial and physical controls外部サイトThe early earth : physical, chemical, and biological development外部サイトNew insights into structural interpretation and modelling外部サイトAnatomy, phylogeny and palaeobiology of early archosaurs and their kin外部サイトCool-water carbonates : depositional systems and palaeoenvironmental controls外部サイトPetrological evolution of the European lithospheric mantle外部サイトClassic petroleum provinces外部サイトManganese mineralizaion : geochemistry and mineralogy of terrestrial and marine deposits外部サイトCoal and coal-bearing strata as oil-prone source rocks?外部サイトGeohazards in Indonesia : earth science for disaster risk reduction外部サイトGeological evolution of Central Asian basins and the western Tien Shan Range外部サイトOphiolites and oceanic lithosphere外部サイトThe earth inside and out : some major contributions to geology in the twentieth century外部サイトTectonics of the western Mediterranean and North Africa外部サイトThe application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis外部サイトGeology and Archaeology : Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf外部サイトThe Afar volcanic province within the East African rift system外部サイトHigh resolution stratigraphy外部サイトMeteorites : flux with time and impact effects外部サイトSeismic geomorphology : applications to hydrocarbon exploration and production外部サイトGlobal continental changes : the context of palaeohydrology外部サイトA stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene外部サイトDynamics of the Norwegian Margin外部サイトThe geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean外部サイトSediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems外部サイトMineral Resource Evaluation II : Methods and Case Histories外部サイトEarly-middle pleistocene transitions : the land-ocean evidence外部サイトTertiary deep-marine reservoirs of the north sea region外部サイトSediment-body geometry and heterogeneity : analogue studies for modelling the subsurface外部サイトGeology of the Humber Group : Central Graben and Moray Firth, UKCS外部サイトHistory of the european oil and gas industry外部サイトThe NE Atlantic region : a reappraisal of crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy and magmatic evolution外部サイトThe Permian timescale外部サイトOre deposits in an evolving Earth外部サイトGeology of siliciclastic shelf seas外部サイトThe evolutionary biology of the bivalvia外部サイトProterozoic East Gondwana : supercontinent assembly and breakup外部サイトFaulting, fracturing and igneous intrusion in the earth's crust外部サイトLarge igneous provinces from Gondwana and adjacent regions外部サイトRadon, health and natural hazards外部サイトTectonics of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis and the Western Himalaya外部サイトThe tectonic and climatic evolution of the Arabian Sea Region外部サイトThe North Atlantic igneous province : stratigraphy, tectonic, volcanic, and magmatic processes外部サイトFloodplains : interdisciplinary approaches外部サイトConfined turbidite systems外部サイトPalaeoproterozoic supercontinents and global evolution外部サイトGeological storage of carbon dioxide外部サイトPetroleum migration外部サイトPalaeowaters in coastal Europe : evolution of groundwater since the late Pleistocene外部サイトAdvances in [40]Ar/[39]Ar dating : from archaeology to planetary sciences外部サイトMonsoon evolution and tectonics : climate linkage in Asia外部サイトCoastal and shelf sediment transport外部サイトCarbonate Platform Systems : components and interactions外部サイトPetrophysical properties of crystalline rocks外部サイトGeological evolution of ocean basins : results from the ocean drilling program外部サイトTsunamis : geology, hazards and risks外部サイトTectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system外部サイトEuropean coal geology and technology外部サイトNew perspectives on pterosaur palaeobiology外部サイトPetroleum geoscience of the West Africa margin外部サイトGeology and medicine : historical connections外部サイトFrom source to seep : geochemical applicatons in hydrocarbon systems外部サイトPrecambrian crustal evolution in the North Atlantic region外部サイトThe Nature of the lower continental crust外部サイトModern developments in structural interpretation, validation and modelling外部サイト200 years of British hydrogeology外部サイトPermo-carboniferous magmatism and rifting in Europe外部サイトGrowth and collapse of the Tibetan Plateau外部サイトGeomechanical and petrophysical properties of mudrocks外部サイトTectonic and stratigraphic evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic外部サイトPetroleum geology of the Irish Sea and adjacent areas外部サイトSediment flux to basins : causes, controls and consequences外部サイトBasins on the Atlantic seaboard : petroleum geology, sedimentology and basin evolution外部サイトAlluvial fans : geomorphology, sedimentology, dynamics外部サイトThe role of volatiles in the genesis, evolution and eruption of arc magmas外部サイトFracture and in-situ stress characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs外部サイトRemagnetization and chemical alteration of sedimentary rocks外部サイトPalaeobiogeography and biodiversity change : the Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic radiations外部サイトTectonic evolution of Southeast Asia外部サイトRecent advances in Lower Carboniferous geology外部サイトReservoir compartmentalization外部サイトMapping hazardous terrain using remote sensing外部サイトPetroleum geology of the southern North Sea : future potential外部サイトCharacterization of fluvial and aeolian reservoirs外部サイトPalaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography from laminated sediments外部サイトSedimentary basins and crustal processes at continental margins : from modern hyper-extended margins to deformed ancient analogues外部サイトThe Geology and tectonics of the Oman region外部サイトThe Variscan Orogeny : extent, timescale and the formation of the European crust外部サイトVolcanoes in the Quaternary外部サイトDeformation of glacial materials外部サイトCircum-Arctic lithosphere evolution外部サイトCoastal and estuarine environments : sedimentoloty, geomorphology and geoarchaeology外部サイトThe petroleum exploration of Ireland's offshore basins外部サイトDevelopments in petrophysics外部サイトLacustrine petroleum source rocks外部サイトTectonics and magmatism in Turkey and the surrounding area外部サイトMonogenetic volcanism外部サイトGas hydrates : relevance to world margin stability and climate change外部サイトEnergy, waste and the environment : a geochemical perspective外部サイトMarginal basin geology : volcanic and associated sedimentary and tectonic processes in modern and ancient marginal basins外部サイトSedimentary processes in the intertidal zone外部サイトDrift exploration in glaciated terrain外部サイトModern and ancient continental shelf anoxia外部サイトIntegrated environmental modelling to solve real world problems : methods, vision and challenges外部サイトIn sight of the suture : Palaeozoic geology of the Isle of Man in its Iapetus Ocean context外部サイトDesert sediments : ancient and modern外部サイトGeochemistry and mineralization of Proterozoic volcanic suites外部サイトThe history of geoconservation外部サイトUnderstanding granites : integrating new and classical techniques . Castro , C . Fernandez and J. L. Vigneresse外部サイトSediment provenance studies in hydrocarbon exploration and production外部サイトEarly precambrian processes外部サイトExhumation processes : normal faulting, ductile flow and erosion外部サイトEarly Tertiary volcanism and the opening of the NE Atlantic外部サイトClimates : past and present外部サイトThe archaeology of geological catastrophes外部サイトMartian geomorphology外部サイトPalaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations : climatic and evolutionary controls外部サイトAnalogue and numerical modelling of crustal-scale processes外部サイトOphiolites in earth history外部サイトThe Mediterranean Basins : Tertiary Extension within the Alpine Orogen外部サイトEvolution of metamorphic belts外部サイトRemote sensing of volcanoes and volcanic processes : integrating observation and modelling外部サイトMagmatic processes and plate tectonics外部サイトPetroleum geology of the Black Sea外部サイトCryospheric systems : glaciers and permafrost外部サイトThe timing and location of major ore deposits in an evolving orogen外部サイトRiver to reservoir : geoscience to engineering外部サイトPassive margins : tectonics, sedimentation and magmatism外部サイトApplication of analytical techniques to petroleum systems外部サイトPannotia to Pangaea : neoproterozoic and paleozoic orogenic cycles in the Circum-Atlantic Region外部サイトGlobal heritage stone : worldwide examples of heritage stones外部サイトThe basins, orogens and evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean外部サイトThe great Ordovician biodiversification event : insights from the Tafilalt Biota, Morocco外部サイトCross-border themes in petroleum geology外部サイトMesozoic biological events and ecosystems in East Asia外部サイトFrom continental shelf to slope : mapping the oceanic realm外部サイトVolcanic processes in the sedimentary record : when volcanoes meet the environment外部サイトStructural geology in reservoir characterization外部サイトPalaeoecology and biostratigraphy of graptolites : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Graptolite Working Group of the International Palaeontological Association, held at Cambridge University, 1-15 September, 1981外部サイトGeochemistry and geophysics of active volcanic lakes外部サイトGranite-related ore deposits外部サイトNatural stone, weathering phenomena, conservation strategies and case studies外部サイトOphiolites and their modern oceanic analogues外部サイトGeology and geomorphology of alluvial and fluvial fans : terrestrial and planetary perspectives外部サイトMesozoic sub-continental lithospheric thinning under Eastern Asia外部サイトCorrelation of the early Paleogene in Northwest Europe外部サイトTectonic evolution of the Oman Mountains外部サイトA history of geology and medicine外部サイトAntarctic palaeoenvironments and earth-surface processes外部サイトClimate change and groundwater外部サイトOrigin and evolution of the ontong java plateau外部サイトCrustal evolution of India and Antarctica : the supercontinent connection外部サイトBasin inversion外部サイトGeodynamic evolution of East Antarctica : a key to the East-West Gondwana connection外部サイトDating and duration of fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction外部サイトThe future of geological modelling in hydrocarbon development外部サイトSedimentation in the African rifts外部サイトGeology of the Brent Group外部サイトAlpine tectonics外部サイトAppreciating physical landscapes : three hundred years of geotourism外部サイトCoal and coal-bearing strata : recent advances外部サイトGeoarchaeology : exploration, environments, resources外部サイトNatural and anthropogenic hazards in karst areas : recognition, analysis and mitigation外部サイトSlope tectonics外部サイトDeformation of the Continental Crust : The Legacy of Mike Coward外部サイトSustainable minerals operations in the developing world外部サイトDeformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: from minerals to the lithosphere外部サイトMartian gullies and their Earth analogues外部サイトMagnetic susceptibility application : a window onto ancient environments and climatic variations外部サイトThick-skin-dominated orogens : from initial inversion to full accretion外部サイトThe Caledonian-Appalachian orogen外部サイトTrench-forearc geology : sedimentation and tectonics on modern and ancient active plate margins外部サイトSouth Caspian to central Iran basins外部サイトMesozoic and cenozoic carbonate systems of the Mediterranean and the middle east : stratigraphic and diagenetic reference models外部サイトUnderstanding the micro to macro behaviour of rock-fluid systems外部サイトQuaternary glaciation in the Mediterranean mountains外部サイトTransform margins : development, controls and petroleum systems外部サイトMineral deposits and earth evolution外部サイトOrbital forcing timescales and cyclostratigraphy外部サイトThe Geological evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean外部サイトGeology and geochemistry of abyssal plains外部サイトPalaeosurfaces : recognition, reconstruction and palaeoenvironmental interpretation外部サイトSedimentology of paralic reservoirs : recent advances外部サイトClays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement外部サイトReservoir quality of clastic and carbonate rocks : analysis, modelling and prediction外部サイトOrogenic andesites and crustal growth外部サイトForced folds and fractures外部サイトConjugate divergent margins外部サイトRiver-dominated shelf sediments of East Asian seas外部サイトVolcano instability on the earth and other planets外部サイトMechanisms of activity and unrest at large calderas外部サイトGeological applications of wireline logs外部サイトMarine petroleum source rocks外部サイトSustainable Groundwater Development外部サイトTectonic evolution of the eastern Black Sea and Caucasus外部サイトDevelopments in sedimentary provenance studies外部サイトNew developments in improved oil recovery外部サイトBraided rivers外部サイトContinental extensional tectonics外部サイトLate Quaternary palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic margins外部サイトHistory of palaeobotany : selected essays外部サイトBiotic recovery from mass extinction events外部サイトGeological prior information : informing science and engineering外部サイトCoastal tectonics外部サイトAspects of the Tectonic Evolution of China外部サイトGlacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins外部サイトStone in historic buildings : characterization and performance外部サイトVertical coupling and decoupling in the lithosphere外部サイトThe palynology and micropalaeontology of boundaries外部サイトSalt, Shale and Igneous Diapirs in and around Europe外部サイトTectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region外部サイトGlobal Heritage Stone : towards international recognition of building and ornamental stones外部サイトCharacterization of deep marine clastic systems外部サイトGround penetrating radar in sediments外部サイトGeodynamic processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina外部サイトMagmatic rifting and active volcanism外部サイトFractured reservoirs外部サイトTectonics and seismic sequence stratigraphy外部サイトThe SE Asian gateway : history and tectonics of the Australia-Asia collision外部サイトThe English Zechstein and related topics外部サイトNatural stone resources for historical monuments外部サイトChemical, physical and temporal evolution of magmatic systems外部サイトVolcanism and tectonism across the inner solar system外部サイトPetroleum geochemistry and exploration of Europe外部サイトGroundwater contaminants and their migration外部サイトLate Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE Asia外部サイトPhysical geology of high-level magmatic systems外部サイトDetecting, modelling and responding to effusive eruptions外部サイトGeological applications of wireline logs II/ edited by A. Hurst, C.M. Griffiths, P.F. Worthington外部サイトResidual deposits : surface related weathering processes and materials外部サイトEvolution of the Levant margin and Western Arabia platform since the Mesozoic外部サイトPalaeozoic amalgamation of Central Europe外部サイトThe deliberate search for the stratigraphic trap外部サイトBiogeochemical controls on palaeoceanographic environmental proxies外部サイトIsland Britain : a quaternary perspective外部サイトGeological data management外部サイトMesozoic biotas of Scandinavia and its Arctic territories外部サイトTime and place in orogeny外部サイトOrigins and evolution of the Antarctic Biota外部サイトNon-marine Permian biostratigraphy and biochronology外部サイトGeochronology : linking the isotopic record with petrology and textures外部サイトCase histories and methods in mineral resource evaluation外部サイトGeomechanics and geology外部サイトIndustrial structural geology : principles, techniques and integration外部サイトDiagenesis of sedimentary sequences外部サイトThe rise and fall of the Ediacaran biota外部サイトHydrocarbon exploration to exploitation west of Shetlands外部サイトContinental tectonics外部サイトThe nature and tectonic significance of fault zone weakening外部サイトEvolution of the Lewisian and comparable Precambrian high grade terrains外部サイトForensic geoscience : principles, techniques and applications外部サイトAntarctica and supercontinent evolution外部サイトFluid flow in sedimentary basins and aquifers外部サイトPetroleum geology of Southeast Asia外部サイトCoastal and estuarine environments : sedimentology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology外部サイトChemical containment of waste in the geosphere外部サイトThe geometry and petrogenesis of dolomite hydrocarbon reservoirs外部サイトHigh-strain zones : structure and physical properties外部サイトExploration of subsurface Antarctica : uncovering past changes and modern processes外部サイトSedimentology : recent developments and applied aspects外部サイトStrata and time : probing the gaps in our understanding外部サイトVolcano-ice interaction on Earth and Mars外部サイトSedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian platform外部サイトTracing tectonic deformation using the sedimentary record外部サイトMagnetic fabric : methods and applications外部サイトThe physics of explosive volcanic eruptions外部サイトSubsurface sediment mobilization外部サイトThe Himalayan cryosphere : past and present外部サイトEarth system evolution and early life : a celebration of the work of Martin Brasier外部サイトFractography : fracture topography as a tool in fracture mechanics and stress analysis外部サイトCoalbed methane and coal geology外部サイトCretaceous--Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments : James Ross Basin, Antarctica外部サイトDeformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics外部サイトDevonian climate, sea level and evolutionary events外部サイトThrust and nappe tectonics外部サイトHigh resolution sequence stratigraphy : innovations and applications外部サイトModern ocean floor processes and the geological record外部サイトThe phanerozoic time-scale : a supplement外部サイトMesozoic resource potential in the southern permian basin外部サイトDevelopments in sedimentary provenance studies外部サイトVariscan tectonics of the North Atlantic region外部サイトGeology of the earthquake source : a volume in honour of Rick Sibson外部サイトMarine tephrochronology外部サイトAdvances in karst research : theory, fieldwork and applications外部サイトThe initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures外部サイトHydrothermal vents and processes外部サイトSalt tectonics外部サイトRock deformation from field, experiments and theory : a volume in honour of Ernie Rutter外部サイトInversion tectonics外部サイトWestern north Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography外部サイトThe making of the Geological Society of London外部サイトTerrane processes at the margins of Gondwana外部サイトContinental tectonics and mountain building : the legacy of Peach and Horne外部サイトBasin modelling: practice and progress外部サイトPhosphorite research and development外部サイトImaging, mapping and modelling continental lithosphere extension and breakup外部サイトCompositional data analysis in the geosciences : from theory to practice外部サイトFundamental controls on fluid flow in carbonates : current workflows to emerging technologies外部サイトFine-grained sediments : deep-water processes and facies外部サイトEnvironmental geochemistry and health : with special reference to developing countries外部サイトNew techniques in sediment core analysis外部サイトGold-transporting hydrothermal fluids in the earth's crust外部サイトPalaeomagnetism in fold and thrust belts : new perspectives外部サイトGroundwater in the Celtic Regions : Studies in Hard Rock and Quaternary Hydrogeology外部サイトSeismicity, fault rupture and earthquake hazards in slowly deforming regions外部サイトBiostratigraphy in production and development geology外部サイトPalaeomagnetism and tectonics of the Mediterranean region外部サイトAlkaline igneous rocks外部サイトThe geometry and growth of normal faults外部サイトHistory of palaeobotany : selected essays外部サイトTectonics of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends外部サイトLandscape evolution : denudation, climate and tectonics over different time and space scales外部サイトCrust-mantle interactions and granitoid diversification : insights from Archaean cratons外部サイトIntra-oceanic subduction systems : tectonic and magmatic processes外部サイトGeofluids : origin, migration and evolution of fluids in sedimentary basins外部サイトCore-log integration外部サイトThe evolving continents : understanding processes of continental growth外部サイトEvaporites through space and time外部サイトIsotopic studies in cretaceous research外部サイトThe Geometry of normal faults外部サイトDeformation of sediments and sedimentary rocks外部サイトEvolution of metamorphic belts外部サイトPalaeozoic climate cycles : their evolutionary and sedimentological impact外部サイトCollision tectonics外部サイトMine water hydrogeology and geochemistry外部サイトThe history of meteoritics and key meteorite collections : fireballs, falls and finds外部サイトUpwelling systems : evolution since the Early Miocene外部サイトThe relationship between damage and localization外部サイトBuilding stone decay : from diagnosis to conservation外部サイトHolocene land-ocean interaction and environmental change around the North Sea外部サイトGeomaterials in cultural heritage外部サイトMilitary aspects of geology : fortification, excavation and terrain evaluation外部サイトFolding and fracturing of rocks : 50 years of research since the seminal text book of J.G. Ramsay外部サイトGlaciated margins : the sedimentary and geophysical archive外部サイトCharacterization of modern and historical seismic-tsunamic events, and their global-societal impacts外部サイトGeological processes on continental margins : sedimentation, mass-wasting and stability外部サイトSubsurface sand remobilization and injection外部サイトThe carboniferous timescale外部サイトThe carboniferous timescale外部サイトHP-UHP metamorphism and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts外部サイトPost-Archean granitic rocks : petrogenetic processes and tectonic environments外部サイトGeoethics : status and future perspectives外部サイトLamprophyres, lamproites and related rocks : tracers to supercontinent cycles and metallogenesis外部サイトMilitary aspects of hydrogeology外部サイトFold and thrust belts : structural style, evolution and exploration外部サイトFifty years of the Wilson cycle concept in plate tectonics外部サイトGeomagnetic field variations in the past : new data, applications and recent advances外部サイトCelebrating 100 years of female fellowship of the Geological Society : discovering forgotten histories外部サイトMultiple roles of clays in radioactive waste confinement外部サイトMetamorphic geology : microscale to mountain belts外部サイトStable isotope studies of the water cycle and terrestrial environments外部サイトSeismic characterization of carbonate platforms and reservoirs外部サイトCrustal architecture and evolution of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet orogen外部サイトLarge igneous provinces and their plumbing systems外部サイトRecent advances in understanding gold deposits : from orogeny to alluvium外部サイトSubaqueous mass movements and their consequences : advances in process understanding, monitoring and hazard assessments外部サイトSubaqueous mass movements and their consequences : assessing geohazards, environmental implications and economic significance of subaqueous landslides外部サイトHimalayan tectonics : a modern synthesis外部サイトIntegrated fault seal analysis外部サイトThe changing role of geological surveys外部サイトGroundwater in fractured bedrock environments : managing catchment and subsurface resources外部サイトApplications of non-pollen palynomorphs : from palaeoenvironmental reconstructions to biostratigraphy外部サイトPaleozoic plays of NW Europe外部サイトAspects of the life and works of Archibald Geikie外部サイトArchean granitoids of India : windows into early earth tectonics外部サイトForensic soil science and geology外部サイトCretaceous climate events and short-term sea-level changes外部サイトActive volcanoes of China外部サイトCarbon cycle and ecosystem response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic)外部サイトMineralization and sustainable development in the West African Craton : from field observations to modelling外部サイトCratonic basin formation : a case study of the Parnaíba Basin of Brazil外部サイトPaleozoic plays of NW Europe外部サイトCross-border themes in petroleum geology外部サイト



  • Fractal analysis for natural hazards

  • Non-biostratigraphical methods of dating and correlation

  • Flow processes in faults and shear zones

  • Kinematic evolution and structural styles of fold-and-thrust belts

  • The use of palaeomagnetism and rock magnetism to understand volcanic processes





  • CiNii Research

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26 cm
Special publications of the Geological Society
Special publications of the Geological Society of London
Special publication
Geological Society special publications
Imprint varies: Edinburgh : Scottish Academic Press; London : Geological Society
Fractal analysis for natural hazards
Non-biostratigraphical methods of dating and correlation
Flow processes in faults and shear zones
Kinematic evolution and structural styles of fold-and-thrust belts
The use of palaeomagnetism and rock magnetism to understand volcanic processes
Deep-water sedimentation in the Alpine Basin of SE France : new perspectives on the Grès d'Annot and related systems
Devonian change : Case studies in palaeogeography and palaeoecology
New perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and related areas
Sedimentary coastal zones from high to low latitudes : similarities and differences
The Dynamics and environmental context of aeolian sedimentary systems
Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the geosciences
Periglacial and paraglacial processes and environments
Lyell : the past is the key to the present
Intraplate strike-slip deformation belts
Orogenic Processes : Quantification and Modelling in Variscan Belt
The value of outcrop studies in reducing subsurface uncertainty and risk in hydrocarbon exploration and production
Characterization of ore-forming systems from geological, geochemical and geophysical studies
Supercontinent cycles through earth history
Dinosaurs and other extinct saurians : a historical perspective
Gondwana and Tethys
Coal and coal-bearing strata : recent advances
History of geoscience : celebrating 50 years of INHIGEO
Magnetic methods and the timing of geological processes
Tectonics of the Deccan Large Igneous Province
Cenozoic foreland basins of Western Europe
Carbonate ramps
Fluid flow and solute movement in sandstones : the onshore UK Permo-Triassic red bed sequence
Evolution and palaeobiology of pterosaurs
Myth and geology
West Gondwana : pre-Cenozoic correlations across the South Atlantic Region
Subseismic-scale reservoir deformation
Volcanic Degassing
Submarine slope systems : processes and products
Understanding petroleum reservoirs : towards an integrated reservoir engineering and geochemical approach
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics : current status and future perspectives
Natural hazards in the Asia-Pacific region : recent advances and emerging concepts
Continent formation through time
Arthur Smith Woodward : his life and influence on modern vertebrate palaeontology
Function of soils for human societies and the environment
Economic and palaeoceanographic significance of contourite deposits
Petroleum geology of Africa : new themes and developing technologies
Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts : data for orogenic studies
Uplift, erosion and stability : perspectives on long-term landscape development
Orogeny through time
Weddell sea tectonics and gondwana break-up
Channel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation in continental collision zones
Volcanism associated with extension at consuming plate margins
Geoethics : the role and responsibility of geoscientists
Human interactions with the geosphere : the geoarchaeological perspective
The age of the earth : from 4004 BC to AD 2002
Tectonic, magmatic, hydrothermal and biological segmentation of mid-ocean ridges
Deformation structures and processes within the continental crust
Non-volcanic rifting of continental margins : a comparison of evidence from land and sea
Environmental and criminal geoforensics
The Neuquén Basin, Argentina : a case study in sequence stratigraphy and basin dynamics
Marine palaeoenvironmental analysis from fossils
Radioactive waste confinement : clays in natural and engineered barriers
Sustainable use of traditional geomaterials in construction practice
Exhumation of the North Atlantic margin : timing, mechanisms, and implications for petroleum exploration
Gas generation and migration in deep geological radioactive waste repositories
What drives metamorphism and metamorphic reactions ?
Devonian events and correlations
Advances in the study of fractured reservoirs
Continental reactivation and reworking
Deltas : sites and traps for fossil fuels
Microbial carbonates in space and time : implications for global exploration and production
Tectonics of the Himalaya
Fractures, fluid flow and mineralization
Sedimentary responses to forced regressions
Magmatism in the ocean basins
Himalayan tectonics
New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone
Hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks
North Atlantic palaeoceanography
Magmatism and the causes of continental break-up
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics : microstructures, mechanics and anisotropy
Geological development of anatolia and the easternmost mediterranean region
Geohazard in rocky coastal areas
Fluid motions in volcanic conduits : a source of seismic and acoustic signals
Tufas and speleothems : unravelling the microbial and physical controls
The early earth : physical, chemical, and biological development
New insights into structural interpretation and modelling
Anatomy, phylogeny and palaeobiology of early archosaurs and their kin
Cool-water carbonates : depositional systems and palaeoenvironmental controls
Petrological evolution of the European lithospheric mantle
Classic petroleum provinces
Manganese mineralizaion : geochemistry and mineralogy of terrestrial and marine deposits
Coal and coal-bearing strata as oil-prone source rocks?
Geohazards in Indonesia : earth science for disaster risk reduction
Geological evolution of Central Asian basins and the western Tien Shan Range
Ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere
The earth inside and out : some major contributions to geology in the twentieth century
Tectonics of the western Mediterranean and North Africa
The application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis
Geology and Archaeology : Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf
The Afar volcanic province within the East African rift system
High resolution stratigraphy
Meteorites : flux with time and impact effects
Seismic geomorphology : applications to hydrocarbon exploration and production
Global continental changes : the context of palaeohydrology
A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene
Dynamics of the Norwegian Margin
The geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean
Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems
Mineral Resource Evaluation II : Methods and Case Histories
Early-middle pleistocene transitions : the land-ocean evidence
Tertiary deep-marine reservoirs of the north sea region
Sediment-body geometry and heterogeneity : analogue studies for modelling the subsurface
Geology of the Humber Group : Central Graben and Moray Firth, UKCS
History of the european oil and gas industry
The NE Atlantic region : a reappraisal of crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy and magmatic evolution
The Permian timescale
Ore deposits in an evolving Earth
Geology of siliciclastic shelf seas
The evolutionary biology of the bivalvia
Proterozoic East Gondwana : supercontinent assembly and breakup
Faulting, fracturing and igneous intrusion in the earth's crust
Large igneous provinces from Gondwana and adjacent regions
Radon, health and natural hazards
Tectonics of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis and the Western Himalaya
The tectonic and climatic evolution of the Arabian Sea Region
The North Atlantic igneous province : stratigraphy, tectonic, volcanic, and magmatic processes
Floodplains : interdisciplinary approaches
Confined turbidite systems
Palaeoproterozoic supercontinents and global evolution
Geological storage of carbon dioxide
Petroleum migration
Palaeowaters in coastal Europe : evolution of groundwater since the late Pleistocene
Advances in [40]Ar/[39]Ar dating : from archaeology to planetary sciences
Monsoon evolution and tectonics : climate linkage in Asia
Coastal and shelf sediment transport
Carbonate Platform Systems : components and interactions
Petrophysical properties of crystalline rocks
Geological evolution of ocean basins : results from the ocean drilling program
Tsunamis : geology, hazards and risks
Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system
European coal geology and technology
New perspectives on pterosaur palaeobiology
Petroleum geoscience of the West Africa margin
Geology and medicine : historical connections
From source to seep : geochemical applicatons in hydrocarbon systems
Precambrian crustal evolution in the North Atlantic region
The Nature of the lower continental crust
Modern developments in structural interpretation, validation and modelling
200 years of British hydrogeology
Permo-carboniferous magmatism and rifting in Europe
Growth and collapse of the Tibetan Plateau
Geomechanical and petrophysical properties of mudrocks
Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic
Petroleum geology of the Irish Sea and adjacent areas
Sediment flux to basins : causes, controls and consequences
Basins on the Atlantic seaboard : petroleum geology, sedimentology and basin evolution
Alluvial fans : geomorphology, sedimentology, dynamics
The role of volatiles in the genesis, evolution and eruption of arc magmas
Fracture and in-situ stress characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs
Remagnetization and chemical alteration of sedimentary rocks
Palaeobiogeography and biodiversity change : the Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic radiations
Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia
Recent advances in Lower Carboniferous geology
Reservoir compartmentalization
Mapping hazardous terrain using remote sensing
Petroleum geology of the southern North Sea : future potential
Characterization of fluvial and aeolian reservoirs
Palaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography from laminated sediments
Sedimentary basins and crustal processes at continental margins : from modern hyper-extended margins to deformed ancient analogues
The Geology and tectonics of the Oman region
The Variscan Orogeny : extent, timescale and the formation of the European crust
Volcanoes in the Quaternary
Deformation of glacial materials
Circum-Arctic lithosphere evolution
Coastal and estuarine environments : sedimentoloty, geomorphology and geoarchaeology
The petroleum exploration of Ireland's offshore basins
Developments in petrophysics
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks
Tectonics and magmatism in Turkey and the surrounding area
Monogenetic volcanism
Gas hydrates : relevance to world margin stability and climate change
Energy, waste and the environment : a geochemical perspective
Marginal basin geology : volcanic and associated sedimentary and tectonic processes in modern and ancient marginal basins
Sedimentary processes in the intertidal zone
Drift exploration in glaciated terrain
Modern and ancient continental shelf anoxia
Integrated environmental modelling to solve real world problems : methods, vision and challenges
In sight of the suture : Palaeozoic geology of the Isle of Man in its Iapetus Ocean context
Desert sediments : ancient and modern
Geochemistry and mineralization of Proterozoic volcanic suites
The history of geoconservation
Understanding granites : integrating new and classical techniques . Castro , C . Fernandez and J. L. Vigneresse
Sediment provenance studies in hydrocarbon exploration and production
Early precambrian processes
Exhumation processes : normal faulting, ductile flow and erosion
Early Tertiary volcanism and the opening of the NE Atlantic
Climates : past and present
The archaeology of geological catastrophes
Martian geomorphology
Palaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations : climatic and evolutionary controls
Analogue and numerical modelling of crustal-scale processes
Ophiolites in earth history
The Mediterranean Basins : Tertiary Extension within the Alpine Orogen
Evolution of metamorphic belts
Remote sensing of volcanoes and volcanic processes : integrating observation and modelling
Magmatic processes and plate tectonics
Petroleum geology of the Black Sea
Cryospheric systems : glaciers and permafrost
The timing and location of major ore deposits in an evolving orogen
River to reservoir : geoscience to engineering
Passive margins : tectonics, sedimentation and magmatism
Application of analytical techniques to petroleum systems
Pannotia to Pangaea : neoproterozoic and paleozoic orogenic cycles in the Circum-Atlantic Region
Global heritage stone : worldwide examples of heritage stones
The basins, orogens and evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean
The great Ordovician biodiversification event : insights from the Tafilalt Biota, Morocco
Cross-border themes in petroleum geology
Mesozoic biological events and ecosystems in East Asia
From continental shelf to slope : mapping the oceanic realm
Volcanic processes in the sedimentary record : when volcanoes meet the environment
Structural geology in reservoir characterization
Palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of graptolites : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Graptolite Working Group of the International Palaeontological Association, held at Cambridge University, 1-15 September, 1981
Geochemistry and geophysics of active volcanic lakes
Granite-related ore deposits
Natural stone, weathering phenomena, conservation strategies and case studies
Ophiolites and their modern oceanic analogues
Geology and geomorphology of alluvial and fluvial fans : terrestrial and planetary perspectives
Mesozoic sub-continental lithospheric thinning under Eastern Asia
Correlation of the early Paleogene in Northwest Europe
Tectonic evolution of the Oman Mountains
A history of geology and medicine
Antarctic palaeoenvironments and earth-surface processes
Climate change and groundwater
Origin and evolution of the ontong java plateau
Crustal evolution of India and Antarctica : the supercontinent connection
Basin inversion
Geodynamic evolution of East Antarctica : a key to the East-West Gondwana connection
Dating and duration of fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction
The future of geological modelling in hydrocarbon development
Sedimentation in the African rifts
Geology of the Brent Group
Alpine tectonics
Appreciating physical landscapes : three hundred years of geotourism
Coal and coal-bearing strata : recent advances
Geoarchaeology : exploration, environments, resources
Natural and anthropogenic hazards in karst areas : recognition, analysis and mitigation
Slope tectonics
Deformation of the Continental Crust : The Legacy of Mike Coward
Sustainable minerals operations in the developing world
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: from minerals to the lithosphere
Martian gullies and their Earth analogues
Magnetic susceptibility application : a window onto ancient environments and climatic variations
Thick-skin-dominated orogens : from initial inversion to full accretion
The Caledonian-Appalachian orogen
Trench-forearc geology : sedimentation and tectonics on modern and ancient active plate margins
South Caspian to central Iran basins
Mesozoic and cenozoic carbonate systems of the Mediterranean and the middle east : stratigraphic and diagenetic reference models
Understanding the micro to macro behaviour of rock-fluid systems
Quaternary glaciation in the Mediterranean mountains
Transform margins : development, controls and petroleum systems
Mineral deposits and earth evolution
Orbital forcing timescales and cyclostratigraphy
The Geological evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean
Geology and geochemistry of abyssal plains
Palaeosurfaces : recognition, reconstruction and palaeoenvironmental interpretation
Sedimentology of paralic reservoirs : recent advances
Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement
Reservoir quality of clastic and carbonate rocks : analysis, modelling and prediction
Orogenic andesites and crustal growth
Forced folds and fractures
Conjugate divergent margins
River-dominated shelf sediments of East Asian seas
Volcano instability on the earth and other planets
Mechanisms of activity and unrest at large calderas
Geological applications of wireline logs
Marine petroleum source rocks
Sustainable Groundwater Development
Tectonic evolution of the eastern Black Sea and Caucasus
Developments in sedimentary provenance studies
New developments in improved oil recovery
Braided rivers
Continental extensional tectonics
Late Quaternary palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic margins
History of palaeobotany : selected essays
Biotic recovery from mass extinction events
Geological prior information : informing science and engineering
Coastal tectonics
Aspects of the Tectonic Evolution of China
Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins
Stone in historic buildings : characterization and performance
Vertical coupling and decoupling in the lithosphere
The palynology and micropalaeontology of boundaries
Salt, Shale and Igneous Diapirs in and around Europe
Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Global Heritage Stone : towards international recognition of building and ornamental stones
Characterization of deep marine clastic systems
Ground penetrating radar in sediments
Geodynamic processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina
Magmatic rifting and active volcanism
Fractured reservoirs
Tectonics and seismic sequence stratigraphy
The SE Asian gateway : history and tectonics of the Australia-Asia collision
The English Zechstein and related topics
Natural stone resources for historical monuments
Chemical, physical and temporal evolution of magmatic systems
Volcanism and tectonism across the inner solar system
Petroleum geochemistry and exploration of Europe
Groundwater contaminants and their migration
Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE Asia
Physical geology of high-level magmatic systems
Detecting, modelling and responding to effusive eruptions
Geological applications of wireline logs II/ edited by A. Hurst, C.M. Griffiths, P.F. Worthington
Residual deposits : surface related weathering processes and materials
Evolution of the Levant margin and Western Arabia platform since the Mesozoic
Palaeozoic amalgamation of Central Europe
The deliberate search for the stratigraphic trap
Biogeochemical controls on palaeoceanographic environmental proxies
Island Britain : a quaternary perspective
Geological data management
Mesozoic biotas of Scandinavia and its Arctic territories
Time and place in orogeny
Origins and evolution of the Antarctic Biota
Non-marine Permian biostratigraphy and biochronology
Geochronology : linking the isotopic record with petrology and textures
Case histories and methods in mineral resource evaluation
Geomechanics and geology
Industrial structural geology : principles, techniques and integration
Diagenesis of sedimentary sequences
The rise and fall of the Ediacaran biota
Hydrocarbon exploration to exploitation west of Shetlands
Continental tectonics
The nature and tectonic significance of fault zone weakening
Evolution of the Lewisian and comparable Precambrian high grade terrains
Forensic geoscience : principles, techniques and applications
Antarctica and supercontinent evolution
Fluid flow in sedimentary basins and aquifers
Petroleum geology of Southeast Asia
Coastal and estuarine environments : sedimentology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology
Chemical containment of waste in the geosphere
The geometry and petrogenesis of dolomite hydrocarbon reservoirs
High-strain zones : structure and physical properties
Exploration of subsurface Antarctica : uncovering past changes and modern processes
Sedimentology : recent developments and applied aspects
Strata and time : probing the gaps in our understanding
Volcano-ice interaction on Earth and Mars
Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian platform
Tracing tectonic deformation using the sedimentary record
Magnetic fabric : methods and applications
The physics of explosive volcanic eruptions
Subsurface sediment mobilization
The Himalayan cryosphere : past and present
Earth system evolution and early life : a celebration of the work of Martin Brasier
Fractography : fracture topography as a tool in fracture mechanics and stress analysis
Coalbed methane and coal geology
Cretaceous--Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments : James Ross Basin, Antarctica
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics
Devonian climate, sea level and evolutionary events
Thrust and nappe tectonics
High resolution sequence stratigraphy : innovations and applications
Modern ocean floor processes and the geological record
The phanerozoic time-scale : a supplement
Mesozoic resource potential in the southern permian basin
Developments in sedimentary provenance studies
Variscan tectonics of the North Atlantic region
Geology of the earthquake source : a volume in honour of Rick Sibson
Marine tephrochronology
Advances in karst research : theory, fieldwork and applications
The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures
Hydrothermal vents and processes
Salt tectonics
Rock deformation from field, experiments and theory : a volume in honour of Ernie Rutter
Inversion tectonics
Western north Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography
The making of the Geological Society of London
Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana
Continental tectonics and mountain building : the legacy of Peach and Horne
Basin modelling: practice and progress
Phosphorite research and development
Imaging, mapping and modelling continental lithosphere extension and breakup
Compositional data analysis in the geosciences : from theory to practice
Fundamental controls on fluid flow in carbonates : current workflows to emerging technologies
Fine-grained sediments : deep-water processes and facies
Environmental geochemistry and health : with special reference to developing countries
New techniques in sediment core analysis
Gold-transporting hydrothermal fluids in the earth's crust
Palaeomagnetism in fold and thrust belts : new perspectives
Groundwater in the Celtic Regions : Studies in Hard Rock and Quaternary Hydrogeology
Seismicity, fault rupture and earthquake hazards in slowly deforming regions
Biostratigraphy in production and development geology
Palaeomagnetism and tectonics of the Mediterranean region
Alkaline igneous rocks
The geometry and growth of normal faults
History of palaeobotany : selected essays
Tectonics of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends
Landscape evolution : denudation, climate and tectonics over different time and space scales
Crust-mantle interactions and granitoid diversification : insights from Archaean cratons
Intra-oceanic subduction systems : tectonic and magmatic processes
Geofluids : origin, migration and evolution of fluids in sedimentary basins
Core-log integration
The evolving continents : understanding processes of continental growth
Evaporites through space and time
Isotopic studies in cretaceous research
The Geometry of normal faults
Deformation of sediments and sedimentary rocks
Evolution of metamorphic belts
Palaeozoic climate cycles : their evolutionary and sedimentological impact
Collision tectonics
Mine water hydrogeology and geochemistry
The history of meteoritics and key meteorite collections : fireballs, falls and finds
Upwelling systems : evolution since the Early Miocene
The relationship between damage and localization
Building stone decay : from diagnosis to conservation
Holocene land-ocean interaction and environmental change around the North Sea
Geomaterials in cultural heritage
Military aspects of geology : fortification, excavation and terrain evaluation
Folding and fracturing of rocks : 50 years of research since the seminal text book of J.G. Ramsay
Glaciated margins : the sedimentary and geophysical archive
Characterization of modern and historical seismic-tsunamic events, and their global-societal impacts
Geological processes on continental margins : sedimentation, mass-wasting and stability
Subsurface sand remobilization and injection
The carboniferous timescale
The carboniferous timescale
HP-UHP metamorphism and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts
Post-Archean granitic rocks : petrogenetic processes and tectonic environments
Geoethics : status and future perspectives
Lamprophyres, lamproites and related rocks : tracers to supercontinent cycles and metallogenesis
Military aspects of hydrogeology
Fold and thrust belts : structural style, evolution and exploration
Fifty years of the Wilson cycle concept in plate tectonics
Geomagnetic field variations in the past : new data, applications and recent advances
Celebrating 100 years of female fellowship of the Geological Society : discovering forgotten histories
Multiple roles of clays in radioactive waste confinement
Metamorphic geology : microscale to mountain belts
Stable isotope studies of the water cycle and terrestrial environments
Seismic characterization of carbonate platforms and reservoirs
Crustal architecture and evolution of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet orogen
Large igneous provinces and their plumbing systems
Recent advances in understanding gold deposits : from orogeny to alluvium
Subaqueous mass movements and their consequences : advances in process understanding, monitoring and hazard assessments
Subaqueous mass movements and their consequences : assessing geohazards, environmental implications and economic significance of subaqueous landslides
Himalayan tectonics : a modern synthesis
Integrated fault seal analysis
The changing role of geological surveys
Groundwater in fractured bedrock environments : managing catchment and subsurface resources
Applications of non-pollen palynomorphs : from palaeoenvironmental reconstructions to biostratigraphy
Paleozoic plays of NW Europe
Aspects of the life and works of Archibald Geikie
Archean granitoids of India : windows into early earth tectonics
Forensic soil science and geology
Cretaceous climate events and short-term sea-level changes
Active volcanoes of China
Carbon cycle and ecosystem response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic)
Mineralization and sustainable development in the West African Craton : from field observations to modelling
Cratonic basin formation : a case study of the Parnaíba Basin of Brazil
Paleozoic plays of NW Europe
Cross-border themes in petroleum geology