
Law and society series


Law and society series

Pue, W. Wesley
UBC Press



General editor: W. Wesley Pue


Let right be done : Aboriginal title, the Calder case, and the future of Indigenous rights外部サイトAboriginal justice and the Charter : realizing a culturally sensitive interpretation of legal rights外部サイトGoverning with the Charter : legislative and judicial activism and framers' intent外部サイトThe last word : media coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada外部サイトDebating hate crime : language, legislatures, and the law in Canada外部サイトMulticultural nationalism : civilizing difference, constituting community外部サイトGood government? good citizens? : courts, politics, and markets in a changing Canada外部サイトContemporary slavery : popular rhetoric and political practice外部サイトDefending rights in Russia : lawyers, the State, and legal reform in the Post-Soviet era外部サイトMurdering holiness : the trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell外部サイトCritical disability theory : essays in philosophy, politics, policy, and law外部サイトOn the outside : from lengthy imprisonment to lasting freedom外部サイトDefending battered women on trial : lessons from the transcripts外部サイトIn defence of principles : NGOs and human rights in Canada外部サイトLaw and religious pluralism in Canada外部サイトSecuring borders : detention and deportation in Canada外部サイトThe grand experiment : law and legal culture in British settler societies外部サイトContested constitutionalism : reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms外部サイトThe strategic constitution : understanding Canadian power in the world外部サイトTransforming law's family : the legal recognition of planned lesbian motherhood外部サイトMulti-party litigation : the strategic context外部サイトStill dying for a living : corporate criminal liability after the Westray Mine disaster外部サイトGoverning irregular migration : bordering culture, labour, and security in Spain外部サイトUnnatural law : rethinking Canadian environmental law and policy外部サイトReaction and resistance : feminism, law, and social change外部サイトCritical criminology in Canada : new voices, new directions外部サイトPeople and place : historical influences on legal culture外部サイトEnforcing exclusion : precarious migrants and the law in Canada外部サイトNegotiating responsibility : law, murder, and states of mind外部サイトConstitutional politics in Canada after the Charter : liberalism, communitarianism, and systemism外部サイトDiversity and equality : the changing framework of freedom in Canada外部サイトHumanitarianism, identity, and nation : migration laws of Australia and Canada外部サイトUnwilling mothers, unwanted babies : infanticide in Canada外部サイトFirst Nations cultural heritage and law : case studies, voices, and perspectives外部サイトWestward bound : sex, violence, the law, and the making of a settler society外部サイトDefining rights and wrongs : bureaucracy, human rights, and public accountability外部サイトThe environmental rights revolution : a global study of constitutions, human rights, and the environment外部サイトFragile settlements : Aboriginal peoples, law, and resistance in south-west Australia and prairie Canada外部サイトFeminist activism in the Supreme Court : legal mobilization and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund外部サイトTaxing choices : the intersection of class, gender, parenthood, and the law外部サイトIn search of the ethical lawyer : stories from the Canadian legal profession外部サイトUncertain accommodation : Aboriginal identity and group rights in the Supreme Court of Canada外部サイトGlobal biopiracy : patents, plants, and indigenous knowledge外部サイトColonial proximities : crossracial encounters and juridical truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921外部サイトEquality deferred : sex discrimination and British Columbia's human rights state, 1953-84外部サイトCollective insecurity : the Liberian crisis, unilateralism, and global order外部サイトAccusation : creating criminals外部サイトFrom UI to EI : waging war on the welfare state外部サイトDefining harm : religious freedom and the limits of the law外部サイトPoverty : rights, social citizenship, and legal activism外部サイトLaws and societies in the Canadian prairie west, 1670-1940外部サイトPutting the state on trial : the policing of protest during the G20 Summit外部サイトGhost dancing with colonialism : decolonization and Indigenous rights at the Supreme Court of Canada外部サイトGoverning from the bench : the Supreme Court of Canada and the judicial role外部サイトHunger, horses, and government men : criminal law on the aboriginal plains, 1870-1905外部サイトInternational trade law and domestic policy : Canada, the United States, and the WTO外部サイトConflict in Caledonia : aboriginal land rights and the rule of law外部サイトConstructing crime : contemporary processes of criminalization外部サイトProtection of first nations cultural heritage : laws, policy, and reform外部サイトCompulsory compassion : a critique of restorative justice外部サイトThe new lawyer : how settlement is transforming the practice of law外部サイトRegulating lives : historical essays on the state, society, the individual, and the law外部サイトTo right historical wrongs : race, gender, and sentencing in Canada外部サイトBetween justice and certainty : treaty making in British Columbia外部サイトUnjust by design : Canada's administrative justice system外部サイトParole in Canada : gender and diversity in the federal system外部サイトHealth care and the Charter : legal mobilization and policy change in Canada外部サイトThe politics of acknowledgement : truth commissions in Uganda and Haiti外部サイトMulticulturalism and the Canadian constitution外部サイトThe courts and the colonies : the litigation of Hutterite Church disputes外部サイトCleaner, greener, healthier : a prescription for stronger Canadian environmental laws and policies外部サイトTournament of appeals : granting judicial review in Canada外部サイトAttitudinal decision making in the Supreme Court of Canada外部サイトAboriginal title and indigenous peoples : Canada, Australia, and New Zealand外部サイトFirst Nations sacred sites in Canada's courts外部サイトA perilous imbalance : the globalization of Canadian law and governance外部サイトGender in the legal profession : fitting or breaking the mould外部サイトClass actions in Canada : the promise and reality of access to justice外部サイトLanding Native fisheries : Indian reserves and fishing rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925外部サイトCourts and federalism : judicial doctrine in the United States, Australia, and Canada外部サイトThe right to a healthy environment : revitalizing Canada's constitution外部サイトSeeking the court's advice : the politics of the Canadian reference power外部サイトConstructing crime : contemporary processes of criminalization外部サイトPower played : a critical criminology of sport外部サイトDebating hate crime : language, legislatures, and the law in Canada外部サイトClass actions in Canada : the promise and reality of access to justice外部サイトRefugee law after 9/11 : sanctuary and security in Canada and the US外部サイトFragile settlements : Aboriginal peoples, law, and resistance in south-west Australia and prairie Canada外部サイトFaith or fraud : fortune-telling, spirituality, and the law外部サイトBanning transgender conversion practices : a legal and policy analysis外部サイトReligious diversity in Canadian public schools : rethinking the role of law外部サイトConstitutional crossroads : reflections on charter rights, reconciliation, and change外部サイト



  • Let right be done : Aboriginal title, the Calder case, and the future of Indigenous rights

  • Aboriginal justice and the Charter : realizing a culturally sensitive interpretation of legal rights

  • Governing with the Charter : legislative and judicial activism and framers' intent

  • The last word : media coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada

  • Debating hate crime : language, legislatures, and the law in Canada





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Law and society
General editor: W. Wesley Pue
Let right be done : Aboriginal title, the Calder case, and the future of Indigenous rights
Aboriginal justice and the Charter : realizing a culturally sensitive interpretation of legal rights
Governing with the Charter : legislative and judicial activism and framers' intent
The last word : media coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada
Debating hate crime : language, legislatures, and the law in Canada
Multicultural nationalism : civilizing difference, constituting community
Good government? good citizens? : courts, politics, and markets in a changing Canada
Contemporary slavery : popular rhetoric and political practice
Defending rights in Russia : lawyers, the State, and legal reform in the Post-Soviet era
Murdering holiness : the trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell
Critical disability theory : essays in philosophy, politics, policy, and law
On the outside : from lengthy imprisonment to lasting freedom
Defending battered women on trial : lessons from the transcripts
In defence of principles : NGOs and human rights in Canada
Law and religious pluralism in Canada
Securing borders : detention and deportation in Canada
The grand experiment : law and legal culture in British settler societies
Contested constitutionalism : reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The strategic constitution : understanding Canadian power in the world
Transforming law's family : the legal recognition of planned lesbian motherhood
Multi-party litigation : the strategic context
Still dying for a living : corporate criminal liability after the Westray Mine disaster
Governing irregular migration : bordering culture, labour, and security in Spain
Unnatural law : rethinking Canadian environmental law and policy
Reaction and resistance : feminism, law, and social change
Critical criminology in Canada : new voices, new directions
People and place : historical influences on legal culture
Enforcing exclusion : precarious migrants and the law in Canada
Negotiating responsibility : law, murder, and states of mind
Constitutional politics in Canada after the Charter : liberalism, communitarianism, and systemism
Diversity and equality : the changing framework of freedom in Canada
Humanitarianism, identity, and nation : migration laws of Australia and Canada
Unwilling mothers, unwanted babies : infanticide in Canada
First Nations cultural heritage and law : case studies, voices, and perspectives
Westward bound : sex, violence, the law, and the making of a settler society
Defining rights and wrongs : bureaucracy, human rights, and public accountability
The environmental rights revolution : a global study of constitutions, human rights, and the environment
Fragile settlements : Aboriginal peoples, law, and resistance in south-west Australia and prairie Canada
Feminist activism in the Supreme Court : legal mobilization and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
Taxing choices : the intersection of class, gender, parenthood, and the law
In search of the ethical lawyer : stories from the Canadian legal profession
Uncertain accommodation : Aboriginal identity and group rights in the Supreme Court of Canada
Global biopiracy : patents, plants, and indigenous knowledge
Colonial proximities : crossracial encounters and juridical truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921
Equality deferred : sex discrimination and British Columbia's human rights state, 1953-84
Collective insecurity : the Liberian crisis, unilateralism, and global order
Accusation : creating criminals
From UI to EI : waging war on the welfare state
Defining harm : religious freedom and the limits of the law
Poverty : rights, social citizenship, and legal activism
Laws and societies in the Canadian prairie west, 1670-1940
Putting the state on trial : the policing of protest during the G20 Summit
Ghost dancing with colonialism : decolonization and Indigenous rights at the Supreme Court of Canada
Governing from the bench : the Supreme Court of Canada and the judicial role
Hunger, horses, and government men : criminal law on the aboriginal plains, 1870-1905
International trade law and domestic policy : Canada, the United States, and the WTO
Conflict in Caledonia : aboriginal land rights and the rule of law
Constructing crime : contemporary processes of criminalization
Protection of first nations cultural heritage : laws, policy, and reform
Compulsory compassion : a critique of restorative justice
The new lawyer : how settlement is transforming the practice of law
Regulating lives : historical essays on the state, society, the individual, and the law
To right historical wrongs : race, gender, and sentencing in Canada
Between justice and certainty : treaty making in British Columbia
Unjust by design : Canada's administrative justice system
Parole in Canada : gender and diversity in the federal system
Health care and the Charter : legal mobilization and policy change in Canada
The politics of acknowledgement : truth commissions in Uganda and Haiti
Multiculturalism and the Canadian constitution
The courts and the colonies : the litigation of Hutterite Church disputes
Cleaner, greener, healthier : a prescription for stronger Canadian environmental laws and policies
Tournament of appeals : granting judicial review in Canada
Attitudinal decision making in the Supreme Court of Canada
Aboriginal title and indigenous peoples : Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
First Nations sacred sites in Canada's courts
A perilous imbalance : the globalization of Canadian law and governance
Gender in the legal profession : fitting or breaking the mould
Class actions in Canada : the promise and reality of access to justice
Landing Native fisheries : Indian reserves and fishing rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925
Courts and federalism : judicial doctrine in the United States, Australia, and Canada
The right to a healthy environment : revitalizing Canada's constitution
Seeking the court's advice : the politics of the Canadian reference power
Constructing crime : contemporary processes of criminalization
Power played : a critical criminology of sport
Debating hate crime : language, legislatures, and the law in Canada
Class actions in Canada : the promise and reality of access to justice
Refugee law after 9/11 : sanctuary and security in Canada and the US
Fragile settlements : Aboriginal peoples, law, and resistance in south-west Australia and prairie Canada
Faith or fraud : fortune-telling, spirituality, and the law
Banning transgender conversion practices : a legal and policy analysis
Religious diversity in Canadian public schools : rethinking the role of law
Constitutional crossroads : reflections on charter rights, reconciliation, and change