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- Seven Japanese talesI am a catThe Tower of London : tales of Victorian LondonJapanese tales of mystery & imaginationTwenty-four eyesShogun : the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu : the dramatic story of the man who united feudal Japan and established the traditional Japanese way of lifeTwo Japanese novelists : Sōseki and TōsonA history of Japanese art : from prehistory to the Taisho periodMemoirs of the warrior Kumagai : a historical novelThe temple of the Golden PavilionEssays in idleness : the Tsurezuregusa of KenkōThe final martyrsThe tale of Genji : a reader's guideThe Makioka sistersAnd then : Sōseki Natsume's novel SorekaraThe flower matJapanese homes and their surroundingsIn praise of shadowsTen nights of dream ; Hearing things ; The heredity of tasteThe life of an amorous manComrade loves of the samurai ; and, Songs of the GeishaThe tale of Genji : a novel in six partsThe Taiheiki : a chronicle of medieval JapanThe 210th dayFive women who loved loveTales of old JapanSome prefer nettlesA hundred verses from old Japan : being a translation of the Hyaku-nin-isshiuGeisha in rivalryShiokari PassThe three-cornered worldRashomon, and other storiesThe Kojiki : records of ancient mattersThe samurai ethic and modern Japan : Yukio Mishima on HagakureMy individualism ; and, The philosophical foundations of literatureNaomiTo the spring equinox and beyondThe chrysanthemum and the sword : patterns of Japanese cultureThe Tosa diaryThe tale of GenjiThe sailor who fell from Grace with the seaKokoro : hints and echoes of Japanese inner lifeThe 47 ronin storyThe gossamer years : the diary of a noblewoman of Heian JapanI am a catThe heredity of tasteHarp of BurmaSumo : a thinking fan's guide to Japan's national sportAfter the banquetThe meaning of internationalization : practical advice for a connected planet = 真の国際化とはThe Togakushi legend murdersRunaway horsesHarp of BurmaThe decay of the angelThe minerThe life and death of Yukio MishimaScandalMishima : a biographyThe Japanese art of stone appreciation : suiseki and its use with bonsaiMasksThe sound of wavesThe counterfeiter and other storiesNo longer humanThe sound of the mountainThe Heiké story : a modern translation of the classic Japanese tale of love and warRomance of the three kingdomsThe chrysanthemum and the sword : patterns of Japanese cultureThe ronin : a samurai novel based on a Zen mythThe Heiké story : a modern translation of the classic Japanese tale of love and warVolcanoJapan : a short cultural historyThe Izu dancer and other storiesLight and darknessConfessions of a maskBotchanSakuteiki : visions of the Japanese gardenThe setting sunThe master of goMistress Oriku : stories from a Tokyo teahouseA history of JapanClassic haiku : a master's selectionGlimpses of unfamiliar Japan : two volumes in oneKappaThe sea and poisonShank's mare : a translation of the Tokaido volumes of Hizakurige, Japan's great comic novel of travel & ribaldryDeep riverThe Japanese mistressRashomon, and other storiesMadame de SadeThe samurai banner of Furin kazanThe tale of GenjiThe sound of the wind : the life & works of Chiyo UnoEllery Queen's Japanese detective storiesNihongi : chronicles of Japan from the earliest times to A.D. 697Footprints in the snowThe tale of Genji : a reader's guideThousand cranesSakuteiki : visions of the Japanese garden : a modern translation of Japan's gardening classicThe Buddha treeThe tale of Genji : a reader's guideFriendsThe old capitalKappaJapanese society : a practical guide to understanding the japanese mindset and cultureThe master of go : a novelModern Japanese literature : an anthologyRomaji diary and Sad toysBeauty in disarrayKwaidan : stories and studies of strange thingsJapanese short storiesThe woman in the dunesThe pornographersPagoda, Skull & SamuraiJapanese literature : an introduction for Western readersDeath in midsummer and other storiesJapan : the story of a nationIn ghostly JapanThe secret history of the Lord of Musashi ; and, ArrowrootConfessions of loveCrackling Mountain and other storiesPalm-of-the-hand storiesThe journeyThe Japanese tea ceremony : cha-no-yuThe ruined mapThe tale of Genji : the Arthur Waley translation of Lady Murasaki's masterpieceJourney to the west : the monkey king's amazing adventuresThe river with no bridgeThe golden countryVita sexualis : a novelThe tale of GenjiThe hunting gunThe wild geeseKokoro : a novelJapanese ghost stories : spirits, hauntings and paranormal phenomenaYoshiwara : geishas, courtesans, and the pleasure quarters of old TokyoJapanese architecture : a short historyA personal matterSnow countryThe wild geeseJapanese tales of mystery and imaginationFires on the plainJapanese portraits : pictures of different people : a series of intensely personal portraits of unforgettable Japanese charactersThe Makioka sistersStained glass elegies : storiesWhen I whistleThe water margin : outlaws of the marsh : the classic Chinese novelJapan : from prehistory to modern timesThirst for loveEveryday life in traditional JapanAutumn wind and other storiesAnthology of Japanese literature : from the earliest era to the mid-nineteenth centuryJapanese plays : classic Noh, Kyogen and Kabuki worksModern Japanese stories : an anthologyDiary of a mad old manThe Japanese today : change & continuitySpring snowStrange but true stories from JapanThis scheming worldDarkness in summerSeven Japanese talesLafcadio Hearn's Japan : an anthology of his writings on the country and its peopleThe keyThe dream of the red chamberTokyo : from Edo to Showa 1867-1989 : the emergence of the world's greatest cityCrackling Mountain and other storiesZen and Japanese cultureForbidden colorsSpring miscellany and London essaysEveryday life in traditional JapanInside my glass doorsThe tales of IseThe noh plays of JapanThe tale of GenjiA life of JesusHomecomingFive modern Noh playsGrass on the wayside (Michikusa) : a novelThe ten foot square hut . and, Tales of the HeikeThe temple of the Golden PavilionGlimpses of unfamiliar Japan : two volumes in one
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA51623106 : BA51623106