
Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture


Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture

John Benjamins Publishing


European parliaments under scrutiny : discourse strategies and interaction practices外部サイトIdentity struggles : evidence from workplaces around the world外部サイトPerspectives in politics and discourse外部サイトRedefining trial by media : towards a critical-forensic linguistic interface外部サイトMigration and media : discourses about identities in crisis外部サイトA new agenda in (critical) discourse analysis : theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity外部サイトDiscourse, war and terrorism外部サイトExplorations in the sociology of language and religion外部サイト(Mis)representing Islam : the racism and rhetoric of British broadsheet newspapers外部サイトImagining the peoples of Europe : populist discourses across the political spectrum外部サイトAnalyzing genres in political communication : theory and practice外部サイトSociology of discourse : from institutions to social change外部サイトReconciliation discourse : the case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission外部サイトThe art of commemoration : fifty years after the Warsaw Uprising外部サイトThe discursive construction of the Scots language : education, politics and everyday life外部サイトStudies in political humour : in between political critique and public entertainment外部サイトTransforming national holidays : identity discourse in the west and south Slavic countries, 1985-2010外部サイトEditorials and the power of media : interweaving of socio-cultural identities外部サイト(Mis)representing islam : the racism and rhetoric of british broadsheet newspapers外部サイトSilence and concealment in political discourse外部サイトFollow-ups in political discourse : explorations across contexts and discourse domains外部サイトDiscourses on language and integration : critical perspectives on language testing regimes in Europe外部サイトDiscourse and identity formation : parliamentary debates in Bahrain外部サイトA gender-based approach to parliamentary discourse : the Andalusian parliament外部サイトAnalysing identities in discourse外部サイトTrust and discourse : organizational perspectives外部サイトFrom text to political positions : text analysis across disciplines外部サイトDiscourse, war and terrorism外部サイトSeparate and unequal : judicial rhetoric and women's rights外部サイトRacism and discourse in Spain and Latin America外部サイトRhetoric in detail : discourse analyses of rhetorical talk and text外部サイトTalking politics in broadcast media : cross-cultural perspectives on political interviewing, journalism and accountability外部サイトCritical discourse studies in context and cognition外部サイトManipulation and ideologies in the twentieth century : discourse, language, mind外部サイトNarrative counselling : social and linguistic processes of change外部サイトSpeaking back : the free speech versus hate speech debate外部サイトDiscourse and power in a multilingual world外部サイトProjecting the future through political discourse : the case of the Bush Doctrine外部サイトImages in use : towards the critical analysis of visual communication外部サイトGender identity and discourse analysis外部サイトWhat we remember : the construction of memory in military discourse外部サイトLiving with patriarchy : discursive constructions of gendered subjects across cultures外部サイトThe discourse of Europe : talk and text in everyday life外部サイトSpeaking of Europe : approaches to complexity in European political discourse外部サイトDeveloping new identities in social conflicts : constructivist perspectives外部サイトArab news and conflict : a multidisciplinary discourse study外部サイトPower without domination : dialogism and the empowering property of communication外部サイトAnti-racist discourse on Muslims in the Australian Parliament外部サイトAnalysing citizenship talk : social positioning in political and legal decision-making processes外部サイトGender, language and ideology : a genealogy of Japanese women's language外部サイトShaping minds : a discourse analysis of Chinese-language community mental health literature外部サイトWashing the brain : metaphor and hidden ideology外部サイトDiscourse and power in a multilingual world外部サイトA pragmatic analysis of legal proofs of criminal intent外部サイトThe post-communist condition : public and private discourses of transformation外部サイトDiscourse and silencing : representation and the language of displacement外部サイトDiscourse and crisis : critical perspectives外部サイトDemocracy in contemporary Egyptian political discourse外部サイトLanguage, religion and national identity in Europe and the Middle East : a historical study外部サイトLanguage, communication and the economy外部サイトPolitics as text and talk : analytic approaches to political discourse外部サイトDiscursive strategies and political hegemony : the Turkish case外部サイトMediating ideology in text and image : ten critical studies外部サイトRepresenting the other in European media discourses外部サイトThe spiral of 'anti-other rhetoric' : discourses of identity and the international media echo外部サイトRe/reading the past : critical and functional perspectives on time and value外部サイトCross-cultural perspectives on parliamentary discourse外部サイトJournalism and the political : discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia外部サイトPolitical discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe外部サイトDiscourse studies in public communication外部サイトVariation in political metaphor外部サイトDiscourse and political culture : the language of the third way in Germany and the UK外部サイトPersuasion in public discourse : cognitive and functional perspectives外部サイトThe language of crisis : metaphors, frames and discourses外部サイトMultimodal performance and interaction in focus groups外部サイトDegrees of European belonging : the fuzzy areas between us and them外部サイトCultural linguistics and critical discourse studies外部サイトLanguage policy in business : discourse, ideology and practice外部サイト






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European parliaments under scrutiny : discourse strategies and interaction practices
Identity struggles : evidence from workplaces around the world
Perspectives in politics and discourse
Redefining trial by media : towards a critical-forensic linguistic interface
Migration and media : discourses about identities in crisis
A new agenda in (critical) discourse analysis : theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity
Discourse, war and terrorism
Explorations in the sociology of language and religion
(Mis)representing Islam : the racism and rhetoric of British broadsheet newspapers
Imagining the peoples of Europe : populist discourses across the political spectrum
Analyzing genres in political communication : theory and practice
Sociology of discourse : from institutions to social change
Reconciliation discourse : the case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The art of commemoration : fifty years after the Warsaw Uprising
The discursive construction of the Scots language : education, politics and everyday life
Studies in political humour : in between political critique and public entertainment
Transforming national holidays : identity discourse in the west and south Slavic countries, 1985-2010
Editorials and the power of media : interweaving of socio-cultural identities
(Mis)representing islam : the racism and rhetoric of british broadsheet newspapers
Silence and concealment in political discourse
Follow-ups in political discourse : explorations across contexts and discourse domains
Discourses on language and integration : critical perspectives on language testing regimes in Europe
Discourse and identity formation : parliamentary debates in Bahrain
A gender-based approach to parliamentary discourse : the Andalusian parliament
Analysing identities in discourse
Trust and discourse : organizational perspectives
From text to political positions : text analysis across disciplines
Discourse, war and terrorism
Separate and unequal : judicial rhetoric and women's rights
Racism and discourse in Spain and Latin America
Rhetoric in detail : discourse analyses of rhetorical talk and text
Talking politics in broadcast media : cross-cultural perspectives on political interviewing, journalism and accountability
Critical discourse studies in context and cognition
Manipulation and ideologies in the twentieth century : discourse, language, mind
Narrative counselling : social and linguistic processes of change
Speaking back : the free speech versus hate speech debate
Discourse and power in a multilingual world
Projecting the future through political discourse : the case of the Bush Doctrine
Images in use : towards the critical analysis of visual communication
Gender identity and discourse analysis
What we remember : the construction of memory in military discourse
Living with patriarchy : discursive constructions of gendered subjects across cultures
The discourse of Europe : talk and text in everyday life
Speaking of Europe : approaches to complexity in European political discourse
Developing new identities in social conflicts : constructivist perspectives
Arab news and conflict : a multidisciplinary discourse study
Power without domination : dialogism and the empowering property of communication
Anti-racist discourse on Muslims in the Australian Parliament
Analysing citizenship talk : social positioning in political and legal decision-making processes
Gender, language and ideology : a genealogy of Japanese women's language
Shaping minds : a discourse analysis of Chinese-language community mental health literature
Washing the brain : metaphor and hidden ideology
Discourse and power in a multilingual world
A pragmatic analysis of legal proofs of criminal intent
The post-communist condition : public and private discourses of transformation
Discourse and silencing : representation and the language of displacement
Discourse and crisis : critical perspectives
Democracy in contemporary Egyptian political discourse
Language, religion and national identity in Europe and the Middle East : a historical study
Language, communication and the economy
Politics as text and talk : analytic approaches to political discourse
Discursive strategies and political hegemony : the Turkish case
Mediating ideology in text and image : ten critical studies
Representing the other in European media discourses
The spiral of 'anti-other rhetoric' : discourses of identity and the international media echo
Re/reading the past : critical and functional perspectives on time and value
Cross-cultural perspectives on parliamentary discourse
Journalism and the political : discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia
Political discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe
Discourse studies in public communication
Variation in political metaphor
Discourse and political culture : the language of the third way in Germany and the UK
Persuasion in public discourse : cognitive and functional perspectives
The language of crisis : metaphors, frames and discourses
Multimodal performance and interaction in focus groups
Degrees of European belonging : the fuzzy areas between us and them
Cultural linguistics and critical discourse studies
Language policy in business : discourse, ideology and practice
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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