
Document (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)


Document (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Workers' participation : final report on an international management seminar convened by the OECD, Versailles, 5th-8th March 1975外部サイトThe OCDE scheme for the application of international standards for fruit and vegetables外部サイトThe Costs of generating electricity in nuclear and coal fired power stations : a report外部サイトThe management of publicly owned land in urban areas外部サイトProduction and marketing structures for apples in Germany and Spain外部サイトRecall procedures for unsafe products sold to the public : report外部サイトNew structures, programmes and methods外部サイトRestrictive regional policy measures外部サイトPrepackaging of fruit and vegetables外部サイトEmployment in the public sector外部サイトCourses for educators, decision-makers and members of professions concerned with the environment外部サイトCutting techniques as related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities : report by an NEA Group of Expert外部サイトRecurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : Australia外部サイトInformation activities of major international organisations外部サイトParticipation in adult education外部サイトUnited States外部サイトTeacher policies in a new context外部サイトForecasts of the dairy and beef situations in 1979 and 1982外部サイトEarnings and education in OECD countries外部サイトSafety requirements concerning the flammability of textile products : report外部サイトLifelong allocation of time : report外部サイトUnemployment and wage inflation in industrial economies外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976外部サイトStable rules : science and social transmission外部サイトIndicateurs économiques à court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries外部サイトSelected industrial policy instruments : objectives and scope外部サイトMeat balances in OECD member countries = Bilans de la viande dans les pays membres de l'OCDE外部サイトThe Environmental and biological behaviour of plutonium and some other transuranium elements : report外部サイトAdvertising directed at children ; Endorsements in advertising : reports外部サイトThe instability of agricultural commodity markets外部サイトSweden外部サイトEnvironmental impact assessment : analysis of the environmental consequences of significant public and private projects外部サイトPremium offers and similar marketing practices : report外部サイトAnnual reports on consumer policy in OECD member countries外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977外部サイトHeat production and distribution : the scope for reducing thermal and air pollution外部サイトRegional policies and the services sector外部サイトAnimal feeding and production : new technical and economic developments外部サイトCritical flow modelling in nuclear safety : a state-of-the-art report外部サイトThe development impact of barter in developing countries : the case of India外部サイトDecontamination methods as related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities : report外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978外部サイトEducation of the health professions in the context of the health care system : the Ontario experience外部サイトNuclear aerosols in reactor safety : a state of the art report外部サイトDuctile fracture test methods : proceedings of a CSNI workshop = Méthodes d'essais en matière de rupture ductile : compte rendu d'une réunion de travail du CSIN, Paris, 1er-3 décembre 1982外部サイトReview of marine science and technology : role of science and technology in marine resource development外部サイトStructure, performance and prospects of the beef chain外部サイトThe social costs of urban surplus labour外部サイトConfidentiality of data and chemicals control外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978外部サイトBeef production in Southern Europe外部サイトThe development of student-teachers : a comparative study of professional socialization外部サイトPrescriptions de sécurité concernant l'inflammabilité des produits textiles : rapport du Comité de la Politique à l'égard des Consommateurs外部サイトEducational policy and planning : compensatory education programmes in the United States外部サイトIndustrial adaptation in the primary aluminium industry外部サイトEducational financing and policy goals for primary schools : country reports外部サイトL'emploi et le chomage : criteres de mesure外部サイトWater management in industrialised river basins外部サイトMail order trading and other selected distant selling methods : report外部サイトProceedings of the Specialist Meeting on Decommissioning Requirements in the Design of Nuclear Facilities, Paris, 17th-19th March 1980 = Compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes sur les exigences liées au déclassement dans la conception des installations nucléaires, Paris, 17-19 mars 1980外部サイトCollective bargaining and government policies in ten OECD countries : Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States外部サイトData collection systems related to injuries involving consumer products : report外部サイトTransfrontier pollution and the role of states外部サイトInterim radiation protection standards for the design, construction, testing and control of radioisotopic cardiac pacemakers外部サイトSeverity weighting of data on accidents involving consumer products : report外部サイトMolasses and industrial alcohol : proceedings of the meeting of experts organised by the Development Centre of the OECD Paris, 1st-3rd December, 1976外部サイトThe engineering industries in OECD member countries : basic statistics : deliveries of "100" selected products = Les industries mécaniques et électriques dans les pays membres de l'OCDE : statistiques de base : livraisons de "100" produits individuels外部サイトEducational financing and policy goals for primary schools : general report外部サイトRecent developments in United States agricultural policies外部サイトBargain price offers and similar marketing practices : report外部サイトDescription of licensing systems and inspection of nuclear installations外部サイトInstitutional resource allocation models in higher education外部サイトGood laboratory practice in the testing of chemicals : final report of the Group of Experts on Good Laboratory Practice外部サイトTowards mass higher education : issues and dilemmas外部サイトThe medium-term outlook for dairy products and for meat外部サイトInternational direct investment : policies, procedures, and practices in OECD member countries外部サイトMigrants' children and employment : the European experience外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978外部サイトThe training of generalists and specialists外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978外部サイトThe use of the computer in teaching secondary school subjects外部サイトSafety of the nuclear fuel cycle : a state-of-the-art report外部サイトRecurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : France外部サイトDry storage of spent fuel elements : proceedings of an NEA specialist workshop, Madrid, 11-13 May 1982 = Stockage à sec des éléments combustibles irradiés : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes de l'AEN外部サイトMethodological guidelines for social assessment of technology外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977外部サイトReview of student support schemes in selected OECD countries外部サイトReference seismic ground motions in nuclear safety assessments : a state-of-the-art report by a group of experts of the NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations外部サイトProceedings of the Specialist Meeting on Personal Dosimetry and Area Monitoring Suitable for Radon and Daughter Products = Compte rendu d'une Réunion de spécialistes sur la dosimétrie individuelle et la surveillance de l'atmosphère en ce qui concerne le radon et ses produits de filiation, Elliot Lake, 4-8 Oct. 1976外部サイトSafety requirements for toys外部サイトBelgium, France, United Kingdom外部サイトDosimetry aspects of exposure to radon and thoron daughter products : report外部サイトMedium-term forecasts for the production and marketing of certain fresh and processed fruit and vegetables : apples, pears, peaches, tomatoes, 1978, 1980外部サイトMilk, milk products and egg balances in OECD member countries = Bilans du lait, des produits laitiers, et des œufs dans les pays membres de l'OCDE外部サイトSelf-help and popular participation in rural water systems外部サイトChemicals control legislation : an international glossary of key terms外部サイトTowards a more efficient beef chain外部サイトComparative summary of legislations on restrictive business practices外部サイトThe development of electronic data processing in manpower areas外部サイトCompte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes sur la dosimétrie individuelle et la surveillance de l'atmosphère en ce qui concerne le radon et ses produits de filiation = Proceedings of the specialist meeting on personal dosimetry and area monitoring suitable for radon and daughter products : Paris, 20-22 Nov. 1978外部サイトComputer technologies and consumer information : interactive videotex systems : report外部サイトIodine-129 : proceedings of an NEA specialist meeting = Iode-129 : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes de l'AEN外部サイトAnnuaire des statistiques de l'enseignement外部サイトInfancy as an occupation : towards a sociology of spontaneous behaviour外部サイトJob satisfaction attitudes surveys外部サイトSafety of consumer products : policy and legislation in OECD member countries : report外部サイトPackage standardization, unit pricing, deceptive packaging : [report外部サイトStatistics of area, production, and yield of crop products in OECD member countries = Statistiques des superficies, des productions, et des rendements des produits végétaux dans les pays membres de l'OCDE, 1955-1974外部サイトRecent developments in Canadian agricultural policy外部サイトConsumer protection concerning air package tours : report外部サイトPollution charges in practice外部サイトThe non-participation issue外部サイトSafety aspects of fuel behaviour in off-normal and accident conditions : proceedings of a CSNI Specialist Meeting = Considérations de sûreté du comportement du combustible dans des conditions anormales et d'accident : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes du CSNI, Espoo, Finland, 1-4 September 1980外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976外部サイトIndicateurs économiques à court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976外部サイトPatterns of health care and education in Sweden外部サイトFinancial support to the fishing industry of OECD member countries外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977外部サイトMeasuring employment and unemployment外部サイトUnconventional foodstuffs for human consumption外部サイトFinancial aspects of university education in the public of Ireland外部サイトThe Emerging attitudes and motivations of workers : report of a management experts' meeting, Paris, 24th-26th May, 1971外部サイトTeachers as innovators外部サイトReport on methods of measuring the effects of regional policies : a report外部サイトEnvironmental protection in frontier regions外部サイトThe case for positive adjustment policies : a compendium of OECD documents, 1978/79外部サイトChemical trends in wildlife : an international cooperative study外部サイトRegional problems and policies in Portugal外部サイトDisadvantaged groups on the labour market and measures to assist them外部サイトIndicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976外部サイトAgencies for industrial adaptation and development外部サイト



  • Workers' participation : final report on an international management seminar convened by the OECD, Versailles, 5th-8th March 1975

  • The OCDE scheme for the application of international standards for fruit and vegetables

  • The Costs of generating electricity in nuclear and coal fired power stations : a report

  • The management of publicly owned land in urban areas

  • Production and marketing structures for apples in Germany and Spain





  • CiNii Research

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Document--Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Document - [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development]
Workers' participation : final report on an international management seminar convened by the OECD, Versailles, 5th-8th March 1975
The OCDE scheme for the application of international standards for fruit and vegetables
The Costs of generating electricity in nuclear and coal fired power stations : a report
The management of publicly owned land in urban areas
Production and marketing structures for apples in Germany and Spain
Recall procedures for unsafe products sold to the public : report
New structures, programmes and methods
Restrictive regional policy measures
Prepackaging of fruit and vegetables
Employment in the public sector
Courses for educators, decision-makers and members of professions concerned with the environment
Cutting techniques as related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities : report by an NEA Group of Expert
Recurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : Australia
Information activities of major international organisations
Participation in adult education
United States
Teacher policies in a new context
Forecasts of the dairy and beef situations in 1979 and 1982
Earnings and education in OECD countries
Safety requirements concerning the flammability of textile products : report
Lifelong allocation of time : report
Unemployment and wage inflation in industrial economies
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976
Stable rules : science and social transmission
Indicateurs économiques à court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries
Selected industrial policy instruments : objectives and scope
Meat balances in OECD member countries = Bilans de la viande dans les pays membres de l'OCDE
The Environmental and biological behaviour of plutonium and some other transuranium elements : report
Advertising directed at children ; Endorsements in advertising : reports
The instability of agricultural commodity markets
Environmental impact assessment : analysis of the environmental consequences of significant public and private projects
Premium offers and similar marketing practices : report
Annual reports on consumer policy in OECD member countries
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977
Heat production and distribution : the scope for reducing thermal and air pollution
Regional policies and the services sector
Animal feeding and production : new technical and economic developments
Critical flow modelling in nuclear safety : a state-of-the-art report
The development impact of barter in developing countries : the case of India
Decontamination methods as related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities : report
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978
Education of the health professions in the context of the health care system : the Ontario experience
Nuclear aerosols in reactor safety : a state of the art report
Ductile fracture test methods : proceedings of a CSNI workshop = Méthodes d'essais en matière de rupture ductile : compte rendu d'une réunion de travail du CSIN, Paris, 1er-3 décembre 1982
Review of marine science and technology : role of science and technology in marine resource development
Structure, performance and prospects of the beef chain
The social costs of urban surplus labour
Confidentiality of data and chemicals control
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978
Beef production in Southern Europe
The development of student-teachers : a comparative study of professional socialization
Prescriptions de sécurité concernant l'inflammabilité des produits textiles : rapport du Comité de la Politique à l'égard des Consommateurs
Educational policy and planning : compensatory education programmes in the United States
Industrial adaptation in the primary aluminium industry
Educational financing and policy goals for primary schools : country reports
L'emploi et le chomage : criteres de mesure
Water management in industrialised river basins
Mail order trading and other selected distant selling methods : report
Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting on Decommissioning Requirements in the Design of Nuclear Facilities, Paris, 17th-19th March 1980 = Compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes sur les exigences liées au déclassement dans la conception des installations nucléaires, Paris, 17-19 mars 1980
Collective bargaining and government policies in ten OECD countries : Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
Data collection systems related to injuries involving consumer products : report
Transfrontier pollution and the role of states
Interim radiation protection standards for the design, construction, testing and control of radioisotopic cardiac pacemakers
Severity weighting of data on accidents involving consumer products : report
Molasses and industrial alcohol : proceedings of the meeting of experts organised by the Development Centre of the OECD Paris, 1st-3rd December, 1976
The engineering industries in OECD member countries : basic statistics : deliveries of "100" selected products = Les industries mécaniques et électriques dans les pays membres de l'OCDE : statistiques de base : livraisons de "100" produits individuels
Educational financing and policy goals for primary schools : general report
Recent developments in United States agricultural policies
Bargain price offers and similar marketing practices : report
Description of licensing systems and inspection of nuclear installations
Institutional resource allocation models in higher education
Good laboratory practice in the testing of chemicals : final report of the Group of Experts on Good Laboratory Practice
Towards mass higher education : issues and dilemmas
The medium-term outlook for dairy products and for meat
International direct investment : policies, procedures, and practices in OECD member countries
Migrants' children and employment : the European experience
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978
The training of generalists and specialists
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1978
The use of the computer in teaching secondary school subjects
Safety of the nuclear fuel cycle : a state-of-the-art report
Recurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : France
Dry storage of spent fuel elements : proceedings of an NEA specialist workshop, Madrid, 11-13 May 1982 = Stockage à sec des éléments combustibles irradiés : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes de l'AEN
Methodological guidelines for social assessment of technology
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977
Review of student support schemes in selected OECD countries
Reference seismic ground motions in nuclear safety assessments : a state-of-the-art report by a group of experts of the NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting on Personal Dosimetry and Area Monitoring Suitable for Radon and Daughter Products = Compte rendu d'une Réunion de spécialistes sur la dosimétrie individuelle et la surveillance de l'atmosphère en ce qui concerne le radon et ses produits de filiation, Elliot Lake, 4-8 Oct. 1976
Safety requirements for toys
Belgium, France, United Kingdom
Dosimetry aspects of exposure to radon and thoron daughter products : report
Medium-term forecasts for the production and marketing of certain fresh and processed fruit and vegetables : apples, pears, peaches, tomatoes, 1978, 1980
Milk, milk products and egg balances in OECD member countries = Bilans du lait, des produits laitiers, et des œufs dans les pays membres de l'OCDE
Self-help and popular participation in rural water systems
Chemicals control legislation : an international glossary of key terms
Towards a more efficient beef chain
Comparative summary of legislations on restrictive business practices
The development of electronic data processing in manpower areas
Compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes sur la dosimétrie individuelle et la surveillance de l'atmosphère en ce qui concerne le radon et ses produits de filiation = Proceedings of the specialist meeting on personal dosimetry and area monitoring suitable for radon and daughter products : Paris, 20-22 Nov. 1978
Computer technologies and consumer information : interactive videotex systems : report
Iodine-129 : proceedings of an NEA specialist meeting = Iode-129 : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes de l'AEN
Annuaire des statistiques de l'enseignement
Infancy as an occupation : towards a sociology of spontaneous behaviour
Job satisfaction attitudes surveys
Safety of consumer products : policy and legislation in OECD member countries : report
Package standardization, unit pricing, deceptive packaging : [report
Statistics of area, production, and yield of crop products in OECD member countries = Statistiques des superficies, des productions, et des rendements des produits végétaux dans les pays membres de l'OCDE, 1955-1974
Recent developments in Canadian agricultural policy
Consumer protection concerning air package tours : report
Pollution charges in practice
The non-participation issue
Safety aspects of fuel behaviour in off-normal and accident conditions : proceedings of a CSNI Specialist Meeting = Considérations de sûreté du comportement du combustible dans des conditions anormales et d'accident : compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes du CSNI, Espoo, Finland, 1-4 September 1980
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976
Indicateurs économiques à court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976
Patterns of health care and education in Sweden
Financial support to the fishing industry of OECD member countries
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1977
Measuring employment and unemployment
Unconventional foodstuffs for human consumption
Financial aspects of university education in the public of Ireland
The Emerging attitudes and motivations of workers : report of a management experts' meeting, Paris, 24th-26th May, 1971
Teachers as innovators
Report on methods of measuring the effects of regional policies : a report
Environmental protection in frontier regions
The case for positive adjustment policies : a compendium of OECD documents, 1978/79
Chemical trends in wildlife : an international cooperative study
Regional problems and policies in Portugal
Disadvantaged groups on the labour market and measures to assist them
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries : 1973-1976
Agencies for industrial adaptation and development
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books