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- 1908-
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- 1908
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- General editors: James Brown Scott (as of 1908); William Reynolds Vance (as of 1916, 1927); Warren Abner Seavey (as of 1942, 1951); Erwin N. Griswold (as of 1954, 1958, 1963, 1967)Later published by West GroupPublisher varies: Thomson/West, West Academic Pub
- 関連情報
- Legal research and citationInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveLawyers as counselors : a client-centered approachLawyering and ethics for the business attorneyContracts : cases and theory of contractual obligationCivil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materialsInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsContracts : cases and theory of contractual obligationAdministrative law : cases-text-problemsFederal income tax : a casebook on the basicsInternational law : cases and materialsUnfair trade practices : cases and commentsThe law of business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsCritical race theory : cases, materials, and problemsThe economic analysis of tort lawThe law and policy of sentencingTaxable and tax-free corporate mergers, acquisitions and LBO'sCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectivesEvidence : cases, materials, problemsLocal government lawCases and materials on agency and partnership and other forms of business associationsJurisprudence : classical and contemporary : from natural law to postmodernismLegal protection of the environmentCases, text, and problems on federal income taxationCases and materials on California community propertyProducts liability : cases and materialsProblems in legal ethicsCases and materials on the law of tortsComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and materials on the law governing the employment relationshipLawyers as counselors : a client centered approachPublic sector employment : cases and materialsGlobal issues in family lawRemedies : cases, practical problems and exercisesTrade secret law : cases and materialsModern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure and advanced criminal procedure : 2012 supplement to thirteenth editionsAlternatives to incorporation for persons in quest of profit : cases and materials on partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, and related agency conceptsConstitutional law : leading casesProsecutorial ethicsPrivacy law and societyThe administrative processCommunications regulationInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveCriminal procedure : cases and materialsProblems and materials on bankruptcy law and practiceAgricultural law : cases and materialsEmployment discrimination law : Cases and materialsFiduciary obligation, agency, and partnership : duties in ongoing business relationshipsCases and materials on the employment relationCases and materials on the conflict of lawsThe First Amendment : cases-comments-questionsCases and materials on criminal lawMass communication law : cases and commentCases and materials on the law of tortsCases and materials on federal courtsCases on remediesRemedies : public and privateInvestigative criminal procedure : a law & order casebookLawyers as counselors : a client-centered approach2017 supplement to Cases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryHealth law : cases, materials, and problemsCases and materials on legislationCases and materials on the rules of evidenceThe law of hazardous waste disposal and remediation : cases--legislation--regulations--policiesIntegrated intellectual property : cases, materials, and statutesFederal courts, federalism, and separation of powers : cases and materialsAmerican health care delivery systemsProblems in remedies : damages--equity--restitutionBusiness reorganization in bankruptcy : cases and materialsAdvanced evidence : using the federal rules of evidence in pretrial and trial advocacyTransnational civil litigation1995 documents supplement to Legal problems of international economic relations, third editionInternational intellectual property : problems, cases, and materialsContracts : a real world casebookCases and materials on discrimination in employmentCivil procedure : cases and materialsAdministrative law, the American public law system : cases and materialsWealth transfer planning and draftingFamily law : cases, comments, and questionsTrial : theories, tactics, techniquesCases and materials on workers' compensationTaxation of estates, gifts and trustsRefomation, rescission, and restitution, at law (quasicontracts) and in equityComparative legal traditions : text, materials and cases on western lawCases on propertyRemedies : public and privateThe law of environmental protection : cases, legislation, policiesGlobal lawyering skillsCases and materials on legal method and legal systemConstitutional-criminal procedure : cases and materialsThe elements of contract drafting with questions and clauses for considerationMaterials on tort reformLabor and employment law : problems, cases, and materials in the law of workIntroduction to the study of U.S. lawCases and materials on constitutional rights and liberties2017 supplement to Statutes, regulation, and interpretation : legislation and administration in the republic of statutesOil and gas law : cases and materialsRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsThe law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) : documents, cases & analysysRemedies : cases and materialsCases and problems on domestic relationsThe law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) : supplemental addendum on the trips agreement and the domestic legal orders of emerging economies2016 supplement to fourteenth editions : modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure and advanced criminal procedureInternational civil dispute resolution : a problem-oriented coursebookSales and secured transactions : teaching materialsIntroduction to legal method and process : cases and materialsScience in the law : forensic science issuesTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryDocuments and statutory supplement to Sports and the law, text, cases and problemsCases and materials on the income taxation of trusts, estates, grantors and beneficiariesEnvironmental law in context : cases and materialsInternational law and litigation in the U.S.Family law : cases, comments and questionsProblems in legal ethicsCases and materials on workmen's compensationCases and materials on the rules of evidenceCases on the conflict of laws : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookNatural resources law : private rights and the public interestTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryCases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedureThe American Constitution : cases and materialsCases on the law of negotiable paper and bankingChildren and the law : doctrine, policy, and practiceClass actions and other multi-party litigation : cases and materialsCases and materials on federal jurisdiction and procedureProfessional responsibility : problems, cases, and materialsDebt : bankruptcy, article 9 and related laws : modern cases and materialsThe law of drugs and druggists : a treatise with text, cases, statutes, readings, and digests for schools of pharmacy, retail, wholesale, and manufacturing druggistsEquitable remedies, restitution and damages : cases and materialsThe First Amendment : cases-comments-questionsAdvanced torts : cases and materialsInternational conflict resolution : consensual ADR processesGlobal issues in freedom of speech and religionBusiness structuresInternational business transactions : trade & economic relationsThe law of corrections and prisoners' rights : case and materialsCases and materials on law and medicineFederal criminal law and its enforcementCases on trade regulation, selected from decisions of English and American courtsTeaching materials on debtor-creditor relationsLaw and society in evolutionBusiness reorganization in bankruptcy : cases and materialsLaw and society in evolutionCases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionEnvironmental law : cases and materialsLaw in the United StatesConflict of laws : American, comparative, international : cases and materialsBioethics : health care law and ethicsLawyering and ethics for the business attorneyProblems, readings, and materials on the lawyer as a negotiatorAlternatives to incorporation for persons in quest of profit : cases and materials on partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, and related agency conceptsCases and materials on consumer protectionMaterials on trusts and estatesCases on criminal procedure, selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases, materials, and problems on general practice insurance lawMass communication law : cases and commentLand use and sustainable development law : cases and materialsThe intersection of antitrust and intellectual property : cases and materialsCases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionModern criminal procedure cases-- comments--questions and Basic criminal procedure--cases comments--questions : 1982 supplement to fifth editions2017 supplement to Modern constitutional law : cases and notesCases and materials on social justice : professionals, communities, and lawInternational business transactions : trade & economic relationsHistorical introduction to the legal systemCases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyComputer crime lawCases and materials on the law and policy of sentencing and correctionsCases and other materials on the law of sales transactionsCases and materials on workers' compensationCases on pleading & procedure : one volume editionCases and materials on legislation : statutes and the creation of public policyCases and materials on insurance lawCyberlaw : problems of policy and jurisprudence in the information ageCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textLawyers as counselors : a client-centered approachWills, Descent, and administrationAn invitation to family law : principles, process, and perspectivesRemedies : cases and materialsContemporary payment systems : cases, materials, and problemsBasic documents supplement to International law : cases and materialsLeading cases in constitutional law : a compact casebook for a short courseInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance, and development1976 supplement to fourth editions of Constitutional law : cases, comments, questions ; The American Constitution : cases and materials ; Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsForeign relations and national security law : cases, materials, and simulationsTaxation of international transactions : materials, text and problemsThe competition law of the European Union in comparative perspective : cases and materialsThe elements of evidenceFederal tax practice and procedure : cases, materials, and problemsCivil procedure : cases and materialsProblems and materials in business planningCases and materials on constitutional rights and libertiesCases and materials on social justice : professionals, communities, and lawProblem supplement to cases and materials on tortsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textDispute resolution and lawyersGenetics : ethics, law and policy2010 supplement to cases and materials on employment discrimination and employment law 3rd edition and cases and materials on employment law, cases and materials on employment discrimination lawTeacher's manual to Torts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryFederal courts : cases, comments and questionsContemporary family lawCases and materials on environmental lawImmigration and citizenship : process and policyWhite collar crime : law and practiceComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureInternational litigation and arbitrationThe modern law of contractsLawyering in the nation's capitalCases and materials on California community propertyBasic contract lawLawyering and ethics for the business attorneyImmigration and citizenship : process and policyNatural resources law : private rights and collective governanceRemedies : public and privateCases and problems on domestic relationsThe administrative processCases in equity : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and problems on domestic relationsCases and materials on tort and compensation lawTaxation of business entities : C corporations, partnerships, and S corporationsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryCivil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesProblems and materials in business planningPatent litigation and strategyFundamentals of federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping taxes : cases and materialsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsCases and materials on juvenile justice administrationCases and materials on evidenceCivil procedure : a modern approachCivil litigation : pretrial case development and discoveryIntroduction to employee benefits law : policy and practiceUniform commercial code article 9 : secured transactionsFederal courts, problems and materialsFederal courts : cases and comments on judicial federalism and judicial powerAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsFederal estate and gift taxation : an analysis and critiqueCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and materials on family law : legal concepts and changing human relationshipsInternational litigation and arbitration2012 supplement to Cases and materials on juvenile justice administration, third editionCriminal procedure : cases and materialsProblems, cases, and other materials on family estate planningModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problemsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsMass tort litigation : cases and materialsCases and materials on legal method and legal systemCriminal law and procedure : cases and materialsThe law and processes of post-conviction remedies : cases and materialsUnfair trade practices and consumer protection : cases and comments1983 supplement to fifth editions of Constitutional law : cases-comments-questions, The American Constitution : cases and materials, Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsEthics of the lawyer's workCases on private corporations : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLegal negotiatingCases and materials on tortsPretrial litigation : law, policy, and practiceProblems in criminal procedureBusiness planning : closely held enterprisesLegal writing : getting it right and getting it writtenModern criminal law : cases, comments and questionsFederal administrative lawHealth law : cases, materials and problems1968 supplement to second editions of Constitutional law, cases, comments, questions, The American Constitution, cases and materials, Constitutional rights & liberties, cases and materialsCases and materials on the law governing the employment relationship2002 supplement to a coursebook in international intellectual propertyCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryBasic insurance lawAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problemsCases and other authorities on equityThe legal profession : ethics in contemporary practiceLegal writing : a systematic approach1981 supplement to cases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionStatutory supplement to labor and employment law : problems, cases and materials in the law of workCases and materials on the law of corrections and prisoners' rightsEvidence : cases and materialsCases on principal and agent : selected from decisions of English and American courtsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsIntroductory accounting, finance and auditing for lawyersCases and problems on domestic relationsFinding the lawCases and materials on equitable remedies and restitutionEvidence : cases and materialsCases and problems on contractsCoastal and ocean law : cases and materialsAmerican criminal procedure : adjudicative : cases and commentaryCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsBeing a lawyer : individual choice and responsibility in the practice of lawThe payment system : cases, materials and issuesDisability, civil rights law, and policy : cases and materialsCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment lawThe intersection of antitrust and intellectual property : cases and materialsU.S. legal writing for international lawyers and law studentsCases on the law of damagesCases and materials on labor lawGlobal issues in employment lawThe payment system : cases, materials, and issuesRegulation of derivative financial instruments : (swaps, options and futures) : cases and materialsRemedies : cases, practical problems and exercisesFamily law : cases, comments, and questionsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases on pleadingCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited partnershipsCases and materials on sexual orientation and the lawCases, materials and problems on bioethics and lawThe law of mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizationsCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsProblems in professional responsibilityRace and races : cases and resources for a diverse AmericaSecurities regulation : cases and materialsIntellectual property : cases and materialsRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsEffective legal writing : a guide for students and practionersFederal income taxation : cases, problems and materialsSupplement to the laws of corporations : cases and materialsTaxation of business enterprises : cases and materialsCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimePoverty, inequality, and the law : cases, commentary, analysesInsurance law : a guide to fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and commercial practicesCases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyAdvanced torts : cases and materialsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsCivil procedure : cases and materialsCases and materials on California civil procedureChildren and the law : doctrine, policy, and practiceCases and materials on the death penaltyCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsPatent litigation and strategyChildren and the law : doctrine, policy and practiceSupplement to civil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesSports and the law : text, cases, problemsCases on domestic relationsInternational law : cases and materialsBusiness organizations in a planning context : cases, materials and study problemsThe law and legal system of the United StatesCases and materials on environmental law and policyCases and materials on labor lawProblems, cases, and materials on federal income taxationCases and materials on Federal CourtsCases on the law of contractsCases on the law of private corporations : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCriminal law : cases, materials, and textUnincorporated business associations including agency, partnership, and limited liability companies : cases and materialsSecurities regulation : materials for a basic courseInternational organizations in their legal setting : documents, comments, and questionsState and local taxation : cases and materialsCases on the law of tortsCases and materials on equitable remedies, restitution and damagesCorporations, law and policy, materials and problemsTaxation of estates, gifts and trustsCases and problems on contractsFuture interestsThe law of international business transactionsCases and materials on labor law: collective bargaining in a free societyCriminal procedure : adjudication, cases and materialsCivil procedure : cases and materialsThe law of hazardous waste disposal and remediation : cases, legislation, regulations, policiesThe economics of contract lawEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, problemsFundamental trial advocacyInternational sales law : a problem-oriented coursebookAdministrative law : the American public law system : cases and materialsCases and materials on gratuitous transfers, wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts, future interests and estate and gift taxationCases and materials on law and povertyFinding the law : an abridged edition of "How to find the law, 9th ed."Health law : cases, materials and problemsProducts liability cases and materialsCases and materials on contractsCases and materials on tortsCases and materials on copyright and other aspects of law pertaining to literary, musical, and artistic works : illustratedIntellectual property : private rights, the public interest, and the regulation of creative activityModern constitutional law : cases and notesGlobal issues in employee benefits lawSports and the law : text, cases, and problemsLegal research survival manual1985 supplement to Cases and Materials on Federal Antitrust LawThe criminal law of intellectual property and information : cases and materialsGlobal issues in civil procedure : cases and materialsCriminal law : cases, materials, and text on the substantive criminal law in its procedural contextHow to find the lawFederal estate and gift taxationRegulation and protection of international business : cases, comments and materialsPower, privilege, and law : a civil rights readerCopyright law : essential cases and materialsProblems in evidenceCases and materials on the law of corrections and prisoners' rightsBusiness reorganization in bankruptcy : cases and materialsTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injury2018 supplement to Statutes, regulation, and interpretation : legislation and administration in the republic of statutes2016 supplement to Cases and materials on legislation and regulation : statutes and the creation of public policyFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsIntroductory accounting, finance and auditing for lawyersIncome redistribution theories and programs : cases, commentary, analysesBankruptcy : cases and materialsCases on federal anti-trust laws : including restraints of trade at common law : trade regulationText, cases, and materials on sex-based discriminationCases and materials on patent law : including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksCases on administrative law, selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on the death penaltyCorporate finance : cases and materialsCases on criminal law : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on state and local government lawConsumer law : cases and materials2004 supplement to Cases and materials on European Union law : (and Selected documents, 2002 edition)International business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCases on bills and notesBasic text on labor law, unionization, and collective bargainingStatutory interpretation : a practical lawyering courseCases and materials on patent law : including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksDocuments supplement to International business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookLaw and health care quality, patient safety, and liabilityCalifornia legal ethicsCases and other material on the law of insuranceFederal taxation of estates, trusts, and gifts : principles and planning1976 supplement to Criminal law : cases, materials, and text on the substantive criminal law in its procedural contextAdministrative procedure and practice : problems and casesCorporation finance : cases and materialsWhere the law is : an introduction to advanced legal researchCases on the law of contracts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases on common law pleading : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCriminal law : cases, materials, and text2017 supplement to Introduction to American constitutional law : structure and rightsSecurities regulation : materials for a basic courseConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsStatutory supplement to closely held business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsCases and materials on employment law, the field as practicedCriminal pretrial advocacyCivil procedure : cases and materialsRemedies : cases and materialsProblems in criminal procedureLaw of environmental and toxic torts : cases, materials and problemsStatutory supplement to The law of business organizations : cases, materials, and problems, twelfth editionGlobal issues in antitrust and competition lawCases and materials on California civil procedureCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory text1988 course supplement for Keeton & Widiss on insurance law : a guide to fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and commercial practices1975 supplement to text, cases and materials on sex-based discriminationCriminal law : cases, materials, and textThe law of mergers and acquisitionsEnvironmental law, policy, and practiceProblems in legal ethicsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsConstitutional rights and liberties : cases, comments, questionsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases on the law of carriers including the interstate commerce, bills of lading and warehouse receipts actsProblems and materials on secured transactionsHealth law : cases, materials and problemsEntertainment law : cases and materials in established and emerging mediaImmigration : process and policyCases on the law of public utilitiesTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryA modern approach to evidence : text, problems, transcripts and casesCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited partnershipsTrial : advocacy before judges, jurors, and arbitratorsCases and materials on European Union lawFederal estate and gift taxationNatural resources lawAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the Constitution's third centuryCases and materials on creditors' rightsCases on constitutional law : selected from decisions of State and Federal courtsNonprofit organizations : law and policyGlobal issues in legal ethicsInternational law : cases and materialsInternational business transactions : contracting across bordersCases and problems on contractsInternational law and litigation in the U.S.NAFTA : a problem-oriented coursebookProgrammed materials on legal research and citationA modern approach to evidence : text, problems, transcripts, and casesNatural resources lawSecured transactions : problems, materials and casesThe American Constitution : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on the law of municipal corporationsCases and materials on judicial process and social change : constitutional litigationCases and materials on U.S. antitrust in global contextReadings on adversarial justice : the American approach to adjudicationNatural resources lawEvidence : the California code and the federal rules : a problem approachMergers, acquisitions and other business combinations : cases and materialsSupplement to Modern constitutional law : cases and notesCases on trial practice in civil actions, selected from decisions of English and American courtsSocial security law, policy, and practice : cases and materialsModern commercial paper : the new law of negotiable instruments (and related commercial paper)Legal problems of international economic relations : cases, materials and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relationsWhite collar crime : law and practiceEvidence : the California code and the federal rules : a problem approachInternational law : cases and materialsComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureCases on criminal procedure : selected from decisions of English and American courtsSpecific performance of contracts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on juvenile justice administrationDispute resolution and lawyersCivil procedure, cases and materialsModern constitutional law : cases and notesInternational law : cases and commentaryCollective bargaining in public employmentFamily law : cases, comments and questions, fourth edition : 2000 supplementEvidence : cases and materialsProblems and materials in Federal estate and gift taxation : with supplemental income tax materials relevant to transactions creating estate and gift tax consequencesSelected from decisions of English and American courtsLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questions1978 supplement to Federal courts : cases and materialsCases and materials on arbitration law and practiceLaw in modern democratic societyCases on the law of agencySupplement to sports and the law : text, cases, problemsCriminal law : cases and materialsPrivacy law : cases and materialsEmployment discrimination law : cases and materialsCases and materials on legislation and regulation : statutes and the creation of public policyCriminal law: cases and materialsInternational business planning : policy & procedureContract law : selected source materials annotatedCases and materials on the rules of the legal professionFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsCases and materials on natural resourcesCases on the law of sales of goods : selected from decisions of English and American courtsRegulation of financial institutionsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on criminal lawSales, leases and electronic commerce : problems and materials on national and international transactionsCases and materials on administrative lawPrivacy law : cases and materialsFederal courts, federalism, and separation of powers : cases and materialsGlobal issues in income taxationProblems in evidenceThe law and ethics of law practiceText, cases and materials on sex-based discriminationGlobal issues in labor lawEducation and the lawLabor law : collective bargaining in a free societyHuman rights advocacy in the United StatesAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryRegulation of bank financial service activities : selected statutes and regulationsSecured transactions : teaching materialsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsLawyering and ethics for the business attorneyCases and materials on criminal lawConsumer law : cases and materialsIntroductory accounting, finance and accounting for lawyersFederal courts : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on international lawLaw and economics : cases, materials and behavioral perspectivesSupplement of basic documents to international environmental law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookSpecific performance of contractsCases on property division at marriage dissolutionCommercial law problems and materialsFundamentals of pretrial litigationDoing business in China : problems, cases, and materialsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsAdvocacy on appealInternational law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and materials on the conflict of lawsLegal problem solving : analysis, research, and writingInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookGenetics : ethics, law and policyCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesIntroduction to legal method and process : cases and materialsSupplement to Trial : advocacy before judges, jurors, and arbitrators, fifth editionCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textWhite collar crime : cases and materialsCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesContemporary propertyFundamentals of pretrial litigationCases and materials on land useEuropean Union business law : representing clients doing business in the European UnionFundamentals of pretrial litigationBankruptcy : cases and materialsCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectivesCases and materials on criminal procedureCases on criminal law : selected from decisions of English and American courts ; Cases on criminal procedure (Abridged edtion) : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on legislationCases and materials on bankruptcyFinding the lawCorporations : a comparative perspective1984 supplement to fifth editions: Modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions, and Basic criminal procedure : cases, comments, questionsDispute resolution and lawyersCases and materials on property : an introduction to the concept and the institutionCommercial transactions : sales, leases and licensesA modern approach to evidence : text, problems, transcripts, and casesCases and materials on partnership taxationMaterials for understanding credit and payment systemsEnvironmental law in context : cases and materialsInternational labor law : documentary supplement to : cases and materials on workers' rights in the global economyProblems and materials on secured transactionsCases and materials on labor lawCivil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesCases and materials on American property lawEthical lawyering : legal and professional responsibilities in the practice of lawPayment systems : problems, materials, and casesLiability and quality issues in health careCriminal procedure : cases, problems & exercisesCases on the law of bills and notesPolitical dynamics of constitutional lawCases and commentary on international lawState and local taxation : cases and materialsIntroduction to employee benefits law : policy and practiceIntroduction to the law of real propertyAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes and problemsCases on restitution : selected from decisions of English and American courtsThe law of civil procedure : cases and materialsStatutory supplement to Legal protection for the individual employee, fifth editionCivil procedure supplement : containing selective Federal and State statutes, rules, problems, forms, and recent decisionsThe commercial sales transaction : an introduction to the U.C.C.Torts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryModern criminal law : cases, comments and questionsCorporate finance : cases and materialsLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsCriminal law : cases, materials & problemsSecurities regulation : cases and materials : 2002 supplement to Ranter & Hanzen : containing new material, problems and sample documentsEvidence : an introductory problem approachLocal government lawStatutes, regulation, and interpretation : legislation and administration in the republic of statutesU.S. foreign relations law : cases, materials, and practice exerecisesInternational patent law and policyRefomation, rescission, and restitution, at law and in equityDynamics of trial practice : problems and materialsUnincorporated business associations including agency, partnership and limited liability companies : cases and materialsCases and materials on patent law : also including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksConflict of laws : cases--comments--questionsThe federal regulation of transportation : materials illustrating problems of public utility controlCases and commentary on international lawPublic sector employment : cases and materialsCommercial law : problems and meterials on sales and paymentsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryBeyond the basics : a text for advanced legal writingCases and materials on bankruptcyThe tax law of charities and other exempt organizations : cases, materials, questions and activitiesGlobal issues in copyright lawCases and materials on California community property Law : marriage, property, codeBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsGlobal issues in patent lawEuropean Community law : selected documentsTrials and appeals : cases and materialsLaw and religion : cases, materials, and readingsCases and materials on land useSecurities litigation and enforcement : cases and materialsThe law of deprivation of liberty : a study in social control : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law of tortsFederal courts, federalism, and separation of powers : cases and materialsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsLeading cases in civil procedureCases and materials on professional responsibilityPayment systems : teaching materialsCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeCases and analyses on the law of corporations and other business entities : a socratic approachCases and materials on professional responsibilityIntellectual property : private rights, the public interest, and the regulation of creative activityStatutory supplement to Cases and materials on the law governing the employment relationshipProblems and materials in Federal income taxationFederal criminal law and its enforcementProfessional responsibility : problems, cases, and materialsCases and materials on energy and natural resources lawRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsThe logic of subchapter K : a conceptual guide to the taxation of partnershipsIntroductory accounting, finance and auditing for lawyersTax procedure and tax fraud, cases and materialsTeaching materials on estate planningLaw practice management : materials and casesAnti-terrorism and criminal enforcementCases and materials on wills, trusts, and future interests : an introduction to estate planningCases and materials on Federal Indian lawHealth law : cases, materials and problemsStatutory supplement to cases and materials on employment discrimination and employment lawProblems in evidenceCases and materials on general practice insurance lawLegal writing : a systematic approachAn introduction to the Anglo-American legal system : readings and casesCases and materials on modern property lawAn introduction to trusts and estatesIntroduction to legal method and process : cases and materialsCriminal law and procedure : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern property lawProblems in legal ethicsCases and materials on land useCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited partnershipsHealth law : cases, materials and problemsBasic documents supplement to International law : cases and materialsFederal administrative lawCases and materials on oil and gas law2002 supplement to employment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookAdministrative law : cases-text-problemsProblems in evidenceEvidence : a problem, lecture and discussion approachCases and materials on administrative lawCases on the law of torts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryCases on tortsCases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyCases on criminal law : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLawyering : practice and planningCases on the law of bills and notesCalifornia civil procedure : cases and materialsText, cases and materials on sex-based discriminationLabor law in the contemporary workplaceCases in equit : selected from decisions of English and American courtsFederal courts : cases, comments and questionsJurisprudence and persuasion : "you can't argue like that" : a case-based approachCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textBallantine's Problems in law for law school and bar examination review : a collection of concrete problems with solutions, covering principal legal topicsCore concepts of commercial law : past, present, and future : cases and materialsEconomic foundations of regulation and antitrust lawCases and materials on admiraltyContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceFederal courts : cases, comments, and questionsCases and materials on alternative dispute resolutionCorporations law and policy : materials and problemsDocument supplement to The law and legal system of the United StatesCases and materials on common law pleadingEthics of the lawyer's workCases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionCases on the law of insurance : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCalifornia family law : a practice focused casebookModern criminal procedure : with amendments to federal rules of criminal procedure effective July 1, 1966, cases, comments and questionsTransnational law : cases and materialsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsInternational organizations in their legal settingInternational law for the environmentComputer crime lawThe administrative processAdministrative law, the American public law system : cases and materialsWhere the law is : an introduction to advanced legal researchConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsCivil procedure : a modern approachChildren and the law : doctrine, policy and practiceCoastal and ocean law : cases and materialsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and materials on appellate practice and procedureTeaching materials on commercial transactionsFair employment litigation : text and materials for student and practitionerCorporations, law and policies, materials and problemsCommercial transactions : a survey of United States law with International perspectiveRepresenting the professional athleteCriminal law : cases, materials & problemsCases and materials on remediesCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory text1990 supplement to cases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionCases and materials on the death penaltyCases and other materials on international lawBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsState constitutional law : the modern experienceCases and materials on antitrustThe law of international business transactionsModern constitutional law : cases and notesEvidence : cases and materialsTeacher's manual to accompany The law of bioethics : individual autonomy and social regulationInternational sales law : a problem-oriented coursebookTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injury1981 supplement to Cases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedure1967 supplement to Federal jurisdiction and procedureCases and materials on patent law : including trade secretsState and local taxation : cases and materialsCases and materials on the rules of evidenceLiability and quality issues in health careThe First amendment : a readerModern criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions--and Basic criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions-- : January 1980 supplement to fourth editionsAnti-terrorism and criminal enforcementState and federal administrative lawSupplement of basic documents to international environmental law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookThe logic of subchapter K : a conceptual guide to the taxation of partnershipsInternational law today : a handbookContract law : selected source materialsCivil litigation in comparative contextCases and materials on equitable remedies and restitutionCorporate taxation and taxation of partnerships and partnersAntitrust law in perspective : cases, concepts and problems in competition policyBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsEnvironmental law : cases and materialsCases and materials on taxation of business enterprisesPublic planning and control of urban & land development : cases and materialsCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the Constitution's third centuryCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textStatutory and documentary supplement to Cases, materials and problems on sports and the lawBasic contract lawUnfair trade practices and consumer protection : cases and comments1998 Supplement to cases and materials on European community law : Including European union materialsInternational business transactions : foreign investmentPolitical dynamics of constitutional lawIntellectual property : cases and materialsProcedure before trial : cases and materialsEvidence : a problem, lecture and discussion approachFederal courts : cases, comments, and questionsAmerican criminal procedure : investigative : cases and commentaryBasic federal income taxation of partnerships and S corporationsLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsFederal estate and gift taxationHazen & Ratner, broker dealer regulation : cases and materialsText, cases, and materials on sex-based discriminationForms manual to Cases and materials on oil and gas lawLocal government law : cases and materialsFederal administrative lawCriminal law : cases and materialsCases and materials on arbitration law and practiceThe American Constitution : cases -- comments -- questionsFederal tax practice and procedure : cases, materials, and problemsHealth law : cases, materials and problemsInternational business transactions : contracting across bordersCases, materials, and problems on general practice insurance lawLawyers and the system of justice : cases and notes on the profession of lawRemedies : cases, practical problems and exercisesDispute resolution and lawyersTeaching materials on commercial and consumer lawCases, text, and problems on federal income taxationThe modern law of contractsComputer applications in the lawTaxation of estates, gifts and trustsSupplement to third edition Federal antitrust laws : cases and commentsBasic contract lawCases and materials on American property lawInternational environmental law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookInternet and computer law : cases - comments - questions2017 supplement to Civil procedure : cases, problems and exercises, fourth editionLocal government law : cases and materialsCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsAlternatives to incorporation for persons in quest of profit : cases and materials on partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures and related agency conceptsEmployment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceAdvanced Federal income taxation : corporate transactions : cases, materials and problemsEffective appellate advocacy : brief writing and oral argumentProsecutorial ethicsAdministrative procedure and practice : problems and casesThe law of mergers and acquisitionsCases on the law of torts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsProperty law : cases, materials and problemsEnvironmental law : policy and practiceModern military justice : cases and materialsCivil procedure : cases and materialsIntroduction to American criminal procedureCases and materials on legislationCases and materials on Federal income taxationCases and materials on patent law : including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryCases on the law of suretyship : selected from decisions of English and American courtsFederal criminal law and its enforcementGlobal issues in property lawForeign relations and national security law : cases, materials and simulationsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on Federal Indian lawCases on damagesIntroduction to the law of real property : an historical background of the common law of real property and its modern applicationLabor and employment law : problems, cases and materials in the law of workAccounting issues for lawyers : teaching materialsHandbook of the law of tortsTransnational intellectual property lawSecured transactions : problems and materialsADR in the workplaceSecurities litigation and enforcement : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its origins1965 supplement to Constitutional law, the American Constitution, Constitutional rights & libertiesSecured transactions : teaching materials2010 supplement to corporations law and policy : materials and problemsCases and problems on domestic relationsCases and materials on water lawProblems and materials on sales and secured transactionsCases and materials on labor lawDomestic violence lawCases and materials on employment discrimination lawCases, materials, and problems on general practice insurance lawCivil procedure : cases and materialsCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsStatutory supplement to legal protection for the individual employeeCyberlaw : problems of policy and jurisprudence in the information ageJurisprudence : text and readings on the philosophy of lawProblems and materials on Federal courts and civil procedureCases and materials on trademark lawInside the Supreme Court : the institution and its proceduresAntitrust : cases, economic notes, and other materialsCases and materials on law and economics2015 statutory and documentary supplement to White collar crime : law and practice, fourth editionBusiness structuresEvidence in context : evidentiary problems and exercisesTaxation of international transactions : materials, text and problemsGlobal issues in contract lawLaw in modern democratic societyCases and materials on oil and gasAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryCases, problems, and materials on payment systemsThe law of civil procedure : cases and materialsLegal writing, analysis, and oral argumentLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsLaw and American history : cases and materialsCases and other materials on international lawAnimal law and the courts : a readerProblems in insurance lawCriminal procedure : investigating crimeCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsThe First Amendment : cases-comments-questionsWhite collar practice : cases and materialsModern constitutional theory : a readerModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsCommercial paper : teaching materialsCases and materials on copyright and other aspects of entertainment litigation including unfair competition, defamation, privacy, illustratedCivil procedure : a modern approachCases and materials on employee benefitsA modern approach to property : cases, notes, materialsCases on the law of damagesPayment systems : problems, materials, and casesLaw in practiceEnvironmental law in context : cases and materialsFederal taxation of international transactions : principles, planning and policyThe American Constitution : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance, and developmentProblems and materials in Federal estate and gift taxation : with supplemental income tax material relevant to transactions creating estate and gift tax consequences1964 supplement to Constitutional law : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern juvenile justiceCases and materials on feminist jurisprudence : taking women seriouslyCases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedureGlobal issues in criminal lawStatutory supplement to employment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceAdvanced negotiation and mediation : concepts, skills, and exercisesReview of federal income taxationTeaching materials on estate planningCases and materials on admiraltySecured transactions : teaching materialsThe elements of evidenceEmployment discrimination law : cases and notesLegal protection for the individual employeeCases on the conflict of laws : selected from decisions of English and American courtsInternational business transactions : foreign investment lawCorporate taxation and taxation of partnerships and partnersThe legal profession : ethics in contemporary practiceDispute resolution and lawyersLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsIntroduction to transactional lawyering practiceBasic contract lawRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsState and federal administrative lawTorts : cases and materialsInternational law : cases and commentaryProblems in legal ethicsConstitutional rights and liberties : cases and materialsCases and materials on law and economicsProblems and materials in Federal income taxationFinding the lawCases and materials on evidenceNAFTA and free trade in the Americas : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and problems on contractsJurisprudence : text and readings on the philosophy of lawCases and materials on land useLegal problems of international economic relations : cases, materials, and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relationsCases and materials on land useCases and materials on land useThe law of civil procedure : cases and materialsCases and materials on American property lawDomestic violence lawCases and materials on criminal law1967 supplement to second editions of Constitutional law : cases-comments-questions ; The American Constitution : cases and materials ; Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsTrial practice : exercises in witness examination and the rules of evidence2002 supplement to tenth editions : Modern criminal procedure, cases--comments--questions, Basic criminal procedure, cases--comments--questions and Advanced criminal procedure, cases--comments--questionsCases and materials on tortsThe law of health care organization and financeInstitutions and methods of the law : introductory teaching materialsCivil procedure : a modern approachThe First Amendment : cases, comments, questionsTeacher's manual to accompany taxation of business entities : C corporations, partnerships and S corporationsThe theory and practice of partnership taxationCases on future interests2012 supplement to Constitutional law : cases-comments-questions : eleventh editionsCases and materials on environmental lawCases and materials on wills, descent and administrationCriminal procedure : principles, policies and perspectivesCases and materials on trial practice in civil actionsCases and other materials on international lawWhite collar crime : cases and materialsFederal courts standards of review : appellate court review of district court decisions and agency actionBankruptcy : dealing with financial failure for individuals and businessesCases and materials on admiraltyLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsContract law in modern society : cases and materials on law of contracts, sales, and legal methodologyCriminal procedure : investigating crime2016 supplement to health law : cases, materials and problems (7th ed. 2013)State and local taxation : cases and materialsRegulation of bank financial service activities : selected statutes and regulationsCases and materials on tort and accident lawAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryInternational law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookLeading cases in civil procedureAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryCases and materials on gratuitous transfers : wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts, future interests and estate and gift taxationInternet and computer law : cases - comments - questionsFederal administrative lawInsurance law and practice : cases, materials, and exercisesCases and materials on the law of trustsLegal protection for the individual employeeCases on constitutional law : with supplement selected from decisions of state and federal courtsDebtor-creditor : creditor remedies and debtor rights under state and non-bankruptcy federal lawLocal government lawCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryCases and materials on state and local government law2017 supplement to American criminal procedure : cases and commentary, tenth editionFamily law : cases, comments, and questionsComputer law : cases, comments, and questionsCases and materials on California community propertyRenewable energy : law, policy and practiceLabor arbitration : a coursebookProblems in remedies : damages, equity, restitutionIntellectual property : private rights, the public interest, and the regulation of creative activityCases and text on wills and administrationLaw, totalitarianism and democracyLabor law in the contemporary workplaceCalifornia cases on security transactions in landLeading cases in civil procedureSales, leases, and electronic commerce : problems and materials on national and international transactionsPractice projects supplement for statutes, cases, and materials on the law of corporations and other business enterprisesBanking law : teaching materialsDisability law : cases and materialsMaterials for a basic course in propertyCases on mortgages of real propertyLocal government law : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern property lawImmigration : process and policyBioethics : health care law and ethicsSales and leases : problems and materials on national and international transactionsCases and materials on land useBasic contract lawComparative legal traditions : text, materials, and cases on the civil law, common law, and socialist law traditions with special reference to French, West German, English, and Soviet lawDebtors and creditors : cases and materialsTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryCases and materials on bankruptcyCoastal and ocean law : cases and materialsFederal courts : cases and materialsModern environmental law : policy and practiceFamily law from multiple perspectives : cases and commentaryCases and materials on introduction to law, legal process, and procedureTax procedure and tax fraud, cases and materialsCases on private corporations : selected from decisions of English and American courtsBasic documents supplement to international law : cases and materialsStatutory provisions & proposals, and ethical problems relating to The processes of criminal justice : investigation and adjudicationEmployment discrimination law : cases and materialsContemporary propertyCases and materials on the professional responsibility of lawyersThe law of bioethics : individual autonomy and social regulationCases and materials on the law of tortsCases and materials on the law of bills and notesTeaching materials on estate planningCases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedureImpeccable research : a concise guide to mastering legal research skillsCases and materials on property : an introduction to the concept and the institutionCases on tortsDisability civil rights law and policy : cases and materialsInternational law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and materials on taxation of business enterprisesInternational litigation and arbitration : selected treaties, statutes, and rulesCases and materials on state and local government lawCases and materials on federal antitrust lawEntertainment law on a global stageCases and materials on admiraltyCases and materials on sexual orientation and the lawModern criminal procedure : with federal rules of criminal procedure and proposed amendments : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on the professional responsibility of lawyersThe law of property : an introductory surveyAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problems2016 supplement to Civil procedure : cases, problems and exercises, fourth edition2014 statutory and case supplement to computer crime lawCivil procedure : cases and materialsCases and commentary on international lawInsurance : materials on fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and regulatory acts2018 supplement to entertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, and problemsSports and the law : text, cases, problemsCases and materials on legislation : statutes and the creation of public policyCorporations, law and policy : materials and problemsCases on criminal law and its enforcementEvidence : the California code and the federal rules : a problem approachUnfair trade practices : cases, comments and materials : trade regulationCases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyLegal writing : a systematic approachFamily law : cases, comments, and questions1989 documents supplement to Legal problems of international economic relationsCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsCorbin on contractsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsFeminist jurisprudence : cases and materialsCorporate finance : debt, equity, and derivative markets and their intermediariesCases and other materials on the law of personal propertyModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on trial practice in civil actionIntroduction to legal method and process : cases and materialsComparative legal traditions : text, materials and cases on western lawCases and materials on arbitration law and practiceThe judicial process : text, materials, and casesDebtors and creditors : cases and materialsCases and materials on tort and accident lawAn introduction to the Anglo-American legal system : readings and casesThe First amendment : a readerLawyering : practice and planningProblems in legal ethicsCases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyAccounting for business lawyers : teaching materialsThe law of mergers and acquisitionsFreedom of speech in the history of ideas : landmark cases, historic essays, and recent developmentsIntellectual property : cases and materialsEmployment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsCases and materials on the competition law of the European UnionInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and materials on state and local government lawCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryCases and materials on trade secret lawHandbook of appellate advocacyLiability in medicine and public healthContracts : transactions and litigationModern criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions--and Basic criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions-- : 1968 supplement to fourth editions2002 documents supplement to legal problems of international economic relationsAccounting for business lawyers : teaching materialsCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsAntitrust law in perspective : cases, concepts, and problems in competition policySales : teaching materialsCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectives2019 supplement to fourteenth editions : modern criminal procedure basic criminal procedure and advanced criminal procedureStatutory supplement to disability civil rights law and policy : cases and materialsCriminal law and procedure : cases and materialsLeading cases in constitutional law : a compact casebook for a short courseTrusts and estatesStatutory supplement to closely held business organizations cases, materials, and problemsCases and materials on gratuitous transfers : wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts, future interests and estate and gift taxationThe logic of the transfer taxes : a guide to the federal taxation of wealth transfersFederal criminal law and its enforcementInternational environmental law : a problem-oriented coursebookDisability law : cases and materialsImmigration and citizenship : process and policyLegal Problems of international economic relations : cases, materials, and textRenewable energy : law, policy and practiceBankruptcy : dealing with financial failure for individuals and businessesJurisprudence : classical and contemporary : from natural law to postmodernismGlobal lawyering skillsEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, and problemsCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textHealth law : cases, materials and problemsFederal tax practice and procedure : cases, materials, and problemsComparative constitutionalism : cases and materialsTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injury1978 case supplement to Keeton's basic text on insurance lawcase supplement to Keeton's basic text on insurance lawCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectivesCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textIntellectual property : cases and materialsBankruptcy : cases and materialsCases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedureTort and accident law : cases and materialsTransnational civil litigationCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsLeadership, law, and pipelines to power1964 supplement of cases to Federal Antitrust Law (2d. Ed. 1959)Cases and other materials on international lawReal estate transfer, finance, and development : cases and materialsCriminal procedure : recent cases analyzedCopyright law : essential cases and materialsCases on the law of mortgages, selected from decisions of American and English courtsEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, problemsEvidence : cases, materials, problemsPretrial litigation : law, policy, and practiceCases and materials on tortsCivil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materialsProperty law : cases, materials, and problemsCases on the law of trusts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsAdjudication of criminal justice : cases and problemsCalifornia legal ethicsProperty law : cases, materials and problemsIntroduction to civil procedure : common law actions and pleadingTerrorism and the law : cases and materialsCases and materials on fraud and mistakeBasic federal income taxation of C corporationsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsCases and materials on equityCritical race theory : cases, materials, and problemsConstitutional law : leading casesCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance and development2018 supplement to American criminal procedure : cases and commentary, eleventh edition1978 supplement to Problems and materials in business planningCases and materials on the law of tortsLegal research and citationFundamentals of pretrial litigationRemedies : public and privateSports and the law : text, cases and problemsCases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionCases and materials on tort and accident lawSecurities regulation : materials for a basic courseBanking law : teaching materialsEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, and problemsPatent litigation and strategyThe law and ethics of law practiceProblems in criminal lawThe processes of criminal justice : investigation and adjudicationInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsLegal protection for the individual employeeSecured transactions : teaching materialsTrademark and unfair competition law : cases and commentsThe law of creditor and debtor relations : cases, text, procedure, formsCases on code pleadingBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsTeaching materials on the laws of corporations : with comparisons of general and limited partnerships and other unincorporated organizations and synopsis of agency law (with practice projects)Patent litigation and strategyForced migration : law and policyJanuary 1973 supplement to third editions modern criminal procedure -- cases -- comments -- questions and basic criminal procedure cases -- comments -- questionsContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceFact investigation : from hypothesis to proofLegal malpractice law : problems and preventionCases on the law of bills and notes : selected from decisions of English and American courtsBioethics : health care law and ethicsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textThe First amendment : cases and materialsConstitutional law : cases--comments--questionsCases and materials on legislation : statutes and the creation of public policyPrivacy law and societyCivil procedure : cases and materialsCases and materials on criminal lawCases and other materials on the law of municipal corporationsCriminal procedure : investigating crimeEvidence : cases, materials, problemsCases and materials on the death penaltyCases on the law of bills and notes : selected from decisions of English and American courtsRegulation of bank financial service activities : 2012 selected statutes and regulationsLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materialsCases on the law of contracts : selected from decisions of English and American courts : with extensive critical notesLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsCases and materials on employment discrimination : the field as practicedCases on persons and domestic relations selected from decisions of English and American courtsEffective appellate advocacy : brief writing and oral argumentCases and materials on admiraltyCyberlaw : problems of policy and jurisprudence in the information ageSexual identity law in context : cases and materialsInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCases, text, and problems on federal income taxationThe law of mergers and acquisitionsAdministrative law : cases-text-problemsCases on the law of tortsCriminal procedure and the Constitution, leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and other authorities on legal ethicsEthical lawyering : legal and professional responsibilities in the practice of law1985 supplement to fifth editions of Constitutional law : cases-comments-questions, The American Constitution : cases and materials, Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsLegal writing : a systematic approachModern constitutional law : cases and notesLiability and quality issues in health careProfessional responsibility : problems, cases, and materialsCriminal law case studiesFederal rules of evidence : text and historyCases and materials on water law : resource use and environmental protectionCases and materials on corporations : including partnerships and limited partnershipsCases and materials on patent lawIntroduction to American constitutional law : structure and rightsCases and materials on the law of titles to real property : acquired originally and by transfer inter vivosMaterials on environmental lawEnvironmental law and policy : a coursebook on nature, law, and societyContract law in modern society : cases and materialsComputer assisted legal research : the basicsCases and materials on trial practice in civil actionsCopyright law : essential cases and materialsCases and materials on copyright and other aspects of entertainment litigation illustrated : including unfair competition, defamation, privacyThe modern law of contractsLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsAnti-terrorism and criminal enforcementThe constitutional legacy of William H. RehnquistAn introduction to the law of business organizations : cases, notes and questionsPollution : cases and materialsInternational law and litigation in the U.S. : documents supplementLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsGlobal issues in tort lawCases and materials on employment discrimination lawCases and materials on trusts and willsCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment lawContracts : morality, economics and the marketplace : cases and materialsNine questions : secured debt deals in the 21st centuryMass communication law : cases and commentSales : teaching materialsComparative constitutionalism : cases and materialsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on Federal Indian lawIdeas of the First AmendmentCorporation finance : cases and materialsLegal writing : getting it right and getting it writtenThe individual tax base : cases, problems and policies in federal taxationCases and materials on corporations including partnerships and limited liability companiesDodd's cases on constitutional law : regular and shorter editionsCases and materials on federal Indian lawCases and materials on judicial administrationAdvanced torts : injuries to business, political, and family interestsCases and materials on environmental lawOcean and coastal law : cases and materialsThe law of business torts and unfair competition : cases, materials, and problemsConflict of laws : cases--comments--questionsAdministrative law : principles and practiceCases and materials on Federal Indian lawCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment law, the field as practicedCases and materials on taxation of business enterprisesLegal protection of the environmentCases and materials on advanced torts : economic and dignitary torts : business, commercial and intangible harmsEmployment discrimination law : cases and materialsCases and materials on oil and gas lawCriminal procedure : cases, problems and exercisesInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveProblems in legal ethicsCriminal law case studiesAnti-terrorism and criminal enforcementTeaching materials on banking lawIntroduction to law practice : materials and casesGlobal issues in intellectual property lawCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance, and developmentEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, problemsClosely held business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsLocal government law : cases and materialsConstitutional criminal procedure : from investigation to trialPleading, joinder, and discovery : cases and materialsPolitical dynamics of constitutional lawConstitutional rights and liberties : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on California civil procedureState and local taxation : cases and materialsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and materials on environmental law and policyCases on the law of evidence : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLocal government law : cases and materials2014 supplement to Anti-terrorism and criminal enforcement, fourth editionThe processes of criminal justice : investigationCases on damages : selected from decisions of English and American courts1972 supplement to cases and materials on international lawDomestic violence lawCriminal law : cases and materialsIntellectual property : cases and materialsCases and materials on tort1978 supplement to Cases and materials on conflict of laws, second editionModern constitutional law : cases and notes2018 supplement to Cases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsLearning evidence : from the federal rules to the courtroomCases and materials on evidenceCases and materials on international litigation and arbitrationSecurities regulation : cases and materialsFederal income taxation of individuals : cases, problems & materialsCases and materials on the law of sentencing, corrections, and prisoners' rightsCases and materials on federal income taxation : individuals, corporations, partnershipsTeacher's manual to administrative procedure and practice : problems and cases1980 update for the processes of criminal justice : investigation and adjudicationConstitutional law : cases, comments, and questionsTorts : cases and materialsBehind the scenes of corporate taxationThe processes of criminal justice : investigationCases and materials on economic regulation of businessRace and races : cases and resources for a diverse AmericaThe law of environmental protection : cases--legislation--policiesEnergy law and policySex-based discrimination : text, cases and materialsCases and materials on California community propertyCases on oil and gas, selected from decisions of American courtsCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance, and developmentCases and materials on Federal taxationLegal writing : a systematic approachFederal income taxation : cases, problems, and materialsCases and materials on contractsEstate planning and draftingCases and materials on the law of future interestsLearning the logic of subchapter K : problems and assignments for a course in the taxation of partnershipsState and local taxation : cases and materialsFederal Income Taxation : Cases, Problems and MaterialsUnfair trade practices and consumer protection : cases and comments1967 supplement to second editions : Modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions : and Basic criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions--Legal problem solving : analysis, research and writingCases on administrative law : selected from decisions of English and American courtsBasic property lawCorporations law and policy : materials and problemsCivil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesCases and materials on appellate practice and procedureCyberlaw : problems of policy and jurisprudence in the information ageCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectivesCivil procedure : cases and materialsSales, leases, and electronic commerce : problems and materials on national and international transactionsBasic uniform commercial code teaching materialsRepresenting the professional athleteContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceFederal administrative lawFederal courts : cases and materialsWills, trusts, and estate planning : law and taxation, cases and materialsCases, text and problems on federal income taxationCases on domestic relations2018 supplement to Constitutional law : cases, comments, and questions : twelfth editionComputer crime lawIntroductory accounting and finance for lawyersLegal protection of the environmentCriminal procedure : cases, problems & exercisesAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on workers' compensation and employment rightsPublic sector employment : cases and materialsCases and materials on judicial remediesModern military justice : cases and materialsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsSecurities regulation : cases and materialsThe clinic seminarCases and materials on trademark lawCivil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materialsCopyright : cases and materialsInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveSports and the law : examining the legal evolution of America's three "major leagues"Cases and materials on juvenile justice administrationInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookCases and materials on remedies2005 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights and liberties : cases-comments-questions : ninth editionsClass actions and other multi-party litigation : cases and materialsImmigration : process and policyCases and materials on oil and gas lawBasic contract lawCases on federal jurisdiction and procedure : selected from decisions of the federal courtsCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment law2016 documents supplement to Cases and materials on European Union law, fourth editionCases and materials on juvenile justice administrationStatutory interpretation : a practical lawyering courseStudying law : an introductionDocuments supplement to a coursebook in international intellectual propertyConsumer protection : cases, notes, and materialsAmerican Indian Law : cases and commentaryModern constitutional law : cases and notesText, case and materials on sex-based discrimination2018 supplement to Cases and materials on legislation and regulation : statutes and the creation of public policy, fifth editionCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of State and Federal courtsFederal courts : cases and materialsProblems in evidenceComparative corporate lawBusiness structuresAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problemsDocuments supplement to international environmental law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookCivil procedure : a modern approachCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsCivil procedure : a modern approachForeign relations and national security law : cases, materials, and simulationsCriminal law case studiesCases and materials on patent lawStatutory supplement to Cases, notes, and materials on consumer protectionProblems, cases, and materials in professional responsibilityCases and other authorities on equity : selected from decisions of English and American courtsReligion and the constitution : cases and materialsThe law of health care organization and financeCases and materials on legislation : statutes and the creation of public policyPayment systems : problems, materials, and casesText, cases, and materials on sex-based discriminationFederal antitrust laws : cases and commentsBasic property lawThe law of business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsCases on the interpretation of statutes : selected from decisions of American and English courtsMastering trial advocacy : cases, problems & exercisesCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeCases and materials on pleading and procedure before trialCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesBasic documents in international law and world orderLegal drafting : process, techniques, and exercisesFederal antitrust laws : cases and commentsAdministrative law, the American public law system : cases and materialsCases and materials on insurance lawCases and materials on basic insurance lawEnvironmental law : cases and materialsThe law of creditor and debtor relations : 1959 supplementInternational law : cases and materialsModern constitutional theory : a readerModern constitutional law : cases and notesAn introduction to the Anglo-American legal system : readings and casesInternational law : cases and materialsBusiness fundamentals : essential concepts all lawyers need to knowFamily law : cases, comments, and questionsCases and materials on contracts as basic commercial lawBusiness and financial literacy for law studentsCases, materials and problems on sports and the lawFederal taxation of gifts, trusts, and estatesJanuary 1978 supplement to 4th editions, modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions, and basic criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions2015 selected documents supplement to Cases and materials on European Union law, fourth edition1988 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights & liberties, sixth editionsElectronic discovery and digital evidence : cases and materialsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsTaxation of individualsThe First Amendment : cases-comments-questionsLaw and economics : positive, normative and behavioral perspectivesInternational intellectual property : problems, cases, and materialsCorporations, cases and materials : successor volume to fourth edition of Lattin, Jennings, and Buxbaum Corporations, cases and materials2008 documents supplement to legal problems of international economic relationsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryPolitical dynamics of constitutional lawCases on agencyIntellectual property : cases and materialsLaw of environmental and toxic torts : cases, materials and problems2018 supplement to Introduction to American constitutional law : structure and rightsLegal research and citationPrivacy law and societyInternet and computer law : cases - comments - questionsInternational litigation and arbitration : selected treaties, statutes, and rulesCases and materials on the law of evidenceIdeas of the First AmendmentContracts : cases, problems and materialsCases and materials on modern property lawCases on the law of partnership : including limited partnerships selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases on future interestsLaw in practiceInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookSecured transactions : problems and materials1987 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights & libertiesLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsTeacher's manual to professional responsibility : problems, cases, and materials, fourth edition2003 supplement to tenth editions : Modern criminal procedure, cases--comments--questions, Basic criminal procedure, cases--comments--questions and Advanced criminal procedure, cases--comments--questionsDocuments supplement to Legal problems of international economic relationsRegulation of broadcasting : law and policy towards radio, television, and cable communicationsBusiness structuresCorporation finance : cases and materialsEmployment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceCases and materials on law and povertyCases on civil procedureCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeInternational labor law : cases and materials on workers' rights in the global economySports and the law : examining the legal evolution of America's three "major leagues"Criminal law : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law of corrections and prisoners' rightsFundamental pretrial advocacy : a strategic guide to effective litigationU.S. foreign relations law : cases, materials, and simulationsCases and materials on legislationCivil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law and policy of sentencing and correctionsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsCorporation finance : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern juvenile justiceCases on the law of admiralty : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLaw practice management : materials and casesPersonal propertyAn introduction to commercial lawCriminal procedure : principles, policies and perspectivesThe processes of criminal justice : adjudicationCases and materials on the rules of evidenceCivil litigation in comparative contextTaxation of international transactions : materials, text and problemsModern constitutional theory : a readerStatutory supplement to cases and materials on labor law : collective bargaining in a free societyBioethics : health care law and ethicsCases and materials on admiraltyTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryAn invitation to family law : principles, process, and perspectivesCases and materials on the law of tortsCases and materials on constitutional rights and libertiesAmerican Indian law : cases and commentaryAdministrative procedure and practice : problems and casesCases on the law of tortsCriminal law : cases, materials, and text on the substantive criminal law in its procedural contextCivil procedure; cases and materialsCases and materials on housing and urban developmentCases on principal and agent and master and servant : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on California community propertyImmigration, process and policyAdministrative law : cases-text-problemsIntroduction to the American public law system : cases and materialsState and federal administrative lawComparative constitutionalism : cases and materialsPublic choice concepts and applications in lawCases and materials on admiraltyCases and materials on secured transactionsLabor and employment law : problems, cases, and materials in the law of workCases and materials on environmental lawIntellectual property : cases and materialsComparative criminal procedure : GermanyProblems in criminal procedureConstitutional rights and liberties : cases-comments-questionsFamily law : cases and materialsCases and materials on the legal professionAdjudication of criminal justice : problems and referencesCases and materials on the law of evidence1993 statutory and documentary supplement to Cases, materials and problems on sports and the lawFundamentals of pretrial litigationLeading cases in constitutional law : a compact casebook for a short courseCases and materials on water lawCases and materials on the law of tortsInternational litigation and arbitration : selected treaties, statutes, and rulesProblems, cases and materials on federal income taxationToxic and environmental torts : cases and materialsLabor law : collective bargaining in a free societyCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the Constitution's third centuryA history of the American ConstitutionInternational human rights lawyering : cases and materialsThe modern law of contractsCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading criminal procedure cases and introductory textThe economics of constitutional law and public choiceCases and materials on patent law : also including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksDispute resolution and lawyersCases and materials on contracts : making and doing dealsBasic property lawHandler and Hays' cases and materials on labor lawJanuary 1977 supplement to forth editions Modern criminal procedure, cases, comments, questions, and Basic criminal procedure, cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on the rules of evidenceTeacher's manual for Federal taxation of estates, trusts, and gifts : principles and planningCases and materials on the law of salesScience in the law : social and behavioral science issuesIntroduction to legal method and process : cases and materialsCases and materials on American property lawCases and materials on gratuitous transfers : Wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts and future interestsCases and materials on remediesPretrial litigation : law, policy and practiceCases on the law of agencyCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment lawCases and materials on energy and natural resources lawCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questions2016 supplement to Constitutional law : cases, comments, and questions : twelfth editionFederal courts : cases, comments and questionsCases and materials on professional responsibilitySports law : cases and materialsBasic contract lawConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsRemedies : public and privateFederal income taxation : cases, problems and materialsCompensation systems : the search for a viable alternative to negligence law2016 supplement to Cases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryEnvironmental law and policy : nature, law, and societyCases and materials on natural resources lawForeign relations and national security law : cases, materials, and simulationsBasic documents supplement to international law : cases and materialsThe First Amendment : cases-comments-questionsEssential UCC concepts : a survey of commercial transactionsLaw, totalitarianism and democracyCases on the law of partnership including limited partnerships selected from decisions of English and American courtsProblems in criminal procedureEntertainment, media, and the law : text, cases, problemsCases and other materials on the law of corporationsFederal criminal practiceFuture interests and illegal conditions and restraintsStatutes, cases, and materials on the law of corporations and other business enterprisesCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsCases on the law of bills and notesEthical lawyering : legal and professional responsibilities in the practice of lawTaxation of international transactions : materials, text and problems2016 supplement to American criminal procedure : cases and commentary, tenth editionCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases and other material on the law of insuranceThe First Amendment : cases, comments, questions2004 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights and liberties : cases-comments-questions : ninth editionsState and federal administrative lawWhere the law is : an introduction to advanced legal researchTerrorism and the law : cases and materialsContemporary family lawCases and materials on labor lawCases on injuries to relationsCases and problems on contractsBankruptcy and the Supreme Court : 1801-2014Global energy justice : law and policySupplement to Modern constitutional law : cases and notesMass tort litigation : cases and materialsHealth law : cases, materials and problemsSelling and financing sales of goods under UCC articles 2 and 9Rhetoric for legal writers : the theory and practice of analysis and persuasionCases and materials on the law of propertyConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsCases on injuries to relationsGlobal issues in constitutional lawFeminist jurisprudence : cases and materials1981 supplement to fifth editions of Constitutional law : cases, comments, questions ; The American Constitution : cases and materials ; Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsInternational environmental law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookMaterials on family wealth management1999 case and statutory supplement employment discrimination law : cases and materialsCases and materials on California community propertyContemporary propertyBasic contract lawGenetics : ethics, law and policySecurities litigation and enforcement : cases and materialsConstitutional law : cases, comments, questionsInternational criminal law : cases and materials2018 statutory supplement to Computer crime law, fourth editionModern criminal law : cases, comments and questionsTrademark and unfair competition law : cases and commentsInternational civil dispute resolution : a problem-oriented coursebookThe elements of evidenceInternational litigation and arbitration : cases and materialsSales, leases, and electronic commerce : problems and materials on national and international transactionsFederal income taxation of individuals : cases, problems & materialsCyberlaw : problems of policy and jurisprudence in the information ageCases and other authorities on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsLegal problems of international economic relations : documents supplementAdministrative procedure and practice : problems and casesCivil procedure, cases and materialsCases and problems on domestic relations2017 supplement to Constitutional law : cases, comments, and questions : twelfth editionCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsInternational economic relations : cases, materials and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relationsProfessional responsibility : representing business organizationsCases and materials on contractsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsAn introduction to the Anglo-American legal system : readings and cases1995 supplement to cases and materials on antitrustText, cases and materials on sex-based discrimination in family law/ by Herma Hill KayModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentarySecurities regulation : cases and materialsAgency, partnership, and other unincorporated business enterprisesU.S. taxation of international transactionsTrial advocacy : inferences, arguments and techniquesCases and materials on land useCases and materials on sexual orientation and the lawModern criminal law : cases, comments and questionsInsurance : materials on fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and regulatory actsProperty and lawyeringCases and materials on environmental lawAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryCivil procedure, cases and materialsBasic documents supplement to international law : cases and materialsCriminal law : cases and materialsCases and selected problems in family law and povertyInternational law : cases and materialsDisability civil rights law and policy : cases and materialsAnti-terrorism and criminal enforcementCases on the law of contracts : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on the law and policy of sentencing and correctionsFamily lawBankruptcy and creditors' rights : cases and materialsGlobal issues in corporate lawContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceCalifornia cases on security transactions in landThe litigation department lawyerCases and materials on the law of municipal corporationsInternational banking lawCriminal law and the regulation of viceRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsCases and materials on legislation : statutes and the creation of public policyState constitutional law : the modern experienceFundamentals of pretrial litigationFundamental trial advocacyCorporations, law and policy : materials and problemsFederal courts, federalism and separation of powers : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law of salesProblems in civil procedureSupplement to Modern constitutional law : cases and notes2017 supplement to fourteenth editions : modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure and advanced criminal procedureCases and materials on remediesCases on the law of property, future interests and illegal conditions and restraintsCivil procedure : a modern approachProblem and documentary supplement to Securities regulation : cases and materials2000 supplement to cases and materials on intellectual propertyCases and materials on bankruptcyWhere the law is : an introduction to advanced legal researchLaw and religion, a reader : cases, concepts, and theoryPrinciples of contract lawCases on the law of carriers : selected from decisions of English and American courtsComparative constitutionalism : cases and materialsElectronic discovery and digital evidence : cases and materialsFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsCases and materials on modern property lawAn introduction to the law of business organizations : cases, notes and questionsEducation and the law1966 supplement to Constitutional law; The American Constitution; Constitutional rights & libertiesGenetics : ethics, law, and policyStatutory supplement to cases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesBusiness structuresCases and materials on tortsFederal income taxation : cases, problems, and materialsProblems and materials in business planningBasic uniform commercial code teaching materialsSelect cases on the law of trusts, selected from decisions of English and American courtsSupplement to criminal procedure : principles, policies and perspectivesCases and materials on feminist jurisprudence : taking women seriouslyBasic contract lawDynamics of trial practice : problems and materialsProblems and materials on commercial paperText, cases, and materials on sex-based discrimination. 1978 supple.Cases and materials on criminal procedureInternational environment [i.e. environmental] law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookComputer crime lawEthical lawyering : legal and professional responsibilities in the practice of lawA history of the American ConstitutionThe law of bioethics : individual autonomy and social regulationCases and materials on the law of tortsProblems in evidenceProducts liability : cases and materialsTeacher's manual to accompany contract and related obligation : theory,doctrine, and practiceCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesLegal problem solving : analysis, research, and writingAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentary2018 supplement to Civil procedure : cases, problems, and exercises, fourth editionMass tort litigation : cases and materialsHealth care reform : Supplementary materialsThe tax law of charities and other exempt organizations : cases, materials, questions and activitiesCases on the conflict of lawsImmigration and citizenship : process and policyProblems and materials on the taxation of small business enterprise : individual, partnership, and corporationEnvironmental law in context : cases and materialsCases and materials on patent lawFederal administrative lawEffective appellate advocacy : brief writing and oral argumentInvestigative criminal procedure : inside this century's most (in)famous cases1977 supplement to fourth editions of Constitutional law : cases, comments, questions ; The American Constitution : cases and materials ; Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsReal estate development lawRace and races : cases and resources for a diverse AmericaAn invitation to family law : principles, process and perspectivesCases and materials on legal ethicsEffective litigation; trials, problems, and materialsFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsCivil procedure in California : state and federal : supplemental materials for use with all civil procedure casebooksBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsProblems and materials on bankruptcy law and practiceConstitutional law : leading casesBankruptcy : materials and casesCases on the law of personal propertyEducation and the lawEvidence : cases and materialsNegotiating and drafting sports venue agreements1976 supplement to Environmental law and policyThe individual tax base : cases, problems and policies in federal taxationComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureContemporary criminal lawFundamentals of pretrial litigationCriminal appellate procedure : cases and materialsEconomic regulation of business : cases and materialsPrinciples of contract lawRemedies : public and privateCases and materials on European Union lawClass actions and other multi-party litigation : cases and materialsWhere the law is : an introduction to advanced legal researchLaw and jurisprudence in American history : cases and materials1995 statutory supplement (including recent cases) to accompany Administrative law : principles and practiceDomestic violence lawThe American constitution : cases, comments, questionsEducation and the lawConsumer law : cases and materialsAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsCases on the law of sales goods : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on Federal income taxationThe administrative processCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsCases and materials on real estate transfer, finance, and developmentModern constitutional law : cases and notesLegal problems of international economic relations : cases, materials, and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relations2010 supplement to Cases and materials on juvenile justice administration, third editionPublic corruption and the law : cases and materialsCases and materials on employee benefits lawInternational intellectual property : problems, cases, and materialsThe American Constitution : cases, comments, questionsAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsCases and problems on contractsBasic contract lawProfessional responsibility in the life of the lawyerCivil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesThe logic of subchapter K : a conceptual guide to the taxation of partnershipsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryThe law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) : documents, cases & analysisDeveloping judgment about practicing lawCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textBioethics : health care law and ethicsCases and other authorities on the legal profession and its ethicsEnvironmental law : cases and materialsSocial security law and practice : cases and materialsCases and materials on sexuality, gender, identity, and the lawBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsLaw in radically different culturesBasic property lawTitles to real property acquired originally and by transfer inter vivosEmployment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceCases and materials on conflict of lawsNonprofit organizations : law and policyAntitrust cases, economic notes, and other materialsCases and materials on racial discrimination in employmentCases and materials on poverty law : theory and practiceConsumer credit : text--cases--materialsCases and materials on evidenceBankruptcy : 21st century debtor -- creditor lawCases and materials on land use and community developmentModern constitutional law : cases and notesSecurities regulation : cases and materialsCases in quasi contract : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLegal protection for the individual employeeProblems in legal ethicsTrial practice : cases and materialsPrinciples of contract lawCases and materials on evidenceProblems in tax ethicsLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsCases and materials on tortsCases and materials on mineral law1978 supplement to fourth editions of Constitutional law : cases, comments, questions ; The American Constitution : cases and materials ; Constitutional rights & liberties : cases and materialsCriminal law : cases and materialsDispute resolution and lawyersLeading cases in constitutional law : a compact casebook for a short course1968 supplement to second editions: Modern criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions--and Basic criminal procedure--cases, comments, questions--Drafting legal documents : principles and practicesInternet and computer law : cases - comments - questionsCases and materials on the development of legal institutionsThe criminal law of intellectual property and information : cases and materialsGlobal issues in commercial lawCivil rights : cases and materialsSexual identity law in context : cases and materialsLand use controls : supplementary materials on real propertyCriminal law : cases and materialsRepresenting the professional athleteSecured transactions : teaching materialsGlobal issues in criminal procedureProducts liability : cases and materialsIntellectual property : cases and materialsDocuments supplement for International business transactions : contracting across borders, twelfth edition, and International business transactions : foreign investment law, twelfth editionLegal ethics and corporate practiceCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading criminal procedure cases and introductory textFederal income taxation : cases, problems and materials1967 stationary supplement to cases and materials on creditors' remedies and debtors' protectionProperty : cases and statutesDocuments supplement for International business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebook, twelfth edition and International business transactions : trade and economic relations, twelfth editionStatutory supplement to The law of business torts and unfair competition : cases, materials, and problemsCases and materials on feminist jurisprudence : taking women seriouslyCases on modern pleadingCases and materials on insurance lawCases and materials on equitable remedies, restitution and damagesCommercial transactions : sales, leases, and licensesLand use and sustainable development law : cases and materialsThe O.J. files : evidentiary issues in a tactical contextConflict of laws : American, comparative, international : cases and materialsWhite collar crime : law and practiceCases on equity : selected from decisions of English and American courtsBasic contract lawAdministrative law : cases-text-problemsThe American Constitution : cases and materialsCases and materials on labor lawCases and other materials on federal income taxationOil and gas law : cases and materialsModern constitutional law : cases and notesE-commerce, the internet, and the law : cases and materialsIntroduction to the law of real property ; Cases on rights in landProblems and materials on salesStatutory supplement for Player, Shoben, and Lieberwitz' Employment discrimination law : cases and materialsCases and materials on legal methodLand use : cases and materialsCases and materials on arbitration law and practiceThe elements of evidenceThe art of oral advocacyHuman rights advocacy in the United StatesIntroduction to American constitutional structureCalifornia criminal law : cases, problems, and materialsCases and materials on environmental lawCases on administrative law, selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on income maintenanceCases on the law of admiralty, selected from decisions of English and American courtsTeaching materials on business reorganization under the Bankruptcy codeProducts liability : cases and materials2009 Statutory, documentary and case supplement to white collar crime : law and practice, third editionDebtors and creditors : cases and materialsMaterials on legal draftingLocal government law : cases and materialsCases and materials on water lawIntroductory accounting for lawyers2004 supplement to cases and materials on intellectual propertyFederal administrative lawCases and materials on property securityClinical law training : interviewing and counselingSecurities litigation and enforcement : cases and materialsInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveModern criminal law : cases, comments and questionsSale of goods : reading and applying the code2001 supplement to ninth editions, modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions : basic criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions and advanced criminal procedure : cases, comments, questionsDispute resolution and lawyersCases and materials on legal systemCases and materials on American property lawThe law of civil procedure : cases and materialsCorporations, law, and policy : materials and problemsCases and materials on contracts : making and doing dealsBioethics : health care law and ethicsInternational business transactions : a readerLawyering : practice and planningHandbook of maritime laws and forms, 2007 : for use with all admiralty casebooksADR in the workplaceSecurities regulation : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law of sentencing, corrections, and prisoners' rightsForms manual to Cases and materials on oil and gas lawCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textDynamics of trial practice : problems and materialsProblems and materials on secured transactionsCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsCases on the law of insurance : selected from decisions of English and American courtsAdministrative law, the American public law system : cases and materialsCases and materials on patent lawFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsCases and materials on European Union lawLaw and accounting : cases and materialsThe Iconic cases in corporate lawCorporations, law and policy : materials and problemsFederal antitrust laws : cases, text, and commentaryCases and materials on U.S. antitrust in global context1976 supplement to Public planning and control of urban and land development : cases and materialsStatutory supplement to cases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companies, sixth editionAdministrative law, the American public law system : Cases and materialsCases on the law of tortsCriminal law : cases and materialsAntitrust law in perspective : cases, concepts, and problems in competition policyTaxation of corporations, shareholders partnerships and partners1977 supplement to Criminal law : cases, materials, and text on the substantive criminal law in its procedural contextTeaching materials : agency, partnership and other unincorporated business enterprisesCases and materials on patent law : including trade secrets, copyrights, trademarksCases and materials on conflict of lawsLegal negotiation : theory and practiceCases and materials on the law of corporationsContemporary family lawCriminal law : cases and materialsBig data, big challenges in evidence-based policymakingCases and materials on copyright : and other aspects of law pertaining to literary, musical, and artistic worksStatutory supplement to the law of business organizations : cases, materials, and problems, thirteenth editionModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsProblems in legal ethicsContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceImmigration and citizenship : process and policyCalifornia administrative lawState and local taxation : cases and materialsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsProgrammed materials on legal research and citationCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textMaterials on tort reformLiability and quality issues in health careInternational litigation and arbitrationFederal wealth transfer taxationCases and materials on workers' compensationCases and materials on modern property lawCases, text, and problems on federal income taxationCases and materials on the laws of corporationsLegal problem solving: analysis, research, and writingCases and materials on constitutional rights and libertiesBasic contract lawThe logic of subchapter K : a conceptual guide to the taxation of partnershipsLegal protection for the individual employeeA coursebook in international intellectual propertyCases and materials on sexual orientation and the lawContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceContemporary propertyLegal negotiation : theory and practiceFederal administrative lawCases and materials on agency-partnershipMaterials on government in urban areas : cases, comments, questionsEffective appellate advocacy : brief writing and oral argumentProducts liability : cases and materialsClimate change law : mitigation and adaptationStatutory supplement to regulation of the electronic mass media : law and policy for radio, television, cable, and the new video technologiesCases and materials on jurisprudenceMaritime lawCases and materials on American property lawMastering trial advocacyThe judicial process : readings, materials, and casesAdministrative procedure and practice : problems and casesFederal Income Taxation : Cases , Problems and MaterialsStatutory supplement to teaching materials on banking lawLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsModern criminal law : cases, comments, and questionsCases and materials on judicial administration and the administration of justiceLaw of environmental and toxic torts : cases, materials and problemsRegulation and deregulation : cases and materialsThe practice of federal criminal law : prosecution and defenseInternational commercial arbitration : a transnational perspectiveCases and problems on domestic relationsInternational law and litigation in the U.S.Legal malpractice law : problems and preventionPublic planning and control of urban and land development : cases and materialsAmerican Indian law : cases and commentaryCases and materials on administrative lawBasic contract lawCases on the law of evidence : selected from decisions of English and American courtsCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited partnershipsChild abuse and neglect : cases and materialsCases on suretyshipNegotiating and drafting sports venue agreementsLegal drafting : practical exercises and problem materialsCases and materials on employment discrimination lawLeading cases in constitutional lawFederal courts : cases, comments and questionsWhite collar crime : law and practiceConstitutional law : leading casesBusiness organizations law and policy : materials and problemsThe American Constitution : cases, comments, questionsCases and materials on equitable remedies, restitution and damagesCommercial law : teaching materialsCommercial law : teaching materialsContract law from a drafting perspective : an introduction to contract drafting for law studentsCriminal law : cases and materialsCases and materials on criminal lawCriminal procedure and the Constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookThe processes of criminal justice : adjudicationCases and materials on the conflict of lawsCases and materials on criminal procedureContracts : cases and theory of contractual obligation : selected rulesCases and problems on contractsThe Constitution and American education2018 supplement to fourteenth editions : modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure and advanced criminal procedureFederal criminal law and its enforcementWills, Descent, and administrationProperty law : principles, problems, and casesCases and materials on employment lawCases and materials on contracts : making and doing dealsCases and materials on water lawFundamentals of pretrial litigationDocuments supplement to International law for the environmentPretrial litigation : law, policy, and practiceCriminal law : cases, materials, and textInternational law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebookBasic property lawIntellectual property : cases and materialsCases and materials on federal Indian lawModern constitutional theory : a readerHandbook of the law of salesPrice and service discrimination under the Robinson-Patman ActIntellectual property : cases and materialsCases and materials on constitutional law : selected from decisions of state and federal courtsCriminal procedure : principles, policies, and perspectivesCriminal law : cases and materialsLaw and economics : positive, normative and behavioral perspectivesThe law of mergers and acquisitionsReal estate transfer, finance, and development : cases and materials2015 statutory and case supplement to computer crime lawCivil procedure : cases and materialsBioethics : health care law and ethicsCorporate finance : debt, equity, and derivative markets and their intermediariesConflict of laws : American, comparative, international : cases and materialsPretrial litigation : law, policy and practiceUnincorporated business associations including agency, partnership, and limited liability companies : cases and materialsCases and materials on the law of municipal corporationsCases on pleadingLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsCases and materials on statutory interpretationThe law of bioethics : individual autonomy and social regulationCases and materials on insurance law2006 supplement to intellectual property : cases and materialsCorporate taxationFederal criminal law and its enforcementThe bluebook uncovered : a practical guide to mastering legal citation : twentieth edition of the bluebookEntertainment law : cases and materials on film, television, and musicCases and materials on bankruptcySports and the law : examining the legal evolution of America's three "major leagues"1987 Supplement to Cases and materials on land useCases and materials on land use1994 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights & libertiesConstitutional law : cases--comments--questionsCases and materials on gratuitous transfers : wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts, future interests and estate and gift taxationStatutory supplement to Cases and materials on employment discrimination and employment law, fifth edition, and Employment law, 5th, and Employment discrimination, 5thPayment systems : problems, materials, and cases2016 supplement to Statutes, regulation, and interpretation : legislation and administration in the republic of statutesCases and materials on administrative lawConflict of laws : cases -- comments -- questionsTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureTax procedure and tax fraud : cases and materialsThe Constitution and American educationConsumer law : cases and materialsAdvanced torts : cases and materialsCases and materials on land useCases on trade regulation : unfair competition, combination and monopolyCases and materials on criminal lawCivil procedure : a modern approachA modern approach to evidence : text, problems, transcripts, and casesDocuments supplement to Legal problems of international economic relationsImpeccable research : a concise guide to mastering legal research skillsCases and materials on real estate finance and developmentChildren and the law : doctrine, policy and practiceProblems and materials in Federal income taxation2007 supplement to civil procedure : cases, problems and exercisesAdministrative law : principles and practiceCases and materials on Federal Indian LawAdministrative law casesEnergy law and policyCriminal law : cases, materials, and textCases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companiesCases & materials on federal income taxation : principles, policy, and planningCivil procedure : cases and materialsConstitutional rights and liberties : cases, comments, questionsRegulation of the electronic mass media : law and policy for radio, television, cable, and the new video technologiesCases and materials on land useFamily law : cases, comments, and questions. 1993 SupplemntMedical liabilityLaw and religion, a reader : cases, concepts, and theoryProsecution principles : a clinical handbookElectronic discovery and digital evidence : cases and materialsLegal problems of international economic relations : cases, materials and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relationsBankruptcy (including BAPCPA) : 21st century debtor-creditor law1984 supplement to American criminal procedure : cases and commentary, second editionCases on criminal law and its enforcementCases and materials on equitable remedies, restitution, and damagesCases and materials on gratuitous transfers : wills, intestate succession, trusts, gifts, and future interestsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsDrafting organizational documentsComparative legal traditions : text, materials, and cases on the civil and common law traditions, with special reference to French, German, English, and European lawTorts and compensation : personal accountability and social responsibility for injuryCorporate governance : overview, case studies, and reformsInternational business transactions : contracting across bordersCases and materials on arbitration law and practiceCases and materials on European Community lawSupplement to Modern constitutional law : cases and notesCases on the conflict of laws : selected from decisions of English and American courtsEvidence : the California code and the federal rules : a problem approachCases and materials on employment lawPatent litigation and strategyDynamics of trial practice : problems and materialsRemedies : cases and materialsBeyond the basics : a text for advanced legal writingAdvanced criminal procedure : cases, comments and questionsProblems in legal ethicsA modern approach to evidence : text, problems, transcripts, and casesAccounting for business lawyers : teaching materialsImmigration and citizenship : process and policyCases and materials on tortsProducts liability : cases and materialsClosely held business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsTeaching materials on commercial and consumer lawLocal government lawFamily law : cases, comments, and questionsLegal problems of international economic relations : cases, materials and text on the national and international regulation of transnational economic relationsBusiness reorganization in bankruptcy : cases and materialsThe law of civil procedure : cases and materialsPrinciples of contract lawCases and materials on juvenile justice administration1983 update for the processes of criminal justice : investigation and adjudication, 2nd ed.Cases on the law of admiralty : selected from decisions of American and English courtsLegal protection of the environmentFinancial institutions : cases, materials and problems on investment managementCases and materials on oil and gasCases and materials on the law of sentencing, corrections, and prisoners' rightsModern criminal procedure : cases, comments, questions ; Basic criminal procedure : cases, comments, questionsConflict of laws : cases, comments, questionsCases on international law, principally selected from decisions of English and American courtsEvidence : an introductory problem approachPrinciples of contract lawCases and materials on environmental lawAmerican constitutional law : structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problemsCases and materials on land useFederal white collar crime : cases and materialsCases and materials on collective bargaining and the law : an overviewProblems for Federal estate and gift taxesCriminal pretrial advocacyLegal, legislative, and rule drafting in plain EnglishBasic concepts in commercial law : cases and materialsCriminal procedure : investigating crimeCases and materials on modern antitrust law and its originsLegal control of water resources : cases and materialsCases and materials on equitable remediesText, cases, and materials on constitutional aspects of sex-based discriminationHealth law : cases, materials and problemsCases and materials on the law of tortsBasic criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questionsScience in the law : standards, statistics and research issuesCases and materials on water lawCases and materials on the law of salesThe economics of property rights and nuisance lawCases and materials on property : an introduction to the concept and the institutionCases on criminal law : selected from decisions of English and American courtsContemporary family lawCivil procedure : cases and materialsCases and materials on land useU.S. national security law : cases, materials, and simulationsEntertainment law : cases and materials on established and emerging mediaModern criminal procedure cases-- comments--questions and Basic criminal procedure--cases comments--questions : 1983 supplement to fifth editionsRegulation of the electronic mass media : law and policy for radio, television, cable and the new video technologiesJurisprudence : text and readings on the philosophy of lawNon-jury case files for trial advocacyComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureGlobal Issues in Employment Discrimination LawState and local taxation : cases and materialsMergers and acquisitions : law, theory, and practiceProperty law : power, governance, and the common goodCases and materials on the rules of evidenceFederal courts : cases and materialsProgrammed materials on problems in evidenceInternational business transactions : a problem-oriented coursebookThe law of design : design patent, trademark, & copyright : problems, cases, and materialsTort and accident law : cases and materialsHealth law : cases, materials and problemsThe American Constitution : cases, comments, questionsAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryModern constitutional law : cases and notesBasic Uniform Commercial Code : teaching materialsDynamics of trial practice : problems and materialsCases and materials on rights in land : with an introduction to the law of real propertyGlobal issues in environmental lawCases, materials, and problems on bioethics and lawADR in the workplaceProblems and materials on secured transactionsSports and the law : text, cases and problemsProblems in legal ethicsAdministrative law : the American public law system : cases and materialsCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textCases on common law pleading : selected from decisions of English and American courtsProsecutorial ethicsCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textChildren and the law : doctrine, policy, and practiceThe law of business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsIntroduction to American constitutional law : structure and rightsEducation and the lawTaxation of estates, gifts and trustsInternational litigation and arbitration : cases and materialsCriminal procedure : investigating crimeLabor law in the contemporary workplaceTrade secret law : cases and materialsBasic documents supplement to International law : cases and materialsCases and materials on insurance lawPosner and easterbrook's antitrust : cases, economic notes, and other materialsFederal estate and gift taxationLegal protection for the individual employeeLaw in the United States : cases and commentariesLand use : cases and materialsEnvironmental law in context : cases and materialsLaw and religion : cases and materialsSecured transactions : teaching materialsLLCs, partnerships, and corporationsThe individual tax base : cases, problems and policies in federal taxationLegal problems of international economic relations : documents supplementBusiness organizations law and policy : materials and problemsCivil procedure : cases and materialsLaw and health care quality, patient safety, and liabilityConflict of laws : cases--comments--questionsCriminal law : cases and materialsCases and materials on juvenile justice administrationEnergy law and policySports and the law : text, cases, problemsMergers and acquisitions : law, theory, and practiceCases and materials on the death penaltyEstate planning and draftingThe elements of evidenceCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeCalifornia constitutional lawAn introduction to the law of business organizations : cases, notes and discussionCivil procedure : cases and materials1964 supplement of cases to Federal antitrust law : (2d. Ed. 1959)1992 supplement to Constitutional law, The American Constitution, Constitutional rights & libertiesModern constitutional law : cases, notes, and questionsConstitutional law : cases, comments, and questionsCivil procedure : a modern approachCases and materials on remediesCriminal procedure : investigation : cases and materialsConflict of laws : American, comparative, international : cases and materialsCases and materials on Federal jurisdiction and procedureSecurities regulation : cases and materialsLaw and the mental health system : civil and criminal aspectsIntroduction to European Union law : cases and materialsInsurance law and practice : cases, materials, and exercisesEmployment discrimination law : cases and materials on equality in the workplaceContract and related obligation : theory, doctrine, and practiceModern constitutional law : cases, notes, and questions2021 supplement to fifteenth editions : Modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure, and advanced criminal procedure2020 supplement to fifteenth editions : Modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure, and advanced criminal procedureComputer crime lawContracts : a real world casebookComplex litigation : cases and materials on advanced civil procedureFederal income taxation : cases, problems, and materialsRegulation of bank financial service activities : cases and materialsFederal administrative lawDobbs on economic and dignitary torts : cases and materialsCybersecurity law : an evolving fieldCriminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory textAmerican criminal procedure : cases and commentaryWhite collar crime : law and practiceContemporary payment systems : cases, materials, and problemsCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryKamisar, LaFave, and Israel's Modern criminal procedureBasic contract lawTaxation of estates, gifts and trustsMaritime lawProducts liability : cases and materialsMergers and acquisitions : law, theory, and practiceCases and materials on maritime lawEnvironmental law, policy, and practiceClosely held business organizations : cases, materials, and problemsContracts : transactions and litigationCases and materials on legislation and regulation : statutes and the creation of public policyCriminal procedure : prosecuting crimeIncarceration and the law : cases and materialsThe jurisprudence of sport : sports and games as legal systemsTaxation of international transactions : materials, text and problemsIntroduction to the study of U.S. lawInternational intellectual property : problems, cases, and materialsContracts : cases and theory of contractual obligationCopyright law : essential cases and materialsCases and materials on constitutional law : themes for the constitution's third centuryCorporations and other business enterprises : cases and materialsAntitrust law in perspective : cases, concepts, and problems in competition policyRegulation of cryptoassetsCases and materials on employment discrimination and employment law, the field as practicedCases and materials on state and local government lawCases and materials on sexuality, gender identity, and the lawCybersecurity : an interdisciplinary problemLocal government law : cases and materials2021 supplement to Cases and materials on environmental lawSecurities litigation and enforcement : cases and materialsCorporate finance : the lawyer's role2022 supplement to fifteenth editions : modern criminal procedure, basic criminal procedure, and advanced criminal procedureLabor law in the contemporary workplaceCases and materials on contracts : making and doing dealsTrusts and estatesIntroduction to American constitutional law : structure and rightsAntitrust law in perspective : cases, concepts and problems in competition policyState and federal administrative lawCases and materials on U.S. antitrust in global context1982 supplement to federal taxation of estates, trusts, and gifts : principles and planningConsumer law : cases and materialsAmerican Indian law : cases and commentaryJurisprudence : text and readings on the philosophy of lawRegulation of cryptotransactionsInternational law : cases and commentaryState and local taxation : cases and materials