
Studies in feminist philosophy


Studies in feminist philosophy

Oxford University Press


Visible identities : race, gender, and the self外部サイトWomen and citizenship外部サイトThe epistemology of resistance : gender and racial oppression, epistemic injustice, and resistant imaginations外部サイトOur faithfulness to the past : the ethics and politics of memory外部サイトAnalyzing oppression外部サイトSetting the moral compass : essays by women philosophers外部サイトAbortion and social responsibility : depolarizing the debate外部サイトThe metaphysics of gender外部サイトDifferences : rereading Beauvoir and Irigaray外部サイトMoral understandings : a feminist study in ethics外部サイトMinimizing marriage : marriage, morality, and the law外部サイトAutonomy, oppression, and gender外部サイトSovereign masculinity : gender lessons from the war on terror外部サイトBurdened virtues : virtue ethics for liberatory struggles外部サイトShifting ground : knowledge and reality, transgression and trustworthiness外部サイトSimone de Beauvoir and the politics of ambiguity外部サイトEcological thinking : the politics of epistemic location外部サイトGender in the mirror : cultural imagery and women's agency外部サイトPhilosophy of science after feminism外部サイトAdaptive preferences and women's empowerment外部サイトDisorientation and moral life外部サイトOntology and oppression : race, gender, and social reality外部サイトThe moral skeptic外部サイトThe minority body : a theory of disability外部サイトFamily bonds : genealogies of race and gender外部サイトDancing with Iris : the philosophy of Iris Marion Young外部サイトEqual citizenship and public reason : a feminist political liberalism外部サイトAutonomy, gender, politics外部サイトVulnerability : new essays in ethics and feminist philosophy外部サイトOn female body experience : "Throwing like a girl" and other essays外部サイトSelf-transformations : Foucault, ethics, and normalized bodies外部サイトAbortion and social responsibility : depolarizing the debate外部サイトWomen's liberation and the sublime : feminism, postmodernism, environment外部サイトOut from the shadows : analytical feminist contributions to traditional philosophy外部サイトCategories we live by : the construction of sex, gender, race, and other social categories外部サイトUnpopular privacy : what must we hide?外部サイトIdentities and freedom : feminist theory between power and connection外部サイトThe wrong of injustice : dehumanization and its role in feminist philosophy外部サイトWomen's activism, feminism, and social justice外部サイトBeing born : birth and philosophy外部サイト"You've changed" : sex reassignment and personal identity外部サイトDecolonizing universalism : a transnational feminist ethic外部サイトBeyond speech : pornography and analytic feminist philosophy外部サイトWomen's activism, feminism, and social justice外部サイトTheories of the flesh : Latinx and Latin American feminisms, transformation, and resistance外部サイトThe physiology of sexist and racist oppression外部サイトThe wrong of injustice : dehumanization and its role in feminist philosophy外部サイトRacial climates, ecological indifference : an ecointersectional analysis外部サイト



  • Visible identities : race, gender, and the self

  • Women and citizenship

  • The epistemology of resistance : gender and racial oppression, epistemic injustice, and resistant imaginations

  • Our faithfulness to the past : the ethics and politics of memory

  • Analyzing oppression





  • CiNii Research

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Visible identities : race, gender, and the self
Women and citizenship
The epistemology of resistance : gender and racial oppression, epistemic injustice, and resistant imaginations
Our faithfulness to the past : the ethics and politics of memory
Analyzing oppression
Setting the moral compass : essays by women philosophers
Abortion and social responsibility : depolarizing the debate
The metaphysics of gender
Differences : rereading Beauvoir and Irigaray
Moral understandings : a feminist study in ethics
Minimizing marriage : marriage, morality, and the law
Autonomy, oppression, and gender
Sovereign masculinity : gender lessons from the war on terror
Burdened virtues : virtue ethics for liberatory struggles
Shifting ground : knowledge and reality, transgression and trustworthiness
Simone de Beauvoir and the politics of ambiguity
Ecological thinking : the politics of epistemic location
Gender in the mirror : cultural imagery and women's agency
Philosophy of science after feminism
Adaptive preferences and women's empowerment
Disorientation and moral life
Ontology and oppression : race, gender, and social reality
The moral skeptic
The minority body : a theory of disability
Family bonds : genealogies of race and gender
Dancing with Iris : the philosophy of Iris Marion Young
Equal citizenship and public reason : a feminist political liberalism
Autonomy, gender, politics
Vulnerability : new essays in ethics and feminist philosophy
On female body experience : "Throwing like a girl" and other essays
Self-transformations : Foucault, ethics, and normalized bodies
Abortion and social responsibility : depolarizing the debate
Women's liberation and the sublime : feminism, postmodernism, environment
Out from the shadows : analytical feminist contributions to traditional philosophy
Categories we live by : the construction of sex, gender, race, and other social categories
Unpopular privacy : what must we hide?
Identities and freedom : feminist theory between power and connection
The wrong of injustice : dehumanization and its role in feminist philosophy
Women's activism, feminism, and social justice
Being born : birth and philosophy
"You've changed" : sex reassignment and personal identity
Decolonizing universalism : a transnational feminist ethic
Beyond speech : pornography and analytic feminist philosophy
Women's activism, feminism, and social justice
Theories of the flesh : Latinx and Latin American feminisms, transformation, and resistance
The physiology of sexist and racist oppression
The wrong of injustice : dehumanization and its role in feminist philosophy
Racial climates, ecological indifference : an ecointersectional analysis
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA56804491 : BA56804491