
The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1453


The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1453

editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.]
E.J. Brill



Title variesEditors vary


Medieval Mediterranean ports : the Catalan and Tuscan coasts, 1100 to 1235外部サイトThe Byzantine Turks, 1204-1461外部サイトThe Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian politics and society外部サイトFicino, Pico, and Savonarola : the evolution of humanist theology 1461/2-1498外部サイトWar and society in the eastern Mediterranean, 7th-15th centuries外部サイトThe cronaca di Partenope : an introduction to and critical edition of the first vernacular history of Naples (c. 1350)外部サイトUrban and rural communities in medieval France : Provence and Languedoc, 1000-1500外部サイトThe anxieties of a citizen class : the miracles of the true cross of San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice 1370-1480外部サイトBuilding legitimacy : political discourses and forms of legitimacy in medieval societies外部サイトAngelus pacis : the legation of Cardinal Giovanni Gaetano Orsini, 1326-1334外部サイトThe society of Norman Italy外部サイトArms and armour of the warrior saints : tradition and innovation in Byzantine iconography, 843-1261外部サイトBetween Judaism and Christianity : art historical essays in honor of Elisheva (Elisabeth) Revel-Neher外部サイトA forgotten community : the Mudejar aljama of Xátiva, 1240-1327外部サイトThe Benefits of peace : private peacemaking in late medieval Italy外部サイトThe Latin renovatio of Byzantium : the Empire of Constantinople, 1204-1228外部サイトWill, action, and freedom : christological controversies in the seventh century外部サイトMarble past, monumental present : building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterranean外部サイトThe administration of the Norman kingdom of Sicily外部サイトConflict, commerce, and an aesthetic of appropriation in the Italian maritime cities, 1000-1150外部サイトDomestic settings : sources on domestic architecture and day-to-day activities in the Crusader states外部サイトOrder out of chaos : patronage, conflict and Mamluk socio-political culture, 1341-1382外部サイトDiplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication外部サイトLe système de l'Incanto des galées du marché à Venise (fin XIIIe-milieu XVe siècle)外部サイトA Renaissance architecture of power : princely palaces in the Italian Quattrocento外部サイトThe material and the ideal : essays in medieval art and archaeology in honour of Jean-Michel Spieser外部サイトPope Innocent III (1160/61-1216) : to root up and to plant外部サイトCaring for the living soul : emotions, medicine and penance in the late medieval Mediterranean外部サイトThe new solomon : Robert of Naples (1309-1343) and fourteenth-century kingship外部サイトByzantine Constantinople : monuments, topography and everyday life外部サイトThe historiography of Islamic Egypt, c.950-1800外部サイトJohn of Ibelin : Le livre des assises外部サイトLe sucre : production, commercialisation et usages dans la Méditerranée médiévale外部サイトTrading conflicts : Venetian merchants and Mamluk officials in late medieval Alexandria外部サイトJews, Muslims, and Christians in and around the Crown of Aragon : essays in honour of Professor Elena Lourie外部サイトCross, crescent and conversion : studies on medieval Spain and christendom in memory of Richard Fletcher外部サイトThe life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem : text, translation, commentary外部サイトThe miracles of St. Artemios : a collection of miracle stories by an anonymous : author of seventh century Byzantium外部サイトStudies in the archaeology of the medieval Mediterranean外部サイトThe art of the deal : intermediaries of trade in medieval Montpellier外部サイトThe reign of Leo VI (886-912) : politics and people外部サイトByzantium in dialogue with the Mediterranean : history and heritage外部サイトThe rise of the Fatimids : the world of the Mediterranean and the Middle East in the fourth century of the Hijra, tenth century CE外部サイトSaladin in Egypt外部サイトReconstructing the reality of images : Byzantine material culture and religious iconography, 11th-15th centuries外部サイトIberia and the Mediterranean world of the Middle Ages : studies in honor of Robert I. Burns, S.J.外部サイトThe unknown neighbour : the Jew in the thought of Isidore of Seville外部サイトThe Gattilusio lordships and the Aegean world, 1355-1462外部サイトDatini, Majorque et le Maghreb (14e-15e siècles) : réseaux, espaces Méditerranéens et stratégies marchandes外部サイトThe horoscope of Emperor Baldwin II : political and sociocultural dynamics in Latin-Byzantine Constantinople外部サイトEarly medieval Rome and the Christian west : essays in honour of Donald A. Bullough外部サイトThe persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal : King Manuel I and the end of religious tolerance (1496-7)外部サイトThe art of conversion : Christianity and Kabbalah in the thirteenth century外部サイトAlfonso X and the Cantigas de Santa Maria : a poetic biography外部サイトContemporary sources for the Fourth Crusade外部サイトThe Templar order in north-west Italy (1142-c.1330)外部サイトThe Armenian kingdom and the Mamluks : war and diplomacy during the reigns of Hetʿum II (1289-1307)外部サイトDie deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter外部サイトByzantium in the year 1000外部サイトSouthern Italy in the late middle ages : demographic, institutional and economic change in the Kingdom of Naples, c.1440-c.1530外部サイトWestern travellers to Constantinople : the West and Byzantium, 962-1204 : cultural and political relations外部サイトThe trial of the Templars in Cyprus外部サイトCoinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430外部サイトCoinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430外部サイトHealers in the making : students, physicians, and medical education in medieval Bologna (1250-1550)外部サイトQueering the medieval Mediterranean : transcultural sea of sex, gender, identity, and culture外部サイトThe art of the Genoese colonies of the Black Sea basin (1261-1475)外部サイトThe dromos and Byzantine communications, diplomacy, and bureaucracy, 518-1204外部サイトA plural Peninsula : studies in honour of professor Simon Barton外部サイトPoetry in late Byzantium外部サイトThe concept of the elect nation in Byzantium外部サイトLe commerce du coton en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Age外部サイトThe early Palaeologan Renaissance, 1261-c.1360外部サイトThe Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI外部サイトHealth and medicine in early medieval southern Italy外部サイトCrusading in art, thought and will外部サイトVenice and its neighbors from the 8th to 11th century : through renovation and continuity外部サイトThe social structure of the First Crusade外部サイトPossessing the land : Aragon's expansion into Islam's Ebro frontier under Alfonso the Battler, 1104-1134外部サイトJean Géomètre : poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques外部サイトCarmel in medieval Catalonia外部サイトCommunities and crisis : Bologna during the Black Death外部サイトFrom Constantinople to the frontier : the city and the cities外部サイトMontfort : history, early research and recent studies of the principal fortress of the Teutonic order in the Latin East外部サイトDepicting the word : Byzantine iconophile thought of the eighth and ninth centuries外部サイトThe Visigoths : studies in culture and society外部サイトSanté et société à Montpellier à la fin du Moyen Âge外部サイトByzantine Epirus : a topography of transformation : settlements of the seventh-twelfth centuries in southern Epirus and Aetoloacarnania, Greece外部サイトA Byzantine book on dream interpretation : the Oneirocriticon of Achmet and its Arabic sources外部サイトTrue citizens : violence, memory, and identity in the medieval community of Perpignan, 1162-1397外部サイトHonorius III et l'Orient (1216-1227) : étude et publication de sources inédites des Archives vaticanes (ASV)外部サイト'On the beliefs of the Greeks' : Leo Allatios and popular Orthodoxy外部サイトPedro the Cruel of Castile, 1350-1369外部サイトBeyond the market : transactions, property and social networks in monastic Galicia 1200-1300外部サイトContemporary sources for the Fourth Crusade外部サイトLiteracy, education and manuscript transmission in Byzantium and beyond外部サイトNaviguer, commercer, gouverner : économie maritime et pouvoirs à Venise (XVe-XVIe siècles)外部サイトByzantine religious culture : studies in honor of Alice-Mary Talbot外部サイトThe Old French William of Tyre外部サイトByzantine authors: literary activities and preoccupations : texts and translations dedicated to the memory of Nicolas Oikonomides外部サイトThe letter of love and concord : a revised diplomatic edition with historical and textual comments and English translation外部サイトOn the social origins of medieval institutions : essays in honor of Joseph F. O'Callaghan外部サイトFustat on the Nile : the Jewish elite in medieval Egypt外部サイトContra Patarenos外部サイトThe career and writings of Demetrius Kydones : a study of fourteenth-century Byzantine politics, religion and society外部サイトCourt ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean : comparative perspectives外部サイトCyprus : society and culture 1191-1374外部サイトThe age of the δρομων : the Byzantine navy ca 500-1204外部サイトThe image of the Virgin Mary in the Akathistos Hymn外部サイト"The former Jews of this kingdom" : Sicilian converts after the expulsion, 1492-1516外部サイトDiverging paths? : the shapes of power and institutions in medieval Christendom and Islam外部サイトTowns and material culture in the medieval Middle East外部サイトThe transformation of the laity in Bergamo, 1265-c. 1400外部サイトJoy-bearing grief : tears of contrition in the writings of the early Syrian and Byzantine fathers外部サイトPope, church and city : essays in honour of Brenda M. Bolton外部サイトPhilippe de Mézières and his age : piety and politics in the fourteenth century外部サイトTrends and turning points : constructing the late antique and Byzantine world外部サイトAdmiralty and maritime laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800-1050) : the Kitāb Akriyat al-Sufun vis-à-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos外部サイトCrusaders and Muslims in twelfth-century Syria外部サイトThe life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem : text, translation, commentary外部サイトReading Michael Psellos外部サイトTransforming the state : king, court and political culture in the realms of Aragon, 1213-1387外部サイトThe Image of Edessa外部サイトNegotiating cultures : bilingual surrender treaties in Muslim-Crusader Spain under James the Conqueror外部サイトPopular government and oligarchy in Renaissance Italy外部サイトMattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi and his chronicle : history as apocalypse in a crossroads of cultures外部サイトWarriors, martyrs, and dervishes : moving frontiers, shifting identities in the land of Rome (13th-15th centuries)外部サイトLa diplomatie byzantine, de l'Empire romain aux confins de l'Europe (Ve-XVe s.) : actes de la Table-Ronde 《Les relations diplomatiques byzantines (Ve-XVe siècle) : permanences et/ou changements》, XXIIIe Congrès international des études byzantines - Belgrade, août 2016外部サイトMetaphrasis : a Byzantine concept of rewriting and its hagiographical products外部サイトThe Bianchi of 1399 in central Italy : making devotion local外部サイトThe making of medieval Sardinia外部サイトMeanings and functions of the ruler's image in the Mediterranean world (11th-15th centuries)外部サイトDecoding debate in the Venetian Senate : short stories of crisis and response on Albania (1392-1402)外部サイトColbert-Fontainebleau continuation外部サイトOrsanmichele : a medieval grain market and confraternity外部サイトByzantium in the time of troubles : the continuation of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes (1057-1079)外部サイトTransmitting and circulating the Late Antique and Byzantine worlds外部サイトLatins in Roman (Byzantine) histories : ambivalent representations in the long twelfth century外部サイトThe Paulicians : heresy, persecution and warfare on the Byzantine frontier, c.750-880外部サイトSpatialities of Byzantine culture from the human body to the universe外部サイトChronique d'Ernoul外部サイトCultures of empire : rethinking Venetian rule, 1400-1700 : essays in honour of Benjamin Arbel外部サイト






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editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.]
The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1500
The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures
Title varies
Editors vary
Medieval Mediterranean ports : the Catalan and Tuscan coasts, 1100 to 1235
The Byzantine Turks, 1204-1461
The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian politics and society
Ficino, Pico, and Savonarola : the evolution of humanist theology 1461/2-1498
War and society in the eastern Mediterranean, 7th-15th centuries
The cronaca di Partenope : an introduction to and critical edition of the first vernacular history of Naples (c. 1350)
Urban and rural communities in medieval France : Provence and Languedoc, 1000-1500
The anxieties of a citizen class : the miracles of the true cross of San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice 1370-1480
Building legitimacy : political discourses and forms of legitimacy in medieval societies
Angelus pacis : the legation of Cardinal Giovanni Gaetano Orsini, 1326-1334
The society of Norman Italy
Arms and armour of the warrior saints : tradition and innovation in Byzantine iconography, 843-1261
Between Judaism and Christianity : art historical essays in honor of Elisheva (Elisabeth) Revel-Neher
A forgotten community : the Mudejar aljama of Xátiva, 1240-1327
The Benefits of peace : private peacemaking in late medieval Italy
The Latin renovatio of Byzantium : the Empire of Constantinople, 1204-1228
Will, action, and freedom : christological controversies in the seventh century
Marble past, monumental present : building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterranean
The administration of the Norman kingdom of Sicily
Conflict, commerce, and an aesthetic of appropriation in the Italian maritime cities, 1000-1150
Domestic settings : sources on domestic architecture and day-to-day activities in the Crusader states
Order out of chaos : patronage, conflict and Mamluk socio-political culture, 1341-1382
Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication
Le système de l'Incanto des galées du marché à Venise (fin XIIIe-milieu XVe siècle)
A Renaissance architecture of power : princely palaces in the Italian Quattrocento
The material and the ideal : essays in medieval art and archaeology in honour of Jean-Michel Spieser
Pope Innocent III (1160/61-1216) : to root up and to plant
Caring for the living soul : emotions, medicine and penance in the late medieval Mediterranean
The new solomon : Robert of Naples (1309-1343) and fourteenth-century kingship
Byzantine Constantinople : monuments, topography and everyday life
The historiography of Islamic Egypt, c.950-1800
John of Ibelin : Le livre des assises
Le sucre : production, commercialisation et usages dans la Méditerranée médiévale
Trading conflicts : Venetian merchants and Mamluk officials in late medieval Alexandria
Jews, Muslims, and Christians in and around the Crown of Aragon : essays in honour of Professor Elena Lourie
Cross, crescent and conversion : studies on medieval Spain and christendom in memory of Richard Fletcher
The life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem : text, translation, commentary
The miracles of St. Artemios : a collection of miracle stories by an anonymous : author of seventh century Byzantium
Studies in the archaeology of the medieval Mediterranean
The art of the deal : intermediaries of trade in medieval Montpellier
The reign of Leo VI (886-912) : politics and people
Byzantium in dialogue with the Mediterranean : history and heritage
The rise of the Fatimids : the world of the Mediterranean and the Middle East in the fourth century of the Hijra, tenth century CE
Saladin in Egypt
Reconstructing the reality of images : Byzantine material culture and religious iconography, 11th-15th centuries
Iberia and the Mediterranean world of the Middle Ages : studies in honor of Robert I. Burns, S.J.
The unknown neighbour : the Jew in the thought of Isidore of Seville
The Gattilusio lordships and the Aegean world, 1355-1462
Datini, Majorque et le Maghreb (14e-15e siècles) : réseaux, espaces Méditerranéens et stratégies marchandes
The horoscope of Emperor Baldwin II : political and sociocultural dynamics in Latin-Byzantine Constantinople
Early medieval Rome and the Christian west : essays in honour of Donald A. Bullough
The persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal : King Manuel I and the end of religious tolerance (1496-7)
The art of conversion : Christianity and Kabbalah in the thirteenth century
Alfonso X and the Cantigas de Santa Maria : a poetic biography
Contemporary sources for the Fourth Crusade
The Templar order in north-west Italy (1142-c.1330)
The Armenian kingdom and the Mamluks : war and diplomacy during the reigns of Hetʿum II (1289-1307)
Die deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter
Byzantium in the year 1000
Southern Italy in the late middle ages : demographic, institutional and economic change in the Kingdom of Naples, c.1440-c.1530
Western travellers to Constantinople : the West and Byzantium, 962-1204 : cultural and political relations
The trial of the Templars in Cyprus
Coinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430
Coinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430
Healers in the making : students, physicians, and medical education in medieval Bologna (1250-1550)
Queering the medieval Mediterranean : transcultural sea of sex, gender, identity, and culture
The art of the Genoese colonies of the Black Sea basin (1261-1475)
The dromos and Byzantine communications, diplomacy, and bureaucracy, 518-1204
A plural Peninsula : studies in honour of professor Simon Barton
Poetry in late Byzantium
The concept of the elect nation in Byzantium
Le commerce du coton en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Age
The early Palaeologan Renaissance, 1261-c.1360
The Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI
Health and medicine in early medieval southern Italy
Crusading in art, thought and will
Venice and its neighbors from the 8th to 11th century : through renovation and continuity
The social structure of the First Crusade
Possessing the land : Aragon's expansion into Islam's Ebro frontier under Alfonso the Battler, 1104-1134
Jean Géomètre : poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques
Carmel in medieval Catalonia
Communities and crisis : Bologna during the Black Death
From Constantinople to the frontier : the city and the cities
Montfort : history, early research and recent studies of the principal fortress of the Teutonic order in the Latin East
Depicting the word : Byzantine iconophile thought of the eighth and ninth centuries
The Visigoths : studies in culture and society
Santé et société à Montpellier à la fin du Moyen Âge
Byzantine Epirus : a topography of transformation : settlements of the seventh-twelfth centuries in southern Epirus and Aetoloacarnania, Greece
A Byzantine book on dream interpretation : the Oneirocriticon of Achmet and its Arabic sources
True citizens : violence, memory, and identity in the medieval community of Perpignan, 1162-1397
Honorius III et l'Orient (1216-1227) : étude et publication de sources inédites des Archives vaticanes (ASV)
'On the beliefs of the Greeks' : Leo Allatios and popular Orthodoxy
Pedro the Cruel of Castile, 1350-1369
Beyond the market : transactions, property and social networks in monastic Galicia 1200-1300
Contemporary sources for the Fourth Crusade
Literacy, education and manuscript transmission in Byzantium and beyond
Naviguer, commercer, gouverner : économie maritime et pouvoirs à Venise (XVe-XVIe siècles)
Byzantine religious culture : studies in honor of Alice-Mary Talbot
The Old French William of Tyre
Byzantine authors: literary activities and preoccupations : texts and translations dedicated to the memory of Nicolas Oikonomides
The letter of love and concord : a revised diplomatic edition with historical and textual comments and English translation
On the social origins of medieval institutions : essays in honor of Joseph F. O'Callaghan
Fustat on the Nile : the Jewish elite in medieval Egypt
Contra Patarenos
The career and writings of Demetrius Kydones : a study of fourteenth-century Byzantine politics, religion and society
Court ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean : comparative perspectives
Cyprus : society and culture 1191-1374
The age of the δρομων : the Byzantine navy ca 500-1204
The image of the Virgin Mary in the Akathistos Hymn
"The former Jews of this kingdom" : Sicilian converts after the expulsion, 1492-1516
Diverging paths? : the shapes of power and institutions in medieval Christendom and Islam
Towns and material culture in the medieval Middle East
The transformation of the laity in Bergamo, 1265-c. 1400
Joy-bearing grief : tears of contrition in the writings of the early Syrian and Byzantine fathers
Pope, church and city : essays in honour of Brenda M. Bolton
Philippe de Mézières and his age : piety and politics in the fourteenth century
Trends and turning points : constructing the late antique and Byzantine world
Admiralty and maritime laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800-1050) : the Kitāb Akriyat al-Sufun vis-à-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos
Crusaders and Muslims in twelfth-century Syria
The life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem : text, translation, commentary
Reading Michael Psellos
Transforming the state : king, court and political culture in the realms of Aragon, 1213-1387
The Image of Edessa
Negotiating cultures : bilingual surrender treaties in Muslim-Crusader Spain under James the Conqueror
Popular government and oligarchy in Renaissance Italy
Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi and his chronicle : history as apocalypse in a crossroads of cultures
Warriors, martyrs, and dervishes : moving frontiers, shifting identities in the land of Rome (13th-15th centuries)
La diplomatie byzantine, de l'Empire romain aux confins de l'Europe (Ve-XVe s.) : actes de la Table-Ronde 《Les relations diplomatiques byzantines (Ve-XVe siècle) : permanences et/ou changements》, XXIIIe Congrès international des études byzantines - Belgrade, août 2016
Metaphrasis : a Byzantine concept of rewriting and its hagiographical products
The Bianchi of 1399 in central Italy : making devotion local
The making of medieval Sardinia
Meanings and functions of the ruler's image in the Mediterranean world (11th-15th centuries)
Decoding debate in the Venetian Senate : short stories of crisis and response on Albania (1392-1402)
Colbert-Fontainebleau continuation
Orsanmichele : a medieval grain market and confraternity
Byzantium in the time of troubles : the continuation of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes (1057-1079)
Transmitting and circulating the Late Antique and Byzantine worlds
Latins in Roman (Byzantine) histories : ambivalent representations in the long twelfth century
The Paulicians : heresy, persecution and warfare on the Byzantine frontier, c.750-880
Spatialities of Byzantine culture from the human body to the universe
Chronique d'Ernoul
Cultures of empire : rethinking Venetian rule, 1400-1700 : essays in honour of Benjamin Arbel