
The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities


The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities

Garland Pub


The torture of captives . Captivity of Jonathan Alder by the Indians in 1782 . Horrors of Indian captivity . Life of John W. Johnson外部サイトSeven and nine years among the Camanches and Apaches外部サイトA collection of narratives of Indian warfare in the West外部サイトDecennium luctuosum外部サイトThe lost sister of Wyoming . Biography of Frances Slocum外部サイトGirl captives of the Cheyennes . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Jane Frazier . History of the captivity of David Boyd . The Means massacre : Molly Finney the Canadian Captive . Narrative of Titus King外部サイトThe post-captain . Struggles of Captain Keith in America外部サイトSketch of the life of John Reary . True narrative of five years' suffering & perilous adventures . Mrs. Huggins, the Minnesota captive . One more chapter of Indian barbarities . Our great Indian war外部サイトCapture and escape : or, Life among the Sioux外部サイトGod's mercy surmounting man's cruelty . An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson . Memoirs of odd adventures, strange deliverances, etc. . A narrative of the captivity of Nehemiah How . The redeemed captive外部サイトThe journal of Captain William Pote, Jr.外部サイトFour years in the Rockies : or, The adventures of Isaac Rose外部サイトThe journal of William Scudder外部サイトLife and adventures of William Filley . An account of the captivity of Hugh Gibson . Mary Nealy . General Sheridan's squaw spy and Clara Blynn's captivity . Lost and found in the Rocky Mountains外部サイトThe horrid cruelty of the Indians . History of the life and sufferings of Henry Grace . Adventure of a young English officer . A brief narration of the captivity of Isaac Hollister . Account of the captivity of William Henry . A narrative of an extraordinary escape外部サイトMemoir of Abijah Hutchinson . Narrative of the massacre at Chicago . A history of the copper mines and Newgate Prison and the captivity of Daniels Hays . A long journey : the story of Daniel Hayes . The Bible boy taken captive by the Indians外部サイトLife and adventures of L.D. Lafferty外部サイトNathan Todd : or, The fate of the Sioux captive外部サイトNotes on the settlement and Indian wars外部サイトA true history of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson . Humiliations follow'd with deliverances外部サイトOld record of the captivity of Margaret Erskine . Indian horrors of the fifties外部サイトA condensed history of the Apache and Comanche Indian tribes外部サイトMerkwurdige und interessante Lebensgeschichte外部サイトLife among the Indians : Captivity of the Oatman girls ; Captivity of the Oatman girls (2nd edition, changed)外部サイトIncidents of border life外部サイトA topographical description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana外部サイトInteresting narrative of the sufferings of Joseph Barker and his wife . An Indian tradition (Escape of William Wallace) . The Dreadful sufferings of emigrants to California . History of the revolutionary war (captivity of John and Robert Brice) . Life and adventures外部サイトThe young merchant and the Indian captive . The captivity of Jeremiah & Elias Snyder . The Captivity of Jane Brown and her family . Scenes in Texas . The lost child . Indian battles, murders, seiges, and forays in the South-west外部サイトA selection of narratives of outrages committed by the Indians in their wars with the white people外部サイトSix weeks in the Sioux tepees . Miss Coleson's narrative . Reminiscences of Col. John Ketcham . Gertrude Morgan外部サイトNarrative of my captivity among the Sioux Indians外部サイトThe Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities外部サイトTrue stories of New England captives外部サイトThe Seminole chief : or, The captives of the Kissimmee . Old Rube, the hunter : or, The Crow captive外部サイトCaptivities of Mrs. J.E. De Camp Sweet, Nancy McClure, and Mary Schwandt . Abby Byram and her father . The lost shackle外部サイトThree years among the Comanches外部サイトThe Returned captive . John Graham's address to the master and worthy family of this house . New travels to the westward, 1788 ; New travels to the westward, 1797 . The remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnet, 1793 ; the remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnet, 1816外部サイトThe history of the life and adventures of Mr. Anderson外部サイトAn essay for the recording of illustrious providences外部サイトTen years of upper Canada in peace and war (the Thomas Ridout captivity)外部サイトFive years a captive外部サイトLetter to Henry Lee . Affecting history of the dreadful distresses of Frederic Manheim's family . Horrid Indian cruelties . A true narrative of the sufferings of Mary Kinnan . A narrative of the sufferings of James Derkinderen . Journal of the adventures of Matthew Bunn ; Narrative of the life and adventures of Matthew Bunn外部サイトGathered sketches from the early history of New Hampshire and Vermont外部サイトIndian captivity外部サイトCaptivity of Jakob Morgan . The Low Dutch boy prisoner (Frederick Schermerhorn) . The feats, adventures, and sufferings of Matthew Calkins . The capture of David Ogden . The life of John Conrad Shafford . The Death of Lt. Thomas Boyd . The Fort Stanwix captive (Isaac Hubbell)外部サイトThe Escape of Alexander M'Connel . Alexander M'Connell's escape and Adventure with the Indians . A tale of other times : (Captivity of Jonas Groves) . The little Osage captive . An interesting narrative . A brief narrative . Narrative of William Biggs外部サイトSketches of western adventure外部サイトThe boy captives : Clinton and Jeff Smith外部サイトPerils of the ocean and wilderness外部サイトNarrative of the capture of Abel Janney . The Shetek pioneers and the Indians . Captivity among the Sioux . A true romance of the American War of Independence . Narrative of James Johnson外部サイトThe orphan's experience外部サイトMemoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres . The life and travels of James Tudor Owen . An affecting account of the death of Polly and Hannah Watts外部サイトBuckelew, the Indian captive . Life of F.M. Buckelew . In the bosom of the Comanches外部サイトIndian captivities外部サイトAndele, or, The Mexican-Kiowa captive . Grandfather's captivity and escape (Daniel Howe) . Stirring adventures of the Joseph R. Brown family外部サイトThe American Indians外部サイトThe redeemed captive, returning to Zion ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (3rd edition, enlarged) ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (1853 edition)外部サイトThe child captives外部サイトA pocket of prose and verse外部サイトA narrative of sufferings and deliverance . Gallic perfidy : a poem . A faithful narrative . Die Erzehlungen von Maria le Roy und Barbara Feininger [i.e. Leininger] . A plain narrative . A narrative of the sufferings and deliverance of Briton Hammon . A journal of the captivity of Jean Lowry . Erzehlung eines unter den Indianern gewesener Gefangenen (Captivity of Abraham Urssenbacher)外部サイトThe life and travels of Josiah Mooso外部サイトCaptivity of Father Milet . Captivity among the Oneidas of Father Milet . Lost and found . Wehman's book on the scalping knife . Left by the Indians外部サイトTwo months in the camp of Big Bear : the life and adventures of Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa Delaney . Cynthia Ann Parker : the story of her capture外部サイトThe history of Maria Kittle . Miscellanies in prose and verse外部サイトDakota war whoop外部サイトThe Contrast . A short biography . William Weston, or The reward of perseverance外部サイトManners and customs of several Indian tribes located west of the Mississippi外部サイトAn essay on the life of the Honorable Major-General Israel Putnam . A genuine and correct account of the captivity, sufferings & deliverance of Mrs. Jemima Howe . The Affecting history of Mrs. Howe外部サイトCaptured by the Indians ; Captured by the Indians (revised edition) . Eastern Kentucky papers外部サイトA true narrative of David McCollum . Captives of Abb's Valley . Narrative of sufferings among the Camanche . Eighteen years captive among the Indians外部サイトWau-bun, the "early day" in the North-west外部サイトFrench and Indian cruelty, 1757 ; French and Indian cruelty, 1758 ; Sufferings of Peter Williamson, 1796 . The travels and surprising adventures of John Thomson . A full and particular account of the sufferings of William Gatenby外部サイトIndian atrocities! . The Indians : or, Narratives of massacres . Three years among the Indians and Mexicans外部サイトHeroic women of the West外部サイトA narrative of the capture and treatment of John Dodge ; an entertaining narrative (2nd edition) . Narratives of a late expedition against the Indians . Indian atrocities (captivities of knight and slover)外部サイトThe story of Captain Jasper Parrish . The story of my capture and escape . The story of the Rice boys外部サイトA narrative of capture, detention, and ransom外部サイトThe personal narrative of James O. Pattie外部サイトNarrative of the capture of the Hall sisters . History of the war between the United States and the Sac and Fox . Creek massacre and captivity of Hall girls外部サイトHistory of the Spirit Lake massacre and the captivity of Abigail Gardiner . History of the Spirit Lake massacre外部サイトTravels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories外部サイトThe discovery of Kentucke and the adventures of Daniel Boon . The adventures of Col. Daniel Boon 1786 ; life and adventures of Col. Daniel Boon 1824外部サイトThe captivity and sufferings of Gen. Freegift Patchin . U.S. Congress report on claims of Samuel Cozad . Narrative of the massacre of my wife and children ; Narrative of the massacre of my wife and children (2nd edition) . Narrative of the Seminole War and the miraculous escape of Mary Godfrey . Captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Mason . Stories of the Revolution . Captivities of Charles Eaton and David Morgan外部サイトA narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner外部サイトSeth Jones : or, the captives of the frontier . Massasoit's Daughter外部サイトA narrative of the capture of certain Americans (Moses Van Campen) . A narrative of the capture of certain Americans (Moses Van Campen) (second edition) . Sketches of the life and adventures of Moses Van Campen外部サイトThe Indian captive (Matthew Brayton) . Narrative of Larsena A. Page . Short narrative of James Kimball . The life of Jacob Persinger . In captivity . Abenteuer unter den Indianern (Captivity of the Haverland Family)外部サイトGods protecting providence . Good fetch'd out of evil ; A memorial of the present deplorable state of New-England外部サイトReport on the spirit and manner in which the war has been waged by the enemy, 1813外部サイトLife of William F. Carver of California外部サイトSavage barbarism . A narrative of the captivity of Jeseph Bartlett . Horrid murder by the Indians . A narrative of the captivity of Isaac Webster . A narrative of the life of K. White外部サイトMessage from the President relative to murders committed by the Indians . The Travels of James Dolphin . A journal : also, two narratives . Murder of the whole family of Samuel Wells . The Captivity and sufferings of Mary Smith . An affecting account of the tragic death of Major Swan . The Adventures of Henry Bird . A Narrative of the life and death of Lieut. J.M. Willcox外部サイトRambles in wonderland外部サイトThe Ute war . The Ute massacre外部サイトNarrative of the tragical death of Darius Barber . Shocking murder by the savages of Mr. Darius Barber's family . Narrative of captivity and sufferings . Narrative of captivity of Jane Lewis . A narrative of captivity and sufferings . The Indian captive外部サイトA narrative of the life of Mary Jemison, 1824 ; Life of Mary Jemison, 1856 (enlarged edition, edited by Lewis H. Morgan)外部サイトA narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson ; A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson (Glasgow 1797) ; A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson (enlarged edition of 1814)外部サイトA narrative of the sufferings of Massy Harbison ; a narrative of the sufferings of Massy Harbison (4th edition, enlarged)外部サイトRegina, the German captive外部サイトMatilda : or, The Indian's captive外部サイトNarrative of the captivity of Clarissa Plummer, 1838 . History of the captivity of Caroline Harris, 1838 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1839 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1851 . Narrative of Ransom Clark . Historical sketches of Roswell Franklin and family外部サイトA journal kept at Nootka Sound . A narrative of the adventures of John R. Jewitt外部サイトJoseph Brown or the Young Tennesseean . Narrative of a captivity among the Mohawk Indians外部サイトTales of the Northwest外部サイトSketches of aboriginal life外部サイトA narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert ; a narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert (3rd edition, enlarged)外部サイトWild life in the Far West外部サイト



  • The torture of captives . Captivity of Jonathan Alder by the Indians in 1782 . Horrors of Indian captivity . Life of John W. Johnson

  • Seven and nine years among the Camanches and Apaches

  • A collection of narratives of Indian warfare in the West

  • Decennium luctuosum

  • The lost sister of Wyoming . Biography of Frances Slocum





  • CiNii Research

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The torture of captives . Captivity of Jonathan Alder by the Indians in 1782 . Horrors of Indian captivity . Life of John W. Johnson
Seven and nine years among the Camanches and Apaches
A collection of narratives of Indian warfare in the West
Decennium luctuosum
The lost sister of Wyoming . Biography of Frances Slocum
Girl captives of the Cheyennes . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Jane Frazier . History of the captivity of David Boyd . The Means massacre : Molly Finney the Canadian Captive . Narrative of Titus King
The post-captain . Struggles of Captain Keith in America
Sketch of the life of John Reary . True narrative of five years' suffering & perilous adventures . Mrs. Huggins, the Minnesota captive . One more chapter of Indian barbarities . Our great Indian war
Capture and escape : or, Life among the Sioux
God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty . An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson . Memoirs of odd adventures, strange deliverances, etc. . A narrative of the captivity of Nehemiah How . The redeemed captive
The journal of Captain William Pote, Jr.
Four years in the Rockies : or, The adventures of Isaac Rose
The journal of William Scudder
Life and adventures of William Filley . An account of the captivity of Hugh Gibson . Mary Nealy . General Sheridan's squaw spy and Clara Blynn's captivity . Lost and found in the Rocky Mountains
The horrid cruelty of the Indians . History of the life and sufferings of Henry Grace . Adventure of a young English officer . A brief narration of the captivity of Isaac Hollister . Account of the captivity of William Henry . A narrative of an extraordinary escape
Memoir of Abijah Hutchinson . Narrative of the massacre at Chicago . A history of the copper mines and Newgate Prison and the captivity of Daniels Hays . A long journey : the story of Daniel Hayes . The Bible boy taken captive by the Indians
Life and adventures of L.D. Lafferty
Nathan Todd : or, The fate of the Sioux captive
Notes on the settlement and Indian wars
A true history of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson . Humiliations follow'd with deliverances
Old record of the captivity of Margaret Erskine . Indian horrors of the fifties
A condensed history of the Apache and Comanche Indian tribes
Merkwurdige und interessante Lebensgeschichte
Life among the Indians : Captivity of the Oatman girls ; Captivity of the Oatman girls (2nd edition, changed)
Incidents of border life
A topographical description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana
Interesting narrative of the sufferings of Joseph Barker and his wife . An Indian tradition (Escape of William Wallace) . The Dreadful sufferings of emigrants to California . History of the revolutionary war (captivity of John and Robert Brice) . Life and adventures
The young merchant and the Indian captive . The captivity of Jeremiah & Elias Snyder . The Captivity of Jane Brown and her family . Scenes in Texas . The lost child . Indian battles, murders, seiges, and forays in the South-west
A selection of narratives of outrages committed by the Indians in their wars with the white people
Six weeks in the Sioux tepees . Miss Coleson's narrative . Reminiscences of Col. John Ketcham . Gertrude Morgan
Narrative of my captivity among the Sioux Indians
The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities
True stories of New England captives
The Seminole chief : or, The captives of the Kissimmee . Old Rube, the hunter : or, The Crow captive
Captivities of Mrs. J.E. De Camp Sweet, Nancy McClure, and Mary Schwandt . Abby Byram and her father . The lost shackle
Three years among the Comanches
The Returned captive . John Graham's address to the master and worthy family of this house . New travels to the westward, 1788 ; New travels to the westward, 1797 . The remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnet, 1793 ; the remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnet, 1816
The history of the life and adventures of Mr. Anderson
An essay for the recording of illustrious providences
Ten years of upper Canada in peace and war (the Thomas Ridout captivity)
Five years a captive
Letter to Henry Lee . Affecting history of the dreadful distresses of Frederic Manheim's family . Horrid Indian cruelties . A true narrative of the sufferings of Mary Kinnan . A narrative of the sufferings of James Derkinderen . Journal of the adventures of Matthew Bunn ; Narrative of the life and adventures of Matthew Bunn
Gathered sketches from the early history of New Hampshire and Vermont
Indian captivity
Captivity of Jakob Morgan . The Low Dutch boy prisoner (Frederick Schermerhorn) . The feats, adventures, and sufferings of Matthew Calkins . The capture of David Ogden . The life of John Conrad Shafford . The Death of Lt. Thomas Boyd . The Fort Stanwix captive (Isaac Hubbell)
The Escape of Alexander M'Connel . Alexander M'Connell's escape and Adventure with the Indians . A tale of other times : (Captivity of Jonas Groves) . The little Osage captive . An interesting narrative . A brief narrative . Narrative of William Biggs
Sketches of western adventure
The boy captives : Clinton and Jeff Smith
Perils of the ocean and wilderness
Narrative of the capture of Abel Janney . The Shetek pioneers and the Indians . Captivity among the Sioux . A true romance of the American War of Independence . Narrative of James Johnson
The orphan's experience
Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres . The life and travels of James Tudor Owen . An affecting account of the death of Polly and Hannah Watts
Buckelew, the Indian captive . Life of F.M. Buckelew . In the bosom of the Comanches
Indian captivities
Andele, or, The Mexican-Kiowa captive . Grandfather's captivity and escape (Daniel Howe) . Stirring adventures of the Joseph R. Brown family
The American Indians
The redeemed captive, returning to Zion ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (3rd edition, enlarged) ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (1853 edition)
The child captives
A pocket of prose and verse
A narrative of sufferings and deliverance . Gallic perfidy : a poem . A faithful narrative . Die Erzehlungen von Maria le Roy und Barbara Feininger [i.e. Leininger] . A plain narrative . A narrative of the sufferings and deliverance of Briton Hammon . A journal of the captivity of Jean Lowry . Erzehlung eines unter den Indianern gewesener Gefangenen (Captivity of Abraham Urssenbacher)
The life and travels of Josiah Mooso
Captivity of Father Milet . Captivity among the Oneidas of Father Milet . Lost and found . Wehman's book on the scalping knife . Left by the Indians
Two months in the camp of Big Bear : the life and adventures of Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa Delaney . Cynthia Ann Parker : the story of her capture
The history of Maria Kittle . Miscellanies in prose and verse
Dakota war whoop
The Contrast . A short biography . William Weston, or The reward of perseverance
Manners and customs of several Indian tribes located west of the Mississippi
An essay on the life of the Honorable Major-General Israel Putnam . A genuine and correct account of the captivity, sufferings & deliverance of Mrs. Jemima Howe . The Affecting history of Mrs. Howe
Captured by the Indians ; Captured by the Indians (revised edition) . Eastern Kentucky papers
A true narrative of David McCollum . Captives of Abb's Valley . Narrative of sufferings among the Camanche . Eighteen years captive among the Indians
Wau-bun, the "early day" in the North-west
French and Indian cruelty, 1757 ; French and Indian cruelty, 1758 ; Sufferings of Peter Williamson, 1796 . The travels and surprising adventures of John Thomson . A full and particular account of the sufferings of William Gatenby
Indian atrocities! . The Indians : or, Narratives of massacres . Three years among the Indians and Mexicans
Heroic women of the West
A narrative of the capture and treatment of John Dodge ; an entertaining narrative (2nd edition) . Narratives of a late expedition against the Indians . Indian atrocities (captivities of knight and slover)
The story of Captain Jasper Parrish . The story of my capture and escape . The story of the Rice boys
A narrative of capture, detention, and ransom
The personal narrative of James O. Pattie
Narrative of the capture of the Hall sisters . History of the war between the United States and the Sac and Fox . Creek massacre and captivity of Hall girls
History of the Spirit Lake massacre and the captivity of Abigail Gardiner . History of the Spirit Lake massacre
Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories
The discovery of Kentucke and the adventures of Daniel Boon . The adventures of Col. Daniel Boon 1786 ; life and adventures of Col. Daniel Boon 1824
The captivity and sufferings of Gen. Freegift Patchin . U.S. Congress report on claims of Samuel Cozad . Narrative of the massacre of my wife and children ; Narrative of the massacre of my wife and children (2nd edition) . Narrative of the Seminole War and the miraculous escape of Mary Godfrey . Captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Mason . Stories of the Revolution . Captivities of Charles Eaton and David Morgan
A narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner
Seth Jones : or, the captives of the frontier . Massasoit's Daughter
A narrative of the capture of certain Americans (Moses Van Campen) . A narrative of the capture of certain Americans (Moses Van Campen) (second edition) . Sketches of the life and adventures of Moses Van Campen
The Indian captive (Matthew Brayton) . Narrative of Larsena A. Page . Short narrative of James Kimball . The life of Jacob Persinger . In captivity . Abenteuer unter den Indianern (Captivity of the Haverland Family)
Gods protecting providence . Good fetch'd out of evil ; A memorial of the present deplorable state of New-England
Report on the spirit and manner in which the war has been waged by the enemy, 1813
Life of William F. Carver of California
Savage barbarism . A narrative of the captivity of Jeseph Bartlett . Horrid murder by the Indians . A narrative of the captivity of Isaac Webster . A narrative of the life of K. White
Message from the President relative to murders committed by the Indians . The Travels of James Dolphin . A journal : also, two narratives . Murder of the whole family of Samuel Wells . The Captivity and sufferings of Mary Smith . An affecting account of the tragic death of Major Swan . The Adventures of Henry Bird . A Narrative of the life and death of Lieut. J.M. Willcox
Rambles in wonderland
The Ute war . The Ute massacre
Narrative of the tragical death of Darius Barber . Shocking murder by the savages of Mr. Darius Barber's family . Narrative of captivity and sufferings . Narrative of captivity of Jane Lewis . A narrative of captivity and sufferings . The Indian captive
A narrative of the life of Mary Jemison, 1824 ; Life of Mary Jemison, 1856 (enlarged edition, edited by Lewis H. Morgan)
A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson ; A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson (Glasgow 1797) ; A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson (enlarged edition of 1814)
A narrative of the sufferings of Massy Harbison ; a narrative of the sufferings of Massy Harbison (4th edition, enlarged)
Regina, the German captive
Matilda : or, The Indian's captive
Narrative of the captivity of Clarissa Plummer, 1838 . History of the captivity of Caroline Harris, 1838 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1839 . Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn with Mrs. Harris, 1851 . Narrative of Ransom Clark . Historical sketches of Roswell Franklin and family
A journal kept at Nootka Sound . A narrative of the adventures of John R. Jewitt
Joseph Brown or the Young Tennesseean . Narrative of a captivity among the Mohawk Indians
Tales of the Northwest
Sketches of aboriginal life
A narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert ; a narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert (3rd edition, enlarged)
Wild life in the Far West
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA66450205 : BA66450205