
National Sample Survey


National Sample Survey

India (Republic). Directorate of National Sample Survey
Manager of Publications



Publisher varies


Tables with notes on some features of household non-registered trade外部サイトEarnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mysore and Tamil Nadu外部サイトNotes of the results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1965 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1965 : sample sector : detailed results外部サイトDesign, concepts, definitions, and procedures外部サイトTables with notes on family planning外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトCouple fertility外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on capital formation外部サイトIndian villages : a study of some social and economic aspects外部サイトSome aspects of cost of cultivation of minor cereals, pulses, sugarcane, oil seeds, potato, spices and tobacco外部サイトTables with notes on urban employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on some aspects of land holdings in rural India外部サイトTables with notes on household consumption of fuel and light外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure, preliminary外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1961 : sample sector, summary results外部サイトTables with notes on internal migration外部サイトTables with notes on internal migration外部サイトTables with notes on sample survey of manufacturing industries外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure of agricultural labour households in rural areas外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on small-scale manufacture in rural and urban areas外部サイトTables with notes on land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトSurvey of Faridabad township : March-April 1954外部サイトTables with notes on the enquiry [i.e. inquiry] on physically handicapped persons外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトConsumer expenditure of the weaker section of the rural population of India外部サイトTables with notes on professions and liberal arts外部サイトDifferential birth, death and infant mortality rates in rural households外部サイトTables with notes on some aspects of landholdings in rural areas : state and all-India estimates外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary外部サイトEarnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of Union territories of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Pondicherry and Goa, Daman & Diu外部サイトReport on Indian villages : ( a study of some social and economic aspects )外部サイトSchedules of enquiry外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1964外部サイトTables with notes on Indian villages外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on household non-mechanised transport and utilisation of working animals外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1968 : sample sector : detailed results外部サイトReport on preliminary survey of urban unemployment September, 1953外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1959 : sample sector; summary results外部サイトTables with notes on household enterprises外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on capital formation外部サイトReport on some characteristics of the economically active population外部サイトReport on pattern of consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on farm practices外部サイトTables with notes on household transport operations外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on household consumer expenditure and enterprise for rural and urban areas of India : integrated household survey (Schedule 17)外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトReport on household retail trade外部サイトables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトReport on small scale manufacture : household enterprises smaller than registered factories外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1970 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトReport on small scale manufacture : ( Household enterprises smaller than registered factories)外部サイトEarnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of the states of Assam Bihar, Haryana, Jammu and Kahmir, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトTables with-notes on non-household small scale manufacture外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on household receipts and disbursements外部サイトSome results on small scale manufacture in rural and urban areas外部サイトTables with notes on the second round April - June 1951外部サイトVital rates in India外部サイトTables with notes on Indian villages: some important results外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure : some selected items外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on rural employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary外部サイトNotes on some results of the land utilisation survey外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on birth and death rates and fertility rate外部サイトTechnical records of sample design, instructions to field workers and list of sample villages and urban blocks外部サイトTables with notes on some aspects of agriculture in India外部サイトReport on pilot study on non-household enterprises外部サイトTables with notes on earnings, indebtedness, cultivated holddings and assets of the weaker section households in rural India外部サイトTables with notes on Rural indebtedness外部サイトReport on the sample survey of manufacturing industries : 1954 (2) : Exploratory survey of scheduled industries外部サイトTables with notes on small scale manufacture : household enterprises smaller than registered factories外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries - 1962 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトTime disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India外部サイトTables with notes on capital formation外部サイトA technical note on age grouping外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on average budget of agricultural labour households in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1961 : sample sector : detailed results外部サイトTables with notes on survey of scheduled industries, 1958 : sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958外部サイトReport on land holdings : urban sector外部サイトTime disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1966 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトTables with notes on the enquiry on physically handicapped persons外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary外部サイトReport on the sample survey of manufacturing industries外部サイトTables with notes on some features of land holdings in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on villages and towns in India : some results外部サイトTables with notes on some aspects of landholdings in urban areas外部サイトReport on the sample survey of displaced persons in the urban areas of the Bombay State, July - September 1953外部サイトReport on sample survey of employment in Calcutta 1953外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1967外部サイトHousehold small scale manufacturing establishments外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトReport on special survey on household entrepreneurial activities in Aligarh town : 1959-60外部サイトTables with notes on livestock products外部サイトSome aspects of cost of cultivation of barley, maize, ragi, gram, small millets, groundnut, cotton and jute外部サイトConcepts, definitions and procedures外部サイトBirth and death rates by recall period外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure in urban areas外部サイトTables with notes on animal husbandry外部サイトTables with notes on small scale manufacture : rural and urban外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトTables with notes on milk production外部サイトTables with notes on dwelling habits of occupants of the two-room government residences in New Delhi, July 1960外部サイトReport on the type study on consumption and disposal of cereals and capital formation by households: 1959-60外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1967 : sample sector, summary results外部サイトExploratory survey of scheduled industries外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural and urban areas of India外部サイトTables with notes on some features of land holdings in Urban areas外部サイトA preliminary report on housing condition外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition of scheduled tribe households of union territories of Manipur and Tripura外部サイトSample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958外部サイトReport on land holdings (4) : rural sector--states外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure of scheduled tribe households in manipur and tripura states外部サイトTables with notes on household indebtedness外部サイトGeneral report no.1 on the first round, October 1950 - March 1951外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on wages, employment, income and indebtedness of agricultural labour households in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on fertility and mortality rates in urban areas of India外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on urban employment and unemployment外部サイトTechnical paper on sample design外部サイトReport on morbidity外部サイトVital rates外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1964 : sample sector, summary results外部サイトReport on household transport operations外部サイトTables on land holdings外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトSelected tables on the survey on employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on the result of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1966 : sample sector, detailed results外部サイトRefort [i.e. report] on employment and unemployment外部サイトConsumer expenditure by levels of household expenditure外部サイトTime disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India外部サイトSurvey of book readers' preference in India外部サイトTables with notes on annual survey of industries-1960 : sample sector, detailed results外部サイトTime disposition, wage rate and attitude towards employment opportunities outside village for the weaker sections of the rural population of India外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1969 : sample sector : detailed results外部サイトTables with notes on income of scheduled tribe households in rural areas of Manipur and Tripura外部サイトTables with notes on agricultural holdings in rural India外部サイトTables with notes on internal migration (rural)外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural and urban areas of India外部サイトTables with notes on household non-registered trade外部サイトPreliminary estimates of birth and death rates and of the rate of growth of population外部サイトTable with notes on household distributive trade外部サイトTables with notes on internal migration外部サイトSome results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural and urban areas (required by the National Buildings Organisation)外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトHousehold retail trade外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1968 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトPilot study on non-household enterprises外部サイトVital rates by per capita monthly household expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on couple fertility外部サイトSpecial report on the survey of persons in the live register of the Delhi employment exchange外部サイトTables with notes on disposal of cereals by producer households in rural areas外部サイトTime disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India外部サイトFirst report on land holdings, rural sector外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries - 1962 : sample sector : detailed results外部サイトFertility and mortality rates in India外部サイトTables with notes on indebtedness of scheduled tribe households外部サイトTables with notes on some features of land holdings in Urban areas外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in rural and urban areas of India外部サイトTechnical paper on sample design外部サイトSome aspects of operational holdings - population zones and all India外部サイトTables with notes on rates of birth, death and growth of rural population外部サイトTables with notes on the dimensions of the economic problems of weaker section of rural population外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトSome results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on capital formation, urban外部サイトTables with notes on the Third round August - November 1951外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure外部サイトSome aspects of ownership holdings外部サイトReport on employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1969 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトTables on consumer expenditure外部サイトSpecial study on morbidity : November 1960-October 1961外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトConsumer expenditure for cultivator households : rural外部サイトSample verification of livestock census : 1956外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in urban areas外部サイトTables with notes on agricultural holdings in rural India外部サイトCalorie and protein values of food items consumed per diem per consumer unit in rural areas外部サイトTables with notes on some aspects of cost of cultivation of paddy, wheat, barley, maize, millets, pulses, oil seeds, and vegetables外部サイトTables with notes on employment and unemployment in urban areas外部サイトPilot enquiry on building construction : some results外部サイトTables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in rural and urban areas of India外部サイトTables with notes on farming conditions and practices in rural areas : 1953-54外部サイトSome aspects of cost of cultivation of paddy, wheat, jowar and bajra外部サイトA note on profession and services外部サイトPreliminary estimates of birth and death rates and of the rate of growth of population外部サイトSupplement外部サイトTables with notes on household non-registered trade外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトThe annual survey of industries, 1960 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure of scheduled tribe housholds in Manipur and Tripura states外部サイトTables with notes on income of rural labour households外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトThe results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトTables with notes on houhold receipts and disbursements外部サイトTechnical paper on some aspects of the development of the sample design外部サイトReport on the sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1949 and 1950外部サイトTables with notes on household consumer expenditure, enterprise and demographic particulars外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1963 : sample sector : summary results外部サイトOperational holdings in rural India外部サイトTables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in India外部サイトNotes of the results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトSchedules of enquiry外部サイトTables with notes on pattern of household ownership and possession of land in rural areas : 1950-51 to 1953-54外部サイトTables with notes on housing condition外部サイトTables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary外部サイトTables with notes on rural employment and unemployment外部サイトTables with notes on urban labour force外部サイトReport on pilot enquiry on morbidity外部サイトTables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1963外部サイトSome results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments外部サイトSome results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural and urban areas (required by the National Buildings Organisation)外部サイト






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Publisher varies
Tables with notes on some features of household non-registered trade
Earnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mysore and Tamil Nadu
Notes of the results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1965 : sample sector : summary results
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1965 : sample sector : detailed results
Design, concepts, definitions, and procedures
Tables with notes on family planning
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Couple fertility
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on capital formation
Indian villages : a study of some social and economic aspects
Some aspects of cost of cultivation of minor cereals, pulses, sugarcane, oil seeds, potato, spices and tobacco
Tables with notes on urban employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on some aspects of land holdings in rural India
Tables with notes on household consumption of fuel and light
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure, preliminary
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1961 : sample sector, summary results
Tables with notes on internal migration
Tables with notes on internal migration
Tables with notes on sample survey of manufacturing industries
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural areas
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure of agricultural labour households in rural areas
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on small-scale manufacture in rural and urban areas
Tables with notes on land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Survey of Faridabad township : March-April 1954
Tables with notes on the enquiry [i.e. inquiry] on physically handicapped persons
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on housing condition
Consumer expenditure of the weaker section of the rural population of India
Tables with notes on professions and liberal arts
Differential birth, death and infant mortality rates in rural households
Tables with notes on some aspects of landholdings in rural areas : state and all-India estimates
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary
Earnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of Union territories of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Pondicherry and Goa, Daman & Diu
Report on Indian villages : ( a study of some social and economic aspects )
Schedules of enquiry
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1964
Tables with notes on Indian villages
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on household non-mechanised transport and utilisation of working animals
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1968 : sample sector : detailed results
Report on preliminary survey of urban unemployment September, 1953
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1959 : sample sector; summary results
Tables with notes on household enterprises
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural areas
Tables with notes on capital formation
Report on some characteristics of the economically active population
Report on pattern of consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on farm practices
Tables with notes on household transport operations
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on household consumer expenditure and enterprise for rural and urban areas of India : integrated household survey (Schedule 17)
Tables with notes on housing condition
Report on household retail trade
ables with notes on urban labour force
Report on small scale manufacture : household enterprises smaller than registered factories
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1970 : sample sector : summary results
Report on small scale manufacture : ( Household enterprises smaller than registered factories)
Earnings, indebtedness, cultivated holdings and assets of the weaker section households in rural areas of the states of Assam Bihar, Haryana, Jammu and Kahmir, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal
Tables with notes on housing condition
Tables with-notes on non-household small scale manufacture
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on household receipts and disbursements
Some results on small scale manufacture in rural and urban areas
Tables with notes on the second round April - June 1951
Vital rates in India
Tables with notes on Indian villages: some important results
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure : some selected items
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on rural employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary
Notes on some results of the land utilisation survey
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on birth and death rates and fertility rate
Technical records of sample design, instructions to field workers and list of sample villages and urban blocks
Tables with notes on some aspects of agriculture in India
Report on pilot study on non-household enterprises
Tables with notes on earnings, indebtedness, cultivated holddings and assets of the weaker section households in rural India
Tables with notes on Rural indebtedness
Report on the sample survey of manufacturing industries : 1954 (2) : Exploratory survey of scheduled industries
Tables with notes on small scale manufacture : household enterprises smaller than registered factories
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries - 1962 : sample sector : summary results
Time disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India
Tables with notes on capital formation
A technical note on age grouping
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on average budget of agricultural labour households in rural areas
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1961 : sample sector : detailed results
Tables with notes on survey of scheduled industries, 1958 : sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958
Report on land holdings : urban sector
Time disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1966 : sample sector : summary results
Tables with notes on the enquiry on physically handicapped persons
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary
Report on the sample survey of manufacturing industries
Tables with notes on some features of land holdings in rural areas
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on villages and towns in India : some results
Tables with notes on some aspects of landholdings in urban areas
Report on the sample survey of displaced persons in the urban areas of the Bombay State, July - September 1953
Report on sample survey of employment in Calcutta 1953
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1967
Household small scale manufacturing establishments
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Report on special survey on household entrepreneurial activities in Aligarh town : 1959-60
Tables with notes on livestock products
Some aspects of cost of cultivation of barley, maize, ragi, gram, small millets, groundnut, cotton and jute
Concepts, definitions and procedures
Birth and death rates by recall period
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure in urban areas
Tables with notes on animal husbandry
Tables with notes on small scale manufacture : rural and urban
Tables with notes on housing condition
Tables with notes on milk production
Tables with notes on dwelling habits of occupants of the two-room government residences in New Delhi, July 1960
Report on the type study on consumption and disposal of cereals and capital formation by households: 1959-60
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1967 : sample sector, summary results
Exploratory survey of scheduled industries
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural and urban areas of India
Tables with notes on some features of land holdings in Urban areas
A preliminary report on housing condition
Tables with notes on housing condition of scheduled tribe households of union territories of Manipur and Tripura
Sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958
Report on land holdings (4) : rural sector--states
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure of scheduled tribe households in manipur and tripura states
Tables with notes on household indebtedness
General report no.1 on the first round, October 1950 - March 1951
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on wages, employment, income and indebtedness of agricultural labour households in rural areas
Tables with notes on sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1958
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on fertility and mortality rates in urban areas of India
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on urban employment and unemployment
Technical paper on sample design
Report on morbidity
Vital rates
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1964 : sample sector, summary results
Report on household transport operations
Tables on land holdings
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Selected tables on the survey on employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on the result of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1966 : sample sector, detailed results
Refort [i.e. report] on employment and unemployment
Consumer expenditure by levels of household expenditure
Time disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India
Survey of book readers' preference in India
Tables with notes on annual survey of industries-1960 : sample sector, detailed results
Time disposition, wage rate and attitude towards employment opportunities outside village for the weaker sections of the rural population of India
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1969 : sample sector : detailed results
Tables with notes on income of scheduled tribe households in rural areas of Manipur and Tripura
Tables with notes on agricultural holdings in rural India
Tables with notes on internal migration (rural)
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in rural and urban areas of India
Tables with notes on household non-registered trade
Preliminary estimates of birth and death rates and of the rate of growth of population
Table with notes on household distributive trade
Tables with notes on internal migration
Some results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural and urban areas (required by the National Buildings Organisation)
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Household retail trade
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1968 : sample sector : summary results
Pilot study on non-household enterprises
Vital rates by per capita monthly household expenditure
Tables with notes on couple fertility
Special report on the survey of persons in the live register of the Delhi employment exchange
Tables with notes on disposal of cereals by producer households in rural areas
Time disposition and wage rate for economically weaker sections of rural population of India
First report on land holdings, rural sector
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries - 1962 : sample sector : detailed results
Fertility and mortality rates in India
Tables with notes on indebtedness of scheduled tribe households
Tables with notes on some features of land holdings in Urban areas
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in rural and urban areas of India
Technical paper on sample design
Some aspects of operational holdings - population zones and all India
Tables with notes on rates of birth, death and growth of rural population
Tables with notes on the dimensions of the economic problems of weaker section of rural population
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Some results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural areas
Tables with notes on capital formation, urban
Tables with notes on the Third round August - November 1951
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure
Some aspects of ownership holdings
Report on employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries, 1969 : sample sector : summary results
Tables on consumer expenditure
Special study on morbidity : November 1960-October 1961
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Consumer expenditure for cultivator households : rural
Sample verification of livestock census : 1956
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in urban areas
Tables with notes on agricultural holdings in rural India
Calorie and protein values of food items consumed per diem per consumer unit in rural areas
Tables with notes on some aspects of cost of cultivation of paddy, wheat, barley, maize, millets, pulses, oil seeds, and vegetables
Tables with notes on employment and unemployment in urban areas
Pilot enquiry on building construction : some results
Tables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in rural and urban areas of India
Tables with notes on farming conditions and practices in rural areas : 1953-54
Some aspects of cost of cultivation of paddy, wheat, jowar and bajra
A note on profession and services
Preliminary estimates of birth and death rates and of the rate of growth of population
Tables with notes on household non-registered trade
Tables with notes on housing condition
The annual survey of industries, 1960 : sample sector : summary results
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure of scheduled tribe housholds in Manipur and Tripura states
Tables with notes on income of rural labour households
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
The results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Tables with notes on houhold receipts and disbursements
Technical paper on some aspects of the development of the sample design
Report on the sample survey of manufacturing industries, 1949 and 1950
Tables with notes on household consumer expenditure, enterprise and demographic particulars
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1963 : sample sector : summary results
Operational holdings in rural India
Tables with notes on differential fertility and mortality rates in India
Notes of the results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Schedules of enquiry
Tables with notes on pattern of household ownership and possession of land in rural areas : 1950-51 to 1953-54
Tables with notes on housing condition
Tables with notes on consumer expenditure : preliminary
Tables with notes on rural employment and unemployment
Tables with notes on urban labour force
Report on pilot enquiry on morbidity
Tables with notes on the annual survey of industries-1963
Some results of the land utilisation survey and crop-cutting experiments
Some results relating to construction of pucca houses in rural and urban areas (required by the National Buildings Organisation)