
Trade information bulletin


Trade information bulletin

United States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Government Printing Office


Spain : resources, industries, trade and public finance外部サイトCoal in Europe外部サイトExport trade in rubber footwear 1925外部サイトInternational trade in clocks and watches外部サイトElectrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Peru外部サイトSources of foreign credit information外部サイトLatin American budgets外部サイトElectrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Australia外部サイトHawaii : its resources and trade外部サイトCentral American markets for electrical equipment外部サイトBoot and shoe industry and trade of New Zealand外部サイトAsbestos : sources and trade外部サイトMarket for agricultural implements and machinery in Australia外部サイトSources of foreign credit information外部サイトTrade of British India with the United States, Japan, and Germany外部サイトWorld markets for cutlery : based on a study of official trade statistics of foreign countries, supplemented by information from American oversea representatives外部サイトThe market for hosiery in South America外部サイトInternational trade in 1924外部サイトAdvertising automotive products in Latin America外部サイトAnalysis of French railroad situation外部サイトForeign markets for leather belting : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of Commerce and State外部サイトIce-making and cold-storage plants in Continental Europe : reports of American consular officers外部サイトAustralian canned fruit industry外部サイトTextile industries of Belgium and the Netherlands外部サイトThe chemical industry and trade of Poland外部サイトThe French iron and steel industry and trade : with a chapter on the Saar外部サイトExports of electrical equipment from Germany 1913-1927外部サイトMarket for motion pictures in Central Europe, Italy and Spain外部サイトJapanese trade in iron and steel products外部サイトBoot and shoe industry of southern Australia外部サイトDeveloping the smaller leather markets abroad外部サイトPhilippine trade financing and exchange外部サイトCommercial use of national flags and public insignia外部サイトBritish investment trusts外部サイトForest resources of Siberia外部サイトThe market for oils and fats in Cuba and the Cuban vegetable oil industry外部サイトSurgical and dental instrument trade in Australia and New Zealand外部サイトBoot and shoe industry and trade of Great Britain外部サイトInstallment selling of motor vehicles in Europe外部サイトMarkets for fresh fruit in the Netherland East Indies外部サイトMarket for foodstuffs in the Netherland East Indies外部サイトInsurance transactions in the balance of international payments of the United States 1919-35外部サイトPaper and paper products in Central America : based on reports submitted by consular officers of the Department of State外部サイトIndustrial machinery in principal foreign countries外部サイトBritish chemical developments in 1930外部サイトCoal industry and trade in the Netherlands外部サイトBudgets of far eastern countries外部サイトGerman chemical developments in 1926外部サイトCentral light and power plants in Australia and New Zealand : with notes on the market for electrical goods外部サイトLeather industry and trade of Czechoslovakia外部サイトFertilizers : some new factors in domestic fertilizer production and trade外部サイトDistribution centers for automotive products in Brazil外部サイトThe marketing of manganese ore外部サイトMotor-Bus transportation外部サイトEuropean markets for furniture外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1929外部サイトCeylon : its industries, resources, trade and methods of doing business外部サイトLeather production and trade of Canada外部サイトSouth African footwear trade and industry 1927外部サイトChanges in the economic life of the Chinese people外部サイトJapan as a market for American agricultural implements and machinery外部サイトLeather industry and trade of Sweden外部サイトPaper and paper products in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and the Guianas based on reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of State and Commerce and other sources外部サイトAutomotive equipment and construction preferences in foreign countries外部サイトThe cotton industry of Peru外部サイトSouthern Wales as a market for electrical machinery and supplies外部サイトFoodstuffs export trade of the United States外部サイトThe marketing of antimony外部サイトCentral light and power plants in the western hemisphere : with notes on the market for electrical goods外部サイトAutomotive market of New Zealand外部サイトGerman chemical developments in 1931外部サイトShort-subject film market in Latin America, Canada, the Far East, Africa, and the Near East外部サイトIron and steel trade and industry of the Netherlands外部サイトAmerican underwriting of foreing securities外部サイトMarketing of American meat products in export trade外部サイトMarkets of central Chile外部サイトThe chemical industry and trade of Sweden外部サイトThe currency system of Japan外部サイトAdvertising automotive products in Australia, Japan, and Islands of the Pasific外部サイトRights of foreign shareholders of European corporations外部サイトSurvey of Czecho-Slovak cotton industry, 1922外部サイトChanging factors in the economic life of China外部サイトThe Czechoslovak iron and steel industry外部サイトUnited States trade with Latin America in 1925外部サイトPetroleum refineries in foreign countries, 1931外部サイトAmerican direct investments in foreign countries外部サイトLabor, wages and unemployment in France外部サイトItalian chemical developments in 1928 and 1929外部サイトMarkets for flour in Central America外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in the Netherlands and Belgium外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1930外部サイトTrade financing and exchange in Porto Rico and Haiti by H. H. Dashiell, Samuel William Honaker外部サイトThe Netherland oilseed-crushing industry外部サイトMining and metallurgical industries in central China外部サイトPetroleum in Brazil外部サイトGold placer area in Mongolia, China外部サイトThe chemical industry in Czechoslovakia外部サイトThe marketing of tungsten ores and concentrates外部サイトLatin American markets for American hosiery外部サイトBritish colonial office reports on the rubber situation外部サイトExpansion of Japan's foreign trade and industry外部サイトSouth African trade in watches and clocks外部サイトThe forest resources and lumber industry of soviet Russia外部サイトMarkets of the Netherlands East Indies外部サイトThe Belgian-Luxemburg iron and steel industry外部サイトChanges in representative wages in british industry外部サイトBritish market for domestic electrical appliances外部サイトMotion pictures in Australia and New Zealand外部サイトThe international cartel movement外部サイトBritish market for American dairy equipment and supplies外部サイトUnited States trade with Latin America in 1925外部サイトThe Philippine cotton-goods and hosiery markets . The Philippine embroidery industry外部サイトInternational trade in furs外部サイトIron and steel trade of the Pacific area外部サイトButter and cheese markets in South America外部サイトForeign markets for automobile servicing appliances : compiled from reports of oversea representatives of the departments of commerce and state外部サイトTrading under the laws of Czechoslovakia外部サイトFree and dutiable imports of the United States in the calendar year 1927外部サイトBritish petroleum trade in 1925 : based on reports from American consular officers and from the office of the American commercial attaché in England外部サイトInternational trade in corn外部サイトInternational trade in toys : based on reports of oversea officers of the departments of state and commerce/ compiled by J.M. Calvin外部サイトUsed-car markets of foreign countries : based on reports of consular officers of the department of state and oversea representatives of the department of commerce外部サイトThe Ecuadorian market外部サイトButter and cheese markets in the West Indies外部サイトThe Paraguayan market外部サイトNaval stores : production, consumption and distribution外部サイトThe automotive market in Uruguay外部サイトProtesting drafts in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Danzig, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania外部サイトForeign markets for windmills外部サイトMarketing and competition in the Scandinavian countries外部サイトCoal, coke, and briquettes in Switzerland外部サイトItaly leather market外部サイトBritish chemical trade外部サイトEuropean markets for rubber sundries and specialities : from reports of oversea representatives of the Departments of State and Commerce外部サイトAustralia as a market for American goods in 1931外部サイトLeather industry and trade of Japan外部サイトThe European motion-picture industry in 1927外部サイトInternational sole leather trade and production in 1927外部サイトAutomotive equipment and construction preferences in foreign countries : based on reports of consular officers of the Department of State and representatives of the Department of Commerce外部サイトRecent trend in Canadian foreign exchange外部サイトPaper and paper products in India and Ceylon : based on reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Department of State and Commerce and other sources外部サイトBrazil : an economic review by States外部サイトThe German jewelry industry based chiefly on a report by Erik W. Magnuson : supplemented with material from the American Consulate at Frankfort and the office of the American Commercial Attaché at Berlin外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1928外部サイトFrench market for industrial machinery外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1925 : according to the international statistical classification外部サイトPotash in Poland外部サイトThe glass and allied industries of Czechoslovakia外部サイトFurniture markets of the Far East外部サイトThe Belgian Kongo外部サイトLeather industry and trade of France外部サイトGerman chemical developments in 1929外部サイトSources of foreign credit information外部サイトPetroleum refineries in foreign countries, 1930外部サイトModern farm equipment in India外部サイトEconomic situationa in Siberia外部サイトSole leather : world production and international trade外部サイトThe trade in iodine外部サイトTrends in Japan's trade and industries外部サイトFuel and power in Japan外部サイトParana pine lumber industry of Brazil外部サイトForeign tariffs and commercial policies ...外部サイトThe Chinese market for American foodstuffs外部サイトGerman iron and steel industry外部サイトGerman metal-working machinery industry and trade外部サイトOutlook for increased leather exports外部サイトExport timbers of the Philippines外部サイトThe Italian chemical industry外部サイトForeign markets for tractors外部サイトNew England Manufactures in the nation's commerce外部サイトThe Paris Bourse外部サイトIron and steel trade and industry of Great Britain外部サイトNew Zealand: its resources and foreign trade外部サイトRelation between value and volume of agricultural exports外部サイトRaw materials entering into the Japanese iron and steel industry外部サイトPhilippine market for hardware and allied lines外部サイトHistorical survey, fiscal system, national revenue and expenditures, railroads外部サイトFrench national finance and stabilization外部サイトMeasuring a retail market外部サイトBudgets of European countries外部サイトA new estimate of American investments abroad外部サイトRumanian petroleum industry in 1921外部サイトAspects of British business first half of 1922外部サイトCoal market of Brazil外部サイトParana pine lumber industry of Brazil外部サイトFinance and industry in Soviet Russia外部サイトIron and steel industry and trade of Poland外部サイトPaper and paper products in Canada外部サイトChemical developments in foreign countries, 1934 : supplement to trade information bulletin no.823外部サイトBritish leather goods industries and trade外部サイトPalm-oil industry of Sumatra and West Africa外部サイトPaper and paper products in the River Plate countries and Bolivia based on data submitted by consular officers of the Department of State and trade commissioners of the Department of Commerce外部サイトMachinery markets of Netherlands East Indies外部サイトChemical industry and trade of Portugal外部サイトUniform through export bill of lading外部サイトFinancial developments in the Far East during 1929外部サイトTransportation and communication in the United States 1925外部サイトChain-store developments in Great Britain外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1926外部サイトTransportation and communication in the United States外部サイトThe lead industry外部サイトThe production of iron and steel in Japan外部サイトPetroleum trade and industry of the United Kingdom外部サイトGerman chemical developments in 1928外部サイトThe Chinese motion picture market外部サイトTrading under the laws of Cuba外部サイトAmerican leather in foreign markets外部サイトTrading under the laws of Australia外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the fiscal year 1923-24外部サイトCentral light and power plants in Africa : with notes on the market for electrical goods外部サイトForeign markets for footwear : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of Commerce and State外部サイトMarkets of southern Chile : prepared in the Latin-American division外部サイトBritish chemical developments in 1931 and the early part of 1932外部サイトRubber industry and trade of Japan外部サイトPaper trade and industry of Japan外部サイトShipping of the west and east coasts of South America : with the United States and Europe外部サイトElectrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Japan外部サイトPortuguese taxation, corporations, and negotiable instruments外部サイトSpanish trade in petroleum products外部サイトAmerican direct investments in foreign countries外部サイトMarket for electrical equipment in Germany外部サイトUnited States trade with the British Empire in hides, skins, and leather外部サイトThe Baltic states : Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania : a short review of resources industry, finance, and trade外部サイトPresent status of the British coal industry外部サイトChemical industries and trade of Norway and Denmark外部サイトBritish market for electrical machinery and equipment外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in Chile外部サイトChemical trade of Japan外部サイトNew Polish law of negotiable instruments外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1929外部サイトCosts of transportation and handling of Argentine wheat外部サイトThe German industrial situation in June外部サイトThe British underwear market外部サイトWorld radio markets in 1926外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States外部サイトThe petroleum industry of Russia外部サイトMarket for motion pictures in Scandinavia and the Baltic states外部サイトThe European motion-picture industry in 1928外部サイトThe cotton-goods market of British Malaya外部サイトWhere China buys and sells外部サイトPower-using industries of Italy外部サイトWorld chemical developments in 1934外部サイトEconomic development of Siam外部サイトBritish chemical trade in 1927外部サイトShipment of Samples and advertising matter to the British empire外部サイトMachinery markets of Brazil外部サイトForeign markets for United States eggs外部サイトThe Mexican market for United States foodstuffs外部サイトMarkets for motor boats, marine engines and accessories : based on reports of consular officers of the department of state and representatives of the department of commerce外部サイトFlour markets of South America外部サイトPeru as a lumber market外部サイトMarkets of the Dutch West Indies外部サイトMarkets for hand tools in continental Europe外部サイトForeign markets for trunks, bags and suitcases from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the department of commerce and state外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1928外部サイトResources and trade of the Philippine Islands外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the fiscal year 1929-30外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1926 : according to the international statistical classification外部サイトInternational trade in 1925外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1933外部サイトSummary of United States trade with world, 1931外部サイトThe French lumber market外部サイトQuinine production and marketing外部サイトIndustry machinery in Italy外部サイトElectrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Brazil外部サイトMarket in Burma for imported foodstuffs外部サイトForeign markets for plumbing supplies : with notes on water-supply systems in foreign countries外部サイトMarkets for hand tools in Canada and Latin America外部サイトMotion pictures in China外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in Spain : from reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce and from official publications of the Spanish and American governments外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in Mexico外部サイトOrigin and development of the Continental Steel Entente外部サイトBroadcast advertising in Europe外部サイトShipment of Samples and advertising matter to Asia, Africa, and insular possessions外部サイトMotor-vehicle distribution in Cuba外部サイトForeign markets for agricultural implements外部サイトMarket for dried fruit in the United Kingdom外部サイトBritish market for hand tools外部サイトExports of feedstuffs from the United States to Cuba and other West Indies外部サイトMarket for canned foods in British Malaya外部サイトThe Uruguayan market外部サイトCompetition in the international leather trade外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1931外部サイトTrends in Japan's trade外部サイトSelling in Brazil外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1925外部サイトBusiness practice in Greece外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1924 : according to the international statistical classification外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1935外部サイトAdvertising automotive products in Europe外部サイトRadio markets of the world : 1928-1929外部サイトCooperage trade of Great Britain外部サイトThe silver markets in 1930外部サイトShort-subject film market of Europe外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in Argentina : from reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce and state and from official statistics外部サイトThe electrical equipment market in India外部サイトThe retailer and the consumer in New England外部サイトArgentina外部サイトThe economic recovery of Europe and improved purchasing power for agricultural products外部サイトThe industrial machinery market in Yugoslavia ...外部サイトThe Brazilian foodstuffs market外部サイトForeign markets for miscellaneous leather goods : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the department of commerce and state外部サイトThe Australian lumber market外部サイトTrading with Malaysia外部サイトIrish Free State as a market for electrical machinery and supplies外部サイトSelling American leather in Germany外部サイトTrade of the Pacific Coast States with the West Coast of South America外部サイトProtesting drafts in the United Kingdom Irish Free State and Canada外部サイトMarkets for industrial and educational motion pictures abroad外部サイトBritish market for hosiery外部サイトShipment of samples and advertising matter to Europe外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1924外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1927 : according to the international statistical classification外部サイトLatvian timber resources and trade . Forest policy of Finland外部サイトForeign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1927外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1934外部サイトThe balance of international payments of the United States in 1926外部サイトCaribbean markets for American goods外部サイトMarket for construction materials in Brazil外部サイトThe Cuban market for American foodstuffs外部サイトElectrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Colombia and Venezuela外部サイトAdvertising automotive products in Africa外部サイトMarkets for industrial electrical equipment in Western Europe : based on reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce外部サイトThe motorization of Germany : based on reports of representatives of the United States Departments of State and Commerce and material from other sources外部サイトSeasonal aspects of wheat exporting外部サイトEstablishing branch factories in Germany : a report to the secretary of commerce外部サイトInstallment selling of automobiles in Oceania, Asia, and Africa外部サイト






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Spain : resources, industries, trade and public finance
Coal in Europe
Export trade in rubber footwear 1925
International trade in clocks and watches
Electrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Peru
Sources of foreign credit information
Latin American budgets
Electrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Australia
Hawaii : its resources and trade
Central American markets for electrical equipment
Boot and shoe industry and trade of New Zealand
Asbestos : sources and trade
Market for agricultural implements and machinery in Australia
Sources of foreign credit information
Trade of British India with the United States, Japan, and Germany
World markets for cutlery : based on a study of official trade statistics of foreign countries, supplemented by information from American oversea representatives
The market for hosiery in South America
International trade in 1924
Advertising automotive products in Latin America
Analysis of French railroad situation
Foreign markets for leather belting : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of Commerce and State
Ice-making and cold-storage plants in Continental Europe : reports of American consular officers
Australian canned fruit industry
Textile industries of Belgium and the Netherlands
The chemical industry and trade of Poland
The French iron and steel industry and trade : with a chapter on the Saar
Exports of electrical equipment from Germany 1913-1927
Market for motion pictures in Central Europe, Italy and Spain
Japanese trade in iron and steel products
Boot and shoe industry of southern Australia
Developing the smaller leather markets abroad
Philippine trade financing and exchange
Commercial use of national flags and public insignia
British investment trusts
Forest resources of Siberia
The market for oils and fats in Cuba and the Cuban vegetable oil industry
Surgical and dental instrument trade in Australia and New Zealand
Boot and shoe industry and trade of Great Britain
Installment selling of motor vehicles in Europe
Markets for fresh fruit in the Netherland East Indies
Market for foodstuffs in the Netherland East Indies
Insurance transactions in the balance of international payments of the United States 1919-35
Paper and paper products in Central America : based on reports submitted by consular officers of the Department of State
Industrial machinery in principal foreign countries
British chemical developments in 1930
Coal industry and trade in the Netherlands
Budgets of far eastern countries
German chemical developments in 1926
Central light and power plants in Australia and New Zealand : with notes on the market for electrical goods
Leather industry and trade of Czechoslovakia
Fertilizers : some new factors in domestic fertilizer production and trade
Distribution centers for automotive products in Brazil
The marketing of manganese ore
Motor-Bus transportation
European markets for furniture
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1929
Ceylon : its industries, resources, trade and methods of doing business
Leather production and trade of Canada
South African footwear trade and industry 1927
Changes in the economic life of the Chinese people
Japan as a market for American agricultural implements and machinery
Leather industry and trade of Sweden
Paper and paper products in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and the Guianas based on reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of State and Commerce and other sources
Automotive equipment and construction preferences in foreign countries
The cotton industry of Peru
Southern Wales as a market for electrical machinery and supplies
Foodstuffs export trade of the United States
The marketing of antimony
Central light and power plants in the western hemisphere : with notes on the market for electrical goods
Automotive market of New Zealand
German chemical developments in 1931
Short-subject film market in Latin America, Canada, the Far East, Africa, and the Near East
Iron and steel trade and industry of the Netherlands
American underwriting of foreing securities
Marketing of American meat products in export trade
Markets of central Chile
The chemical industry and trade of Sweden
The currency system of Japan
Advertising automotive products in Australia, Japan, and Islands of the Pasific
Rights of foreign shareholders of European corporations
Survey of Czecho-Slovak cotton industry, 1922
Changing factors in the economic life of China
The Czechoslovak iron and steel industry
United States trade with Latin America in 1925
Petroleum refineries in foreign countries, 1931
American direct investments in foreign countries
Labor, wages and unemployment in France
Italian chemical developments in 1928 and 1929
Markets for flour in Central America
The electrical equipment market in the Netherlands and Belgium
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1930
Trade financing and exchange in Porto Rico and Haiti by H. H. Dashiell, Samuel William Honaker
The Netherland oilseed-crushing industry
Mining and metallurgical industries in central China
Petroleum in Brazil
Gold placer area in Mongolia, China
The chemical industry in Czechoslovakia
The marketing of tungsten ores and concentrates
Latin American markets for American hosiery
British colonial office reports on the rubber situation
Expansion of Japan's foreign trade and industry
South African trade in watches and clocks
The forest resources and lumber industry of soviet Russia
Markets of the Netherlands East Indies
The Belgian-Luxemburg iron and steel industry
Changes in representative wages in british industry
British market for domestic electrical appliances
Motion pictures in Australia and New Zealand
The international cartel movement
British market for American dairy equipment and supplies
United States trade with Latin America in 1925
The Philippine cotton-goods and hosiery markets . The Philippine embroidery industry
International trade in furs
Iron and steel trade of the Pacific area
Butter and cheese markets in South America
Foreign markets for automobile servicing appliances : compiled from reports of oversea representatives of the departments of commerce and state
Trading under the laws of Czechoslovakia
Free and dutiable imports of the United States in the calendar year 1927
British petroleum trade in 1925 : based on reports from American consular officers and from the office of the American commercial attaché in England
International trade in corn
International trade in toys : based on reports of oversea officers of the departments of state and commerce/ compiled by J.M. Calvin
Used-car markets of foreign countries : based on reports of consular officers of the department of state and oversea representatives of the department of commerce
The Ecuadorian market
Butter and cheese markets in the West Indies
The Paraguayan market
Naval stores : production, consumption and distribution
The automotive market in Uruguay
Protesting drafts in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Danzig, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania
Foreign markets for windmills
Marketing and competition in the Scandinavian countries
Coal, coke, and briquettes in Switzerland
Italy leather market
British chemical trade
European markets for rubber sundries and specialities : from reports of oversea representatives of the Departments of State and Commerce
Australia as a market for American goods in 1931
Leather industry and trade of Japan
The European motion-picture industry in 1927
International sole leather trade and production in 1927
Automotive equipment and construction preferences in foreign countries : based on reports of consular officers of the Department of State and representatives of the Department of Commerce
Recent trend in Canadian foreign exchange
Paper and paper products in India and Ceylon : based on reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Department of State and Commerce and other sources
Brazil : an economic review by States
The German jewelry industry based chiefly on a report by Erik W. Magnuson : supplemented with material from the American Consulate at Frankfort and the office of the American Commercial Attaché at Berlin
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1928
French market for industrial machinery
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1925 : according to the international statistical classification
Potash in Poland
The glass and allied industries of Czechoslovakia
Furniture markets of the Far East
The Belgian Kongo
Leather industry and trade of France
German chemical developments in 1929
Sources of foreign credit information
Petroleum refineries in foreign countries, 1930
Modern farm equipment in India
Economic situationa in Siberia
Sole leather : world production and international trade
The trade in iodine
Trends in Japan's trade and industries
Fuel and power in Japan
Parana pine lumber industry of Brazil
Foreign tariffs and commercial policies ...
The Chinese market for American foodstuffs
German iron and steel industry
German metal-working machinery industry and trade
Outlook for increased leather exports
Export timbers of the Philippines
The Italian chemical industry
Foreign markets for tractors
New England Manufactures in the nation's commerce
The Paris Bourse
Iron and steel trade and industry of Great Britain
New Zealand: its resources and foreign trade
Relation between value and volume of agricultural exports
Raw materials entering into the Japanese iron and steel industry
Philippine market for hardware and allied lines
Historical survey, fiscal system, national revenue and expenditures, railroads
French national finance and stabilization
Measuring a retail market
Budgets of European countries
A new estimate of American investments abroad
Rumanian petroleum industry in 1921
Aspects of British business first half of 1922
Coal market of Brazil
Parana pine lumber industry of Brazil
Finance and industry in Soviet Russia
Iron and steel industry and trade of Poland
Paper and paper products in Canada
Chemical developments in foreign countries, 1934 : supplement to trade information bulletin no.823
British leather goods industries and trade
Palm-oil industry of Sumatra and West Africa
Paper and paper products in the River Plate countries and Bolivia based on data submitted by consular officers of the Department of State and trade commissioners of the Department of Commerce
Machinery markets of Netherlands East Indies
Chemical industry and trade of Portugal
Uniform through export bill of lading
Financial developments in the Far East during 1929
Transportation and communication in the United States 1925
Chain-store developments in Great Britain
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1926
Transportation and communication in the United States
The lead industry
The production of iron and steel in Japan
Petroleum trade and industry of the United Kingdom
German chemical developments in 1928
The Chinese motion picture market
Trading under the laws of Cuba
American leather in foreign markets
Trading under the laws of Australia
Foreign trade of the United States in the fiscal year 1923-24
Central light and power plants in Africa : with notes on the market for electrical goods
Foreign markets for footwear : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the Departments of Commerce and State
Markets of southern Chile : prepared in the Latin-American division
British chemical developments in 1931 and the early part of 1932
Rubber industry and trade of Japan
Paper trade and industry of Japan
Shipping of the west and east coasts of South America : with the United States and Europe
Electrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Japan
Portuguese taxation, corporations, and negotiable instruments
Spanish trade in petroleum products
American direct investments in foreign countries
Market for electrical equipment in Germany
United States trade with the British Empire in hides, skins, and leather
The Baltic states : Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania : a short review of resources industry, finance, and trade
Present status of the British coal industry
Chemical industries and trade of Norway and Denmark
British market for electrical machinery and equipment
The electrical equipment market in Chile
Chemical trade of Japan
New Polish law of negotiable instruments
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1929
Costs of transportation and handling of Argentine wheat
The German industrial situation in June
The British underwear market
World radio markets in 1926
The balance of international payments of the United States
The petroleum industry of Russia
Market for motion pictures in Scandinavia and the Baltic states
The European motion-picture industry in 1928
The cotton-goods market of British Malaya
Where China buys and sells
Power-using industries of Italy
World chemical developments in 1934
Economic development of Siam
British chemical trade in 1927
Shipment of Samples and advertising matter to the British empire
Machinery markets of Brazil
Foreign markets for United States eggs
The Mexican market for United States foodstuffs
Markets for motor boats, marine engines and accessories : based on reports of consular officers of the department of state and representatives of the department of commerce
Flour markets of South America
Peru as a lumber market
Markets of the Dutch West Indies
Markets for hand tools in continental Europe
Foreign markets for trunks, bags and suitcases from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the department of commerce and state
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1928
Resources and trade of the Philippine Islands
Foreign trade of the United States in the fiscal year 1929-30
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1926 : according to the international statistical classification
International trade in 1925
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1933
Summary of United States trade with world, 1931
The French lumber market
Quinine production and marketing
Industry machinery in Italy
Electrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Brazil
Market in Burma for imported foodstuffs
Foreign markets for plumbing supplies : with notes on water-supply systems in foreign countries
Markets for hand tools in Canada and Latin America
Motion pictures in China
The electrical equipment market in Spain : from reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce and from official publications of the Spanish and American governments
The electrical equipment market in Mexico
Origin and development of the Continental Steel Entente
Broadcast advertising in Europe
Shipment of Samples and advertising matter to Asia, Africa, and insular possessions
Motor-vehicle distribution in Cuba
Foreign markets for agricultural implements
Market for dried fruit in the United Kingdom
British market for hand tools
Exports of feedstuffs from the United States to Cuba and other West Indies
Market for canned foods in British Malaya
The Uruguayan market
Competition in the international leather trade
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1931
Trends in Japan's trade
Selling in Brazil
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1925
Business practice in Greece
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1924 : according to the international statistical classification
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1935
Advertising automotive products in Europe
Radio markets of the world : 1928-1929
Cooperage trade of Great Britain
The silver markets in 1930
Short-subject film market of Europe
The electrical equipment market in Argentina : from reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce and state and from official statistics
The electrical equipment market in India
The retailer and the consumer in New England
The economic recovery of Europe and improved purchasing power for agricultural products
The industrial machinery market in Yugoslavia ...
The Brazilian foodstuffs market
Foreign markets for miscellaneous leather goods : from reports submitted by oversea representatives of the department of commerce and state
The Australian lumber market
Trading with Malaysia
Irish Free State as a market for electrical machinery and supplies
Selling American leather in Germany
Trade of the Pacific Coast States with the West Coast of South America
Protesting drafts in the United Kingdom Irish Free State and Canada
Markets for industrial and educational motion pictures abroad
British market for hosiery
Shipment of samples and advertising matter to Europe
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1924
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1927 : according to the international statistical classification
Latvian timber resources and trade . Forest policy of Finland
Foreign trade of the United States in the calendar year 1927
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1934
The balance of international payments of the United States in 1926
Caribbean markets for American goods
Market for construction materials in Brazil
The Cuban market for American foodstuffs
Electrical development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Colombia and Venezuela
Advertising automotive products in Africa
Markets for industrial electrical equipment in Western Europe : based on reports of oversea representatives of the Department of Commerce
The motorization of Germany : based on reports of representatives of the United States Departments of State and Commerce and material from other sources
Seasonal aspects of wheat exporting
Establishing branch factories in Germany : a report to the secretary of commerce
Installment selling of automobiles in Oceania, Asia, and Africa
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books