
Dissertationes mathematicae


Dissertationes mathematicae

Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe


A decomposition of E3 into straight arcs and singletons外部サイトApproximately finite-dimensional C*-algebras外部サイトPropositional extensions of L[ω1ω]外部サイトCovariant differentiation of geometric objects外部サイトThe automorphism groups and endomorphism rings of torsion-free Abelian groups of rank two外部サイトInfinite primes and ordered fields外部サイトL[subscript p,q]外部サイトRegularity theorems for solutions of partial differential equations for quasiconformal mappings in several dimmensions外部サイトFixed point index theory for a class of nonacyclic multivalued maps外部サイトOn foliations with leaves satisfying some geometrical conditions外部サイトOn Banach ideals determined by Banach lattices and their applications外部サイトWaring's problem for Fq[x]外部サイトStructural properties of ideals外部サイトBorel spaces外部サイトAlgebraic theory of fundamental dimension外部サイトSome characteristic invariants of foliated bundles外部サイトLimit theorems for sums of dependent random vectors in R[d]外部サイトOn the geometric structure of the set of solutions of Einstein equations外部サイトIntegration of asymptotically almost periodic functions and weak asymptotic almost periodicity外部サイトProlongements universels d'un foncteur par adjonction de limites外部サイトSome functional differential equations外部サイトMethod of construction of the evasion strategy for differential games with many pursuers外部サイトOn a class of capacities on complex manifolds endowed with an hermitian structure and their relation to elliptic and hyperbolic quasiconformal mappings外部サイトTopological degrees of set-valued compact fields in locally convex spaces外部サイトConvex inequalities and the Hahn-Banach Theorem外部サイトBoolean powers as algebras of continuous functions外部サイトA partition property of cardinal numbers外部サイトThe algebraic theory of compact Lawson semilattices : applications of Galois connections to compact semilattices外部サイトTheorem-proving systems外部サイトNonlinear boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations外部サイトDefinable quantifiers in second order arithmetic and elementary extensions of ω-models外部サイトA Bing-Borsuk retract which contains a 2-dimensional absolute retract外部サイトThe recurrence relations for the moments of the discrete probability distributions外部サイトBaire spaces外部サイトDilations of Hilbert space operators : general theory外部サイトA new theory of operational calculus外部サイトConstructibility in Ackermannʾs set theory外部サイトApplication de la méthode des fonctions algébriques à la représentation conforme外部サイトOn functional inequalities in a single variable外部サイトHomological methods in fixed-point theory of multi-valued maps外部サイトFoundations of Vietoris homology theory with applications to non-compact spaces外部サイトPre-supports of linear probability measures and linear Lusin measurable functionals外部サイトNon-Hausdorff Ascoli theory外部サイトSequential estimation in processes with independent increments外部サイトKartesisch und residuell abgeschlossen Gruppenklassen外部サイトAbstract logics . Classical abstract logics外部サイトInternal and forcing models for the impredicative theory of classes外部サイトIndependence with respect to family of mappings in abstract algebras外部サイトBiholomorphic invariants related to the Bergman function外部サイトSpectrum of L外部サイトInducing spherical representations of semi-simple Lie groups外部サイトProjective abelian Hopf algebras over a field外部サイトLimits and colimits in certain categories of spaces of continuous functions外部サイトInd-additive functionals on random vectors外部サイトCountable-dimensional spaces : a survey外部サイトOn local proof restrictions for strong theories外部サイトPrediction problems外部サイトOrder relations in the set of probability distribution functions and their applications in queueing theory外部サイトLipschitz equisingularity外部サイトFinite-dimensional decompositions of Banach spaces with (p,q)-estimates外部サイトThe duality theorems : cyclic representations, Langlands conjectures外部サイトCompleteness properties designed for recognizing Baire spaces外部サイトSet theory over classes外部サイトLinear extensions, linear averagings, and their applications to linear topological classification of spaces of continuous functions外部サイトOn some classical measure-theoretic theorems for non-sigma-complete Boolean algebras外部サイトSur la détermination de certains sous-groupes du groupe L [1] [s] à l'aide d'équations fonctionnelles外部サイトOn generalized ordered spaces外部サイトOn Lorentz-Zygmund spaces外部サイトGeometry of numbers in adele spaces外部サイトDifferentiable structure in a conjugate vector bundle of infinite dimension外部サイトNets on Riemannian manifold finitedimensional approximations of the Laplacian外部サイトStrong shape theory外部サイトTrend estimation problems in time-series analysis外部サイトIntegrable solutions of functional equations外部サイトAlgebras of the cohomology operations in some cohomology theories外部サイトThe relative consistency of some consequences of the existence of measurable cardinal numbers外部サイトOn some rotundity and smoothness properties of Banach spaces外部サイトComplex series and connected sets外部サイトLattices with real numbers as additive operators外部サイトConstrained and indefinite games and their applications外部サイトOn decompositions of Hausdorff continua外部サイトA stability theorem for foliations with singularities外部サイトLimit distributions for sums of shrunken random variables外部サイトThe number of minimum points of a positive quadratic form外部サイトThe logic of categories of partial functions and its applications外部サイトFormally self-referential propositions for cut free classical analysis and related systems外部サイトHyperspace retractions for curves外部サイトOn monotonic solutions of some functional equations外部サイトSharp estimation of the coefficients of bounded univalent functions close to identity外部サイトStationary subsets, stabilizers and transitive representations of semigroups外部サイトOn fans外部サイトFourier-like kernels in geometric quantization外部サイトChanging measurable into accessible cardinals外部サイトZariski surfaces外部サイトGelfand representation of Banach modules外部サイトAn axiomatics of non-Desarguean geometry based on the half-plane as the primitive notion外部サイトOn jump processes with drift外部サイトSet-theoretic consistency results and topological theorems concerning the normal Moore space conjecture and related problems外部サイトFonctions algébriques et variations analytiques des fonctions univalentes外部サイトBilinear random integrals外部サイトRépartition modulo 1 dans un corps de séries formelles sur un corps fini外部サイトPuissances binomiales dans un corps cubique外部サイトThe repairman problem外部サイトContinuous mappings on continua外部サイトBanach spaces and operators which are nearly uniformly convex外部サイトLimit theorems for random fields外部サイトDefinability in the extended arithmetic of ordinal numbers外部サイトProximities compatible with a given topology外部サイトOn the metamathematics of impredicative set theory外部サイトConnected sequences of stable derived functors and their applications外部サイトThe homology of tensor products外部サイトWeakly almost periodic vector-valued functions外部サイトAn algebraic and Kripke-style approach to a certain extension of intuitionistic logic外部サイトThe Whitehead and the Smale theorems in shape theory外部サイトEmbedding S(X) into S(Y)外部サイトSet theories incorporating Hilbert's ε-symbol外部サイトAlgebraic objects over a small category外部サイトOn concrete categories外部サイトThree-valued logic and cut-elimination : The actual meaning of Takeuti's conjecture外部サイトOn categories of structures and classes of algebras外部サイトGeometry of orlicz spaces外部サイトSpectres d'opérateurs et géométrie des Espaces de Banach外部サイトFonctions arithmétiques外部サイトOn submeasures外部サイトA minorization of the first positive eigenvalue of the scalar laplacian on a compact Riemannian manifold外部サイトGeneralized Post algebras and their application to some infinitary many-valued logics外部サイトC[*]-semigroup bundles and C[*]-algebras whose irreducible representations are all finite dimensional外部サイトH-closed and extremally disconnected Hausdorff spaces外部サイトPeano-algebras and quasi-algebras外部サイトAlgorithmically definable functions : a contribution towards the semantics of programming languages外部サイトOn quantum informational thermodynamics with macrostates defined with respect to several operators外部サイトTorus embeddings, polyhedra, k*-actions and homology外部サイトSur les systèmes infinis d'équations différentielles ordinaires dans certains espaces de Fréchet外部サイトDiffeomorphismen zwischen Produkten mit dreidimensionalen Linsenräumen als Faktoren外部サイトTimelike spaces外部サイトPacking of graphs外部サイトPolar wavelets and associated Littlewood-Paley theory外部サイトGlobal solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system of plasma physics外部サイトTests for the presence of trends in linear processes外部サイトLiftings of functions and vector fields to natural bundles外部サイトСравнение силы теоретико- множественных операций и гипотезы ветвления外部サイトFirst order topology外部サイトSymmetric, cyclic, and permutation products of manifolds外部サイトGlobal stochastic approximation外部サイトOn the equivariant homotopy of spheres外部サイトBranching processes and models of epidemics外部サイトA characterization of cubes and spheres外部サイトNotes on integral transformations外部サイトIndices and interpolation外部サイトOn normalization of proofs in set theory外部サイトWeighted Hp spaces外部サイトLe théorème de Chen pour F[q][X]外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Rozprawy Matematyczne
A decomposition of E3 into straight arcs and singletons
Approximately finite-dimensional C*-algebras
Propositional extensions of L[ω1ω]
Covariant differentiation of geometric objects
The automorphism groups and endomorphism rings of torsion-free Abelian groups of rank two
Infinite primes and ordered fields
L[subscript p,q]
Regularity theorems for solutions of partial differential equations for quasiconformal mappings in several dimmensions
Fixed point index theory for a class of nonacyclic multivalued maps
On foliations with leaves satisfying some geometrical conditions
On Banach ideals determined by Banach lattices and their applications
Waring's problem for Fq[x]
Structural properties of ideals
Borel spaces
Algebraic theory of fundamental dimension
Some characteristic invariants of foliated bundles
Limit theorems for sums of dependent random vectors in R[d]
On the geometric structure of the set of solutions of Einstein equations
Integration of asymptotically almost periodic functions and weak asymptotic almost periodicity
Prolongements universels d'un foncteur par adjonction de limites
Some functional differential equations
Method of construction of the evasion strategy for differential games with many pursuers
On a class of capacities on complex manifolds endowed with an hermitian structure and their relation to elliptic and hyperbolic quasiconformal mappings
Topological degrees of set-valued compact fields in locally convex spaces
Convex inequalities and the Hahn-Banach Theorem
Boolean powers as algebras of continuous functions
A partition property of cardinal numbers
The algebraic theory of compact Lawson semilattices : applications of Galois connections to compact semilattices
Theorem-proving systems
Nonlinear boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
Definable quantifiers in second order arithmetic and elementary extensions of ω-models
A Bing-Borsuk retract which contains a 2-dimensional absolute retract
The recurrence relations for the moments of the discrete probability distributions
Baire spaces
Dilations of Hilbert space operators : general theory
A new theory of operational calculus
Constructibility in Ackermannʾs set theory
Application de la méthode des fonctions algébriques à la représentation conforme
On functional inequalities in a single variable
Homological methods in fixed-point theory of multi-valued maps
Foundations of Vietoris homology theory with applications to non-compact spaces
Pre-supports of linear probability measures and linear Lusin measurable functionals
Non-Hausdorff Ascoli theory
Sequential estimation in processes with independent increments
Kartesisch und residuell abgeschlossen Gruppenklassen
Abstract logics . Classical abstract logics
Internal and forcing models for the impredicative theory of classes
Independence with respect to family of mappings in abstract algebras
Biholomorphic invariants related to the Bergman function
Spectrum of L
Inducing spherical representations of semi-simple Lie groups
Projective abelian Hopf algebras over a field
Limits and colimits in certain categories of spaces of continuous functions
Ind-additive functionals on random vectors
Countable-dimensional spaces : a survey
On local proof restrictions for strong theories
Prediction problems
Order relations in the set of probability distribution functions and their applications in queueing theory
Lipschitz equisingularity
Finite-dimensional decompositions of Banach spaces with (p,q)-estimates
The duality theorems : cyclic representations, Langlands conjectures
Completeness properties designed for recognizing Baire spaces
Set theory over classes
Linear extensions, linear averagings, and their applications to linear topological classification of spaces of continuous functions
On some classical measure-theoretic theorems for non-sigma-complete Boolean algebras
Sur la détermination de certains sous-groupes du groupe L [1] [s] à l'aide d'équations fonctionnelles
On generalized ordered spaces
On Lorentz-Zygmund spaces
Geometry of numbers in adele spaces
Differentiable structure in a conjugate vector bundle of infinite dimension
Nets on Riemannian manifold finitedimensional approximations of the Laplacian
Strong shape theory
Trend estimation problems in time-series analysis
Integrable solutions of functional equations
Algebras of the cohomology operations in some cohomology theories
The relative consistency of some consequences of the existence of measurable cardinal numbers
On some rotundity and smoothness properties of Banach spaces
Complex series and connected sets
Lattices with real numbers as additive operators
Constrained and indefinite games and their applications
On decompositions of Hausdorff continua
A stability theorem for foliations with singularities
Limit distributions for sums of shrunken random variables
The number of minimum points of a positive quadratic form
The logic of categories of partial functions and its applications
Formally self-referential propositions for cut free classical analysis and related systems
Hyperspace retractions for curves
On monotonic solutions of some functional equations
Sharp estimation of the coefficients of bounded univalent functions close to identity
Stationary subsets, stabilizers and transitive representations of semigroups
On fans
Fourier-like kernels in geometric quantization
Changing measurable into accessible cardinals
Zariski surfaces
Gelfand representation of Banach modules
An axiomatics of non-Desarguean geometry based on the half-plane as the primitive notion
On jump processes with drift
Set-theoretic consistency results and topological theorems concerning the normal Moore space conjecture and related problems
Fonctions algébriques et variations analytiques des fonctions univalentes
Bilinear random integrals
Répartition modulo 1 dans un corps de séries formelles sur un corps fini
Puissances binomiales dans un corps cubique
The repairman problem
Continuous mappings on continua
Banach spaces and operators which are nearly uniformly convex
Limit theorems for random fields
Definability in the extended arithmetic of ordinal numbers
Proximities compatible with a given topology
On the metamathematics of impredicative set theory
Connected sequences of stable derived functors and their applications
The homology of tensor products
Weakly almost periodic vector-valued functions
An algebraic and Kripke-style approach to a certain extension of intuitionistic logic
The Whitehead and the Smale theorems in shape theory
Embedding S(X) into S(Y)
Set theories incorporating Hilbert's ε-symbol
Algebraic objects over a small category
On concrete categories
Three-valued logic and cut-elimination : The actual meaning of Takeuti's conjecture
On categories of structures and classes of algebras
Geometry of orlicz spaces
Spectres d'opérateurs et géométrie des Espaces de Banach
Fonctions arithmétiques
On submeasures
A minorization of the first positive eigenvalue of the scalar laplacian on a compact Riemannian manifold
Generalized Post algebras and their application to some infinitary many-valued logics
C[*]-semigroup bundles and C[*]-algebras whose irreducible representations are all finite dimensional
H-closed and extremally disconnected Hausdorff spaces
Peano-algebras and quasi-algebras
Algorithmically definable functions : a contribution towards the semantics of programming languages
On quantum informational thermodynamics with macrostates defined with respect to several operators
Torus embeddings, polyhedra, k*-actions and homology
Sur les systèmes infinis d'équations différentielles ordinaires dans certains espaces de Fréchet
Diffeomorphismen zwischen Produkten mit dreidimensionalen Linsenräumen als Faktoren
Timelike spaces
Packing of graphs
Polar wavelets and associated Littlewood-Paley theory
Global solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system of plasma physics
Tests for the presence of trends in linear processes
Liftings of functions and vector fields to natural bundles
Сравнение силы теоретико- множественных операций и гипотезы ветвления
First order topology
Symmetric, cyclic, and permutation products of manifolds
Global stochastic approximation
On the equivariant homotopy of spheres
Branching processes and models of epidemics
A characterization of cubes and spheres
Notes on integral transformations
Indices and interpolation
On normalization of proofs in set theory
Weighted Hp spaces
Le théorème de Chen pour F[q][X]
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books