
Asiatic Society monograph series


Asiatic Society monograph series

Asiatic Society



PUBP: Kolkata, formerly Calcutta


The blue annals外部サイトUnderstanding the prophetic : the history and philosophy of prognostication in ancient India外部サイトAśvaghoṣa外部サイトBritish-Indian source documents外部サイトCarrying capacity of land under shifting cultivation外部サイトThe Kānyakubja-Gauḍa struggle : from the sixth to the twelfth century A.D.外部サイトEconomic impact of raids on the shifting cultivators of Tripura外部サイトThe origin and development of Bhojpuri外部サイトHumāyūn in Persia外部サイトMystical Buddhism : from a sibylline perspective外部サイトArt and aesthetics of Rabindra Nath Tagore外部サイトRājbāḍīdāṅgā, 1962 (Chiruṭī: Jadupur) : an interim report on excavations at Rājbāḍīdāṅgā and terracotta seals and sealings外部サイトIndia and Ethiopia : from the seventh century B.C.外部サイトJiva Gosvāmin外部サイトAn approach to the cultural mapping of North-East India in respect of tribal tales外部サイトThe sounds of Bengali and French外部サイトThe folk-rhymes of the Bengali vratas : complete and fully translated & annotated外部サイトHistory of internal trade barriers in British India : a study of transit and town duties外部サイトSanskrit and modern medical vocabulary外部サイトWomen's studies, and women's movement in India since the 1970s : an overview外部サイトCsoma de Kőrösi's planet外部サイトSome psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu外部サイトThe quest for identity : the tribal solidarity movement in North-East India, 1947-69外部サイトThe Bhalesī dialect外部サイトCommunity development in Chotanagpur外部サイトSome psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu外部サイトExcavations at Moghalmari : first interim report 2003-04 to 2007-08外部サイトMineral processing to elemental science in the medieval world : India and Europe外部サイトIranianism : Iranian culture and its impact on the world from Achaemeniantime外部サイトInscriptions of Kambuja外部サイトBāṃlādeśera saṅa prasaṅge外部サイトJottings on the literary aspects of the Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa外部サイトBuddhist hybrid Sanskrit literature外部サイトThe Rajbansis of North Bengal : a study of a Hindu social group外部サイトOrigin and development of Sanskrit metrics外部サイトThe stūpa and vihāra of Kanishka I外部サイトRoyal succession in ancient Cambodia外部サイトArchaeological discoveries from Murśidābād District : West Bengal外部サイトThe rise of civil society in Bengal during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries外部サイトLate mediaeval temples of Bengal : origins and classification外部サイトThe upper atmosphere外部サイトBengal school of astronomy外部サイトThe Rajbansis of North Bengal外部サイトConsequence of ageing in a tribal society and its cultural age construct外部サイトPandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar : tradition at the service of a modern humanism within tradition modernity外部サイトIndigenous roots of modern science in colonial Bengal : from canon to criticism (c. 1750-1950)外部サイトKirāta-jana-kṛti : the Indo-Mongoloids, their contribution to the history and culture of India外部サイト






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The Asiatic Society monograph series
Monograph series
PUBP: Kolkata, formerly Calcutta
The blue annals
Understanding the prophetic : the history and philosophy of prognostication in ancient India
British-Indian source documents
Carrying capacity of land under shifting cultivation
The Kānyakubja-Gauḍa struggle : from the sixth to the twelfth century A.D.
Economic impact of raids on the shifting cultivators of Tripura
The origin and development of Bhojpuri
Humāyūn in Persia
Mystical Buddhism : from a sibylline perspective
Art and aesthetics of Rabindra Nath Tagore
Rājbāḍīdāṅgā, 1962 (Chiruṭī: Jadupur) : an interim report on excavations at Rājbāḍīdāṅgā and terracotta seals and sealings
India and Ethiopia : from the seventh century B.C.
Jiva Gosvāmin
An approach to the cultural mapping of North-East India in respect of tribal tales
The sounds of Bengali and French
The folk-rhymes of the Bengali vratas : complete and fully translated & annotated
History of internal trade barriers in British India : a study of transit and town duties
Sanskrit and modern medical vocabulary
Women's studies, and women's movement in India since the 1970s : an overview
Csoma de Kőrösi's planet
Some psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu
The quest for identity : the tribal solidarity movement in North-East India, 1947-69
The Bhalesī dialect
Community development in Chotanagpur
Some psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu
Excavations at Moghalmari : first interim report 2003-04 to 2007-08
Mineral processing to elemental science in the medieval world : India and Europe
Iranianism : Iranian culture and its impact on the world from Achaemeniantime
Inscriptions of Kambuja
Bāṃlādeśera saṅa prasaṅge
Jottings on the literary aspects of the Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa
Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit literature
The Rajbansis of North Bengal : a study of a Hindu social group
Origin and development of Sanskrit metrics
The stūpa and vihāra of Kanishka I
Royal succession in ancient Cambodia
Archaeological discoveries from Murśidābād District : West Bengal
The rise of civil society in Bengal during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Late mediaeval temples of Bengal : origins and classification
The upper atmosphere
Bengal school of astronomy
The Rajbansis of North Bengal
Consequence of ageing in a tribal society and its cultural age construct
Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar : tradition at the service of a modern humanism within tradition modernity
Indigenous roots of modern science in colonial Bengal : from canon to criticism (c. 1750-1950)
Kirāta-jana-kṛti : the Indo-Mongoloids, their contribution to the history and culture of India
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research