
National Bureau of Economic Research general series


National Bureau of Economic Research general series

National Bureau of Economic Research
National Bureau of Economic Research



Distributed by Columbia U.P. [for] National Bureau of Economic ResearchAlso published by: Greenwood Press, Princeton Univ. Press, Ballinger Pub. Co


Postwar productivity trends in the United States, 1948-1969外部サイトWages in Germany, 1871-1945外部サイトHome mortgage delinquency and foreclosure外部サイトPublic expenditures and taxation外部サイトEconomic growth外部サイトEssays on interest rates外部サイトDistribution's place in the American economy since 1869外部サイトWages and earnings in the United States, 1860-1890 : a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York外部サイトYields on corporate debt directly placed外部サイトThe design of economic accounts外部サイトPopulation, labor force, and long swings in economic growth : the American experience外部サイトThe frontiers of economic knowledge : essays外部サイトThe demand and supply of scientific personnel外部サイトSome theoretical problems suggested by the movements of interest rates, bond yields, and stock prices in the United States since 1856外部サイトThe international gold standard reinterpreted, 1914-1934外部サイトThe financial effects of inflation外部サイトMerger movements in American industry, 1895-1956外部サイトThe channels of monetary effects on interest rates外部サイトThe formation and stocks of total capital外部サイトThe share of top wealth-holders in national wealth, 1922-56外部サイトThe price statistics of the Federal government : review, appraisal, and recommendations : a report to the Office of Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget外部サイトA disequilibrium model of demand for factors of production外部サイトThe labor force under changing income and employment外部サイトThe growth of public employment in Great Britain外部サイトThe business cycle today外部サイトSoviet statistics of physical output of industrial commodities : their compilation and quality外部サイトHuman capital : a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education外部サイトThe postwar quality of State and local debt外部サイトYields on corporate debt directly placed外部サイトValue of commodity output since 1869外部サイトFinance and capital markets外部サイトMerger movements in American industry, 1895-1956外部サイトCapital and rates of return in manufacturing industries外部サイトDiversification and integration in American industry外部サイトEconomic aspects of pensions : a summary report外部サイトThe behavior of interest rates : a progress report外部サイトThe frontiers of economic knowledge : essays外部サイトQuantitative economic research : trends and problems外部サイトSource book of statistics relating to construction外部サイトGrowth of industrial production in the Soviet Union外部サイトPolicy issues and research opportunities in industrial organization外部サイトThe national economic accounts of the United States : review, appraisal, and recommendations外部サイトHigher education and earnings : college as an investment and a screening device外部サイトHuman resources外部サイトThe output of manufacturing industries, 1899-1937外部サイトThe behavior of industrial prices外部サイトNew series on home mortgage yields since 1951外部サイトFactors in business investment外部サイトA theory of the consumption function外部サイトConcentration in Canadian manufacturing industries外部サイトFreight transportation in the Soviet Union : including comparisons with the United States外部サイトHousehold capital formation and financing, 1897-1962外部サイトAnticipations and purchases : an analysis of consumer behavior外部サイトTrends in employment in the service industries外部サイトNational product since 1869外部サイトReal wages in manufacturing, 1890-1914外部サイトHousehold capital formation and financing, 1897-1962外部サイトThe growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom外部サイトThe service economy外部サイトMeasures of credit risk and experience外部サイトThe growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom外部サイトProductivity trends in the United States外部サイトHome mortage delinquency and foreclosure外部サイトShares of upper income groups in income and savings外部サイトA theory of the consumption function外部サイトMerger movements in American industry, 1895-1956外部サイト






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General series (National Bureau of Economic Research)
General series
Distributed by Columbia U.P. [for] National Bureau of Economic Research
Also published by: Greenwood Press, Princeton Univ. Press, Ballinger Pub. Co
Postwar productivity trends in the United States, 1948-1969
Wages in Germany, 1871-1945
Home mortgage delinquency and foreclosure
Public expenditures and taxation
Economic growth
Essays on interest rates
Distribution's place in the American economy since 1869
Wages and earnings in the United States, 1860-1890 : a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York
Yields on corporate debt directly placed
The design of economic accounts
Population, labor force, and long swings in economic growth : the American experience
The frontiers of economic knowledge : essays
The demand and supply of scientific personnel
Some theoretical problems suggested by the movements of interest rates, bond yields, and stock prices in the United States since 1856
The international gold standard reinterpreted, 1914-1934
The financial effects of inflation
Merger movements in American industry, 1895-1956
The channels of monetary effects on interest rates
The formation and stocks of total capital
The share of top wealth-holders in national wealth, 1922-56
The price statistics of the Federal government : review, appraisal, and recommendations : a report to the Office of Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget
A disequilibrium model of demand for factors of production
The labor force under changing income and employment
The growth of public employment in Great Britain
The business cycle today
Soviet statistics of physical output of industrial commodities : their compilation and quality
Human capital : a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education
The postwar quality of State and local debt
Yields on corporate debt directly placed
Value of commodity output since 1869
Finance and capital markets
Merger movements in American industry, 1895-1956
Capital and rates of return in manufacturing industries
Diversification and integration in American industry
Economic aspects of pensions : a summary report
The behavior of interest rates : a progress report
The frontiers of economic knowledge : essays
Quantitative economic research : trends and problems
Source book of statistics relating to construction
Growth of industrial production in the Soviet Union
Policy issues and research opportunities in industrial organization
The national economic accounts of the United States : review, appraisal, and recommendations
Higher education and earnings : college as an investment and a screening device
Human resources
The output of manufacturing industries, 1899-1937
The behavior of industrial prices
New series on home mortgage yields since 1951
Factors in business investment
A theory of the consumption function
Concentration in Canadian manufacturing industries
Freight transportation in the Soviet Union : including comparisons with the United States
Household capital formation and financing, 1897-1962
Anticipations and purchases : an analysis of consumer behavior
Trends in employment in the service industries
National product since 1869
Real wages in manufacturing, 1890-1914
Household capital formation and financing, 1897-1962
The growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom
The service economy
Measures of credit risk and experience
The growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom
Productivity trends in the United States
Home mortage delinquency and foreclosure
Shares of upper income groups in income and savings
A theory of the consumption function
Merger movements in American industry, 1895-1956