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- 並列タイトル等
- Pure and applied mathematics, a series of monographs and textbooksMathematics
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- Simplified independence proofs : Boolean valued models of set theoryThe Smith conjectureThe umbral calculusConvex functionsThe four-color problemAn introduction to nonassociative algebrasSpectral synthesisTheory of charges : a study of finitely additive measuresTopological embeddingsSmooth dynamical systemsIntroduction to the theory of entire functionsSobolev spacesC*-algebras and their automorphism groupsSet theoryDifferential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spacesRing theoryAn introduction to differentiable manifolds and Riemannian geometryHomology theory : an introduction to algebraic topologyDifferential equations, dynamical systems, and an introduction to chaosLocally solid Riesz spacesGeneral lattice theoryNumber theoryFundamentals of Maxwell's kinetic theory of a simple monatomic gas : treated as a branch of rational mechanicsMarkov processes and potential theoryFourier analysis and approximationReal reductive groupsBanach *-algebraic bundles, induced representations, and the generalized Mackey analysisHomotopy theoryComplex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheresPoint set topologyRiemann's zeta functionDe Rham cohomology of manifolds and vector bundlesInverse spectral theoryComplex function theoryAn introduction to differentiable manifolds and Riemannian geometryTreatise on analysisThe geometry of geodesicsInfinite words : automata, semigroups, logic and gamesDifferential algebraic groupsInitial-boundary value problems and the Navier-Stokes equationsQuantum mechanics in Hilbert spaceTopologyPartial differential equations in physicsInfinite words : automata, semigroups, logic and gamesIntroduction to compact transformation groupsA panorama of pure mathematics, as seen by N. BourbakiAlgebraic groups and number theoryCohomology of principal bundles and homogeneous spacesAn introduction to nonharmonic Fourier seriesDifferential algebra and algebraic groupsCodes and rings : theory and practiceDifferential manifolds and theoretical physicsAn introduction to transform theoryGeometry of manifoldsRepresentations of algebraic groupsBanach algebra techniques in operator theorySeifert and Threlfall : a textbook of topology . Seifert : topology of 3-dimensional fibered spacesSymmetry groups and their applicationsA theory of setsRandom matricesFunctional integration and quantum physicsLie groups, principal bundles, and characteristic classesIntegral matricesDifferential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spacesBounded analytic functionsCurvature and homologyKernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physicsGeometry of manifoldsRandom matricesRenormalizationCharacter theory of finite groupsPartial differential equations in physicsIntroduction to the theory of integrationLinear Lie groupsBasic representation theory of groups and algebrasInterpolation of operatorsThe heat equationAlgebraic number fieldsAn introduction to nonstandard real analysisErgodic theory and topological dynamicsDifferential equations, dynamical systems, and linear algebraMathematical cosmology and extragalactic astronomyScattering theoryRings that are nearly associativeInterpolation of operatorsCohomology of groupsProjective geometry and projective metricsInfinite Abelian groupsIntroduction to the theory of infinitesimalsDifferential manifoldsThe Bochner integralPolynomial identities in ring theoryRing theoryTreatise on analysisTheory of categoriesFoundations and Stiefel-Whitney classesLarge deviationsA theory of setsPartial differential equations in physicsA first course in rational continuum mechanicsTheory of codesDistributions and Fourier transformsFoundations of modern analysisIntroduction to global analysisFoundations of modern analysisSystem theory : a Hilbert space approachDifferential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spacesScattering theoryAn introduction to classical complex analysisCritical point theory in global analysis and differential topology : an introductionInfinite crossed productsBasic linear partial differential equationsGeneral conceptsThe four-color problemMeasure and integration theory on infinite-dimensional spaces : abstract harmonic analysisNonlinearity and functional analysis : lectures on nonlinear problems in mathematical analysisDecompositions of manifoldsEntire functionsIntroduction to the theory of algebraic numbers and functionsSobolev spacesEigenvalues in Riemannian geometryFunctional analysisCategories and functorsUnified integrationSolution of equations and systems of equationsFundamentals of the theory of operator algebrasIntroduction to Lie groups and Lie algebrasFoundations of modern analysisAlgebraResolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfacesGeneral theory of Markov processesThe theory of Eisenstein systemsQuantum mechanics in Hilbert spaceLinear orderingsFundamental concepts of algebraModular representations of finite groupsAn introduction to homological algebraLinear differential equations and function spacesAutomata, languages, and machinesVertex operator algebras and the MonsterPartial differential equations in physicsAn introduction to variational inequalities and their applicationsMathematical experiments on the computerSemi-Riemannian geometry : with applications to relativityThe mathematical theory of L systemsPositive operatorsGeneral lattice theoryFormal groups and applicationsReal-variable methods in harmonic analysisSpectra of graphs : theory and applicationTheory of H[p] spacesNoneuclidean tesselations and their groupsSolution of equations and systems of equationsHomotopy theory : an introduction to algebraic topologyTopological vector spaces, distributions and kernelsLinear algebra and projective geometryDimension theoryTreatise on analysisSolution of equations in Euclidean and Banach spacesMultiplicative theory of idealsSmooth dynamical systemsDiophantine equationsNonstandard methods in stochastic analysis and mathematical physicsLocal analytic geometryDifferential geometry and symmetric spacesGroups and geometric analysis : integral geometry, invariant differential operators, and spherical functions
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books