
Springer series in materials science


Springer series in materials science




Series editors: Robert Hull ... [et al.]


Deformation and fracture behaviour of polymer materials外部サイトGallium nitride electronics外部サイトMolecular beam epitaxy : fundamentals and current status外部サイトIntroduction to thermoelectricity外部サイトEinstein relation in compound semiconductors and their nanostructures外部サイトPressure-induced phase transitions in AB[2]X[4] chalcogenide compounds外部サイトPoint defects in semiconductors and insulators : determination of atomic and electronic structure from paramagnetic hyperfine interactions外部サイトSilicon-based nanomaterials外部サイトPhysics of laser materials processing : theory and experiment外部サイトTechnology and applications of amorphous silicon外部サイトMicromechanism of friction and wear : introduction to relativistic tribology外部サイトImpurities confined in quantum structures外部サイトTransport and electronic properties外部サイトComputational materials design外部サイトEpitaxy : physical principles and technical implementation外部サイトOrganic semiconductor heterojunctions and its application in organic light-emitting diodes外部サイトMicrocluster physics外部サイトPolymer films with embedded metal nanoparticles外部サイトViscometry for liquids : calibration of viscometers外部サイトGas source molecular beam epitaxy : growth and properties of phosphorus containing III-V heterostructures外部サイトTechnology of gallium nitride crystal growth外部サイトModeling of carbon nanotubes, graphene and their composites外部サイトFriction material composites : materials perspective外部サイトCarbon fibers外部サイトElectrical, electronic and magnetic properties of solids外部サイトMesoscopic phenomena in multifunctional materials : synthesis, characterization, modeling and applications外部サイトMetal impurities in silicon- and germanium-based technologies : origin, characterization, control, and device impact外部サイトChemical-mechanical planarization of semiconductor materials外部サイトHigh-T[c] superconductors based on FeAs compounds外部サイトThermoelectric power in nanostructured materials : strong magnetic fields外部サイトVortices and nanostructured superconductors外部サイトSiO2 in Si microdevices外部サイトMacromolecular metal carboxylates and their nanocomposites外部サイトPhotofunctional rare earth hybrid materials外部サイトThermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments外部サイトMagnetic Nanostructures外部サイトDisorder and strain-induced complexity in functional materials外部サイトMagnetic resonance of semiconductors and their nanostructures : basic and advanced applications外部サイトSiC power materials : devices and applications外部サイトSpirally anisotropic composites外部サイトTechnological advances in tellurite glasses : properties, processing, and applications外部サイトPhotorefractive organic materials and applications外部サイトSolder joint technology : materials, properties, and reliability外部サイトDislocation dynamics during plastic deformation外部サイトRecent trends in physics of material science and technology外部サイトLiquid crystalline semiconductors : materials, properties and applications外部サイトPhotonic crystal fibers : properties and applications外部サイトNondestructive materials characterization : with applications to aerospace materials外部サイトFunctional metamaterials and metadevices外部サイトOxide materials at the two-dimensional limit外部サイトGrain boundary segregation in metals外部サイトOrdering at surfaces and interfaces : proceedings of the Third NEC Symposium, Hakone, Japan, October 7-11, 1990外部サイトHeterogeneous ferroelectric solid solutions : phases and domain states外部サイトThe Real structure of high-Tc superconductors外部サイトThe theory of laser materials processing : heat and mass transfer in modern technology外部サイトIntroduction to thermoelectricity外部サイトNoise and vibration in friction systems外部サイトThe glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials外部サイトNuclear rocket engine reactor外部サイトMetal impurities in silicon-device fabrication外部サイトFundamentals and frontiers of the Josephson effect外部サイトMechanical properties and working of metals and alloys外部サイトBottom-up self-organization in supramolecular soft matter : principles and prototypical examples of recent advances外部サイトWide-Gap Chalcopyrites外部サイトNonlinear, tunable and active metamaterials外部サイトTransparent conductive zinc oxide : basics and applications in thin film solar cells外部サイトMaterials for tomorrow : theory, experiments and modelling外部サイトLaser ablation : principles and applications外部サイトMacromolecular nanostructured materials外部サイトModern piezoelectric energy-harvesting materials外部サイトTheoretical concepts of X-ray nanoscale analysis : theory and applications外部サイトSilicene : structure, properties and applications外部サイトSemiconductor modeling techniques外部サイトZinc oxide : from fundamental properties towards novel applications外部サイトOrganic electronic materials : conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids外部サイトDielectric properties of porous media外部サイトMacromolecular science and engineering : new aspects外部サイトPiezo-active composites : orientation effects and anisotropy factors外部サイトMaterials discovery and design : by means of data science and optimal learning外部サイトHigh-Tc copper oxide superconductors and related novel materials : dedicated to Prof. K.A. Müller on the occasion of his 90th birthday外部サイトNanostructures and quantum effects : proceedings of the JRDC international symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, November 17-18, 1993外部サイトMetallopolymer nanocomposites外部サイトHydrogen in crystalline semiconductors外部サイトLaser-assisted microtechnology外部サイトChalcogenides : metastability and phase change phenomena外部サイトMacromolecular nanostructured materials外部サイトRenormalization group theory : impact on experimental magnetism外部サイトPredictive simulation of semiconductor processing : status and challenges外部サイトMechanisms of high temperature superconductivity : proceedings of the 2nd NEC Symposium, Hakone, Japan, October 24-27, 1988外部サイトMultiphased ceramic materials : processing and potential外部サイトPlastic deformation in nanocrystalline materials外部サイトEpitaxial growth of III-nitride compounds : computational approach外部サイトOptical properties of advanced materials外部サイトSupercarbon : synthesis, properties and applications外部サイトOrganic semiconductors in sensor applications外部サイトNitride semiconductors and devices外部サイトNanocrystals : synthesis, properties and applications外部サイトLifetime spectroscopy : a method of defect characterization in silicon for photovoltaic applications外部サイトExtended defects in germanium : fundamental and technological aspets外部サイトAcoustic metamaterials : negative refraction, imaging, lensing and cloaking外部サイトMagneto-science : magnetic field effects on materials: fundamentals and applications外部サイトMicroclusters : proceedings of the First NEC Symposium, Hakone and Kawasaki, Japan, October 20-23, 1986外部サイトChemical processing with lasers外部サイトFunctional metal oxide nanostructures外部サイトFullerene polymers and fullerene polymer composites外部サイトHybrid and fully thermoelectric solar harvesting外部サイトMetal-dielectric interfaces in gigascale electronics : thermal and electrical stability外部サイトRare-earth implanted MOS devices for silicon photonics : microstructural electrical and optoelectronic properties外部サイトHPHT-treated diamonds : diamonds forever外部サイトFerroelectric crystals for photonic applications : including nanoscale fabrication and characterization techniques外部サイトIntroduction to the physics of diluted magnetic semiconductors外部サイトPhosphate phosphors for solid-state lighting外部サイトElectronic structure and magnetism of complex materials外部サイトCalorimetry and thermal methods in catalysis外部サイトFundamental aspects of silicon oxidation外部サイトEinstein relation in compound semiconductors and their nanostructures外部サイトMagnetism and structure in functional materials外部サイトElectronic structure and magnetism of complex materials外部サイトHigh-efficiency solar cells : physics, materials, and devices外部サイトNanocomposite-based electronic tongue : carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapor deposition and its application外部サイトMicro- and macro-properties of solids : thermal, mechanical and dielectric properties外部サイトIn-situ materials characterization : across spatial and temporal scales外部サイトLaser processing of materials : fundamentals, applications and developments外部サイトLithium metal anodes and rechargeable lithium metal batteries外部サイトNanomaterials in extreme environments : fundamentals and applications外部サイトLaser-assisted fabrication of materials外部サイトOrganic photovoltaics : concepts and realization外部サイトIntroduction to Wave Scattering, Localization and Mesoscopic Phenomena外部サイトTransport processes in ion-irradiated polymers外部サイトLasers in materials science外部サイトLaser-beam interactions with materials : physical principles and applications外部サイトThe metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties外部サイトSemiconducting silicides外部サイトOrganic nanostructures for next generation devices外部サイトOptical properties of metallic nanoparticles : basic principles and simulation外部サイトOrganic solar cells : theory, experiment, and device simulation外部サイトEffective electron mass in low-dimensional semiconductors外部サイトHigh temperature superconductivity : the road to higher critical temperature外部サイトMetal-to-nonmetal transitions外部サイトSemiconductor materials for solar photovoltaic cells外部サイトSemiconductor silicon : materials science and technology : proceedings of the Summer School, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 3-15, 1988外部サイトHeusler alloys : properties, growth, applications外部サイトAdditive manufacturing of metals : from fundamental technology to rocket nozzles, medical implants, and custom jewelry外部サイトPhysical chemistry of, in and on silicon外部サイトModeling of magnetoelectric effects in composites外部サイトBiomimetics in materials science : self-healing, self-lubricating, and self-cleaning materials外部サイトElectronic structure and magnetism of 3d-transition metal pnictides外部サイトThe theory of laser materials processing : heat and mass transfer in modern technology外部サイトFrustrated materials and ferroic glasses外部サイトMathematical theory of elasticity of quasicrystals and its applications外部サイトHartree-Fock-Slater Method for Materials Science : The DV-X α Method for Design and Characterization of Materials外部サイトHalogen-Free Flame-Retardant Polymers : Next-Generation Fillers for Polymer Nanocomposite Applications外部サイトTheory and modeling of polymer nanocomposites外部サイトArtificial Intelligence for Materials Science外部サイトIron-Based superconducting thin films外部サイトBioinspired water harvesting, purification, and oil-water separation外部サイトElectromagnetic metamaterials : modern insights into macroscopic electromagnetic fields外部サイトIn situ monitoring of fiber-reinforced composites : theory, basic concepts, methods, and applications外部サイトPolarons in advanced materials外部サイトGraphite intercalation compounds I : structure and dynamics外部サイトHigh-temperature superconductors外部サイトThe atomistic nature of crystal growth外部サイトUnconventional superconductors : anisotropy and multiband effects外部サイトElectromagnetic metamaterials : modern insights into macroscopic electromagnetic fields外部サイトExtreme states of matter : high energy density physics外部サイトMultiscale materials modeling for nanomechanics外部サイトPhysics of new materials外部サイトQuodons in mica : nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals外部サイトMetastable states in amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors外部サイトCrystallography and the world of symmetry外部サイトSuperconductivity : Basics and applications to magnets外部サイトCharacterization and design of zeolite catalysts : solid acidity, shape selectivity and loading properties外部サイトReference materials in analytical chemistry : a guide for selectin and use外部サイトHigh performance soft magnetic materials外部サイトProcess technology for semiconductor lasers : crystal growth and microprocesses外部サイトWafer bonding : applications and technology外部サイトSelf healing materials : an alternative approach to 20 centuries of materials science外部サイトElements of rapid solidification : fundamentals and applications外部サイトMultifunctional polycrystalline ferroelectric materials : processing and properties外部サイトIon implantation in diamond, graphite, and related materials外部サイトGeneralized dynamics of soft-matter quasicrystals : mathematical models and solutions外部サイトMultiscale paradigms in integrated computational materials science and engineering : materials theory, modeling, and simulation for predictive design外部サイトLithium niobate : defects, photorefraction and ferroelectric switching外部サイトFirst principles modelling of shape memory alloys : molecular dynamics simulations外部サイトSemiconductor research : experimental techniques外部サイトDiffraction analysis of the microstructure of materials外部サイトThermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments外部サイトInternal friction in metallic materials : a handbook外部サイトSiC power materials : devices and applications外部サイトThe physics of organic superconductors and conductors外部サイトViscoelasticity of polymers : theory and numerical algorithms外部サイトAtomistic and continuum modeling of nanocrystalline materials : deformation mechanisms and scale transition外部サイトDislocation dynamics and plasticity外部サイトCrystal chemistry of high-Tc superconducting copper oxides外部サイトTetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon films I : Basics, structure and preparation外部サイトPhysics of new materials外部サイトIsotopes in condensed matter外部サイトInformation science for materials discovery and design外部サイトMorphology control of materials and nanoparticles : advanced materials processing and characterization外部サイトFrom bulk to nano : the many sides of magnetism外部サイトMolecular beam epitaxy : fundamentals and current status外部サイトTopological structures in ferroic materials : domain walls, vortices and skyrmions外部サイトMass metrology外部サイトIII-nitride ultraviolet emitters : Technology and applications外部サイトRaman scattering in materials science外部サイトRadiation effects in advanced semiconductor materials and devices外部サイトNovel functional magnetic materials : fundamentals and applications外部サイトSmall organic molecules on surfaces : fundamentals and applications外部サイトSemiconducting silicides外部サイトExcitonic and photonic processes in materials外部サイトTungsten carbides : structure, properties and application in hardmetals外部サイトEvolution of thin film morphology : modeling and simulations外部サイトGrain boundaries : from theory to engineering外部サイトLaser precision microfabrication外部サイトReactive sputter deposition外部サイトElemental and molecular clusters : proceedings of the 13th International School, Erice, Italy, July 1-15, 1987外部サイトPlasticity of boronized layers外部サイトHigh-resolution imaging and spectrometry of materials外部サイトApplications of the isotopic effect in solids外部サイトSubsecond annealing of advanced materials : annealing by lasers, flash lamps and swift heavy ions外部サイトAlkali halides : a handbook of physical properties外部サイトSelf-organized morphology in nanostructured materials外部サイトLaser-assisted microtechnology外部サイトGaN and ZnO-based materials and devices外部サイトMetal impurities in silicon-device fabrication外部サイトPlastics for corrosion inhibition外部サイトLaser-beam interactions with materials : physical principles and applications外部サイトCrystallography of quasicrystals : concepts, methods and structures外部サイトSolar cells based on colloidal nanocrystals外部サイトNanoporous alumina : fabrication, structure, properties and applications外部サイトIntroduction to the physics of diluted magnetic semiconductors外部サイトUnraveling thermoluminescence外部サイトCeramics : mechanical properties, failure behaviour, materials selection外部サイトDilute III-V nitride semiconductors and material systems : physics and technology外部サイトDisorder and order in strongly nonstoichiometric compounds : transition metal carbids, nitrides and oxides外部サイトLaser processing of thin films and microstructures : oxidation, deposition and etching of insulators外部サイトActive protective coatings : new-generation coatings for metals外部サイトIntroduction to isotopic materials science外部サイトAtom probe microscopy外部サイトSwift heavy ions for materials engineering and nanostructuring外部サイトAdvances in metal forming : expert system for metal forming外部サイトMetamaterials for perfect absorption外部サイトFunctional thin films and functional materials : new concepts and technologies外部サイトUnits of measurement : past, present and future : international system of units外部サイトBasic physics of functionalized graphite外部サイトAtomistic properties of solids外部サイトImage processing of edge and surface defects : theoretical basis of adaptive algorithms with numerous practical applications外部サイトSemi-solid processing of alloys外部サイトChemistry of polymeric metal chelates外部サイトLaser-surface interactions for new materials production : tailoring structure and properties外部サイトSolidification processing of metallic alloys under external fields外部サイトMultifunctional barriers for flexible structure : textile, leather and paper外部サイトPhotonic materials for sensing, biosensing and display devices外部サイトDissipative phenomena in condensed matter : some applications外部サイトBismuth-containing compounds外部サイトGrain boundary segregation in metals外部サイトZnO nanocrystals and allied materials外部サイトFundamentals of ion-irradiated polymers外部サイトPhysics of wurtzite nitrides and oxides : passport to devices外部サイトThermodynamic basis of crystal growth : P-T-X phase equilibrium and non-stoichiometry外部サイトComputer simulation of ion-solid interactions外部サイトRaman spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials外部サイトMicrocluster physics外部サイトBiomateriomics外部サイトSpectroscopy of complex oxide interfaces : photoemission and related pectroscopies外部サイトThe metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties外部サイトHigh-temperature superconductors外部サイトGrain boundaries : from theory to engineering外部サイトFundamentals of laser-assisted micro- and nanotechnologies外部サイトOptical properties of metal clusters外部サイトQuasicrystals : an introduction to structure, physical properties, and applications外部サイトMolecular dynamics simulations of disordered materials : from network glasses to phase-change memory alloys外部サイトThermoelectric nanomaterials : materials design and applications外部サイトAdvances in the application of lasers in materials science外部サイトNanoferroics外部サイトPiezoelectricity : evolution and future of a technology外部サイトMicrostructuring of glasses外部サイトRaman scattering in materials science外部サイトFatigue in ferroelectric ceramics and related issues外部サイトSize effects in nanostructures : basics and applications外部サイトThe physics and chemistry of inorganic clathrates外部サイトPhysics of negative refraction and negative index materials : optical and electronic aspects and deversified approaches外部サイトTritium and helium-3 in metals外部サイトIron-based superconductivity外部サイトNanostructured lead, cadmium, and silver sulfides : structure, nonstoichiometry and properties外部サイトGrowth and characterization of bulk superconductor material外部サイトThe physics of organic superconductors and conductors外部サイトLaser shock processing of FCC metals : mechanical properties and micro-structural strengthening mechanism外部サイトGraphite fibers and filaments外部サイトThe metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties外部サイトMolecular catalysts for energy conversion外部サイトNanostructured materials for magnetoelectronics外部サイトTwo-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides外部サイトThe physics of ferromagnetism外部サイトElectronic processes in organic electronics : bridging nanostructure, electronic states and device properties外部サイトMagnetophotonics : from theory to applications外部サイトNanocrystalline Ceramics : synthesis and structure外部サイトFerroelectric crystals for photonic applications : including nanoscale fabrication and characterization techniques外部サイトSpectroscopic properties of rare earths in optical materials外部サイトInto the nano era : Moore's law beyond planar silicon CMOS外部サイトBismuth-containing alloys and nanostructures外部サイトIII-nitrides light emitting diodes : technology and applications外部サイトNew trends in nanoparticle magnetism外部サイトEpitaxial growth of III-nitride compounds : computational approach外部サイトSuperconductivity : Basics and applications to magnets外部サイトHigh- performance carbon-based optoelectronic nanodevices外部サイトComputational materials, chemistry, and biochemistry : from bold initiatives to the last mile : in honor of William A. Goddard's contributions to science and engineering外部サイトIndexing of crystal diffraction patterns : from crystallography basics to methods of automatic indexing外部サイトAdvanced materials and components for 5G and beyond外部サイトUnits of measurement : history, fundamentals and redefining the SI base units外部サイトPerformance外部サイトLaser micro-nano-manufacturing and 3D microprinting外部サイトGradient microstructure in laser shock peened materials : fundamentals and applications外部サイトLuminescent materials : a quantum chemical approach for computer-aided discovery and design外部サイトOptical and electrical properties of nanoscale materials外部サイトBiomimetics : bioinspired hierarchical-structured surfaces for green science and technology外部サイトIntroduction to thermoelectricity外部サイトTransparent wood materials : properties, applications, and fire behaviour外部サイトPhysics of solid-state laser materials外部サイトIntroduction to thermoelectricity外部サイトNew trends in nanoparticle magnetism外部サイトGeopolymer and geopolymer matrix composites外部サイトSpin-crossover cobaltite : review and outlook外部サイトThe glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials外部サイトComputational materials, chemistry, and biochemistry : from bold initiatives to the last mile : in honor of William A. Goddard's contributions to science and engineering外部サイトLow-energy ion irradiation of materials : fundamentals and application外部サイトArtificial intelligence for materials science外部サイトCeramics : mechanical properties, failure behaviour, materials selection外部サイトSolar cells and modules外部サイトCharacteristics外部サイトMultiscale materials modeling for nanomechanics外部サイトGallium oxide : materials properties, crystal growth, and devices外部サイト



  • Deformation and fracture behaviour of polymer materials

  • Gallium nitride electronics

  • Molecular beam epitaxy : fundamentals and current status

  • Introduction to thermoelectricity

  • Einstein relation in compound semiconductors and their nanostructures





  • CiNii Research

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Springer series in materials sciences
Materials science
Series editors: Robert Hull ... [et al.]
Deformation and fracture behaviour of polymer materials
Gallium nitride electronics
Molecular beam epitaxy : fundamentals and current status
Introduction to thermoelectricity
Einstein relation in compound semiconductors and their nanostructures
Pressure-induced phase transitions in AB[2]X[4] chalcogenide compounds
Point defects in semiconductors and insulators : determination of atomic and electronic structure from paramagnetic hyperfine interactions
Silicon-based nanomaterials
Physics of laser materials processing : theory and experiment
Technology and applications of amorphous silicon
Micromechanism of friction and wear : introduction to relativistic tribology
Impurities confined in quantum structures
Transport and electronic properties
Computational materials design
Epitaxy : physical principles and technical implementation
Organic semiconductor heterojunctions and its application in organic light-emitting diodes
Microcluster physics
Polymer films with embedded metal nanoparticles
Viscometry for liquids : calibration of viscometers
Gas source molecular beam epitaxy : growth and properties of phosphorus containing III-V heterostructures
Technology of gallium nitride crystal growth
Modeling of carbon nanotubes, graphene and their composites
Friction material composites : materials perspective
Carbon fibers
Electrical, electronic and magnetic properties of solids
Mesoscopic phenomena in multifunctional materials : synthesis, characterization, modeling and applications
Metal impurities in silicon- and germanium-based technologies : origin, characterization, control, and device impact
Chemical-mechanical planarization of semiconductor materials
High-T[c] superconductors based on FeAs compounds
Thermoelectric power in nanostructured materials : strong magnetic fields
Vortices and nanostructured superconductors
SiO2 in Si microdevices
Macromolecular metal carboxylates and their nanocomposites
Photofunctional rare earth hybrid materials
Thermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments
Magnetic Nanostructures
Disorder and strain-induced complexity in functional materials
Magnetic resonance of semiconductors and their nanostructures : basic and advanced applications
SiC power materials : devices and applications
Spirally anisotropic composites
Technological advances in tellurite glasses : properties, processing, and applications
Photorefractive organic materials and applications
Solder joint technology : materials, properties, and reliability
Dislocation dynamics during plastic deformation
Recent trends in physics of material science and technology
Liquid crystalline semiconductors : materials, properties and applications
Photonic crystal fibers : properties and applications
Nondestructive materials characterization : with applications to aerospace materials
Functional metamaterials and metadevices
Oxide materials at the two-dimensional limit
Grain boundary segregation in metals
Ordering at surfaces and interfaces : proceedings of the Third NEC Symposium, Hakone, Japan, October 7-11, 1990
Heterogeneous ferroelectric solid solutions : phases and domain states
The Real structure of high-Tc superconductors
The theory of laser materials processing : heat and mass transfer in modern technology
Introduction to thermoelectricity
Noise and vibration in friction systems
The glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials
Nuclear rocket engine reactor
Metal impurities in silicon-device fabrication
Fundamentals and frontiers of the Josephson effect
Mechanical properties and working of metals and alloys
Bottom-up self-organization in supramolecular soft matter : principles and prototypical examples of recent advances
Wide-Gap Chalcopyrites
Nonlinear, tunable and active metamaterials
Transparent conductive zinc oxide : basics and applications in thin film solar cells
Materials for tomorrow : theory, experiments and modelling
Laser ablation : principles and applications
Macromolecular nanostructured materials
Modern piezoelectric energy-harvesting materials
Theoretical concepts of X-ray nanoscale analysis : theory and applications
Silicene : structure, properties and applications
Semiconductor modeling techniques
Zinc oxide : from fundamental properties towards novel applications
Organic electronic materials : conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids
Dielectric properties of porous media
Macromolecular science and engineering : new aspects
Piezo-active composites : orientation effects and anisotropy factors
Materials discovery and design : by means of data science and optimal learning
High-Tc copper oxide superconductors and related novel materials : dedicated to Prof. K.A. Müller on the occasion of his 90th birthday
Nanostructures and quantum effects : proceedings of the JRDC international symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, November 17-18, 1993
Metallopolymer nanocomposites
Hydrogen in crystalline semiconductors
Laser-assisted microtechnology
Chalcogenides : metastability and phase change phenomena
Macromolecular nanostructured materials
Renormalization group theory : impact on experimental magnetism
Predictive simulation of semiconductor processing : status and challenges
Mechanisms of high temperature superconductivity : proceedings of the 2nd NEC Symposium, Hakone, Japan, October 24-27, 1988
Multiphased ceramic materials : processing and potential
Plastic deformation in nanocrystalline materials
Epitaxial growth of III-nitride compounds : computational approach
Optical properties of advanced materials
Supercarbon : synthesis, properties and applications
Organic semiconductors in sensor applications
Nitride semiconductors and devices
Nanocrystals : synthesis, properties and applications
Lifetime spectroscopy : a method of defect characterization in silicon for photovoltaic applications
Extended defects in germanium : fundamental and technological aspets
Acoustic metamaterials : negative refraction, imaging, lensing and cloaking
Magneto-science : magnetic field effects on materials: fundamentals and applications
Microclusters : proceedings of the First NEC Symposium, Hakone and Kawasaki, Japan, October 20-23, 1986
Chemical processing with lasers
Functional metal oxide nanostructures
Fullerene polymers and fullerene polymer composites
Hybrid and fully thermoelectric solar harvesting
Metal-dielectric interfaces in gigascale electronics : thermal and electrical stability
Rare-earth implanted MOS devices for silicon photonics : microstructural electrical and optoelectronic properties
HPHT-treated diamonds : diamonds forever
Ferroelectric crystals for photonic applications : including nanoscale fabrication and characterization techniques
Introduction to the physics of diluted magnetic semiconductors
Phosphate phosphors for solid-state lighting
Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials
Calorimetry and thermal methods in catalysis
Fundamental aspects of silicon oxidation
Einstein relation in compound semiconductors and their nanostructures
Magnetism and structure in functional materials
Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials
High-efficiency solar cells : physics, materials, and devices
Nanocomposite-based electronic tongue : carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapor deposition and its application
Micro- and macro-properties of solids : thermal, mechanical and dielectric properties
In-situ materials characterization : across spatial and temporal scales
Laser processing of materials : fundamentals, applications and developments
Lithium metal anodes and rechargeable lithium metal batteries
Nanomaterials in extreme environments : fundamentals and applications
Laser-assisted fabrication of materials
Organic photovoltaics : concepts and realization
Introduction to Wave Scattering, Localization and Mesoscopic Phenomena
Transport processes in ion-irradiated polymers
Lasers in materials science
Laser-beam interactions with materials : physical principles and applications
The metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties
Semiconducting silicides
Organic nanostructures for next generation devices
Optical properties of metallic nanoparticles : basic principles and simulation
Organic solar cells : theory, experiment, and device simulation
Effective electron mass in low-dimensional semiconductors
High temperature superconductivity : the road to higher critical temperature
Metal-to-nonmetal transitions
Semiconductor materials for solar photovoltaic cells
Semiconductor silicon : materials science and technology : proceedings of the Summer School, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 3-15, 1988
Heusler alloys : properties, growth, applications
Additive manufacturing of metals : from fundamental technology to rocket nozzles, medical implants, and custom jewelry
Physical chemistry of, in and on silicon
Modeling of magnetoelectric effects in composites
Biomimetics in materials science : self-healing, self-lubricating, and self-cleaning materials
Electronic structure and magnetism of 3d-transition metal pnictides
The theory of laser materials processing : heat and mass transfer in modern technology
Frustrated materials and ferroic glasses
Mathematical theory of elasticity of quasicrystals and its applications
Hartree-Fock-Slater Method for Materials Science : The DV-X α Method for Design and Characterization of Materials
Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Polymers : Next-Generation Fillers for Polymer Nanocomposite Applications
Theory and modeling of polymer nanocomposites
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science
Iron-Based superconducting thin films
Bioinspired water harvesting, purification, and oil-water separation
Electromagnetic metamaterials : modern insights into macroscopic electromagnetic fields
In situ monitoring of fiber-reinforced composites : theory, basic concepts, methods, and applications
Polarons in advanced materials
Graphite intercalation compounds I : structure and dynamics
High-temperature superconductors
The atomistic nature of crystal growth
Unconventional superconductors : anisotropy and multiband effects
Electromagnetic metamaterials : modern insights into macroscopic electromagnetic fields
Extreme states of matter : high energy density physics
Multiscale materials modeling for nanomechanics
Physics of new materials
Quodons in mica : nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals
Metastable states in amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors
Crystallography and the world of symmetry
Superconductivity : Basics and applications to magnets
Characterization and design of zeolite catalysts : solid acidity, shape selectivity and loading properties
Reference materials in analytical chemistry : a guide for selectin and use
High performance soft magnetic materials
Process technology for semiconductor lasers : crystal growth and microprocesses
Wafer bonding : applications and technology
Self healing materials : an alternative approach to 20 centuries of materials science
Elements of rapid solidification : fundamentals and applications
Multifunctional polycrystalline ferroelectric materials : processing and properties
Ion implantation in diamond, graphite, and related materials
Generalized dynamics of soft-matter quasicrystals : mathematical models and solutions
Multiscale paradigms in integrated computational materials science and engineering : materials theory, modeling, and simulation for predictive design
Lithium niobate : defects, photorefraction and ferroelectric switching
First principles modelling of shape memory alloys : molecular dynamics simulations
Semiconductor research : experimental techniques
Diffraction analysis of the microstructure of materials
Thermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments
Internal friction in metallic materials : a handbook
SiC power materials : devices and applications
The physics of organic superconductors and conductors
Viscoelasticity of polymers : theory and numerical algorithms
Atomistic and continuum modeling of nanocrystalline materials : deformation mechanisms and scale transition
Dislocation dynamics and plasticity
Crystal chemistry of high-Tc superconducting copper oxides
Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon films I : Basics, structure and preparation
Physics of new materials
Isotopes in condensed matter
Information science for materials discovery and design
Morphology control of materials and nanoparticles : advanced materials processing and characterization
From bulk to nano : the many sides of magnetism
Molecular beam epitaxy : fundamentals and current status
Topological structures in ferroic materials : domain walls, vortices and skyrmions
Mass metrology
III-nitride ultraviolet emitters : Technology and applications
Raman scattering in materials science
Radiation effects in advanced semiconductor materials and devices
Novel functional magnetic materials : fundamentals and applications
Small organic molecules on surfaces : fundamentals and applications
Semiconducting silicides
Excitonic and photonic processes in materials
Tungsten carbides : structure, properties and application in hardmetals
Evolution of thin film morphology : modeling and simulations
Grain boundaries : from theory to engineering
Laser precision microfabrication
Reactive sputter deposition
Elemental and molecular clusters : proceedings of the 13th International School, Erice, Italy, July 1-15, 1987
Plasticity of boronized layers
High-resolution imaging and spectrometry of materials
Applications of the isotopic effect in solids
Subsecond annealing of advanced materials : annealing by lasers, flash lamps and swift heavy ions
Alkali halides : a handbook of physical properties
Self-organized morphology in nanostructured materials
Laser-assisted microtechnology
GaN and ZnO-based materials and devices
Metal impurities in silicon-device fabrication
Plastics for corrosion inhibition
Laser-beam interactions with materials : physical principles and applications
Crystallography of quasicrystals : concepts, methods and structures
Solar cells based on colloidal nanocrystals
Nanoporous alumina : fabrication, structure, properties and applications
Introduction to the physics of diluted magnetic semiconductors
Unraveling thermoluminescence
Ceramics : mechanical properties, failure behaviour, materials selection
Dilute III-V nitride semiconductors and material systems : physics and technology
Disorder and order in strongly nonstoichiometric compounds : transition metal carbids, nitrides and oxides
Laser processing of thin films and microstructures : oxidation, deposition and etching of insulators
Active protective coatings : new-generation coatings for metals
Introduction to isotopic materials science
Atom probe microscopy
Swift heavy ions for materials engineering and nanostructuring
Advances in metal forming : expert system for metal forming
Metamaterials for perfect absorption
Functional thin films and functional materials : new concepts and technologies
Units of measurement : past, present and future : international system of units
Basic physics of functionalized graphite
Atomistic properties of solids
Image processing of edge and surface defects : theoretical basis of adaptive algorithms with numerous practical applications
Semi-solid processing of alloys
Chemistry of polymeric metal chelates
Laser-surface interactions for new materials production : tailoring structure and properties
Solidification processing of metallic alloys under external fields
Multifunctional barriers for flexible structure : textile, leather and paper
Photonic materials for sensing, biosensing and display devices
Dissipative phenomena in condensed matter : some applications
Bismuth-containing compounds
Grain boundary segregation in metals
ZnO nanocrystals and allied materials
Fundamentals of ion-irradiated polymers
Physics of wurtzite nitrides and oxides : passport to devices
Thermodynamic basis of crystal growth : P-T-X phase equilibrium and non-stoichiometry
Computer simulation of ion-solid interactions
Raman spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials
Microcluster physics
Spectroscopy of complex oxide interfaces : photoemission and related pectroscopies
The metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties
High-temperature superconductors
Grain boundaries : from theory to engineering
Fundamentals of laser-assisted micro- and nanotechnologies
Optical properties of metal clusters
Quasicrystals : an introduction to structure, physical properties, and applications
Molecular dynamics simulations of disordered materials : from network glasses to phase-change memory alloys
Thermoelectric nanomaterials : materials design and applications
Advances in the application of lasers in materials science
Piezoelectricity : evolution and future of a technology
Microstructuring of glasses
Raman scattering in materials science
Fatigue in ferroelectric ceramics and related issues
Size effects in nanostructures : basics and applications
The physics and chemistry of inorganic clathrates
Physics of negative refraction and negative index materials : optical and electronic aspects and deversified approaches
Tritium and helium-3 in metals
Iron-based superconductivity
Nanostructured lead, cadmium, and silver sulfides : structure, nonstoichiometry and properties
Growth and characterization of bulk superconductor material
The physics of organic superconductors and conductors
Laser shock processing of FCC metals : mechanical properties and micro-structural strengthening mechanism
Graphite fibers and filaments
The metal-hydrogen system : basic bulk properties
Molecular catalysts for energy conversion
Nanostructured materials for magnetoelectronics
Two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides
The physics of ferromagnetism
Electronic processes in organic electronics : bridging nanostructure, electronic states and device properties
Magnetophotonics : from theory to applications
Nanocrystalline Ceramics : synthesis and structure
Ferroelectric crystals for photonic applications : including nanoscale fabrication and characterization techniques
Spectroscopic properties of rare earths in optical materials
Into the nano era : Moore's law beyond planar silicon CMOS
Bismuth-containing alloys and nanostructures
III-nitrides light emitting diodes : technology and applications
New trends in nanoparticle magnetism
Epitaxial growth of III-nitride compounds : computational approach
Superconductivity : Basics and applications to magnets
High- performance carbon-based optoelectronic nanodevices
Computational materials, chemistry, and biochemistry : from bold initiatives to the last mile : in honor of William A. Goddard's contributions to science and engineering
Indexing of crystal diffraction patterns : from crystallography basics to methods of automatic indexing
Advanced materials and components for 5G and beyond
Units of measurement : history, fundamentals and redefining the SI base units
Laser micro-nano-manufacturing and 3D microprinting
Gradient microstructure in laser shock peened materials : fundamentals and applications
Luminescent materials : a quantum chemical approach for computer-aided discovery and design
Optical and electrical properties of nanoscale materials
Biomimetics : bioinspired hierarchical-structured surfaces for green science and technology
Introduction to thermoelectricity
Transparent wood materials : properties, applications, and fire behaviour
Physics of solid-state laser materials
Introduction to thermoelectricity
New trends in nanoparticle magnetism
Geopolymer and geopolymer matrix composites
Spin-crossover cobaltite : review and outlook
The glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials
Computational materials, chemistry, and biochemistry : from bold initiatives to the last mile : in honor of William A. Goddard's contributions to science and engineering
Low-energy ion irradiation of materials : fundamentals and application
Artificial intelligence for materials science
Ceramics : mechanical properties, failure behaviour, materials selection
Solar cells and modules
Multiscale materials modeling for nanomechanics
Gallium oxide : materials properties, crystal growth, and devices
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research