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- Series editor: David Fasenfest
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- Anarchy and society : reflections on anarchist sociologyDigitalized finance : financial capitalism and informational revolutionNeoliberalism's fractures showcase : another Chile is possibleThe future of religion : toward a reconciled societyThe agrarian seeds of empire : the political economy of agriculture in US state buildingCovert racism : theories, institutions, and experiencesExtractive imperialism in the Americas : capitalism's new frontierLabour regime change in the twenty-first century : unfreedom, capitalism and primitive accumulationThe uniqueness of Western civilizationEuropean bloc imperialismIs the Turk a white man? : race and modernity in the making of Turkish identityGlobalization and the environmentThe supranational corporation : beyond the multinationalsHow labour built neoliberalism : Australia's accord, the labour movement and the neoliberal projectManifesto of the critical theory of society and religion : the wholly other, liberation, happiness and the rescue of the hopelessProfitable ideas : the ideology of the individual in capitalist developmentTo break our chains : social cohesiveness and modern democracyRevolt against authorityMarx and the politics of abstractionWeaving transnational solidarity : from the Catskills to Chiapas and beyondSocial structures of direct democracy : on the political economy of equalityFair and affordable housing in the U.S. : trends, outcomes, future directionsTransforming globalization : challenges and opportunities in the post 9/11 eraThe dialectic of position and maneuver : understanding Gramsci's military metaphorClass, culture and the agrarian mythCome hell or high water : feminism and the legacy of armed conflict in Central AmericaHegel for social movementsThe age of knowledge : the dynamics of universities, knowledge and societyEuropean bloc imperialismCrisis and sequels : capitalism and the new economic turmoil since 2007The future of work : super-exploitation and social precariousness in the 21st centuryMax Weber's theory of personality : individuation, politics and orientalism in the sociology of religionState capitalism, contentious politics and large-scale social changeCapitalism's future : alienation, emancipation and critiqueGlobalizing cultures : theories, paradigms, actionsReinventing race, reinventing racismLiberal modernity and its adversaries : freedom, liberalism and anti-liberalism in the 21st centuryStateless citizenship : the Palestinian-Arab citizens of IsraelRace and ethnicity : across time, space, and disciplineThe making of modern Japan : power, crisis, and the promise of transformationAn overview of social policy in the republics of North Macedonia and MontenegroNew approachesUrban emergency (mis)management and the crisis of neoliberalism : Flint, MI in contextLawfare : the criminalization of democratic politics in the Global SouthThe bottom worker in East Asia : composition and transformation under neoliberal globalizationDialectic of solidarity : labor, antisemitism, and the Frankfurt schoolReligious fundamentalism in the Middle East : a cross-national, inter-faith, and inter-ethnic analysisCollaborative projects : an interdisciplinary studyEnriching the sociological imagination : how radical sociology changed the disciplineThe reproductive bargain : deciphering the enigma of Japanese capitalismThe poverty of work : selling servant, slave and temporary labor on the free marketMarx, critical theory, and religion : a critique of rational choiceMedia and leftLabour markets, identities, controversies : reviews and essays, 1982-2016Capital accumulation and migrationCo-operativism and local development in Cuba : an agenda for democratic social changeReligion and the new atheism : a critical appraisalAmerican anarchismMarx and the political economy of the mediaIn the hotel abyss : an Hegelian-Marxist critique of AdornoA new kind of public : community, solidarity, and political economy in New Deal cinema, 1935-1948Marxist class theory for a skeptical worldTwenty-first century inequality & capitalism : Piketty, Marx and beyondNASCAR, Sturgis, and the new economy of spectacleMarx's scientific dialectics : a methodological treatise for a new centurySubordinated development : transnational capital in the process of accumulation of Latin America and BrazilTrouble in the university : how the education of health care professionals became corruptedAn interdisciplinary theory of activityThe dialectics of the religious and the secular : studies on the future of religionMarxism and criminology : a history of criminal selectivityNeoliberalism and national culture : state-building and legitimacy in Canada and QuébecAli Shariati and the future of social theory : religion, revolution, and the role of the intellectualMarx's philosophy of revolution in permanence for our day : selected writingsMessages from Georg SimmelA dialectical pedagogy of revolt : Gramsci, Vygotsky, and the Egyptian revolutionThe sociogony : social facts and the ontology of objects, things, and monstersImperialism, neoliberalism and social struggles in Latin AmericaWestern Europe, Eastern Europe and world development, 13th-18th centuries : collection of essays of Marian MałowistHuman rights, hegemony, and utopia in Latin America : poverty, forced migration and resistance in Mexico and ColombiaThe apprentice's sorcerer : liberal tradition and fascismEmpires and walls : globalization, migration, and colonial dominationThe Cuban revolution as socialist human developmentThe destiny of modern societies : the Calvinist predestination of a new societyCulture, power, and history : studies in critical sociologyConstructing Marxist ethics : critique, normativity, praxisEconomic nationalism and globalization : lessons from Latin America and Central EuropeSocial welfare responses in a neoliberal era : policies, practices, and social problemsDevelopmentalist cities? : interrogating urban developmentalism in East AsiaMarx in the age of digital capitalismCrisis of capitalism : compendium of applied economics (global capitalism)The entropy of capitalismImperialism, crisis and class struggle : the enduring verities and contemporary face of capitalismSettlement sociology in the progressive years : faith, science, and reformConfronting Gouldner : sociology and political activismCritical practice from Voltaire to Foucault, Eagleton and beyond : contested perspectivesExplorations in critical criminology in honor of William J. ChamblissThe "Greek crisis" in Europe : race, class and politicsTeaching Marx & critical theory in the 21st centuryDevelopmentalist cities? : interrogating urban developmentalism in East AsiaCooperativism and democracy : selected works of Polish thinkersMarxism missing, missing Marxism : from Marxism to identity politics and beyondConfronting reification : revitalizing Georg Lukács's thought in late capitalismMarx mattersCritical research methodologies : ethics and responsibilitiesCritical approaches to international relations : philosophical foundations and current debatesA general theoryHegel, Marx and Vygotsky : essays on social philosophyHongkongers' fight for freedom : voices from the 2019 anti-extradition movementFrantz Fanon and emancipatory social theory : a view from the wretchedKey elements of social theory revolutionized by MarxThe bourgeois charm of Karl Marx and the ideological irony of American jurisprudenceConstructing social research objects : constructionism in research practiceService workers in the era of monopoly capital : a Marxist analysis of service and retail labourMedia narratives : productions and representations of contemporary mythologiesRethinking private higher education : ethnographic perspectivesFeeding Istanbul : the political economy of urban provisioningGender and biopolitics : the changing patterns of womanhood in post-2002 TurkeySanctions as war : anti-imperialist perspectives on American geo-economic strategyConcepts : a critical approachEros and revolution : the critical philosophy of Herbert MarcuseThe critique of religion and religion's critique : on dialectical religiology