
Studies and reports


Studies and reports

International Labour Office
International Labour Office


The international standardisation of labour statistics : a review of the statistical work of the International Labour Office and of various International Statistical Conferences外部サイトInternational comparisons of food costs外部サイトThe exploitation of foreign labour by Germany外部サイトThe common interest in international economic organisation外部サイトMultinational enterprises and social policy外部サイトApproaches to social security : an international survey外部サイトMethods of labour productivity statistics外部サイトUnemployment in its national and international aspects : report of a conference, organised by the League of Nations Union of Great Britain, and held in London, 25-27 March 1924外部サイトWage changes in various countries, 1914 to 1922外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Switzerland外部サイトInternational standard classification of occupations : report prepared for the seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, September 1949)外部サイトSickness insurance : comparative analyses of national laws外部サイトMethods of statistics collective agreements外部サイトOrganisation on the national and international levels外部サイトHours of labour in industry : United States外部サイトThe miners' strike in Great Britain外部サイトLabour survey of North Africa外部サイトCompensation for war disabilities in Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czecho-Slovakia外部サイトInternational Railwaymen's Congress外部サイトLabour courts in Latin America : report submitted by the International Labour Office to the Fourth Conference of American State Members of the International Labour Organisation (Montevideo, April 1949) on the fourth item on the agenda, the adjustment of labour disputes外部サイトThe workers standard of life in countries with depreciated currency外部サイトSafety in the manufacture and use of celluloid外部サイトAgrarian conditions in Spain外部サイトAutomatic couplings and the safety of railway workers外部サイトFreedom of association and conditions of work in Venezuela外部サイトFacilities for the use of workers' leisure during holidays外部サイトConditions in ships flying the Panama flag : report of the Committee of Enquiry of the International Labour Organisation (May-November 1949)外部サイトProblems of industry in the East : with special reference to India, French India, Ceylon, Malays and the Netherlands Indies外部サイトRecreation and education : reports presented to the International Conference on Workers' Spare Time, Brussels, 15-17 June 1935外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Netherlands外部サイトPrices, wages, and incomes policies : in industrialised market economies外部サイトWhite Lead : data collected by the International Labour Office in regard to the use of white lead in the painting industry外部サイトWorld economic development : effects on advanced industrial countries外部サイトMethods of compiling statistics of unemployment : replies of the governments外部サイトCompensation for war disabilities in Great Britain and the United States外部サイトUnemployment, 1920-1923外部サイトHousing policy in Europe : cheap home building外部サイトMinimum wage fixing and economic development外部サイトMethods of compiling statistics of industrial disputes外部サイトWages and regulation of conditions of labour in the U.S.S.R外部サイトColour vision tests外部サイトWorld economic development : effects on advanced industrial countries外部サイトCo-operation in industry : workers, employers, public authorities外部サイトPublic works policy外部サイトLabour supply and national defence外部サイトCo-operative management and administration外部サイトProtection of the health of seamen against venereal disease外部サイトThe evaluation of permanent incapacity for work in social insurance外部サイトWage changes in various countries : 1914 to 1925外部サイトLabour problems in Greece : report of the mission of the International Labour Office to Greece (October-November 1947)外部サイトChildren and young persons under labour law外部サイトCo-operative management and administration外部サイトAnthrax in the tannery industry外部サイトCompulsory pension insurance : comparative analysis of national laws, and statistics外部サイトEmployment and economic growth外部サイトConditions of work and life of journalists外部サイトWartime labour conditions and reconstruction planning in India外部サイトFirst International Congress of Christian Land Workers' Unions (Coblenz, 27-28 April 1921)外部サイトThe co-operative movement in Soviet Russia外部サイトInternational migration, 1945-1957外部サイトHousing co-operatives外部サイトWages and payroll statistics : report prepared for the Seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians外部サイトNon-contributory pensions外部サイトInternational survey of social security : comparative analysis and summary of national laws外部サイトVocational education in agriculture外部サイトVoluntary sickness insurance : collection of national studies (laws and statistics)外部サイトWartime transference of labour in Great Britain外部サイトInternational survey of social services外部サイトEuropean housing problems since the war 1914-1923外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Belgium外部サイトThe development of the co-operative movement in Asia : report prepared for the Asian Regional Conference (Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, January 1950)外部サイトThe international standardisation of labour statistics外部サイトHuman resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning外部サイトSocial aspects of European Economic Co-operation : report by a group of experts外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Czechoslovak republic外部サイトAfrican labour survey外部サイトThe Congress of the Labour and Socialist International外部サイトSafety devices for wood-working machinery : Great Britain and Swizerland外部サイトIndustrial labour in Japan外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Italy外部サイトIndustrial relations in the United States外部サイトThe organisation of medical care under social security : a study based on the experience of eight countries外部サイトThe labour situation in Great Britain : a survey: May-October 1940外部サイトSilicosis : proceedings of the International conference held in Geneva, from 29August to 9 September 1938外部サイトLabour courts : an international survey of judicial systems for the settlement of disputes外部サイトLabour conditions in war contracts : with special reference to Canada, Great Britain and the United States外部サイトIndigenous peoples : living and working conditions of aboriginal populations in independent countries外部サイトLabour problems in Turkey : report of a mission of the International Labour Office, March-May 1949外部サイトIndustrial labour in India外部サイトLabour-management co-operation in France外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Germany外部サイトEmployment exchanges : an international study of placing activities外部サイトThe Medical inspection of labour : report of meeting inspectors of labour held in Düsseldorf, 15-16 september 1926外部サイトThe dispute in the metal industry in Italy : trade union control in industry外部サイトHigher Productivity in Manufacturing Industries外部サイトThree sources of unemployment : the combined action of population changes, technical progress and economic development外部サイトImmigration laws and regulations外部サイトLabour conditions in Indo-China外部サイトOpium and labour : being a report on a documentary investigation into the extent and effects of opium-smoking among workers外部サイトComparative analysis外部サイトMigration movements 1925-1927外部サイトEconomic barometers外部サイトJoint Production Committees in Great Britain外部サイトMigration movements 1920-1923外部サイトThe displacement of population in Europe外部サイトMethods of family living studies : income-expenditure-consumption外部サイトFood control in Great Britain外部サイトTendencies of European Labour Legislation since the War外部サイトTechnical progress and unemployment : an enquiry into the obstacles to economic expansion外部サイトRefugees and labour conditions in Bulgaria外部サイトLabour policies in the West Indies外部サイトScientific management in Europe外部サイトCollective bargaining in industrialised market economies外部サイトSocial policy in dependent territories外部サイトLegislation外部サイトBritish joint production machinery外部サイトSafety in spray painting外部サイトTechnical and social changes in the world's ports外部サイトThe migration of workers : recruitment, placing and conditions of labour外部サイトThe trade union movement in Soviet Russia外部サイトNutrition in industry外部サイトAnnual Meeting of the Trades Union Congress 1920外部サイトLabour conditions in war contracts : with special reference to Canada, Great Britain and the United States外部サイトSocial and economic reconstruction in the United States外部サイトUnemployment and Structural change外部サイトMethods of compiling cost of living index numbers外部サイトAbility in typewriting in relation to vocational guidance外部サイトThe worker's standard of living外部サイトMethods of compiling statistics of coal-mining accidents外部サイトThe quality of labour and economic development in certain countries : a preliminary study外部サイトProtection of workers operating metal-working presses外部サイトEngineers and chemists : status and employment in industry外部サイトCompulsory labour service in Bulgaria外部サイトThe T.V.A. : lessons for international application外部サイトFreedom of association and conditions of work in Venezuela : Report of the mission of the International Labour Office (22 July-1 September 1949)外部サイトUnemployment insurance : study of comparative legislation外部サイトIndustrial conditions and labour legislation in Japan外部サイトThe cost of medical care外部サイトSeafarers' conditions in India and Pakistan : report on a mission of enquiry october-november 1947外部サイトLabour-management co-operation in United States war production : a study of methods and procedure外部サイトIndustrial relations in Great Britain外部サイトMotion study in typewriting : a record of experiments外部サイトCompensation for war disablement in France : Act of March 31st, 1919外部サイトMethods of compiling statistics of railway accidents外部サイトIndustrial relations in Great Britain外部サイトLabour costs in European industry外部サイトInternational comparisons of real wages : a study of methods外部サイトHuman resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning外部サイトHours of labour in industry : Great Britain外部サイトStatistical methods for measuring occupational morbidity and mortality外部サイトEmigration laws and regulations外部サイトThe rural exodus in Germany外部サイトWorkers' management in Yugoslavia外部サイトApproaches to social security : an international survey外部サイトSafety in the manufacture and use of acetylene外部サイトTraining problems in the far east : report on Technical and Vocational Training in the Far East, prepared for the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East外部サイトCollective agreements in agriculture外部サイトIndustrial hygiene and safety and the international labour organisation外部サイトGeneral problems of social insurance外部サイトIndustrial accident statistics外部サイトMaritime statistical handbook外部サイトCompensation for industrial accidents : comparative analysis of national laws外部サイトThe training and employment of disabled persons : a preliminary report外部サイトMethods of statistics of wages and hours of labour外部サイトStatistics of migration : definitions - methods - classifications外部サイトSocial aspects of industrial development in Japan外部サイトNational recovery measures in the United States外部サイトThe International Labour Organisation : a comparaison外部サイトEconomical administration of health insurance benefits外部サイトThe British Government and the Miners' Federation of Great Britain外部サイトHours of work in postal services外部サイトThe rural exodus in Czechoslovakia外部サイトEmployment, unemployment and labour force statistics : a study of methods : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)外部サイトReport of the AD HOC Committee on forced labour外部サイトWage changes in various countries, 1914-1921外部サイトThe co-operative movement and better nutrition : standard definition of foodstuffs education of producers and consumers外部サイトThe investment of the funds of social insurance institutions外部サイトUnemployment and public works外部サイトMinimum wages in Latin America外部サイトSocial problems in agriculture : record of the Permanent Agricultural Committee of the I.L.O. (7-15 February 1938)外部サイトPlantation workers : conditions of work and standards of living外部サイトMigration movements, 1920-1924外部サイトArtificial limbs : appliances for the disabled外部サイトThe representation and organisation of agricultural workers外部サイトServices for small-scale industry外部サイトAdministrative practice of social insurance外部サイトActuarial technique and financial organisation of social insurance : compulsory pension insurance外部サイトWorkmen's compensation for silicosis in the Union of South Africa, Great Britain and Germany外部サイトStabilisation of employment in the United States外部サイトThe compensation of war victims外部サイトStandard code of industrial hygiene外部サイトHours of work on board ship : collection of laws, regulations and collective agreements外部サイトConditions of work in the fishing industry外部サイトSystems of classification of industries and occupations : report prepared for the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (29 October to 2 November 1923)外部サイトThe common interest in international economic organisation外部サイトAgricultural organisations and economic and social development in rural areas外部サイトSocial security in agriculture and rural areas外部サイトPublic investment and full employment外部サイトTrade union rights in U.S.S.R. : documents relating to the case concerning the U.S.S.R. dealt with by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office in its 23rd and 27th reports外部サイトMethods of statistics of industrial injuries : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)外部サイトProblems of vocational guidance外部サイトStudies on industrial relations外部サイトVocational training in Latin America外部サイトThe minimum wage : an international survey外部サイトConciliation and arbitration in industrial disputes外部サイトInternational Conference of Labour Statisticians外部サイトWorkmen's compensation in the United States外部サイトTrade union rights in Hungary : documents relating to the case concerning Hungary dealt with by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office in its 27th report外部サイトFreedom of association外部サイトPrinciples and methods of wage determination in the coal-mining industry : an international survey外部サイトWages and hours of work in the coal-mining industry外部サイトUnemployment : some international aspects, 1920-1928 : report presented to the twelfth session of the International Labour Conference, May-June 1929外部サイトInternational treaties and conventions外部サイトThe sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians : Montreal, 4 to 12 August 1947外部サイトCollective agreements外部サイトThe landless farmer in Latin America : conditions of tenants, share-farmers and similar categories of semi-independent and independent agricultural workers in Latin America外部サイトThe war and women's employment : the experience of the United Kingdom and the United States外部サイトPublic investment and full employment外部サイトBenefits of the German sickness insurance system : from the point of view of social hygiene外部サイトUnemployment insurance schemes外部サイトSafety in dock work外部サイトStatistics of unemployment in various countries : 1910 to 1922外部サイトFreedom of association外部サイトMethods of statistics of unemployment外部サイトWomen's work under labour law : a survey of protective legislation外部サイトProblems and methods of vocational guidance外部サイトTrade union rights in Czechoslovakia : eighth and tenth reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office approved by the governing body on 26 June 1953 during its 122nd session外部サイトThe housing situation in the United States外部サイトApplication of the three-shift system to the iron and steel industry外部サイトThe third international conference of labour statisticians : held at Geneva, 18 to 23 October 1926外部サイトHydro-extractors : their safe construction and equipment外部サイトSeamen's articles of agreement : collection of laws and regulations on the engagement, dismissal, repatriation and discipline of seamen外部サイトApproaches to social security : an international survey外部サイトMethods of compiling housing statistics外部サイトFamily living studies : a symposium外部サイトThe law and women's work : a contribution to the study of the status of women外部サイトThe third international conference of labour statisticians : held at Geneva, 18 to 23 October 1926外部サイトCost-of-living statistics : methods and techniques for the post-war period : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)外部サイトThe International Congress of metal workers外部サイトThe International Labour Organisation and social insurance外部サイトFirst International Congress of Landworkers' Unions affiliated to the International Federation of Trade Unions (Amsterdam 17-19 August 1920)外部サイトSilicosis : records of the International Conference held at Johannesburg 13-27 August 1930外部サイトEcomonic conditions外部サイトTextile wages : an international study外部サイトWorkers' nutrition and social policy外部サイトMinimum wage-fixing machinery : an international study of legislation and practice外部サイトJob evaluation外部サイトWhy labour leaves the land : a comparative study of the movement of labour out of agriculture外部サイトSafety in the construction and use of lifts外部サイトThe protection of eyesight in industry : problems of industrial lighting外部サイトGuide for labour inspectors外部サイトCompulsory sickness insurance : comparative analysis of national laws and statistics外部サイトCompensation for occupational diseases : comparative analysis of national legislation外部サイトEmployment objectives in economic development : report of a meeting of experts外部サイトWorld statistics of aliens : a comparative study of census returns 1910-1920-1930外部サイトThe Miners' international外部サイトTechnical and financial international co-operation with regard to migration for settlement : Technical Conference of Experts外部サイトUnemployment problems in 1931 : studies prepared by the International Labour Office ; in collaboration with professors Ansiaux, Cole, Hahn and Hersch外部サイトHousing and employment外部サイトThe second International Conference of Labour Statisticians held at Geneva, 20 to 25 April 1925外部サイトInternational comparisons of cost of living : a study of certain problems connected with the making of index numbers of food costs and of rents外部サイトUnemployment : some international aspects, 1920-1928 : report presented to the twelfth session of the International Labour Conference, May-June 1929外部サイトHours of labour in industry外部サイトThe co-operative movement and present-day problems : with special reference to rehabilitation and reconstruction外部サイトThe Second Session of the permanent migration committee外部サイトMeasuring labour productivity外部サイトLabour-management co-operation in United States war production : a study of methods and procedure/ International Labour Office外部サイトThe British Government and the Miners' Federation of Great Britain外部サイトMethods of conducting family budget enquiries外部サイトEmployment, wages and international trade外部サイトProduction and employment in the metal trades : the problem of regularisation外部サイトThe T.V.A. : lessons for international application外部サイトPneumoconiosis : a list of references外部サイトPayment by results外部サイトThe chilean development corporation : a study in national planning to raise living standards外部サイトWorks councils in Germany外部サイトThe social consequences of the economic depression外部サイトThe social aspects of rationalisation : introductory studies外部サイトProblems of wage policy in Asian countries外部サイトMethods of family living studies : report prepared for the seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, September 1949)外部サイトThe eight hour day in Italian agriculture外部サイトLabour conditions in the oil industry in Iran : report of a mission of the International Labour Office (January-February 1950)外部サイトAction against unemployment外部サイトMethods of statistics industrial accidents外部サイトThe eight hour day in agriculture before the French chambers of deputies外部サイトOrganisation of industry and labour conditions in Soviet Russia外部サイトStudies in war economics外部サイトAn international enquiry into costs of living : a comparative study of workers' living costs in Detroit (U.S.A.) and fourteen European cities外部サイトUnemployment problems in the United States外部サイトFamily allowances, the remuneration of labour according to need外部サイトThe world textile industry : economic and social problems外部サイトSocial conditions外部サイトThe growth of trade unionism during the ten years 1910-1919外部サイトInternational survey of social services, 1933外部サイトSmall holdings in Scotland外部サイトAn introduction to co-operative practice外部サイトSome social aspects of present and future economic development in Brazil外部サイトIndustrial life in Soviet Russia, 1917-1923外部サイトThe law on the contract of employment of agricultural workers in Austria, Germany and Hungary外部サイトEmployment, wages and international trade外部サイトVocational guidance in France外部サイトThe protection of trade union funds and property外部サイトEmployment and conditions of work of nurses外部サイトThe international standardisation of labour statistics : a review of the statistical work of the International Labour Office and of various international statistical conferences外部サイトMerchant seamen and the war : record of the twelfth session of the joint maritime commission, London, 26-30 June 1942外部サイトCollective bargaining in industrialised market economies外部サイトLife-saving measures for merchant seamen in time of war : statement prepared at the request of the joint maritime commission外部サイトSocial security for seafarers外部サイト






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International Labour Office
Studies and reports (of the I.L.O.)
The international standardisation of labour statistics : a review of the statistical work of the International Labour Office and of various International Statistical Conferences
International comparisons of food costs
The exploitation of foreign labour by Germany
The common interest in international economic organisation
Multinational enterprises and social policy
Approaches to social security : an international survey
Methods of labour productivity statistics
Unemployment in its national and international aspects : report of a conference, organised by the League of Nations Union of Great Britain, and held in London, 25-27 March 1924
Wage changes in various countries, 1914 to 1922
Hours of labour in industry : Switzerland
International standard classification of occupations : report prepared for the seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, September 1949)
Sickness insurance : comparative analyses of national laws
Methods of statistics collective agreements
Organisation on the national and international levels
Hours of labour in industry : United States
The miners' strike in Great Britain
Labour survey of North Africa
Compensation for war disabilities in Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czecho-Slovakia
International Railwaymen's Congress
Labour courts in Latin America : report submitted by the International Labour Office to the Fourth Conference of American State Members of the International Labour Organisation (Montevideo, April 1949) on the fourth item on the agenda, the adjustment of labour disputes
The workers standard of life in countries with depreciated currency
Safety in the manufacture and use of celluloid
Agrarian conditions in Spain
Automatic couplings and the safety of railway workers
Freedom of association and conditions of work in Venezuela
Facilities for the use of workers' leisure during holidays
Conditions in ships flying the Panama flag : report of the Committee of Enquiry of the International Labour Organisation (May-November 1949)
Problems of industry in the East : with special reference to India, French India, Ceylon, Malays and the Netherlands Indies
Recreation and education : reports presented to the International Conference on Workers' Spare Time, Brussels, 15-17 June 1935
Hours of labour in industry : Netherlands
Prices, wages, and incomes policies : in industrialised market economies
White Lead : data collected by the International Labour Office in regard to the use of white lead in the painting industry
World economic development : effects on advanced industrial countries
Methods of compiling statistics of unemployment : replies of the governments
Compensation for war disabilities in Great Britain and the United States
Unemployment, 1920-1923
Housing policy in Europe : cheap home building
Minimum wage fixing and economic development
Methods of compiling statistics of industrial disputes
Wages and regulation of conditions of labour in the U.S.S.R
Colour vision tests
World economic development : effects on advanced industrial countries
Co-operation in industry : workers, employers, public authorities
Public works policy
Labour supply and national defence
Co-operative management and administration
Protection of the health of seamen against venereal disease
The evaluation of permanent incapacity for work in social insurance
Wage changes in various countries : 1914 to 1925
Labour problems in Greece : report of the mission of the International Labour Office to Greece (October-November 1947)
Children and young persons under labour law
Co-operative management and administration
Anthrax in the tannery industry
Compulsory pension insurance : comparative analysis of national laws, and statistics
Employment and economic growth
Conditions of work and life of journalists
Wartime labour conditions and reconstruction planning in India
First International Congress of Christian Land Workers' Unions (Coblenz, 27-28 April 1921)
The co-operative movement in Soviet Russia
International migration, 1945-1957
Housing co-operatives
Wages and payroll statistics : report prepared for the Seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians
Non-contributory pensions
International survey of social security : comparative analysis and summary of national laws
Vocational education in agriculture
Voluntary sickness insurance : collection of national studies (laws and statistics)
Wartime transference of labour in Great Britain
International survey of social services
European housing problems since the war 1914-1923
Hours of labour in industry : Belgium
The development of the co-operative movement in Asia : report prepared for the Asian Regional Conference (Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, January 1950)
The international standardisation of labour statistics
Human resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning
Social aspects of European Economic Co-operation : report by a group of experts
Hours of labour in industry : Czechoslovak republic
African labour survey
The Congress of the Labour and Socialist International
Safety devices for wood-working machinery : Great Britain and Swizerland
Industrial labour in Japan
Hours of labour in industry : Italy
Industrial relations in the United States
The organisation of medical care under social security : a study based on the experience of eight countries
The labour situation in Great Britain : a survey: May-October 1940
Silicosis : proceedings of the International conference held in Geneva, from 29August to 9 September 1938
Labour courts : an international survey of judicial systems for the settlement of disputes
Labour conditions in war contracts : with special reference to Canada, Great Britain and the United States
Indigenous peoples : living and working conditions of aboriginal populations in independent countries
Labour problems in Turkey : report of a mission of the International Labour Office, March-May 1949
Industrial labour in India
Labour-management co-operation in France
Hours of labour in industry : Germany
Employment exchanges : an international study of placing activities
The Medical inspection of labour : report of meeting inspectors of labour held in Düsseldorf, 15-16 september 1926
The dispute in the metal industry in Italy : trade union control in industry
Higher Productivity in Manufacturing Industries
Three sources of unemployment : the combined action of population changes, technical progress and economic development
Immigration laws and regulations
Labour conditions in Indo-China
Opium and labour : being a report on a documentary investigation into the extent and effects of opium-smoking among workers
Comparative analysis
Migration movements 1925-1927
Economic barometers
Joint Production Committees in Great Britain
Migration movements 1920-1923
The displacement of population in Europe
Methods of family living studies : income-expenditure-consumption
Food control in Great Britain
Tendencies of European Labour Legislation since the War
Technical progress and unemployment : an enquiry into the obstacles to economic expansion
Refugees and labour conditions in Bulgaria
Labour policies in the West Indies
Scientific management in Europe
Collective bargaining in industrialised market economies
Social policy in dependent territories
British joint production machinery
Safety in spray painting
Technical and social changes in the world's ports
The migration of workers : recruitment, placing and conditions of labour
The trade union movement in Soviet Russia
Nutrition in industry
Annual Meeting of the Trades Union Congress 1920
Labour conditions in war contracts : with special reference to Canada, Great Britain and the United States
Social and economic reconstruction in the United States
Unemployment and Structural change
Methods of compiling cost of living index numbers
Ability in typewriting in relation to vocational guidance
The worker's standard of living
Methods of compiling statistics of coal-mining accidents
The quality of labour and economic development in certain countries : a preliminary study
Protection of workers operating metal-working presses
Engineers and chemists : status and employment in industry
Compulsory labour service in Bulgaria
The T.V.A. : lessons for international application
Freedom of association and conditions of work in Venezuela : Report of the mission of the International Labour Office (22 July-1 September 1949)
Unemployment insurance : study of comparative legislation
Industrial conditions and labour legislation in Japan
The cost of medical care
Seafarers' conditions in India and Pakistan : report on a mission of enquiry october-november 1947
Labour-management co-operation in United States war production : a study of methods and procedure
Industrial relations in Great Britain
Motion study in typewriting : a record of experiments
Compensation for war disablement in France : Act of March 31st, 1919
Methods of compiling statistics of railway accidents
Industrial relations in Great Britain
Labour costs in European industry
International comparisons of real wages : a study of methods
Human resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning
Hours of labour in industry : Great Britain
Statistical methods for measuring occupational morbidity and mortality
Emigration laws and regulations
The rural exodus in Germany
Workers' management in Yugoslavia
Approaches to social security : an international survey
Safety in the manufacture and use of acetylene
Training problems in the far east : report on Technical and Vocational Training in the Far East, prepared for the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
Collective agreements in agriculture
Industrial hygiene and safety and the international labour organisation
General problems of social insurance
Industrial accident statistics
Maritime statistical handbook
Compensation for industrial accidents : comparative analysis of national laws
The training and employment of disabled persons : a preliminary report
Methods of statistics of wages and hours of labour
Statistics of migration : definitions - methods - classifications
Social aspects of industrial development in Japan
National recovery measures in the United States
The International Labour Organisation : a comparaison
Economical administration of health insurance benefits
The British Government and the Miners' Federation of Great Britain
Hours of work in postal services
The rural exodus in Czechoslovakia
Employment, unemployment and labour force statistics : a study of methods : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)
Report of the AD HOC Committee on forced labour
Wage changes in various countries, 1914-1921
The co-operative movement and better nutrition : standard definition of foodstuffs education of producers and consumers
The investment of the funds of social insurance institutions
Unemployment and public works
Minimum wages in Latin America
Social problems in agriculture : record of the Permanent Agricultural Committee of the I.L.O. (7-15 February 1938)
Plantation workers : conditions of work and standards of living
Migration movements, 1920-1924
Artificial limbs : appliances for the disabled
The representation and organisation of agricultural workers
Services for small-scale industry
Administrative practice of social insurance
Actuarial technique and financial organisation of social insurance : compulsory pension insurance
Workmen's compensation for silicosis in the Union of South Africa, Great Britain and Germany
Stabilisation of employment in the United States
The compensation of war victims
Standard code of industrial hygiene
Hours of work on board ship : collection of laws, regulations and collective agreements
Conditions of work in the fishing industry
Systems of classification of industries and occupations : report prepared for the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (29 October to 2 November 1923)
The common interest in international economic organisation
Agricultural organisations and economic and social development in rural areas
Social security in agriculture and rural areas
Public investment and full employment
Trade union rights in U.S.S.R. : documents relating to the case concerning the U.S.S.R. dealt with by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office in its 23rd and 27th reports
Methods of statistics of industrial injuries : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)
Problems of vocational guidance
Studies on industrial relations
Vocational training in Latin America
The minimum wage : an international survey
Conciliation and arbitration in industrial disputes
International Conference of Labour Statisticians
Workmen's compensation in the United States
Trade union rights in Hungary : documents relating to the case concerning Hungary dealt with by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office in its 27th report
Freedom of association
Principles and methods of wage determination in the coal-mining industry : an international survey
Wages and hours of work in the coal-mining industry
Unemployment : some international aspects, 1920-1928 : report presented to the twelfth session of the International Labour Conference, May-June 1929
International treaties and conventions
The sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians : Montreal, 4 to 12 August 1947
Collective agreements
The landless farmer in Latin America : conditions of tenants, share-farmers and similar categories of semi-independent and independent agricultural workers in Latin America
The war and women's employment : the experience of the United Kingdom and the United States
Public investment and full employment
Benefits of the German sickness insurance system : from the point of view of social hygiene
Unemployment insurance schemes
Safety in dock work
Statistics of unemployment in various countries : 1910 to 1922
Freedom of association
Methods of statistics of unemployment
Women's work under labour law : a survey of protective legislation
Problems and methods of vocational guidance
Trade union rights in Czechoslovakia : eighth and tenth reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association of the governing body of the International Labour Office approved by the governing body on 26 June 1953 during its 122nd session
The housing situation in the United States
Application of the three-shift system to the iron and steel industry
The third international conference of labour statisticians : held at Geneva, 18 to 23 October 1926
Hydro-extractors : their safe construction and equipment
Seamen's articles of agreement : collection of laws and regulations on the engagement, dismissal, repatriation and discipline of seamen
Approaches to social security : an international survey
Methods of compiling housing statistics
Family living studies : a symposium
The law and women's work : a contribution to the study of the status of women
The third international conference of labour statisticians : held at Geneva, 18 to 23 October 1926
Cost-of-living statistics : methods and techniques for the post-war period : report prepared for the sixth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Montreal, 4-12 August 1947)
The International Congress of metal workers
The International Labour Organisation and social insurance
First International Congress of Landworkers' Unions affiliated to the International Federation of Trade Unions (Amsterdam 17-19 August 1920)
Silicosis : records of the International Conference held at Johannesburg 13-27 August 1930
Ecomonic conditions
Textile wages : an international study
Workers' nutrition and social policy
Minimum wage-fixing machinery : an international study of legislation and practice
Job evaluation
Why labour leaves the land : a comparative study of the movement of labour out of agriculture
Safety in the construction and use of lifts
The protection of eyesight in industry : problems of industrial lighting
Guide for labour inspectors
Compulsory sickness insurance : comparative analysis of national laws and statistics
Compensation for occupational diseases : comparative analysis of national legislation
Employment objectives in economic development : report of a meeting of experts
World statistics of aliens : a comparative study of census returns 1910-1920-1930
The Miners' international
Technical and financial international co-operation with regard to migration for settlement : Technical Conference of Experts
Unemployment problems in 1931 : studies prepared by the International Labour Office ; in collaboration with professors Ansiaux, Cole, Hahn and Hersch
Housing and employment
The second International Conference of Labour Statisticians held at Geneva, 20 to 25 April 1925
International comparisons of cost of living : a study of certain problems connected with the making of index numbers of food costs and of rents
Unemployment : some international aspects, 1920-1928 : report presented to the twelfth session of the International Labour Conference, May-June 1929
Hours of labour in industry
The co-operative movement and present-day problems : with special reference to rehabilitation and reconstruction
The Second Session of the permanent migration committee
Measuring labour productivity
Labour-management co-operation in United States war production : a study of methods and procedure/ International Labour Office
The British Government and the Miners' Federation of Great Britain
Methods of conducting family budget enquiries
Employment, wages and international trade
Production and employment in the metal trades : the problem of regularisation
The T.V.A. : lessons for international application
Pneumoconiosis : a list of references
Payment by results
The chilean development corporation : a study in national planning to raise living standards
Works councils in Germany
The social consequences of the economic depression
The social aspects of rationalisation : introductory studies
Problems of wage policy in Asian countries
Methods of family living studies : report prepared for the seventh International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, September 1949)
The eight hour day in Italian agriculture
Labour conditions in the oil industry in Iran : report of a mission of the International Labour Office (January-February 1950)
Action against unemployment
Methods of statistics industrial accidents
The eight hour day in agriculture before the French chambers of deputies
Organisation of industry and labour conditions in Soviet Russia
Studies in war economics
An international enquiry into costs of living : a comparative study of workers' living costs in Detroit (U.S.A.) and fourteen European cities
Unemployment problems in the United States
Family allowances, the remuneration of labour according to need
The world textile industry : economic and social problems
Social conditions
The growth of trade unionism during the ten years 1910-1919
International survey of social services, 1933
Small holdings in Scotland
An introduction to co-operative practice
Some social aspects of present and future economic development in Brazil
Industrial life in Soviet Russia, 1917-1923
The law on the contract of employment of agricultural workers in Austria, Germany and Hungary
Employment, wages and international trade
Vocational guidance in France
The protection of trade union funds and property
Employment and conditions of work of nurses
The international standardisation of labour statistics : a review of the statistical work of the International Labour Office and of various international statistical conferences
Merchant seamen and the war : record of the twelfth session of the joint maritime commission, London, 26-30 June 1942
Collective bargaining in industrialised market economies
Life-saving measures for merchant seamen in time of war : statement prepared at the request of the joint maritime commission
Social security for seafarers