
NBS special publication


NBS special publication

Planning Office, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Dept. of Commerce





An Investigation of the Miyagi-ken-oki, Japan, earthquake of June 12, 1978外部サイトSoft X-ray emission spectra of metallic solids : critical review of selected systems and annotated spectral index外部サイトComparison of original and supplemental SRM 705, narrow molecular weight distribution polystyrene外部サイトNeutron standards and applications : proceedings of the international specialists symposium on neutron standards and applications held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, March 28-31, 1977外部サイトAn index of state specifications and standards : covering those standards and specification issued by state purchasing offices of the United States外部サイトA reverse-bias safe operating area transistor tester外部サイトApproaches to privacy and security in computer systems : proceedings of a conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, March 4-5, 1974外部サイトAutomated scanning low-energy electron probe (ASLEEP) for semiconductor wafer diagnostics外部サイトSelection of differential thermal analysis temperature standards through a cooperative study (SRM 758, 759, 760)外部サイトUse of standard light-sensitive paper for calibrating carbon arcs used in testing textiles for colorfastness to light外部サイトBibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra外部サイトPhotonuclear data index, 1973-1977外部サイトImproved infrared response technique for detecting defects and impurities in germanium and silicon p-i-n diodes外部サイトProgress report, July 1 to September 30, 1976外部サイトThermal conductivity : proceedings of the seventh conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 13-16, 1967外部サイトModern trends in activation analysis : proceedings of the 1968 International Conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 7-11, 1968外部サイトQuantitative electron probe microanalysis : proceedings of a Seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 12-13, 1967外部サイトAn analysis of computer security safeguards for detecting and preventing intentional computer misuse外部サイトBibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities January 1916 through June 1969 /(by) B. M. Miles & W. L. Wiese外部サイトNBS research reports外部サイトDirectory of law enforcement and criminal justice associations and research centers外部サイトThe technological knowledge base for industrializing countries : proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD Seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 16-17, 1978外部サイトData base reorganization : principles and practice外部サイトGuide to computer program directories外部サイトFire research and safety : proceedings of the fifth Joint Panel Meeting of the U.S.--Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, held October 15-24, 1980, at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD外部サイトThe electron factor in catalysis on metals : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 8-9, 1975外部サイトMethod for determining the resolving power of photographic lenses外部サイトWind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Sixth Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 15-17, 1974外部サイトA contribution to Computer typesetting techniques : tables of coordinates for Hershey's Repertory of occidental type fonts and graphic symbols外部サイトStandards on noise measurements, rating schemes, and definitions : a compilation外部サイトSummer attic and whole-house ventilation : proceedings of a workshop held on July 13, 1978 at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland外部サイトA wafer chuck for use between -196 and 350[0]C外部サイトNoise criteria for buildings : a critical review外部サイトBuilding technology publications外部サイトAssessment of current building regulatory methods as applied to the needs of historic preservation projects外部サイトPreparation and calibration of standards of spectral specular reflectance外部サイトMicroelectronic processing laboratory at NBS外部サイトComputer performance evaluation : report of the 1973 NBS/ACM workshop外部サイトThe mechanisms of pyrolysis, oxidation, and burning of organic materials : Based on invited papers and discussion外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1983 : proceedings of a symposium, November 14-16, 1983, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1974 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトARPA/NBS workshop III. test patterns for integrated circuits外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1970 : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトSilicon device processing : proceedings of a symposium held at Gaithersburg, Maryland June 2-3, 1970外部サイトEfficient allocation of research funds : economic evaluation methods with case studies in building technology外部サイトChemical kinetics in the C-O-S and H-N-O-S systems : a bibliography -- 1899 through June 1971外部サイトSizing distributed systems : overview and recommendations外部サイトThermal conductivity and electrical resistivity standard reference materials : austenitic stainless steel, SRM's 735 and 798, from 4 to 1200 K外部サイトUltrasonic tissue characterization II : a collection of reviewed papers based on talks presented at the Second International Symposium on Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 13-15, 1977外部サイトHydraulic research in the United States and Canada, 1972外部サイトMethods of analysis of NBS clay standards外部サイトTransfer of radiation in spectral lines外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards, 1973 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトA production-compatible microelectronic test pattern for evaluating photomask misalignment外部サイトNotes on SEM examination of microelectronic devices外部サイトTesting and certification for export products in industrializing countries : proceedings of a regional seminar held at the Regional English Language Centre and International House, Singapore, May 19-20, 1975外部サイトThe consumer外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1977 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトNuclear cross sections and technology : proceedings of a conference, Washington, D.C., March 3-7, 1975外部サイトApplication of measurement criteria in the selection of interactive computer services外部サイトNBS/FDA workshop : reliability technology for cardiac pacemakers外部サイトBibliography on atomic line shapes and shifts (July 1973 through May 1975)外部サイトSpectrum formation in stars with steady-state extended atmospheres : proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium no. 2, Commission 36, Munich, Germany, April 16-19, 1969外部サイトQuarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1973外部サイトMeasurement of transistor scattering parameters外部サイトDISTRIB I, an impurity redistribution computer program外部サイトCharacterization of high temperature vapors and gases : proceedings of the 10th materials research symposium held at the national bureau of standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Septemberl 18-22, 1978外部サイトQuarterly report, April 1 to June 30, 1974外部サイトElectrical resistivity of electrolytic iron, SRM 797, and austenitic stainless steel, SRM 798, from 5 to 280 K外部サイトUltrasonic tissue characterization : proceedings of a seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., May 28-30, 1975外部サイトMFPG detection, diagnosis, and prognosis : proceedings of the 22nd meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, held at Anaheim, California ... April 23-25, 1975外部サイトProgress report, October 1 to December 31, 1974外部サイトARPA/NBS workshop IV. surface analysis for silicon devices外部サイトSome aspects of dose measurement for accurate ion implantation外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on frequency amd time外部サイトConversion of federal ADP systems : a tutorial外部サイトThe science of ceramic machining and surface finishing II : proceedings of a symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 13-15, 1978外部サイトThe Characterization of linear polyethylene SRM 1475外部サイトComputer performance evaluation : proceedings of the eighth meeting of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG)外部サイトTentative provisions for the development of seismic regulations for buildings : a cooperative effort with the design professions, building code interests, and the research community外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on radiometry and photometry外部サイトReliability technology for cardiac pacemakers II : a workshop report外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1980 : proceedings of a symposium , September 30-October 1, 1980, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトComputers, personnel administration, and citizen rights外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on image optics外部サイトThe dopant density and temperature dependence of electron mobility and resistivity in n-type silicon外部サイトAn automated photovoltaic system for the measurement of resistivity variations in high-resistivity circular silicon slices外部サイトCombined quarterly report, October 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974外部サイトA key notarization system for computer networks外部サイト56th national conference on weights and measures 1971外部サイトResearch and innovation in the building regulatory process : proceedings of the NBS/NCSBCS joint conference外部サイトPreparation and use of superconductive fixed point devices, SRM 767外部サイトResearch and testing facilities of the Engineering Mechanics Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials: 1972 : proceedings of a Sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials and by the National Bureau of Standards外部サイトProceedings of the 7th annual conference of the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards : held in Austin, Texas, April 28-May 3, 1974外部サイトOverview of computer security certification and accreditation外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials 1973 : proceedings ... May 15-16, 1973, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on mechanics外部サイトAnnotated bibliography of the literature on resource sharing computer networks外部サイトA laser scanner for semiconductor devices外部サイトBuilding technology project summaries外部サイトBenchmarking and workload definition : a selected bibliography with abstracts外部サイトMicroelectronic test pattern NBS-3 for evaluating the resistivity-dopant density relationship of silicon外部サイトHydraulic research in the United States and Canada, 1978外部サイトPhotonuclear reaction data, 1973外部サイトBuilding for people : behavioral research approaches and directions外部サイトCeramics外部サイトMeasures for progress : a history of the National Bureau of Standards外部サイトSelection of data entry equipment外部サイトProgress report, October 1, 1976 to March 31, 1977外部サイトMicroelectronic ultrasonic bonding外部サイトTechniques for measuring the integrity of passivation overcoats on integrated circuits外部サイトA 25-kV bias-isolation unit for 1-MHz capacitance and conductance measurements外部サイトThe theoretical and experimental study of the temperature and dopant density dependence of hole mobility, effective mass, and resistivity in boron-doped silicon外部サイトBibliography of ion-molecule reaction rate data (January 1950-October 1971)外部サイトThe resource recovery planning model : a new tool for solid waste management外部サイトQuarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1974外部サイトMass transport in oxides : proceedings of a symposium held at Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 22-25, 1967外部サイトBibliography on atomic line shapes and shifts (1889 through March 1972)外部サイトIndustrialized building in the Soviet Union : a report of the U.S. delegation to the U.S.S.R.外部サイトSelected NBS papers on temperature外部サイトColorimetry and spectrophotometry : a bibliography of NBS publications, January 1906 through January 1973外部サイトMeasurement & analysis of productivity growth : a synthesis of thought外部サイトCatalog of National Bureau of Standards publications, 1966-1976外部サイトCompilation of elemental concentration data for NBS biological, geological, and environmental standard reference materials外部サイトWater supply and drainage in buildings : proceedings of an international symposium, September 28-30, 1976, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.外部サイトGlass filters as a standard reference material for spectrophotometry : selection, preparation, certification, use SRM 930外部サイトOptical and dimensional-measurement problems with photomasking in microelectronics外部サイトRequirements for an effective national ionizing radiation measurements program : a report to the congress by the National Bureau of Standards外部サイトAutomated photomask inspection外部サイトComputer security and the data encryption standard : proceedings of the Conference on Computer Security and the Data Encryption Standard held at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on February 15, 1977外部サイトInternational trade外部サイトCorrosion of metals外部サイトPreparation and evaluation of SRM's 481 and 482 gold-silver and gold-copper alloys for microanalysis外部サイトApplications of phase diagrams in metallurgy and ceramics : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 10-12, 1977外部サイトDirectory of United States standardization activities外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1979 : proceedings of a symposium外部サイトDescription and use of precision thermometers for the clinical laboratory, SRM 933 and SRM 934外部サイトAccurate characterization of the high-pressure environment : proceedings of a symposium held at the national bureau of standards, Gaithersburg Md., October 14-18, 1968外部サイトSemiconductor measurement technology : spreading resistance symposium : proceedings of a symposium, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., June 13-14, 1974外部サイトProceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) 19th meeting, San Francisco, California, October 25-28, 1983外部サイトStandard reference materials : SRM 768 ; temperature reference standard for use below 0.5 K外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1978 : proceeding[s] of a symposium外部サイトApplications of closed-cycle cryocoolers to small superconducting devices : proceedings of a conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, October 3-4, 1977外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : electricity-radio frequency外部サイトAccuracy in powder diffraction : proceedings of a Symposium on Accuracy in Powder Diffraction held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June, 11-15, 1979外部サイトPerformance concept in buildings : proceedings of a symposium jointly sponsored by the International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation (CIB), Philadelphia, Pa., May 2-5, 1972外部サイトTechnical digest, Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements, 1980 : digest of a symposium外部サイトAn index of U.S. voluntary engineering standards : covering those standards, specifications, test methods, and recommended practices issued by National Standardization Organizations in the United States外部サイトBibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra, July 1968 through June 1971外部サイトSimulation and gaming : proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium, National Gaming Council, and the 4th Annual Conference, International Simulation and Gaming Association, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., September 17-19, 1973外部サイトStructure shielding against fallout gamma rays from nuclear detonations外部サイトContributions to color science外部サイトBibliography of low energy electron and photon cross section data (through December 1974)外部サイトComputers in the federal government : a compilation of statistics-1978外部サイトThe creative partnership. government and the professional services : proceedings of the Fourth Users-Producers Conference ... held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaitherburg, Md., January 23, 1973外部サイトThe Menzel symposium on solar physics, atomic spectra, and gaseous nebulae : proceedings of a Symposium held at the Harvard College Observatory, Camblidge, Massachusetts, April 8-9, 1971外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1981 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], November 17-18, 1981, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトRequirements for an effective national nonionizing radiation measurement system : prepared in response to a recommendation by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1975 : proceedings of a symposium外部サイトWind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Seventh Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 20-23, 1975外部サイトOzone reactions in aqueous solutions : a bibliography外部サイトTrace organic analysis : a new frontier in analytical chemistry : proceedings of the 9th Materials Research Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 10-13, 1978外部サイトSafe operation of capacitance meters using high applied-bias voltage外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1968-1969 : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on Colorimetry外部サイトNonmanufacturing businesses外部サイトCalibrated glass standards for fission track use外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1982 : proceedings of a symposium ,November 16-17, 1982, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトBibliography on atomic transition probabilities July 1971 through June 1973外部サイトSupplementary bibliography of kinetic data on gas phase reactions of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides (1972-1973)外部サイトA guide to methods and standards for the measurement of water flow外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1984 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], October 15-17, 1984, NBS, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトProcedures used at the National Bureau of Standards to determine selected trace elements in biological and botanical materials外部サイトFundamental aspects of dislocation theory : conference proceedings, National Bureau of Standards, April 21-25, 1969外部サイト1973 catalog外部サイトValidation, verification, and testing for the individual programmer外部サイトVibrationally excited hydrogen halides : a bibliography on chemical kinetics of chemiexcitation and energy transfer processes (1958 through 1973)外部サイトSoftware validation, verification, and testing technique and tool reference guide外部サイトEnergy-effective windows : the search for knowledge on the design and engineering of windows in the cause of energy conservation : proceedings of a joint DOE (ERDA)/NBS conference/round table on energy-effective windows, held in Washington, D.C., on April 13th, 1977外部サイトProceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) 17th meeting, San Antonio, Texas, November 16-19, 1981外部サイトPlanar test structures for characterizing impurities in silicon外部サイトPrecision measurement and fundamental constants; proceedings外部サイトThe Destructive bond pull test外部サイトNuclear cross sections for technology : proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology, held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, October 22-26, 1979外部サイトMicroelectronic test patterns : an overview外部サイトFourth International Congress for Stereology ; proceedings of the fourth International Congress for Stereology, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A., September 4-9, 1975外部サイトEquilibrium critical phenomena in fluids and mixtures : a comprehensive bibliography with key-word descriptors外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1971 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトData base directions, the next steps : proceedings of the Workshop of the National Bureau of Standards and the Association for Computing Machinery, at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 29-31, 1975外部サイトSpace simulation : proceedings of a conference held at NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 14-16, 1970外部サイトMetrication in building design, production, and construction : a compendium of 10 papers外部サイトWolf-Rayet stars : proceedings of a Symposium held at The Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, June 10-14, 1968外部サイトThe eddy current decay method for resistivity characterization of high purity metals外部サイトA history of walkway slip-resistance research at the National Bureau of Standards外部サイトElectronic composition in printing : proceedings of a symposium, National Bureau of Standards, June 15-16, 1967外部サイトThermal analysis, human comfort, indoor environments : proceedings of a symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, February 11, 1977外部サイトA versatile high-voltage bias supply for extended range MIS C(V) and G(V) measurements外部サイトMaking valuable measurements : proceedings of the 1968 Standards Laboratory Conference外部サイトAngular sensitivity of controlled implanted doping profiles外部サイトMarine pollution monitoring (petroleum) : proceedings of as symposium and workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., May 13-17, 1974外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1977 : proceedings of a symposium, October 4-6, 1977, NBS Boulder, Colorado外部サイトProgress report, January 1 to June 30, 1975外部サイトAccuracy in spectrophotometry and luminescence measurements : proceedings of the conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. March 22-24, 1972外部サイトARPA/NBS workshop I. measurement problems in integrated circuit processing and assembly外部サイトThermal conductivity and electrical resistivity : standard reference materials: tungsten SRM's 730 and 799, from 4 to 3000K外部サイトChemical kinetic data needs for modeling the lower troposphere : proceedings of a workshop held at Reston, Virginia, May 15-17, 1978外部サイトReaction rate and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry - 1977外部サイトPreparation and homogeneity characterization of an austenitic iron-chromium-nickel alloy外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on Statistical concepts and procedures外部サイトFundamental aspects of dislocation theory : conference proceedings, National Bureau of Standards, April 21-25, 1969外部サイトAudit and evaluation of computer security II : system vulnerabilities and controls : proceedings of the NBS invitational workshop, held at Miami Beach, Florida, November 28-30, 1978外部サイトDefects in PN junctions and MOS capacitors observed using thermally stimulated current and capacitance measurements, videotape script外部サイトProgress report, July 1 to December 31, 1975外部サイトCatalog of NBS Standard reference materials 1975-76 edition外部サイトResearch and innovation in the building regulatory process : proceedings of the Sixth NBS/NCSBCS Joint Conference, Technical Seminar on Streamlined Administrative Procedures, Computers in Construction, and Fire Safety Technology, held in Denver, Colorado on September 11, 1984外部サイトDevelopment of NBS standard reference material no. 1579, powdered lead-based paint外部サイトDental materials research : proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., October 6-8, 1969外部サイトFederal government: civilian agencies外部サイトAnalytical chemistry : key to progress on national problems : proceedings外部サイトStandardization in spectrophotometry and luminescence measurements : proceedings of a workshop seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November, November 19-20, 1975外部サイトSelected topics on hydrogen fuel外部サイトIndex of international standards外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1976 : proceeding of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], July 13-15, 1976, NBS Boulder, Colorado外部サイトIndex to the Reports of the National Conference on Weights and Measures : from the first to the fifty-sixth 1905 to 1971外部サイトThermoelectric voltage of silver-28 atomic percent gold thermocouple wire, SRM 733, versus common thermocouple materials (between liquid helium and ice fixed points)外部サイトNeutron cross sections and technology : proceedings of a conference, Washington, D.C., March 4-7, 1968外部サイトARPA/NBS workshop II : hermeticity testing for integrated circuits外部サイトProgress report, January 1 to June 30, 1976外部サイトA history of the metric system controversy in the United States外部サイトThe role of cavitation in mechanical failures : proceedings of the 19th meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group外部サイトBibliography on the analyses of optical atomic spectra外部サイトU.S. access to Japanese technical literature : electronics and electrical engineering外部サイトAn Author and permuted title index to selected statistical journals外部サイトMan, his job, and the environment : a review and annotated bibliography of selected recent research on human performance外部サイトGuideline on major job accounting systems : the system management facilities (SMF) for IBM systems under OS/MVT外部サイトMicroelectronic test pattern NBS-4外部サイトBibliography of infrared spectroscopy through 1960外部サイトElectronic density of states : Based on invited and contributed papers and discussion外部サイトMechanical properties of metals外部サイトHydraulic research in the United States 1968外部サイトWorkshop on Standards for Image Pattern Recognition外部サイトReport of the 59th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1974外部サイトFire research and safety : proceedings of the third joint panel conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources held March 13-17, 1978, at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on electricity - low frequency外部サイトStandard quartz cuvettes for high accuracy spectrophotometry外部サイトBibliography of temperature measurement, January 1953 to December 1969外部サイトPrecision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on heat外部サイトA supplementary bibliography of kinetic data on gas phase reactions of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides外部サイトProceedings of the National Conference on Regulatory Aspects of Building Rehabilitation, held at the National Bureau of Standards, October 30, 1978外部サイトThe hazard of benzidine to criminal justice personnel外部サイトWind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Eighth Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 18-21, 1976外部サイトMechanical failure, definition of the problem : proceedings of the 20th meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 1974外部サイトData abstraction, databases, and conceptual modelling : an annotated bibliography外部サイトPublications of the National Bureau of Standards 1972 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes外部サイトPermanent damage effects of nuclear radiation on the X-band performance of silicon Schottky-barrier microwave mixer diodes外部サイトSuppression of premature dielectric breakdown for high-voltage capacitance measurements外部サイトProceedings of the Third Cryocooler Conference : National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, September 17-18, 1984外部サイトComputer literature bibliography外部サイトSuccessful experiences in teaching metric : a conference in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Metric Convention, 1875-1975, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, May 20-21, 1975外部サイトThermal conductivity and electrical resistivity standard reference materials : electrolytic iron SRM's 734 and 797 from 4 to 1000 K外部サイトIon-selective electrodes : proceedings外部サイトThe international system of units (SI)外部サイトNBS FORTRAN test programs外部サイトElectrocatalysis on non-metallic surfaces : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 9-12, 1975外部サイトMolecular dynamics and structure of solids外部サイトHydraulic research in the United States 1970 : including contributions from Canadian Laboratories外部サイトSolid state chemistry : proceedings of the 5th Materials Research Symposium sponsered by the Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, October 18-21, 1971 held at Gaithersburg, Maryland外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1974 : proceedings of a symposium ... May 22-23, 1974 NBS Boulder, Colorado外部サイトFuture information processing technology-1983外部サイトThe science of ceramic machining and surface finishing : proceedings of a sponsored by the American Ceramic Society, the Office of Naval Research, November 2-4, 1970 held at NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland外部サイトNondestructive tests used to insure the integrity of semiconductor devices with emphasis on acoustic emission techniques外部サイトBibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities 1914 through October 1977外部サイトSafe operating area limits for power transistors外部サイトAccuracy in trace analysis : sampling, sample handling analysis : proceedings of the 7th materials research symposium外部サイトAnalytical methods for safeguqrds and accountability measurements of special nuclear materials外部サイトA BASIC program for calculating dopant density profiles from capacitance-voltage data外部サイトThe public need and the role of the inventor : proceedings of a Conference held in Monterey, California, June 11-14, 1973外部サイトSpecial technical facilities at the National Bureau of Standards外部サイトSpreading resistance analysis for silicon layers with nonuniform resistivity外部サイトReport of the 58th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1973 : ... Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 22-27, 1973外部サイトBiomaterials : proceedings of a symposium held in conjunction with the ninth annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, New Orleans, April 19-20, 1974外部サイトSelected papers dealing with regulatory concerns of building rehabilitation外部サイト






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National Bureau of Standards special publication
An Investigation of the Miyagi-ken-oki, Japan, earthquake of June 12, 1978
Soft X-ray emission spectra of metallic solids : critical review of selected systems and annotated spectral index
Comparison of original and supplemental SRM 705, narrow molecular weight distribution polystyrene
Neutron standards and applications : proceedings of the international specialists symposium on neutron standards and applications held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, March 28-31, 1977
An index of state specifications and standards : covering those standards and specification issued by state purchasing offices of the United States
A reverse-bias safe operating area transistor tester
Approaches to privacy and security in computer systems : proceedings of a conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, March 4-5, 1974
Automated scanning low-energy electron probe (ASLEEP) for semiconductor wafer diagnostics
Selection of differential thermal analysis temperature standards through a cooperative study (SRM 758, 759, 760)
Use of standard light-sensitive paper for calibrating carbon arcs used in testing textiles for colorfastness to light
Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra
Photonuclear data index, 1973-1977
Improved infrared response technique for detecting defects and impurities in germanium and silicon p-i-n diodes
Progress report, July 1 to September 30, 1976
Thermal conductivity : proceedings of the seventh conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 13-16, 1967
Modern trends in activation analysis : proceedings of the 1968 International Conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 7-11, 1968
Quantitative electron probe microanalysis : proceedings of a Seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 12-13, 1967
An analysis of computer security safeguards for detecting and preventing intentional computer misuse
Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities January 1916 through June 1969 /(by) B. M. Miles & W. L. Wiese
NBS research reports
Directory of law enforcement and criminal justice associations and research centers
The technological knowledge base for industrializing countries : proceedings of the NBS/AID UNCSTD Seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 16-17, 1978
Data base reorganization : principles and practice
Guide to computer program directories
Fire research and safety : proceedings of the fifth Joint Panel Meeting of the U.S.--Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, held October 15-24, 1980, at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
The electron factor in catalysis on metals : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 8-9, 1975
Method for determining the resolving power of photographic lenses
Wind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Sixth Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 15-17, 1974
A contribution to Computer typesetting techniques : tables of coordinates for Hershey's Repertory of occidental type fonts and graphic symbols
Standards on noise measurements, rating schemes, and definitions : a compilation
Summer attic and whole-house ventilation : proceedings of a workshop held on July 13, 1978 at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland
A wafer chuck for use between -196 and 350[0]C
Noise criteria for buildings : a critical review
Building technology publications
Assessment of current building regulatory methods as applied to the needs of historic preservation projects
Preparation and calibration of standards of spectral specular reflectance
Microelectronic processing laboratory at NBS
Computer performance evaluation : report of the 1973 NBS/ACM workshop
The mechanisms of pyrolysis, oxidation, and burning of organic materials : Based on invited papers and discussion
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1983 : proceedings of a symposium, November 14-16, 1983, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1974 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
ARPA/NBS workshop III. test patterns for integrated circuits
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1970 : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
Silicon device processing : proceedings of a symposium held at Gaithersburg, Maryland June 2-3, 1970
Efficient allocation of research funds : economic evaluation methods with case studies in building technology
Chemical kinetics in the C-O-S and H-N-O-S systems : a bibliography -- 1899 through June 1971
Sizing distributed systems : overview and recommendations
Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity standard reference materials : austenitic stainless steel, SRM's 735 and 798, from 4 to 1200 K
Ultrasonic tissue characterization II : a collection of reviewed papers based on talks presented at the Second International Symposium on Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 13-15, 1977
Hydraulic research in the United States and Canada, 1972
Methods of analysis of NBS clay standards
Transfer of radiation in spectral lines
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards, 1973 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
A production-compatible microelectronic test pattern for evaluating photomask misalignment
Notes on SEM examination of microelectronic devices
Testing and certification for export products in industrializing countries : proceedings of a regional seminar held at the Regional English Language Centre and International House, Singapore, May 19-20, 1975
The consumer
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1977 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
Nuclear cross sections and technology : proceedings of a conference, Washington, D.C., March 3-7, 1975
Application of measurement criteria in the selection of interactive computer services
NBS/FDA workshop : reliability technology for cardiac pacemakers
Bibliography on atomic line shapes and shifts (July 1973 through May 1975)
Spectrum formation in stars with steady-state extended atmospheres : proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium no. 2, Commission 36, Munich, Germany, April 16-19, 1969
Quarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1973
Measurement of transistor scattering parameters
DISTRIB I, an impurity redistribution computer program
Characterization of high temperature vapors and gases : proceedings of the 10th materials research symposium held at the national bureau of standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Septemberl 18-22, 1978
Quarterly report, April 1 to June 30, 1974
Electrical resistivity of electrolytic iron, SRM 797, and austenitic stainless steel, SRM 798, from 5 to 280 K
Ultrasonic tissue characterization : proceedings of a seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., May 28-30, 1975
MFPG detection, diagnosis, and prognosis : proceedings of the 22nd meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, held at Anaheim, California ... April 23-25, 1975
Progress report, October 1 to December 31, 1974
ARPA/NBS workshop IV. surface analysis for silicon devices
Some aspects of dose measurement for accurate ion implantation
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on frequency amd time
Conversion of federal ADP systems : a tutorial
The science of ceramic machining and surface finishing II : proceedings of a symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 13-15, 1978
The Characterization of linear polyethylene SRM 1475
Computer performance evaluation : proceedings of the eighth meeting of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG)
Tentative provisions for the development of seismic regulations for buildings : a cooperative effort with the design professions, building code interests, and the research community
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on radiometry and photometry
Reliability technology for cardiac pacemakers II : a workshop report
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1980 : proceedings of a symposium , September 30-October 1, 1980, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Computers, personnel administration, and citizen rights
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on image optics
The dopant density and temperature dependence of electron mobility and resistivity in n-type silicon
An automated photovoltaic system for the measurement of resistivity variations in high-resistivity circular silicon slices
Combined quarterly report, October 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974
A key notarization system for computer networks
56th national conference on weights and measures 1971
Research and innovation in the building regulatory process : proceedings of the NBS/NCSBCS joint conference
Preparation and use of superconductive fixed point devices, SRM 767
Research and testing facilities of the Engineering Mechanics Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.
Laser induced damage in optical materials: 1972 : proceedings of a Sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials and by the National Bureau of Standards
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference of the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards : held in Austin, Texas, April 28-May 3, 1974
Overview of computer security certification and accreditation
Laser induced damage in optical materials 1973 : proceedings ... May 15-16, 1973, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on mechanics
Annotated bibliography of the literature on resource sharing computer networks
A laser scanner for semiconductor devices
Building technology project summaries
Benchmarking and workload definition : a selected bibliography with abstracts
Microelectronic test pattern NBS-3 for evaluating the resistivity-dopant density relationship of silicon
Hydraulic research in the United States and Canada, 1978
Photonuclear reaction data, 1973
Building for people : behavioral research approaches and directions
Measures for progress : a history of the National Bureau of Standards
Selection of data entry equipment
Progress report, October 1, 1976 to March 31, 1977
Microelectronic ultrasonic bonding
Techniques for measuring the integrity of passivation overcoats on integrated circuits
A 25-kV bias-isolation unit for 1-MHz capacitance and conductance measurements
The theoretical and experimental study of the temperature and dopant density dependence of hole mobility, effective mass, and resistivity in boron-doped silicon
Bibliography of ion-molecule reaction rate data (January 1950-October 1971)
The resource recovery planning model : a new tool for solid waste management
Quarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1974
Mass transport in oxides : proceedings of a symposium held at Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 22-25, 1967
Bibliography on atomic line shapes and shifts (1889 through March 1972)
Industrialized building in the Soviet Union : a report of the U.S. delegation to the U.S.S.R.
Selected NBS papers on temperature
Colorimetry and spectrophotometry : a bibliography of NBS publications, January 1906 through January 1973
Measurement & analysis of productivity growth : a synthesis of thought
Catalog of National Bureau of Standards publications, 1966-1976
Compilation of elemental concentration data for NBS biological, geological, and environmental standard reference materials
Water supply and drainage in buildings : proceedings of an international symposium, September 28-30, 1976, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Glass filters as a standard reference material for spectrophotometry : selection, preparation, certification, use SRM 930
Optical and dimensional-measurement problems with photomasking in microelectronics
Requirements for an effective national ionizing radiation measurements program : a report to the congress by the National Bureau of Standards
Automated photomask inspection
Computer security and the data encryption standard : proceedings of the Conference on Computer Security and the Data Encryption Standard held at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on February 15, 1977
International trade
Corrosion of metals
Preparation and evaluation of SRM's 481 and 482 gold-silver and gold-copper alloys for microanalysis
Applications of phase diagrams in metallurgy and ceramics : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 10-12, 1977
Directory of United States standardization activities
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1979 : proceedings of a symposium
Description and use of precision thermometers for the clinical laboratory, SRM 933 and SRM 934
Accurate characterization of the high-pressure environment : proceedings of a symposium held at the national bureau of standards, Gaithersburg Md., October 14-18, 1968
Semiconductor measurement technology : spreading resistance symposium : proceedings of a symposium, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., June 13-14, 1974
Proceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) 19th meeting, San Francisco, California, October 25-28, 1983
Standard reference materials : SRM 768 ; temperature reference standard for use below 0.5 K
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1978 : proceeding[s] of a symposium
Applications of closed-cycle cryocoolers to small superconducting devices : proceedings of a conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, October 3-4, 1977
Precision measurement and calibration : electricity-radio frequency
Accuracy in powder diffraction : proceedings of a Symposium on Accuracy in Powder Diffraction held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June, 11-15, 1979
Performance concept in buildings : proceedings of a symposium jointly sponsored by the International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation (CIB), Philadelphia, Pa., May 2-5, 1972
Technical digest, Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements, 1980 : digest of a symposium
An index of U.S. voluntary engineering standards : covering those standards, specifications, test methods, and recommended practices issued by National Standardization Organizations in the United States
Bibliography on atomic energy levels and spectra, July 1968 through June 1971
Simulation and gaming : proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium, National Gaming Council, and the 4th Annual Conference, International Simulation and Gaming Association, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., September 17-19, 1973
Structure shielding against fallout gamma rays from nuclear detonations
Contributions to color science
Bibliography of low energy electron and photon cross section data (through December 1974)
Computers in the federal government : a compilation of statistics-1978
The creative partnership. government and the professional services : proceedings of the Fourth Users-Producers Conference ... held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaitherburg, Md., January 23, 1973
The Menzel symposium on solar physics, atomic spectra, and gaseous nebulae : proceedings of a Symposium held at the Harvard College Observatory, Camblidge, Massachusetts, April 8-9, 1971
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1981 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], November 17-18, 1981, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Requirements for an effective national nonionizing radiation measurement system : prepared in response to a recommendation by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1975 : proceedings of a symposium
Wind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Seventh Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 20-23, 1975
Ozone reactions in aqueous solutions : a bibliography
Trace organic analysis : a new frontier in analytical chemistry : proceedings of the 9th Materials Research Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 10-13, 1978
Safe operation of capacitance meters using high applied-bias voltage
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1968-1969 : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on Colorimetry
Nonmanufacturing businesses
Calibrated glass standards for fission track use
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1982 : proceedings of a symposium ,November 16-17, 1982, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Bibliography on atomic transition probabilities July 1971 through June 1973
Supplementary bibliography of kinetic data on gas phase reactions of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides (1972-1973)
A guide to methods and standards for the measurement of water flow
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1984 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], October 15-17, 1984, NBS, Boulder, Colorado
Procedures used at the National Bureau of Standards to determine selected trace elements in biological and botanical materials
Fundamental aspects of dislocation theory : conference proceedings, National Bureau of Standards, April 21-25, 1969
1973 catalog
Validation, verification, and testing for the individual programmer
Vibrationally excited hydrogen halides : a bibliography on chemical kinetics of chemiexcitation and energy transfer processes (1958 through 1973)
Software validation, verification, and testing technique and tool reference guide
Energy-effective windows : the search for knowledge on the design and engineering of windows in the cause of energy conservation : proceedings of a joint DOE (ERDA)/NBS conference/round table on energy-effective windows, held in Washington, D.C., on April 13th, 1977
Proceedings of the Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) 17th meeting, San Antonio, Texas, November 16-19, 1981
Planar test structures for characterizing impurities in silicon
Precision measurement and fundamental constants; proceedings
The Destructive bond pull test
Nuclear cross sections for technology : proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology, held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, October 22-26, 1979
Microelectronic test patterns : an overview
Fourth International Congress for Stereology ; proceedings of the fourth International Congress for Stereology, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A., September 4-9, 1975
Equilibrium critical phenomena in fluids and mixtures : a comprehensive bibliography with key-word descriptors
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1971 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
Data base directions, the next steps : proceedings of the Workshop of the National Bureau of Standards and the Association for Computing Machinery, at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 29-31, 1975
Space simulation : proceedings of a conference held at NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 14-16, 1970
Metrication in building design, production, and construction : a compendium of 10 papers
Wolf-Rayet stars : proceedings of a Symposium held at The Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, June 10-14, 1968
The eddy current decay method for resistivity characterization of high purity metals
A history of walkway slip-resistance research at the National Bureau of Standards
Electronic composition in printing : proceedings of a symposium, National Bureau of Standards, June 15-16, 1967
Thermal analysis, human comfort, indoor environments : proceedings of a symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, February 11, 1977
A versatile high-voltage bias supply for extended range MIS C(V) and G(V) measurements
Making valuable measurements : proceedings of the 1968 Standards Laboratory Conference
Angular sensitivity of controlled implanted doping profiles
Marine pollution monitoring (petroleum) : proceedings of as symposium and workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., May 13-17, 1974
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1977 : proceedings of a symposium, October 4-6, 1977, NBS Boulder, Colorado
Progress report, January 1 to June 30, 1975
Accuracy in spectrophotometry and luminescence measurements : proceedings of the conference held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. March 22-24, 1972
ARPA/NBS workshop I. measurement problems in integrated circuit processing and assembly
Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity : standard reference materials: tungsten SRM's 730 and 799, from 4 to 3000K
Chemical kinetic data needs for modeling the lower troposphere : proceedings of a workshop held at Reston, Virginia, May 15-17, 1978
Reaction rate and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry - 1977
Preparation and homogeneity characterization of an austenitic iron-chromium-nickel alloy
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on Statistical concepts and procedures
Fundamental aspects of dislocation theory : conference proceedings, National Bureau of Standards, April 21-25, 1969
Audit and evaluation of computer security II : system vulnerabilities and controls : proceedings of the NBS invitational workshop, held at Miami Beach, Florida, November 28-30, 1978
Defects in PN junctions and MOS capacitors observed using thermally stimulated current and capacitance measurements, videotape script
Progress report, July 1 to December 31, 1975
Catalog of NBS Standard reference materials 1975-76 edition
Research and innovation in the building regulatory process : proceedings of the Sixth NBS/NCSBCS Joint Conference, Technical Seminar on Streamlined Administrative Procedures, Computers in Construction, and Fire Safety Technology, held in Denver, Colorado on September 11, 1984
Development of NBS standard reference material no. 1579, powdered lead-based paint
Dental materials research : proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., October 6-8, 1969
Federal government: civilian agencies
Analytical chemistry : key to progress on national problems : proceedings
Standardization in spectrophotometry and luminescence measurements : proceedings of a workshop seminar held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November, November 19-20, 1975
Selected topics on hydrogen fuel
Index of international standards
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1976 : proceeding of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], July 13-15, 1976, NBS Boulder, Colorado
Index to the Reports of the National Conference on Weights and Measures : from the first to the fifty-sixth 1905 to 1971
Thermoelectric voltage of silver-28 atomic percent gold thermocouple wire, SRM 733, versus common thermocouple materials (between liquid helium and ice fixed points)
Neutron cross sections and technology : proceedings of a conference, Washington, D.C., March 4-7, 1968
ARPA/NBS workshop II : hermeticity testing for integrated circuits
Progress report, January 1 to June 30, 1976
A history of the metric system controversy in the United States
The role of cavitation in mechanical failures : proceedings of the 19th meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group
Bibliography on the analyses of optical atomic spectra
U.S. access to Japanese technical literature : electronics and electrical engineering
An Author and permuted title index to selected statistical journals
Man, his job, and the environment : a review and annotated bibliography of selected recent research on human performance
Guideline on major job accounting systems : the system management facilities (SMF) for IBM systems under OS/MVT
Microelectronic test pattern NBS-4
Bibliography of infrared spectroscopy through 1960
Electronic density of states : Based on invited and contributed papers and discussion
Mechanical properties of metals
Hydraulic research in the United States 1968
Workshop on Standards for Image Pattern Recognition
Report of the 59th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1974
Fire research and safety : proceedings of the third joint panel conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources held March 13-17, 1978, at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on electricity - low frequency
Standard quartz cuvettes for high accuracy spectrophotometry
Bibliography of temperature measurement, January 1953 to December 1969
Precision measurement and calibration : selected NBS papers on heat
A supplementary bibliography of kinetic data on gas phase reactions of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides
Proceedings of the National Conference on Regulatory Aspects of Building Rehabilitation, held at the National Bureau of Standards, October 30, 1978
The hazard of benzidine to criminal justice personnel
Wind and seismic effects : proceedings of the Eighth Joint Panel Conference of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, May 18-21, 1976
Mechanical failure, definition of the problem : proceedings of the 20th meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 1974
Data abstraction, databases, and conceptual modelling : an annotated bibliography
Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1972 catalog : a compilation of abstracts and key word and author indexes
Permanent damage effects of nuclear radiation on the X-band performance of silicon Schottky-barrier microwave mixer diodes
Suppression of premature dielectric breakdown for high-voltage capacitance measurements
Proceedings of the Third Cryocooler Conference : National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, September 17-18, 1984
Computer literature bibliography
Successful experiences in teaching metric : a conference in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Metric Convention, 1875-1975, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, May 20-21, 1975
Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity standard reference materials : electrolytic iron SRM's 734 and 797 from 4 to 1000 K
Ion-selective electrodes : proceedings
The international system of units (SI)
NBS FORTRAN test programs
Electrocatalysis on non-metallic surfaces : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 9-12, 1975
Molecular dynamics and structure of solids
Hydraulic research in the United States 1970 : including contributions from Canadian Laboratories
Solid state chemistry : proceedings of the 5th Materials Research Symposium sponsered by the Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, October 18-21, 1971 held at Gaithersburg, Maryland
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1974 : proceedings of a symposium ... May 22-23, 1974 NBS Boulder, Colorado
Future information processing technology-1983
The science of ceramic machining and surface finishing : proceedings of a sponsored by the American Ceramic Society, the Office of Naval Research, November 2-4, 1970 held at NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Nondestructive tests used to insure the integrity of semiconductor devices with emphasis on acoustic emission techniques
Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities 1914 through October 1977
Safe operating area limits for power transistors
Accuracy in trace analysis : sampling, sample handling analysis : proceedings of the 7th materials research symposium
Analytical methods for safeguqrds and accountability measurements of special nuclear materials
A BASIC program for calculating dopant density profiles from capacitance-voltage data
The public need and the role of the inventor : proceedings of a Conference held in Monterey, California, June 11-14, 1973
Special technical facilities at the National Bureau of Standards
Spreading resistance analysis for silicon layers with nonuniform resistivity
Report of the 58th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1973 : ... Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 22-27, 1973
Biomaterials : proceedings of a symposium held in conjunction with the ninth annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, New Orleans, April 19-20, 1974
Selected papers dealing with regulatory concerns of building rehabilitation