
World Bank technical paper


World Bank technical paper

World Bank


Creating capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトDesign and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure : ensuring basic access for rural communities外部サイトBibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to December 1992外部サイトThe emergence of private sector manufacturing in Hungary : a survey of firms外部サイトGuidelines for calculating financial and economic rates of return for DFC projects外部サイトHandpumps testing and development : progress report on field and laboratory testing外部サイトIrrigation-induced salinity : a growing problem for development and the environment外部サイトMeeting the needs of the poor for water supply and waste disposal外部サイトAttacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Movement ATD Fourth World外部サイトIssues in the development of multigrade schools外部サイトSmall-scale biomass gasifiers for heat and power : a global review外部サイトAgricultural incentives in sub-Saharan Africa : policy challenges外部サイトExperiences with integrated-conservation development projects in Asia外部サイトWater resources institutions : some principles and practices外部サイトFinancial integration, vulnerabilities to crisis, and EU accession in five central European countries外部サイトHandpumps testing and development : proceedings of a workshop in China外部サイトThe potential for energy efficiency in the fertilizer industry外部サイトEconomic reform and environmental performance in transition economies外部サイトHealth statistics for the Americas外部サイトPlanning the management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems : a guide for the preparation of strategies and manuals外部サイトStructural reforms in Southeastern Europe since the Kosovo conflict外部サイトA model for the development of a self-help water supply program外部サイトThe materials revolution : what does it mean for developing Asia?外部サイトInstitutional change and effective financing of agricultural research in Latin America外部サイトCase studies and conclusions for Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトMonitoring and evaluation in extension agencies外部サイトWater users associations in World Bank-assisted irrigation projects in Pakistan外部サイトUrban transport in Asia : an operational agenda for the 1990s外部サイトClean coal technologies for developing countries外部サイトInformation technology and national trade facilitation : making the most of global trade外部サイトA diagnostic framework for revenue administration外部サイトGirls and schools in Sub-Saharan Africa : from analysis to action外部サイトDairy development in Sub-Saharan Africa : a study of issues and options外部サイトPoland : complying with EU environmental legislation外部サイトReservoir sedimentation : impact, extent, and mitigation外部サイトAccess to education for the poor in Europe and Central Asia : preliminary evidence and policy implications外部サイトEnvironmental health components for water supply, sanitation, and urban projects外部サイトPrivate infrastructure in East Asia : lessons learned in the aftermath of the crisis外部サイトSmall-scale fisheries : research needs外部サイトThe development of electricity markets in the Euro-Mediterranean area : trends and prospects for liberalization and regional integration外部サイトFarm sector restructuring in Belarus : progress and constraints外部サイトCombining the quantitative and qualitative approaches to poverty measurement and analysis : the practice and the potential外部サイトEuropean integration and income convergence : lessons for Central and Eastern European countries外部サイトMeasurement and meaning : combining quantitative and qualitative methods for the analysis of poverty and social exclusion in Latin America外部サイトMeasuring the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture外部サイトAction-planning workshops for development management : guidelines外部サイトFarming systems in Africa : the great lakes highlands of Zaire, Rwanda, and Burundi外部サイトAlternative transport fuels from natural gas外部サイトTrends in agricultural diversification : regional perspectives外部サイトImproving electric power utility efficiency : issues and recommendations外部サイトPrograms in industrial countries to promote foreign direct investment in developing countries外部サイトNotes on the design and operation of waste stabilization ponds in warm climates of developing countries外部サイトMethods and implementation外部サイトFisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Latin America : studies of Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru外部サイトLe secteur informel et les institutions de microfinancement en Afrique de l'Ouest外部サイトManagement and financing of roads : an agenda for reform外部サイトFurthering judicial education : proceedings of the conference of judicial schools in Latin America外部サイトTurkmenistan : an assessment of leasehold-based farm restructuring外部サイトPrivatization and labor : what happens to workers when governments divest?外部サイトSolid waste landfills in middle- and lower-income countries : a technical guide to planning, design, and operation外部サイトMunicipal waste processing in Europe : a status report on selected materials and energy recovery projects外部サイトRegional and international trade policy : lessons for the EU accession in the rural sector : World Bank/FAO workshop, June 20-23, 1998外部サイトAir quality management : considerations for developing countries外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Chile外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Ecuador外部サイトResources and global food prospects : supply and demand for cereals to 2030外部サイトAppraising poultry enterprises for profitability : a manual for potential investors外部サイトChanges in the wage structure during economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトSupervisión comercial y financiamiento vial外部サイトThe co-composting of domestic solid and human wastes外部サイトImproving cash crops in Africa : factors influencing the productivity of cotton, coffee, and tea grown by smallholders外部サイトKosovo : economic and social reforms for peace and reconciliation外部サイトMeasuring economic benefits for water investments and policies外部サイトEnvironmental impact assessment of settlement and development in the Upper Léraba Basin : Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali外部サイトFuel peat in developing countries外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural prices and trade : a handbook for Colombia外部サイトImproving rural mobility : options for developing motorized and nonmotorized transport in rural areas外部サイトRestructuring large industrial firms in Central and Eastern Europe : an empirical analysis外部サイトIndigenous integrated farming systems in the Sahel外部サイトAlcohol-related problems as an obstacle to the development of human capital : issues and policy options外部サイトEvaluating traffic capacity and improvements to road geometry外部サイトQuality review schemes for auditors : their potential for Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトStructural changes in world industry : a quantitative analysis of recent developments外部サイトCourt performance around the world : a comparative perspective外部サイトProtected agriculture : a global review外部サイトUsing water efficiently : technological options外部サイトIrrigation planning with environmental considerations : a case study of Pakistan's Indus Basin外部サイトDesertification control and renewable resource management in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa外部サイトA manager's guide to Monitoring and evaluating urban development programs : a handbook for program managers and researchers外部サイトProvision for children with special educational needs in the Asia region外部サイトAirport infrastructure : the emerging role of the private sector外部サイトTransport and economic performance : a survey of developing countries外部サイトThe current state of atmospheric fluidized-bed combustion technology外部サイトUniversity examinations and standardized testing : principles, experience, and policy options外部サイトDeMIStifying MIS : guidelines for management information systems in social funds外部サイトAid and agricultural extension : evidence from the World Bank and other donors外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Argentina外部サイトA strategy for the forest sector in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトAgricultural technologies for market-led development opportunities in the 1990s外部サイトA strategy to develop agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and a focus for the World Bank外部サイトSolar pumping : an introduction and update on the technology, performance, costs, and economics外部サイトFood and agricultural policy in Russia : progress to date and the road forward外部サイトIndustrial minerals : a technical review外部サイトCredit guarantee schemes for small and medium enterprises外部サイトSectoral guidelines外部サイトMalaria : new patterns and perspectives外部サイトFrom transition to accession : developing stable and competitive financial markets in Bulgaria外部サイトVetiver grass for soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation, and embankment stabilization : a collection of papers and newsletters外部サイトEU investment grants review外部サイトThe new face of the world petrochemical sector : implications for developing countries外部サイトTelecommunications legislation in transitional and developing economies外部サイトEvaluating water institutions and water sector performance外部サイトEquity issues in public examinations in developing countries外部サイトThe World Bank's treatment of employment and labor market issues外部サイトAfrica's public enterprise sector and evidence of reforms外部サイトAgricultural extension in East Africa外部サイトDams and the environment : considerations in World Bank projects外部サイトPhasing out lead from gasoline : worldwide experiences and policy implications外部サイトThe pharmaceutical industry in India and Hungary : policies, institutions, and technological development外部サイトDesigning rules for demand-driven rural investment funds : the Latin American experience外部サイトIntegrating environmental issues into a strategy for sustainable agricultural development : the case of Mozambique外部サイトInventory of country experience and reference materials外部サイトThe case-by-case approach to privatization : techniques and examples外部サイトReview of early childhood policy and programs in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトClean fuels for Asia : technical options for moving toward unleaded gasoline and low-sulfur diesel外部サイトEstimating vehicle operating costs外部サイトConcessions for infrastructure : a guide to their design and award外部サイトForeign investment and restructuring : the evidence from Hungary外部サイトForest pricing and concession policies : managing the high forest of West and Central Africa外部サイトCommunity piped water supply systems in developing countries : a planning manual外部サイトLabor markets in transition in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989-1995外部サイトHousehold energy handbook : an interim guide and reference manual外部サイトWastewater management for coastal cities : the ocean disposal options外部サイトBulk shipping and terminal logistics外部サイトEvaporative air-conditioning : applications for environmentally friendly cooling外部サイトCorporate governance of public enterprises in transitional economies外部サイトOptions for managing and financing rural transport infrastructure外部サイトPolicies, procedures, and cross-sectoral issues外部サイトEnergy from biomass : a review of combustion and gasification technologies外部サイトThe case for solar energy investments外部サイトImproving women's health services in the Russian Federation : results of a pilot project外部サイトGovernance capacity and economic reform in developing countries外部サイトAn environmental study of artisanal, small, and medium mining in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru外部サイトAssessing markets for renewable energy in rural areas of Northwestern China外部サイトFrom farmers to fishers : developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams外部サイトInternational cooperation in fisheries research外部サイトWorld sulphur survey外部サイトInstitutional elements of tax design and reform外部サイトWorld petroleum markets : a framework for reliable projections外部サイトCotton production prospects for the decade to 2005 : a global overview外部サイトSmall enterprises under adjustment in Ghana外部サイトUtility pricing and the poor : lessons from Armenia外部サイトThe reduction and control of unaccounted-for water : working guidelines外部サイトIntermediate means of transport in Sub-Saharan Africa : its potential for improving rural travel and transport外部サイトEconomic research on the determinants of immigration : lessons for the European Union外部サイトLiving with wildlife : wildlife resource management with local participation in Africa外部サイトWhat makes people cook with improved biomass stoves? : a comparative international review of stove programs外部サイトAgricultural biotechnology : the next "green revolution"?外部サイトVehicular air pollution : experiences from seven Latin American urban centers外部サイトLarge water meters : guidelines for selection, testing, and maintenance外部サイトStatutory intervention in agricultural marketing : a New Zealand perspective外部サイトRéforme de la fonction publique en Afrique francophone : actes d'un atelier, Abidjan, 23-26 janvier 1996外部サイトWatershed development in Asia : strategies and technologies外部サイトSupport for microenterprises : lessons for sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトBibliography of publications : Africa Region, 1990-97外部サイトFarming systems research : a review外部サイトAdministrative and operational procedures for programs for sites and services and area upgrading外部サイトToward participatory research外部サイトReforming education in the regions of Russia外部サイトLand information and remote sensing for renewable resource management in sub-Saharan Africa : a demand-driven approach外部サイトState, community and local development in Nigeria外部サイトNon-motorized vehicles in Asian cities外部サイトPrivatizing Africa's infrastructure : promise and challenge外部サイトThe emergence of private sector manufacturing in St. Petersburg : a survey of firms外部サイトManaging urban environmental quality in Asia外部サイトNon-payment in the electricity sector in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union外部サイトLending by the World Bank for agricultural research : a review of the years 1981 through 1987外部サイトUrban air quality management strategy in Asia, Metro Manila report外部サイトTropical aquaculture development : research needs外部サイトSustainable settlement and development of the onchocerciasis control programme area : proceedings of a ministerial meeting外部サイトUsing examinations to improve education : a study in fourteen African countries外部サイトSubsidies in world fisheries : a reexamination外部サイトDeveloping and improving irrigation and drainage systems : selected papers from World Bank seminars外部サイトPublic sector decentralization : economic policy and sector investment programs外部サイトDesertification in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa外部サイトLegal impediments to effective rural land relations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : a comparative perspective外部サイトUrban air quality management strategy in Asia, Greater Mumbai report外部サイトLand rights in Côte d'Ivoire : survey and prospects for project intervention外部サイトThe impact of environmental assessment : a review of World Bank experience外部サイトNew evaluation procedures for a new generation of water-related projects外部サイトWorld nitrogen survey外部サイトA Guide to the formulation of water resources strategy外部サイトBest practices for photovoltaic household electrification programs : lessons from experiences in selected countries外部サイトManagement contracts : main features and design issues外部サイトApplying environmental economics in Africa外部サイトFinancial market fragmentation and reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトThe emergence of private sector manufacturing in the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : a survey of firms外部サイトAgricultural extension : a step beyond the next step外部サイトAgroforestry in sub-Saharan Africa : a farmer's perspective外部サイトCountry experiences with water resources management : economic, institutional, technological, and environmental issues外部サイトNewly privatized Russian enterprises外部サイトPoverty and policy in Latin America and the Caribbean外部サイトPrivatization of the power and natural gas industries in Hungary and Kazakhstan外部サイトSheep and goats in developing countries : their present and potential role外部サイトCivil service reform in francophone Africa : proceedings of a workshop, Abidjan, January 23-26, 1996外部サイトMonitoring and evaluating urban development programs : a handbook for program managers and researchers外部サイトIntegrated national energy planning and management : methodology and application to Sri Lanka外部サイトBus services : reducing costs, raising standards外部サイトGender, growth and poverty reduction : special program of assistance for Africa, 1998 status report on poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトThe Safe disposal of hazardous wastes ; the special needs and problems of developing countries外部サイトIntegrated lake and reservoir management : World Bank approach and experience外部サイトAnaerobic digestion : principles and practices for biogas systems外部サイトWelfare and the labor market in Poland : social policy during economic transition外部サイトInstitutional reform for irrigation and drainage : proceedings of a World Bank workshop外部サイトInstitutional frameworks in successful water markets : Brazil, Spain, and Colorado, USA外部サイトRural roads in Sub-Saharan Africa : lessons from World Bank experience外部サイトWorld and regional supply and demand balances for nitrogen, phosphate, and potash外部サイトOvercoming obstacles to liberalization of the telecom sector in Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Hungary : an overwiew of key policy concerns and potential initiatives to facilitate the transition process外部サイトKey indicators for family planning projects外部サイトDemand and netback values for gas in electricity外部サイトTechnologies related to participatory forestry in tropical and subtropical countries外部サイトSustainable Amazon : limitations and opportunities for rural development外部サイトA planner's guide for selecting clean-coal technologies for power plants外部サイトIntegrated pest management and pesticide regulation in developing Asia外部サイトGenerating public sector resources to finance sustainable development : revenue and incentive effects外部サイトDoes Eurosclerosis matter? : institutional reform and labor market performance in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトWater policy and water markets : selected papers and proceedings from the World Bank's Ninth Annual Irrigation and Drainage Seminar, Annapolis, Maryland, December 8-10, 1992外部サイトHealth expenditures in Latin America外部サイトThe international road roughness experiment : establishing correlation and a calibration standard for measurements外部サイトProperty tax in anglophone Africa : a practical manual外部サイトA case for promotiong breastfeeding in projects to limit fertility外部サイトDistrict energy trends, issues, and opportunities : the role of the World Bank外部サイトSouthern African agribusiness : gaining through regional collaboration外部サイトTransferring irrigation management to farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India外部サイトManaging health expenditures under national health insurance : the case of Korea外部サイトGuidelines for evaluating the management information systems of industrial enterprises外部サイトThe role of foreign direct investment and trade policies in Poland's accession to the European Union外部サイトBangladesh : the experience and perceptions of public officials外部サイトDevelopments in debt conversion programs and conversion activities外部サイトReady for Europe : public administration reform and European Union accession in central and eastern Europe外部サイトCoconut production : present status and priorities for research外部サイトSmall pelagic fish utilization : research needs外部サイトMarket mechanisms and the health sector in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトRural diversification : lessons from East Asia外部サイトTechnological development and pollution abatement : a study of how enterprises are finding alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons外部サイトBreathing clean : considering the switch to natural gas buses外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Paraguay外部サイトThe judicial sector in Latin America and the Caribbean : elements of reform外部サイトTechnological and institutional innovation in irrigation : proceedings of a workshop held at the World Bank, April 5-7, 1988外部サイトAgricultural trade policies in the Andean Group : issues and options外部サイトExternal debt management : an introduction外部サイトSuccessful small-scale irrigation in the Sahel外部サイトShrubs in tropical forest ecosystems : examples from India外部サイトIndustrial restructuring : issues and experiences in selected developed economies外部サイトGuidelines for environmental assessment of energy and industry projects外部サイトRemanufacturing : the experience of the United States and implications for developing countries外部サイトStrengthening national agricultural research systems in the humid and sub-humid zones of West and Central Africa : a framework for action外部サイトUrban air quality management strategy in Asia, Kathmandu Valley report外部サイトUrban sanitation planning manual based on the Jakarta case study外部サイトThe financing of pension systems in Central and Eastern Europe : an overview of major trends and their determinants, 1990-1993外部サイトInnovations in higher education : Singapore at the competitive edge外部サイトThe basics of antitrust policy : a review of ten nations and the European Communities外部サイトImproving the supply of fertilizers to developing countries : a summary of the World Bank's experience外部サイトCost recovery in the health care sector : selected country studies in West Africa外部サイトRural development strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia外部サイトIrrigation management on the Indo-Gangetic plain外部サイトThe Development of cooperatives and other rural organizations : the role of the World Bank外部サイトCotton production prospects for the next decade外部サイトSetting priorities for environmental management : an application to the mining sector in Bolivia外部サイトImproving state enterprise performance : the role of internal and external incentives外部サイトThe efficient use of water in irrigation : principles and practices for improving irrigation in arid and semiarid regions外部サイトThe ecology and management of non-timber forest resources外部サイトRestoring and protecting the world's lakes and reservoirs外部サイトJudicial reform in Latin American courts : the experience in Argentina and Ecuador外部サイトWastewater irrigation in developing countries : health effects and technical solutions外部サイトBibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1994外部サイトDismantling Russia's nonpayments system : creating conditions for growth外部サイトOrganizing and managing tropical disease control programs : case studies外部サイトInvestment and finance in agricultural service cooperatives外部サイトStructural changes in world industry : a quantitative analysis of recent developments外部サイトBeyond syndicated loans : sources of credit for developing countries外部サイトIndustrialization in sub-Saharan Africa : strategies and performance外部サイトRegulation and taxation of commercial banks during the international debt crisis外部サイトThe Niger household energy project : promoting rural fuelwood markets and village management of natural woodlands外部サイトThe TB and HIV/AIDS epidemics in the Russian Federation外部サイトThe legal framework for water users' associations : a comparative study外部サイトScience, education, and development in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトAquaculture : a component of low cost sanitation technology外部サイトFostering riparian cooperation in international river basins : the World Bank at its best in development diplomacy外部サイトEstimating construction costs and schedules : experience with power generation projects in developing countries外部サイトFinancial markets, credit constraints, and investment in rural Romania外部サイトGovernance impact on private investment : evidence from the international patterns of infrastructure bond risk pricing外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural prices and trade : a handbook for the Dominican Republic外部サイトParticipatory evaluation : tools for managing change in water and sanitation外部サイトDivestiture of state enterprises : an overview of the legal framework外部サイトSubnational budgeting in Russia : preempting a potential crisis外部サイトWater supply and sanitation project preparation handbook外部サイトFisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Asia : studies of India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the ASEAN region外部サイトCours d'eaux internationaux : renforcer la coopération et gérer les différends : actes du séminaire de la Banque mondiale外部サイトProject finance at the World Bank : an overview of policies and instruments外部サイトFreshwater biodiversity in Asia : with special reference to fish外部サイトWorld Bank lending for small enterprises, 1989-1993外部サイトOptions for rural telecommunications development外部サイトCorrosion protection of pipelines conveying water and wastewater : guidelines外部サイトFrom transition to EU accession : the Bulgarian labor market during the 1990s外部サイトGlobal food supply prospects : a background paper prepared for the World Food Summit, Rome, November 1996外部サイトFood safety issues in the developing world外部サイトAlbania : filling the vulnerability gap外部サイトEducation and training of accountants in Sub-Saharan anglophone Africa外部サイトThe management of cultural property in World Bank-assisted projects : archaeological, historical, religious, and natural unique sites外部サイトA governance approach to civil service reform in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトStrategies for family planning promotion外部サイトMedicinal plants : an expanding role in development外部サイトArmenia : restructuring to sustain universal general education外部サイトEnvironmental management and institutions in OECD countries : lessons from experience外部サイトToward a financially sustainable irrigation system : lessons from the State of Victoria, Australia, 1984-1994外部サイトMeasuring the burden of disease and the cost-effectiveness of health interventions : a case study in Guinea外部サイトManagement of water resources : bulk water pricing in Brazil外部サイトSolar energy : lessons from the Pacific Island experience外部サイトAgricultural support policies in transition economies外部サイトOvercoming agricultural pollution of water : the challenge of integrating agricultural and environmental policies of the European Union外部サイトOrganic and compost-based growing media for tree seedling nurseries外部サイトManaging catastrophic disaster risks using alternative risk financing and pooled insurance structures外部サイトDryland management : the "desertification" problem外部サイトHungary : a regulatory and structural review of selected infrastructure sectors外部サイトInstitution building for traffic management外部サイトCocoa production : present constraints and priorities for research外部サイトPoverty and income distribution in Latin America : the story of the 1980s外部サイトPhotovoltaic applications in rural areas of the developing world外部サイトThe new era of petroleum trading : spot oil, spot-related contracts, and futures markets外部サイトBrazil : managing water quality : mainstreaming the environment in the water sector外部サイトDeveloping the regulatory environment for competitive agricultural markets外部サイトAgriculture sector programs : sourcebook外部サイトLand degradation in Tanzania : perception from the village外部サイトCost-benefit analysis of the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP)外部サイトInternational inland waters : concepts for a more active World Bank role外部サイトTechnical assistance and aid agency staff : alternative techniques for greater effectiveness外部サイトThe prospects for agroforestry in the tropics外部サイトForestry in the Middle East and North Africa : an implementation review外部サイトSatellite remote sensing for agricultural projects外部サイトUniversities in Africa : strategies for stabilization and revitalization外部サイトSettlement and development in the river blindness control zone : case study, Burkina Faso外部サイトHelping women improve nutrition in the developing world : beating the zero sum game外部サイトCoping with the cold : heating strategies for Eastern Europe and Central Asia's urban poor外部サイトBibliography of publications : Africa region, 1993-98外部サイトWorld Bank group assistance for minerals sector development and reform in member countries外部サイトPerformance monitoring indicators handbook外部サイトRenewable energy technologies : a review of the status and costs of selected technologies外部サイトWind pumping : a handbook外部サイトSolar pumping : an introduction and update on the technology, performance, costs, and economics外部サイトServices trade in the Balkans外部サイトHungary : foreign trade issues in the context of accession to the EU外部サイトStructural change in the farming sectors in Central and Eastern Europe : lessons for EU accession--Second World Bank/FAO Workshop, June 27-29, 1999外部サイトJudicial reform in Latin America and the Caribbean : proceedings of a World Bank conference外部サイトImproving water use in agriculture : experiences in the Middle East and North Africa外部サイトUrban air quality management strategy in Asia, Jakarta report外部サイトWater allocation, rights, and pricing : examples from Japan and the United States外部サイトEnergy efficiency and fuel substitution in the cement industry, with emphasis on developing countries外部サイトOpportunities for biological control of agricultural pests in developing countries外部サイトHard lessons : primary schools, community, and social capital in Nigeria外部サイトExpanding labor-based methods for road works in Africa外部サイトPoverty and ethnicity : a cross-country study of Roma poverty in Central Europe外部サイトTechnology for small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa : experience with food crop production in five major ecological zones外部サイトMunicipal solid waste incineration : requirements for a successful project外部サイトWater pollution control : guidelines for project planning and financing外部サイトRehabilitation of degraded forests in Asia外部サイトSettlement and development in the river blindness control zone外部サイトLaboratory evaluation of hand-operated water pumps for use in developing countries外部サイトRisk management in developing countries外部サイトTrends in education access and financing during the transition in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトThe market for water rights in Chile : major issues外部サイトManaging the quality of health care in developing countries外部サイトCommercial management and financing of roads外部サイトTechnology institutions and policies : their role in developing technological capability in industry外部サイトSchools count : World Bank project designs and the quality of primary education in sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトA survey of health reform in Central Asia外部サイトThe condition of young children in Sub-Saharan Africa : the convergence of health, nutrition, and early education外部サイトAnimal health services in sub-Saharan Africa : initial experiences with alternative approaches外部サイトWater quality in hydroelectric projects : considerations for planning in tropical forest regions外部サイトWater harvesting for plant production外部サイトEnvironmental management of urban solid wastes in developing countries : a project guide外部サイトUrban air quality management : coordinating transport, environment, and energy policies in developing countries外部サイトThe petrochemical industry in developing Asia : a review of the current situation and prospects for development in the 1990s外部サイトSatisfying urban thirst : water supply augmentation and pricing policy in Hyderabad City, India外部サイトModern water control in irrigation : concepts, issues, and applications外部サイトDesign and operation of smallholder irrigation in South Asia外部サイトIrrigation design and management : experience in Thailand and its general applicability外部サイトEnvironmental considerations for port and harbor developments外部サイトSurveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Uruguay外部サイトFertility decline in Africa : assessment and prospects外部サイトSuccessful conversion to unleaded gasoline in Thailand外部サイトA mining strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean外部サイトCompetition policy and MERCOSUR外部サイトFrom barefoot doctor to village doctor in rural china外部サイトThe twinning of institutions : its use as a technical assistance delivery system外部サイトReforms in Albanian agriculture : assessing a sector in transition外部サイトThe world software industry and software engineering : opportunities and constraints for newly industrialized economies外部サイトDam safety and the environment外部サイトInformation technology and national trade facilitation : guide to best practice外部サイトGuidelines for conducting and calibrating road roughness measurements外部サイトRecycling from municipal refuse : a state-of-the-art review and annotated bibliography外部サイトSelected country case studies外部サイトStrategy for African mining外部サイトPerspective on urban land and urban management policies in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトNatural resource management strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia外部サイトTrade and cost competitiveness in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia外部サイトAn outlook for fertilizer demand, supply, and trade, 1988/89-1993/94外部サイトSector investment programs in Africa : issues and experience外部サイトExpenditure policies toward EU accession外部サイトOrganizing and managing tropical disease control programs : lessons of success外部サイトFood and agriculture in Bulgaria : the challenge of preparing for EU accession外部サイトBibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1995外部サイトAge at marriage, age at first birth, and fertility in Africa外部サイトSocial development and absolute poverty in Asia and Latin America外部サイトAnimal health services in sub-Saharan Africa : alternative approaches外部サイトIrrigation management transfer in Mexico : process and progress外部サイトBuilding partnerships for poverty reduction : the participatory project planning approach of the Women's Enterprise Management Training Outreach Program (WEMTOP)外部サイトThe role of government and the private sector in fighting poverty外部サイトGovernance and regulation of power pools and system operators : an international comparison外部サイトManaging elephant depredation in agricultural and forestry projects外部サイトGetting ready for the twenty-first century : technical change and institutional modernization in agriculture外部サイトProposals for monitoring the performance of electric utilities外部サイトEvaluation of the performance of T&V extension in Kenya外部サイトEnergy efficiency in the steel industry with emphasis on developing countries外部サイトWorld nitrogen survey外部サイトCatching up to leadership : the role of technology-support institutions in Japan's casting sector外部サイトPlanning the management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems : a guide for the preparation of strategies and manuals外部サイトUser organizations for sustainable water services外部サイトWater allocation and water markets : an analysis of gains-from-trade in Chile外部サイトWater pricing experiences : an international perspective外部サイトLaboratory testing of handpumps for developing countries : final technical report外部サイトGroundwater in urban development : assessing management needs and formulating policy strategies外部サイトJudicial challenges in the new millennium : proceedings of the second Ibero-American summit of supreme courts and tribunals of justice外部サイトUrban transport in West Africa外部サイトFlood control in Bangladesh : a plan for action外部サイトA survey of Asia's energy prices外部サイトConserving biological diversity : a strategy for protected areas in the Asia-Pacific region外部サイトManufacturing telecommunications equipment in newly industrializing countries : the effect of technological progress外部サイトUrban transit systems : guidelines for examining options外部サイトSoil fertility management in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトSocial assessment and agricultural reform in Central Asia and Turkey外部サイトDrainage guidelines外部サイトEnvironmental and economic issues in forestry : selected case studies in Asia外部サイトStrengthening national agricultural research systems in Eastern and Central Africa : a framework for action外部サイトGroundwater in rural development : facing the challenges of supply and resource sustainability外部サイトThe forest industries sector : an operational strategy for developing countries外部サイトPrinciples and practices for dealing with water resources issues外部サイトIntegrated pest management and African agriculture外部サイトFarmers' estimations as a source of production data : methodological guidelines for cereals in Africa外部サイトStrategy for forest sector development in Asia外部サイトLiving with trees : policies for forestry management in Zimbabwe外部サイトUkraine : review of farm restructuring experiences外部サイトInstitutional environment and public officials' performance in Guyana外部サイトInternational river basin organizations in sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトFinancial information for management of a development finance institution : some guidelines外部サイトAssessing engineering education in Sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトProviding enterprise development and financial services to women : a decade of bank experience in Asia外部サイトAgro-pastoralism in Chad as a strategy for survival : an essay on the relationship between anthropology and statistics外部サイトCivil service reform in Latin America and the Caribbean : proceedings of a conference外部サイトEnergy use, air pollution, and environmental policy in Krakow : can economic incentives really help?外部サイトEl sector judicial en América Latina y el Caribe : elementos de reforma外部サイトEnergy efficiency in the pulp and paper industry with emphasis on developing countries外部サイトTechnologies for rainfed agriculture in Mediterranean climates : a review of World Bank experiences外部サイトDrought planning and water efficiency implications in water resources management外部サイトKazakhstan : a review of farm restructuring外部サイトWater resources management in Asia外部サイトBibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1996外部サイトWorld and regional supply and demand balances for nitrogen, phosphate, and potash, 1989/90-1995/96外部サイトLatin American insolvency systems : a comparative assessment外部サイトFood and agriculture in the Czech Republic : from a "Velvet" transition to the challenges of EU accession外部サイトBiodiversity and agriculture : implications for conservation and development外部サイトMedicinal plants : rescuing a global heritage外部サイトInternational watercourses : enhancing cooperation and managing conflict : proceeding of a World Bank Seminar外部サイトWorld refinery industry : need for restructuring外部サイトPrivatization and restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe : evidence and policy options外部サイトFisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Africa : studies of Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Mauritania, Morocco, and Senegal外部サイトTreasury reference model外部サイトCommunal infrastructure in Slovenia : survey of investment needs and policies aimed at encouraging private sector participation外部サイトAfrican water resources : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development外部サイトCzech Republic : intergovernmental fiscal relations in the transition外部サイトThe city poverty assessment : a primer外部サイトAgricultural extension in India外部サイトTrends in health status, services, and finance : the transition in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトIncentives for Joint Forest Management in India : analytical methods and case studies外部サイトSmall enterprise development : economic issues from African experience外部サイトGroundwater : legal and policy perspectives : proceedings of a World Bank Seminar外部サイトPayment systems : principles, practice, and improvements外部サイトFinancing, efficiency, and equity in Albanian education外部サイトBalancing water demands with supplies : the role of management in a world of increasing scarcity外部サイトHousehold welfare, the labor market, and social programs in Albania外部サイトSmall-scale mining : a review of the issues外部サイトRoads and the environment : a handbook外部サイトForest management in Nepal : economics and ecology外部サイトThe Gezira irrigation scheme in Sudan : objectives, design, and performance外部サイトInvoluntary resettlement in development projects : policy guidelines in World Bank-financed projects外部サイトInvesting in pastoralism : sustainable natural resource use in arid Africa and the Middle East外部サイトTechniques for assessing industrial hazards : a manual外部サイトThe challenge of rural development in the EU accession countries : Third World Bank/FAO EU Accession Workshop : Sofia, Bulgaria, June 17-20, 2000外部サイトAssessment of corporate sector value and vulnerability : links to exchange rate and financial crises外部サイトTransport policies for the Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area : an agenda for multimodal transport reform in the southern Mediterranean外部サイトPoverty in Albania : a qualitative assessment外部サイトIdentification of joint management structures for shared aquifers : a cooperative Palestinian-Israeli effort外部サイトThe impact of drought on Sub-Saharan African economies : a preliminary examination外部サイトRural water supply and sanitation in Pakistan : lessons from experience外部サイトListening to farmers : participatory assessment of policy reform in Zambia's agriculture sector外部サイトThe current regulatory framework governing business in Bulgaria外部サイトIrrigation in sub-Saharan Africa : the development of public and private systems外部サイトTechnological capabilities and learning in African enterprises外部サイトInvoluntary resettlement in Africa : selected papers from a conference on environment and settlement issues in Africa外部サイトCredit guarantee schemes for small and medium enterprises外部サイトForest concession policies and revenue systems : country experience and policy changes for sustainable tropical forestry外部サイトConserving soil moisture and fertility in the warm seasonably dry tropics外部サイトComprehensive river basin development : the Tennessee Valley Authority外部サイト






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A World Bank technical paper
Rapport technique de la Banque mondiale
Document technique de la Banque mondiale
Documents techniques
Creating capital markets in Central and Eastern Europe
Design and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure : ensuring basic access for rural communities
Bibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to December 1992
The emergence of private sector manufacturing in Hungary : a survey of firms
Guidelines for calculating financial and economic rates of return for DFC projects
Handpumps testing and development : progress report on field and laboratory testing
Irrigation-induced salinity : a growing problem for development and the environment
Meeting the needs of the poor for water supply and waste disposal
Attacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Movement ATD Fourth World
Issues in the development of multigrade schools
Small-scale biomass gasifiers for heat and power : a global review
Agricultural incentives in sub-Saharan Africa : policy challenges
Experiences with integrated-conservation development projects in Asia
Water resources institutions : some principles and practices
Financial integration, vulnerabilities to crisis, and EU accession in five central European countries
Handpumps testing and development : proceedings of a workshop in China
The potential for energy efficiency in the fertilizer industry
Economic reform and environmental performance in transition economies
Health statistics for the Americas
Planning the management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems : a guide for the preparation of strategies and manuals
Structural reforms in Southeastern Europe since the Kosovo conflict
A model for the development of a self-help water supply program
The materials revolution : what does it mean for developing Asia?
Institutional change and effective financing of agricultural research in Latin America
Case studies and conclusions for Sub-Saharan Africa
Monitoring and evaluation in extension agencies
Water users associations in World Bank-assisted irrigation projects in Pakistan
Urban transport in Asia : an operational agenda for the 1990s
Clean coal technologies for developing countries
Information technology and national trade facilitation : making the most of global trade
A diagnostic framework for revenue administration
Girls and schools in Sub-Saharan Africa : from analysis to action
Dairy development in Sub-Saharan Africa : a study of issues and options
Poland : complying with EU environmental legislation
Reservoir sedimentation : impact, extent, and mitigation
Access to education for the poor in Europe and Central Asia : preliminary evidence and policy implications
Environmental health components for water supply, sanitation, and urban projects
Private infrastructure in East Asia : lessons learned in the aftermath of the crisis
Small-scale fisheries : research needs
The development of electricity markets in the Euro-Mediterranean area : trends and prospects for liberalization and regional integration
Farm sector restructuring in Belarus : progress and constraints
Combining the quantitative and qualitative approaches to poverty measurement and analysis : the practice and the potential
European integration and income convergence : lessons for Central and Eastern European countries
Measurement and meaning : combining quantitative and qualitative methods for the analysis of poverty and social exclusion in Latin America
Measuring the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture
Action-planning workshops for development management : guidelines
Farming systems in Africa : the great lakes highlands of Zaire, Rwanda, and Burundi
Alternative transport fuels from natural gas
Trends in agricultural diversification : regional perspectives
Improving electric power utility efficiency : issues and recommendations
Programs in industrial countries to promote foreign direct investment in developing countries
Notes on the design and operation of waste stabilization ponds in warm climates of developing countries
Methods and implementation
Fisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Latin America : studies of Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru
Le secteur informel et les institutions de microfinancement en Afrique de l'Ouest
Management and financing of roads : an agenda for reform
Furthering judicial education : proceedings of the conference of judicial schools in Latin America
Turkmenistan : an assessment of leasehold-based farm restructuring
Privatization and labor : what happens to workers when governments divest?
Solid waste landfills in middle- and lower-income countries : a technical guide to planning, design, and operation
Municipal waste processing in Europe : a status report on selected materials and energy recovery projects
Regional and international trade policy : lessons for the EU accession in the rural sector : World Bank/FAO workshop, June 20-23, 1998
Air quality management : considerations for developing countries
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Chile
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Ecuador
Resources and global food prospects : supply and demand for cereals to 2030
Appraising poultry enterprises for profitability : a manual for potential investors
Changes in the wage structure during economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe
Supervisión comercial y financiamiento vial
The co-composting of domestic solid and human wastes
Improving cash crops in Africa : factors influencing the productivity of cotton, coffee, and tea grown by smallholders
Kosovo : economic and social reforms for peace and reconciliation
Measuring economic benefits for water investments and policies
Environmental impact assessment of settlement and development in the Upper Léraba Basin : Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali
Fuel peat in developing countries
Surveillance of agricultural prices and trade : a handbook for Colombia
Improving rural mobility : options for developing motorized and nonmotorized transport in rural areas
Restructuring large industrial firms in Central and Eastern Europe : an empirical analysis
Indigenous integrated farming systems in the Sahel
Alcohol-related problems as an obstacle to the development of human capital : issues and policy options
Evaluating traffic capacity and improvements to road geometry
Quality review schemes for auditors : their potential for Sub-Saharan Africa
Structural changes in world industry : a quantitative analysis of recent developments
Court performance around the world : a comparative perspective
Protected agriculture : a global review
Using water efficiently : technological options
Irrigation planning with environmental considerations : a case study of Pakistan's Indus Basin
Desertification control and renewable resource management in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa
A manager's guide to Monitoring and evaluating urban development programs : a handbook for program managers and researchers
Provision for children with special educational needs in the Asia region
Airport infrastructure : the emerging role of the private sector
Transport and economic performance : a survey of developing countries
The current state of atmospheric fluidized-bed combustion technology
University examinations and standardized testing : principles, experience, and policy options
DeMIStifying MIS : guidelines for management information systems in social funds
Aid and agricultural extension : evidence from the World Bank and other donors
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Argentina
A strategy for the forest sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
Agricultural technologies for market-led development opportunities in the 1990s
A strategy to develop agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and a focus for the World Bank
Solar pumping : an introduction and update on the technology, performance, costs, and economics
Food and agricultural policy in Russia : progress to date and the road forward
Industrial minerals : a technical review
Credit guarantee schemes for small and medium enterprises
Sectoral guidelines
Malaria : new patterns and perspectives
From transition to accession : developing stable and competitive financial markets in Bulgaria
Vetiver grass for soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation, and embankment stabilization : a collection of papers and newsletters
EU investment grants review
The new face of the world petrochemical sector : implications for developing countries
Telecommunications legislation in transitional and developing economies
Evaluating water institutions and water sector performance
Equity issues in public examinations in developing countries
The World Bank's treatment of employment and labor market issues
Africa's public enterprise sector and evidence of reforms
Agricultural extension in East Africa
Dams and the environment : considerations in World Bank projects
Phasing out lead from gasoline : worldwide experiences and policy implications
The pharmaceutical industry in India and Hungary : policies, institutions, and technological development
Designing rules for demand-driven rural investment funds : the Latin American experience
Integrating environmental issues into a strategy for sustainable agricultural development : the case of Mozambique
Inventory of country experience and reference materials
The case-by-case approach to privatization : techniques and examples
Review of early childhood policy and programs in Sub-Saharan Africa
Clean fuels for Asia : technical options for moving toward unleaded gasoline and low-sulfur diesel
Estimating vehicle operating costs
Concessions for infrastructure : a guide to their design and award
Foreign investment and restructuring : the evidence from Hungary
Forest pricing and concession policies : managing the high forest of West and Central Africa
Community piped water supply systems in developing countries : a planning manual
Labor markets in transition in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989-1995
Household energy handbook : an interim guide and reference manual
Wastewater management for coastal cities : the ocean disposal options
Bulk shipping and terminal logistics
Evaporative air-conditioning : applications for environmentally friendly cooling
Corporate governance of public enterprises in transitional economies
Options for managing and financing rural transport infrastructure
Policies, procedures, and cross-sectoral issues
Energy from biomass : a review of combustion and gasification technologies
The case for solar energy investments
Improving women's health services in the Russian Federation : results of a pilot project
Governance capacity and economic reform in developing countries
An environmental study of artisanal, small, and medium mining in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru
Assessing markets for renewable energy in rural areas of Northwestern China
From farmers to fishers : developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams
International cooperation in fisheries research
World sulphur survey
Institutional elements of tax design and reform
World petroleum markets : a framework for reliable projections
Cotton production prospects for the decade to 2005 : a global overview
Small enterprises under adjustment in Ghana
Utility pricing and the poor : lessons from Armenia
The reduction and control of unaccounted-for water : working guidelines
Intermediate means of transport in Sub-Saharan Africa : its potential for improving rural travel and transport
Economic research on the determinants of immigration : lessons for the European Union
Living with wildlife : wildlife resource management with local participation in Africa
What makes people cook with improved biomass stoves? : a comparative international review of stove programs
Agricultural biotechnology : the next "green revolution"?
Vehicular air pollution : experiences from seven Latin American urban centers
Large water meters : guidelines for selection, testing, and maintenance
Statutory intervention in agricultural marketing : a New Zealand perspective
Réforme de la fonction publique en Afrique francophone : actes d'un atelier, Abidjan, 23-26 janvier 1996
Watershed development in Asia : strategies and technologies
Support for microenterprises : lessons for sub-Saharan Africa
Bibliography of publications : Africa Region, 1990-97
Farming systems research : a review
Administrative and operational procedures for programs for sites and services and area upgrading
Toward participatory research
Reforming education in the regions of Russia
Land information and remote sensing for renewable resource management in sub-Saharan Africa : a demand-driven approach
State, community and local development in Nigeria
Non-motorized vehicles in Asian cities
Privatizing Africa's infrastructure : promise and challenge
The emergence of private sector manufacturing in St. Petersburg : a survey of firms
Managing urban environmental quality in Asia
Non-payment in the electricity sector in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
Lending by the World Bank for agricultural research : a review of the years 1981 through 1987
Urban air quality management strategy in Asia, Metro Manila report
Tropical aquaculture development : research needs
Sustainable settlement and development of the onchocerciasis control programme area : proceedings of a ministerial meeting
Using examinations to improve education : a study in fourteen African countries
Subsidies in world fisheries : a reexamination
Developing and improving irrigation and drainage systems : selected papers from World Bank seminars
Public sector decentralization : economic policy and sector investment programs
Desertification in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa
Legal impediments to effective rural land relations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : a comparative perspective
Urban air quality management strategy in Asia, Greater Mumbai report
Land rights in Côte d'Ivoire : survey and prospects for project intervention
The impact of environmental assessment : a review of World Bank experience
New evaluation procedures for a new generation of water-related projects
World nitrogen survey
A Guide to the formulation of water resources strategy
Best practices for photovoltaic household electrification programs : lessons from experiences in selected countries
Management contracts : main features and design issues
Applying environmental economics in Africa
Financial market fragmentation and reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa
The emergence of private sector manufacturing in the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : a survey of firms
Agricultural extension : a step beyond the next step
Agroforestry in sub-Saharan Africa : a farmer's perspective
Country experiences with water resources management : economic, institutional, technological, and environmental issues
Newly privatized Russian enterprises
Poverty and policy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Privatization of the power and natural gas industries in Hungary and Kazakhstan
Sheep and goats in developing countries : their present and potential role
Civil service reform in francophone Africa : proceedings of a workshop, Abidjan, January 23-26, 1996
Monitoring and evaluating urban development programs : a handbook for program managers and researchers
Integrated national energy planning and management : methodology and application to Sri Lanka
Bus services : reducing costs, raising standards
Gender, growth and poverty reduction : special program of assistance for Africa, 1998 status report on poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Safe disposal of hazardous wastes ; the special needs and problems of developing countries
Integrated lake and reservoir management : World Bank approach and experience
Anaerobic digestion : principles and practices for biogas systems
Welfare and the labor market in Poland : social policy during economic transition
Institutional reform for irrigation and drainage : proceedings of a World Bank workshop
Institutional frameworks in successful water markets : Brazil, Spain, and Colorado, USA
Rural roads in Sub-Saharan Africa : lessons from World Bank experience
World and regional supply and demand balances for nitrogen, phosphate, and potash
Overcoming obstacles to liberalization of the telecom sector in Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Hungary : an overwiew of key policy concerns and potential initiatives to facilitate the transition process
Key indicators for family planning projects
Demand and netback values for gas in electricity
Technologies related to participatory forestry in tropical and subtropical countries
Sustainable Amazon : limitations and opportunities for rural development
A planner's guide for selecting clean-coal technologies for power plants
Integrated pest management and pesticide regulation in developing Asia
Generating public sector resources to finance sustainable development : revenue and incentive effects
Does Eurosclerosis matter? : institutional reform and labor market performance in Central and Eastern Europe
Water policy and water markets : selected papers and proceedings from the World Bank's Ninth Annual Irrigation and Drainage Seminar, Annapolis, Maryland, December 8-10, 1992
Health expenditures in Latin America
The international road roughness experiment : establishing correlation and a calibration standard for measurements
Property tax in anglophone Africa : a practical manual
A case for promotiong breastfeeding in projects to limit fertility
District energy trends, issues, and opportunities : the role of the World Bank
Southern African agribusiness : gaining through regional collaboration
Transferring irrigation management to farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India
Managing health expenditures under national health insurance : the case of Korea
Guidelines for evaluating the management information systems of industrial enterprises
The role of foreign direct investment and trade policies in Poland's accession to the European Union
Bangladesh : the experience and perceptions of public officials
Developments in debt conversion programs and conversion activities
Ready for Europe : public administration reform and European Union accession in central and eastern Europe
Coconut production : present status and priorities for research
Small pelagic fish utilization : research needs
Market mechanisms and the health sector in Central and Eastern Europe
Rural diversification : lessons from East Asia
Technological development and pollution abatement : a study of how enterprises are finding alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons
Breathing clean : considering the switch to natural gas buses
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Paraguay
The judicial sector in Latin America and the Caribbean : elements of reform
Technological and institutional innovation in irrigation : proceedings of a workshop held at the World Bank, April 5-7, 1988
Agricultural trade policies in the Andean Group : issues and options
External debt management : an introduction
Successful small-scale irrigation in the Sahel
Shrubs in tropical forest ecosystems : examples from India
Industrial restructuring : issues and experiences in selected developed economies
Guidelines for environmental assessment of energy and industry projects
Remanufacturing : the experience of the United States and implications for developing countries
Strengthening national agricultural research systems in the humid and sub-humid zones of West and Central Africa : a framework for action
Urban air quality management strategy in Asia, Kathmandu Valley report
Urban sanitation planning manual based on the Jakarta case study
The financing of pension systems in Central and Eastern Europe : an overview of major trends and their determinants, 1990-1993
Innovations in higher education : Singapore at the competitive edge
The basics of antitrust policy : a review of ten nations and the European Communities
Improving the supply of fertilizers to developing countries : a summary of the World Bank's experience
Cost recovery in the health care sector : selected country studies in West Africa
Rural development strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Irrigation management on the Indo-Gangetic plain
The Development of cooperatives and other rural organizations : the role of the World Bank
Cotton production prospects for the next decade
Setting priorities for environmental management : an application to the mining sector in Bolivia
Improving state enterprise performance : the role of internal and external incentives
The efficient use of water in irrigation : principles and practices for improving irrigation in arid and semiarid regions
The ecology and management of non-timber forest resources
Restoring and protecting the world's lakes and reservoirs
Judicial reform in Latin American courts : the experience in Argentina and Ecuador
Wastewater irrigation in developing countries : health effects and technical solutions
Bibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1994
Dismantling Russia's nonpayments system : creating conditions for growth
Organizing and managing tropical disease control programs : case studies
Investment and finance in agricultural service cooperatives
Structural changes in world industry : a quantitative analysis of recent developments
Beyond syndicated loans : sources of credit for developing countries
Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa : strategies and performance
Regulation and taxation of commercial banks during the international debt crisis
The Niger household energy project : promoting rural fuelwood markets and village management of natural woodlands
The TB and HIV/AIDS epidemics in the Russian Federation
The legal framework for water users' associations : a comparative study
Science, education, and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Aquaculture : a component of low cost sanitation technology
Fostering riparian cooperation in international river basins : the World Bank at its best in development diplomacy
Estimating construction costs and schedules : experience with power generation projects in developing countries
Financial markets, credit constraints, and investment in rural Romania
Governance impact on private investment : evidence from the international patterns of infrastructure bond risk pricing
Surveillance of agricultural prices and trade : a handbook for the Dominican Republic
Participatory evaluation : tools for managing change in water and sanitation
Divestiture of state enterprises : an overview of the legal framework
Subnational budgeting in Russia : preempting a potential crisis
Water supply and sanitation project preparation handbook
Fisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Asia : studies of India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the ASEAN region
Cours d'eaux internationaux : renforcer la coopération et gérer les différends : actes du séminaire de la Banque mondiale
Project finance at the World Bank : an overview of policies and instruments
Freshwater biodiversity in Asia : with special reference to fish
World Bank lending for small enterprises, 1989-1993
Options for rural telecommunications development
Corrosion protection of pipelines conveying water and wastewater : guidelines
From transition to EU accession : the Bulgarian labor market during the 1990s
Global food supply prospects : a background paper prepared for the World Food Summit, Rome, November 1996
Food safety issues in the developing world
Albania : filling the vulnerability gap
Education and training of accountants in Sub-Saharan anglophone Africa
The management of cultural property in World Bank-assisted projects : archaeological, historical, religious, and natural unique sites
A governance approach to civil service reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
Strategies for family planning promotion
Medicinal plants : an expanding role in development
Armenia : restructuring to sustain universal general education
Environmental management and institutions in OECD countries : lessons from experience
Toward a financially sustainable irrigation system : lessons from the State of Victoria, Australia, 1984-1994
Measuring the burden of disease and the cost-effectiveness of health interventions : a case study in Guinea
Management of water resources : bulk water pricing in Brazil
Solar energy : lessons from the Pacific Island experience
Agricultural support policies in transition economies
Overcoming agricultural pollution of water : the challenge of integrating agricultural and environmental policies of the European Union
Organic and compost-based growing media for tree seedling nurseries
Managing catastrophic disaster risks using alternative risk financing and pooled insurance structures
Dryland management : the "desertification" problem
Hungary : a regulatory and structural review of selected infrastructure sectors
Institution building for traffic management
Cocoa production : present constraints and priorities for research
Poverty and income distribution in Latin America : the story of the 1980s
Photovoltaic applications in rural areas of the developing world
The new era of petroleum trading : spot oil, spot-related contracts, and futures markets
Brazil : managing water quality : mainstreaming the environment in the water sector
Developing the regulatory environment for competitive agricultural markets
Agriculture sector programs : sourcebook
Land degradation in Tanzania : perception from the village
Cost-benefit analysis of the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP)
International inland waters : concepts for a more active World Bank role
Technical assistance and aid agency staff : alternative techniques for greater effectiveness
The prospects for agroforestry in the tropics
Forestry in the Middle East and North Africa : an implementation review
Satellite remote sensing for agricultural projects
Universities in Africa : strategies for stabilization and revitalization
Settlement and development in the river blindness control zone : case study, Burkina Faso
Helping women improve nutrition in the developing world : beating the zero sum game
Coping with the cold : heating strategies for Eastern Europe and Central Asia's urban poor
Bibliography of publications : Africa region, 1993-98
World Bank group assistance for minerals sector development and reform in member countries
Performance monitoring indicators handbook
Renewable energy technologies : a review of the status and costs of selected technologies
Wind pumping : a handbook
Solar pumping : an introduction and update on the technology, performance, costs, and economics
Services trade in the Balkans
Hungary : foreign trade issues in the context of accession to the EU
Structural change in the farming sectors in Central and Eastern Europe : lessons for EU accession--Second World Bank/FAO Workshop, June 27-29, 1999
Judicial reform in Latin America and the Caribbean : proceedings of a World Bank conference
Improving water use in agriculture : experiences in the Middle East and North Africa
Urban air quality management strategy in Asia, Jakarta report
Water allocation, rights, and pricing : examples from Japan and the United States
Energy efficiency and fuel substitution in the cement industry, with emphasis on developing countries
Opportunities for biological control of agricultural pests in developing countries
Hard lessons : primary schools, community, and social capital in Nigeria
Expanding labor-based methods for road works in Africa
Poverty and ethnicity : a cross-country study of Roma poverty in Central Europe
Technology for small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa : experience with food crop production in five major ecological zones
Municipal solid waste incineration : requirements for a successful project
Water pollution control : guidelines for project planning and financing
Rehabilitation of degraded forests in Asia
Settlement and development in the river blindness control zone
Laboratory evaluation of hand-operated water pumps for use in developing countries
Risk management in developing countries
Trends in education access and financing during the transition in Central and Eastern Europe
The market for water rights in Chile : major issues
Managing the quality of health care in developing countries
Commercial management and financing of roads
Technology institutions and policies : their role in developing technological capability in industry
Schools count : World Bank project designs and the quality of primary education in sub-Saharan Africa
A survey of health reform in Central Asia
The condition of young children in Sub-Saharan Africa : the convergence of health, nutrition, and early education
Animal health services in sub-Saharan Africa : initial experiences with alternative approaches
Water quality in hydroelectric projects : considerations for planning in tropical forest regions
Water harvesting for plant production
Environmental management of urban solid wastes in developing countries : a project guide
Urban air quality management : coordinating transport, environment, and energy policies in developing countries
The petrochemical industry in developing Asia : a review of the current situation and prospects for development in the 1990s
Satisfying urban thirst : water supply augmentation and pricing policy in Hyderabad City, India
Modern water control in irrigation : concepts, issues, and applications
Design and operation of smallholder irrigation in South Asia
Irrigation design and management : experience in Thailand and its general applicability
Environmental considerations for port and harbor developments
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policies : a handbook for Uruguay
Fertility decline in Africa : assessment and prospects
Successful conversion to unleaded gasoline in Thailand
A mining strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean
Competition policy and MERCOSUR
From barefoot doctor to village doctor in rural china
The twinning of institutions : its use as a technical assistance delivery system
Reforms in Albanian agriculture : assessing a sector in transition
The world software industry and software engineering : opportunities and constraints for newly industrialized economies
Dam safety and the environment
Information technology and national trade facilitation : guide to best practice
Guidelines for conducting and calibrating road roughness measurements
Recycling from municipal refuse : a state-of-the-art review and annotated bibliography
Selected country case studies
Strategy for African mining
Perspective on urban land and urban management policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Natural resource management strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Trade and cost competitiveness in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia
An outlook for fertilizer demand, supply, and trade, 1988/89-1993/94
Sector investment programs in Africa : issues and experience
Expenditure policies toward EU accession
Organizing and managing tropical disease control programs : lessons of success
Food and agriculture in Bulgaria : the challenge of preparing for EU accession
Bibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1995
Age at marriage, age at first birth, and fertility in Africa
Social development and absolute poverty in Asia and Latin America
Animal health services in sub-Saharan Africa : alternative approaches
Irrigation management transfer in Mexico : process and progress
Building partnerships for poverty reduction : the participatory project planning approach of the Women's Enterprise Management Training Outreach Program (WEMTOP)
The role of government and the private sector in fighting poverty
Governance and regulation of power pools and system operators : an international comparison
Managing elephant depredation in agricultural and forestry projects
Getting ready for the twenty-first century : technical change and institutional modernization in agriculture
Proposals for monitoring the performance of electric utilities
Evaluation of the performance of T&V extension in Kenya
Energy efficiency in the steel industry with emphasis on developing countries
World nitrogen survey
Catching up to leadership : the role of technology-support institutions in Japan's casting sector
Planning the management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems : a guide for the preparation of strategies and manuals
User organizations for sustainable water services
Water allocation and water markets : an analysis of gains-from-trade in Chile
Water pricing experiences : an international perspective
Laboratory testing of handpumps for developing countries : final technical report
Groundwater in urban development : assessing management needs and formulating policy strategies
Judicial challenges in the new millennium : proceedings of the second Ibero-American summit of supreme courts and tribunals of justice
Urban transport in West Africa
Flood control in Bangladesh : a plan for action
A survey of Asia's energy prices
Conserving biological diversity : a strategy for protected areas in the Asia-Pacific region
Manufacturing telecommunications equipment in newly industrializing countries : the effect of technological progress
Urban transit systems : guidelines for examining options
Soil fertility management in Sub-Saharan Africa
Social assessment and agricultural reform in Central Asia and Turkey
Drainage guidelines
Environmental and economic issues in forestry : selected case studies in Asia
Strengthening national agricultural research systems in Eastern and Central Africa : a framework for action
Groundwater in rural development : facing the challenges of supply and resource sustainability
The forest industries sector : an operational strategy for developing countries
Principles and practices for dealing with water resources issues
Integrated pest management and African agriculture
Farmers' estimations as a source of production data : methodological guidelines for cereals in Africa
Strategy for forest sector development in Asia
Living with trees : policies for forestry management in Zimbabwe
Ukraine : review of farm restructuring experiences
Institutional environment and public officials' performance in Guyana
International river basin organizations in sub-Saharan Africa
Financial information for management of a development finance institution : some guidelines
Assessing engineering education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Providing enterprise development and financial services to women : a decade of bank experience in Asia
Agro-pastoralism in Chad as a strategy for survival : an essay on the relationship between anthropology and statistics
Civil service reform in Latin America and the Caribbean : proceedings of a conference
Energy use, air pollution, and environmental policy in Krakow : can economic incentives really help?
El sector judicial en América Latina y el Caribe : elementos de reforma
Energy efficiency in the pulp and paper industry with emphasis on developing countries
Technologies for rainfed agriculture in Mediterranean climates : a review of World Bank experiences
Drought planning and water efficiency implications in water resources management
Kazakhstan : a review of farm restructuring
Water resources management in Asia
Bibliography of publications : Technical Department, Africa Region, July 1987 to April 1996
World and regional supply and demand balances for nitrogen, phosphate, and potash, 1989/90-1995/96
Latin American insolvency systems : a comparative assessment
Food and agriculture in the Czech Republic : from a "Velvet" transition to the challenges of EU accession
Biodiversity and agriculture : implications for conservation and development
Medicinal plants : rescuing a global heritage
International watercourses : enhancing cooperation and managing conflict : proceeding of a World Bank Seminar
World refinery industry : need for restructuring
Privatization and restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe : evidence and policy options
Fisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Africa : studies of Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Mauritania, Morocco, and Senegal
Treasury reference model
Communal infrastructure in Slovenia : survey of investment needs and policies aimed at encouraging private sector participation
African water resources : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development
Czech Republic : intergovernmental fiscal relations in the transition
The city poverty assessment : a primer
Agricultural extension in India
Trends in health status, services, and finance : the transition in Central and Eastern Europe
Incentives for Joint Forest Management in India : analytical methods and case studies
Small enterprise development : economic issues from African experience
Groundwater : legal and policy perspectives : proceedings of a World Bank Seminar
Payment systems : principles, practice, and improvements
Financing, efficiency, and equity in Albanian education
Balancing water demands with supplies : the role of management in a world of increasing scarcity
Household welfare, the labor market, and social programs in Albania
Small-scale mining : a review of the issues
Roads and the environment : a handbook
Forest management in Nepal : economics and ecology
The Gezira irrigation scheme in Sudan : objectives, design, and performance
Involuntary resettlement in development projects : policy guidelines in World Bank-financed projects
Investing in pastoralism : sustainable natural resource use in arid Africa and the Middle East
Techniques for assessing industrial hazards : a manual
The challenge of rural development in the EU accession countries : Third World Bank/FAO EU Accession Workshop : Sofia, Bulgaria, June 17-20, 2000
Assessment of corporate sector value and vulnerability : links to exchange rate and financial crises
Transport policies for the Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area : an agenda for multimodal transport reform in the southern Mediterranean
Poverty in Albania : a qualitative assessment
Identification of joint management structures for shared aquifers : a cooperative Palestinian-Israeli effort
The impact of drought on Sub-Saharan African economies : a preliminary examination
Rural water supply and sanitation in Pakistan : lessons from experience
Listening to farmers : participatory assessment of policy reform in Zambia's agriculture sector
The current regulatory framework governing business in Bulgaria
Irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa : the development of public and private systems
Technological capabilities and learning in African enterprises
Involuntary resettlement in Africa : selected papers from a conference on environment and settlement issues in Africa
Credit guarantee schemes for small and medium enterprises
Forest concession policies and revenue systems : country experience and policy changes for sustainable tropical forestry
Conserving soil moisture and fertility in the warm seasonably dry tropics
Comprehensive river basin development : the Tennessee Valley Authority
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CiNii Books