
Geophysical monograph


Geophysical monograph

American Geophysical Union
American Geophysical Union


Carbon sequestration and its role in the global carbon cycle外部サイトPerovskite : a structure of great interest to geophysics and materials science外部サイトThe Earth's crust : its nature and physical properties外部サイトLithospheric discontinuities外部サイトMountain building in the uralides : pangea to the present外部サイトMagnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the solar system外部サイトDouble-diffusive convection外部サイトHigh-pressure research in mineral physics : a volume in honor of Syun-iti Akimoto外部サイトThe stratosphere : dynamics, transport, and chemistry外部サイトIndian ocean biogeochemical processes and ecological variability外部サイトCometary plasma processes外部サイトGondwana six : stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology外部サイトSolar system plasma physics外部サイトEarthquakes : radiated energy and the physics of faulting外部サイトRivers over rock : fluvial processes in Bedrock channels外部サイトClimate processes and climate sensitivity外部サイトPetroleum engineering : principles, calculations and workflows外部サイトMonitoring and modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill : a record-breaking enterprise外部サイトIntegrated imaging of the earth : theory and applications外部サイトFlow and fracture of rocks外部サイトMeasurement techniques in space plasmas : particles外部サイトGeocomplexity and the physics of earthquakes外部サイトThe Oceans and rapid climate change : past, present anf future外部サイトMauna Loa revealed : structure, composition, history, and hazards外部サイトHydrogeological regimes and their subsurface thermal effects外部サイトCoronal mass ejections外部サイトThe upper atmosphere in motion : a selection of papers with annotation外部サイトTerrestrial heat flow外部サイトArctic sea ice decline : observations, projections, mechanisms, and implications外部サイトOrigin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their energy and mineral resources外部サイトThe state of the planet : frontiers and challenges in geophysics外部サイトAuroral plasma dynamics外部サイトVenus and Mars : atmospheres, ionospheres, and solar wind interactions外部サイトBioenergy and land use change外部サイトMagnetotails in the solar system外部サイトAuroral phenomenology and magnetospheric processes : earth and other planets外部サイトMagnetospheric currents外部サイトThe Rocky Mountain region--an evolving lithosphere : tectonics, geochemistry, and geophysics外部サイトAntarctic research : the Matthew Fontaine Maury memorial symposium外部サイトSubduction top to bottom外部サイトMid-ocean ridges : hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and oceans外部サイトNatural hazard uncertainty assessment : modeling and decision support外部サイトAntarctica in the International Geophysical Year : based on a symposium on the Antarctic : cosponsored by the U.S. National Commiittee for the IGY of the National Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation, American Geophysical Union外部サイトMagnetospheric substorms外部サイトMagnetospheric ULF waves : synthesis and new directions外部サイトEarth's climate and orbital eccentricity : the marine isotope stage 11 question外部サイトA continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand外部サイトMagma to microbe : modeling hydrothermal processes at ocean spreading centers外部サイトRecurrent magnetic storms : corotating solar wind streams外部サイトThe Use of artificial satellites for geodesy外部サイトAuroral dynamics and space weather外部サイトEarth's deep mantle : structure, composition, and evolution外部サイトGravimetry and space techniques applied to geodynamics and ocean dynamics外部サイトCollisionless shocks in the heliosphere : reviews of current research外部サイトPhysics of auroral arc formation外部サイトFaulting and magmatism at mid-ocean ridges外部サイトDerivation, meaning, and use of geomagnetic indices外部サイトRadio astronomy at long wavelengths外部サイトThe Geophysics of the Pacific Ocean basin and its margin : a volume in honor of George P. Woollard外部サイトFlow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock外部サイトMagnetospheric current systems外部サイトMt. Etna : volcano laboratory外部サイトHawaiian volcanoes : from source to surface外部サイトDiversity of hydrothermal systems on slow spreading ocean ridges外部サイトThe Mediterranean sea : temporal variability and spatial patterns外部サイトThe Tornado : its structure, dynamics, prediction, and hazards外部サイトThe early earth : accretion and differentiation外部サイトClimate extremes : patterns and mechanisms外部サイトMechanisms of global climate change at millennial time scales外部サイトAssessment of non-point source pollution in the vadose zone外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of sea ice外部サイトRemote sensing of active volcanism外部サイトExplosive subaqueous volcanism外部サイトContinent-ocean interactions within East Asian marginal seas外部サイトAspects of climate variability in the Pacific and the western Americas外部サイトVolcanism and subduction : the Kamchatka region外部サイトThe Galápagos : a natural laboratory for the Earth sciences外部サイトPhysics of the magnetopause外部サイトGreenland ice core : geophysics, geochemistry, and the environment外部サイトSea ice : physics and remote sensing外部サイトStructure and dynamics of earth's deep interior外部サイトMeasurement techniques in space plasmas : fields外部サイトPost-perovskite : the last mantle phase transition外部サイトQuantitative modeling of magnetospheric processes外部サイトFlood damage survey and assessment : new insights from research and practice外部サイトInside the subduction factory外部サイトSolar system plasmas in space and time外部サイトVolcanism and the Earth's atmosphere外部サイトActive global seismology : neotectonics and earthquake potential of the eastern Mediterranean region外部サイトEarth's climate : the ocean-atmosphere interaction外部サイトIon acceleration in the magnetosphere and ionosphere外部サイトSurface ocean-lower atmosphere processes外部サイトIsotope techniques in the hydrologic cycle外部サイトSeafloor hydrothermal systems : physical, chemical, biological, and geological interactions外部サイトPhysics of precipitation : proceedings of the Cloud Physics Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 3-5, 1959外部サイトAbrupt climate change : mechanisms, patterns, and impacts外部サイトProperties and processes of earth's lower crust外部サイトGlobal vegetation dynamics : concepts and applications in the MC1 model外部サイトTimescales of the paleomagnetic field外部サイトContemporary geodesy : proceedings of a conference held at the Harvard College Observatory - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1-2, 1958外部サイトHydrodynamics of time-periodic groundwater flow : diffusion waves in porous media外部サイトAntarctic subglacial aquatic environments外部サイトNew perspectives on the earth's magnetotail外部サイトDeep structure and past kinematics of accreted terranes外部サイトThe earth's crust and upper mantle : structure, dynamic processes, and their relation to deep-seated geological phenomena外部サイトPlasma waves and instabilities at comets and in magnetospheres外部サイトThe polar oceans and their role in shaping the global environment : the Nansen centennial volume外部サイトDynamics of fluids in fractured rock外部サイトClimate dynamics : why does climate vary?外部サイトThe Central Atlantic Magmatic Province insights from Fragments of Pangea外部サイトElectric currents in geospace and beyond外部サイトEvolution of mid ocean ridges外部サイトThe Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific area外部サイトMarine particles : analysis and characterization外部サイトAtmospheres in the solar system : comparative aeronomy外部サイトArchean geodynamics and environments外部サイトSea salt aerosol production : mechanisms, methods, measurements and models : a critical review外部サイトEnvironmental mechanics : water, mass and energy transfer in the biosphere外部サイトGeophysics and the IGY : proceedings of the Symposium at the opening of the International Geophysical Year, conducted by the United States National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., June 28-29, 1957外部サイトSolar eruptions and energetic particles外部サイトEvolution of the Earth and planets外部サイトSun-earth plasma connections外部サイトSpace plasmas : coupling between small and medium scale processes外部サイトPre-earthquake processes : a multidisciplinary approach to earthquake prediction studies外部サイトPlate boundaries and natural hazards外部サイトThe crust of the Pacific basin : based on papers in two symposia (1) Volcanism and plutonism in relation to types of crustal deformation (2) The earth's crust in the Pacific basin. Presented at the tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 21-Sep.6, 1961外部サイトSubduction dynamics : from mantle flow to mega disasters外部サイトQuantifying uncertainty in subsurface systems外部サイトSeismic earth : array analysis of broadband seismograms外部サイトThe Tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands外部サイトCarbon in Earth's interior外部サイトHydrogeology, chemical weathering, and soil formation外部サイトSpace weather effects and applications外部サイトMagnetospheres in the solar system外部サイトCirculation in the Gulf of Mexico : observations and models外部サイトRemote sensing in northern hydrology : measuring environmental change外部サイトCrustal magmatic system evolution : anatomy, architecture, and physico-chemical processes外部サイトCongo Basin hydrology, climate, and biogeochemistry : a foundation for the future外部サイトAtmospheric chemistry of chlorine and sulfur compounds : proceedings of a symposium held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 4-6, 1957外部サイトThe Nordic seas : an integrated perspective oceanography, climatology, biogeochemistry, and modeling外部サイトEarth's low-latitude boundary layer外部サイトMagnetic helicity in space and laboratory plasmas外部サイトPhysics of magnetic flux ropes外部サイトHigh-pressure research : application to earth and planetary sciences外部サイトWater-energy-food nexus : principles and practices外部サイトInteractions between global climate subsystems : the legacy of Hann外部サイトClimate change in continental isotopic records外部サイトCollisionless shocks in the heliosphere : a tutorial review外部サイトEnvironmental effects on spacecraft positioning and trajectories外部サイトFaults and subsurface fluid flow in the shallow crust外部サイトInner magnetosphere interactions : new perspectives from imaging外部サイトInverse methods in global biogeochemical cycles外部サイトEarth's deep interior : mineral physics and tomography from the atomic to the global scale外部サイトMicrostructural geochronology : planetary records down to atom scale外部サイトLarge igneous provinces : continental, oceanic, and planetary flood volcanism外部サイトEarth's deep water cycle外部サイトSpace weather外部サイトTerrestrial water cycle and climate change : natural and human-induced impacts外部サイトKuroshio current : physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamics外部サイトCarbon cycling in northern peatlands外部サイトThe extreme Proterozoic : geology, geochemistry, and climate外部サイトRadiation belts : models and standards外部サイトFlow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock外部サイトDynamics of fluids and transport in complex fractured-porous systems外部サイトSea level changes : determination and effects外部サイトNatural gas hydrates : occurrence, distribution, and detection外部サイトCross-scale coupling in space plasmas外部サイトMantle flow and melt generation at mid-ocean ridges外部サイトStream restoration in dynamic fluvial systems : scientific approaches, analyses, and tools外部サイトThe ostracoda : Applications in quaternary research外部サイトHawaiian volcanoes : deep underwater perspectives外部サイトClimates, landscapes, and civilizations外部サイトQuo vadimus : geophysics for the next generation外部サイトThe North Atlantic oscillation : climatic significance and environmental impact外部サイトFuture Earth : advancing civic understanding of the anthropocene外部サイトThe controlled flood in Grand Canyon外部サイトParticle acceleration in astrophysical plasmas : geospace and beyond外部サイトThe Mesozoic Pacific : geology, tectonics, and volcanism : a volume in memory of Sy Schlanger外部サイトOre deposits : origin, exploration, and exploitation外部サイトGas transfer at water surfaces外部サイトMechanical behavior of crustal rocks : the Handin volume外部サイトThe earth beneath the continents : a volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. Tuve外部サイトDawn-dusk asymmetries in planetary plasma environments外部サイトThe inner magnetosphere : physics and modeling外部サイトOcean circulation : mechanisms and impacts : past and future changes of meridional overturning外部サイトActive margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific外部サイトThe structure and physical properties of the earth's crust外部サイトGlobal flood hazard : applications in modeling, mapping and forecasting外部サイトDynamics of fluids and transport in fractured rock外部サイトRainfall : state of the science外部サイトEcosystems and land use change外部サイトSynthesis of results from scientific drilling in the Indian Ocean外部サイトNonlinear dynamics and predictability of geophysical phenomena外部サイトGondwana six : structure, tectonics, and geophysics外部サイトModeling atmospheric and oceanic flows : insights from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations外部サイトIonospheric space weather : longitude and hemispheric dependences and lower atmosphere forcing外部サイトLagrangian modeling of the atmosphere外部サイトUnderstanding climate change外部サイトSolar variability and its effects on climate外部サイトPrediction in geomorphology外部サイトDynamics of earth's deep interior and earth rotation外部サイトEarth processes : reading the isotopic code外部サイトMineral and rock deformation : laboratory studies : the Paterson volume外部サイトMagnetic storms外部サイトAtlantic rifts and continental margins外部サイトMidlatitude ionospheric dynamics and disturbances外部サイトThe subseafloor biosphere at mid-ocean ridges外部サイトDynamics of the Earth's radiation belts and inner magnetosphere外部サイトDeep Earth : physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core外部サイトDisturbances in geospace : the storm-substorm relationship外部サイトRelating geophysical structures and processes : the Jeffreys volume外部サイトGeospace mass and energy flow : results from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program外部サイトAtmospheric science across the stratopause外部サイトThe Carbon cycle and atmospheric CO[2] : natural variations Archean to present外部サイトExtreme events and natural hazards : the complexity perspective外部サイトGeological carbon storage : Subsurface seals and caprock integrity外部サイトModeling magnetospheric plasma processes外部サイトExplosion source phenomenology外部サイトGravity anomalies : unsurveyed areas外部サイトExploring Venus as a terrestrial planet外部サイトSolar wind sources of magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency waves外部サイトActive tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska外部サイトHeterogeneous atmospheric chemistry外部サイトRemote sensing of the terrestrial water cycle外部サイトModeling magnetospheric plasma外部サイトAmazonia and global change外部サイトThe Cenozoic Southern Ocean : tectonics, sedimentation, and climate change between Australia and Antarctica外部サイトProperties of earth and planetary materials at high pressure and temperature外部サイトMathematical geoenergy : discovery, depletion, and renewal外部サイトExtreme events : observations, modeling, and economics外部サイトOcean modeling in an eddying regime外部サイトSeamounts, islands, and atolls外部サイトBack-arc spreading systems : geological, biological, chemical, and physical interactions外部サイトLow-frequency waves in space plasmas外部サイトThe Brittle-ductile transition in rocks : the Heard volume外部サイトPoint defects in minerals外部サイトVariations in Earth rotation外部サイトMan-made lakes : their problems and environmental effects外部サイトModeling the ionosphere-thermosphere system外部サイトThe upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere : a review of experiment and theory外部サイトEarthquake source mechanics外部サイトNatural and anthropogenic influences in fluvial geomorphology外部サイトThe history and dynamics of global plate motions外部サイトMagnetic reconnection in space and laboratory plasmas外部サイトFault zone dynamic processes : evolution of fault properties during seismic rupture外部サイトSlow deformation and transmission of stress in the earth外部サイトLarge igneous provinces : a driver of global environmental and biotic changes外部サイトIonosphere dynamics and applications外部サイトMagnetospheres in the solar system外部サイトThe Stromboli Volcano : an integrated study of the 2002-2003 eruption外部サイトSubsurface hydrology : data integration for properties and processes外部サイトGlobal drought and flood : observation, modeling, and prediction外部サイトMagma redox geochemistry外部サイトMuography : exploring Earth's subsurface with elementary particles外部サイトIsotopic constraints on earth system processes外部サイトGeophysical monitoring for geologic carbon storage外部サイトEarth observation applications and global policy frameworks外部サイトThreats to springs in a changing world : science and policies for protection外部サイトCompressional tectonics : plate convergence to mountain building外部サイトLandscape fire, smoke, and health : linking biomass burning emissions to human well-being外部サイトFast processes in large scale atmospheric models : progress, challenges, and opportunities外部サイトShale : subsurface science and engineering外部サイトSubmarine landslides : subaqueous mass transport deposits from outcrops to seismic profiles外部サイトGeomagnetically induced currents from the sun to the power grid外部サイトKuroshio current : physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamics外部サイトNitrogen overload : environmental degradation, ramifications, and economic costs外部サイトUpper atmosphere dynamics and energetics外部サイトSpace weather effects and applications外部サイトIonosphere dynamics and applications外部サイトCrustal magmatic system evolution : anatomy, architecture, and physico-chemical processes外部サイトCore-mantle co-evolution : an interdisciplinary approach外部サイトNoisy oceans : monitoring seismic and acoustic signals in the marine environment外部サイトDayside magnetosphere interactions外部サイトSolar physics and solar wind外部サイトUpper atmosphere dynamics and energetics外部サイトMantle convection and surface expressions外部サイトWetland carbon and environmental management外部サイトDistributed acoustic sensing in geophysics : methods and applications外部サイトRemote sensing of water-related hazards外部サイトGeophysical monitoring for geologic carbon storage外部サイトClouds and their climatic impacts : radiation, circulation, and precipitation外部サイトHelicities in geophysics, astrophysics, and beyond外部サイトEl Niño southern oscillation in a changing climate外部サイトIceland : tectonics, volcanics, and glacial features外部サイトDynamic magma evolution外部サイトCoastal ecosystems in transition : a comparative analysis of the northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay外部サイト



  • Carbon sequestration and its role in the global carbon cycle

  • Perovskite : a structure of great interest to geophysics and materials science

  • The Earth's crust : its nature and physical properties

  • Lithospheric discontinuities

  • Mountain building in the uralides : pangea to the present





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Geophysical monograph series
Carbon sequestration and its role in the global carbon cycle
Perovskite : a structure of great interest to geophysics and materials science
The Earth's crust : its nature and physical properties
Lithospheric discontinuities
Mountain building in the uralides : pangea to the present
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the solar system
Double-diffusive convection
High-pressure research in mineral physics : a volume in honor of Syun-iti Akimoto
The stratosphere : dynamics, transport, and chemistry
Indian ocean biogeochemical processes and ecological variability
Cometary plasma processes
Gondwana six : stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology
Solar system plasma physics
Earthquakes : radiated energy and the physics of faulting
Rivers over rock : fluvial processes in Bedrock channels
Climate processes and climate sensitivity
Petroleum engineering : principles, calculations and workflows
Monitoring and modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill : a record-breaking enterprise
Integrated imaging of the earth : theory and applications
Flow and fracture of rocks
Measurement techniques in space plasmas : particles
Geocomplexity and the physics of earthquakes
The Oceans and rapid climate change : past, present anf future
Mauna Loa revealed : structure, composition, history, and hazards
Hydrogeological regimes and their subsurface thermal effects
Coronal mass ejections
The upper atmosphere in motion : a selection of papers with annotation
Terrestrial heat flow
Arctic sea ice decline : observations, projections, mechanisms, and implications
Origin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their energy and mineral resources
The state of the planet : frontiers and challenges in geophysics
Auroral plasma dynamics
Venus and Mars : atmospheres, ionospheres, and solar wind interactions
Bioenergy and land use change
Magnetotails in the solar system
Auroral phenomenology and magnetospheric processes : earth and other planets
Magnetospheric currents
The Rocky Mountain region--an evolving lithosphere : tectonics, geochemistry, and geophysics
Antarctic research : the Matthew Fontaine Maury memorial symposium
Subduction top to bottom
Mid-ocean ridges : hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and oceans
Natural hazard uncertainty assessment : modeling and decision support
Antarctica in the International Geophysical Year : based on a symposium on the Antarctic : cosponsored by the U.S. National Commiittee for the IGY of the National Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation, American Geophysical Union
Magnetospheric substorms
Magnetospheric ULF waves : synthesis and new directions
Earth's climate and orbital eccentricity : the marine isotope stage 11 question
A continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand
Magma to microbe : modeling hydrothermal processes at ocean spreading centers
Recurrent magnetic storms : corotating solar wind streams
The Use of artificial satellites for geodesy
Auroral dynamics and space weather
Earth's deep mantle : structure, composition, and evolution
Gravimetry and space techniques applied to geodynamics and ocean dynamics
Collisionless shocks in the heliosphere : reviews of current research
Physics of auroral arc formation
Faulting and magmatism at mid-ocean ridges
Derivation, meaning, and use of geomagnetic indices
Radio astronomy at long wavelengths
The Geophysics of the Pacific Ocean basin and its margin : a volume in honor of George P. Woollard
Flow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock
Magnetospheric current systems
Mt. Etna : volcano laboratory
Hawaiian volcanoes : from source to surface
Diversity of hydrothermal systems on slow spreading ocean ridges
The Mediterranean sea : temporal variability and spatial patterns
The Tornado : its structure, dynamics, prediction, and hazards
The early earth : accretion and differentiation
Climate extremes : patterns and mechanisms
Mechanisms of global climate change at millennial time scales
Assessment of non-point source pollution in the vadose zone
Microwave remote sensing of sea ice
Remote sensing of active volcanism
Explosive subaqueous volcanism
Continent-ocean interactions within East Asian marginal seas
Aspects of climate variability in the Pacific and the western Americas
Volcanism and subduction : the Kamchatka region
The Galápagos : a natural laboratory for the Earth sciences
Physics of the magnetopause
Greenland ice core : geophysics, geochemistry, and the environment
Sea ice : physics and remote sensing
Structure and dynamics of earth's deep interior
Measurement techniques in space plasmas : fields
Post-perovskite : the last mantle phase transition
Quantitative modeling of magnetospheric processes
Flood damage survey and assessment : new insights from research and practice
Inside the subduction factory
Solar system plasmas in space and time
Volcanism and the Earth's atmosphere
Active global seismology : neotectonics and earthquake potential of the eastern Mediterranean region
Earth's climate : the ocean-atmosphere interaction
Ion acceleration in the magnetosphere and ionosphere
Surface ocean-lower atmosphere processes
Isotope techniques in the hydrologic cycle
Seafloor hydrothermal systems : physical, chemical, biological, and geological interactions
Physics of precipitation : proceedings of the Cloud Physics Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 3-5, 1959
Abrupt climate change : mechanisms, patterns, and impacts
Properties and processes of earth's lower crust
Global vegetation dynamics : concepts and applications in the MC1 model
Timescales of the paleomagnetic field
Contemporary geodesy : proceedings of a conference held at the Harvard College Observatory - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1-2, 1958
Hydrodynamics of time-periodic groundwater flow : diffusion waves in porous media
Antarctic subglacial aquatic environments
New perspectives on the earth's magnetotail
Deep structure and past kinematics of accreted terranes
The earth's crust and upper mantle : structure, dynamic processes, and their relation to deep-seated geological phenomena
Plasma waves and instabilities at comets and in magnetospheres
The polar oceans and their role in shaping the global environment : the Nansen centennial volume
Dynamics of fluids in fractured rock
Climate dynamics : why does climate vary?
The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province insights from Fragments of Pangea
Electric currents in geospace and beyond
Evolution of mid ocean ridges
The Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific area
Marine particles : analysis and characterization
Atmospheres in the solar system : comparative aeronomy
Archean geodynamics and environments
Sea salt aerosol production : mechanisms, methods, measurements and models : a critical review
Environmental mechanics : water, mass and energy transfer in the biosphere
Geophysics and the IGY : proceedings of the Symposium at the opening of the International Geophysical Year, conducted by the United States National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., June 28-29, 1957
Solar eruptions and energetic particles
Evolution of the Earth and planets
Sun-earth plasma connections
Space plasmas : coupling between small and medium scale processes
Pre-earthquake processes : a multidisciplinary approach to earthquake prediction studies
Plate boundaries and natural hazards
The crust of the Pacific basin : based on papers in two symposia (1) Volcanism and plutonism in relation to types of crustal deformation (2) The earth's crust in the Pacific basin. Presented at the tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 21-Sep.6, 1961
Subduction dynamics : from mantle flow to mega disasters
Quantifying uncertainty in subsurface systems
Seismic earth : array analysis of broadband seismograms
The Tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands
Carbon in Earth's interior
Hydrogeology, chemical weathering, and soil formation
Space weather effects and applications
Magnetospheres in the solar system
Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico : observations and models
Remote sensing in northern hydrology : measuring environmental change
Crustal magmatic system evolution : anatomy, architecture, and physico-chemical processes
Congo Basin hydrology, climate, and biogeochemistry : a foundation for the future
Atmospheric chemistry of chlorine and sulfur compounds : proceedings of a symposium held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 4-6, 1957
The Nordic seas : an integrated perspective oceanography, climatology, biogeochemistry, and modeling
Earth's low-latitude boundary layer
Magnetic helicity in space and laboratory plasmas
Physics of magnetic flux ropes
High-pressure research : application to earth and planetary sciences
Water-energy-food nexus : principles and practices
Interactions between global climate subsystems : the legacy of Hann
Climate change in continental isotopic records
Collisionless shocks in the heliosphere : a tutorial review
Environmental effects on spacecraft positioning and trajectories
Faults and subsurface fluid flow in the shallow crust
Inner magnetosphere interactions : new perspectives from imaging
Inverse methods in global biogeochemical cycles
Earth's deep interior : mineral physics and tomography from the atomic to the global scale
Microstructural geochronology : planetary records down to atom scale
Large igneous provinces : continental, oceanic, and planetary flood volcanism
Earth's deep water cycle
Space weather
Terrestrial water cycle and climate change : natural and human-induced impacts
Kuroshio current : physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamics
Carbon cycling in northern peatlands
The extreme Proterozoic : geology, geochemistry, and climate
Radiation belts : models and standards
Flow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock
Dynamics of fluids and transport in complex fractured-porous systems
Sea level changes : determination and effects
Natural gas hydrates : occurrence, distribution, and detection
Cross-scale coupling in space plasmas
Mantle flow and melt generation at mid-ocean ridges
Stream restoration in dynamic fluvial systems : scientific approaches, analyses, and tools
The ostracoda : Applications in quaternary research
Hawaiian volcanoes : deep underwater perspectives
Climates, landscapes, and civilizations
Quo vadimus : geophysics for the next generation
The North Atlantic oscillation : climatic significance and environmental impact
Future Earth : advancing civic understanding of the anthropocene
The controlled flood in Grand Canyon
Particle acceleration in astrophysical plasmas : geospace and beyond
The Mesozoic Pacific : geology, tectonics, and volcanism : a volume in memory of Sy Schlanger
Ore deposits : origin, exploration, and exploitation
Gas transfer at water surfaces
Mechanical behavior of crustal rocks : the Handin volume
The earth beneath the continents : a volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. Tuve
Dawn-dusk asymmetries in planetary plasma environments
The inner magnetosphere : physics and modeling
Ocean circulation : mechanisms and impacts : past and future changes of meridional overturning
Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific
The structure and physical properties of the earth's crust
Global flood hazard : applications in modeling, mapping and forecasting
Dynamics of fluids and transport in fractured rock
Rainfall : state of the science
Ecosystems and land use change
Synthesis of results from scientific drilling in the Indian Ocean
Nonlinear dynamics and predictability of geophysical phenomena
Gondwana six : structure, tectonics, and geophysics
Modeling atmospheric and oceanic flows : insights from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
Ionospheric space weather : longitude and hemispheric dependences and lower atmosphere forcing
Lagrangian modeling of the atmosphere
Understanding climate change
Solar variability and its effects on climate
Prediction in geomorphology
Dynamics of earth's deep interior and earth rotation
Earth processes : reading the isotopic code
Mineral and rock deformation : laboratory studies : the Paterson volume
Magnetic storms
Atlantic rifts and continental margins
Midlatitude ionospheric dynamics and disturbances
The subseafloor biosphere at mid-ocean ridges
Dynamics of the Earth's radiation belts and inner magnetosphere
Deep Earth : physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core
Disturbances in geospace : the storm-substorm relationship
Relating geophysical structures and processes : the Jeffreys volume
Geospace mass and energy flow : results from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program
Atmospheric science across the stratopause
The Carbon cycle and atmospheric CO[2] : natural variations Archean to present
Extreme events and natural hazards : the complexity perspective
Geological carbon storage : Subsurface seals and caprock integrity
Modeling magnetospheric plasma processes
Explosion source phenomenology
Gravity anomalies : unsurveyed areas
Exploring Venus as a terrestrial planet
Solar wind sources of magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency waves
Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska
Heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry
Remote sensing of the terrestrial water cycle
Modeling magnetospheric plasma
Amazonia and global change
The Cenozoic Southern Ocean : tectonics, sedimentation, and climate change between Australia and Antarctica
Properties of earth and planetary materials at high pressure and temperature
Mathematical geoenergy : discovery, depletion, and renewal
Extreme events : observations, modeling, and economics
Ocean modeling in an eddying regime
Seamounts, islands, and atolls
Back-arc spreading systems : geological, biological, chemical, and physical interactions
Low-frequency waves in space plasmas
The Brittle-ductile transition in rocks : the Heard volume
Point defects in minerals
Variations in Earth rotation
Man-made lakes : their problems and environmental effects
Modeling the ionosphere-thermosphere system
The upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere : a review of experiment and theory
Earthquake source mechanics
Natural and anthropogenic influences in fluvial geomorphology
The history and dynamics of global plate motions
Magnetic reconnection in space and laboratory plasmas
Fault zone dynamic processes : evolution of fault properties during seismic rupture
Slow deformation and transmission of stress in the earth
Large igneous provinces : a driver of global environmental and biotic changes
Ionosphere dynamics and applications
Magnetospheres in the solar system
The Stromboli Volcano : an integrated study of the 2002-2003 eruption
Subsurface hydrology : data integration for properties and processes
Global drought and flood : observation, modeling, and prediction
Magma redox geochemistry
Muography : exploring Earth's subsurface with elementary particles
Isotopic constraints on earth system processes
Geophysical monitoring for geologic carbon storage
Earth observation applications and global policy frameworks
Threats to springs in a changing world : science and policies for protection
Compressional tectonics : plate convergence to mountain building
Landscape fire, smoke, and health : linking biomass burning emissions to human well-being
Fast processes in large scale atmospheric models : progress, challenges, and opportunities
Shale : subsurface science and engineering
Submarine landslides : subaqueous mass transport deposits from outcrops to seismic profiles
Geomagnetically induced currents from the sun to the power grid
Kuroshio current : physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamics
Nitrogen overload : environmental degradation, ramifications, and economic costs
Upper atmosphere dynamics and energetics
Space weather effects and applications
Ionosphere dynamics and applications
Crustal magmatic system evolution : anatomy, architecture, and physico-chemical processes
Core-mantle co-evolution : an interdisciplinary approach
Noisy oceans : monitoring seismic and acoustic signals in the marine environment
Dayside magnetosphere interactions
Solar physics and solar wind
Upper atmosphere dynamics and energetics
Mantle convection and surface expressions
Wetland carbon and environmental management
Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics : methods and applications
Remote sensing of water-related hazards
Geophysical monitoring for geologic carbon storage
Clouds and their climatic impacts : radiation, circulation, and precipitation
Helicities in geophysics, astrophysics, and beyond
El Niño southern oscillation in a changing climate
Iceland : tectonics, volcanics, and glacial features
Dynamic magma evolution
Coastal ecosystems in transition : a comparative analysis of the northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research