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- Education, the family and leisureA formidable foeExplaining comprehensivismIndustry, vocationalism and employers' needsProblems in athe biological and human sciencesDamping, forcing and resonanceEducation for adults : the institutionsOscillations and energyTopics in earth sciencesMaterials and models ; Putting materials to workThe structure and management of ecosystemsMethods in machine designLifelinesBrain and spinal cord ; Comparative motor systemsMusic and revolution, VerdiSmall-scale research in primary schools : a reader for learning and professional developmentFirst-order differential equationsArt and politics in FrancePedagogy and practice : culture and identitiesThe question of racismWhy sociology?Damping, forcing and resonanceWorld Ocean Floor . Topography of the OceansNoise abatementCommunity technologyLanguage and thoughtTopics in biology and ecologyAn introduction to brain and behaviourRestoration cultureThe development of prose結晶The hard systems approachEuripides, MedeaThe city in the developing worldCurriculum and policy-makingAir pollution controlThe hippocampusPartial differential equationsPopular politics, 1750-1870'Race', culture and differencePoverty and social policy, 1750-1870Systems approach to failuresSocial life in the early empireFluid mechanics : energy and momentumStaticsIntroductionSentimental Education : a study guideThe powers that beThe sociology of selectionDocument collectionStrong materials ; Electrons and wavesInnovation and the school ; Innovation and the teacherCurriculum organization : subject, activities, themes, core ; Curriculum organization : the integrated curriculum ; RevisionFood for thoughtComedyBeethovenEnvironment fileFunctionalismThe policy-makers : local and central governmentInterorganizational relationsInequality : gender, race and classBritish elites, 1870-1950Normal modesInside the schoolProgressive idealsComparing systems approachesThe limits of everyday thinkingEurope fileThe first and second laws of thermodynamics for flow processesHandicap is socialBernoulli's equation and internal flows : unit 3 Principles, unit 4 ApplicationsWork groupsAttitudes and beliefsCorrosionMolecules & CrystalsThe visual system and visual perceptionSpecial biographiesIntroduction to the course . The Greek theatre in its dramatic and social contextFinishing offUnderstanding textsNon-linear differential equationsThe hard systems approachCorrelational research designsPolitical ideasThe student perspectiveMilton and marvellMediating science learning through information and communications technologyHormones and sexual behaviourSystems of particlesCommunicationKnowledge and informationCurriculum managementNapoleon/ [prepared by Clive Emsley for the Age of Revolutions Course Team] . Restoration Europe/ [prepared by Christopher Harvie for the Age of Revolutions Course Team]Thomas JeffersonAn Atlantic-Democratic revolution?The second law of thermodynamics ; Available energy, entropy and experimentsGermany, Austria and ItalyMechanics and the scale of the universeChoices after 16VibrationsPhilosophy and religious experience in the late fifth-century AthensEnergy conversion : power and societyNutrition and healthNumerical methods for differential equationsAeschylus, The OresteiaMedia bookletFrameworks for learningWomen and educationThe skin of ConcordeProbing the structure of solidsAdult learning : individual, group and communityBike frames : a case studyClean and dirty water ; Water analysis, standards and treatmentThe second law of thermodynamics : units 9 and 10 entropy and cyclesEducation for adult life?Circular motionIllustration bookletMarxismModelling heat transferGetting startedNational PerspectivesFourier seriesMethods in machine designAggressionCertainty : a discussion of Wittgenstein's notes On certaintyCourse revision and examination preparationDesign with nature?Case studiesQuantum physicsMatrices and determinantsA culture changedIntroduction and unifying themes ; Environmental healthProblems about organizationsTime, chance and thermodynamicsMathematical modellingPhase diagrams and microstructureThe case of middle schools : comprehensivism and progressivismThe birth of liquid crystalsVector algebraSocial structures and divisionsGender differentiation in schoolsCar bodySurveys and themesPhase diagrams ; Phase diagrams and heat treatmentWork, markets and the economySecond-order differential equationsDeep-sea container ports : systems appraisal and simulation modellingTopics in physicsMunicipal refuse disposal ; Toxic wastesA different worldIntroduction to the study of revolutions and some interpretations of 1848DocumentsCourse guideExercise bookletThe professionalsFrance, 1848-1851The Reformation : units 24-25Review of skills : the art and practice of intelligent scepticismFluid momentum : units 5 and 6 fluid momentumEurope on the eve of 1848Modern physics and problems of knowledgeSocial interactionOriginsEradicating handicapVibration of beams and rotating shaftsMarxism and relative autonomyAn Alternative system : a special imaginationThe architecture of solidsThe social science disciplinesA thread of quicksilverIntroducing education policy : principles and perspectivesWilliam Blake (1757-1827)Roman artA changing cultureBritain and Ireland in the 1840sThermodynamic flow processes : units 11-13 thermodynamic flow processesGlossary indexForces in fluidsSimultaneous differential equationsThe concept of high art and the reaction to itChemical reactions ; The periodic table and chemical bondingWomen and property in early modern EnglandPainFrom liquid to solid ; Crystal or glass ; Solids under stressSir Humphry DavyBiology and handicapIllustration bookThe RestorationBeyond the debates?Interpretive sociology and the macro-micro problemThe Industrial RevolutionDesign issues (I) : part 1, teacher education ; Design issues (II) : part 2, art education : part 3, man a course of studyBroadcast illustrationsPublic schoolsModelling fluids ; Similarity analysis and dimensionless groupsApproaches to curriculum planning (I) ; Approaches to curriculum planning (II) ; Intuition and the arts of teachingEigenvalues and eigenvectorsIdentities and interactionKatherine Mansfield and the fantasticNature and cultureSexualityTelevision and audio-cassette notesModelling flightPlasticity and specificity in the nervous systemIntroduction to energy and thermodynamics ; The first law of thermodynamics for non, flow processesVibrations : systems with one degree of freedomProject guideA special curriculum?Composite materialsField relationsEducational policy and ideologyBeliefs in science : an introductionTopics in biology and geologyTensions and change in fifth-century AthensThe soft systems approachHidden visionsSteels : how to treat themControl of the acoustic environmentRacism and antiracism : inequalities, opportunities and policiesEnvironmental degradationLearning, memory and the brainGlossaryAir, earth, fire and waterPorcelainMultiple integralsVector calculusPerspectives on organizationsStructural analysisThe Revolution and its impactWar and the mediaInquiry in the social sciencesMedia bookletThe historical backgroundKant's Copernican revolution, speculative philosophyManaging staffLearning and practice : agency and identitiesSocial relationsConcrete, and steel : a case studyHacksaw blades : a case studySupplementary textsWater, origins and demand ; Conservation and abstractionRacism and education : structures and strategiesThe soft systems approachRevising the modelThe first law of thermodynamics : units 7 and 8 energy and temperatureDiscovering scienceGeophysical studiesMotivationRotating bodies and angular momentumStructure and system : basic concepts and theoriesThe religious revival in EnglandEnglish in the world : history, diversity, changeThe Sixteen-FiftiesA divided societyThucydides and Athenian democracyBritish elites, 1750-1870Models of matterForces in fluidsIssues in curriculum innovation ; Strategies of curriculum innovationCity themesThe problem of organizationsWaterwheels and turbinesMaking contactPoverty and social policy, 1850-1950Plato, GorgiasElectrons in solidsThe science of climate?Schooling, work and unemploymentMechanics in more than one dimensionRevision : preparing for the final examination, the specimen exam paperSocial science and societyDeterminants of behaviour ; Minds, brains and consciousness ; Madness, sanity, therapy and controlOrganizational control : interaction, roles and rulesChanging environments ; ConservationCurriculum innovation at school level ; Innovation at the classroom levelUnderstanding numbersOrganizationsInside the classroomA study guide to Stendhal's 'Scarlet and Black' (1830)Innovation at the national level ; Innovation at the local level ; School-based curriculum developmentPowerProgressive education in practiceFourth-century historyPsychology and special euducationTV and audio-cassette illustration bookletFunctions of several variablesFlaubert's 'Sentimental education'Neuronal structure and function ; Neuronal systemsApplying English grammar : functional and corpus approachesReview and revisionSolids under stressMother-infant relationshipsManaging the external environment : a strategic perspectiveThe mystery of lifeUncertain principlesPower station cycles : vapour power cycles, gas turbine cyclesAthenian social historyElectromagnetic fields and the classical physics of matterResearch and progress in special eudcationSolar cells [i.e. cell]Race, gender and education policy-makingConcepts of adult educationSocial science and social changeModelling fluid flows : unit 1 Modelling fluids, unit 2 Dimensional analysis and similarityKnowledge and practice : representations and identitiesEqual educational opportunityThe rise of ChristianitySickle cell : A lethal advantageVibrations : systems with two degrees of freedomInterpretive sociologyTransformer coreCafé Einklang : a fresh start in German : transcript bookletIntroduction, sources, themes and projectsSome key concepts ; Coastal environmentsEthnographyHeat transfer analysisStendhal's 'Scarlet and black'Mechanics in one dimensionPupil culturesMethods in machine designThe future of science and belief : theological views in the twentieth centuryLearners' experienceChemical pathways in the brainThe new laws on special educationPresent and futureCafé Einklang : a fresh start in GermanAristophanes : the EkklesiazusaiThe making of the regionsMilk bottleThe policy contextRivers and lakesPolitics and powerGuide to designing experiments in the behavioural sciencesCurriculum evaluation (I) : towards evaluation ; Curriculum evaluation (II) : six alternative models of curriculum evaluation ; RevisionKant's Copernican revolution, moral philosophyPolicy-making, structure, and leadershipPopular politics 1870-1950Britain and the early Roman EmpireInformation sources in the brain and behavioural sciencesLost worldsAir pollutionExperimental research designsIssues in women's studiesFamily viewsPopulation, resources and technologyAthens : polis and empireThe AcropolisTopics in physics and chemistryMilton study guideLearning fileVibrations: systems with two degrees of freedomPetronius and JuvenalProcessing materials -- how and whyManaging for changeMaterials and energyScience and metaphysics in Victorian Britain /prepared for the Course team by James R. Moore, ...[et al.]Occupational categories and culturesWider perspectivesRome : the Augustan ageBody, mind, stage and streetThe woman questionEconomic dependence and the StateKatherine Mansfield and continental EuropeWomen in the household : a historical analysis, 1500-1850 . Development of family and work in capitalist societyViolence against women . Moving forwardThe family : daughters, wives and mothersEducating girls . Health and medicineReading women writing . Femininity and women's magazines : a case study of Woman's Own - 'First in Britain for women'Ideas ; International competition and European balanceKatherine Mansfield and the artsKatherine Mansfield and modernism
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