
The Rutgers series in childhood studies


The Rutgers series in childhood studies

Rutgers University Press


Rights and wrongs of children's work外部サイトGirlhood : a global history外部サイトChildren of the occupation : Japan's untold story外部サイトCity kids : transforming racial baggage外部サイトLife after guns : reciprocity and respect among young men in Liberia外部サイトRaising your kids right : children's literature and American political conservatism外部サイトRace among friends : exploring race at a suburban school外部サイトIn sickness and in play : children coping with chronic illness外部サイトBetween good and ghetto : African American girls and inner-city violence外部サイトThe child in film : tears, fears and fairytales外部サイトDesigning modern childhoods : history, space, and the material culture of children外部サイトTrafficked children and youth in the United States : reimagining survivors外部サイトGrowing girls : the natural origins of girls' organizations in America外部サイトWhy afterschool matters外部サイトDefining student success : the role of school and culture外部サイトFantasies of neglect : imagining the urban child in American film and fiction外部サイトPleasures and perils : girls' sexuality in a Caribbean consumer culture外部サイトVietnam's children in a changing world外部サイトLearning race, learning place : shaping racial identities and ideas in African American childhoods外部サイトTranslating childhoods : immigrant youth, language, and culture外部サイトAt play in Belfast : children's folklore and identities in Northern Ireland外部サイトRisky lessons : sex education and social inequality外部サイトWe fight to win : inequality and the politics of youth activism外部サイトRace in the schoolyard : negotiating the color line in classrooms and communities外部サイトChildren and childhood in world religions : primary sources and texts外部サイトRethinking childhood外部サイトImagined orphans : poor families, child welfare, and contested citizenship in London外部サイトLife on the Malecón : children and youth on the streets of Santo Domingo外部サイトInventing modern adolescence : the children of immigrants in turn-of-the-century America外部サイトRaising your kids right : children's literature and American political conservatism外部サイトChild soldiers in the Western imagination : from patriots to victims外部サイトLearning the hard way : masculinity, place, and the gender gap in education外部サイトYouth in postwar Guatemala : education and civic identity in transition外部サイトKids in the middle : how children of immigrants negotiate community interactions for their families外部サイトArmies of the young : child soldiers in war and terrorism外部サイトGirlhood : a global history外部サイトWays of belonging : undocumented youth in the shadow of illegality外部サイトAmbivalent encounters : childhood, tourism, and social change in Banaras, India外部サイトAt play in Belfast : children's folklore and identities in Northern Ireland外部サイトBetween self and community : children's personhood in a globalized South Korea外部サイトLife in a Cambodian orphanage : a childhood journey for new opportunities外部サイトChildren as caregivers : the global fight against tuberculosis and HIV in Zambia外部サイトChina's left-behind children : caretaking, parenting, and struggles外部サイトThe queer aesthetics of childhood : asymmetries of innocence and the cultural politics of child development外部サイトBelonging and becoming in a multicultural world : refugee youth and the pursuit of identity外部サイト






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Rutgers series in childhood studies
Rights and wrongs of children's work
Girlhood : a global history
Children of the occupation : Japan's untold story
City kids : transforming racial baggage
Life after guns : reciprocity and respect among young men in Liberia
Raising your kids right : children's literature and American political conservatism
Race among friends : exploring race at a suburban school
In sickness and in play : children coping with chronic illness
Between good and ghetto : African American girls and inner-city violence
The child in film : tears, fears and fairytales
Designing modern childhoods : history, space, and the material culture of children
Trafficked children and youth in the United States : reimagining survivors
Growing girls : the natural origins of girls' organizations in America
Why afterschool matters
Defining student success : the role of school and culture
Fantasies of neglect : imagining the urban child in American film and fiction
Pleasures and perils : girls' sexuality in a Caribbean consumer culture
Vietnam's children in a changing world
Learning race, learning place : shaping racial identities and ideas in African American childhoods
Translating childhoods : immigrant youth, language, and culture
At play in Belfast : children's folklore and identities in Northern Ireland
Risky lessons : sex education and social inequality
We fight to win : inequality and the politics of youth activism
Race in the schoolyard : negotiating the color line in classrooms and communities
Children and childhood in world religions : primary sources and texts
Rethinking childhood
Imagined orphans : poor families, child welfare, and contested citizenship in London
Life on the Malecón : children and youth on the streets of Santo Domingo
Inventing modern adolescence : the children of immigrants in turn-of-the-century America
Raising your kids right : children's literature and American political conservatism
Child soldiers in the Western imagination : from patriots to victims
Learning the hard way : masculinity, place, and the gender gap in education
Youth in postwar Guatemala : education and civic identity in transition
Kids in the middle : how children of immigrants negotiate community interactions for their families
Armies of the young : child soldiers in war and terrorism
Girlhood : a global history
Ways of belonging : undocumented youth in the shadow of illegality
Ambivalent encounters : childhood, tourism, and social change in Banaras, India
At play in Belfast : children's folklore and identities in Northern Ireland
Between self and community : children's personhood in a globalized South Korea
Life in a Cambodian orphanage : a childhood journey for new opportunities
Children as caregivers : the global fight against tuberculosis and HIV in Zambia
China's left-behind children : caretaking, parenting, and struggles
The queer aesthetics of childhood : asymmetries of innocence and the cultural politics of child development
Belonging and becoming in a multicultural world : refugee youth and the pursuit of identity
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books