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- 1-344. An index and other useful informationNCID:AA00716019 ISSN:00758450NCID:AA10997333 -- New series. Monographs ISSN:09407677
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- Feynman path integrals : proceedings of the international colloquium held in Marseille, May 1978Complex systems and binary networks : Guanajuato lectures, held at Guanajuato, México, 16-22 January 1995Dynamics and instability of fluid interfaces : proceedings of a meeting, held at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, May 1978Space plasma simulationSpace weather : the physics behind a sloganBarred galaxies and circumnuclear activity : proceedings of the NOBEL SYMPOSIUM 98 held at Stockholm Observatory, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, 30 November-3 December 1995Problems involving change of type : proceedings of a conference, held at the University of Stuttgart, FRG, October 11-14, 1988Dynamical systems, theory and applicationsThermodynamics and constitutive equations : lectures given at the 2nd 1982 session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Noto, Italy, June 23-July 2, 1982Lattice hadron physicsHeidelberg Colloquium on Glassy Dynamics : proceedings of a colloquium on spin glasses, optimization and neural networks held at the University of Heidelberg, June 9-13, 1986Fluid flow through porous macromolecular systemsFiber bundle techniques in gauge theoriesHadrons in dense matter and hadrosynthesis : proceedings of the eleventh Chris Engelbrecht summer school held in Cape Town, South Africa, 4-13 February 1998Ernst equation and Riemann surfaces : analytical and numerical methodsGalactic dynamics and N-body simulations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School VI, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-23 July 1993Nearby molecular clouds : proceedings of a specialized colloquium of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Toulouse, September 17-21, 1984Nonlinear coherent structures in physics and biology : proceedings of the 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop, held at Dijon, France, 4-6 June 1991Electromagnetic field matter interactions in thermoelastic solids and viscous fluidsHigh-energy ion-atom collisions : proceedings of the 4th Workshop on High-Energy Ion-Atom Collision Processes, held in Debrecen, Hungary, 17-19 September 1990Topics in strangeness nuclear physicsGalactic high-energy astrophysics ; High-accuracy timing and positional astronomy : lectures held at the Astrophysics School IV, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Graz, Austria, 19-31 August 1991Resonances--models and phenomena : proceedings of a workshop held at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, April 9-14, 1984Introduction to the physics of massive and mixed neutrinosSpacetime : foundations of general relativity and differential geometryHamiltonian field theory in the radiating regimeStatistical approach to quantum field theory : an introductionChaos detection and predictabilityNotes sur les écoulements rotationnels de fluides parfaitsIntegrability of nonlinear systems : proceedings of the CIMPA School, Pondicherry University, India, 8-26 January 1996Quantum cosmology : the supersymmetric perspectiveGroup theoretical methods in physics : proceedings of the XIIth International Colloquium, held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, September 5-11, 1983Theory of nuclear fission : a textbookNeutron spin echo : proceedings of a Laue-Langevin Institut workshop, Grenoble, October 15-16, 1979Fundamentals of laser interactions II : proceedings of the Fourth Meeting on Laser Phenomena held at the Bundessportheim in Obergurgl, Austria, 26 February-4 March 1989Coronal physics from radio and space observations : proceedings of the CESRA Workshop, held in Nouan le Fuzelier, France, 3-7 June 1996Supersymmetry : structure and phenomena : extensions of the standard modelAstromineralogyChaos, kinetics and nonlinear dynamics in fluids and plasmas : proceedings of a workshop held in Carry-Le Rouet, France, 16-21 June 1997Dynamics of nuclear fission and related collective phenomena : proceedings of the International Symposium on "Nuclear Fission and Related Collective Phenomena and Properties of Heavy Nuclei," Bad Honnef, Germany, October 26-29, 1981Mathematical structure of the singularities at the transitions between steady states in hydrodynamic systemsTenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference, held at the Beijing Science Hall, Beijing, China, June 23-27, 1986Solar and stellar physics : proceedings of the 5th European Solar Meeting, held in Titisee/Schwarzwald, Germany, April 27-30, 1987Mathematical problems in theoretical physics : proceedings of the VIth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Berlin (West), August 11-20, 1981The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem : a status reportElectronic structure and physical properties of solids : the uses of the LMTO method : lectures of a workshop held at Mont Saint Odile, France, October 2-5, 1998Supersymmetric grand unified theories : from quarks to strings via SUSY GUTsElements of numerical relativity and relativistic hydrodynamics : from Einstein's equations to astrophysical simulationsHomogenization techniques for composite media : lectures delivered at the CISM International Center for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, July 1-5, 1985Turbulence modeling and vortex dynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at Istanbul, Turkey, 2-6 September 1996From quantum mechanics to technology : proceedings of the XXXIInd Winter School of Theoretical Physics, held in Karpacz, Poland, 19-29 February 1996The role of coherent structures in modelling turbulence and mixing : proceedings of the international conference, Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 1980Soft matter at aqueous interfacesSelf-force and inertia : old light on new ideasStretch, twist, fold : the fast dynamoDynamics of coupled map lattices and of related spatially extended systemsAn advanced course in modern nuclear physicsLocalizability and space in quantum physicsComputing particle properties : proceedings of the 36. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, March 1-8, 1997Perspectives in fluid mechanics : proceedings of a symposium, held on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Hans Wolfgang Liepmann, Pasadena, California, 10-12 January, 1985Systems far from equilibrium : Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, June 1980, Sitges, Barcelona/SpainA renormalization group analysis of the hierarchical model in statistical mechanicsX-ray and neutron reflectivity : principles and applicationsMathematical implications of Einstein-Weyl causalityStrongly correlated magnetic and superconducting systems : proceedings of the El Escorial Summer School, held in Madrid, Spain, 15-19 July 1996Statistical mechanics and field theory : mathematical aspects : proceedings of the International Conference on the Mathematical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, held in Groningen, The Netherlands, August 26-30, 1985Computational materials science : from basic principles to material propertiesNonlinear phenomena : proceedings of the CIFMO School and Workshop held at Oaxtepec, Mexico, November 29-December 17, 1982Transport and energy conversion in the heliosphere : lectures given at the CNRS summer school on solar astrophysics, Oleron, France, 25-29 May 1998Solutions of Einstein's equations : techniques and results : proceedings of the International Seminar on Exact Solutions of Einstein's Equations, held in Retzbach, Germany, November 14-18, 1983Numerical combustion : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Combustion held in Juan les Pins, Antibes, May 23-26, 1989Lasers and nuclei : applications of ultrahigh intensity lasers in nuclear scienceBryce Dewitt's Lectures on GravitationJets from young stars V : high performance computing and applicationsThe hispalensis lectures on nuclear physics vol.2Lectures on matrix field theoryAnderson localization and its ramifications : disorder, phase coherence and electron correlationsQuantum thermodynamics : emergence of thermodynamic behavior within composite quantum systemsFrontiers of particle beams : factories with e[+]e[-] rings : proceedings of a topical course held by the Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators at Benalmádena, Spain, 29 October-4 November, 1992Nonlinear MHD waves and Turbulence : proceedings of the workshop held in Nice, France, 1-4 December 1998Perspectives on photon interactions with hadrons and nuclei : proceedings of a Workshop held at Göttingen, FRG on 20 and 21 February 1990Iron line diagnostics in X-ray sources : proceedings of a workshop held in Varenna, Como, Italy, 9-12 October 1990Polymer crystallization : observations, concepts and interpretationsAn introduction to the numerical analysis of spectral methodsCollider physics within the standard model : a primerInvariant wave equations : proceedings of the "Ettore Majorana" International School of Mathematical Physics held in Erice, June 27 to July 9, 1977Lattice QCD for nuclear physicsResonance effects of excitons and electrons : basics and applicationsEinstein Symposion, Berlin : aus Anlaß der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages 25. bis 30. März 1979Flow control : fundamentals and practicesAstrotomography : indirect imaging methods in observational astronomyBridging time scales : molecular simulations for the next decadePhysics of black holes : a guided tourClusters in nucleiAdS/CFT duality user guideWhither turbulence? : turbulence at the crossroads : proceedings of a workshop held at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 22-24, 1989Dynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactionsConformal field theories and integrable models : lectures held at the Eötvös Graduate course, Budapest, Hungary 13-18 August 1996Physics of dusty plasmas : an introductionFew body systems and electromagnetic interactions : proceedings of the workshop held in Frascati (Italy), March 7-10, 1978Advances in the Free-Lagrange method : including contributions on adaptive gridding and the smooth particle hydrodynamics method : proceedings of the Next Free-Lagrange Conference held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, WY, USA, 3-7 June 1990Introducing molecular electronicsNonlinear dynamics aspects of particle accelerators : proceedings of the Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators, held in Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, 31 January-5 February, 1985Symmetry breakingRheological modelling : thermodynamical and statistical approaches : proceedings of the meeting held at the Bellaterra School of Thermodynamics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Catalonia, Spain, 24-28 September, 1990The structure and content of Molecular clouds : 25 years of molecular radioastronomy : proceedings of a conference held at Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, 14-16 April 1993Structure and mechanisms of turbulence : proceedings of the Symposium on Turbulence held at the Technische universität Berlin, August 1-5, 1977Laser ablation : mechanisms and applications : proceedings of a workshop held in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA 8-10 April 1991New aspects of galaxy photometry : proceedings of the specialized meeting of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Toulouse, September 17-21, 1984Half-metallic alloys : fundamentals and applicationsTheory of liquids and other disordered media : a short introductionStructure in complex networksLectures on geometric quantizationPadé approximants method and its applications to mechanicsFrontiers of particle beams : intensity limitations : proceedings of a topical course held by the Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, 7-14 November 1990Ferrofluids : Magnetically controllable fluids and their applicationsThe W[3] algebra : modules, semi-infinite cohomology, and BV algebrasNoncovariant gauges in canonical formalismCasimir physicsRubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamicsTen physical applications of spectral zeta functionsSpacetime : foundations of general relativity and differential geometrySymmetries and group theory in particle physics : an introduction to space-time and internal symmetriesNon-linear equations in classical and quantum field theory : proceedings of a seminar series held at DAPHE, Observatoire de Meudon, and LPTHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, between October 1983 and October 1984Quantum field theory on curved spacetimes : concepts and mathematical foundationsPerturbation expansions in axiomatic field theoryTrapped charged particles and fundamental interactionsComputing methods in applied sciences and engineering, 1977, II : third international symposium, December 5-9, 1977Stochastic quantizationThe augmented spherical wave method : a comprehensive treatmentProblems of stellar convection : proceedings of the Colloquium nr. 38 of the Internat. Astronom. Union, held in Nice, August 16-20, 1976Stability of thermodynamic systems : proceedings of the meeting held at Bellaterra School of Thermodynamics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain, September 1981Stochastic processes in quantum theory and statistical physics : proceedings of the international workshop held in Marseille, France, June 29-July 4, 1981Physics of phonons : proceedings of the XXIII Winter School of Theoretical Physics, held in Karpacz, Poland, February 16-28, 1987Dynamical critical phenomena and related topics : proceedings of the international conference, held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, April 2-6, 1979Schrödinger operators : proceedings of the Nordic Summer School in Mathematics held at Sandbjerg Slot, Sønderborg, Denmark, August 1-12, 1988Physics and astrophysics of ultra-high-energy cosmic raysLectures on cosmology : accelerated expansion of the UniverseQuantum dynamical semigroups and applicationsPhysical processes in astrophysics : proceedings of a meeting in honour of Evry Schatzman held in Paris, France, 22-24 September 1993An introduction to integrable techniques for one-dimensional quantum systemsMathematical and quantum aspects of relativity and cosmology : proceedings of the second Samos Meeting on Cosmology, Geometry and Relativity held at Pythagoreon, Samos, Greece, 31 August - 4 September 1998Introduction to black hole astrophysicsGeomorphological fluid mechanicsAdvanced methods in the evaluation of nuclear scattering data : proceedings of the international workshop held at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung Berlin, June 18-20, 1985Fusion reactions below the Coulomb barrier : proceedings of an international conference held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 13-15, 1984Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held in Bangalore, India, 11-15 July 1994Broken symmetries : proceedings of the 37. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, February 28-March 7, 1998Substructures of matter as revealed with electroweak probes : proceedings of the 32. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, 24 February-5 March 1993The Physics of accretion onto compact objects : proceedings of a workshop held in Tenerife, Spain, April 21-25, 1986The quark structure of hadrons : an introduction to the phenomenology and spectroscopyA measure theoretical approach to quantum stochastic processesGeometry and quantum physics : proceedings of the 38. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, January 9-16, 1999Quantum magnetismOrganic conductors and semiconductors : proceedings of the international conference, Siófok, Hungary 1976Physics of neutron star interiorsQuantum thermodynamics : emergence of thermodynamic behavior within composite quantum systemsA short course in quantum information theory : an approach from theoretical physicsGeneral lectures ; Fundamental numerical techniquesPresent status and aims of quantum electrodynamics : proceedings of the symposion held at Mainz University, May 9-10, 1980Nuclear spectroscopy : lecture notes of the workshop held at Gull Lake, Michigan, August 27-September 7, 1979AstromineralogyAn introduction to the relativistic theory of gravitation25 years of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics : proceedings of the XIII Sitges Conference, held in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 13-17 June 1994Scattering amplitudes in gauge theoriesInertia and gravitation : the fundamental nature and structure of space-timeMeasures of complexity : proceedings of the conference held in Rome, September 30-October 2, 1987Noncommutative geometry and the standard model of elementary particle physicsAgeing and the glass transitionHigh resolution in solar physics : proceedings of a specialized session of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Toulouse, September 17-21, 1984Nuclear physics concepts in the study of atomic cluster physics : proceedings of the 88th WE-Heraeus-Seminar held at Bad Honnef, FRG, 26-29 November 1991Advanced lectures on general relativityComplex fluids : proceedings of the XII Sitges Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 1-5 June 1992Group theoretical methods in physics : proceedings of the XVIII International Colloquium held at Moscow, USSR, 4-9 June 1990An introduction to two-dimensional quantum field theory with (0, 2) supersymmetryTurbulence in space plasmasNeutron spin echo spectroscopy : basics, trends and applicationsRenormalization of quantum field theories with non-linear field transformations : proceedings of a workshop, held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, FRG, February 16-20, 1987Experimental methods in heavy ion physicsThe formalisms of quantum mechanics : an introductionMagnetoviscous effects in ferrofluidsTheoretical physics : fin de siècle : proceedings of the XII Max Born Symposium held in Wrocław, Poland, 23-26 September 1998Monte-Carlo methods and applications in neutronics, photonics and statistical physics : proceedings of the joint Los Alamos National Laboratory-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique Meeting held at Cadarache Castle, Provence, France, April 22-26, 1985The many faces of Maxwell, Dirac and Einstein equations : a Clifford bundle approachA mathematical introduction to conformal field theoryThe environments of the sun and the starsSixteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held in Arcachon, France, 6-10 July 1998Chaos : the interplay between stochastic and deterministic behaviour : proceedings of the XXXIst Winter School of Theoretical Physics, held in Karpacz, Poland, 13-24 February 1995Medium energy nucleon and antinucleon scattering : proceedings of the international symposium, held at Bad Honnef, June 18-21, 1985The conformal structure of space-time : geometry, analysis, numericsDensity-matrix renormalization : a new numerical method in physics : lectures of a seminar and workshop held at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, August 24th to September 18th, 1998Numerical treatment of multiphase flows in porous media : proceedings of the international workshop, held at Beijing, China, 2-6 August 1999Macroscopic modelling of turbulent flows : proceedings of a workshop held at INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, December 10-14, 1984Energy conversion and particle acceleration in the solar coronaIntroduction to superfluidity : field-theoretical approach and applicationsGroup theoretical methods in physics : proceedings of the XIth international colloquium held at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, August 23-28, 1982Gravitational lensing : an astrophysical toolAn introduction to noncommutative spaces and their geometriesSolar energetic particles : a modern primer on understanding sources, acceleration and propagationModern theories of many-particle systems in condensed matter physicsIntroduction to polarization PhysicsThe invisible universe : dark matter and dark energyNon-perturbative description of quantum systemsSelf-consistent quantum field theory and bosonization for strongly correlated electron systemsQuantum dots : a doorway to nanoscale physicsTime in quantum mechanicsModelling critical and catastrophic phenomena in geoscience : a statistical physics approachMatter under extreme conditions : proceedings of the 33. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, 27 February-5 March 1994Data analysis in cosmologyAstrométrie moderneStellar pulsation : proceedings of a conference held as a memorial to John P. Cox at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, August 11-15, 1986Large scale structures in nonlinear physics : proceedings of a workshop held in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France 13-18 January 1991Relativistic dynamics of a charged sphere : updating the Lorentz-Abraham modelNuclear structure physics : proceedings of the Minerva Symposium on Physics held at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, April 2-5, 1973Supersymmetry and quantum field theory : proceedings of the D. Volkov Memorial Seminar : held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 5-7 January 1997The atmospheres of early-type stars : proceedings of a workshop organized jointly by the UK SERC's Collaborative Computational Project no. 7 and the Institut für Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, University of Kiel, held at the University of Kiel, Germany, 18-20 September 1991Quantum chromodynamics : proceedings of the X G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics, held at Jaca, Huesca (Spain), June 1979Quantum thermodynamics : emergence of thermodynamic behavior within composite quantum systemsStatistical mechanics and the foundations of thermodynamicsAdvances in cold-region thermal engineering and sciences : technological, environmental, and climatological impact : proceedings of the 6th international symposium held in Darmstadt, Germany, 22-25 August, 1999Physics of soft impact and crateringThirteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held at the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Rome, Italy, 6-10 July 1992Quantized vortex dynamics and superfluid turbulenceQuantum ising phases and transitions in transverse ising modelsIntroduction to the physics of massive and mixed neutrinosAdvances in doublet mechanicsPDEs and continuum models of phase transitions : proceedings of an NSF-CNRS joint seminar held in Nice, France, January 18-22, 1988Quarks and nuclear structure : proceedings of the 3rd Klaus Erkelenz Symposium held at Bad Honnef, June 13-16, 1983Analytical and numerical approaches to mathematical relativityModern aspects of spin physicsDecoherence : theoretical, experimental, and conceptual problems : proceedings of a workshop held at Bielefeld, Germany, 10-14 November 1998On the simpler aspects of nonlinear fluctuating deep water gravity waves : weak interaction theoryStatistical mechanics and mathematical problems : Battelle Seattle 1971 RencontresLocal and global methods of nonlinear dynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, MD, July 23-26, 1984Fourth Granada lectures in computational physics : proceedings of the 4th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics held at Granada, Spain, 9-14 September 1996Photonuclear reactions : International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, Italy, 1976Sleeping beauties in theoretical physics : 26 surprising insightsRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence : lectures of a workshop held at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, April 9-10, 1999Chaotic and stochastic behaviour in automatic production linesCellular structures in instabilities : proceedings of the Meeting "Structures cellulaires dans les instabilités - périodicité, défauts, turbulence de phase" held at Gif-sur Yvette, France, June 20-22, 1983Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory : proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979Physics of biological systems : from molecules to speciesContemporary nuclear shell models : proceedings of an International Workshop held in Philadelphia, PA, USA, 29-30 April 1996Molecules in the stellar environment : proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 146 held at Copenhagen, Denmark, May 24-29, 1993Analogue gravity phenomenology : analogue spacetimes and horizons, from theory to experimentTrends in applications of pure mathematics to mechanics : proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Trends in Applications of Pure Mathematics to Mechanics, held at the Physikzentrum of the German Physical Society, Bad Honnef, October 21-25, 1985Low temperature physics : proceedings of the Summer School held at Blydepoort, Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, 15-25 January 1991Rogue and shock waves in nonlinear dispersive mediaMathematical modeling in combustion science : proceedings of a conference held in Juneau, Alaska, August 17-21, 1987Time-harmonic electromagnetic fields in chiral mediaThe Use of supercomputers in stellar dynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, June 2-4, 1986Relativistic hadrons in cosmic compact objects : proceedings of a workshop held in Koninki/Suhora, Poland, 9-11 October 1990Exploring the atmosphere by remote sensing techniquesLectures on quark matterFew body systems and nuclear forces : 8. international conference, held in Graz, August 24-30, 1978The vector coherent state method and its application to problems of higher symmetriesCool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : proceedings of the Third Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 5-7, 1983Models and analysis of quasistatic contact : variational methodsComputer simulations in condensed matter systems : from materials to chemical biologyFrontiers of particle beams : proceedings of a topical course, held by the Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators at South Padre Island, Texas, October 23-29, 1986Hadrons and heavy ions : proceedings of the summer school held at the University of Cape Town, January 16-27, 1984Inverse problems of wave propagation and diffraction : proceedings of the conference held in Aix-les-Bains, France, September 23-27, 1996Integrability of nonlinear systemsThermal transport in low dimensions : from statistical physics to nanoscale heat transferGyros, clocks, interferometers-- : testing relativistic gravity in spaceLectures on solar physicsAn introduction to quantum spin systemsLectures on QCD : foundationsModels for polymeric and anisotropic liquidsPDMS and clusters : proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the Physics of Small Systems, held on the island of Wangerooge, Germany, September 8-12, 1986Fundamentals of quantum optics : proceedings of the Third Meeting on Laser Phenomena held at the Bundessportheim in Obergurgl, Austria, February 22-28, 1987Nonlinear integrable equations : recursion operators, group-theoretical and Hamiltonian structures of soliton equationsChaos and quantum chaos : proceedings of the Eighth Chris Engelbrecht Summer School on Theoretical Physics, held at Blydepoort, Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, 13-24 January 1992Relativistic gravity research : with emphasis on experiments and observations : proceedings of the 81 WE-Heraeus-Seminar, held at the Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2-6 September 1991Development of magnetic β-ray spectroscopyTransport processes in space physics and astrophysics : problems and solutionsConfined photon systems : fundamentals and applications : lectures from the summerschool, held in Cargèse, Corsica, 3-15 August 1998Stochastic behavior in classical and quantum hamiltonian systems : Volta Memorial Conference, Como, 1977The functional analysis of quantum information theory : a collection of notes based on lectures by Gilles Pisier, K.R. Parthasarathy, Vern Paulsen and Andreas WinterDense matter in compact stars : a pedagogical introductionMathematical and computational methods in nuclear physics : proceedings of the sixth Granada Workshop, held in Granada, Spain, October 3-8, 1983Non-equilibrium relativistic kinetic theoryIntegrable systems and applications : proceedings of a workshop, held at Oléron, France, June 20-24, 1988Supersymmetries and quantum symmetries : proceedings of the International Seminar dedicated to the memory of V.I. Ogievetsky, held in Dubna, Russia, 22-26 July 1997Entanglement and decoherence : foundations and modern trendsInvariant manifolds for physical and chemical kineticsThe Three-body force in the three-nucleon system : proceedings of the international symposium held at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., April 24-26, 1986Modern trends in the theory of condensed matter : proceedings of the XVI Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, February 19-March 3, 1979, Karpacz, PolandProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, June 28-July 2, 1976, Twente University, EnschedeGroup analysis of classical lattice systemsForward electron ejection in ion collisions : proceedings of a Symposium held at the Physics Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 29-30, 1984Understanding calcium dynamics : experiments and theoryJamming, yielding, and irreversible deformation in condensed matterF' centers in alkali halidesEighth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the Conference, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1982A primer in density functional theoryMulticomponent transport algorithmsMorphology of condensed matter : physics and geometry of spatially complex systemsStatistical and dynamical aspects of mesoscopic systems : proceedings of the XVI Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 June 1999Line groups in physics : theory and applications to nanotubes and polymersNew paths towards quantum gravityGroup representations in mathematics and physics : Battelle Seattle, 1969, RencontresField theoretic method in phase transformationsIndistinguishable classical particlesDifferential geometric methods in theoretical physics : proceedings of the 19th International Conference held in Rapallo, Italy, 19-24 June, 1990Translation group and particle representations in quantum field theoryGauge theories of the eighties : proceedings of the Arctic School of Physics, 1982, held in Äkäslompolo, Finland, August 1-13, 1982Gravitational perturbation theory and synchrotron radiationGauge theories as a problem of constructive quantum field theory and statistical mechanicsExtended density functionals in nuclear structure physicsReduced kinetic mechanisms for applications in combustion systemsStochastic processes in physics, chemistry, and biologyNeutrino oscillations : a practical guide to basics and applicationsA mathematical introduction to conformal field theoryQuasi one-dimensional conductors : proceedings of the international conference, Dubrovnik, SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia, 1978Quantum electron liquids and high-Tc superconductivityStochastic processes in classical and quantum systems : proceedings of the 1st Ascona-Como International Conference, held in Ascona, Ticino (Switzerland), June 24-29, 1985Chiral quark dynamicsMicroscopic optical potentials : proceedings of the Hamburg Topical Workshop on Nuclear Physics held at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, September 25-27, 1978Generating families in the restricted three-body problemDirections in quantum optics : a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Dan Walls, including papers presented at the TAMU-ONR workshop held at Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 26-30 July 1999Large deviations in physics : the legacy of the law of large numbersPhysics of narrow gap semiconductors : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors, held at Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 1981Supersymmetry and integrable models : proceedings of a workshop held at Chicago, Il, USA, 12-14 June 1997The quantum theory of measurementVariability of active galaxies : proceedings of a workshop of the Sonderforschungsbereich 328, held at Heidelberg, Germany, 3-5 September 1990The hydrogen atom : precision physics of simple atomic systemsNew methods and results in non-linear field equations : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Bielefeld, Fed. Rep. of Germany, 7-10 July 1987Materials and fluids under low gravity : proceedings of the IXth European Symposium on Gravity Dependent Phenomena in Physical Sciences, held at Berlin, Germany, 2-5 May 1995Rotational dynamics of small and macromolecules : proceedings of a workshop held at the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, FRG, April 21-23, 1986Consistent classical supergravity theoriesStochastic energeticsAnomalous diffusion : from basics to applications : proceedings of the XIth Max Born Symposium held at La̦dek Zdrój, Poland, 20-27 May 1998Applications of self-adjoint extensions in quantum physics : proceedings of a conference held at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna, USSR, September 29-October 1, 1987Jets from young stars : models and constraintsLow-dimensional systems : interactions and transport properties : lectures of a workshop held in Hamburg, Germany, July 27-28, 1999Axiomatic characterization of physical geometryNew developments in high temperature superconductivity : proceedings of the 2nd Polish-US conference held at Wrocław and Karpacz, Poland, 17-21 August 1998Statistical hydrodynamic models for developed mixing instability flows : analytical "0D" evaluation criteria, and comparison of single- and two-phase flow approachesClassical planar scattering by Coulombic potentialsQuantum spin systems on infinite lattices : a concise introductionMolecules in interaction with surfaces and interfacesWärmeleitung in Kristallen, theoretische Grundlagen und fortgeschrittene experimentelle MethodenTransport processes in space physics and astrophysicsReduced kinetic mechanisms and asymptotic approximations for methane-air flames : a topical volumeThe pulsations of the sun and the starsOne-dimensional conductors : GPS summer school proceedingsThe universe at high-z, large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background : proceedings of an Advanced Summer School, held at Laredo, Cantabria, Spain, 4-8 September 1995Cosmological crossroads : an advanced course in mathematical, physical and string cosmologyContinuous and discontinuous modelling of cohesive-frictional materialsRelativistic models of extended hadrons obeying a mass-spin trajectory constraint : lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at AustinEruptive solar flares : proceedings of Colloquium no. 133 of the International Astronomical Union held at Iguazú, Argentina, 2-6 August, 1991Topics in quantum field theory and gauge theories : proceedings of the VIII International Seminar on Theoretical Physics held by GIFT in Salamanca, June 13-19, 1977Scattering theoryLectures on string theoryQuantum cosmology : a fundamental description of the universeMathematical physics of quantum mechanics : selected and refereed lectures from QMath9Effective Lagrangians in quantum electrodynamicsQuantum gravity, quantum cosmology and Lorentzian geometriesJets from young stars IV : from models to observations and experimentsSchrödinger operators : the quantum mechanical many-body problem : proceedings of a workshop held at Aarhus, Denmark, 15 May-1 August 1991Stellar atmospheres : theory and observations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School IX, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Brussels, Belgium, 10-19 September 1996Homological mirror symmetry : new developments and perspectivesGroup theoretical methods in physics : proceedings of the XVI International Colloquium, held at Varna, Bulgaria, June 15-20, 1987Nonlinear problems in theoretical physics : proceedings of the IX G.I.F.T. 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Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, March 2-9, 1996Viscous vortical flowsRugged free energy landscapes : common computational approaches to spin glasses, structural glasses and biological macromolecules:Quantitative study of bifurcationsBogoliubov-de Gennes method and its applicationsLaser physics : proceedings of the Third New Zealand Symposium on Laser Physics, held at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, January 17-23, 1983Computational many-particle physicsSymmetries of integro-differential equations : with applications in mechanics and plasma physicsLarge-scale structures in the universe, observational and analytical methods : proceedings of a workshop, held at the Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Fed. 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Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, February 1992Lectures on quantum statistics : with applications to dilute gases and plasmasNuclear physics with polarized particlesIntroduction to conformal invariance and its applications to critical phenomenaApplications of synchrotron light to scattering and diffraction in materials and life sciencesA symplectic framework for field theoriesApplications of field theory to statistical mechanics : proceedings of the Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Barcelona/Spain, June 10-15, 1984Statistical physics of non equilibrium quantum phenomenaN = 2 supergravity in D = 4, 5, 6 dimensionsQuantum many-body physics : a perspective on strong correlationsStatistical field theory for neural networksStatistical structure of quantum theoryString field theory : a modern introductionFrontiers in general relativityGamow shell model : the unified theory of nuclear structure and reactionsTransport 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inhomogeneous systemsFar from equilibrium phase transitions : proceedings of the Xth Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, June 6-10, 1988Transport phenomena : Sitges International School of Statistical Mechanics, June 1974, Sitges, Barcelona/SpainTheory and simulation of hard-sphere fluids and related systemsCritical phenomena : proceedings of the summer school held at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, January 18-29, 1982Global structure and evolution in general relativity : proceedings of the First Samos Meeting on Cosmology, Geometry and Relativity held at Karlovassi, Samos, Greece, 5-7 September 1994Open quantum systems far from equilibriumRelativistic dynamics of a charged sphere : updating the Lorentz-Abraham modelIntroduction to the functional renormalization groupIntegrabilityBinary stars : selected topics on observations and physical processes : lectures held at the Astrophysics School XII organized by the European Astrophysics 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Physics, held at Storms River Mouth, Tsitsikamma National Park, South Africa, 17-28 January 1994Constrained dynamics : with applications to Yang-Mills theory, general relativity, classical spin, dual string modelA trajectory description of quantum processes : a Bohmian perspectiveMachine learning meets quantum physicsConical intersections in physics : an introduction to synthetic gauge theoriesNaturalness, string landscape and multiverse : a modern introduction with exercisesSolar energetic particles : a modern primer on understanding sources, acceleration and propagationQuantum oscillations : a simple principle underlying important aspects of physicsStrongly interacting matter under rotationStatistical approach to quantum field theory : an introductionInterplay of quantum mechanics and nonlinearity : understanding small-system dynamics of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equationThe theory of direct dark matter detection : a guide to computationsUnderstanding the origin of matter : perspectives in quantum chromodynamicsStatistical methods for data analysis : with applications in particle physicsCoherent states : new insights into quantum mechanics with applicationsGravitational waves from a quantum field theory perspectiveTheory of disordered solids : from atomistic dynamics to mechanical, vibrational, and thermal propertiesSome unusual topics in quantum mechanicsModified and quantum gravity : from theory to experimental searches on all scalesGravity, cosmology, and astrophysics : a journey of exploration and discovery with female pioneersRelativistic quantum invarianceScattering amplitudes in quantum field theoryExtended density functionals in nuclear structure physicsHeavy ion reactions at low energiesFundamentals of magnonicsTensor network contractions : methods and applications to quantum many-body systemsMethods in statistical mechanics : a modern viewSuperradiance : new frontiers in black hole physicsQuarks and leptons from orbifolded superstringQuantum optical processes : from basics to applicationsMemory functions, projection operators, and the defect technique : some tools of the trade for the condensed matter physicistDeformations of spacetime symmetries : gravity, group-valued momenta, and non-commutative fieldsThe interaction of spin with gravity in particle physics : low energy quantum gravityMicroscopic foundations of relativistic fluid dynamicsIntroduction to conformal field theory : with applications to string theoryIntroduction to quantum technologiesField theoretic method in phase transformationsColloidal magnetic fluids : basics, development and application of ferrofluidsIntroduction to muon spin spectroscopy : applications to solid state and material sciencesEffective field theory for spontaneously broken symmetryQuantum chromodynamics on the lattice : an introductory presentationAlgebraic structure of string field theoryNonperturbative topological phenomena in QCD and related theoriesThe deconfinement transition of QCD : theory meets experimentQuantum key distribution : an introduction with exercisesIntroduction to gravitational lensing : with Python examplesSupergravity : from first principles to modern applicationsAn introduction to non-Abelian discrete symmetries for particle physicistsThe Euroschool on exotic beamsNon-equilibrium thermodynamicsFoundations of quantum mechanicsMellin-Barnes integrals : a primer to particle physics applicationsSketches of physics : the celebration collectionStrings to strings : Yang-Mills flux tubes, QCD strings and effective string theoriesAn introduction to the confinement problemIntroduction to conformal invariance and its applications to critical phenomenaAstroparticle physics and cosmology : perspectives in the multimessenger era