
Chapman and Hall/CRC mathematical & computational biology series


Chapman and Hall/CRC mathematical & computational biology series

series editors Alison M. Etheridge ... [et al.]
Chapman & Hall/CRC



Publisher varies: CRC Press


Introduction to biological networks外部サイトStochastic modelling for systems biology外部サイトAn introduction to systems biology : design principles of biological circuits外部サイトBioinformatics : a practical approach外部サイトAlgorithms in bioinformatics : a practical introduction外部サイトComputational biology : a statistical mechanics perspective外部サイトStatistics and data analysis for microarrays using R and Bioconductor外部サイトQuantitative biology : from molecular to cellular systems外部サイトMeta-analysis and combining information in genetics and genomics外部サイトHandbook of chemoinformatics algorithms外部サイトComputational biology : a statistical mechanics perspective外部サイトGene expression studies using affymetrix microarrays外部サイトCell mechanics : from single scale-based models to multiscale modeling外部サイトIntroduction to proteins : structure, function, and motion外部サイトStochastic modelling for systems biology外部サイトBig data analysis for bioinformatics and biomedical discoveries外部サイトMetabolomics : practical guide to design and analysis外部サイトSpatial ecology外部サイトAssociation analysis外部サイトCombinatorial pattern matching algorithms in computational biology using Perl and R外部サイトHandbook of hidden Markov models in bioinformatics外部サイトClustering in bioinformatics and drug discovery外部サイトComputational exome and genome analysis外部サイトNormal mode analysis : theory and applications to biological and chemical systems外部サイトCellular potts models : multiscale extensions and biological applications外部サイトRNA-seq data analysis : a practical approach外部サイトMethods in medical informatics : fundamentals of healthcare programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby外部サイトGenome annotation外部サイトGlycome informatics : methods and applications外部サイトIntroduction to proteins : structure, function, and motion外部サイトKinetic modelling in systems biology外部サイトComputational systems biology of cancer外部サイトIntegrated analysis and causal inference外部サイトPattern discovery in bioinformatics : theory & algorithms外部サイトComputational exome and genome analysis外部サイトPython for bioinformatics外部サイトCancer systems biology外部サイトOptimal control applied to biological models外部サイトStatistical modeling and machine learning for molecular biology外部サイトDynamics of biological systems外部サイトIntroduction to Bioinformatics外部サイトDifferential equations and mathematical biology外部サイトNiche modeling : predictions from statistical distributions外部サイトIntroduction to computational proteomics外部サイトPython for bioinformatics外部サイトEngineering genetic circuits外部サイトSpatiotemporal patterns in ecology and epidemiology : theory, models, and simulation外部サイトBiological computation外部サイトGame-theoretical models in biology外部サイトAlgorithms for next-generation sequencing外部サイトStructural bioinformatics : an algorithmic approach外部サイトComputational hydrodynamics of capsules and biological cells外部サイトIntroduction to bio-ontologies外部サイトIntroduction to bioinformatics with R : a practical guide for biologists外部サイトGame-theoretical models in biology外部サイトAnalyzing high-dimensional gene expression and DNA methylation data with R外部サイト






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series editors Alison M. Etheridge ... [et al.]
Chapman & Hall/CRC mathematical and computational biology series
Publisher varies: CRC Press
Introduction to biological networks
Stochastic modelling for systems biology
An introduction to systems biology : design principles of biological circuits
Bioinformatics : a practical approach
Algorithms in bioinformatics : a practical introduction
Computational biology : a statistical mechanics perspective
Statistics and data analysis for microarrays using R and Bioconductor
Quantitative biology : from molecular to cellular systems
Meta-analysis and combining information in genetics and genomics
Handbook of chemoinformatics algorithms
Computational biology : a statistical mechanics perspective
Gene expression studies using affymetrix microarrays
Cell mechanics : from single scale-based models to multiscale modeling
Introduction to proteins : structure, function, and motion
Stochastic modelling for systems biology
Big data analysis for bioinformatics and biomedical discoveries
Metabolomics : practical guide to design and analysis
Spatial ecology
Association analysis
Combinatorial pattern matching algorithms in computational biology using Perl and R
Handbook of hidden Markov models in bioinformatics
Clustering in bioinformatics and drug discovery
Computational exome and genome analysis
Normal mode analysis : theory and applications to biological and chemical systems
Cellular potts models : multiscale extensions and biological applications
RNA-seq data analysis : a practical approach
Methods in medical informatics : fundamentals of healthcare programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby
Genome annotation
Glycome informatics : methods and applications
Introduction to proteins : structure, function, and motion
Kinetic modelling in systems biology
Computational systems biology of cancer
Integrated analysis and causal inference
Pattern discovery in bioinformatics : theory & algorithms
Computational exome and genome analysis
Python for bioinformatics
Cancer systems biology
Optimal control applied to biological models
Statistical modeling and machine learning for molecular biology
Dynamics of biological systems
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Differential equations and mathematical biology
Niche modeling : predictions from statistical distributions
Introduction to computational proteomics
Python for bioinformatics
Engineering genetic circuits
Spatiotemporal patterns in ecology and epidemiology : theory, models, and simulation
Biological computation
Game-theoretical models in biology
Algorithms for next-generation sequencing
Structural bioinformatics : an algorithmic approach
Computational hydrodynamics of capsules and biological cells
Introduction to bio-ontologies
Introduction to bioinformatics with R : a practical guide for biologists
Game-theoretical models in biology
Analyzing high-dimensional gene expression and DNA methylation data with R