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- 図書
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- 一般注記
- "Edited by Michael Useem, James D. Wright"
- 関連情報
- Comparable worth : theories and evidenceThe greatest of evils : urban poverty and the American underclassAdolescent stress : causes and consequencesArmed and considered dangerous : a survey of felons and their firearmsThe Satanism scareThe North American trajectory : cultural, economic, and political ties among the United States, Canada, and MexicoThe power elite and the state : how policy is made in AmericaSocial causes of psychological distressThe costs of privacy : surveillance and reputation in AmericaNetworks of power : organizational actors at the national, corporate, and community levelsThe politics of MedicareAbused and battered : social and legal responses to family violenceThe myth of the madding crowdMoving into adolescence : the impact of pubertal change and school contextAddress unknown : the homeless in AmericaBeside the golden door : policy, politics, and the homelessNowhere to grow : homeless and runaway adolescents and their familiesFamilies in troubled times : adapting to change in rural AmericaHuman capital or cultural capital? : ethnicity and poverty groups in an urban school districtStrangers at the bedside : a history of how law and bioethics transformed medical decision makingSocial causes of psychological distressOrganizing for collective action : the political economies of associationsMedical careers and feminist agendas : American, Scandinavian, and Russian women physiciansJust punishments : federal guidelines and public views comparedThe disposable work force : worker displacement and employment instability in AmericaCorporate welfare policy and the welfare state : bank deregulation and the savings and loan bailoutEducation, social status, and healthEntitlement politics : medicare and medicaid, 1995-2001Care of chronically and severely ill : comparative social policiesDeath, deeds, and descendants : inheritance in modern AmericaDisturbing the nest : family change and decline in modern societiesJapanese auto transplants in the heartland : corporatism and communityBeliefs about inequality : Americans' views of what is and what ought to beArmed and considered dangerous : a survey of felons and their firearmsDating, mating, and marriageOf human bonding : parent-child relations across the life courseLegal construct, social concept : a macrosociological perspective on lawNonprofit organizations in an age of uncertainty : a study of organizational changeTheory on gender/feminism on theoryWhy are some people healthy and others not? : the determinants of health of populationsPaying for medicare : the politics of reformChallenges for work and family in the twenty-first centuryThe Changing contract across generationsPoint blank : guns and violence in AmericaIn the line of fire : youths, guns, and violence in urban AmericaPunishment and social control : essays in honor of Sheldon L. MessingerPlant closings : international context and social costsTalcott Parsons on national socialismManaging to care : case management and service system reformBeside the golden door : policy, politics, and the homelessEntitlement politics : medicare and medicaid, 1995-2001Moving into adolescence : the impact of pubertal change and school contextPotter addition : poverty, family, and kinship in a heartland communityState autonomy or class dominance? : case studies on policy making in AmericaBanking on fraud : Drexel, junk bonds, and buyoutsThe ties that bind : perspectives on marriage and cohabitationSocial justice and political change : public opinion in capitalist and post-communist states
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books