
Labour Party pamphlets and leaflets


Labour Party pamphlets and leaflets

Labour Party (Great Britain)
Labour Party



Various pamphlets and leaflets bindedCatalogue of contents: <BA00715772>


To all women外部サイトLabour's creative task外部サイトThe postal vote : who can vote by post : how to make application : who can appoint a proxy外部サイトWhither India?外部サイトMalta to westminister?外部サイトPaying for labour's programme外部サイトCommonsense for everybody! : leaflet no. 11外部サイトOpinion on the munitions of war act 1915外部サイトWhat does the budget mean to you?外部サイトOur parliament and how it works外部サイトAmmunition : housing, Speakers' notes, no.2外部サイトFor socialism and peace : the Labour Party's programme of action外部サイトProtect the nation's mothers外部サイトDebate on foreign policy and defence : Annual Conference. Scarbourough, 3-6 Oct., 1960外部サイトGo-ahead Scotland外部サイトJoin the Labour Party now外部サイトTwo years of labour rule外部サイトLong leaflet外部サイトReport of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980外部サイトLong leaflet外部サイトParty organisation. 14th ed.外部サイトRules for the Labour Party Young Socialists外部サイトLong leaflet外部サイトThe EEC (Labour Party campaign handbook)外部サイトNothern Ireland外部サイトThe present government won't listen to you : the next government will外部サイトDiscussion notes on automation : Labour Party discussion notes no.6外部サイトSweated imports and international labour standards外部サイトSpeakers' notes : local elections 1952外部サイトCampaign notes : general election 1951 : No.1-20外部サイトLabour, the children's champion : an appeal to the workers!外部サイトIt matters to you外部サイトBad for Britain : a dictionary of disastrous government外部サイトDiscussion meetings : advice to political education officers and discussion leaders外部サイトTory humbug - the facts外部サイトLabour women's report on socialism and our standard of living外部サイトConduct of local elections外部サイトDemocracy and finance外部サイトLabour and the unemployment bill外部サイトSmall man: big world : a discussion of socialist democracy : towards tommorow no.4外部サイトParty Constitution and standing orders外部サイトLabour gets things done--外部サイトThe economy : note for speakers, no. 15外部サイトThis is our faith外部サイトIt's nice to come home : to a home of your own外部サイトWhy women should vote labour外部サイトThe high cost of toryism外部サイトParty organisation. 14th ed.外部サイトRules for the Labour Party Young Socialists外部サイトElection on a budget外部サイトParty organisation. 14th ed.外部サイトLabour's creative task外部サイトCommonsense for everybody! : leaflet no. 11外部サイトLabour's creative task外部サイトWhy women should vote labour外部サイトReport of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980外部サイトReport of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980外部サイトThe EEC (Labour Party campaign handbook)外部サイトReport of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980外部サイトProgramme for Britain : a document to the 12th LPYS National Conference. Skegness, 21-23 April, 1973.外部サイトRules for the Labour Party Young Socialists外部サイトLabour, the children's champion : an appeal to the workers!外部サイトWhither India?外部サイトWhither India?外部サイトWhy women should vote labour外部サイトElection on a budget外部サイト






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Various pamphlets and leaflets binded
Catalogue of contents: <BA00715772>
To all women
Labour's creative task
The postal vote : who can vote by post : how to make application : who can appoint a proxy
Whither India?
Malta to westminister?
Paying for labour's programme
Commonsense for everybody! : leaflet no. 11
Opinion on the munitions of war act 1915
What does the budget mean to you?
Our parliament and how it works
Ammunition : housing, Speakers' notes, no.2
For socialism and peace : the Labour Party's programme of action
Protect the nation's mothers
Debate on foreign policy and defence : Annual Conference. Scarbourough, 3-6 Oct., 1960
Go-ahead Scotland
Join the Labour Party now
Two years of labour rule
Long leaflet
Report of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980
Long leaflet
Party organisation. 14th ed.
Rules for the Labour Party Young Socialists
Long leaflet
The EEC (Labour Party campaign handbook)
Nothern Ireland
The present government won't listen to you : the next government will
Discussion notes on automation : Labour Party discussion notes no.6
Sweated imports and international labour standards
Speakers' notes : local elections 1952
Campaign notes : general election 1951 : No.1-20
Labour, the children's champion : an appeal to the workers!
It matters to you
Bad for Britain : a dictionary of disastrous government
Discussion meetings : advice to political education officers and discussion leaders
Tory humbug - the facts
Labour women's report on socialism and our standard of living
Conduct of local elections
Democracy and finance
Labour and the unemployment bill
Small man: big world : a discussion of socialist democracy : towards tommorow no.4
Party Constitution and standing orders
Labour gets things done--
The economy : note for speakers, no. 15
This is our faith
It's nice to come home : to a home of your own
Why women should vote labour
The high cost of toryism
Party organisation. 14th ed.
Rules for the Labour Party Young Socialists
Election on a budget
Party organisation. 14th ed.
Labour's creative task
Commonsense for everybody! : leaflet no. 11
Labour's creative task
Why women should vote labour
Report of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980
Report of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980
The EEC (Labour Party campaign handbook)
Report of the National Executive Committee 1979-1980
Programme for Britain : a document to the 12th LPYS National Conference. Skegness, 21-23 April, 1973.
Rules for the Labour Party Young Socialists
Labour, the children's champion : an appeal to the workers!
Whither India?
Whither India?
Why women should vote labour
Election on a budget