
Discussion paper Rev., March 1988


Discussion paper

Rev., March 1988

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica


Minimum wages and fringe benefits in efficiency wage models外部サイトSelectivity and differentials by type of move in Taiwan外部サイトIncome tax evasion with grafting tax officials : the case of developing countries外部サイトThe effect of social security on the stationary state distributions of consumptions外部サイトHealth insurance and the demand for ambulatory care by the elderly in Taiwan外部サイトA life-cycle model of labor supply and fertility choice for married women in Taiwan外部サイトAnnuity market, social security and economic growth外部サイトMore on the exclusion theorem外部サイトThe employment and wage effects of shifting to an indirect tax in an efficiency wage model外部サイトWorkers' propensity to save, government budget, and income distribution in the extended Pasinetti model外部サイトThe latent variable structural equation model with stratification on endogenous variables外部サイトIntermittency-dependent formal schooling investment外部サイトEstimated Hedonic wage function and value of life in a developing country外部サイトLand infrastructure subsidies and their impact on housing affordability and urban sprawl外部サイトThe employment effects of minimum wages in monopsony外部サイトThe sources of growth and productivity change in Taiwan's industries, 1961-1981外部サイトThe demand for opium in colonial Taiwan, 1914-1942外部サイトPopulation and the Asian economic miracle : population policy and programs in Taiwan外部サイトThe impacts of taxation policies in Taiwan : a dynamic general equilibrium approach外部サイトIndeterminacy and nonfundamental movements of the real exchange rate : evidence from the United Kingdom and Germany外部サイトMicromotives and custom evolution : a gametheoretical approach外部サイトTrend, random walk and variance bound tests of expectations models of the term structure外部サイトTransport cost, production function and the choice of node location外部サイトPerceived risk and value of workplace safety in a developing country外部サイトThe formulation of economic policy in Taiwan : the case of interest rate policy between 1954-1961外部サイトBubbles, model specification errors, and the government budget constraint : the Chinese hyperinflation, 1946-1948外部サイトOn saving the production smoothing model of inventory behavior外部サイトOpen 2-class coalition production economies : a restatement of neoclassical production theory外部サイトThe dynamics of population growth, differential fertility, and inequality : comment外部サイトThe total factor productivity growth in Taiwan, 1960-1993 : a counter-evidence to Krugman-Young hypothesis外部サイトEconomic growth in the perpetual-youth model : implications of annuity market and demography外部サイトEconomic implications of changes of dependency ratios in Taiwan外部サイトTechnological change and resource endowments in the determination of comparative advantage in agricultural trade : a reconciliation外部サイトQuantifying the effects of financing constraints on investment : the case of financial liberalization in Taiwan外部サイトFamily background and returns to schooling in Taiwan外部サイトSensitivity of willingness to pay to the magnitude of risk reduction : a Taiwan-United States comparison外部サイトRisk communication and attitude change : Taiwan's national trade debate over nuclear power外部サイトAn alternative specification for the censored probit model : dealing with an uncooperative correlation coefficient外部サイトImported technology and R&D in Taiwanese electronics enterprises外部サイトPostschool investment and the effect of intertemporal substitution外部サイトOn the effectiveness and efficiency of eugenic population policies外部サイトThe demand for cigarettes in Taiwan : domestic versus imported cigarettes外部サイトFinancial liberalization and aggregate consumption : the evidence from Taiwan外部サイトThe impact of modernization on elderly's living arrangements : the case of Taiwan外部サイトConsumer willingness to pay for low-pesticide fresh produce in Taiwan外部サイトShould the wealthy be able to "buy justice"? : a note外部サイトA backward-bending labor supply curve without income effect外部サイトCrime and punishment with possible post-offense compromise外部サイトPopulation and the Asian economic miracle : education and earning in Taiwan外部サイトCigarette import, welfare and optimal taxation外部サイトEstimation of an asymmetric information equilibrium labor market model外部サイトRice culture in south China, 1500-1900 : adjustment and limitation in historical perspective外部サイトEntry and structures of interest groups in assignment games外部サイトLabor force intemittency, human capital investment (production), and the formulation of intermittency-oriented disposable earnings外部サイトGrowth with debt : US aid and Taiwan's electricity enterprise外部サイトOn the prediction of trade diversion under intra-industry trade with an application to NAFTA and Taiwan外部サイトExport activity and productivity : evidence from the Taiwan electronics industry外部サイトMother's willingness to pay for her own and her child's health : a contingent valuation study in Taiwan外部サイト



  • Minimum wages and fringe benefits in efficiency wage models

  • Selectivity and differentials by type of move in Taiwan

  • Income tax evasion with grafting tax officials : the case of developing countries

  • The effect of social security on the stationary state distributions of consumptions

  • Health insurance and the demand for ambulatory care by the elderly in Taiwan





  • CiNii Research

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Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Rev., March 1988
Minimum wages and fringe benefits in efficiency wage models
Selectivity and differentials by type of move in Taiwan
Income tax evasion with grafting tax officials : the case of developing countries
The effect of social security on the stationary state distributions of consumptions
Health insurance and the demand for ambulatory care by the elderly in Taiwan
A life-cycle model of labor supply and fertility choice for married women in Taiwan
Annuity market, social security and economic growth
More on the exclusion theorem
The employment and wage effects of shifting to an indirect tax in an efficiency wage model
Workers' propensity to save, government budget, and income distribution in the extended Pasinetti model
The latent variable structural equation model with stratification on endogenous variables
Intermittency-dependent formal schooling investment
Estimated Hedonic wage function and value of life in a developing country
Land infrastructure subsidies and their impact on housing affordability and urban sprawl
The employment effects of minimum wages in monopsony
The sources of growth and productivity change in Taiwan's industries, 1961-1981
The demand for opium in colonial Taiwan, 1914-1942
Population and the Asian economic miracle : population policy and programs in Taiwan
The impacts of taxation policies in Taiwan : a dynamic general equilibrium approach
Indeterminacy and nonfundamental movements of the real exchange rate : evidence from the United Kingdom and Germany
Micromotives and custom evolution : a gametheoretical approach
Trend, random walk and variance bound tests of expectations models of the term structure
Transport cost, production function and the choice of node location
Perceived risk and value of workplace safety in a developing country
The formulation of economic policy in Taiwan : the case of interest rate policy between 1954-1961
Bubbles, model specification errors, and the government budget constraint : the Chinese hyperinflation, 1946-1948
On saving the production smoothing model of inventory behavior
Open 2-class coalition production economies : a restatement of neoclassical production theory
The dynamics of population growth, differential fertility, and inequality : comment
The total factor productivity growth in Taiwan, 1960-1993 : a counter-evidence to Krugman-Young hypothesis
Economic growth in the perpetual-youth model : implications of annuity market and demography
Economic implications of changes of dependency ratios in Taiwan
Technological change and resource endowments in the determination of comparative advantage in agricultural trade : a reconciliation
Quantifying the effects of financing constraints on investment : the case of financial liberalization in Taiwan
Family background and returns to schooling in Taiwan
Sensitivity of willingness to pay to the magnitude of risk reduction : a Taiwan-United States comparison
Risk communication and attitude change : Taiwan's national trade debate over nuclear power
An alternative specification for the censored probit model : dealing with an uncooperative correlation coefficient
Imported technology and R&D in Taiwanese electronics enterprises
Postschool investment and the effect of intertemporal substitution
On the effectiveness and efficiency of eugenic population policies
The demand for cigarettes in Taiwan : domestic versus imported cigarettes
Financial liberalization and aggregate consumption : the evidence from Taiwan
The impact of modernization on elderly's living arrangements : the case of Taiwan
Consumer willingness to pay for low-pesticide fresh produce in Taiwan
Should the wealthy be able to "buy justice"? : a note
A backward-bending labor supply curve without income effect
Crime and punishment with possible post-offense compromise
Population and the Asian economic miracle : education and earning in Taiwan
Cigarette import, welfare and optimal taxation
Estimation of an asymmetric information equilibrium labor market model
Rice culture in south China, 1500-1900 : adjustment and limitation in historical perspective
Entry and structures of interest groups in assignment games
Labor force intemittency, human capital investment (production), and the formulation of intermittency-oriented disposable earnings
Growth with debt : US aid and Taiwan's electricity enterprise
On the prediction of trade diversion under intra-industry trade with an application to NAFTA and Taiwan
Export activity and productivity : evidence from the Taiwan electronics industry
Mother's willingness to pay for her own and her child's health : a contingent valuation study in Taiwan