- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 出版年月日等
- 2014-
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 2014
- 出版地(国名コード)
- sz
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Solid state physics : principles and modern applicationsSolved problems in quantum mechanicsProblems and Solutions in Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIntroduction to solid state physics and crystalline nanostructuresAtomic spectroscopy and radiative processesIntroductory quantum mechanics : a traditional approach emphasizing connections with classical physicsTheory and simulation of random phenomena : mathematical foundations and physical applicationsSelected exercises in particle and nuclear physicsTheory of gravitational interactionsFrom special relativity to Feynman diagrams : a course in theoretical particle physics for beginnersQuantum physics of light and matter : photons, atoms, and strongly correlated systemsClassical electrodynamics : a modern perspectiveQuantum physics of light and matter : a modern introduction to photons, atoms and many-body systemsClassical Newtonian gravity : a comprehensive introduction, with examples and exercisesProbability and statistics for particle physicsBasics of plasma astrophysicsElements of classical and quantum integrable systemsAn introduction to thermodynamics and statistical physicsA primer on Hilbert space theory : linear spaces, topological spaces, metric spaces, normed spaces, and topological groupsAstrophysics of the interstellar mediumProbability and stochastic processes for physicistsApplications of general relativity : with problemsAstrophysics of the interstellar mediumElements of classical and quantum physicsStatistical physics : a prelude and fugue for engineersIntroduction to particle cosmology : the standard model of cosmology and its open problemsLagrangian and Hamiltonian analytical mechanics: forty exercises resolved and explainedProblems in quantum mechanics : with solutionsLectures in quantum mechanics : a two-term courseAn introduction to relativistic processes and the standard model of electroweak interactionsA primer on Hilbert space theory : linear spaces, topological spaces, metric spaces, normed spaces, and topological groupsOptical, infrared and radio astronomy : from techniques to observationHigh energy astrophysical techniquesStructure of matter : an introductory course with problems and solutionsTwenty-first century quantum mechanics : Hilbert space to quantum computers : mathematical methods and conceptual foundationsA mathematical primer on quantum mechanicsLecture notes in cosmologyConcepts in quantum field theory : a practitioner's toolkitCalorimetry for collider physics, an introductionA mathematical journey to quantum mechanicsLight-matter interaction : a crash course for students of optics, photonics and materials sciencePhysics of fluidsIntroduction to particle cosmology : the standard model of cosmology and its open problemsModern nuclear physics : from fundamentals to frontiersGeneral relativity and gravitational waves : essentials of theory and practiceGeneral relativity and gravitational waves : essentials of theory and practiceProbability and stochastic processes for physicistsA mathematical journey to relativity : deriving special and general relativity with basic mathematicsAtomic spectroscopy and radiative processesModern physics : introduction to statistical mechanics, relativity, and quantum physicsFeynman integrals : a comprehensive treatment for students and researchersDynamical system and chaos : an introduction with applicationsQuantum mechanics : axiomatic approach and understanding through mathematicsBasics of plasma astrophysicsSolved problems in quantum mechanics
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research