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- Neither peace nor honor : the politics of American military policy in Viet-NamBeyond Kissinger : ways of conservative statecraftThe weary and the wary : U.S. and Japanese security policies in transitionCrisis over Rhodesia : a skeptical viewNew era of ocean politicsQuest for equilibrium : America and the balance of power on land and seaCareer of empire : America and imperial expansion over land and seaJapan and the United States in AsiaSoviet Russia and the Middle EastIntervention against communismThe political uses of sea powerThe radical left and American foreign policySurvival or hegemony? : The foundations of Israeli foreign policyThe changing status of German reunification in western diplomacy, 1955-1966States in evolution : changing societies and traditional systems in world politicsImperial America : the international politics of primacyCastro, the Kremlin, and communism in Latin AmericaAlliances and the third worldBureaucracy and foreign policyFifty years of Soviet foreign policyThe Atlantic fantasy : the U.S., NATO, and EuropeNation or empire? The debate over American foreign policyEthics and world politics : four perspectivesThe U.S., India, and the bombCyprus between East and WestWar and order; reflections on Vietnam and historyCyprus between East and WestInternational marine environment policy : the economic dimension
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books