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- Middle Arabic and mixed Arabic : diachrony and synchronyApproaches to the history and dialectology of Arabic in honor of Pierre LarcherStudies in the linguistic structure of classical ArabicA grammar of the Christian Neo-Aramaic dialect of Diyana-ZariwawThe development of the syntax of post-biblical HebrewCorpus of Soqotri oral literature = مجموعة الأدب السقطريLes voies de la transmission du Kitāb de SībawayhiThe daughter of my people : Arabic and Hebrew paraphrases of Jeremiah 8.13 - 9.23The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of ChallaAn outline of the grammar of the Safaitic InscriptionsThe politics of written language in the Arab world : writing changeA contrastive transformational grammar : Arabic and EnglishJewish life in Arabic language and Jerusalem Arabic in communal perspective : a lexico-semantic studyContemporary journalistic Maltese : an analytical and comparative studyComparative lexical studies in Neo-MandaicOmani Mehri : a new grammar with textsSībawayhi and early Arabic grammatical theorySemitic studies in honour of Edward UllendorffAncient Hebrew periodization and the language of the book of Jeremiah : the case for a sixth-century date of compositionStudies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax : presented to Professsor J. Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthdayArabic morphology and phonology : based on the Marāḥ al-arwāḥ by Aḥmad B. ʿAlī B. MasʿudThe subjunctive mood in Arabic grammatical thoughtBedouin, village, and urban Arabic : an ecolinguistic studyEarly Semitic : a diachronical inquiry into the relationship of Ethiopic to the other so-called South-East Semitic languagesThe Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought in its classical form : a critical edition and English translation of "al-Kitāb al-kāfī fī al-luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya" by ʾAbū al-Faraj Hārūn ibn al-FarajThe ecology of Arabic : a study of arabicizationThe verbal system in late enlightenment HebrewRoot system : comparative material and discussion ; Numerals under 100 ; Pronouns ; ParticlesLoan verbs in Maltese : a descriptive and comparative studyTense and text in classical Arabic : a discourse-oriented study of the classical Arabic tense systemApproaches to Arabic linguistics : presented to Kees Versteegh on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayKitāb Sībawayhi : syntax and pragmaticsHistorical aspects of standard negation in SemiticA dictionary of the Safaitic inscriptionsRewriting dialectal Arabic prehistory : the ancient Egyptian lexical evidenceInterdialectal lexical compatibility in Arabic : an analytical study of the lexical relationships among the major Syro-Lebanese varietiesPhonetics and phonology ; MorphosyntacticsLanguage contact and the development of modern HebrewThe verb in archaic Biblical poetry : a discursive, typological, and historical investigation of the tense systemArabic grammar and Qur'anic exegesis in early IslamA search for method : a study in the syntactic use of the h-locale in classical HebrewSemitic languages in contactThe Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of AmədyaFunctions of code switching in Egypt : evidence from monologuesThe Jibbali (Shaḥri) language of Oman : grammar and textsThe legacy of the Kitāb : Sībawayhi's analytical methods within the context of the Arabic grammatical theoryAspect, tense and action in the Arabic dialect of BeirutStructuralist studies in Arabic linguistics : Charles A. Ferguson's papers, 1954-1994Root system : Hebrew materialIn the shadow of Arabic : the centrality of language to Arabic culture : studies presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayMixed styles in spoken Arabic in Egypt : somewhere between order and chaosArabic and the media : linguistic analyses and applicationsArabic in context : celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden UniversityGrammaticalization of Arabic prepositions and subordinators : a corpus-based studyMeasuring productivity in word formation : the case of Israeli HebrewParallels in Semitic linguistics : the development of Arabic la- and related Semitic particlesThe Arabic script in Africa : studies in the use of a writing systemDiathesis in the Semitic languages : a comparative morphological studyThe neo-Aramaic dialect of QaraqoshNubians and the Nubian language in contemporary Egypt : a case of cultural and linguistic contactIngham of Arabia : a collection of articles presented as a tribute to the career of Bruce InghamThe Syriac language of the Peshitta and old Syriac versions of Matthew : syntactic structure, inner-Syriac developments and translation techniqueKitāb Sībawayhi : interpretation and transmissionGeneral linguistics and the teaching of dead Hamito-Semitic languagesApproaches to Arabic dialects : a collection of articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayLes parlers arabes de la région du Mzāb, Sahara algérienThe Mehri language of OmanProper namesEgyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) studies : in memoriam W. VycichlStudies in Semitic philologyThe development of a tradition : continuity and changeArabic grammar in its formative age : Kitāb al-ʿAyn and its attribution to Ḫalīl b. AḥmadArabic grammars of Turkic : the Arabic linguistic model applied to foreign languages & translation of ʾAbū Ḥayyān al-ʾAndalusī's Kitāb al-ʾidrāk li-lisān al-ʾAtrākGreek elements in Arabic linguistic thinkingComparative Semitic philology in the Middle Ages : from Saʿadiah Gaon to Ibn Barūn (10th-12th c.)Einführung in das Vulgärarabische von NordwestafrikaCopulae in the Arabic noun phrase : a unified analysis of Arabic adnominal markersThe Arabic influence on Northern BerberThe Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Sulemaniyya and ḤalabjaSentence types and word-order patterns in written Arabic : medieval and modern perspectivesChanging traditions : al-Mubarrad's refutation of Sībawayh and the subsequent reception of the KitābThe Arabic elative : a new approachCoastal Dhofari Arabic : a sketch grammarThe word in ArabicThe Nubi language of Uganda : an Arabic Creole in AfricaThe Tigre language of Gindaʿ, Eritrea : short grammar and textsArabic dialectology : in honour of Clive Holes on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayThe early Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought : including a critical edition, translation and analysis of the Diqduq of ʾAbū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf ibn Nūḥ on the HagiographaLate Samaritan Hebrew : a linguistic analysis of its different typesLinguistic studies on biblical HebrewThe evolution of theoryThe semantics of silence in biblical HebrewFrom Sībawayhi to ʾAḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt : new angles on the Arabic linguistic traditionThe development of the Biblical Hebrew vowels : including a concise historical morphologyErgativity and other alignment types in neo-Aramaic : investigating morphosyntactic microvariationQuranic Arabic : from its Hijazi origins to its classical reading traditionsThe Foundations of Arab Linguistics V : Kitāb Sībawayhi, the critical theoryGender and number agreement in ArabicThe writing culture of ancient Dadan : a description and quantitative analysis of linguistic variationInvestigating Arabic : current parameters in analysis and learningThe phonological structure of the verbal roots in Arabic and HebrewTo the madbar and back again : studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C.A. MacdonaldThe distinctive terminology in Šarḥ al-kāfiya by Raḍi l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏīA cognitive semantic study of biblical Hebrew : the root šlm for completeness-balanceGrammar of Khuzestani Arabic : a spoken variety of south-west Iran
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books