
Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics


Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics

E.J. Brill


Middle Arabic and mixed Arabic : diachrony and synchrony外部サイトApproaches to the history and dialectology of Arabic in honor of Pierre Larcher外部サイトStudies in the linguistic structure of classical Arabic外部サイトA grammar of the Christian Neo-Aramaic dialect of Diyana-Zariwaw外部サイトThe development of the syntax of post-biblical Hebrew外部サイトCorpus of Soqotri oral literature = مجموعة الأدب السقطري外部サイトLes voies de la transmission du Kitāb de Sībawayhi外部サイトThe daughter of my people : Arabic and Hebrew paraphrases of Jeremiah 8.13 - 9.23外部サイトThe Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Challa外部サイトAn outline of the grammar of the Safaitic Inscriptions外部サイトThe politics of written language in the Arab world : writing change外部サイトA contrastive transformational grammar : Arabic and English外部サイトJewish life in Arabic language and Jerusalem Arabic in communal perspective : a lexico-semantic study外部サイトContemporary journalistic Maltese : an analytical and comparative study外部サイトComparative lexical studies in Neo-Mandaic外部サイトOmani Mehri : a new grammar with texts外部サイトSībawayhi and early Arabic grammatical theory外部サイトSemitic studies in honour of Edward Ullendorff外部サイトAncient Hebrew periodization and the language of the book of Jeremiah : the case for a sixth-century date of composition外部サイトStudies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax : presented to Professsor J. Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday外部サイトArabic morphology and phonology : based on the Marāḥ al-arwāḥ by Aḥmad B. ʿAlī B. Masʿud外部サイトThe subjunctive mood in Arabic grammatical thought外部サイトBedouin, village, and urban Arabic : an ecolinguistic study外部サイトEarly Semitic : a diachronical inquiry into the relationship of Ethiopic to the other so-called South-East Semitic languages外部サイトThe Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought in its classical form : a critical edition and English translation of "al-Kitāb al-kāfī fī al-luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya" by ʾAbū al-Faraj Hārūn ibn al-Faraj外部サイトThe ecology of Arabic : a study of arabicization外部サイトThe verbal system in late enlightenment Hebrew外部サイトRoot system : comparative material and discussion ; Numerals under 100 ; Pronouns ; Particles外部サイトLoan verbs in Maltese : a descriptive and comparative study外部サイトTense and text in classical Arabic : a discourse-oriented study of the classical Arabic tense system外部サイトApproaches to Arabic linguistics : presented to Kees Versteegh on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday外部サイトKitāb Sībawayhi : syntax and pragmatics外部サイトHistorical aspects of standard negation in Semitic外部サイトA dictionary of the Safaitic inscriptions外部サイトRewriting dialectal Arabic prehistory : the ancient Egyptian lexical evidence外部サイトInterdialectal lexical compatibility in Arabic : an analytical study of the lexical relationships among the major Syro-Lebanese varieties外部サイトPhonetics and phonology ; Morphosyntactics外部サイトLanguage contact and the development of modern Hebrew外部サイトThe verb in archaic Biblical poetry : a discursive, typological, and historical investigation of the tense system外部サイトArabic grammar and Qur'anic exegesis in early Islam外部サイトA search for method : a study in the syntactic use of the h-locale in classical Hebrew外部サイトSemitic languages in contact外部サイトThe Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Amədya外部サイトFunctions of code switching in Egypt : evidence from monologues外部サイトThe Jibbali (Shaḥri) language of Oman : grammar and texts外部サイトThe legacy of the Kitāb : Sībawayhi's analytical methods within the context of the Arabic grammatical theory外部サイトAspect, tense and action in the Arabic dialect of Beirut外部サイトStructuralist studies in Arabic linguistics : Charles A. Ferguson's papers, 1954-1994外部サイトRoot system : Hebrew material外部サイトIn the shadow of Arabic : the centrality of language to Arabic culture : studies presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday外部サイトMixed styles in spoken Arabic in Egypt : somewhere between order and chaos外部サイトArabic and the media : linguistic analyses and applications外部サイトArabic in context : celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden University外部サイトGrammaticalization of Arabic prepositions and subordinators : a corpus-based study外部サイトMeasuring productivity in word formation : the case of Israeli Hebrew外部サイトParallels in Semitic linguistics : the development of Arabic la- and related Semitic particles外部サイトThe Arabic script in Africa : studies in the use of a writing system外部サイトDiathesis in the Semitic languages : a comparative morphological study外部サイトThe neo-Aramaic dialect of Qaraqosh外部サイトNubians and the Nubian language in contemporary Egypt : a case of cultural and linguistic contact外部サイトIngham of Arabia : a collection of articles presented as a tribute to the career of Bruce Ingham外部サイトThe Syriac language of the Peshitta and old Syriac versions of Matthew : syntactic structure, inner-Syriac developments and translation technique外部サイトKitāb Sībawayhi : interpretation and transmission外部サイトGeneral linguistics and the teaching of dead Hamito-Semitic languages外部サイトApproaches to Arabic dialects : a collection of articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday外部サイトLes parlers arabes de la région du Mzāb, Sahara algérien外部サイトThe Mehri language of Oman外部サイトProper names外部サイトEgyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) studies : in memoriam W. Vycichl外部サイトStudies in Semitic philology外部サイトThe development of a tradition : continuity and change外部サイトArabic grammar in its formative age : Kitāb al-ʿAyn and its attribution to Ḫalīl b. Aḥmad外部サイトArabic grammars of Turkic : the Arabic linguistic model applied to foreign languages & translation of ʾAbū Ḥayyān al-ʾAndalusī's Kitāb al-ʾidrāk li-lisān al-ʾAtrāk外部サイトGreek elements in Arabic linguistic thinking外部サイトComparative Semitic philology in the Middle Ages : from Saʿadiah Gaon to Ibn Barūn (10th-12th c.)外部サイトEinführung in das Vulgärarabische von Nordwestafrika外部サイトCopulae in the Arabic noun phrase : a unified analysis of Arabic adnominal markers外部サイトThe Arabic influence on Northern Berber外部サイトThe Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Sulemaniyya and Ḥalabja外部サイトSentence types and word-order patterns in written Arabic : medieval and modern perspectives外部サイトChanging traditions : al-Mubarrad's refutation of Sībawayh and the subsequent reception of the Kitāb外部サイトThe Arabic elative : a new approach外部サイトCoastal Dhofari Arabic : a sketch grammar外部サイトThe word in Arabic外部サイトThe Nubi language of Uganda : an Arabic Creole in Africa外部サイトThe Tigre language of Gindaʿ, Eritrea : short grammar and texts外部サイトArabic dialectology : in honour of Clive Holes on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday外部サイトThe early Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought : including a critical edition, translation and analysis of the Diqduq of ʾAbū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf ibn Nūḥ on the Hagiographa外部サイトLate Samaritan Hebrew : a linguistic analysis of its different types外部サイトLinguistic studies on biblical Hebrew外部サイトThe evolution of theory外部サイトThe semantics of silence in biblical Hebrew外部サイトFrom Sībawayhi to ʾAḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt : new angles on the Arabic linguistic tradition外部サイトThe development of the Biblical Hebrew vowels : including a concise historical morphology外部サイトErgativity and other alignment types in neo-Aramaic : investigating morphosyntactic microvariation外部サイトQuranic Arabic : from its Hijazi origins to its classical reading traditions外部サイトThe Foundations of Arab Linguistics V : Kitāb Sībawayhi, the critical theory外部サイトGender and number agreement in Arabic外部サイトThe writing culture of ancient Dadan : a description and quantitative analysis of linguistic variation外部サイトInvestigating Arabic : current parameters in analysis and learning外部サイトThe phonological structure of the verbal roots in Arabic and Hebrew外部サイトTo the madbar and back again : studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C.A. Macdonald外部サイトThe distinctive terminology in Šarḥ al-kāfiya by Raḍi l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī外部サイトA cognitive semantic study of biblical Hebrew : the root šlm for completeness-balance外部サイトGrammar of Khuzestani Arabic : a spoken variety of south-west Iran外部サイト






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Middle Arabic and mixed Arabic : diachrony and synchrony
Approaches to the history and dialectology of Arabic in honor of Pierre Larcher
Studies in the linguistic structure of classical Arabic
A grammar of the Christian Neo-Aramaic dialect of Diyana-Zariwaw
The development of the syntax of post-biblical Hebrew
Corpus of Soqotri oral literature = مجموعة الأدب السقطري
Les voies de la transmission du Kitāb de Sībawayhi
The daughter of my people : Arabic and Hebrew paraphrases of Jeremiah 8.13 - 9.23
The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Challa
An outline of the grammar of the Safaitic Inscriptions
The politics of written language in the Arab world : writing change
A contrastive transformational grammar : Arabic and English
Jewish life in Arabic language and Jerusalem Arabic in communal perspective : a lexico-semantic study
Contemporary journalistic Maltese : an analytical and comparative study
Comparative lexical studies in Neo-Mandaic
Omani Mehri : a new grammar with texts
Sībawayhi and early Arabic grammatical theory
Semitic studies in honour of Edward Ullendorff
Ancient Hebrew periodization and the language of the book of Jeremiah : the case for a sixth-century date of composition
Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax : presented to Professsor J. Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Arabic morphology and phonology : based on the Marāḥ al-arwāḥ by Aḥmad B. ʿAlī B. Masʿud
The subjunctive mood in Arabic grammatical thought
Bedouin, village, and urban Arabic : an ecolinguistic study
Early Semitic : a diachronical inquiry into the relationship of Ethiopic to the other so-called South-East Semitic languages
The Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought in its classical form : a critical edition and English translation of "al-Kitāb al-kāfī fī al-luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya" by ʾAbū al-Faraj Hārūn ibn al-Faraj
The ecology of Arabic : a study of arabicization
The verbal system in late enlightenment Hebrew
Root system : comparative material and discussion ; Numerals under 100 ; Pronouns ; Particles
Loan verbs in Maltese : a descriptive and comparative study
Tense and text in classical Arabic : a discourse-oriented study of the classical Arabic tense system
Approaches to Arabic linguistics : presented to Kees Versteegh on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
Kitāb Sībawayhi : syntax and pragmatics
Historical aspects of standard negation in Semitic
A dictionary of the Safaitic inscriptions
Rewriting dialectal Arabic prehistory : the ancient Egyptian lexical evidence
Interdialectal lexical compatibility in Arabic : an analytical study of the lexical relationships among the major Syro-Lebanese varieties
Phonetics and phonology ; Morphosyntactics
Language contact and the development of modern Hebrew
The verb in archaic Biblical poetry : a discursive, typological, and historical investigation of the tense system
Arabic grammar and Qur'anic exegesis in early Islam
A search for method : a study in the syntactic use of the h-locale in classical Hebrew
Semitic languages in contact
The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Amədya
Functions of code switching in Egypt : evidence from monologues
The Jibbali (Shaḥri) language of Oman : grammar and texts
The legacy of the Kitāb : Sībawayhi's analytical methods within the context of the Arabic grammatical theory
Aspect, tense and action in the Arabic dialect of Beirut
Structuralist studies in Arabic linguistics : Charles A. Ferguson's papers, 1954-1994
Root system : Hebrew material
In the shadow of Arabic : the centrality of language to Arabic culture : studies presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
Mixed styles in spoken Arabic in Egypt : somewhere between order and chaos
Arabic and the media : linguistic analyses and applications
Arabic in context : celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden University
Grammaticalization of Arabic prepositions and subordinators : a corpus-based study
Measuring productivity in word formation : the case of Israeli Hebrew
Parallels in Semitic linguistics : the development of Arabic la- and related Semitic particles
The Arabic script in Africa : studies in the use of a writing system
Diathesis in the Semitic languages : a comparative morphological study
The neo-Aramaic dialect of Qaraqosh
Nubians and the Nubian language in contemporary Egypt : a case of cultural and linguistic contact
Ingham of Arabia : a collection of articles presented as a tribute to the career of Bruce Ingham
The Syriac language of the Peshitta and old Syriac versions of Matthew : syntactic structure, inner-Syriac developments and translation technique
Kitāb Sībawayhi : interpretation and transmission
General linguistics and the teaching of dead Hamito-Semitic languages
Approaches to Arabic dialects : a collection of articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
Les parlers arabes de la région du Mzāb, Sahara algérien
The Mehri language of Oman
Proper names
Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) studies : in memoriam W. Vycichl
Studies in Semitic philology
The development of a tradition : continuity and change
Arabic grammar in its formative age : Kitāb al-ʿAyn and its attribution to Ḫalīl b. Aḥmad
Arabic grammars of Turkic : the Arabic linguistic model applied to foreign languages & translation of ʾAbū Ḥayyān al-ʾAndalusī's Kitāb al-ʾidrāk li-lisān al-ʾAtrāk
Greek elements in Arabic linguistic thinking
Comparative Semitic philology in the Middle Ages : from Saʿadiah Gaon to Ibn Barūn (10th-12th c.)
Einführung in das Vulgärarabische von Nordwestafrika
Copulae in the Arabic noun phrase : a unified analysis of Arabic adnominal markers
The Arabic influence on Northern Berber
The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Sulemaniyya and Ḥalabja
Sentence types and word-order patterns in written Arabic : medieval and modern perspectives
Changing traditions : al-Mubarrad's refutation of Sībawayh and the subsequent reception of the Kitāb
The Arabic elative : a new approach
Coastal Dhofari Arabic : a sketch grammar
The word in Arabic
The Nubi language of Uganda : an Arabic Creole in Africa
The Tigre language of Gindaʿ, Eritrea : short grammar and texts
Arabic dialectology : in honour of Clive Holes on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
The early Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought : including a critical edition, translation and analysis of the Diqduq of ʾAbū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf ibn Nūḥ on the Hagiographa
Late Samaritan Hebrew : a linguistic analysis of its different types
Linguistic studies on biblical Hebrew
The evolution of theory
The semantics of silence in biblical Hebrew
From Sībawayhi to ʾAḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt : new angles on the Arabic linguistic tradition
The development of the Biblical Hebrew vowels : including a concise historical morphology
Ergativity and other alignment types in neo-Aramaic : investigating morphosyntactic microvariation
Quranic Arabic : from its Hijazi origins to its classical reading traditions
The Foundations of Arab Linguistics V : Kitāb Sībawayhi, the critical theory
Gender and number agreement in Arabic
The writing culture of ancient Dadan : a description and quantitative analysis of linguistic variation
Investigating Arabic : current parameters in analysis and learning
The phonological structure of the verbal roots in Arabic and Hebrew
To the madbar and back again : studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C.A. Macdonald
The distinctive terminology in Šarḥ al-kāfiya by Raḍi l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī
A cognitive semantic study of biblical Hebrew : the root šlm for completeness-balance
Grammar of Khuzestani Arabic : a spoken variety of south-west Iran
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books