
Cassell's national library


Cassell's national library

16 cm



Edited by Henry Morley


The history of the Caliph Vathek . The Brovo of Venice : a romance . The castle of Otranto外部サイトShe stoops to conquer ; and The good-natured man外部サイトEssays, civil and moral外部サイトAn essay on the sublime and beautiful外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトTennyson's poems : a selection外部サイトThe angel in the house外部サイトAnecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. : during the last twenty years of his life外部サイトThe autobiography of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe earl of Chatham外部サイトThe history of John Bull外部サイトThe sorrows of Werter外部サイトNathaniel Hawthorne's tales : a selection外部サイトChilde Harold's pilgrimage外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトJulius Cæsar : with illustrations from North's Plutarch外部サイトThe voyages and travels of Sir John Maundeville, Kt外部サイトOthello, the Moor of Venice外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe Tempest : also Jacob Ayrer and "The fair sidea," Montaigne's essay on the Caniballes, etc.外部サイトThe Lady of the Lake外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe banquet of Plato, and other pieces外部サイトChilde Harold's pilgrimage外部サイトThe discovery of Muscovy : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt with the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan from King Alfred's Orosius外部サイトThe battle of life : a love story外部サイトThe lady of the lake外部サイトA history of the early part of the reign of James the Second外部サイトEssays on mankind and political arithmetic外部サイトThe battle of life : a love story外部サイトThe pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come外部サイトTrips to the moon外部サイトSketches of Persia外部サイトEdgar Allan Poe's tales : a selection外部サイトSermons on the card and other discourses外部サイトLetters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope外部サイトAs you like it, with the Tale of Gamelyn外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトSir Roger de Coverley and the spectator's club外部サイトParadise lost外部サイトParadise regained and Samson Agonistes外部サイトShe stoops to conquer ; and The good-natured man外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトEssays on Burns and Scott外部サイトBrowning's poems : a selection外部サイトEssays and tales外部サイトThe poetics of Aristotle : together with the treatise on the sublime外部サイトAreopagitica : letter on education, sonnets, and psalms外部サイトPlato's Crito and Phædo : dialogues of Socrates before his death外部サイトThoughts on the present discontents, and speeches外部サイトThird part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe natural history of Selborne外部サイト"Unto this last" : four essays on the first principles of political economy外部サイトLondon in 1731外部サイトThe rivals and the school for scandal外部サイトLord Clive外部サイトMarmion : a tale of Flodden Field外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトParadise lost外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトFriends in council外部サイトMy beautiful lady ; Nelly Dale外部サイトSilas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe外部サイトThe winter's tale, with Pandosto : or, the triumph of time外部サイトEgypt and Scythia外部サイトThe merchant of Venice : with The adventures of Giannetto, and other illustrative pieces [related to the tale of "The merchant of Venice"]外部サイトHoly living外部サイトMy ten years' imprisonment外部サイトLives of the English poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley外部サイトTravels in the interior of Africa外部サイトThe taming of the shrew ; A pleasant conceited historie, called The taming of a shrew外部サイトNathan the wise : a dramatic poem in five acts外部サイトEssays, civil and moral外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトLives of the english poets : Addison, Savage, Swift外部サイトLetters on England外部サイトThe memorable thoughts of Socrates外部サイトVoyagers' tales : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトThe advancement of learning外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトA journey to the Western Islands of Scotland外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe merchant of Venice : with the Adventures of Giannetto, and other illustrative pieces外部サイトMacaulay's Lays of ancient Rome : with Ivry, and the Armada外部サイトThe battle of the books : and other short pieces外部サイトAn essay on the sublime and beautiful外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトVoyages in search of the North-west Passage : from the collection of Richard Hakluyt外部サイトThe poetics of Aristotle : together with the treatise on the sublime外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトRasselas : prince of Abyssinia外部サイトEssays and tales外部サイトPericles with the story of the Prince of Tyre外部サイトEssays on mankind and political arithmetic外部サイトOn heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトFrom London to land's end外部サイトEndymion, and other poems外部サイトThe wisdom of the ancients and new Atlantis外部サイトThe Bravo of Venice : a romance外部サイトTravels in England in 1782外部サイトThe shepherds' calendar/ by Edmund Spenser外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Timoleon, Paulus Æmilius, Lysander, and Sylla外部サイトKing Henry VI外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Alcibiades & Coriolanus, Aristides & Cato the censor外部サイトUtopia外部サイトEssays, civil and moral外部サイトBrowning's poems : a selection外部サイトWarren Hastings外部サイトRasselas : prince of Abyssinia外部サイトTitus Andronicus : with the trve tragedie of Richard the Third外部サイトGrace abounding to the chief of sinners外部サイトThe task, and other poems外部サイトCriticisms on Milton外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトThe complete angler : or the contemplative man's recreation外部サイトReligio Medici外部サイトFrancis Bacon外部サイトAs you like it, with the Tale of Gamelyn外部サイトThe life and times of King John外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Alexander the Great and Julius Cæsar外部サイトUtopia外部サイトThe life of Nelson外部サイトEssays外部サイトTour through the eastern counties of England, 1722外部サイトEmerson's essays : a selection外部サイトAll's well that ends well : with the story of Giletta . The plays of Shakespeare外部サイトThe memorable thoughts of Socrates外部サイトThe Lady of the Lake外部サイトOld age and friendship : essays外部サイトCriticisms on Milton外部サイトTwelfth-night : or what you will外部サイトSelected poems from Wordsworth外部サイトBurleigh and his times John Hampden and Horace Walpole外部サイトSeven discourses on art外部サイトKing Richard the Third外部サイトAreopagitica : letter on education, sonnets, and psalms外部サイトThe discovery of Guiana, and the journal of the second voyage thereto外部サイトNature and art外部サイトAn essay upon projects外部サイトJulius Cæsar : with illustrations from North's Plutarch外部サイトHazlitt's essays : a selection外部サイトA Christmas carol ; The chimes外部サイトIsaac Bickerstaff, physician and astrologer : papers from Steele's "Tatler"外部サイトEssays and tales外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream . Also "Nymphidia" . "Fairy poems" . "Pyramus and Thisbe," etc. etc外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトOf civil government and toleration外部サイトJulius Cæsar外部サイトConfessions of an inquiring spirit : to which are added miscellaneous essays from "The friend"/ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge外部サイトOthello, the Moor of Venice外部サイトThe diary of Samuel Pepys外部サイトThe old English baron外部サイトThe discovery of Muscovy : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt with the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan from King Alfred's Orosius外部サイトJulius Cæsar and illustrative passages from North's Plutarch外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Romulus, Cimon, Lucullus, and Lycurgus外部サイトThe battle of the books : and other short pieces外部サイトThe Essays of Elia : a selection外部サイトThe life of Nelson外部サイトThe autobiography of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトVoyages and travels of Marco Polo外部サイトHuman nature and other sermons外部サイトThe life and adventures of Baron Trenck外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Cato the younger, Agis, Cleomenes, & the Gracchi外部サイトThe four Georges : sketches of manners, morals, court and town life外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトAn essay on man : moral essays and satires外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトHorace Walpole's letters : a selection外部サイトMurad the unlucky : and other tales外部サイトThe autobiography of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトThe schoolmaster外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream . with, Nymphidia, or The court of fairy, &c外部サイトEarly Australian voyages : Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier外部サイトAn essay on the sublime and beautiful外部サイトThe cricket on the hearth : with selections from "sketches by Boz"外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe autobiography of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトOthello, the Moor of Venice外部サイトChilde Harold's pilgrimage外部サイトParadise lost外部サイトSermons on evil-speaking外部サイトTitus Andronicus, with the trve tragedie of Richard the Third外部サイトChilde Harold's pilgrimage外部サイトPoems : 1700-1714外部サイトThe political economy of art : called later, "A joy for ever"外部サイトRosalind : a novel外部サイトDiscourses on satire and on epic poetry外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield外部サイトPlutarch's lives of Pyrrhus, Camillus, Pelopidas, and Marcellus外部サイトEssays on Goethe外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトDiscoveries made upon men and matter, and, some poems外部サイトThe existence of God外部サイトVoyages and travels of Marco Polo外部サイトHamlet外部サイトA sentimental journey外部サイトPlutarch's Lives of Demetrius, Mark Antony, and Themistocles外部サイトSilas Marner : the weaver of raveloe外部サイトThoughts on the present discontents and speeches外部サイトThe earl of Chatham外部サイトWarren Hastings外部サイトThe complete angler: or, The contemplative man's recreation外部サイトThe pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come外部サイトEgypt and Scythia外部サイトCrotchet castle外部サイトMurder as a fine art ; The English mail-coach外部サイトTales from the Decameron外部サイトThe autobiography of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトA Christmas carol, and the chimes外部サイトRasselas : prince of Abyssinia外部サイトSartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh外部サイトReligio Medici外部サイトThe Christian year外部サイトEssays on Goethe外部サイトHamlet外部サイトThe temple外部サイトThe four Georges : sketches of manners, morals, court and town life外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトTales from the Decameron外部サイトThe amber witch外部サイトSelections from the table talk of Martin Luther外部サイトLives of the english poets : Gay Thomson, Young Gray etc.外部サイトOn heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history外部サイトLives of the English poets : Butler, Denham, Dryden, Roscommon, Sprat, Dorset, Rochester, Otway外部サイトThe memorable thoughts of Socrates外部サイトChilde Harold's pilgrimage外部サイトConsolations in travel, or, The last days of a philosopher外部サイトThe castle of Otranto外部サイト



  • The history of the Caliph Vathek . The Brovo of Venice : a romance . The castle of Otranto

  • She stoops to conquer ; and The good-natured man

  • Essays, civil and moral

  • An essay on the sublime and beautiful

  • The comedy of errors





  • CiNii Research

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16 cm
Edited by Henry Morley
The history of the Caliph Vathek . The Brovo of Venice : a romance . The castle of Otranto
She stoops to conquer ; and The good-natured man
Essays, civil and moral
An essay on the sublime and beautiful
The comedy of errors
The tempest
Tennyson's poems : a selection
The angel in the house
Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. : during the last twenty years of his life
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Antony and Cleopatra
The earl of Chatham
The history of John Bull
The sorrows of Werter
Nathaniel Hawthorne's tales : a selection
Childe Harold's pilgrimage
King Richard II
Julius Cæsar : with illustrations from North's Plutarch
The voyages and travels of Sir John Maundeville, Kt
Othello, the Moor of Venice
The second part of King Henry IV
The Tempest : also Jacob Ayrer and "The fair sidea," Montaigne's essay on the Caniballes, etc.
The Lady of the Lake
The two gentlemen of Verona
Love's labour's lost
The banquet of Plato, and other pieces
Childe Harold's pilgrimage
The discovery of Muscovy : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt with the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan from King Alfred's Orosius
The battle of life : a love story
The lady of the lake
A history of the early part of the reign of James the Second
Essays on mankind and political arithmetic
The battle of life : a love story
The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come
Trips to the moon
Sketches of Persia
Edgar Allan Poe's tales : a selection
Sermons on the card and other discourses
Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
As you like it, with the Tale of Gamelyn
Timon of Athens
Sir Roger de Coverley and the spectator's club
Paradise lost
Paradise regained and Samson Agonistes
She stoops to conquer ; and The good-natured man
Romeo and Juliet
Essays on Burns and Scott
Browning's poems : a selection
Essays and tales
The poetics of Aristotle : together with the treatise on the sublime
Areopagitica : letter on education, sonnets, and psalms
Plato's Crito and Phædo : dialogues of Socrates before his death
Thoughts on the present discontents, and speeches
Third part of King Henry VI
The merchant of Venice
The natural history of Selborne
"Unto this last" : four essays on the first principles of political economy
London in 1731
The rivals and the school for scandal
Lord Clive
Marmion : a tale of Flodden Field
The merry wives of Windsor
Paradise lost
Friends in council
My beautiful lady ; Nelly Dale
Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe
The winter's tale, with Pandosto : or, the triumph of time
Egypt and Scythia
The merchant of Venice : with The adventures of Giannetto, and other illustrative pieces [related to the tale of "The merchant of Venice"]
Holy living
My ten years' imprisonment
Lives of the English poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
Travels in the interior of Africa
The taming of the shrew ; A pleasant conceited historie, called The taming of a shrew
Nathan the wise : a dramatic poem in five acts
Essays, civil and moral
King Lear
Lives of the english poets : Addison, Savage, Swift
Letters on England
The memorable thoughts of Socrates
Voyagers' tales : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt
Troilus and Cressida
The advancement of learning
The merchant of Venice
A journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
Love's labour's lost
The merchant of Venice : with the Adventures of Giannetto, and other illustrative pieces
Macaulay's Lays of ancient Rome : with Ivry, and the Armada
The battle of the books : and other short pieces
An essay on the sublime and beautiful
Much ado about nothing
Voyages in search of the North-west Passage : from the collection of Richard Hakluyt
The poetics of Aristotle : together with the treatise on the sublime
Rasselas : prince of Abyssinia
Essays and tales
Pericles with the story of the Prince of Tyre
Essays on mankind and political arithmetic
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
The taming of the shrew
From London to land's end
Endymion, and other poems
The wisdom of the ancients and new Atlantis
The Bravo of Venice : a romance
Travels in England in 1782
The shepherds' calendar/ by Edmund Spenser
Plutarch's lives of Timoleon, Paulus Æmilius, Lysander, and Sylla
King Henry VI
Plutarch's lives of Alcibiades & Coriolanus, Aristides & Cato the censor
Essays, civil and moral
Browning's poems : a selection
Warren Hastings
Rasselas : prince of Abyssinia
Titus Andronicus : with the trve tragedie of Richard the Third
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners
The task, and other poems
Criticisms on Milton
King Henry V
The complete angler : or the contemplative man's recreation
Religio Medici
Francis Bacon
As you like it, with the Tale of Gamelyn
The life and times of King John
Plutarch's lives of Alexander the Great and Julius Cæsar
The life of Nelson
Tour through the eastern counties of England, 1722
Emerson's essays : a selection
All's well that ends well : with the story of Giletta . The plays of Shakespeare
The memorable thoughts of Socrates
The Lady of the Lake
Old age and friendship : essays
Criticisms on Milton
Twelfth-night : or what you will
Selected poems from Wordsworth
Burleigh and his times John Hampden and Horace Walpole
Seven discourses on art
King Richard the Third
Areopagitica : letter on education, sonnets, and psalms
The discovery of Guiana, and the journal of the second voyage thereto
Nature and art
An essay upon projects
Julius Cæsar : with illustrations from North's Plutarch
Hazlitt's essays : a selection
A Christmas carol ; The chimes
Isaac Bickerstaff, physician and astrologer : papers from Steele's "Tatler"
Essays and tales
A midsummer-night's dream . Also "Nymphidia" . "Fairy poems" . "Pyramus and Thisbe," etc. etc
King Henry VIII
Of civil government and toleration
Julius Cæsar
Confessions of an inquiring spirit : to which are added miscellaneous essays from "The friend"/ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Othello, the Moor of Venice
The diary of Samuel Pepys
The old English baron
The discovery of Muscovy : from the collections of Richard Hakluyt with the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan from King Alfred's Orosius
Julius Cæsar and illustrative passages from North's Plutarch
Plutarch's lives of Romulus, Cimon, Lucullus, and Lycurgus
The battle of the books : and other short pieces
The Essays of Elia : a selection
The life of Nelson
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Voyages and travels of Marco Polo
Human nature and other sermons
The life and adventures of Baron Trenck
Plutarch's lives of Cato the younger, Agis, Cleomenes, & the Gracchi
The four Georges : sketches of manners, morals, court and town life
Measure for measure
An essay on man : moral essays and satires
Measure for measure
Horace Walpole's letters : a selection
Murad the unlucky : and other tales
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The schoolmaster
A midsummer-night's dream . with, Nymphidia, or The court of fairy, &c
Early Australian voyages : Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier
An essay on the sublime and beautiful
The cricket on the hearth : with selections from "sketches by Boz"
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Othello, the Moor of Venice
Childe Harold's pilgrimage
Paradise lost
Sermons on evil-speaking
Titus Andronicus, with the trve tragedie of Richard the Third
Childe Harold's pilgrimage
Poems : 1700-1714
The political economy of art : called later, "A joy for ever"
Rosalind : a novel
Discourses on satire and on epic poetry
The vicar of Wakefield
Plutarch's lives of Pyrrhus, Camillus, Pelopidas, and Marcellus
Essays on Goethe
Antony and Cleopatra
Discoveries made upon men and matter, and, some poems
The existence of God
Voyages and travels of Marco Polo
A sentimental journey
Plutarch's Lives of Demetrius, Mark Antony, and Themistocles
Silas Marner : the weaver of raveloe
Thoughts on the present discontents and speeches
The earl of Chatham
Warren Hastings
The complete angler: or, The contemplative man's recreation
The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come
Egypt and Scythia
Crotchet castle
Murder as a fine art ; The English mail-coach
Tales from the Decameron
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
A Christmas carol, and the chimes
Rasselas : prince of Abyssinia
Sartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh
Religio Medici
The Christian year
Essays on Goethe
The temple
The four Georges : sketches of manners, morals, court and town life
Tales from the Decameron
The amber witch
Selections from the table talk of Martin Luther
Lives of the english poets : Gay Thomson, Young Gray etc.
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Lives of the English poets : Butler, Denham, Dryden, Roscommon, Sprat, Dorset, Rochester, Otway
The memorable thoughts of Socrates
Childe Harold's pilgrimage
Consolations in travel, or, The last days of a philosopher
The castle of Otranto
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