
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology [Microfilm ed.]


Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology

[Microfilm ed.]

University of Chicago Library


Notes on Santiago Chimaltenango外部サイトNotes on the olignosynthetic comparison of Nahuatl and Piman, with special reference to Tepecano外部サイトAztec manuscript dictionary, 1590外部サイトThe problem of American history before Columbus外部サイトNotas sobre la etnografia de los indios Tzeltales de Oxchuc Chiapas, México外部サイトVocabularies for languages of the Uto-Aztecan family外部サイトInforme de Cancúc外部サイトRelated studies in early nineteenth century Yucatecan social history外部サイトMaterials on the Mayan languages of Mexico texts and dictionaries in Chol, Tojolabal and Tzotzil外部サイトNotas sobre Zinacantán, Chiapas, por miembros de la expedición a Zinacantán, 1942-3, bajo la dirección de Sol Tax : primera parte, capítulos sobre la organización religiosa-política外部サイトNotes on the Indians of the Eastern Guatemala外部サイトMaterials on the Chorti language外部サイトA grammar of modern Yucatec外部サイトGrammar and lexicon of Black Carib and lexicon of Cholti and Chorti外部サイトSan Luis Jilotepeque : a Guatemalan Pueblo外部サイトNotes on Santo Tomas Chichicastenango外部サイトArte de las tres lenguas : Cakchiquel, Quiche y Tzutuhil : and, Tratado segundo de todo lo que debe saber un ministro para la buena administracion de estos naturales外部サイトPanajachel : field notes外部サイトMaterials on the Kekchi and Pokomam languages外部サイトMonografía de Chamula外部サイトInforme de San Pedro Chenalho外部サイトNotes on San Pedro la Laguna外部サイトMiscellanea外部サイトMaterials on the Mam, Jacaltec, Aguacatec, Chuj, Bachahom, Palencano, and Lacandon languages外部サイトThe Hopi language外部サイトApril is this afternoon : report of a 3-day survey by Robert Redfield and Sol Tax in eastern Guatemala外部サイトPopol-vuh : the original manuscript外部サイトTheses on Middle America from the University of Chicago外部サイトField notes on San Andrés Tuxtla外部サイトReconnaissance of Northern Guatemala, 1944外部サイトEthnographic materials on Agua Escondida外部サイトA contribution to the study of the Aztec language : a detailed linguistic and literary treatment of the second poem found in D.G. Brinton's compilation, Ancient Nahuatl poetry外部サイトMaterials on the Huastec language外部サイトMonografia de los Tzotziles de San Miguel Mitontik, Chiapas, Mexico外部サイトRecent determinations of phonetic characters in Maya writing外部サイトNotes on San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz外部サイトMaterials on the Quiche, Cakchiquel, and Tzutuhil languages外部サイトFirst steps in the decipherment of Maya writing外部サイトNotes on San Antonio Palopo外部サイトMonografia sobre los Tzeltales de Tenejapa, Chiapas, México外部サイトNotes on the Indians of the finca Nueva Granada外部サイトNotes on Aguacatán外部サイトAn ethnological study on the Ixil Indians of the Guatemala highlands外部サイトThe phenomenon of oligosynthesis in Nahuatl or Aztec外部サイトThe towns of Lake Atitlan外部サイトA comparative decipherment of forty-one ancient Maya written words外部サイトHuichol and Aztec texts and dictionaries外部サイトLacandon ethnographic materials外部サイトStem series in Maya and certain Maya hieroglyphs外部サイトMiscellaneous notes on Guatemala外部サイトNotes on Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz外部サイト






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[Microfilm ed.]
Notes on Santiago Chimaltenango
Notes on the olignosynthetic comparison of Nahuatl and Piman, with special reference to Tepecano
Aztec manuscript dictionary, 1590
The problem of American history before Columbus
Notas sobre la etnografia de los indios Tzeltales de Oxchuc Chiapas, México
Vocabularies for languages of the Uto-Aztecan family
Informe de Cancúc
Related studies in early nineteenth century Yucatecan social history
Materials on the Mayan languages of Mexico texts and dictionaries in Chol, Tojolabal and Tzotzil
Notas sobre Zinacantán, Chiapas, por miembros de la expedición a Zinacantán, 1942-3, bajo la dirección de Sol Tax : primera parte, capítulos sobre la organización religiosa-política
Notes on the Indians of the Eastern Guatemala
Materials on the Chorti language
A grammar of modern Yucatec
Grammar and lexicon of Black Carib and lexicon of Cholti and Chorti
San Luis Jilotepeque : a Guatemalan Pueblo
Notes on Santo Tomas Chichicastenango
Arte de las tres lenguas : Cakchiquel, Quiche y Tzutuhil : and, Tratado segundo de todo lo que debe saber un ministro para la buena administracion de estos naturales
Panajachel : field notes
Materials on the Kekchi and Pokomam languages
Monografía de Chamula
Informe de San Pedro Chenalho
Notes on San Pedro la Laguna
Materials on the Mam, Jacaltec, Aguacatec, Chuj, Bachahom, Palencano, and Lacandon languages
The Hopi language
April is this afternoon : report of a 3-day survey by Robert Redfield and Sol Tax in eastern Guatemala
Popol-vuh : the original manuscript
Theses on Middle America from the University of Chicago
Field notes on San Andrés Tuxtla
Reconnaissance of Northern Guatemala, 1944
Ethnographic materials on Agua Escondida
A contribution to the study of the Aztec language : a detailed linguistic and literary treatment of the second poem found in D.G. Brinton's compilation, Ancient Nahuatl poetry
Materials on the Huastec language
Monografia de los Tzotziles de San Miguel Mitontik, Chiapas, Mexico
Recent determinations of phonetic characters in Maya writing
Notes on San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz
Materials on the Quiche, Cakchiquel, and Tzutuhil languages
First steps in the decipherment of Maya writing
Notes on San Antonio Palopo
Monografia sobre los Tzeltales de Tenejapa, Chiapas, México
Notes on the Indians of the finca Nueva Granada
Notes on Aguacatán
An ethnological study on the Ixil Indians of the Guatemala highlands
The phenomenon of oligosynthesis in Nahuatl or Aztec
The towns of Lake Atitlan
A comparative decipherment of forty-one ancient Maya written words
Huichol and Aztec texts and dictionaries
Lacandon ethnographic materials
Stem series in Maya and certain Maya hieroglyphs
Miscellaneous notes on Guatemala
Notes on Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books