
Analecta Isisiana


Analecta Isisiana

Isis Press



"Analecta Isisiana: Ottoman and Turkish studies"--P. facing t.p of 108


War and peace in Rumeli : 15th to beginning of 19th century外部サイトStudies in Ottoman naval history and maritime geography外部サイトLes musulmans des balkans à l'époque post-ottomane : histoire et politique外部サイトLa France et l'est méditerranéen depuis 1850 : économie, finance, diplomatie外部サイトOrientalists, travellers and merchants in the Ottoman Empire, political relations between Europe and the Porte外部サイトSeldjoukides, ottomans et l'espace roumain外部サイトTurkish language contacts in south-eastern Europe : articles in Italian, German, French and English外部サイトMaking a living in the Ottoman lands 1480 to 1820外部サイトIslam institutionnel, Islam parallèle : de l'Empire Ottoman à la Turquie contemporaine (XVIe - XXe siècles)外部サイトImperial meanderings and Republican by-ways : essays on eighteenth century Ottoman and twentieth century history of Turkey外部サイトNeither Shiraz nor Paris : papers on modern Turkish literature外部サイトJewish journalism and printing houses in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey外部サイトStudies on the history of Cyprus under Ottoman rule外部サイトAnother mirror for princes : the public image of the Ottoman sultans and its reception外部サイトIn quest of the golden apple : imperial ideology, politics, and military administration in the Ottoman Empire外部サイトCoping with the state : political conflict and crime in the Ottoman Empire 1550-1720外部サイトThe Ottoman world, Europe and the Mediterranean外部サイトOttomans and Europeans : contacts and conflicts外部サイトThe Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek lands : toward a social and economic history外部サイトLife, love and laughter : in search of the Ottomans' lost poetic language : a collective volume in memory of Arne A. Ambros外部サイトNineteenth century Ottoman diplomacy and reforms外部サイトWorkers, peasants, and economic change in the Ottoman Empire 1730-1914外部サイトRumeli under the Ottomans, 15th-18th centuries : institutions and communities外部サイトDe l'épopée au mythe : itinéraire turcologique外部サイトCommerce et navigation dans l'Empire ottoman au XVIIIe siècle外部サイトThe Ottoman response to European expansion : studies on Ottoman-Portuguese relations in the Indian Ocean and Ottoman administration in the Arab lands during the sixteenth century外部サイトCultures musulmanes balkaniques外部サイトThe Netherlands and Turkey : four hundred years of political, economical, social and cultural relations : selected essays外部サイトJewish historiography on the Ottoman Empire and its Jewry from the late fifteenth century to the early decades of the twentieth century外部サイトBeyond the language frontier : studies on the Karamanlis and the Karamanlidika printing外部サイトStructure and function in Turkish society : essays on religion, politics and social change外部サイトPeuple et production : pour une interprétation des sources ottomanes外部サイトStudies in defterology : Ottoman society in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries外部サイトDefterology revisited : studies on 15th & 16th century Ottoman society外部サイトTürkische Studien in Europa外部サイトTrade and money : the Ottoman economy in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries外部サイトReligion et nation chez les albanais : XIXe-XXe siècles外部サイトBritish public opinion towards the Ottoman Empire during the two crises : Bosnia-Herzegovina (1908-1909) and the Balkan wars (1912-1913)外部サイトAutour des ottomans : français, mameluks, grecs (XIVe-XIXe siècles)外部サイトBetween Russians, Ottomans and Turks : Crimea and Crimean Tatars外部サイトLes Balkans : de la transition post-ottomane à la transition post-communiste外部サイトA precarious balance : conflict, trade, and diplomacy on the Russian-Ottoman frontier外部サイトEssays in Ottoman-Turkish political history外部サイトDu socialisme ottoman à l'internationalisme anatolien外部サイトVillage, town and people in the Ottoman Balkans 16th-mid-19th century外部サイトSufi orders in Ottoman and post-Ottoman Egypt and the Middle East : collected studies外部サイトRomano-Ottomanica : essays & documents from the Turkish archives外部サイトKurdish ethno-nationalism versus nation-building states : collected articles外部サイトGeographical studies on modern Turkey and the Ottoman Empire外部サイトPoetry, historiography, biography and autobiography外部サイトArabs and Ottomans : a checkered relationship外部サイトThe Ottomans, the Turks, and world power politics : collected essays外部サイトPopulation et santé dans l'Empire ottoman (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)外部サイトPopulation history of the Middle East and the Balkans外部サイトI kath'imas Anatoli : studies in Ottoman Greek history外部サイトMullas, sufis and heretics : the role of religion in Kurdish society : collected articles外部サイトReligion, economy, and state in Ottoman-Arab history外部サイトÉtudes d'histoire et de civilisation arabes外部サイトA quest for belonging : Anatolia beyond empire and nation (19th-21st centuries)外部サイトStudies in demographic and administrative history of Ottoman Hungary外部サイトStudies on Ottoman transformation外部サイトBeitraege zur osmanische Geschichte und territorial Verwaltung外部サイトStudies in Ottoman and Turkish history : life with the Ottomans外部サイトThe Ottoman Turks : nomad kingdom to world empire外部サイトMonde ottoman méditerranéen et territoires arabes 19e-20e siècles外部サイトStudies on Islam and the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, 1826-1876外部サイトFrom empire to republic : essays on Ottoman and Turkish history外部サイトFrom Mahmud Kaşgari to Evliya Çelebi : studies in Middle Turkic and Ottoman literatures外部サイトPoetry, histogriography [i.e. historiography], biography and autobiography外部サイトRethinking the late Ottoman Empire : a comparative social and political history of Albania and Yemen, 1878-1918外部サイトLieux chrétiens d'Istanbul外部サイトÎles et populations en méditerranée orientale外部サイトYemen and Asir : essays on southwest Arabia under the Ottomans, the Idrisi and the Imams (18th-20th centuries)外部サイトThe Turkish language in Ottoman Bosnia外部サイトVillage, town and people in the Ottoman Balkans, 16th-mid-19th century外部サイトStudies on Ottoman social history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : women, Zimmis and Sharia Courts in Kayseri, Cyprus and Trabzon外部サイトDrogmans et diplomates européens auprès de la porte ottomane外部サイトCrossing borders : Jews and Muslims in Ottoman law, economy and society外部サイトMittelalterliches Bulgarien : Quellen, Geschichte, Hauptstädte und Kultur外部サイトSur les traces du soufisme turc : recherches sur l'Islam populaire en Anatolie外部サイトL'Empire ottoman au nord du Danube et l'autonomie des Principautés roumaines au XVIe siècle : études et documents外部サイトUne ville ottomane plurielle : Smyrne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles外部サイトThe passage from the Ottoman Empire to the nation-states : a long and difficult process : the Greek case外部サイトAu banquet des quarante : exploration au cœur du bektachisme-alevisme外部サイトIdentité et nationalité chez les Bulgares Ottomans : Alexandre Exarh (1810-1891)外部サイトRéformes militaires ottomanes : 19e-20e siècles : nouvelles approches外部サイトAnother mirror for princes : the public image of the Ottoman sultans and its reception外部サイトDes Ottomans aux Turcs : naissance d'une nation外部サイトÉtudes imagologiques et relations interconfessionnelles en zone byzantino-ottomane外部サイトAnatolia's loom : studies in Turkish culture, society, politics and law外部サイトEtudes d'histoire et de civilisation islamiques外部サイトLes relations entre turcs et juifs dans la Turquie moderne外部サイトBetween east and west : studies on Turkish foreign relations外部サイトOttoman history as world history外部サイトStudies in Ottoman history and law外部サイトOttoman history and society : Jewish sources外部サイトCoping with the state : political conflict and crime in the Ottoman Empire 1550-1720外部サイトLes Ottomans, les Safavides et la Géorgie 1514-1524外部サイトEtudes Ottomano-Byzantines外部サイトFrom Mahmud Kaşgari to Evliya Çelebi : studies in middle Turkic and Ottoman literatures外部サイトPeople and stories of everyday life in Rumeli, 17th-18th century外部サイトWomen on the margins : gender, charity and justice in the early modern Middle East外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Analecta Isisiana : Ottoman and Turkish studies
"Analecta Isisiana: Ottoman and Turkish studies"--P. facing t.p of 108
War and peace in Rumeli : 15th to beginning of 19th century
Studies in Ottoman naval history and maritime geography
Les musulmans des balkans à l'époque post-ottomane : histoire et politique
La France et l'est méditerranéen depuis 1850 : économie, finance, diplomatie
Orientalists, travellers and merchants in the Ottoman Empire, political relations between Europe and the Porte
Seldjoukides, ottomans et l'espace roumain
Turkish language contacts in south-eastern Europe : articles in Italian, German, French and English
Making a living in the Ottoman lands 1480 to 1820
Islam institutionnel, Islam parallèle : de l'Empire Ottoman à la Turquie contemporaine (XVIe - XXe siècles)
Imperial meanderings and Republican by-ways : essays on eighteenth century Ottoman and twentieth century history of Turkey
Neither Shiraz nor Paris : papers on modern Turkish literature
Jewish journalism and printing houses in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey
Studies on the history of Cyprus under Ottoman rule
Another mirror for princes : the public image of the Ottoman sultans and its reception
In quest of the golden apple : imperial ideology, politics, and military administration in the Ottoman Empire
Coping with the state : political conflict and crime in the Ottoman Empire 1550-1720
The Ottoman world, Europe and the Mediterranean
Ottomans and Europeans : contacts and conflicts
The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek lands : toward a social and economic history
Life, love and laughter : in search of the Ottomans' lost poetic language : a collective volume in memory of Arne A. Ambros
Nineteenth century Ottoman diplomacy and reforms
Workers, peasants, and economic change in the Ottoman Empire 1730-1914
Rumeli under the Ottomans, 15th-18th centuries : institutions and communities
De l'épopée au mythe : itinéraire turcologique
Commerce et navigation dans l'Empire ottoman au XVIIIe siècle
The Ottoman response to European expansion : studies on Ottoman-Portuguese relations in the Indian Ocean and Ottoman administration in the Arab lands during the sixteenth century
Cultures musulmanes balkaniques
The Netherlands and Turkey : four hundred years of political, economical, social and cultural relations : selected essays
Jewish historiography on the Ottoman Empire and its Jewry from the late fifteenth century to the early decades of the twentieth century
Beyond the language frontier : studies on the Karamanlis and the Karamanlidika printing
Structure and function in Turkish society : essays on religion, politics and social change
Peuple et production : pour une interprétation des sources ottomanes
Studies in defterology : Ottoman society in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Defterology revisited : studies on 15th & 16th century Ottoman society
Türkische Studien in Europa
Trade and money : the Ottoman economy in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
Religion et nation chez les albanais : XIXe-XXe siècles
British public opinion towards the Ottoman Empire during the two crises : Bosnia-Herzegovina (1908-1909) and the Balkan wars (1912-1913)
Autour des ottomans : français, mameluks, grecs (XIVe-XIXe siècles)
Between Russians, Ottomans and Turks : Crimea and Crimean Tatars
Les Balkans : de la transition post-ottomane à la transition post-communiste
A precarious balance : conflict, trade, and diplomacy on the Russian-Ottoman frontier
Essays in Ottoman-Turkish political history
Du socialisme ottoman à l'internationalisme anatolien
Village, town and people in the Ottoman Balkans 16th-mid-19th century
Sufi orders in Ottoman and post-Ottoman Egypt and the Middle East : collected studies
Romano-Ottomanica : essays & documents from the Turkish archives
Kurdish ethno-nationalism versus nation-building states : collected articles
Geographical studies on modern Turkey and the Ottoman Empire
Poetry, historiography, biography and autobiography
Arabs and Ottomans : a checkered relationship
The Ottomans, the Turks, and world power politics : collected essays
Population et santé dans l'Empire ottoman (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)
Population history of the Middle East and the Balkans
I kath'imas Anatoli : studies in Ottoman Greek history
Mullas, sufis and heretics : the role of religion in Kurdish society : collected articles
Religion, economy, and state in Ottoman-Arab history
Études d'histoire et de civilisation arabes
A quest for belonging : Anatolia beyond empire and nation (19th-21st centuries)
Studies in demographic and administrative history of Ottoman Hungary
Studies on Ottoman transformation
Beitraege zur osmanische Geschichte und territorial Verwaltung
Studies in Ottoman and Turkish history : life with the Ottomans
The Ottoman Turks : nomad kingdom to world empire
Monde ottoman méditerranéen et territoires arabes 19e-20e siècles
Studies on Islam and the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, 1826-1876
From empire to republic : essays on Ottoman and Turkish history
From Mahmud Kaşgari to Evliya Çelebi : studies in Middle Turkic and Ottoman literatures
Poetry, histogriography [i.e. historiography], biography and autobiography
Rethinking the late Ottoman Empire : a comparative social and political history of Albania and Yemen, 1878-1918
Lieux chrétiens d'Istanbul
Îles et populations en méditerranée orientale
Yemen and Asir : essays on southwest Arabia under the Ottomans, the Idrisi and the Imams (18th-20th centuries)
The Turkish language in Ottoman Bosnia
Village, town and people in the Ottoman Balkans, 16th-mid-19th century
Studies on Ottoman social history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : women, Zimmis and Sharia Courts in Kayseri, Cyprus and Trabzon
Drogmans et diplomates européens auprès de la porte ottomane
Crossing borders : Jews and Muslims in Ottoman law, economy and society
Mittelalterliches Bulgarien : Quellen, Geschichte, Hauptstädte und Kultur
Sur les traces du soufisme turc : recherches sur l'Islam populaire en Anatolie
L'Empire ottoman au nord du Danube et l'autonomie des Principautés roumaines au XVIe siècle : études et documents
Une ville ottomane plurielle : Smyrne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
The passage from the Ottoman Empire to the nation-states : a long and difficult process : the Greek case
Au banquet des quarante : exploration au cœur du bektachisme-alevisme
Identité et nationalité chez les Bulgares Ottomans : Alexandre Exarh (1810-1891)
Réformes militaires ottomanes : 19e-20e siècles : nouvelles approches
Another mirror for princes : the public image of the Ottoman sultans and its reception
Des Ottomans aux Turcs : naissance d'une nation
Études imagologiques et relations interconfessionnelles en zone byzantino-ottomane
Anatolia's loom : studies in Turkish culture, society, politics and law
Etudes d'histoire et de civilisation islamiques
Les relations entre turcs et juifs dans la Turquie moderne
Between east and west : studies on Turkish foreign relations
Ottoman history as world history
Studies in Ottoman history and law
Ottoman history and society : Jewish sources
Coping with the state : political conflict and crime in the Ottoman Empire 1550-1720
Les Ottomans, les Safavides et la Géorgie 1514-1524
Etudes Ottomano-Byzantines
From Mahmud Kaşgari to Evliya Çelebi : studies in middle Turkic and Ottoman literatures
People and stories of everyday life in Rumeli, 17th-18th century
Women on the margins : gender, charity and justice in the early modern Middle East
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research