





A large radio-radar telescope : CAMROC design concepts外部サイトStrength and deformation characteristics of plain concrete subjected to high repeated and sustained loads外部サイトKinetics of algal systems in waste treatment : phosphorus as a growth limiting factor外部サイトEffect of stiffness degradation on earthquake ductility requirements外部サイトビーム輸送システムとモニター外部サイトApproximate determination of stresses in a rectangular orthotropic plate of finite dimensions during symmetrical compression by an intermittent load外部サイトIdentification in complex volatile organic mixtures外部サイト発声中のあごの運動解析外部サイトDynamic simulation and control of deep-submergence vehicles外部サイトA dynamical theory sandwich plates with anisotropic facings : technical memorandum外部サイトThe physics of the combustion of gases外部サイト交通流外部サイト場の方程式と量子論外部サイトAttenuation of selected Nitrogen forms by sorption from aqueous solution onto natural soils外部サイトSlope stability analysis by the finite element stress analysis and limiting equilibrium method外部サイト公理論的場の理論外部サイトDynamic programming and approximation in policy space for optimal feedback control of nonlinear systems外部サイトビーム輸送システム外部サイトDevelopment practice composite rolling of structural metal panels : final report外部サイトThe differential effects of stimulus presentation during error-and success-feedback intervals in concept identification外部サイトDefect indicators in sugar maple : a photographic guide外部サイトFluidization phenomena in soils during vibro-compaction and vibro-pile-driving and -pulling外部サイト量子電気力学外部サイト加速器の為のイオン源外部サイトReport of a supported study on microwave microelectronics with ferrite substrates外部サイト陽子シンクロトロン外部サイト工作機械の熱変形と熱の影響外部サイト熱伝導方程式の解析研究外部サイトA nonlinear analysis of statically loaded plane frames using a discrete element model外部サイト海上および水中音響航法と位置決めシステム外部サイトComputer assistance for individualizing measurment外部サイトThe effect of personality on reactivity to a tetrahydrocannabinol外部サイトCommunication in organization外部サイトGroup Complexes and Cohomology Operations外部サイト円筒ツエルの座屈外部サイトMechanical properties of compacted soils外部サイトA new method of multidimensional scaling外部サイトCovariation of social stimuli and interaction rates in the natural preschool environment外部サイトComparative study of languages for programming interactive use of computers in instruction外部サイトDetermination of statistical parameters for highway construction外部サイトA cryogenic shock tube : low temperature shock waves in molecular hydrogen外部サイトElectronically tunable yig filters with electronically variable bandwidth外部サイトInfluence of local soil conditions on building damage potential during earthquakes外部サイト職務に対する満足感因子外部サイトData-book for human factors engineers : volume II : common formulas, metrics, definitions外部サイトField and laboratory studies of modulus of elasticity of a clay till外部サイト放電に於けるエネルギー分布関数と輸送係数外部サイト相変化を伴う熱伝導問題の解析研究外部サイト衣服の着心地の問題外部サイトCalculation aircraft construction elements. Sandwich panels and sheels (selected articles)外部サイトInvestigation of use of superimposed surface wave modes : fianl report(part III), 1 March 1969 to 29 February 1968外部サイトDetailed data外部サイトKinetics of algal systems in waste treatment field studies外部サイトA theory of achievement behavior外部サイトThe problem of determining the optimum speed of movement of soil working machines外部サイト交通事後予測モデルの開発と事故率;比較外部サイトFrontiers of leadership : the United States Air Force Academy program, 1970外部サイトControl of a high order plant using a time optimal second order switching curve外部サイトA modular distributed model of catchment dynamics外部サイトOil spillage study : literature search and critical evaluation for selection of promising techniques to control and prevent damage外部サイト退職における問題点と退職後の保障制度外部サイトExpert opinion about uncertainty外部サイトReaction time : a bibliography with abstracts, supplement II - with subject index外部サイトAutomobile dynamics : comparisons of cornering and ride response predictions with linear theory and with a nonlinear computer simulation外部サイトAn analysis of the limits of validity of the method of ...外部サイトContainment and collection devices for oil slicks外部サイトcomputers in shipbuilding外部サイトWeight optimization structural sandwich panels : final technical report外部サイトThermodynamics of vapor-liquid flows外部サイトTheoretical implications of proactive interference in short-term memory外部サイトAir pollution of toxicology : Data no. B-030外部サイトHigh-gain, long-period seismograph station installation report, Eilat, Israel外部サイトHand book of deposition and sputtering : U. S. & [British] technical reports外部サイト液体・固体中の放電と絶縁破壊外部サイトPattern perception : sic month progress report on ...外部サイトBrain function and adaptive systems : a heterostatic theory外部サイト建築物の耐震構造部材外部サイトExperimental evaluation and protective potential ; Military uses and installation外部サイトTreatment of waste water oil mixture外部サイト重イオン源の開発と加速器の設計外部サイトDeformation processing of anisotropic metals : final report, July 15, 1965外部サイトStability analysis of non-linear control systems外部サイトHuman information handling processes外部サイトThe effect of an encounter group experience on the role anxiety and therapeutic competence of student therapists外部サイト入射器と入射システム外部サイトAn investigation of bonding mechanisms at the interface of a prosthetic material外部サイトAnalysis of non-linear systems外部サイトRadiation from periodic and log-periodic structures外部サイトTables of the bending elements of sandwich panels of asymmetric thickness外部サイトComputer-based instruction in statistical inference : final report外部サイトTransnational working group on the dynamics of conflict : fianl report (covering activities of the period September 1, 1967 to June 30, 1971)外部サイトTime of day effects on performance in a range of tasks外部サイトRadon daughter exposure and respiratory cancer quantitative and temporal aspects外部サイトThe effects of anxiety on computer-assisted learning外部サイトNumerical synthesis of impulse response from frequency domain characteristics外部サイトLaboratory research in organizational psychology外部サイトClimate factors and the decision process外部サイトRate of convergence proofs of the method for finding roots of polynomials (or eigenvalues of matrices) by the power and inverse power methods : technical memorandum外部サイトOn the free turbulent mixing and combustion between coaxial hydrogen and airstreams外部サイトAn overview of computer-assisted instruction for adult educators外部サイトOmega arctic propagation : synchronized monitoring at Wales, Alaska 1969/1970外部サイトサイクロトロン外部サイトRelationships between soil conditions and building damage in the Caracas earthquake of July 29, 1967 : a report to the Presidential Commission for Investigation of the Earthquake外部サイトThe effect of visual stimulus traces on memory外部サイト土地有効利用のためのかんがい開発研究外部サイト交通流モデルの開発とモデル化;シミュレーション外部サイト婦人労働者とワークペースの相関関係外部サイト風力タービンロータ開発と特性 ; 性能外部サイトThe use of high temperature heating agents : a way to speed up the particle board pressing process外部サイトA study of the swelling behavior of an expansive clay as influenced by the clay microstructure, soil suction and external loading外部サイト土壌の脱窒外部サイトCritical review of fracture and fatigue analysis外部サイトThe optimal use of simulation外部サイトコンクリート柱の応力状態の安定外部サイト地域暖房外部サイトWideband magnetoelastic frequency - selective limiter for VHF外部サイトReef shell in Portland cement concrete and reef shell-beach sand concrete外部サイトThe structure of rings satisfying x^n(x)=x外部サイトRate constants of gas phase reactions : reference book外部サイトA hydrodynamic model of dynamic contact angle hysteresis外部サイトWood products connection highway programs外部サイトDevelopment of standardized toxicity testing for dental materials外部サイトThe structure of human thinking activity外部サイトThe effect of leadership experience and training in structured military tasks : a test of the contingency model外部サイト統計計算用プログラムと計算アルゴリズム外部サイト賃金と労働との相互関係外部サイト太陽熱の住居暖房への利用外部サイトThe group viewed from the vantage point of the individual : effects of environmental ambiguity on evaluative attitude, perceived competence, and perceived influence of central and peripheral group members外部サイトReview of the Santa Barbara Channel oil pollution incident外部サイト放電開始火花放電と絶縁破壊外部サイト交通事後の再現問題;方法外部サイトHierarchies of functional mappings between pairs of sacled variables外部サイトEvaluation of environments : behavioral observations in an undersea habitat外部サイトChanges in attention allocation in a multi-component ...外部サイトStructural sandwich design criteria外部サイト電力系統に於けるシステム解析外部サイトSpatial effects in visual selective attention外部サイトAdministrative behavior simulations and perceptions of organizational effectiveness of naval officers外部サイトStatistical mechanics of two-species plasmas with applications to white dwarf stars and metallic hydrogen外部サイトHigh-gain, long-period seismograph station installation report, Chiang Mai, Thailand外部サイトA fast method of producing particle boards外部サイトSoil damping constants related to common soil properties in sands and clays外部サイトExperiments on annealed aluminum外部サイト重イオン : 衝突における研究外部サイトTwo approaches to the three-dimensional jet-in-cross wind problem : a vortex lattice model and a numerical solution of the navier-stokes equations外部サイトサイクロトロンの入射システムと入射器外部サイトHardwood siding performance外部サイトFinal report : ONR contract NR 108-912 (N00014-69-A-0200-4030) : chemical index to fitness, September, 1970 to August 1971外部サイトContainment of oil spills by physical and air barriers外部サイトDesign characteristics of a digital sonar maintenance trainer : an adjunct to device 14E22外部サイト週労4日制に於ける生産性と労働者の影響外部サイトFactors that affect single-family home market for wood windows外部サイトStability and maneuverability of a tail-fin stabilized submersible外部サイトShear stress concentrations at the glueline between skin and rib of plywood stressed-skin panels外部サイトDeformation processes in metals and alloys外部サイト電力系統に於ける設計問題と解析手法外部サイトInvestigations of gap gradings of concrete aggregates, review of available information外部サイトFabrication and evaluation of ceramic implant materials for replacement of teeth and bone-mechanical strength testing og highly porous calcium aluminate ceramics外部サイトStability and oscillations of rectangular sandwich plates with large cutouts外部サイトNumerical methods for two- and three-dimensional viscous flow probrems : application to hypersonic leading edge equations外部サイト陽子に於ける弾性散乱外部サイトModification of frost-heaving of soils with additives : investigations 1953 thru 1955外部サイト労働に於ける動機づけ外部サイトExperimental studies of problem solving外部サイトPhysico-chemical principles of crystallization processes used in the superpurification of metals外部サイトGround motions from vibratory roller compaction of cohesive soil外部サイトPetroleum oil characterization using carbon type analysis and infrared spectroscopy : final report外部サイト森林伐採での流出の変化研究外部サイトSources of information on occupational cancer in the United States外部サイトPreparation and characterization of high quality single crystal refractory metal borides and carbides外部サイトSimulation of the sedimentology of sediment detention basins外部サイトのこ刃による切断技術とのこ盤の性能改善外部サイトApproximate theory of air blast from extended explosive charges外部サイトOptimal control of non-linear systems外部サイトシンクロトロン外部サイト労働組合の役割外部サイト盲人用エレクトロニクス外部サイトExperimental studies of watchkeeping外部サイトParticular Solutions for Slow Viscous Flows Close to Solid Body Rotation. Analytic Discussion and Examples外部サイトThe spectral analysis of discrete time series in terms of linear regressive models外部サイトStudy of equipment and methods for removing oil from harbor waters外部サイトThe effects of work organization, leadership style, and member compatibility upon small group productivity外部サイト暖房理論外部サイトOil tagging system study summary外部サイト高圧容器の設計外部サイトDevelopment of a human performance reliability data system外部サイト肉の冷凍貯蔵外部サイトComputer systems for teaching complex concepts : final report外部サイトMathematical analysis and description of continuous ...外部サイトPetroleum oil characterizatiton using carbon type Analysis and infrared spectroscopy : final report外部サイトMaterial models for soils外部サイトThermodynamics of slags and coordination of the ferric cations外部サイトターゲット外部サイトAnalysis of non-linear feedback systems外部サイト組織に於ける最適シップとアプローチ外部サイトReview of the Santa Barbara Channel oil pollution incident外部サイトCommunication and team performance外部サイトThe Order of Approximation of Convex Functions by Rational Functions外部サイトThe skidding of vehicles : a dynamic analysis外部サイト都市計画外部サイトGeneral solution of the two-dimensional theory of elasticity for an orthotropic rectangular plate外部サイトサイクロトロンビームの特性と診断外部サイト重イオンに於ける弾性散乱と非弾性散乱外部サイト筋肉の収縮と疲労特性外部サイトApproximations of functions by sets of poles外部サイト教育用テレビジョン及び視聴覚機器の有効利用について外部サイトInstructional strategies : multivariable studies of psychological processes related to instruction外部サイト放電のシミュレーションとモデル化外部サイトThermoelastic stresses multilayer plates and bases外部サイトEssays on marine bionics . Cybernetics and computer technology : USSR . A model for process representation and synthesis外部サイト重力場の理論外部サイト土壌 : 車輪系の相互作用研究外部サイトExperimental Investigations外部サイト回帰分析理論外部サイト船体強度外部サイト船舶最適設計外部サイト



  • A large radio-radar telescope : CAMROC design concepts

  • Strength and deformation characteristics of plain concrete subjected to high repeated and sustained loads

  • Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment : phosphorus as a growth limiting factor

  • Effect of stiffness degradation on earthquake ductility requirements

  • ビーム輸送システムとモニター





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



カイガイ ケンキュウ カイハツ レポート
A large radio-radar telescope : CAMROC design concepts
Strength and deformation characteristics of plain concrete subjected to high repeated and sustained loads
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment : phosphorus as a growth limiting factor
Effect of stiffness degradation on earthquake ductility requirements
Approximate determination of stresses in a rectangular orthotropic plate of finite dimensions during symmetrical compression by an intermittent load
Identification in complex volatile organic mixtures
Dynamic simulation and control of deep-submergence vehicles
A dynamical theory sandwich plates with anisotropic facings : technical memorandum
The physics of the combustion of gases
Attenuation of selected Nitrogen forms by sorption from aqueous solution onto natural soils
Slope stability analysis by the finite element stress analysis and limiting equilibrium method
Dynamic programming and approximation in policy space for optimal feedback control of nonlinear systems
Development practice composite rolling of structural metal panels : final report
The differential effects of stimulus presentation during error-and success-feedback intervals in concept identification
Defect indicators in sugar maple : a photographic guide
Fluidization phenomena in soils during vibro-compaction and vibro-pile-driving and -pulling
Report of a supported study on microwave microelectronics with ferrite substrates
A nonlinear analysis of statically loaded plane frames using a discrete element model
Computer assistance for individualizing measurment
The effect of personality on reactivity to a tetrahydrocannabinol
Communication in organization
Group Complexes and Cohomology Operations
Mechanical properties of compacted soils
A new method of multidimensional scaling
Covariation of social stimuli and interaction rates in the natural preschool environment
Comparative study of languages for programming interactive use of computers in instruction
Determination of statistical parameters for highway construction
A cryogenic shock tube : low temperature shock waves in molecular hydrogen
Electronically tunable yig filters with electronically variable bandwidth
Influence of local soil conditions on building damage potential during earthquakes
Data-book for human factors engineers : volume II : common formulas, metrics, definitions
Field and laboratory studies of modulus of elasticity of a clay till
Calculation aircraft construction elements. Sandwich panels and sheels (selected articles)
Investigation of use of superimposed surface wave modes : fianl report(part III), 1 March 1969 to 29 February 1968
Detailed data
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment field studies
A theory of achievement behavior
The problem of determining the optimum speed of movement of soil working machines
Frontiers of leadership : the United States Air Force Academy program, 1970
Control of a high order plant using a time optimal second order switching curve
A modular distributed model of catchment dynamics
Oil spillage study : literature search and critical evaluation for selection of promising techniques to control and prevent damage
Expert opinion about uncertainty
Reaction time : a bibliography with abstracts, supplement II - with subject index
Automobile dynamics : comparisons of cornering and ride response predictions with linear theory and with a nonlinear computer simulation
An analysis of the limits of validity of the method of ...
Containment and collection devices for oil slicks
computers in shipbuilding
Weight optimization structural sandwich panels : final technical report
Thermodynamics of vapor-liquid flows
Theoretical implications of proactive interference in short-term memory
Air pollution of toxicology : Data no. B-030
High-gain, long-period seismograph station installation report, Eilat, Israel
Hand book of deposition and sputtering : U. S. & [British] technical reports
Pattern perception : sic month progress report on ...
Brain function and adaptive systems : a heterostatic theory
Experimental evaluation and protective potential ; Military uses and installation
Treatment of waste water oil mixture
Deformation processing of anisotropic metals : final report, July 15, 1965
Stability analysis of non-linear control systems
Human information handling processes
The effect of an encounter group experience on the role anxiety and therapeutic competence of student therapists
An investigation of bonding mechanisms at the interface of a prosthetic material
Analysis of non-linear systems
Radiation from periodic and log-periodic structures
Tables of the bending elements of sandwich panels of asymmetric thickness
Computer-based instruction in statistical inference : final report
Transnational working group on the dynamics of conflict : fianl report (covering activities of the period September 1, 1967 to June 30, 1971)
Time of day effects on performance in a range of tasks
Radon daughter exposure and respiratory cancer quantitative and temporal aspects
The effects of anxiety on computer-assisted learning
Numerical synthesis of impulse response from frequency domain characteristics
Laboratory research in organizational psychology
Climate factors and the decision process
Rate of convergence proofs of the method for finding roots of polynomials (or eigenvalues of matrices) by the power and inverse power methods : technical memorandum
On the free turbulent mixing and combustion between coaxial hydrogen and airstreams
An overview of computer-assisted instruction for adult educators
Omega arctic propagation : synchronized monitoring at Wales, Alaska 1969/1970
Relationships between soil conditions and building damage in the Caracas earthquake of July 29, 1967 : a report to the Presidential Commission for Investigation of the Earthquake
The effect of visual stimulus traces on memory
風力タービンロータ開発と特性 ; 性能
The use of high temperature heating agents : a way to speed up the particle board pressing process
A study of the swelling behavior of an expansive clay as influenced by the clay microstructure, soil suction and external loading
Critical review of fracture and fatigue analysis
The optimal use of simulation
Wideband magnetoelastic frequency - selective limiter for VHF
Reef shell in Portland cement concrete and reef shell-beach sand concrete
The structure of rings satisfying x^n(x)=x
Rate constants of gas phase reactions : reference book
A hydrodynamic model of dynamic contact angle hysteresis
Wood products connection highway programs
Development of standardized toxicity testing for dental materials
The structure of human thinking activity
The effect of leadership experience and training in structured military tasks : a test of the contingency model
The group viewed from the vantage point of the individual : effects of environmental ambiguity on evaluative attitude, perceived competence, and perceived influence of central and peripheral group members
Review of the Santa Barbara Channel oil pollution incident
Hierarchies of functional mappings between pairs of sacled variables
Evaluation of environments : behavioral observations in an undersea habitat
Changes in attention allocation in a multi-component ...
Structural sandwich design criteria
Spatial effects in visual selective attention
Administrative behavior simulations and perceptions of organizational effectiveness of naval officers
Statistical mechanics of two-species plasmas with applications to white dwarf stars and metallic hydrogen
High-gain, long-period seismograph station installation report, Chiang Mai, Thailand
A fast method of producing particle boards
Soil damping constants related to common soil properties in sands and clays
Experiments on annealed aluminum
重イオン : 衝突における研究
Two approaches to the three-dimensional jet-in-cross wind problem : a vortex lattice model and a numerical solution of the navier-stokes equations
Hardwood siding performance
Final report : ONR contract NR 108-912 (N00014-69-A-0200-4030) : chemical index to fitness, September, 1970 to August 1971
Containment of oil spills by physical and air barriers
Design characteristics of a digital sonar maintenance trainer : an adjunct to device 14E22
Factors that affect single-family home market for wood windows
Stability and maneuverability of a tail-fin stabilized submersible
Shear stress concentrations at the glueline between skin and rib of plywood stressed-skin panels
Deformation processes in metals and alloys
Investigations of gap gradings of concrete aggregates, review of available information
Fabrication and evaluation of ceramic implant materials for replacement of teeth and bone-mechanical strength testing og highly porous calcium aluminate ceramics
Stability and oscillations of rectangular sandwich plates with large cutouts
Numerical methods for two- and three-dimensional viscous flow probrems : application to hypersonic leading edge equations
Modification of frost-heaving of soils with additives : investigations 1953 thru 1955
Experimental studies of problem solving
Physico-chemical principles of crystallization processes used in the superpurification of metals
Ground motions from vibratory roller compaction of cohesive soil
Petroleum oil characterization using carbon type analysis and infrared spectroscopy : final report
Sources of information on occupational cancer in the United States
Preparation and characterization of high quality single crystal refractory metal borides and carbides
Simulation of the sedimentology of sediment detention basins
Approximate theory of air blast from extended explosive charges
Optimal control of non-linear systems
Experimental studies of watchkeeping
Particular Solutions for Slow Viscous Flows Close to Solid Body Rotation. Analytic Discussion and Examples
The spectral analysis of discrete time series in terms of linear regressive models
Study of equipment and methods for removing oil from harbor waters
The effects of work organization, leadership style, and member compatibility upon small group productivity
Oil tagging system study summary
Development of a human performance reliability data system
Computer systems for teaching complex concepts : final report
Mathematical analysis and description of continuous ...
Petroleum oil characterizatiton using carbon type Analysis and infrared spectroscopy : final report
Material models for soils
Thermodynamics of slags and coordination of the ferric cations
Analysis of non-linear feedback systems
Review of the Santa Barbara Channel oil pollution incident
Communication and team performance
The Order of Approximation of Convex Functions by Rational Functions
The skidding of vehicles : a dynamic analysis
General solution of the two-dimensional theory of elasticity for an orthotropic rectangular plate
Approximations of functions by sets of poles
Instructional strategies : multivariable studies of psychological processes related to instruction
Thermoelastic stresses multilayer plates and bases
Essays on marine bionics . Cybernetics and computer technology : USSR . A model for process representation and synthesis
土壌 : 車輪系の相互作用研究
Experimental Investigations
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research