
The American journal of cardiology


The American journal of cardiology

Excerpta Medica, Inc.
28 cm



Description based on: Vol. 77(1996)


A symposium : myocardial ischemia : new perspectives on prevention and stabilization of coronary syndromes外部サイトA symposium : new frontiers in the electrical management of cardiac disorders外部サイトA symposium : nitrates in congestive heart failure : new mechanisms and rationale for use外部サイトEleventh annual symposium, transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics, abstracts外部サイトA symposium : the acute coronary syndromes外部サイトA symposium : maximizing therapeutic outcomes in the management of acute ischemic coronary syndromes外部サイトA symposium : managing acute coronary syndromes : what is the new standard of care?外部サイトA symposium : the new approaches to coronary intervention (NACI) registry外部サイトA symposium : transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics外部サイトA symposium : can physicians always explain the results of clinical trials ? A case study of amlodipine in heart failure外部サイトTwelfth annual symposium, transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics, abstracts外部サイトThe lipoprotein and coronary atherosclerosis study (LCAS) in context : assessing the benefits of lipid-lowering therapy外部サイトA symposium : expanding the impact of statin therapy : would patients benefit from broader treatment and access?外部サイトA symposium : new approaches to cadiovascular therapy外部サイトManagement of the patient after percutaneous coronary intervention : examining the need for a continuum of care外部サイトA symposium : Ninth International Congress on Echocardiography : Clinical Cardiology外部サイトA symposium : reaching for new standards in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris with lepirudin外部サイトThe imperative to raise low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol-a better clinical strategy in the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease外部サイトA symposium : atrial fibrillation : advances for the New Millennium外部サイトA symposium : impact of MADIT on current cardiology practice外部サイトNinth annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics外部サイトA symposium : low-molecular-weight heparins in arterial thrombosis : managing cardiovascular disorders外部サイトA symposium : converging electrical therapies for the heart外部サイトA symposium : beta-blocker therapy for heart failure : rationale, potential mechanisms and clinical trial experience外部サイトA symposium : heart disease and sexual health : what do cardiologists need to know ?外部サイトGuidelines For Clinical Evaluation, Development, and Regulation of Lipid-Acting Anti-Atherosclerosis Agents外部サイトA symposium : autocrine and paracrine signaling between contracting myocardium and coronary endothelium during ischemia : effect of insulin resistance外部サイトA symposium : new frontiers in the management of unstable coronary artery disease外部サイトA symposium : summit on cholesterol and coronary disease : 2nd national conference on lipids in the elimination and prevention of coronary disease外部サイトA symposium : treatment of atrial fibrillation in the era of management care外部サイトA symposium : ICD therapy : what has been achieved?, what will we see before the year 2000?外部サイトUnderstanding the implications for angiotensin II receptor blockade in the long-term management of hypertension外部サイトA symposium : beta blockade in cardiovascular disease : current perspective on patient protection外部サイトStroke : an urgent need for better risk identification and treatment rationale外部サイトA symposium : the role of the platelet and acute coronary syndromes : a new perspective for the 21st century外部サイトA symposium : cardiovascular effects of adenosine, from receptors to bedside外部サイトA symposium : the fourth North American Conference on Nitroglycerin Therapy外部サイトA symposium : clinical significance and management of hypertriglyceridemia外部サイトA symposium : lipid management summit on improving practice outcome外部サイトA symposium : positive inotropy by calcium sensitization - an evolving approach for the treatment of end-stage heart failure外部サイトPharmacologic and clinical perspectives on mibefradil : a new T-channel selective calcium antagonist外部サイトA symposium : sexual activity and cardiac risk : the Princeton Conference外部サイトA symposium : cerivastatin : clinical efficacy and safety in the management of hyperlipidemia外部サイトA symposium : calcium antagonists in hypertension : evolving perspectives外部サイトCardiovascular data on sildenafil citrate外部サイトA symposium : the role of angiotensin II receptor antagonists in the management of hypertension外部サイトA symposium : changing trends in antiarrhythmic therapy : worldwide experience with class III agents外部サイトPrevention of sudden cardiac death : the mirowski symposium外部サイトThe endothelium : impact on treatment strategies for coronary artery disease外部サイトA symposium : metabolic management of ischemic heart disease外部サイトA symposium : calcium antagonists and the diabetic patient : recent controversies and future perspectives外部サイトA symposium : a new age in the pharmacologic therapy of cardiac arrhythmias外部サイトA symposium : Tenth International Congress on Echocardiography : Clinical Cardiology外部サイトA symposium : endothelial function and cardiovascular disease : potential mechanisms and interventions外部サイトA symposium : impact of multiple risk factors on coronary artery disease : beyond total cholesterol外部サイトA symposium : a common faint: tailoring treatment for targeted groups of patients with vasovagal syncope外部サイトCurrent concepts in the management of hypercholesterolemia with an update on fluvastatin外部サイトNinth annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics : abstracts外部サイトA symposium : the role of statins in patients with hypertriglyceridemia外部サイトA symposium : current focus in treating and managing coronary artery disease and heart failure外部サイトA symposium : atrial fibrillation : mechanism and management外部サイトA symposium : from increased energy metabolism to cardiac hypertrophy and failure : mediators and molecular mechanisms外部サイトConsensus recommendations for the management of chronic heart failure外部サイトA symposium : anticoagulant therapy : new promises and challenges外部サイトA symposium : approaches to controlling cardiac arrhythmias : focus on amiodarone, the last 15 years外部サイトA symposium : Can antiarrhythmic drugs survive survival trials?外部サイトA symposium : new insights into the pathogenesis and management of coronary artery disease外部サイトA symposium : cardiac arrhythmias : current management update外部サイトA symposium : new advances in dyslipidemia外部サイトA symposium : controversies in thrombolytic therapy外部サイトA symposium : cardiology and cardiac surgery : a partnership in the New Millennium外部サイトA symposium : new directions in the understanding and management of acute coronary syndromes外部サイト






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28 cm
Description based on: Vol. 77(1996)
A symposium : myocardial ischemia : new perspectives on prevention and stabilization of coronary syndromes
A symposium : new frontiers in the electrical management of cardiac disorders
A symposium : nitrates in congestive heart failure : new mechanisms and rationale for use
Eleventh annual symposium, transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics, abstracts
A symposium : the acute coronary syndromes
A symposium : maximizing therapeutic outcomes in the management of acute ischemic coronary syndromes
A symposium : managing acute coronary syndromes : what is the new standard of care?
A symposium : the new approaches to coronary intervention (NACI) registry
A symposium : transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics
A symposium : can physicians always explain the results of clinical trials ? A case study of amlodipine in heart failure
Twelfth annual symposium, transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics, abstracts
The lipoprotein and coronary atherosclerosis study (LCAS) in context : assessing the benefits of lipid-lowering therapy
A symposium : expanding the impact of statin therapy : would patients benefit from broader treatment and access?
A symposium : new approaches to cadiovascular therapy
Management of the patient after percutaneous coronary intervention : examining the need for a continuum of care
A symposium : Ninth International Congress on Echocardiography : Clinical Cardiology
A symposium : reaching for new standards in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris with lepirudin
The imperative to raise low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol-a better clinical strategy in the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease
A symposium : atrial fibrillation : advances for the New Millennium
A symposium : impact of MADIT on current cardiology practice
Ninth annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics
A symposium : low-molecular-weight heparins in arterial thrombosis : managing cardiovascular disorders
A symposium : converging electrical therapies for the heart
A symposium : beta-blocker therapy for heart failure : rationale, potential mechanisms and clinical trial experience
A symposium : heart disease and sexual health : what do cardiologists need to know ?
Guidelines For Clinical Evaluation, Development, and Regulation of Lipid-Acting Anti-Atherosclerosis Agents
A symposium : autocrine and paracrine signaling between contracting myocardium and coronary endothelium during ischemia : effect of insulin resistance
A symposium : new frontiers in the management of unstable coronary artery disease
A symposium : summit on cholesterol and coronary disease : 2nd national conference on lipids in the elimination and prevention of coronary disease
A symposium : treatment of atrial fibrillation in the era of management care
A symposium : ICD therapy : what has been achieved?, what will we see before the year 2000?
Understanding the implications for angiotensin II receptor blockade in the long-term management of hypertension
A symposium : beta blockade in cardiovascular disease : current perspective on patient protection
Stroke : an urgent need for better risk identification and treatment rationale
A symposium : the role of the platelet and acute coronary syndromes : a new perspective for the 21st century
A symposium : cardiovascular effects of adenosine, from receptors to bedside
A symposium : the fourth North American Conference on Nitroglycerin Therapy
A symposium : clinical significance and management of hypertriglyceridemia
A symposium : lipid management summit on improving practice outcome
A symposium : positive inotropy by calcium sensitization - an evolving approach for the treatment of end-stage heart failure
Pharmacologic and clinical perspectives on mibefradil : a new T-channel selective calcium antagonist
A symposium : sexual activity and cardiac risk : the Princeton Conference
A symposium : cerivastatin : clinical efficacy and safety in the management of hyperlipidemia
A symposium : calcium antagonists in hypertension : evolving perspectives
Cardiovascular data on sildenafil citrate
A symposium : the role of angiotensin II receptor antagonists in the management of hypertension
A symposium : changing trends in antiarrhythmic therapy : worldwide experience with class III agents
Prevention of sudden cardiac death : the mirowski symposium
The endothelium : impact on treatment strategies for coronary artery disease
A symposium : metabolic management of ischemic heart disease
A symposium : calcium antagonists and the diabetic patient : recent controversies and future perspectives
A symposium : a new age in the pharmacologic therapy of cardiac arrhythmias
A symposium : Tenth International Congress on Echocardiography : Clinical Cardiology
A symposium : endothelial function and cardiovascular disease : potential mechanisms and interventions
A symposium : impact of multiple risk factors on coronary artery disease : beyond total cholesterol
A symposium : a common faint: tailoring treatment for targeted groups of patients with vasovagal syncope
Current concepts in the management of hypercholesterolemia with an update on fluvastatin
Ninth annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics : abstracts
A symposium : the role of statins in patients with hypertriglyceridemia
A symposium : current focus in treating and managing coronary artery disease and heart failure
A symposium : atrial fibrillation : mechanism and management
A symposium : from increased energy metabolism to cardiac hypertrophy and failure : mediators and molecular mechanisms
Consensus recommendations for the management of chronic heart failure
A symposium : anticoagulant therapy : new promises and challenges
A symposium : approaches to controlling cardiac arrhythmias : focus on amiodarone, the last 15 years
A symposium : Can antiarrhythmic drugs survive survival trials?
A symposium : new insights into the pathogenesis and management of coronary artery disease
A symposium : cardiac arrhythmias : current management update
A symposium : new advances in dyslipidemia
A symposium : controversies in thrombolytic therapy
A symposium : cardiology and cardiac surgery : a partnership in the New Millennium
A symposium : new directions in the understanding and management of acute coronary syndromes
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research