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- Boundary element methodsStochastic numerics for the Boltzmann equationGeometric numerical integration : structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential equationsElliptic differential equations : theory and numerical treatmentFinite element methods for Navier-Stokes equations : theory and algorithmsNumerical solution of time-dependent advection-diffusion-reaction equationsLANCELOT : a Fortran package for large-scale nonlinear optimization (release A)Sequence transformationsFinite element methods for Navier-Stokes equations : theory and algorithmsNumerical continuation methods : an introductionThe graduate student's guide to numerical analysis '98 : lecture notes from the VIII EPSRC Summer School in Numerical AnalysisNumerical methods based on Sinc and analytic functionsNewton methods for nonlinear problems : affine invariance and adaptive algorithmsElliptic differential equations : theory and numerical treatmentDiscrete iterations : a metric studyThe linearization method for constrained optimizationProgress in approximation theory : an international perspectiveAnalysis of finite difference schemes : for linear partial differential equations with generalized solutionsNumerical bifurcation analysis for reaction-diffusion equationsBasic numerical problems : theory, algorithms, and PASCAL-XSC programsMulti-grid methods and applicationsMixed and hybrid finite element methodsStiff and differential-algebraic problemsNumerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equationsModuli of smoothnessMixed finite element methods and applicationsStiff and differential-algebraic problemsQuadpack : a subroutine package for automatic integrationNumerical approximation of partial differential equationsNumerical approximation of partial differential equationsHigh order difference methods for time dependent PDENumerical techniques for stochastic optimizationHistory of continued fractions and Padé approximantsGalerkin finite element methods for parabolic problemsMinimization methods for non-differentiable functionsTensor spaces and numerical tensor calculusTime-domain finite element methods for Maxwell's equations in metamaterialsHierarchical matrices : algorithms and analysisNumerical bifurcation analysis for reaction-diffusion equationsGeršgorin and his circlesMatrix iterative analysisNumerical modeling in materials science and engineeringGeometric numerical integration : structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential equationsNumerical verification methods and computer-assisted proofs for partial differential equationsTensor spaces and numerical tensor calculusIntegral equation methods for evolutionary PDE : a convolution quadrature approachDiscontinuous Galerkin method : analysis and applications to compressible flowAdvanced boundary element methods : treatment of boundary value, transmission and contact problemsDomain decomposition methods - algorithms and theoryGalerkin finite element methods for parabolic problemsGeršgorin and his circlesNumerical methods for singularly perturbed differential equations : convection-diffusion and flow problemsDiscontinuous Galerkin method : analysis and applications to compressible flowNumerical methods based on Sinc and analytic functionsStiff and differential-algebraic problemsMethod of difference potentials and its applicationsNonstiff problemsFinite element methods for incompressible flow problemsSolving elliptic problems using ELLPACKNewton methods for nonlinear problems : affine invariance and adaptive algorithmsRobust numerical methods for singularly perturbed differential equations : convection-diffusion-reaction and flow problemsPrinciples of computational fluid dynamicsBasic numerical problems : theory, algorithms, and PASCAL-XSC programsNonstiff problemsModuli of smoothnessNumerical methods for two-phase incompressible flowsIntroduction to shape optimization : shape sensitivity analysisGeometric numerical integration : structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential equationsNumerical solution of time-dependent advection-diffusion-reaction equationsRetarded potentials and time domain boundary integral equations : a road mapNonstiff problemsNumerical modeling in materials science and engineeringThe concept of stability in numerical mathematicsElliptic differential equations : theory and numerical treatmentNonlinear approximation theorySpectral methods : algorithms, analysis and applicationsStiff and differential-algebraic problemsB-series : algebraic analysis of numerical methodsNonstiff problemsKrylov subspace methods for linear systems : principles of algorithmsIntegral equation methods for evolutionary PDE : a convolution quadrature approachNumerical methods for fractional differentiationLattice rules : numerical integration, approximation, and discrepancyNumerical methods for fractional differentiationKrylov methods for nonsymmetric linear systems : from theory to computations
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books