
G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs


G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University
United Nations
30 cm


The 2008 food price crisis : rethinking food security policies外部サイトCarbon markets and beyond : the limited role of prices and taxes in climate and development policy外部サイトReforming the IMF : back to the drawing board外部サイトUp from sin : a portfolio approach to financial salvation外部サイトEnron and internationally agreed principles for corporate governance and the financial sector外部サイトOrganizational reform and the expansion of the south's voice at the fund外部サイトGovernance and anti-corruption reforms in developing countries : policies, evidence and ways forward外部サイトThe external debt contentious : six years after the Monterrey Consensus外部サイトIMF voting reform : need, opportunity and options外部サイトBeyond the IMF外部サイトPost-war experiences with developmental central banks : the good, the bad and the hopeful外部サイトCompetition and Competition Policy in Emerging Markets : International and Developmental Dimensions外部サイトEast Asia's growing demand for primary commodities : macroeconomic challenges for Latin America外部サイトThe future role of the international monetary fund外部サイトMalaysia's September 1998 controls : background, context, impacts, comparisons, implications, lessons外部サイトAssessing the risks in the private provision of essential services外部サイトBurden sharing at the IMF外部サイトPrioritizing economic growth : enhancing macroeconomic policy choice外部サイトPolicy space to prevent and mitigate financial crises in trade and investment agreements外部サイトThe millennium round and developing countries : negotiating strategies and areas of benefits外部サイトThe Indonesian bank crisis and restructuring : lessons and implications for other developing countries外部サイトRevising Basel 2 : the impact of the financial crisis and implications for developing countries外部サイトThe potential impact of the aid for trade initiative外部サイトTrip wires and speed bumps : managing financial risks and reducing the potential for financial crises in developing economies外部サイトExternal debt sustainability : guidelines for low- and middle-income countries外部サイトCountry ownership of reform programmes and the implications for conditionality外部サイトIMF contingency financing for middle-income countries with access to private capital markets : an assessment of the proposal to create a reserve augmentation line外部サイトRecasting the international financial agenda外部サイトGovernance-related conditionalities of the international financial institutions外部サイトThe role of the IMF in debt restructurings: lending into arrears, moral hazard and sustainability concerns外部サイトReinventing industrial strategy : the role of government policy in building industrial competitiveness外部サイトEast Asia's counterweight strategy : asian financial cooperation and evolving international monetary order外部サイトExternal financing for development and international financial instability外部サイトEnhancing the role of regional development banks外部サイトInterests and options of developing and least-developed countries in a new round of multilateral trade negotiations外部サイトExchange-rate policies for developing countries : what have we learned? what do we still not know?外部サイトCapital management techniques in developing countries : an assessment of experiences from the 1990s and lessons for the future外部サイトThe standardization of law and its effect on developing economies外部サイトRegional arrangements to support growth and macro-policy coordination in MERCOSUR外部サイトThe contemporary reform of global financial governance : implications of and lessons from the past外部サイトFinancing the climate mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries外部サイトDo as I say not as I do : a critique of G-7 proposals on reforming the multilateral development banks外部サイトGlobal liquidity and financial flows to developing countries : new trends in emerging markets and their implications外部サイトCommodities under neoliberalism : the case of cocoa外部サイトThe World Bank's poverty reduction strategy paper approach : good marketing or good policy?外部サイトIMF policies for financial crises prevention in emerging markets外部サイトAn analysis of IMF conditionality外部サイトThe Basle Committee's proposals for revised capital standards : rationale, design and possible incidence外部サイトInternational Financial Institutions and International Public Goods : Operational Implications for the World Bank外部サイトCan flexible exchange rates still "work" in financially open economies?外部サイトReform of the international financial system and institutions in light of the Asian financial crisis外部サイトRemittances : the new development mantra?外部サイトCommentary on the financial stability forum's report of the working group on capital flows外部サイトGrowth after the asian crisis : what remains of the east asian model?外部サイトShould countries promote foreign direct investment?外部サイトThe politics of legal reform外部サイトHow risky is financial liberalization in the developing countries?外部サイトThe impact of G-3 exchange rate volatility on developing countries外部サイトAid for trade : cool aid or kool-aid?外部サイト



  • The 2008 food price crisis : rethinking food security policies

  • Carbon markets and beyond : the limited role of prices and taxes in climate and development policy

  • Reforming the IMF : back to the drawing board

  • Up from sin : a portfolio approach to financial salvation

  • Enron and internationally agreed principles for corporate governance and the financial sector





  • CiNii Research

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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University
30 cm
G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs and development