
Collected studies series


Collected studies series

Variorum Reprints



Title at publisher's listing: Variorum collected studies seriesPublisher varies: Aldershot : Variorum : Ashgate Variorum : Routledge


Autour de l'épopée byzantine外部サイトHistory, language, and literacy in the Byzantine world外部サイトPaintings on glass : studies in Romanesque and Gothic monumental art外部サイトStudies on Latin Greece , A.D. 1205-1715外部サイトChemistry and the chemical industry in the 19th century : the Henrys of Manchester and other studies外部サイトStudies in Syriac Christianity : history, literature, and theology外部サイトByzantium and its image : history and culture of the Byzantine Empire and its heritage外部サイトMartyrium : recherches sur le culte des reliques et l'art chrétien antique外部サイトMiscellanea orientalia外部サイトScientific instruments and experimental philosophy 1550-1850外部サイトThe city and the realm : Burgos and Castile, 1080-1492外部サイトSpanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600-1300外部サイトBede, the schools, and the Computus外部サイトByzantinische Grundlagenforschung : gesammelte Aufsaetze外部サイトImagery and ideology in Byzantine art外部サイトProbleme des lateinischen Königreichs Jerusalem外部サイトThe crusades and Latin monasticism, 11th-12th centuries外部サイトThomas d'Aquin : sa vision de théologie et de l'Eglise外部サイトTurcobyzantina et Oriens Christianus外部サイトLabour history and the labour movement in Britain外部サイトCommerce and conquest in the Mediterranean, 1100-1500外部サイトSyriac perspectives on late antiquity外部サイトErasme : le prix des mots et de l'homme外部サイトCoptic perspectives on late antiquity外部サイトCanon law in medieval England : the Becket dispute and decretal collections外部サイトGreek philosophers in the Arabic tradition外部サイトFrom Muslim Spain to Barbary : studies in the history and culture of the Muslim West外部サイトAfrica encountered : European contacts and evidence, 1450-1700外部サイトFarmers and fishermen in Arabia : studies in customary law and practice外部サイトMedieval semantics : selected studies on medieval logic and grammar外部サイトAlfonso X, the Cortes, and government in medieval Spain外部サイトThe Catholic reformation : council, churchmen, controversies外部サイトBritain and early Christian Europe : studies in early medieval history and culture外部サイトPäpste, Kaiser, Könige und die mittelalterliche Herrschaftssymbolik外部サイトLetters, literacy and literature in Byzantium外部サイトMonetary, administrative and popular infrastructures in Asia and Europe, 1500-1900外部サイトChurch and culture in early medieval Armenia外部サイトHistory, law, and the human sciences : medieval and Renaissance perspectives外部サイトDecretals and the creation of 'new law' in the twelfth century : judges, judgements, equity and law外部サイトAstrology and magic from the medieval Latin and Islamic world to Renaissance Europe : theories and approaches外部サイトThe Mamlūk military society外部サイトStudies in the culture of science in France and Britain since the Enlightenment外部サイトByzantium : its internal history and relations with the Muslim world : collected studies外部サイトCulture et société en Italie byzantine, VIe-XIe s. : [choix de textes]外部サイトL'Asie du Sud à l'époque des grandes découvertes外部サイトIslamic mathematical astronomy外部サイトCoinage and history of the Islamic world外部サイトIdeas and solidarities of the medieval laity : England and Western Europe外部サイトTobacco in Atlantic trade : the Chesapeake, London and Glasgow 1675-1775外部サイトHeresy and orthodoxy in the early church外部サイトChurch, law and society in Catalonia, 900-1500外部サイトStudies on Byzantine history of the 9th and 10th centuries外部サイトPortugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic, 1343-1490 : chivalry and crusade from John of Gaunt to Henry the Navigator外部サイトExegesis and philosophy : studies on Philo of Alexandria外部サイトCouncils and clerical culture in the medieval West外部サイトIndividuals and institutions in Renaissance Italy外部サイトThe writing of history and the study of law外部サイトTradition and transformation in medieval Byzantium外部サイトStudies in Ottoman social and economic history外部サイトByzantium and the world around it : economic and institutional relations外部サイトMonetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world外部サイトÉtudes sur l'histoire socio-culturelle de l'Islam, VIIe-XVe s.外部サイトSlavia Orthodoxa : collected studies in the history of the Slavic Middle Ages外部サイトState, market, and peasant in colonial south and southeast Asia外部サイトLaw and records in medieval England : studies on medieval papacy, monasteries and records外部サイトMuscovite Russia : collected essays外部サイトThe Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece, and the West 1291-1440 : collected studies外部サイトPeoples and settlement in Anatolia and the Caucasus, 800-1900外部サイトTheory and practice of Romance etymology : studies in language, culture and history外部サイトRobert Grosseteste, exegete and philosopher外部サイトThinking about matter : studies in the history of chemical philosophy外部サイトQuellen und Studien zur spätbyzantinischen Geschichte : gesammelte Arbeiten ausgewählt von Hans-Georg Beck外部サイトMonks, hermits and crusaders in Medieval Europe外部サイトMusic, spirit, and language in the Renaissance外部サイトDroit impérial et traditions locales dans l'Egypte romaine外部サイトHommes et institutions de l'Italie normande外部サイトCanon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries外部サイトStructure in architecture : history, design and innovation外部サイトBooks and libraries in early England外部サイトThe English church and its laws, 12th-14th centuries外部サイトCivilisation et société dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトStudies on the history of Ṣafawid Iran外部サイトOptique et mathématiques : recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique en arabe外部サイトGéographie et culture. La représentation de l'espace du VIe au XIIe siècle外部サイトDark Age numismatics : selected studies外部サイトBenedict, Gregory, Bede and others外部サイトL'art paléochrétien et l'art byzantin : recueil d'études 1967-1977外部サイトStudies in Byzantine intellectual history外部サイトStudies in the Latin empire of Constantinople外部サイトChristian beginnings : apocalypse to history外部サイトL'art du Moyen Age en Occident : influences byzantines et orientales外部サイトMedieval Iran and its neighbours外部サイトArtisans, entrepreneurs, and machines : essays on the early Anglo-American textile industries, 1770-1840s外部サイトKings, bishops, nobles, and burghers in medieval Hungary外部サイトThe Medieval Near East : social and economic history : collected studies外部サイトEtudes sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Age外部サイトHistory and literature in late antiquity and the early medieval West : studies in intertextuality外部サイトSynaxaires byzantins, ménologes, typica外部サイトSex, law, and marriage in the Middle Ages外部サイトTown and country in the early Christian centuries外部サイトTrade, money, and power in medieval England外部サイトPrivate fortunes and company profits in the India trade in the 18th century外部サイトClerics in the early Middle Ages : hierarchy and image外部サイトJerusalem外部サイトLe monde de Byzance : histoire et institutions外部サイトLa transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age外部サイトByzance et les Balkans à partir du VIe siècle : les mouvements ethniques et les États外部サイトThe Dutch in the Atlantic economy, 1580-1880 : trade, slavery and emancipation外部サイトReligious culture in the sixteenth century : preaching, rhetoric, spirituality and reform外部サイトStudies in the history of medieval optics外部サイトState-building in medieval France : studies in early Angevin history外部サイトLater medieval numismatics (11th-16th centuries) : selected studies外部サイトThe Ottoman world, the Mediterranean and North Africa, 1660-1760外部サイトShips, oceans, and empire : studies in European maritime and colonial history, 1400-1750外部サイトRoman and German humanism, 1450-1550外部サイトThe Frankish kings and culture in the early Middle Ages外部サイトThe Spanish military order of Calatrava and its affiliates外部サイトCalculus and analytical mechanics in the Age of Enlightenment外部サイトStudies in classical and Ottoman Islam (7th-16th centuries)外部サイトByzance et la formation de l'État russe : recueil d'études外部サイトAutorité épiscopale et sollicitude pastorale : IIe-VIe siècles外部サイトStudies on Chinese and Islamic Inner Asia外部サイトThe shaping of Czardom under Ivan Groznyj外部サイトScientific culture and urbanisation in industrialising Britain外部サイトCoins and documents from the medieval Middle East外部サイトMuḥammad the Prophet and Arabia外部サイトRulers and ruling families in early medieval Europe : Alfred, Charles the Bald, and others外部サイトUnion, revolution and religion in 17th-century Scotland外部サイトLa sculpture et les arts mineurs byzantins外部サイトInstitutions de l'Eglise et canonistes au Moyen Age : de Strasbourg à Cracovie外部サイトMétaphysique d'Ibn Gabirol et de la tradition platonicienne外部サイトHistory, law, and literature in 10th-11th century England外部サイトStudies in Ottoman social and economic history外部サイトWar and society in Habsburg Spain外部サイトArabic mathematical sciences : instruments, texts, transmission外部サイトCrusading and warfare in medieval and renaissance Europe外部サイトEarly Christianity and the Roman Empire外部サイトBooks and schools in the Italian Renaissance外部サイトPilgrims' castle ('Atlit), David's Tower (Jerusalem), and Qal'atar-Rabad ('Ajlun) : three Middle Eastern castles from the time of the crusades外部サイトJuristes et droits savants, Bologne et la France médiévale外部サイトArt in the medieval west and its contacts with Byzantium外部サイトApocalypticism in the Western tradition外部サイトGeography, cartography and nautical science in the Renaissance : the impact of the great discoveries外部サイトStudies in the history of modern pharmacology and drug therapy外部サイトAspects de la vie monastique en France au moyen age外部サイトSigns and wonders : saints, miracles and prayer from the 4th century to the 14th外部サイトClerical orders in the early Middle Ages : duties and ordination外部サイトÉtudes de théologie et de philosophie arabo-islamiques à l'époque classique外部サイトMamlūks and crusaders : men of the sword and men of the pen外部サイトTextiles, towns and trade : essays in the economic history of late-medieval England and the Low Countries外部サイトL'extirpation de l'Arianisme en Italie du Nord et en Occident : Rimini (359/60) et Aquilée (381), Hilaire de Poitiers (367/8) et Ambroise de Milan (397)外部サイトStudies in medieval Spanish frontier history外部サイトIslamic astronomical instruments外部サイトÉtudes sur les structures administratives et sociales de Byzance外部サイトSociety and government in colonial Brazil, 1500-1822外部サイトChina under Mongol rule外部サイトQuid pro quo : studies in the history of drugs外部サイトOrphée et l'orphisme dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine外部サイトMarkets, trade and economic development in England and Europe, 1050-1550外部サイトPatrons, painters and saints : studies in medieval Italian painting外部サイトMathematics and the medieval ancestry of physics外部サイトAstronomy from Kepler to Newton : historical studies外部サイトHistory and thought of the early church外部サイトÉtudes d'astronomie byzantine外部サイトHellenic and Christian studies外部サイトLiturgical calendars, saints, and services in medieval England外部サイトD'Isidore de Séville à saint Thomas d'Aquin : études d'histoire et de théologie外部サイトLuther and German humanism外部サイトLa Méditerranée aux XIIe-XVIe siècles : relations maritimes, diplomatiques et commerciales外部サイトStudies in the origins of early Islamic culture and tradition外部サイトEnforcing morality in early modern Europe外部サイトOf time and measurement : studies in the history of horology and fine technology外部サイトAutour de la France capétienne : personnages et institutions外部サイトHistories and pseudo-histories of the insular middle ages外部サイトThe Islamic world, Russia and the Vikings, 750-900 : the numismatic evidence外部サイトThe monarchy, the estates and the aristocracy in Renaissance France外部サイトStudies in Arabian history and civilisation外部サイトThe Reformation : education and history外部サイトÉtudes sur la France capétienne : de Louis VI aux fils de Philippe le Bel外部サイトRural and urban aspects of early medieval Northwest Europe外部サイトThe Versailles system and Central Europe外部サイトLand, city and trade in the Roman Empire外部サイトContinuity and change in sixth-century Byzantium外部サイトDe Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica外部サイトStudies in Byzantine political history : sources and controversies外部サイトTitres et fonctions de l'Empire byzantin外部サイトSur l'histoire économique de la France médiévale : la route, le fleuve, la foire外部サイトRomania and the Turks, c.1300-c.1500外部サイトLa mer Noire et la Romanie génoise : XIIIe-XVe siècles外部サイトThe profession and practice of medieval canon law外部サイトThe Turks, Iran and the Caucasus in the Middle Ages外部サイトPortuguese conquest and commerce in southern Asia, 1500-1750外部サイトDubrovnik, Italy, and the Balkans in the late Middle Ages外部サイトKings and lords in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem外部サイトMyth and fiction in early Norse lands外部サイトL'Empire Ottoman du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle : administration, économie, société外部サイトThe Hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world外部サイトJuifs et chrétiens : patristique et Moyen Age外部サイトArt and architecture in Byzantium and Armenia : liturgical and exegetical approaches外部サイトDroit de l'Eglise et vie sociale au Moyen Âge外部サイトStudies on Byzantine Italy外部サイトLa Pologne dans l'Église médievale外部サイトStudies in Renaissance philosophy and science外部サイトThe culture of science in France, 1700-1900外部サイトLa formation du droit canonique médiéval外部サイトLes Hospitaliers à Rhodes, 1310-1421外部サイトEngland and the 12th-century renaissance外部サイトMortality and migration in the modern world外部サイトEcrits juridiques du Moyen Age occidental外部サイトVie conciliaire et collections canoniques en Occident, IVe-XIIe siècles外部サイトStudies in medieval Islamic technology : from Philo to al-Jazarī, from Alexandria to Diyār Bakr外部サイトVisigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish外部サイトReligion, law and learning in classical Islam外部サイトTheory and practice in medieval Persian government外部サイトHistoire monastique en France au XIIe siècle : les institutions monastiques et leur évolution外部サイトRulership in France, 15th-17th centuries外部サイトCrusade and colonisation : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in medieval Aragon外部サイトTechnology and industrialisation : historical case studies and international perspectives外部サイトMedieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade外部サイトThe shape of medieval monetary history外部サイトNorth of the Tees : studies in medieval British history外部サイトBritain, Canada and the North Pacific : maritime enterprise and dominion, 1778-1914外部サイトStudies on the history of logic and semantics, 12th-17th centuries外部サイトL'Andalousie du quotidien au sacré, XIe-XIIIe siècles外部サイトThe English church and its laws, 12th-14th centuries外部サイトReligious schools and sects in medieval Islam外部サイトGreek philosophy in the Arab world : a collection of essays外部サイトHistory and religion in late antique Syria外部サイトCroisés, missionnaires et voyageurs : les perspectives orientales du monde latin médiéval外部サイトByzantine liturgical psalters and Gospels外部サイトByzantine hesychasm : historical, theological and social problems : collected studies外部サイトThe invisible city : monetary, administrative and popular infrastructures in Asia and Europe, 1500-1900外部サイトReligious life and thought (11th-12th centuries)外部サイトPensée médiévale en Occident : théologie, magie et autres textes des XIIe-XIIIe siècles外部サイトLatin letters in early Christian Ireland外部サイトSociété et économie à Gênes, XIVe-XVe siècles外部サイトThe uncertainties of empire : essays in Iberian and Ibero-American intellectual history外部サイトChristian missionary activity in the early Middle Ages外部サイトLa doctrine canonique médiévale外部サイトThe history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages外部サイトIslamic mathematical astronomy外部サイトCosmographers and pilots of the Spanish maritime empire外部サイトSociety and intellectual life in late Byzantium外部サイトMarriage, kinship, and power in northern China外部サイトThe printed word : its impact and diffusion (primarily in the 15th-16th centuries)外部サイトCommercial exchange across the Mediterranean : Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt and Italy外部サイトMonastic reform, Catharism, and the Crusades, (900-1300)外部サイトTechnology, industry and trade : the Levant versus Europe, 1250-1500外部サイトL'Andalousie du quotidien au sacrʹe XIe-XIIIe siècles外部サイトGratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234外部サイトFrom Bede to Alfred : studies in early Anglo-Saxon literature and history外部サイトUnbroken landscape : commodity, category, sign and identity : their production as myth and knowledge from 1500外部サイトThe Franks in the Levant, 11th to 14th centuries外部サイトLa science du droit dans le Midi de la France au Moyen Age外部サイトLa ville balkanique sous les Ottomans, XV-XIXe s.外部サイトAstronomy in the service of Islam外部サイトIconographie, et LXX planches relatives aux volumes I et II外部サイトAstronomie planétaire au moyen âge latin外部サイトEducation et culture dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトCommunautés syriaques en Iran et Irak des origines à 1552外部サイトSoul and intellect : studies in Plotinus and later Neoplatonism外部サイトChurch law and constitutional thought in the Middle Ages外部サイトPeintures d'Asie mineure et de Transcaucasie aux Xe et XIe s.外部サイトGratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234外部サイトReligion and society in Spain, c. 1492外部サイトImmortals, festivals, and poetry in medieval China : studies in social and intellectual history外部サイトCash, credit and crisis in Europe, 1300-1600外部サイトPastoral care, clerical education and canon law, 1200-1400外部サイトSociété et démographie à Byzance et en Romanie latine外部サイトAgrarian development and social change in Eastern Europe, 14th-19th centuries外部サイトThe Crusades, holy war, and canon law外部サイトOverseas trade and traders : essays on some commercial, financial and political challenges facing British Atlantic merchants, 1660-1775外部サイトMigrants, servants and slaves : unfree labor in colonial British America外部サイトDroit ancien et structures ecclésiales外部サイトCycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe外部サイトScience, industry, and the social order in post-revolutionary France外部サイトBelief and law in Imāmī Shīʿism外部サイトInnocent III : studies on papal authority and pastoral care外部サイトIreland and the culture of early Medieval Europe外部サイトCities, fortresses, and villages of Byzantine Asia Minor外部サイトKreuzzüge und lateinischer Osten外部サイトPrecious metals and commerce : the Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean trade外部サイトCrisis and change in early modern Spain外部サイトBanks, palaces and entrepreneurs in Renaissance Florence外部サイトForm and order in medieval France : studies in social and quantitative sigillography外部サイトElectricity and experimental physics in eighteenth-century Europe外部サイトThe economy, fiscal administration, and coinage of Byzantium外部サイトStudies in medieval physics and mathematics外部サイトMesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians外部サイトGramoty bolgarskikh carey外部サイトPhotian and Byzantine ecclesiastical studies外部サイトThe papacy and England, 12th-14th centuries : historical and legal studies外部サイトAfter Newton : essays on natural philosophy外部サイトThe Arabs, Byzantium and Iran : studies in early Islamic history and culture外部サイトMagic and divination in the Middle Ages : texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worlds外部サイトCivil engineers and engineering in Britain, 1600-1830外部サイトLa science médicale occidentale entre deux renaissances (XIIe s.-XVe s.)外部サイトStudies in Jāhiliyya and early Islam外部サイトState, army, and society in Byzantium : approaches to military, social, and administrative history, 6th-12th centuries外部サイトIrrigation and hydraulic technology : medieval Spain and its legacy外部サイトThe Aristotelian tradition and Renaissance universities外部サイトLa romanité chrétienne en Orient : héritages et mutations外部サイトDubrovnik : a Mediterranean urban society, 1300-1600外部サイトReligion paysanne et religion urbaine en Toscane (c. 1250-c. 1450 )外部サイトThrough language to reality : studies in medieval semantics and metaphysics外部サイトFéodalités et droits savants dans le Midi médiéval外部サイトIdeas in the medieval West : texts and their contexts外部サイトCartulary A of the Saint John Prodromos Monastery外部サイトStudies on the origins and uses of Islamic Ḥadīth外部サイトPublic science and public policy in Victorian England外部サイトCovenant and causality in medieval thought : studies in philosophy, theology, and economic practice外部サイトArsenij i Arsenity外部サイトSaint Bonaventure : etudes sur les sources de sa pensée外部サイトGospel books and early Latin manuscripts外部サイトHoliness and politics in early medieval thought外部サイトChemistry, alchemy and the new philosophy, 1550-1700 : studies in the history of science and medicine外部サイトAstronomical instruments and their users : Tycho Brahe to William Lassell外部サイトChurch and society in Reformation Europe外部サイトMedieval Aristotelianism and its limits : classical traditions in moral and political philosophy, 12th-15th centuries外部サイトReappraisals in Renaissance thought外部サイトMontecassino and Benevento in the Middle Ages : essays in south Italian church history外部サイトStudies on Byzantine history, literature and education外部サイトGouvernement et vie de l'Église au Moyen-Age : recueil d'études外部サイトStudies in medieval music theory and the early sequence外部サイトStudies in medieval Eurasian history外部サイトThe medieval history of Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia外部サイトThe Swahili coast, 2nd to 19th centuries : Islam, Christianity and commerce in Eastern Africa外部サイトPhilosophy, dogma and the impact of Greek thought in Islam外部サイトL'Abbaye de Rossano外部サイトPolitics and institutions in Capetian France外部サイトByzance : état, société, économie外部サイトStudies in the medieval history of the Yemen and South Arabia外部サイトOrient et Occident au Moyen Age : contacts et relations (XIIe-XVe/s.)外部サイトSociety, the city and industry in the Balkans, 15th-19th centuries外部サイトHumour and humanism in the Renaissance外部サイトTrade, urbanisation and the family : studies in the history of medieval Flanders外部サイトSur l'histoire économique de la France médiévale : la route, le fleuve, la foire外部サイトCeylon and the Dutch, 1600-1800 : external influences and internal change in early modern Sri Lanka外部サイトByzantium and the Semitic Orient before the rise of Islam外部サイトDroit et coutume en France aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles外部サイトByzantium and the Franks, 1350-1420外部サイトSur Gratien et les Décrétales外部サイトThe Arabs and the stars : texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europe外部サイトMedieval society in southern France and Catalonia外部サイトThe biological standard of living in Europe and America, 1700-1900 : studies in anthropometric history外部サイトThe "creed of science" in Victorian England外部サイトHistory and historiography of the Mamlūks外部サイトChemists and chemistry in nature and society, 1770-1878外部サイトReligion in the history of the medieval West外部サイトPlato's third eye : studies in Marsilio Ficino's metaphysics and its sources外部サイトRulers, nomads, and Christians in Roman North Africa外部サイトCulture and censorship in late Renaissance Italy and France外部サイトLatin and vernacular poets of the Middle Ages外部サイトLes fins dernières selon Origène外部サイトStudies in Venetian social and economic history外部サイトÉtat et société dans l'empire Ottoman, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles : la terre, la guerre, les communautés外部サイトSettlement and soldiers in the Roman Near East外部サイトRenaissance cardinals and their worldly problems外部サイトChaucer, Langland, and fourteenth-century literary history外部サイトStoria e interpretazione di testi bizantini : saggi e ricerche外部サイトOn the economic encounter between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800外部サイトStudies in the history of modern pharmacology and drug therapy外部サイトEtudes sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Age外部サイトStudies in early mediaeval Latin glossaries外部サイトCarolingian learning, masters and manuscripts外部サイトEconomie et société dans les pays de la couronne de Castille外部サイトStudies in Medieval Islamic art外部サイトBetween Islam and Christendom : travellers, facts, and legends in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance外部サイトEn rémission des péchés : recherches sur les systèmes pénitentiels dans l'Eglise latine外部サイトLuther's heirs define his legacy : studies on Lutheran confessionalization外部サイトThe manorial economy in early-modern East-Central Europe : origins, development and consequences外部サイトChurch and society in Ireland, A.D. 400-1200外部サイトLa France au XIVe et XVe siècles : hommes, mentalités, guerre et paix外部サイトStudies in 7th-century Byzantine political history外部サイトPrinces et principautés russes : Xe-XVIIe siècles外部サイトLa prédication au XIIIe siècle en France et Italie : études et documents外部サイトWitchcraft, madness, society, and religion in early modern Germany : a ship of fools外部サイトGalileo, the Jesuits and the medieval Aristotle外部サイトSociety, culture, and politics in Byzantium外部サイトMonnaie et finances à Byzance : analyses, techniques外部サイトAuthors and texts in Byzantium外部サイトGod's decree and man's destiny : studies on the thought of Augustine of Hippo外部サイトSacred images : studies in Jewish art from antiquity to the Middle Ages外部サイトÉtudes sur la Romanie greco-vénitienne, Xe-XVe siècles外部サイトThe Mongols and Ming China : customs and history外部サイトIslam and the abode of war : military slaves and Islamic adversaries外部サイトPolitical life and culture in late Roman society外部サイトLes relations entre l'Orient et l'Occident au moyen âge : études et documents外部サイトByzantine scholars in Renaissance Italy : Cardinal Bessarion and other émigrés : selected essays外部サイトLiterature and society in the early Byzantine world外部サイトLies, language and logic in the late Middle Ages外部サイトThe Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17) : studies on its membership, diplomacy and proposals for reform外部サイトLegal scholarship and doctrines of private law, 13th-18th centuries外部サイトEtudes d'ecclésiologie médiévale外部サイトPar raison de nombres : l'art du calcul et les savoirs scientifiques médiévaux外部サイトRussian institutions and culture up to Peter the Great外部サイトStructure et évolution du capitalisme européen, XVIe-XVIIe siècles外部サイトL'Albanie entre Byzance et Venise, Xe-XVe siècles外部サイトLa société ecclésiastique dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトOutsiders in the lands of Islam : Mamluks, Mongols, and eunuchs外部サイトSacred and secular : studies on Augustine and Latin Christianity外部サイトByzantium from the ninth century to the Fourth Crusade : studies, texts, monuments外部サイトMaritime trade, society and European influence in Southern Asia, 1600-1800外部サイトStudies in Italian Renaissance diplomatic history外部サイトThe Mongol world empire, 1206-1370外部サイトFrom Democedes to Harvey : studies in the history of medicine外部サイトMan, soul, and body : essays in ancient thought from Plato to Dionysius外部サイトRecherches sur l'historie de la France médiévale : des Mérovingiens aux premiers Capétiens外部サイトReligious enthusiasm in the Medieval West : revivals, crusades, saints外部サイトHungary and the European economy in early modern times外部サイトMuslim intellectual and social history : a collection of essays外部サイトDutch merchants and mariners in Asia, 1602-1795外部サイトArmies and politics in the early medieval West外部サイトRulers and nobles in fifteenth-century Muscovy外部サイトEglise et hérésie en France au XIIIe siècle外部サイトMedieval Arabic culture and administration外部サイトCustomary and Shariʿah law in Arabian society外部サイトStudies on the Jurchens and the Chin dynasty外部サイトReligious and ethnic movements in medieval Islam外部サイトEast of Antioch : studies in early Syriac Christianity外部サイトPrayer and power in Byzantine and papal imagery外部サイトStudies on Constantinople外部サイトThe golden chain : studies in the development of Platonism and Christianity外部サイトChanging cultures in early Byzantium外部サイトThe Jews in the Roman Empire : legal problems, from Herod to Justinian外部サイトHistoire de l'Europe occidentale XIe-XIVe s.外部サイトLatin learning in mediaeval Ireland外部サイトErasme dans son miroir et dans son sillage外部サイトStudies in Arabian architecture外部サイトStatut personnel et liens de famille dans les droits de l'antiquité外部サイトItaly, Sicily and the Mediterranean, 1100-1400外部サイトThemes in medieval Arabic literature外部サイトChristian chronicles and Byzantine history, 5th-6th centuries外部サイトPapacy, councils and canon law in the 11th-12th centuries外部サイトStudies on the Levantine trade in the Middle Ages外部サイトMilitary orders and crusades外部サイトCommerce, shipping and naval warfare in the medieval Mediterranean外部サイトHistory and culture in the medieval Muslim world外部サイトSocial, economic and political life in the Byzantine Empire : collected studies外部サイトCatalan domination of Athens, 1311-1388外部サイトAnciens systèmes de poids et mesures en Occident外部サイトAnatolica : studies in the Greek East in the 18th and 19th centuries外部サイトMedieval frontier history in New Catalonia外部サイトCourts and courtiers in Renaissance northern Italy外部サイトPlotinian and Christian studies外部サイトWarriors and their weapons around the time of the Crusades : relationships between Byzantium, the West and the Islamic world外部サイトIdeology, letters and culture in the Byzantine world外部サイトChrysostome, Sévérien, Proclus, Hésychius et alii : patristique et hagiographie grecques : inventaires de manuscrits, textes inédits, traductions, études外部サイトL'Ecole grecque dans l'architecture byzantine外部サイトHumanism, Venice, and women : essays on the Italian Renaissance外部サイトPower, administration, and finance in Mughal India外部サイトMedieval Ireland, saints, and martyrologies外部サイトMonastic, scholastic, and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages外部サイトState and society in the Ottoman Empire外部サイトÉrasme : sa pensée et son comportement外部サイトIslamic coins and trade in the medieval world外部サイトGreater Britain, 1516-1776 : essays in Atlantic history外部サイトByzantine churches in Constantinople外部サイトLaw, culture and regionalism in early medieval Spain外部サイトLatin rhetoric and education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance外部サイトLatin Greece, the Hospitallers, and the Crusades, 1291-1440外部サイトCities and society in Medieval Italy外部サイトÉtudes sur l'Italie médiévale, (IXe-XIVe s.)外部サイトPères saints et culte chrétien dans l'Eglise des premiers siècles外部サイトMoors and crusaders in Mediterranean Spain外部サイトIslamic Iran and Central Asia, 7th-12th centuries外部サイトTrade, commodities and shipping in the medieval Mediterranean外部サイトThe new science of geology : studies in the earth sciences in the age of revolution外部サイトJurisprudence in the Middle Ages外部サイトOn the economic encounter between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800外部サイトLa connaissance de l'Islam dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトIslam and medieval Hellenism : social and cultural perspectives外部サイトFrom Eusebius to Augustine : selected papers, 1982-1993外部サイトShips and shipping in the North Sea and Atlantic, 1400-1800外部サイトReligion and Neoplatonism in Renaissance medicine外部サイトÉtudes sur la peinture postbyzantine外部サイトCulture and spirituality in medieval Europe外部サイトRhetoric and philosophy from Greek into Syriac外部サイトThe Spanish embassy to Samarkand 1403-1406外部サイトNatural law, conciliarism, and consent in the late Middle Ages : studies in ecclesiastical and intellectual history外部サイト'Artes' and Bible in the medieval West外部サイトArmenia between Byzantium and the Sasanians外部サイトLittérature et histoire des textes byzantins外部サイトTheory and observation in ancient and medieval astronomy外部サイトTheodulf of Orléans : Charlemagne's spokesman against the Second Council of Nicaea外部サイトLaw and society in early Medieval Europe : studies in legal history外部サイトPast and present in medieval Spain外部サイトGender, society, and economic life in Byzantium外部サイトScience, politics, and universities in Europe, 1600-1800外部サイトByzantium : its ecclesiastical history and relations with the western world : collected studies外部サイトLanguage and learning in Renaissance Italy : selected articles外部サイトByzantium and the Slavs : collected studies外部サイトStudies in medieval Inner Asia外部サイトStudies in late Byzantine history and prosopography外部サイトLaw and jurisdiction in the Middle Ages外部サイトCommerce et finance en Méditerranée au Moyen Age外部サイトMoney, prices and power in Poland, 16-17th centuries : a comparative approach外部サイトFrom Lisbon to Goa, 1500-1750 : studies in Portuguese maritime enterprise外部サイトStudies in Muscovy : Western influence and Byzantine inheritance外部サイトPoverty and charity : Europe, Italy, Venice, 1400-1700外部サイトScience for all : studies in the history of Victorian science and education外部サイトRights, laws, and infallibility in Medieval thought外部サイトLa femme et l'enfant dans le droit canonique médiéval外部サイトA taste for empire and glory : studies in British overseas expansion, 1660-1800外部サイトReligion, popular and unpopular in the early Christian centuries外部サイトSacred images and sacred power in Byzantium外部サイトScience and instruments in seventeenth-century Italy外部サイトThomas Becket dans la tradition historique et hagiographique外部サイトPortuguese merchants and missionaries in feudal Japan, 1543-1640外部サイトJuz̆nye Slavjane i Vizantija vo vtoroj c̆etverti XIV veka外部サイトWorld silver and monetary history in the 16th and 17th centuries外部サイトByzance : les pays et les territoires外部サイトSpanish church and society, 1150-1300外部サイトThe limits of absolutism in ancien régime France外部サイトStudies in the transmission of Wyclif's writings外部サイトThe Byzantine eye : studies in art and patronage外部サイトScience in ancient China : researches and reflections外部サイトScience and society : historical essays on the relations of science, technology and medicine外部サイトMerchants of maritime India, 1500-1800外部サイトEssays in industry and technology in the eighteenth century : England and France外部サイトThe monarchy of Capetian France and royal ceremonial外部サイトBritain, France, and international commerce : from Louis XIV to Victoria外部サイトThe Ottoman economy and its institutions外部サイトClassical heritage in Byzantine and Near Eastern art外部サイトHistory and politics in eleventh-century Baghdad外部サイトScience médiévale d'Espagne et d'alentour外部サイトReligious and political history and thought in the Byzantine Empire外部サイトChurch and faith in the patristic tradition : Augustine, Pelagianism, and early Christian Northumbria外部サイトIslamic coins and trade in the medieval world外部サイトEglise et société en Occident au Moyen Age外部サイトEspaces, pouvoirs et idéologies de l'Egypte médiévale外部サイトByzance et les musulmans du Proche Orient外部サイトStudies of West European medieval institutions外部サイトThe sea and medieval civilizations外部サイトPeasants, dervishes and traders in the Ottoman Empire外部サイトHistory and family traditions in England and the Continent, 1000-1200外部サイトCroisades et états latins d'Orient : points de vue et documents外部サイトLate Byzantine and early Ottoman studies外部サイトIslam in West Africa : religion, society and politics to 1800外部サイトDe la philosophie ancienne à la théologie patristique外部サイトEtudes sur le grand domaine carolingien外部サイトCrusaders and Heretics, 12th-14th centuries外部サイトCrown and Cortes : government, institutions and representation in early-modern Castile外部サイトAnglo-Saxon Northumbria外部サイトSpain and the Mediterranean in the later Middle Ages : studies in political and intellectual history外部サイトMedieval Arabic and Hebrew thought外部サイトPolitique et société en Sicile, XIIe-XVe siècles外部サイトTradition and exegesis in early Christian writers外部サイトIslamic astronomy and medieval Spain外部サイトA Lexikon to the glory of God: Greek-Russian (18th century)外部サイトZ̆ivoti kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih外部サイトScholarship and politics in the Middle Ages外部サイトLe royaume de Navarre à la fin du Moyen Age : gouvernement et société外部サイトStudies on the Mamlūks of Egypt (1250-1517)外部サイトLives and miracles of the saints : studies in medieval Latin hagiography外部サイトStudies on the life and legend of St. Patrick外部サイトLanguage and history in early England外部サイトDoctrines politiques et structures ecclésiastiques dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトÉtudes d'épigraphie grecque et d'hagiographie byzantine外部サイトArabic Christianity in the monasteries of ninth-century Palestine外部サイトHistoire et institutions des églises orientales au Moyen Age外部サイトÉtudes sur l'Islam classique et l'Afrique du Nord外部サイトIbn Khaldun and the medieval Maghrib外部サイトThe late Roman west and the Vandals外部サイトSociety, law, and trade in medieval Montpellier外部サイトThe care of books : an essay on the development of libraries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century外部サイトHistoire et historiographie en Occident aux IVe et Ve siècles外部サイトEnacting the Reformation in Germany : essays on institution and reception外部サイトFrom Ignatius Loyola to John of the Cross : spirituality and literature in sixteenth-century Spain外部サイトIrish books and learning in mediaeval Europe外部サイトImperator Vasilij Bolgarobojca : izvlec̆enija iz letopisi Jaxi Antioxijskago外部サイトL'expansion arabo-islamique et ses répercussions外部サイトLiturgy in Byzantium and beyond外部サイトOptics, astronomy, and logic : studies in Arabic science and philosophy外部サイトSpain and the early Stuarts, 1585-1655外部サイトMonetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world外部サイトPlatonism and its Christian heritage外部サイトArchaeology and history in the study of early Christianity外部サイトDocuments et études sur les institutions de Byzance VIIe-XVe s.外部サイトStudies on the Crusader states and on Venetian expansion外部サイトEtudes de droit byzantin外部サイトFormula and context : studies in early Christian thought外部サイトThe Byzantine inheritance of Eastern Europe外部サイトAthens in the Middle Ages外部サイトSociety, economy and religion in late medieval Castile外部サイトEvolution de la France méridionale, 1249-1328外部サイトLes hérésies et l'Inquisition, XIIe-XIIIe siècles : documents et études外部サイトTradition and authority in the Reformation外部サイトBritons and Anglo-Saxons in the early Middle Ages外部サイトL'Ibérie chrétienne et le Maghreb : XIIe-XVe siècles外部サイトLa campagne de Timur en Anatolie (1402)外部サイトLaw and liturgy in the Latin church, 5th-12th centuries外部サイトStudies on the Ottoman architecture of the Balkans外部サイトHistoire du haut Moyen Âge et de l'Italie médiévale外部サイトThe Atlantic frontier of the thirteen American colonies and states : essays in eighteenth century commercial and social history外部サイトTradition et actualité chez Isidore de Séville外部サイトEssays on the Renaissance and the classical tradition外部サイトMedieval councils, decretals and collections of canon law : selected essays外部サイトMedieval councils, decretals, and collections of Canon law : selected essays外部サイトJesuit and Friar in the Spanish expansion to the East外部サイトSaints moines d'Orient外部サイトThe Duchy of Urbino in the Renaissance外部サイトStudies on the history of papermaking in Britain外部サイトStudies in medieval Arabic medicine : theory and practice外部サイトMedicine, philosophy and religion in ancient China : researches and reflections外部サイトCluniac studies外部サイトScience and medicine in Islam : a collection of essays外部サイトFortification and settlement in crusader Palestine外部サイトEtudes sur la diffusion des doctrines juridiques médiévales外部サイトArchitecture外部サイトChurch, empire, and world : the quest for universal order, 1520-1640外部サイトEast-West trade in the medieval Mediterranean外部サイトSubstance and illusion in the Christian Fathers外部サイトFoi et culture en Irak au XIe siècle : Elie de Nisibe et l'Islam外部サイトLe droit savant au moyen âge et sa vulgarisation外部サイトEnlightenment, nationalism, orthodoxy : studies in the culture and political thought of south-eastern Europe外部サイトChurch union : Rome and Byzantium, 1204-1453外部サイトBritain and the Roman empire外部サイトLiterary contacts between Russia and the West since the fourteenth century : collected studies外部サイトLe despotat grec de Morée外部サイトPopular literature in late Byzantium外部サイトLaw and legal theory in classical and medieval Islam外部サイトStudies in Armenian literature and Christianity外部サイトBullion flows and monetary policies in England and the Low Countries, 1350-1500外部サイトEnvironment and society in Roman North Africa : studies in history and archaeology外部サイトExplorations in Muscovite history外部サイトNewton, his friends and his foes外部サイトSociety and religion from Jāhiliyya to Islam外部サイトVie chrétienne et culture dans l'Espagne du VIIe au Xe siècles外部サイトMusic and instruments of the Middle Ages : studies on texts and performance外部サイトThe social history of Italy and Western Europe, 700-1500外部サイトEarly Islamic art, 650-1100外部サイトÉtudes sur l'organisation intérieure, la sociéte et l'economie de l'Empire byzantin外部サイトScience, culture, and politics in Britain, 1750-1870外部サイトBooks, scribes and learning in the Frankish Kingdoms, 6th-9th centuries外部サイトEurope and the Levant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance外部サイトFrom Augustine to Gregory the Great : history and Christianity in late antiquity外部サイトThe Jews and the Mediterranean economy, 10th-15th centuries外部サイトUn temps, une ville, une Réforme : la Réformation à Strasbourg : Studien zur Reformation in Strassburg外部サイトFamilles de l'Orient latin, XIIe-XIVe siècles外部サイトThe Empire of Trebizond and the Pontos外部サイトÉtudes sur l'économie et la société de l'Occident médiéval, XIIe-XVe s.外部サイトStatus, authority and regional power : Aquitaine and France, 9th to 12th centuries外部サイトThe papacy and political ideas in the Middle Ages外部サイトByzantine, Norman, Swabian and later institutions in Southern Italy : collected studies外部サイトThe rise of Christian Russia外部サイトFrom the North Sea to the Baltic : essays in commercial, monetary and agrarian history, 1500-1800外部サイトLa formation de l'Empire ottoman外部サイトInstruction et vie religieuse dans le Haut Moyen Age外部サイトThe Ottoman Empire : conquest, organization and economy : collected studies外部サイトByzantine book illumination and ivories外部サイトIstoriko-literaturnyj obzor drevne-russkich polemičeskich sočinenij protiv latinjan, (XI-XV v.)外部サイトStructure sociale, famille, chrétienté à Byzance : IVe-XIe siècle外部サイトInner Asia and its contacts with medieval Europe外部サイトThe English Revolution : politics, events, ideas外部サイトBulgarisch-Byzantinische Aufsaetze外部サイトNationality and society in Habsburg and Ottoman Europe外部サイトCulture et spiritualité en Espagne de IVe au VIIe siècle外部サイトLa transmission du savoir en Islam : VIIe-XVIIIe siècles外部サイトFrom Paracelsus to Van Helmont : studies in Renaissance medicine and science外部サイトSociety and trade in South Arabia外部サイトUn Empereur de Byzance à Rome外部サイトFrom Zoroastrian Iran to Islam : studies in religious history and intercultural contacts外部サイトNationality and society in Habsburg and Ottman Europe外部サイトStudies in Byzantine iconography外部サイトStudies in post-medieval semantics外部サイトStudies in medieval science and natural philosophy外部サイトHistory and archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor外部サイトMediterranean encounters, economic, religious, political, 1100-1550外部サイトLa vie religieuse à Byzance外部サイトStudies in Platonism and patristic thought外部サイトArius and Athanasius : two Alexandrian theologians外部サイトStudies in the history of medieval canon law外部サイトImage and value in the Graeco-Roman world : studies in Mithraism and religious art外部サイトTrade and conquest : studies on the rise of British dominance in India外部サイトCommerce méditerranéen et banquiers italiens au Moyen Âge外部サイトStructures politiques du monde franc (VIe-XIIe siècles) : études sur les origines de la France et de l'Allemagne外部サイトEssais sur le monde byzantin外部サイトPopes, canonists and texts, 1150-1550外部サイトThe dimension of music in Islamic and Jewish culture外部サイトEtudes sur le symbolisme de la Sagesse et sur l'iconographie外部サイトSongs and musicians in the fifteenth century外部サイトAstronomy and optics from Pliny to Descartes : texts, diagrams and conceptual structures外部サイトThe church and the law in the earlier Middle Ages : selected essays外部サイトPapal reform and canon law in the 11th and 12th centuries外部サイトLa noblesse dans l'Occident médiéval外部サイトVie canoniale en France aux Xe-XIIe siècles外部サイトTheory and practice in medieval Persian government外部サイトChant and notation in South Italy and Rome before 1300外部サイトStudies in later Greek philosophy and gnosticism外部サイトSorcellerie et justice criminelle : le Parlement de Paris, 16e-18e siècles外部サイトRome and the Renaissance : studies in culture and religion外部サイトArmy, society, and religion in Byzantium外部サイトThe history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages外部サイトMartyrs grecs IIe-VIIIe s.外部サイトWitchcraft, madness, society, and religion in early modern Germany : a ship of fools外部サイトIdeology and evolution in nineteenth century Britain : embryos, monsters, and racial and gendered others in the making of evolutionary theory and culture外部サイトGreek scholars between East and West in the fifteenth century外部サイトEvolutionary naturalism in Victorian Britain : the 'Darwinians' and their critics外部サイトDutch merchants and mariners in Asia, 1602-1795外部サイトThe development of Islamic law and society in the Maghrib : Qāḍīs, Muftīs and family law外部サイトDe via militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia iungebantur外部サイト



  • Autour de l'épopée byzantine

  • History, language, and literacy in the Byzantine world

  • Paintings on glass : studies in Romanesque and Gothic monumental art

  • Studies on Latin Greece , A.D. 1205-1715

  • Chemistry and the chemical industry in the 19th century : the Henrys of Manchester and other studies





  • CiNii Research

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Collected studies
Variorum reprint
Variorum collected studies series
Variorum collected studies
Title at publisher's listing: Variorum collected studies series
Publisher varies: Aldershot : Variorum : Ashgate Variorum : Routledge
Autour de l'épopée byzantine
History, language, and literacy in the Byzantine world
Paintings on glass : studies in Romanesque and Gothic monumental art
Studies on Latin Greece , A.D. 1205-1715
Chemistry and the chemical industry in the 19th century : the Henrys of Manchester and other studies
Studies in Syriac Christianity : history, literature, and theology
Byzantium and its image : history and culture of the Byzantine Empire and its heritage
Martyrium : recherches sur le culte des reliques et l'art chrétien antique
Miscellanea orientalia
Scientific instruments and experimental philosophy 1550-1850
The city and the realm : Burgos and Castile, 1080-1492
Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600-1300
Bede, the schools, and the Computus
Byzantinische Grundlagenforschung : gesammelte Aufsaetze
Imagery and ideology in Byzantine art
Probleme des lateinischen Königreichs Jerusalem
The crusades and Latin monasticism, 11th-12th centuries
Thomas d'Aquin : sa vision de théologie et de l'Eglise
Turcobyzantina et Oriens Christianus
Labour history and the labour movement in Britain
Commerce and conquest in the Mediterranean, 1100-1500
Syriac perspectives on late antiquity
Erasme : le prix des mots et de l'homme
Coptic perspectives on late antiquity
Canon law in medieval England : the Becket dispute and decretal collections
Greek philosophers in the Arabic tradition
From Muslim Spain to Barbary : studies in the history and culture of the Muslim West
Africa encountered : European contacts and evidence, 1450-1700
Farmers and fishermen in Arabia : studies in customary law and practice
Medieval semantics : selected studies on medieval logic and grammar
Alfonso X, the Cortes, and government in medieval Spain
The Catholic reformation : council, churchmen, controversies
Britain and early Christian Europe : studies in early medieval history and culture
Päpste, Kaiser, Könige und die mittelalterliche Herrschaftssymbolik
Letters, literacy and literature in Byzantium
Monetary, administrative and popular infrastructures in Asia and Europe, 1500-1900
Church and culture in early medieval Armenia
History, law, and the human sciences : medieval and Renaissance perspectives
Decretals and the creation of 'new law' in the twelfth century : judges, judgements, equity and law
Astrology and magic from the medieval Latin and Islamic world to Renaissance Europe : theories and approaches
The Mamlūk military society
Studies in the culture of science in France and Britain since the Enlightenment
Byzantium : its internal history and relations with the Muslim world : collected studies
Culture et société en Italie byzantine, VIe-XIe s. : [choix de textes]
L'Asie du Sud à l'époque des grandes découvertes
Islamic mathematical astronomy
Coinage and history of the Islamic world
Ideas and solidarities of the medieval laity : England and Western Europe
Tobacco in Atlantic trade : the Chesapeake, London and Glasgow 1675-1775
Heresy and orthodoxy in the early church
Church, law and society in Catalonia, 900-1500
Studies on Byzantine history of the 9th and 10th centuries
Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic, 1343-1490 : chivalry and crusade from John of Gaunt to Henry the Navigator
Exegesis and philosophy : studies on Philo of Alexandria
Councils and clerical culture in the medieval West
Individuals and institutions in Renaissance Italy
The writing of history and the study of law
Tradition and transformation in medieval Byzantium
Studies in Ottoman social and economic history
Byzantium and the world around it : economic and institutional relations
Monetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world
Études sur l'histoire socio-culturelle de l'Islam, VIIe-XVe s.
Slavia Orthodoxa : collected studies in the history of the Slavic Middle Ages
State, market, and peasant in colonial south and southeast Asia
Law and records in medieval England : studies on medieval papacy, monasteries and records
Muscovite Russia : collected essays
The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece, and the West 1291-1440 : collected studies
Peoples and settlement in Anatolia and the Caucasus, 800-1900
Theory and practice of Romance etymology : studies in language, culture and history
Robert Grosseteste, exegete and philosopher
Thinking about matter : studies in the history of chemical philosophy
Quellen und Studien zur spätbyzantinischen Geschichte : gesammelte Arbeiten ausgewählt von Hans-Georg Beck
Monks, hermits and crusaders in Medieval Europe
Music, spirit, and language in the Renaissance
Droit impérial et traditions locales dans l'Egypte romaine
Hommes et institutions de l'Italie normande
Canon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries
Structure in architecture : history, design and innovation
Books and libraries in early England
The English church and its laws, 12th-14th centuries
Civilisation et société dans l'Occident médiéval
Studies on the history of Ṣafawid Iran
Optique et mathématiques : recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique en arabe
Géographie et culture. La représentation de l'espace du VIe au XIIe siècle
Dark Age numismatics : selected studies
Benedict, Gregory, Bede and others
L'art paléochrétien et l'art byzantin : recueil d'études 1967-1977
Studies in Byzantine intellectual history
Studies in the Latin empire of Constantinople
Christian beginnings : apocalypse to history
L'art du Moyen Age en Occident : influences byzantines et orientales
Medieval Iran and its neighbours
Artisans, entrepreneurs, and machines : essays on the early Anglo-American textile industries, 1770-1840s
Kings, bishops, nobles, and burghers in medieval Hungary
The Medieval Near East : social and economic history : collected studies
Etudes sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Age
History and literature in late antiquity and the early medieval West : studies in intertextuality
Synaxaires byzantins, ménologes, typica
Sex, law, and marriage in the Middle Ages
Town and country in the early Christian centuries
Trade, money, and power in medieval England
Private fortunes and company profits in the India trade in the 18th century
Clerics in the early Middle Ages : hierarchy and image
Le monde de Byzance : histoire et institutions
La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age
Byzance et les Balkans à partir du VIe siècle : les mouvements ethniques et les États
The Dutch in the Atlantic economy, 1580-1880 : trade, slavery and emancipation
Religious culture in the sixteenth century : preaching, rhetoric, spirituality and reform
Studies in the history of medieval optics
State-building in medieval France : studies in early Angevin history
Later medieval numismatics (11th-16th centuries) : selected studies
The Ottoman world, the Mediterranean and North Africa, 1660-1760
Ships, oceans, and empire : studies in European maritime and colonial history, 1400-1750
Roman and German humanism, 1450-1550
The Frankish kings and culture in the early Middle Ages
The Spanish military order of Calatrava and its affiliates
Calculus and analytical mechanics in the Age of Enlightenment
Studies in classical and Ottoman Islam (7th-16th centuries)
Byzance et la formation de l'État russe : recueil d'études
Autorité épiscopale et sollicitude pastorale : IIe-VIe siècles
Studies on Chinese and Islamic Inner Asia
The shaping of Czardom under Ivan Groznyj
Scientific culture and urbanisation in industrialising Britain
Coins and documents from the medieval Middle East
Muḥammad the Prophet and Arabia
Rulers and ruling families in early medieval Europe : Alfred, Charles the Bald, and others
Union, revolution and religion in 17th-century Scotland
La sculpture et les arts mineurs byzantins
Institutions de l'Eglise et canonistes au Moyen Age : de Strasbourg à Cracovie
Métaphysique d'Ibn Gabirol et de la tradition platonicienne
History, law, and literature in 10th-11th century England
Studies in Ottoman social and economic history
War and society in Habsburg Spain
Arabic mathematical sciences : instruments, texts, transmission
Crusading and warfare in medieval and renaissance Europe
Early Christianity and the Roman Empire
Books and schools in the Italian Renaissance
Pilgrims' castle ('Atlit), David's Tower (Jerusalem), and Qal'atar-Rabad ('Ajlun) : three Middle Eastern castles from the time of the crusades
Juristes et droits savants, Bologne et la France médiévale
Art in the medieval west and its contacts with Byzantium
Apocalypticism in the Western tradition
Geography, cartography and nautical science in the Renaissance : the impact of the great discoveries
Studies in the history of modern pharmacology and drug therapy
Aspects de la vie monastique en France au moyen age
Signs and wonders : saints, miracles and prayer from the 4th century to the 14th
Clerical orders in the early Middle Ages : duties and ordination
Études de théologie et de philosophie arabo-islamiques à l'époque classique
Mamlūks and crusaders : men of the sword and men of the pen
Textiles, towns and trade : essays in the economic history of late-medieval England and the Low Countries
L'extirpation de l'Arianisme en Italie du Nord et en Occident : Rimini (359/60) et Aquilée (381), Hilaire de Poitiers (367/8) et Ambroise de Milan (397)
Studies in medieval Spanish frontier history
Islamic astronomical instruments
Études sur les structures administratives et sociales de Byzance
Society and government in colonial Brazil, 1500-1822
China under Mongol rule
Quid pro quo : studies in the history of drugs
Orphée et l'orphisme dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine
Markets, trade and economic development in England and Europe, 1050-1550
Patrons, painters and saints : studies in medieval Italian painting
Mathematics and the medieval ancestry of physics
Astronomy from Kepler to Newton : historical studies
History and thought of the early church
Études d'astronomie byzantine
Hellenic and Christian studies
Liturgical calendars, saints, and services in medieval England
D'Isidore de Séville à saint Thomas d'Aquin : études d'histoire et de théologie
Luther and German humanism
La Méditerranée aux XIIe-XVIe siècles : relations maritimes, diplomatiques et commerciales
Studies in the origins of early Islamic culture and tradition
Enforcing morality in early modern Europe
Of time and measurement : studies in the history of horology and fine technology
Autour de la France capétienne : personnages et institutions
Histories and pseudo-histories of the insular middle ages
The Islamic world, Russia and the Vikings, 750-900 : the numismatic evidence
The monarchy, the estates and the aristocracy in Renaissance France
Studies in Arabian history and civilisation
The Reformation : education and history
Études sur la France capétienne : de Louis VI aux fils de Philippe le Bel
Rural and urban aspects of early medieval Northwest Europe
The Versailles system and Central Europe
Land, city and trade in the Roman Empire
Continuity and change in sixth-century Byzantium
De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica
Studies in Byzantine political history : sources and controversies
Titres et fonctions de l'Empire byzantin
Sur l'histoire économique de la France médiévale : la route, le fleuve, la foire
Romania and the Turks, c.1300-c.1500
La mer Noire et la Romanie génoise : XIIIe-XVe siècles
The profession and practice of medieval canon law
The Turks, Iran and the Caucasus in the Middle Ages
Portuguese conquest and commerce in southern Asia, 1500-1750
Dubrovnik, Italy, and the Balkans in the late Middle Ages
Kings and lords in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem
Myth and fiction in early Norse lands
L'Empire Ottoman du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle : administration, économie, société
The Hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world
Juifs et chrétiens : patristique et Moyen Age
Art and architecture in Byzantium and Armenia : liturgical and exegetical approaches
Droit de l'Eglise et vie sociale au Moyen Âge
Studies on Byzantine Italy
La Pologne dans l'Église médievale
Studies in Renaissance philosophy and science
The culture of science in France, 1700-1900
La formation du droit canonique médiéval
Les Hospitaliers à Rhodes, 1310-1421
England and the 12th-century renaissance
Mortality and migration in the modern world
Ecrits juridiques du Moyen Age occidental
Vie conciliaire et collections canoniques en Occident, IVe-XIIe siècles
Studies in medieval Islamic technology : from Philo to al-Jazarī, from Alexandria to Diyār Bakr
Visigothic Spain, Byzantium, and the Irish
Religion, law and learning in classical Islam
Theory and practice in medieval Persian government
Histoire monastique en France au XIIe siècle : les institutions monastiques et leur évolution
Rulership in France, 15th-17th centuries
Crusade and colonisation : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in medieval Aragon
Technology and industrialisation : historical case studies and international perspectives
Medieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade
The shape of medieval monetary history
North of the Tees : studies in medieval British history
Britain, Canada and the North Pacific : maritime enterprise and dominion, 1778-1914
Studies on the history of logic and semantics, 12th-17th centuries
L'Andalousie du quotidien au sacré, XIe-XIIIe siècles
The English church and its laws, 12th-14th centuries
Religious schools and sects in medieval Islam
Greek philosophy in the Arab world : a collection of essays
History and religion in late antique Syria
Croisés, missionnaires et voyageurs : les perspectives orientales du monde latin médiéval
Byzantine liturgical psalters and Gospels
Byzantine hesychasm : historical, theological and social problems : collected studies
The invisible city : monetary, administrative and popular infrastructures in Asia and Europe, 1500-1900
Religious life and thought (11th-12th centuries)
Pensée médiévale en Occident : théologie, magie et autres textes des XIIe-XIIIe siècles
Latin letters in early Christian Ireland
Société et économie à Gênes, XIVe-XVe siècles
The uncertainties of empire : essays in Iberian and Ibero-American intellectual history
Christian missionary activity in the early Middle Ages
La doctrine canonique médiévale
The history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages
Islamic mathematical astronomy
Cosmographers and pilots of the Spanish maritime empire
Society and intellectual life in late Byzantium
Marriage, kinship, and power in northern China
The printed word : its impact and diffusion (primarily in the 15th-16th centuries)
Commercial exchange across the Mediterranean : Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt and Italy
Monastic reform, Catharism, and the Crusades, (900-1300)
Technology, industry and trade : the Levant versus Europe, 1250-1500
L'Andalousie du quotidien au sacrʹe XIe-XIIIe siècles
Gratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234
From Bede to Alfred : studies in early Anglo-Saxon literature and history
Unbroken landscape : commodity, category, sign and identity : their production as myth and knowledge from 1500
The Franks in the Levant, 11th to 14th centuries
La science du droit dans le Midi de la France au Moyen Age
La ville balkanique sous les Ottomans, XV-XIXe s.
Astronomy in the service of Islam
Iconographie, et LXX planches relatives aux volumes I et II
Astronomie planétaire au moyen âge latin
Education et culture dans l'Occident médiéval
Communautés syriaques en Iran et Irak des origines à 1552
Soul and intellect : studies in Plotinus and later Neoplatonism
Church law and constitutional thought in the Middle Ages
Peintures d'Asie mineure et de Transcaucasie aux Xe et XIe s.
Gratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234
Religion and society in Spain, c. 1492
Immortals, festivals, and poetry in medieval China : studies in social and intellectual history
Cash, credit and crisis in Europe, 1300-1600
Pastoral care, clerical education and canon law, 1200-1400
Société et démographie à Byzance et en Romanie latine
Agrarian development and social change in Eastern Europe, 14th-19th centuries
The Crusades, holy war, and canon law
Overseas trade and traders : essays on some commercial, financial and political challenges facing British Atlantic merchants, 1660-1775
Migrants, servants and slaves : unfree labor in colonial British America
Droit ancien et structures ecclésiales
Cycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe
Science, industry, and the social order in post-revolutionary France
Belief and law in Imāmī Shīʿism
Innocent III : studies on papal authority and pastoral care
Ireland and the culture of early Medieval Europe
Cities, fortresses, and villages of Byzantine Asia Minor
Kreuzzüge und lateinischer Osten
Precious metals and commerce : the Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean trade
Crisis and change in early modern Spain
Banks, palaces and entrepreneurs in Renaissance Florence
Form and order in medieval France : studies in social and quantitative sigillography
Electricity and experimental physics in eighteenth-century Europe
The economy, fiscal administration, and coinage of Byzantium
Studies in medieval physics and mathematics
Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians
Gramoty bolgarskikh carey
Photian and Byzantine ecclesiastical studies
The papacy and England, 12th-14th centuries : historical and legal studies
After Newton : essays on natural philosophy
The Arabs, Byzantium and Iran : studies in early Islamic history and culture
Magic and divination in the Middle Ages : texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worlds
Civil engineers and engineering in Britain, 1600-1830
La science médicale occidentale entre deux renaissances (XIIe s.-XVe s.)
Studies in Jāhiliyya and early Islam
State, army, and society in Byzantium : approaches to military, social, and administrative history, 6th-12th centuries
Irrigation and hydraulic technology : medieval Spain and its legacy
The Aristotelian tradition and Renaissance universities
La romanité chrétienne en Orient : héritages et mutations
Dubrovnik : a Mediterranean urban society, 1300-1600
Religion paysanne et religion urbaine en Toscane (c. 1250-c. 1450 )
Through language to reality : studies in medieval semantics and metaphysics
Féodalités et droits savants dans le Midi médiéval
Ideas in the medieval West : texts and their contexts
Cartulary A of the Saint John Prodromos Monastery
Studies on the origins and uses of Islamic Ḥadīth
Public science and public policy in Victorian England
Covenant and causality in medieval thought : studies in philosophy, theology, and economic practice
Arsenij i Arsenity
Saint Bonaventure : etudes sur les sources de sa pensée
Gospel books and early Latin manuscripts
Holiness and politics in early medieval thought
Chemistry, alchemy and the new philosophy, 1550-1700 : studies in the history of science and medicine
Astronomical instruments and their users : Tycho Brahe to William Lassell
Church and society in Reformation Europe
Medieval Aristotelianism and its limits : classical traditions in moral and political philosophy, 12th-15th centuries
Reappraisals in Renaissance thought
Montecassino and Benevento in the Middle Ages : essays in south Italian church history
Studies on Byzantine history, literature and education
Gouvernement et vie de l'Église au Moyen-Age : recueil d'études
Studies in medieval music theory and the early sequence
Studies in medieval Eurasian history
The medieval history of Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
The Swahili coast, 2nd to 19th centuries : Islam, Christianity and commerce in Eastern Africa
Philosophy, dogma and the impact of Greek thought in Islam
L'Abbaye de Rossano
Politics and institutions in Capetian France
Byzance : état, société, économie
Studies in the medieval history of the Yemen and South Arabia
Orient et Occident au Moyen Age : contacts et relations (XIIe-XVe/s.)
Society, the city and industry in the Balkans, 15th-19th centuries
Humour and humanism in the Renaissance
Trade, urbanisation and the family : studies in the history of medieval Flanders
Sur l'histoire économique de la France médiévale : la route, le fleuve, la foire
Ceylon and the Dutch, 1600-1800 : external influences and internal change in early modern Sri Lanka
Byzantium and the Semitic Orient before the rise of Islam
Droit et coutume en France aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles
Byzantium and the Franks, 1350-1420
Sur Gratien et les Décrétales
The Arabs and the stars : texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europe
Medieval society in southern France and Catalonia
The biological standard of living in Europe and America, 1700-1900 : studies in anthropometric history
The "creed of science" in Victorian England
History and historiography of the Mamlūks
Chemists and chemistry in nature and society, 1770-1878
Religion in the history of the medieval West
Plato's third eye : studies in Marsilio Ficino's metaphysics and its sources
Rulers, nomads, and Christians in Roman North Africa
Culture and censorship in late Renaissance Italy and France
Latin and vernacular poets of the Middle Ages
Les fins dernières selon Origène
Studies in Venetian social and economic history
État et société dans l'empire Ottoman, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles : la terre, la guerre, les communautés
Settlement and soldiers in the Roman Near East
Renaissance cardinals and their worldly problems
Chaucer, Langland, and fourteenth-century literary history
Storia e interpretazione di testi bizantini : saggi e ricerche
On the economic encounter between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
Studies in the history of modern pharmacology and drug therapy
Etudes sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Age
Studies in early mediaeval Latin glossaries
Carolingian learning, masters and manuscripts
Economie et société dans les pays de la couronne de Castille
Studies in Medieval Islamic art
Between Islam and Christendom : travellers, facts, and legends in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
En rémission des péchés : recherches sur les systèmes pénitentiels dans l'Eglise latine
Luther's heirs define his legacy : studies on Lutheran confessionalization
The manorial economy in early-modern East-Central Europe : origins, development and consequences
Church and society in Ireland, A.D. 400-1200
La France au XIVe et XVe siècles : hommes, mentalités, guerre et paix
Studies in 7th-century Byzantine political history
Princes et principautés russes : Xe-XVIIe siècles
La prédication au XIIIe siècle en France et Italie : études et documents
Witchcraft, madness, society, and religion in early modern Germany : a ship of fools
Galileo, the Jesuits and the medieval Aristotle
Society, culture, and politics in Byzantium
Monnaie et finances à Byzance : analyses, techniques
Authors and texts in Byzantium
God's decree and man's destiny : studies on the thought of Augustine of Hippo
Sacred images : studies in Jewish art from antiquity to the Middle Ages
Études sur la Romanie greco-vénitienne, Xe-XVe siècles
The Mongols and Ming China : customs and history
Islam and the abode of war : military slaves and Islamic adversaries
Political life and culture in late Roman society
Les relations entre l'Orient et l'Occident au moyen âge : études et documents
Byzantine scholars in Renaissance Italy : Cardinal Bessarion and other émigrés : selected essays
Literature and society in the early Byzantine world
Lies, language and logic in the late Middle Ages
The Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17) : studies on its membership, diplomacy and proposals for reform
Legal scholarship and doctrines of private law, 13th-18th centuries
Etudes d'ecclésiologie médiévale
Par raison de nombres : l'art du calcul et les savoirs scientifiques médiévaux
Russian institutions and culture up to Peter the Great
Structure et évolution du capitalisme européen, XVIe-XVIIe siècles
L'Albanie entre Byzance et Venise, Xe-XVe siècles
La société ecclésiastique dans l'Occident médiéval
Outsiders in the lands of Islam : Mamluks, Mongols, and eunuchs
Sacred and secular : studies on Augustine and Latin Christianity
Byzantium from the ninth century to the Fourth Crusade : studies, texts, monuments
Maritime trade, society and European influence in Southern Asia, 1600-1800
Studies in Italian Renaissance diplomatic history
The Mongol world empire, 1206-1370
From Democedes to Harvey : studies in the history of medicine
Man, soul, and body : essays in ancient thought from Plato to Dionysius
Recherches sur l'historie de la France médiévale : des Mérovingiens aux premiers Capétiens
Religious enthusiasm in the Medieval West : revivals, crusades, saints
Hungary and the European economy in early modern times
Muslim intellectual and social history : a collection of essays
Dutch merchants and mariners in Asia, 1602-1795
Armies and politics in the early medieval West
Rulers and nobles in fifteenth-century Muscovy
Eglise et hérésie en France au XIIIe siècle
Medieval Arabic culture and administration
Customary and Shariʿah law in Arabian society
Studies on the Jurchens and the Chin dynasty
Religious and ethnic movements in medieval Islam
East of Antioch : studies in early Syriac Christianity
Prayer and power in Byzantine and papal imagery
Studies on Constantinople
The golden chain : studies in the development of Platonism and Christianity
Changing cultures in early Byzantium
The Jews in the Roman Empire : legal problems, from Herod to Justinian
Histoire de l'Europe occidentale XIe-XIVe s.
Latin learning in mediaeval Ireland
Erasme dans son miroir et dans son sillage
Studies in Arabian architecture
Statut personnel et liens de famille dans les droits de l'antiquité
Italy, Sicily and the Mediterranean, 1100-1400
Themes in medieval Arabic literature
Christian chronicles and Byzantine history, 5th-6th centuries
Papacy, councils and canon law in the 11th-12th centuries
Studies on the Levantine trade in the Middle Ages
Military orders and crusades
Commerce, shipping and naval warfare in the medieval Mediterranean
History and culture in the medieval Muslim world
Social, economic and political life in the Byzantine Empire : collected studies
Catalan domination of Athens, 1311-1388
Anciens systèmes de poids et mesures en Occident
Anatolica : studies in the Greek East in the 18th and 19th centuries
Medieval frontier history in New Catalonia
Courts and courtiers in Renaissance northern Italy
Plotinian and Christian studies
Warriors and their weapons around the time of the Crusades : relationships between Byzantium, the West and the Islamic world
Ideology, letters and culture in the Byzantine world
Chrysostome, Sévérien, Proclus, Hésychius et alii : patristique et hagiographie grecques : inventaires de manuscrits, textes inédits, traductions, études
L'Ecole grecque dans l'architecture byzantine
Humanism, Venice, and women : essays on the Italian Renaissance
Power, administration, and finance in Mughal India
Medieval Ireland, saints, and martyrologies
Monastic, scholastic, and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages
State and society in the Ottoman Empire
Érasme : sa pensée et son comportement
Islamic coins and trade in the medieval world
Greater Britain, 1516-1776 : essays in Atlantic history
Byzantine churches in Constantinople
Law, culture and regionalism in early medieval Spain
Latin rhetoric and education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Latin Greece, the Hospitallers, and the Crusades, 1291-1440
Cities and society in Medieval Italy
Études sur l'Italie médiévale, (IXe-XIVe s.)
Pères saints et culte chrétien dans l'Eglise des premiers siècles
Moors and crusaders in Mediterranean Spain
Islamic Iran and Central Asia, 7th-12th centuries
Trade, commodities and shipping in the medieval Mediterranean
The new science of geology : studies in the earth sciences in the age of revolution
Jurisprudence in the Middle Ages
On the economic encounter between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
La connaissance de l'Islam dans l'Occident médiéval
Islam and medieval Hellenism : social and cultural perspectives
From Eusebius to Augustine : selected papers, 1982-1993
Ships and shipping in the North Sea and Atlantic, 1400-1800
Religion and Neoplatonism in Renaissance medicine
Études sur la peinture postbyzantine
Culture and spirituality in medieval Europe
Rhetoric and philosophy from Greek into Syriac
The Spanish embassy to Samarkand 1403-1406
Natural law, conciliarism, and consent in the late Middle Ages : studies in ecclesiastical and intellectual history
'Artes' and Bible in the medieval West
Armenia between Byzantium and the Sasanians
Littérature et histoire des textes byzantins
Theory and observation in ancient and medieval astronomy
Theodulf of Orléans : Charlemagne's spokesman against the Second Council of Nicaea
Law and society in early Medieval Europe : studies in legal history
Past and present in medieval Spain
Gender, society, and economic life in Byzantium
Science, politics, and universities in Europe, 1600-1800
Byzantium : its ecclesiastical history and relations with the western world : collected studies
Language and learning in Renaissance Italy : selected articles
Byzantium and the Slavs : collected studies
Studies in medieval Inner Asia
Studies in late Byzantine history and prosopography
Law and jurisdiction in the Middle Ages
Commerce et finance en Méditerranée au Moyen Age
Money, prices and power in Poland, 16-17th centuries : a comparative approach
From Lisbon to Goa, 1500-1750 : studies in Portuguese maritime enterprise
Studies in Muscovy : Western influence and Byzantine inheritance
Poverty and charity : Europe, Italy, Venice, 1400-1700
Science for all : studies in the history of Victorian science and education
Rights, laws, and infallibility in Medieval thought
La femme et l'enfant dans le droit canonique médiéval
A taste for empire and glory : studies in British overseas expansion, 1660-1800
Religion, popular and unpopular in the early Christian centuries
Sacred images and sacred power in Byzantium
Science and instruments in seventeenth-century Italy
Thomas Becket dans la tradition historique et hagiographique
Portuguese merchants and missionaries in feudal Japan, 1543-1640
Juz̆nye Slavjane i Vizantija vo vtoroj c̆etverti XIV veka
World silver and monetary history in the 16th and 17th centuries
Byzance : les pays et les territoires
Spanish church and society, 1150-1300
The limits of absolutism in ancien régime France
Studies in the transmission of Wyclif's writings
The Byzantine eye : studies in art and patronage
Science in ancient China : researches and reflections
Science and society : historical essays on the relations of science, technology and medicine
Merchants of maritime India, 1500-1800
Essays in industry and technology in the eighteenth century : England and France
The monarchy of Capetian France and royal ceremonial
Britain, France, and international commerce : from Louis XIV to Victoria
The Ottoman economy and its institutions
Classical heritage in Byzantine and Near Eastern art
History and politics in eleventh-century Baghdad
Science médiévale d'Espagne et d'alentour
Religious and political history and thought in the Byzantine Empire
Church and faith in the patristic tradition : Augustine, Pelagianism, and early Christian Northumbria
Islamic coins and trade in the medieval world
Eglise et société en Occident au Moyen Age
Espaces, pouvoirs et idéologies de l'Egypte médiévale
Byzance et les musulmans du Proche Orient
Studies of West European medieval institutions
The sea and medieval civilizations
Peasants, dervishes and traders in the Ottoman Empire
History and family traditions in England and the Continent, 1000-1200
Croisades et états latins d'Orient : points de vue et documents
Late Byzantine and early Ottoman studies
Islam in West Africa : religion, society and politics to 1800
De la philosophie ancienne à la théologie patristique
Etudes sur le grand domaine carolingien
Crusaders and Heretics, 12th-14th centuries
Crown and Cortes : government, institutions and representation in early-modern Castile
Anglo-Saxon Northumbria
Spain and the Mediterranean in the later Middle Ages : studies in political and intellectual history
Medieval Arabic and Hebrew thought
Politique et société en Sicile, XIIe-XVe siècles
Tradition and exegesis in early Christian writers
Islamic astronomy and medieval Spain
A Lexikon to the glory of God: Greek-Russian (18th century)
Z̆ivoti kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih
Scholarship and politics in the Middle Ages
Le royaume de Navarre à la fin du Moyen Age : gouvernement et société
Studies on the Mamlūks of Egypt (1250-1517)
Lives and miracles of the saints : studies in medieval Latin hagiography
Studies on the life and legend of St. Patrick
Language and history in early England
Doctrines politiques et structures ecclésiastiques dans l'Occident médiéval
Études d'épigraphie grecque et d'hagiographie byzantine
Arabic Christianity in the monasteries of ninth-century Palestine
Histoire et institutions des églises orientales au Moyen Age
Études sur l'Islam classique et l'Afrique du Nord
Ibn Khaldun and the medieval Maghrib
The late Roman west and the Vandals
Society, law, and trade in medieval Montpellier
The care of books : an essay on the development of libraries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century
Histoire et historiographie en Occident aux IVe et Ve siècles
Enacting the Reformation in Germany : essays on institution and reception
From Ignatius Loyola to John of the Cross : spirituality and literature in sixteenth-century Spain
Irish books and learning in mediaeval Europe
Imperator Vasilij Bolgarobojca : izvlec̆enija iz letopisi Jaxi Antioxijskago
L'expansion arabo-islamique et ses répercussions
Liturgy in Byzantium and beyond
Optics, astronomy, and logic : studies in Arabic science and philosophy
Spain and the early Stuarts, 1585-1655
Monetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world
Platonism and its Christian heritage
Archaeology and history in the study of early Christianity
Documents et études sur les institutions de Byzance VIIe-XVe s.
Studies on the Crusader states and on Venetian expansion
Etudes de droit byzantin
Formula and context : studies in early Christian thought
The Byzantine inheritance of Eastern Europe
Athens in the Middle Ages
Society, economy and religion in late medieval Castile
Evolution de la France méridionale, 1249-1328
Les hérésies et l'Inquisition, XIIe-XIIIe siècles : documents et études
Tradition and authority in the Reformation
Britons and Anglo-Saxons in the early Middle Ages
L'Ibérie chrétienne et le Maghreb : XIIe-XVe siècles
La campagne de Timur en Anatolie (1402)
Law and liturgy in the Latin church, 5th-12th centuries
Studies on the Ottoman architecture of the Balkans
Histoire du haut Moyen Âge et de l'Italie médiévale
The Atlantic frontier of the thirteen American colonies and states : essays in eighteenth century commercial and social history
Tradition et actualité chez Isidore de Séville
Essays on the Renaissance and the classical tradition
Medieval councils, decretals and collections of canon law : selected essays
Medieval councils, decretals, and collections of Canon law : selected essays
Jesuit and Friar in the Spanish expansion to the East
Saints moines d'Orient
The Duchy of Urbino in the Renaissance
Studies on the history of papermaking in Britain
Studies in medieval Arabic medicine : theory and practice
Medicine, philosophy and religion in ancient China : researches and reflections
Cluniac studies
Science and medicine in Islam : a collection of essays
Fortification and settlement in crusader Palestine
Etudes sur la diffusion des doctrines juridiques médiévales
Church, empire, and world : the quest for universal order, 1520-1640
East-West trade in the medieval Mediterranean
Substance and illusion in the Christian Fathers
Foi et culture en Irak au XIe siècle : Elie de Nisibe et l'Islam
Le droit savant au moyen âge et sa vulgarisation
Enlightenment, nationalism, orthodoxy : studies in the culture and political thought of south-eastern Europe
Church union : Rome and Byzantium, 1204-1453
Britain and the Roman empire
Literary contacts between Russia and the West since the fourteenth century : collected studies
Le despotat grec de Morée
Popular literature in late Byzantium
Law and legal theory in classical and medieval Islam
Studies in Armenian literature and Christianity
Bullion flows and monetary policies in England and the Low Countries, 1350-1500
Environment and society in Roman North Africa : studies in history and archaeology
Explorations in Muscovite history
Newton, his friends and his foes
Society and religion from Jāhiliyya to Islam
Vie chrétienne et culture dans l'Espagne du VIIe au Xe siècles
Music and instruments of the Middle Ages : studies on texts and performance
The social history of Italy and Western Europe, 700-1500
Early Islamic art, 650-1100
Études sur l'organisation intérieure, la sociéte et l'economie de l'Empire byzantin
Science, culture, and politics in Britain, 1750-1870
Books, scribes and learning in the Frankish Kingdoms, 6th-9th centuries
Europe and the Levant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
From Augustine to Gregory the Great : history and Christianity in late antiquity
The Jews and the Mediterranean economy, 10th-15th centuries
Un temps, une ville, une Réforme : la Réformation à Strasbourg : Studien zur Reformation in Strassburg
Familles de l'Orient latin, XIIe-XIVe siècles
The Empire of Trebizond and the Pontos
Études sur l'économie et la société de l'Occident médiéval, XIIe-XVe s.
Status, authority and regional power : Aquitaine and France, 9th to 12th centuries
The papacy and political ideas in the Middle Ages
Byzantine, Norman, Swabian and later institutions in Southern Italy : collected studies
The rise of Christian Russia
From the North Sea to the Baltic : essays in commercial, monetary and agrarian history, 1500-1800
La formation de l'Empire ottoman
Instruction et vie religieuse dans le Haut Moyen Age
The Ottoman Empire : conquest, organization and economy : collected studies
Byzantine book illumination and ivories
Istoriko-literaturnyj obzor drevne-russkich polemičeskich sočinenij protiv latinjan, (XI-XV v.)
Structure sociale, famille, chrétienté à Byzance : IVe-XIe siècle
Inner Asia and its contacts with medieval Europe
The English Revolution : politics, events, ideas
Bulgarisch-Byzantinische Aufsaetze
Nationality and society in Habsburg and Ottoman Europe
Culture et spiritualité en Espagne de IVe au VIIe siècle
La transmission du savoir en Islam : VIIe-XVIIIe siècles
From Paracelsus to Van Helmont : studies in Renaissance medicine and science
Society and trade in South Arabia
Un Empereur de Byzance à Rome
From Zoroastrian Iran to Islam : studies in religious history and intercultural contacts
Nationality and society in Habsburg and Ottman Europe
Studies in Byzantine iconography
Studies in post-medieval semantics
Studies in medieval science and natural philosophy
History and archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor
Mediterranean encounters, economic, religious, political, 1100-1550
La vie religieuse à Byzance
Studies in Platonism and patristic thought
Arius and Athanasius : two Alexandrian theologians
Studies in the history of medieval canon law
Image and value in the Graeco-Roman world : studies in Mithraism and religious art
Trade and conquest : studies on the rise of British dominance in India
Commerce méditerranéen et banquiers italiens au Moyen Âge
Structures politiques du monde franc (VIe-XIIe siècles) : études sur les origines de la France et de l'Allemagne
Essais sur le monde byzantin
Popes, canonists and texts, 1150-1550
The dimension of music in Islamic and Jewish culture
Etudes sur le symbolisme de la Sagesse et sur l'iconographie
Songs and musicians in the fifteenth century
Astronomy and optics from Pliny to Descartes : texts, diagrams and conceptual structures
The church and the law in the earlier Middle Ages : selected essays
Papal reform and canon law in the 11th and 12th centuries
La noblesse dans l'Occident médiéval
Vie canoniale en France aux Xe-XIIe siècles
Theory and practice in medieval Persian government
Chant and notation in South Italy and Rome before 1300
Studies in later Greek philosophy and gnosticism
Sorcellerie et justice criminelle : le Parlement de Paris, 16e-18e siècles
Rome and the Renaissance : studies in culture and religion
Army, society, and religion in Byzantium
The history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages
Martyrs grecs IIe-VIIIe s.
Witchcraft, madness, society, and religion in early modern Germany : a ship of fools
Ideology and evolution in nineteenth century Britain : embryos, monsters, and racial and gendered others in the making of evolutionary theory and culture
Greek scholars between East and West in the fifteenth century
Evolutionary naturalism in Victorian Britain : the 'Darwinians' and their critics
Dutch merchants and mariners in Asia, 1602-1795
The development of Islamic law and society in the Maghrib : Qāḍīs, Muftīs and family law
De via militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia iungebantur
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research