
Research reporting series


Research reporting series

Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Control of mercury pollution in sediments外部サイトThe Effect of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities in streams外部サイトManaging the environment外部サイトVacuum filtration of septage外部サイトIdentification and detection of water-borne viruses by immunoenzymatic methods外部サイトObtaining improved products from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste外部サイトImpact of a primary sulfate emission source on air quality外部サイトMicrobial effect on the quality of leach water from eastern Montana coal mine spoils外部サイトGenetic and cellular effects of microwave radiations外部サイトDenitrification as affected by irrigation frequency of a field soil外部サイトPassenger car hydrocarbon emissions speciation外部サイトIndustrial process profiles for environmental use外部サイトEvaluation of a commercial vacuum system for the removal of asbestos外部サイトChanges in the central nervous system of the parental generation of rats after chronic intoxication with lead and cadmium外部サイトDetermination of atmospheric phosphorus addition to Lake Michigan外部サイトAir pollution studies near a coal-fired power plant : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトConverting rock trickling filters to plastic media : design and performance外部サイトLand disposal of hexachlorobenzene wastes : controlling vapor movement in soil外部サイトA regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service外部サイトMaximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : eutrophication potential of surface waters in a developing watershed外部サイトSediments of southern Lake Huron : elemental composition and accumulation rates外部サイトLong-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Camarillo, California, irrigation site外部サイトSources of toxic compounds in household wastewater外部サイトA guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America外部サイトLake Huron and Saginaw Bay外部サイトA performance evaluation外部サイトImpacts of coal-fired power plants on local ground-water systems : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトBenefits of maintaining a chlorine residual in water supply systems外部サイトAttenuation of water-soluble polychlorinated biphenyls by earth materials外部サイトLake Erie外部サイトStudy of the effect of whole animal exposure to acid mists and particulates on the pulmonary metabolism of benzo (a) pyrene in the isolated perfused lung model外部サイトRemoving potential organic carcinogens and precursors from drinking water外部サイトREDEQL.EPAK : aqueous chemical equilibrium computer program外部サイトLong-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Mesa, Arizona, irrigation site外部サイトCalibration of a 90゚ V-notch weir using parameters other than upstream head外部サイトAnalysis of Houston aerosol samples by GC/MS methods : final report外部サイトCarbon reactivation by externally-fired rotary kiln furnace外部サイトMethod development for determination of polychlorinated hydrocarbons in municipal sludge外部サイトCollection and analysis of purgeable organics emitted from wastewater treatment plants外部サイトA field test using coal : dRDF blends in spreader stoker-fired boilers外部サイトTreatability studies of pesticide manufacturing wastewaters : Carbaryl外部サイトHuman intestinal parasitic infections and environmental health factors in rural Egyptian communities : a report of the U.S.-Egyptian River Nile and Lake Nassar research project外部サイトTruck washing terminal water pollution control外部サイトEffect of particulates on ozone disinfection of bacteria and viruses in water外部サイトEvaluation of full-scale sugar beet transport water solids dewatering system外部サイトDissolved oxygen measurements in Ohio streams following urban runoff外部サイトSampling strategies for water quality in the Great Lakes外部サイトA method for determining the compatibility of hazardous wastes外部サイトDevelopment and application of a water supply cost analysis system外部サイトMapping vegetation complexes with digitized color infrared film : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトFine solids removal following combined chemical-trickling filter treatment外部サイトLimnology of Michigan's nearshore waters of Lakes Superior and Huron外部サイトEffect of pretreatment on the filtration of low turbidity secondary effluent外部サイトSources, exposure, transport, and control外部サイトEffects of thermal pollution on pelagic larvae of crustacea外部サイトPotential health effects from persistent organics in wastewater and sludges used for land application外部サイトAssessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining外部サイトThe feasibility of a regional industrial wastewater treatment facility外部サイトPrescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water外部サイトCalculations of painting wasteloads associated with metal finishing外部サイトDesign considerations for a thermal decomposition analytical system外部サイトHindrance of coliform recovery by turbidity and non-coliforms外部サイトQuantity-quality simulation (QQS) : a detailed continuous planning model for urban runoff control外部サイトMovement and effects of combined sewer overflow sediments in receiving waters外部サイトImpact of natural hydrocarbons on air quality外部サイトA study to improve EPA methods 15 and 16 for reduced sulfur compounds外部サイトStudies of methanogenic bacteria in sludge外部サイトDesign and operational criteria外部サイトElement flow in aquatic systems surrounding coal-fired power plants : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトCritical review of virus removal by coagulation processes and pH modifications外部サイトSmallmouth bass and largemouth bass in the tongue river reservoir, Montana, 1975-76外部サイトEvaluation of 19 on-site waste treatment systems in southeastern Kentucky外部サイトChemical contaminants in nonoccupationaly exposed U.S. residents外部サイトAdsorption, movement, and biological degradation of large concentrations of selected pesticides in soils外部サイトPhytoplankton composition and abundance in southern Lake Huron外部サイトHuman enteric virus survival in soil following irrigation with sewage plant effluents外部サイトDemonstration of carbon adsorption technology for petroleum dry cleaning plants外部サイトInformation programs affect attitudes toward sewage sludge use in agriculture外部サイトWastewater in receiving waters at water supply abstraction points外部サイトWastewater stabilization lagoon : intermittent sand filter systems外部サイトImpacts of airborne pollutants on wilderness areas along the Minnesota-Ontario border外部サイトAlgal bioassays with leachates and distillates from western coal外部サイトAn evaluation of the ASTM standard method for determining the performance of a wind vane外部サイトEvaluation of ammonia 'fixation' components in actual refinery sour waters外部サイトFoam flotation treatment of industrial wastewaters : laboratory and pilot scale外部サイトAnalytical procedures for determining organic priority pollutants in municipal sludges外部サイトThermal analysis of the ISCO 1680 portable wastewater sampler外部サイトA guide to freshwater mollusks of the Laurentian Great Lakes, with special emphasis on the genus Pisidium外部サイトUltraviolet disinfection of municipal wastewater effluents外部サイトReducing emissions from the wood furniture industry with waterborne coatings外部サイトA study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process外部サイトToxicity of 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride) to aquatic organisms外部サイトModal cities外部サイトRegional air pollution study : effects of airborne sulfur pollutants on materials外部サイトZooplankton grazing and population dynamics relative to water quality in southern Lake Huron外部サイトPilot study of fluoride and arsenic removal from potable water外部サイトEvaluation of full-scale tertiary wastewater filters外部サイトDemonstration of a closed loop reuse system in a fiberglas textile plant外部サイトHazardous material spills and responses for municipalities外部サイトOverview of foreign nonferrous smelter technology外部サイトSelenium removal from ground water using activated alumina外部サイトWater constraints in power-plant siting and operation : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトEffects of water conservation induced wastewater flow reduction : a perspective外部サイトResponses of stream invertebrates to an ashpit effluent : Wiscons power plant impact study外部サイトToxicity, interactions and metabolism of formamidine pesticides in mammals外部サイトEvaluation of sorbents for industrial sludge leachate treatment外部サイトSulfide precipitation of heavy metals外部サイトReview of alternatives for evaluation of sewer flushing : Dorchester area, Boston外部サイトRemoval and recovery of metals and phosphates from municipal sewage sludge外部サイトLake Erie nutrient control program : an assessment of its effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication外部サイトEconomics of regionalization : the electric power example外部サイトApplication of buoyant mass transfer media to hazardous material spills外部サイトEcological studies of fish near a coal-fired generating station and related laboratory studies : Wisconsin power plant impact study外部サイトA cost evaluation外部サイトSummary of long-term rapid infiltration system studies外部サイトLimnological conditions in southern Lake Huron, 1974 and 1975外部サイトTechnical report外部サイトWaste activated sludge processing外部サイトControl strategies for the activated sludge process外部サイトFeasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control外部サイトChemical and biological treatment of thermally conditioned sludge recycle liquors外部サイトInvestigation of the persistence and replication of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses in vertebrate and insect cell cultures by the use of hybridization techniques外部サイトDevelopment of a high current oilboom/skimmer外部サイトOxidation of water supply refractory species by ozone with ultraviolet radiation外部サイトFish distribution in Trout Creek, Colorado, 1975-1976外部サイトPhosphorus removal in lower Great Lakes municipal treatment plants外部サイトSolvent extraction of wastewaters from acetic-acid manufacture外部サイトEffects of sludge irrigation on three Pacific Northwest forest soils外部サイトEvaluation of operation and maintenance factors limiting municipal wastewater treatment plant performance : phase II外部サイトDescriptive water quality for the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana外部サイトMaximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : contributions of refractory compounds by a developing community外部サイトA summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA reference methods 5, 6 and 7, 1978外部サイトFate and effects of particulates discharged by combined sewers and storm drains外部サイトControl of copper smelter fugitive emissions外部サイトUpgrading primary tanks with rotating biological contactors外部サイトAnalytical method for industrial wastes外部サイトComparison of acute toxicity of chlorinated effluents from optimized and existing facilities外部サイトEvaluation of technology for control of arsenic emissions at the Campbell Red Lake Gold Smelter外部サイトEvaluation of pollution control processes : Upper Thompson Sanitation District外部サイトEvaluation of reverse osmosis membranes for treatment of electroplating rinsewater外部サイトElectrolytic treatment of oily wastewater from manufacturing and machining plants外部サイトPhysical chemistry of virus adsorption and degradation on inorganic surfaces : its relation to wastewater treatment外部サイトA new correlation of NH[3], CO[2], and H[2]S volatility data from aqueous sour water systems外部サイトSignificance of size reduction in solid waste management外部サイトLake Erie nutrient control : effectiveness regarding assessment in eastern basin外部サイトSeasonal fluctuations of major diatom species at five stations across Lake Michigan : May 1970-October 1972外部サイトValidation of air monitoring data外部サイトControl of mercury contamination in freshwater sediments外部サイトSources and treatment of wastewater in the nonferrous metals industry外部サイトImpact of urban storm runoff on stream quality near Atlanta, Georgia外部サイトEffects of chloroform in the drinking water of rats and mice : ninety-day subacute toxicity study外部サイトA two-mode free-surface numerical model for the three-dimensional time-dependent currents in large lakes外部サイトEvaluation of an electrostatic precipitator for control of emissions from a copper smelter reverberatory furnace外部サイトCyanide removal from refinery wastewater using powdered activated carbon外部サイトAssessment of dioxin-forming chemical processes外部サイトAmbient air monitoring for benzene 24-hour integrated sampling in six cities外部サイトWastewater solids utilization on land demonstration project外部サイトSupercritical fluid regeneration of activated carbon for adsorption of pesticides外部サイトMathematical techniques for X-ray analyzers外部サイトDevelopment of oil-in-water monitor外部サイトWastewater contaminate removal for groundwater recharge at Water Factory 21外部サイトSummary of audit performance : measurement of SO[2], NO[2], Co, sulfate, nitrate, lead and hi-vol flow rate, 1978外部サイトThe Water quality of Rosebud Creek, Montana外部サイトSelected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1978 : eighth annual issue外部サイトAlternate enzymes for use in cholinesterase antagonist monitors : CAM's外部サイトEnvironmental assessment of a coal preheater外部サイトPyrolytic oils : characterization and data development for continuous processing外部サイトCaprolactam recovery from aqueous manufacturing streams外部サイトPreparation and evaluation of powdered activated carbon from lignocellulosic materials外部サイトMultidisciplinary perspectives in event-related brain potential research : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Event-Related Slow Potentials of the Brain (EPIC IV), Hendersonville, North Carolina, April 4-10, 1976外部サイト



  • Control of mercury pollution in sediments

  • The Effect of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities in streams

  • Managing the environment

  • Vacuum filtration of septage

  • Identification and detection of water-borne viruses by immunoenzymatic methods





  • CiNii Research

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Control of mercury pollution in sediments
The Effect of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities in streams
Managing the environment
Vacuum filtration of septage
Identification and detection of water-borne viruses by immunoenzymatic methods
Obtaining improved products from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Impact of a primary sulfate emission source on air quality
Microbial effect on the quality of leach water from eastern Montana coal mine spoils
Genetic and cellular effects of microwave radiations
Denitrification as affected by irrigation frequency of a field soil
Passenger car hydrocarbon emissions speciation
Industrial process profiles for environmental use
Evaluation of a commercial vacuum system for the removal of asbestos
Changes in the central nervous system of the parental generation of rats after chronic intoxication with lead and cadmium
Determination of atmospheric phosphorus addition to Lake Michigan
Air pollution studies near a coal-fired power plant : Wisconsin power plant impact study
Converting rock trickling filters to plastic media : design and performance
Land disposal of hexachlorobenzene wastes : controlling vapor movement in soil
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : eutrophication potential of surface waters in a developing watershed
Sediments of southern Lake Huron : elemental composition and accumulation rates
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Camarillo, California, irrigation site
Sources of toxic compounds in household wastewater
A guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America
Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay
A performance evaluation
Impacts of coal-fired power plants on local ground-water systems : Wisconsin power plant impact study
Benefits of maintaining a chlorine residual in water supply systems
Attenuation of water-soluble polychlorinated biphenyls by earth materials
Lake Erie
Study of the effect of whole animal exposure to acid mists and particulates on the pulmonary metabolism of benzo (a) pyrene in the isolated perfused lung model
Removing potential organic carcinogens and precursors from drinking water
REDEQL.EPAK : aqueous chemical equilibrium computer program
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Mesa, Arizona, irrigation site
Calibration of a 90゚ V-notch weir using parameters other than upstream head
Analysis of Houston aerosol samples by GC/MS methods : final report
Carbon reactivation by externally-fired rotary kiln furnace
Method development for determination of polychlorinated hydrocarbons in municipal sludge
Collection and analysis of purgeable organics emitted from wastewater treatment plants
A field test using coal : dRDF blends in spreader stoker-fired boilers
Treatability studies of pesticide manufacturing wastewaters : Carbaryl
Human intestinal parasitic infections and environmental health factors in rural Egyptian communities : a report of the U.S.-Egyptian River Nile and Lake Nassar research project
Truck washing terminal water pollution control
Effect of particulates on ozone disinfection of bacteria and viruses in water
Evaluation of full-scale sugar beet transport water solids dewatering system
Dissolved oxygen measurements in Ohio streams following urban runoff
Sampling strategies for water quality in the Great Lakes
A method for determining the compatibility of hazardous wastes
Development and application of a water supply cost analysis system
Mapping vegetation complexes with digitized color infrared film : Wisconsin power plant impact study
Fine solids removal following combined chemical-trickling filter treatment
Limnology of Michigan's nearshore waters of Lakes Superior and Huron
Effect of pretreatment on the filtration of low turbidity secondary effluent
Sources, exposure, transport, and control
Effects of thermal pollution on pelagic larvae of crustacea
Potential health effects from persistent organics in wastewater and sludges used for land application
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining
The feasibility of a regional industrial wastewater treatment facility
Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water
Calculations of painting wasteloads associated with metal finishing
Design considerations for a thermal decomposition analytical system
Hindrance of coliform recovery by turbidity and non-coliforms
Quantity-quality simulation (QQS) : a detailed continuous planning model for urban runoff control
Movement and effects of combined sewer overflow sediments in receiving waters
Impact of natural hydrocarbons on air quality
A study to improve EPA methods 15 and 16 for reduced sulfur compounds
Studies of methanogenic bacteria in sludge
Design and operational criteria
Element flow in aquatic systems surrounding coal-fired power plants : Wisconsin power plant impact study
Critical review of virus removal by coagulation processes and pH modifications
Smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in the tongue river reservoir, Montana, 1975-76
Evaluation of 19 on-site waste treatment systems in southeastern Kentucky
Chemical contaminants in nonoccupationaly exposed U.S. residents
Adsorption, movement, and biological degradation of large concentrations of selected pesticides in soils
Phytoplankton composition and abundance in southern Lake Huron
Human enteric virus survival in soil following irrigation with sewage plant effluents
Demonstration of carbon adsorption technology for petroleum dry cleaning plants
Information programs affect attitudes toward sewage sludge use in agriculture
Wastewater in receiving waters at water supply abstraction points
Wastewater stabilization lagoon : intermittent sand filter systems
Impacts of airborne pollutants on wilderness areas along the Minnesota-Ontario border
Algal bioassays with leachates and distillates from western coal
An evaluation of the ASTM standard method for determining the performance of a wind vane
Evaluation of ammonia 'fixation' components in actual refinery sour waters
Foam flotation treatment of industrial wastewaters : laboratory and pilot scale
Analytical procedures for determining organic priority pollutants in municipal sludges
Thermal analysis of the ISCO 1680 portable wastewater sampler
A guide to freshwater mollusks of the Laurentian Great Lakes, with special emphasis on the genus Pisidium
Ultraviolet disinfection of municipal wastewater effluents
Reducing emissions from the wood furniture industry with waterborne coatings
A study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process
Toxicity of 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride) to aquatic organisms
Modal cities
Regional air pollution study : effects of airborne sulfur pollutants on materials
Zooplankton grazing and population dynamics relative to water quality in southern Lake Huron
Pilot study of fluoride and arsenic removal from potable water
Evaluation of full-scale tertiary wastewater filters
Demonstration of a closed loop reuse system in a fiberglas textile plant
Hazardous material spills and responses for municipalities
Overview of foreign nonferrous smelter technology
Selenium removal from ground water using activated alumina
Water constraints in power-plant siting and operation : Wisconsin power plant impact study
Effects of water conservation induced wastewater flow reduction : a perspective
Responses of stream invertebrates to an ashpit effluent : Wiscons power plant impact study
Toxicity, interactions and metabolism of formamidine pesticides in mammals
Evaluation of sorbents for industrial sludge leachate treatment
Sulfide precipitation of heavy metals
Review of alternatives for evaluation of sewer flushing : Dorchester area, Boston
Removal and recovery of metals and phosphates from municipal sewage sludge
Lake Erie nutrient control program : an assessment of its effectiveness in controlling lake eutrophication
Economics of regionalization : the electric power example
Application of buoyant mass transfer media to hazardous material spills
Ecological studies of fish near a coal-fired generating station and related laboratory studies : Wisconsin power plant impact study
A cost evaluation
Summary of long-term rapid infiltration system studies
Limnological conditions in southern Lake Huron, 1974 and 1975
Technical report
Waste activated sludge processing
Control strategies for the activated sludge process
Feasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control
Chemical and biological treatment of thermally conditioned sludge recycle liquors
Investigation of the persistence and replication of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses in vertebrate and insect cell cultures by the use of hybridization techniques
Development of a high current oilboom/skimmer
Oxidation of water supply refractory species by ozone with ultraviolet radiation
Fish distribution in Trout Creek, Colorado, 1975-1976
Phosphorus removal in lower Great Lakes municipal treatment plants
Solvent extraction of wastewaters from acetic-acid manufacture
Effects of sludge irrigation on three Pacific Northwest forest soils
Evaluation of operation and maintenance factors limiting municipal wastewater treatment plant performance : phase II
Descriptive water quality for the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : contributions of refractory compounds by a developing community
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA reference methods 5, 6 and 7, 1978
Fate and effects of particulates discharged by combined sewers and storm drains
Control of copper smelter fugitive emissions
Upgrading primary tanks with rotating biological contactors
Analytical method for industrial wastes
Comparison of acute toxicity of chlorinated effluents from optimized and existing facilities
Evaluation of technology for control of arsenic emissions at the Campbell Red Lake Gold Smelter
Evaluation of pollution control processes : Upper Thompson Sanitation District
Evaluation of reverse osmosis membranes for treatment of electroplating rinsewater
Electrolytic treatment of oily wastewater from manufacturing and machining plants
Physical chemistry of virus adsorption and degradation on inorganic surfaces : its relation to wastewater treatment
A new correlation of NH[3], CO[2], and H[2]S volatility data from aqueous sour water systems
Significance of size reduction in solid waste management
Lake Erie nutrient control : effectiveness regarding assessment in eastern basin
Seasonal fluctuations of major diatom species at five stations across Lake Michigan : May 1970-October 1972
Validation of air monitoring data
Control of mercury contamination in freshwater sediments
Sources and treatment of wastewater in the nonferrous metals industry
Impact of urban storm runoff on stream quality near Atlanta, Georgia
Effects of chloroform in the drinking water of rats and mice : ninety-day subacute toxicity study
A two-mode free-surface numerical model for the three-dimensional time-dependent currents in large lakes
Evaluation of an electrostatic precipitator for control of emissions from a copper smelter reverberatory furnace
Cyanide removal from refinery wastewater using powdered activated carbon
Assessment of dioxin-forming chemical processes
Ambient air monitoring for benzene 24-hour integrated sampling in six cities
Wastewater solids utilization on land demonstration project
Supercritical fluid regeneration of activated carbon for adsorption of pesticides
Mathematical techniques for X-ray analyzers
Development of oil-in-water monitor
Wastewater contaminate removal for groundwater recharge at Water Factory 21
Summary of audit performance : measurement of SO[2], NO[2], Co, sulfate, nitrate, lead and hi-vol flow rate, 1978
The Water quality of Rosebud Creek, Montana
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1978 : eighth annual issue
Alternate enzymes for use in cholinesterase antagonist monitors : CAM's
Environmental assessment of a coal preheater
Pyrolytic oils : characterization and data development for continuous processing
Caprolactam recovery from aqueous manufacturing streams
Preparation and evaluation of powdered activated carbon from lignocellulosic materials
Multidisciplinary perspectives in event-related brain potential research : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Event-Related Slow Potentials of the Brain (EPIC IV), Hendersonville, North Carolina, April 4-10, 1976
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA28105031 : BA28105031